HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-3-10, Page 1:1t' , r � )tri a r!r. . wlr w '"ww'+<,i ,e/00wT,`�-�+► . .
HW. r. 13X, : Iitor indProprietor.
$pd.00.aT18NDt)W VN EAR�NCEe
The Greatest Possible 3ood to the Greatest Possible Number."
IVOL. x X I 11.-x0
goinese Wirtdorq.
JOHN PRANG, - Proprietor.
Thi• house In etm.l up hl, h eve-, ro.,rn.coca ror
W Marelli. public,
-/fIr Rood !Roblin, and sweats atuwd.ac..
rubrunrr 1st. 070. wldt
V the direct road from Seaford to
Walkerton. Every necessary accom
iodation tor the travelling public.
Wrozmar. See. e. ISA?. wt
Cetms ercI.iUotel,IRltarelIC.W
JORN HICKS, Proprietor. This is tk
iapaumd beatCoentry HWd to Weeder
Gamesome caargee . moderate... Hees
ea Mitchell. Yup Prop/same.LLe
Prop/me. ede,abriegfor
100 Horses Hones and Carriages for Hue es
ah.rte.1 Hamm - 14.7
el• Thim is admitted to be a Fleet class
h.sa► -loof a ir4ised
Dace tate. l07O awes -U
Business 1DiYtdotv... 1 PHOTOGRAPHS
-�` i X1.00 Per Dozen.
Stove, ! Stoves! (
it O
sit W A i 7,
lair Coal OW Lamps, ke. de. Old Iron.
hopper. Row, Wool Pickier'. .e Sheep skeet
thkea is eubugs.
t idrsfEiSr, --
INA atelrtarge Coal Ott Barrel,
V.derrek. March In. he7
- Secure the
4hedow ere the
'clamors Doles.
51 ants, portage Ira. One dour from
back negative 87 ceota,,'postag• free, teeny
I Particular Attention paid (0 Copy-
ing old Ambrotypes,
For either large or small photographs. The
subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal
Pafron e beretefor• extended t•
' iw
would just say that he hw mails such im-
provements it. his gallery g, will merit a cosi
ti•aana of the same.
La.1 Great Redaction es;
Large Photographs.
Qoderieh. Get. 24. 1069. ea t i f.
W A:vr E n.
wYtt}r3a ratite delivery ar • yutoU1. d
�'[o ice, Bach, Foe, aft�Zfe�ltis�k
Sowings, also, State Bolts
Dellyuai! _M. ti:T, peewiwi epee. t. th. ntlw.v
wren. Alpe W ...water the teeing Menet.. i.e.
rteentk.t.rsawn ar:•mano.wp,ro.i...Yr
$$ w ftJ.... Ys.n..oe'
eoewlet, tmd Deesshr, lea .MM
THE .ab.enber In returning thank, for the llberu
patronage .o bong beewred .pro hien, hose,to in
loom hie ■umerou. • u,tonor .rad the poodle ,.noisil)
teal ron..gaenc..1 the In no, he ha removed u. v. 1.0
biasses t. the Moo 11,7.,.. nmrd by Mr11.0.0.
West Menet, sett nook .1 Montreal, when everything
• he. Il.e .ill b. found and
All Kinds of Job Work will he Done
the sum. menet!
0, BABY & BR011
Hamilton St„ Goderich
.;e A
cies in their line, loch se
Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables,
Sofas, Ac.,
eMpt All kinds of wood- turning done, such a
Nool pats, stair bannist•re, neekyokee, de
Always on hand, a complete
end• HEAItSR to hire oareaso.bleterm
Ooderich. May 3rd. 1866 16w0m'
Ma. ria r" t r
Time nabr•neer wooed annnunee to the pub -
h0 of Huron end Brum, that he renew rime -
erecter,' lM-sear
Carriages, Waggon, Sleighs,
CJuttor tat,
which will he aoW CHEAP 00ft CASH.
Q:p• Wanted s wood -worker, and two
apprenticel---one to learn wood -work and
the other blackamithing.
Vietoria Street, Goderieh
Ceirkb.Msy MIb. 1Mg. we
4.- 4"_
. a a a Mos
ll . fortba very eauerin geneonngeme•t he hms
re.lyod..nre bewnmmeneed besmears to (ied.-
rieb,eotbetn.abOste.scute over ..-ba l o
heordsrd,rouglt to him la.taasoa .hevug
sow mc.ndumluree
arrymlon Business Extensively
• rad PM In ng none Inn ant-rentie l eadeamen
A D t
Prices to Salt the Tres I
Photograph, reduced to $1.00 per Doz.,
Large Photograph Reduced in
11.. will make no 1 ,0 .1 Photomap. mad. in (b.d.r-
I. h. very cheep Poroelme potence from oat dollar
npr.nh at
Photograph Raltry.
Goderich. Qr1. loth. 1Ws. .!7
ew+ .ram,
TRebReborn..S R.hnr havens owe.. m the Mere fainly1.
by A Na .a,eh, West ere.., opposite l he
Pow ...opted Ace, *leer. t., .0. k 0. n..e,M and the pail r,
rehe liberal .uppwt .,ih which they have toured
;0w the lama year, and her 10 arie I. eh.
I 1 n d
be sp., .o rw.nt o1vsn.anre of thew
petrn.ge.00 emcee n.dy will he toeupply
Watches Clocks and Jewelery
which eel. p.-.. wt W.e. am to , he perclaser, and ea ail
*ort h. bean der to mr.elf, a•erowar• .ay depend
of eine ae well •a«eWd.
•Shea, ClocA good ks he m.I.w.ent of on Geld end I'1.1ed Jewelry
t0..n.h Oet sea am wan
Oldest Establishmani in Town.
f) the M ie 011 10I• W sell for rash, at the
M � 'eedsnd. (Meehan •••11.
1. 11186. ws1M17.
Ontario Carriage Shop,
(11um.ffor, .4t , q.mier•ek.
1e.ua la full operation, oat 1. turninpent superb,
Carriages, Buggies , Wagons
..f.11 kind., RI.RIGIIR, CUTTERS. 40.
A numbs Want close Rood.. lie band, and for We
cheep for eneh Prl„sof •U article, In the line that
will compare favorably with any In the County
e? All work warraet.d
Articular attention pnld to wagon and C.rrlege Re -
G.nleelch. Novi/4h. Ina w41
THE undereigned h.ving pemhs.e,' the reen-
ter( Mill .n,l No. Factory Owned, and or•
espied by Don•ld enmming, an now prrpered
to (terry on the Mtamer of munehetur;ng
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Mouldings, Flooring.
sad ell k.es o1
C7 i it i. Ii; VV l7 Tt Ii ,
iamb •e Cirefe and N.wh.r 9th and Frames
They thuk from their etperienre in Parlor)
Work. that they esn gten.uafiMaa 10 all who
m. Intro, thein with • roll.
5, R. -A litters dilemma a to the trade.
50,000 feet of Dry inch and a geaeter
Flooring on hand.
Ghia. Msrrb 411.IMS. owe'
ad e, . bel levee h. e•pera.re . Cutter to CHEESE' �
e.errw/ewwrrw-• Mhos C ESE CHEESE'
hestemos%Wolves y enda.re...„.„ yen Hemdtoe, `l ►.-J
mmeoallya MI et women .rad h.nng hese y
CMOH une of the Pr,neip• l l s10hltahmee a n
K d4.Mwgh, 9entlemi, h• sarl.esly.tale to a
4..nernm .Mie 1 hat
(JAM I .' I' M A IC E dit
Undertaker, ate., &.c.,
Ht1.o4 •tuck of d a
every vartely, wbkb
p fall to ceameY4
e he ea,ur of •Kaewaet
,.f fanner. who may
Boor him with • 1011,
whether 1. etyl. or
pens, suite a.
Aroma,• w CapeCh.ln
!:eel hf.. ('04Lei•ion '
ria clue, Boolean., Cup.. 0 Chau. 1. .canoe Tables Ener Phan., ih.0 .. Chau.
Ranh• .., nide N. ds, Ch,aouen,
W0..b ...aeBs. Kitchen. 4.,, War:..
Mea w A.. M.Ivess a, w,..( an, r,,.• d.,
our du, and doe a d..eneet Mad. •Nprena r.teeente•
N. R. - Keep •Lays on hod • lupi ...mere[ e4
Washable gilt and ft...eruot 11001. ewe., .quare
or oval, wade oath. leboete.e. moo. e.
Havas made arrangement• wit►• JA(.QUES
d 11AY, Toronto. r. Iur1 .0 ■uytb.ng bete or
e t lb., Wareroonta ea Toronto,
1T 11as always a complete assortmeat of
Coffins & Shrouds In the Lates Style
Also, IIEAR48 to hire.
VyiiBap 70A Ci 'll
(04.,,ek, r.brhary lot, 1.;0 ora
-- I a7}.T-__. -.
DHABI' ring stnoutttNe' 0 COMPANY or Los -
• don, England, eea0.ehen en 1 Tei,ww of the ones.,
lam.. and beet °Mees in Ca.a.fa.
P (-
Urea Gate.7 ..,-•. ,w,n •oke r h. m. 1'.tent•y
W WI io
010 poverty. Manrm. takennu.
et- Ww
e• any other arm se
c Wr Dere.
$'O 000 (t(1!1 one ee goA farm ....ray pet.ole from
w twlr. yea. . No Interest
releases ,n advance.
Gorler,ek. Meeh /l. 1500
Maitland Salt Well
Priceonly *42.00 each
TIle RC9sCslaERe. orris FOR .AL1 "A
tale wools in the W..h ray Swhtnn line" patent
M and nunnfarterwl M Israel Kin,00 of Woodstock.
It 0 the , heat...'a.c1.e.. ever invented . can be •1
ached to Ins ..rdinmy ...b-tob , ran he *droned by
.pears .•,•out Miner 11Ah1 or heavy g.ed.a
. wuh.s
,epMly and rIO.wumber-an,
ntlyas moreand ,-,ally
.nriiees and d.. leu .mors In the rlo,hes and
leaves that pearly as dry ,1 1.101 regular
Writs/eaTke1N yoke .05 00 beteg. 0 Redo the
Call and See the lMaehine
!, it'Iti' L(10:0 t' unETY OF
Methodist ]aplaonget Mnt rtrtament• ( Lord Monok odooloufal Detenoe.
This gathering yesterday seeming (3rd in ten debet• in the Hone. o! Lord.
in the New Conneziou l'hurch, for en February 141h, our former Governor
the purpose of supplementing the salary of General, spoke as fellowa :-
the respected pastor, Rev. Joseph Brown, ! tt Viscount Month could speak from
was a happy and suaoiiul ens. The some practical experience of the state of
ladies of the congregation and thnirfriends, f".ltng in (lsneda. 11e had an official con -
provided • sumpluuus table- Mayor Hays huh fneatioound u withmanmye othifols the Coth.r, loof whnes, anhd thh.e
occupied the chair in his usual able out (;,,lunula acrd Engles alto [nay well toe
genial Hamer; and all the speakers nom- proud. H. hal listened with route inter-
est to the search of the noble E..rl oppo-
urbenity. Mr. Brown apologized for the set. (the (Carl of Caraarron), and had to
confess ante of the utggnahntu thrown ou
absence of I0.v. W. H. I'oui., who was rather surprised d hem, Tb, p»tic) b.ing
prseente . by sickuess,-frem being pre- noted upon by the Government of leaving
sent. Rev. W. Smythe, though not ex.. tM Coluriata to provide fur their uwo ds -
pectin to be called upon made • pithy Tensa do rims of lase was tM hat that
maid be adopted, and would effect much
speoch ; animadverting un the extra's- in the way sit cleating • proper urgsuixa-
gances of fashu,n; advising ysu•g men to ton in ie. Canadian Dominion. If a
give up the idea that it was gentlemanly separation were to take place at some
not to work; and urging them to be'inse tutors penal it would bo well known that
that usefulness in life was •
greater erne- the Colonists shield M prepared for such
g • possible eventu.bty, and that the sopa-
meet than soft hands and file clothes.- ration should be effected without the
The chairman said he took the speakers establishment of any ill-fiobug between
romark. to heart and hop.d the audience th. Colonia •nut the' mtrther Country,-
wnuld do w also. Rev, James Soiveright To orovid. against mace ab eventuality
forcibly illustrated the beauty and fitness and to prepare the Colonists for each •
of the •' crommon blessings" the iterate, change the policy which the l:urnnment
bestows on us, and said that if we sou1� had determined to carry on! was the hest
only look at our {positive in the light e( Ib•t could be adopted.'
what it would be if deprived of these, we ^r
would, less often, be foundtnmplaining of DOMINION PAR L IAM x.11; .
"hard times," The Rev. R. Urefollowed;
sympathising with the c tt regatiitm in
their struggle with Iorfinanees, insisting,
elaluent terms, that the highest duty
of every minister and every christen •as
to ende•ttor to assimilate. kis charaefer-4e-
et -snail' diembtlLtant-Cj, aR�l uu*j
ing that t s ((pure spirit of such an eiO0 as
Socrates• atall in,pover him,wastoahead, ea Hon. J. H Cameron -For an Act for
-pkileeepkeaeni•oneaNbseetietwiealre:i 4kOtallfoor•t;•toQ-44. _liure-11
mnch more should the knowledge [lit alk of Cnmmeroe-
Jesus was ever near e., je Mur incentive From Henri Fry (Quebec), for an Act
to virtue and g.dlmeu. Mr. 1). Fisher, reg lacing the insp•etion of oil and fish.
Colborne, ..n the call of the audience medal --•bit. Mr. Lsngenn laid on_lhe table the
a very humorous speech, fur which audience,
was &urns relatidg te the construction of the
handsomely rewarded iia noes of laughter. lnteia,lowiv; railway.
The usual votes of thanks were given. and Mr. Sim, -rd asked when - the Govern -
un the motion of Mayer Hays a special meet intended to erect the new post odtoe
vote was -given to Mr. Richard Parker for is Quebec. ,
furnishing the musical part Of the enter-
tainment; complimenting Mr. Parker in
very btgh terms. on the perfection to which
he has brought his juvenile choir, in the
very short tune he has had thesirls under
Ms training. -
West Wawanoab.
The Coiineil met thea dry, (Feb. 21th)
pursuant to a Ijourr,ment-all- the mt m. ' Ie shortly announced.
ben present. The minutes of Last meet- On mitten of Mr. Magill, the Aeleet
ing were reed and approved. Magic• Co mntittee of lest session on hop -growing
crates' oerti6.-st., in favor of Jai Bruce, and the salt interest was re -appointed.
of sheep having been killed by dogs, on Mr. D.Ifr roe moved an address
or about the 14th of Deo., 0868, ossa for the names of the contractors
OrrewA, Feb. 28.
The Speaker took the chair at 3.20.
Mr. Cameron (Heron), petianw
from Huron mid tirucc.l.•rkegist+lliva.ter
tf1. i 'Ete tion 71t Can1804/ nit
d prodltctIOns. -
odenta had obtained copies of the Reso
lutions on Yanking and Currency hn(ore
the members .f the Hoare had get then!,
Sir Fraacta Hinck. said that he had Bonn
all in his power to ppreveat•uy neeepapere
g•ttng them befonhaad,
Mr 11[ackenaie said it was a gro. infrac-
•Nn uof privilege. He hoped it would not
00010 •gam -
I Sir Francis brought fnrwerd resolutions
011 banking and oorrencv to a speech which
Ma an amplification of the details of the
resolelu,ns. He end It, own u;tmoue
were decidedly is favor of the Govern -
meet Yank of Issue, the profits of which
would go tothe publ,c, but these amid not
now be
tared otat.
The following are the Keeolutione intro-
dnced by Sur F Hineks, which are to los
discussed in Committee of the Whole m
Friday :
- ' shalt the Directors, Including the PlMilf-
ent and Viet President, hold in the'agt•,
I wefts[. lees then five per Bent. of t1�fr.r
capital stock of the Brook and they iskitir.
be elected annually by the shareholder..
but shall be eligible for re-election.
A Yank shell not make Lans and grad
discounts on the secunty of its own stock.
but shall here privilege' lien ,.n the shame
of any of its debtors or parties to whom
advances have been male lir who are r
possible for its advantes,l and may decline
to transfer the shares of any such debtor tee.
party until the debt or advance is paid -
No ditidend or betas shall ever be ;nadir
es as to Impair the paid-up espial stock.
I if any dividend or bonus be se mule the
Directors shall be jointly and .•rerally
liable for the amount thereof as a debt duet
by them to the bank ; and if any part of
the paid-up capita be lost, the DureetEre
shall, if all the stock be net paid rap, forth-
with make calla upon the shareholders
sufficient to make red such hes and keep
the paid-up capital nnimpar d. And such
loss shall he ,mentioned to the return
neat nude by the Bank.
A Bank shall always hold at lest fifty
per cent of its cask reserves in Dominion
That it is exwtdient that no new Dank
Me chartered, ..r the charter of any *xlst-
ine Wank renewed. except on the follow-
ing conditions, subject P. the modifies.
1' hereinafter mentioned, with respect
to existing Reeks :-
The capital of as new Runk shall not
be lees then one million dollars, and the
whole amount shall be subscribed for, end
at 'eat 20 per cent, thereof shall be Inoue
fid. paid up before the Bank shall issue
any notes, or commence the business of
banking; and the whole amount shall be
paid up within five yeas from the date of
the charter -twenty per cent. at least
being no paid up in each year. The capital
of any existing (tank may remain Mit now
1x, eubiect 4., h.ue,( increased -hai the
t��rr1 -�
tttnrlllfitlg -. Is exultance a the rlaftk, uj.
v ant• snpplemental charter, as heretn-
alter m.ntult.d-
•' 1letiire e1-iaif iaf'ts� the�roasurte R. o1
that the coedit lens required in its case by
the preceding peregraph have been compli-
ed with, end it rhell not be held he (case
complied with thorn or to to entitled t..
the right. dependant on such compliance
nett' the certificate of its having done so
has been granted by the Board.
The*ntotint..0 mites intended for circu-
lation armed by ane Bank, and outstand-
ing at rev time, elan never exceed the
amount of its awl -up capital, and nn such
note for a less num that four dollars shall
be matted by any new thank, or sued or
re -Muted by any new existing Batik, after
the expiration of l0s present charter ; all
such notes then outstanding being called
uu Wel redeemed ea soon as practicable.
In the event of the pn.perty and assets
of • Bank becoming insufficient to pay its
debts and 'abilities, the shareholders of
the Bank, in their private or natural cepa-
citie., shall be liable for the deficiency, so
far as that each shareholder .lull be 'fable
to an amount over and above any wldount
not paid up on their respective shares,
equal to the amount of theirah•ne resp.ct-
trely. And if any suspension of payment
in full in epeeist of all er any of the notes
or other liabilities of the Bank shell con-
tinue for six months. the Directors may and
Hon. Mr. Langevin said negotiations
had been going on during recess for the
purchuae of a Int of land adjoining the
present pet office from Judge Black,
and that the appropriat would be made
for that purp•ee, and also for the sonstruo-
tion of a new building.
In reply to Mr. Stephenson.
Sir J. A. M.clnn•hl said the Cloven -
meet had • plan fon the remuneration of
at -masters outside of cities, which would
examined Ind ordered to be paid oat of
dog fund for 1868. A synopsis of the
'treasure's accounts Iran [resented to the
Council. The Abtditors were regacste(i
of the intercoluuul Railway who have
thrown up their contracts, and other par-
Mr. Walsh said n.. contracts had beau
thrown up , but some had been annulled
Direet.ry_td. nue naw,-esjeting Bank, ,
being thereunto authorized •t- • /ew�ai
meeting of the ehareh.ldere ctlIed ter tlut
purpose, may •0 arty time Iof.n. the ex-
pptration of its present *barter notify the
Minister of Pittance of their intention to
apply for an .xten.o le ..f its charter, with
such suoendmenta as well wake ;t conform-
able to these reedutt ns, -end may apply
to the Governor (7eneral for a charter- -
granting the extension, with such amend-
inenta as the (lovenew In t.ounml way
ul ! alt--lbs-neprrrstif the -ltietgf��"'em"
nenie and rat ties-Treasnry Hoard
to in conformity with the law ; and onp
Ty"olN-atfa11JN11t_i .614 lylor* ii"
Ty" om like a,nnlitiouwapply for end ub-
ta.0 a charter for such flank.
The charter so to be granted to any ex-
isting Hawk may provide for the increase
of its capital by grant less that or stipple -
meatal ; upl • charter nutty be greeted to
any Bank now ,olsilug er to be chartered
as. eforusaid, providing for such increase,
which shall fn any ease be pied up within
Ave years from the date of the charter
pruvtdmg t(r t, twenty per ant. thereof
Leung pard up in each y.ar.
Homier existing Hank charter shall leo
extended nor airy new hank chartered ex-
cept on the aondttivn• above mentioned,
nor shalt any such charters be eztendednr
grunted beginning the end of the Session
commencing next after the nest day of
January, 1881.
The privileges granted by the Act re-
specting (tanks, 31 Vic., Cap. 11, shall n. t
after the let day el .tun., 1870, extend tv
any Bank winch shall not have had its
chatter amended in accordance with the
foregoing re.oluti.ns, nor .f the charter of
such Bank extends beyond the end of the
Session next after the 1st of January,1881
unites 1t be limited to that ditto. But .eh
Bank shall have such rights and privileges
only all are Oren by its charter, subject to
any aunendute.ts thereto which the Letit-
The undersigned is prepared to
I.oWent 13'r1 e,
s. H. DEI I.OR.
Goderich, Angust 3rd, 1869. w"..7
Enttasblished 1l3K'�a•
4,„1,A LES of Misalleneoas Property s Coknck
LI even 8eturday,aad is Chotna every Wed-
Moneyedvaneed on Property 4o r tmmed.nee
sale end prompt retere. made.
Perm etoek and other 4.!e. planetnllr intend-
ed to throughout the County,
'6. M. TRU Ea* N'S Auction Marl,
w61 Markwi n..aro,(M.neh
Three Different Kinds of Papers
Reel' INR[.
For Halls, Parlors, Dialog Rooms
and Drawing Rooms,
Goal Rt.h end declared by I s.n,.,, end Paper Hang
ere M Ie the matt beautiful Mtigna,
• bs•.taMu0..en•gmda.he • a gN.b1 1.
(ioderieh. Oetnber ayd.\Rha. owl?
Farmers, Livery Stable
Hying fen All Ynar Lime iielfSeR.
.i 1 111 1 IJ1011 •,00. .n., trusty -.n. year
tepnl*.01 M pnp.n.d t• Motor R..,w e* ol awae0.
R' R. R,.r weretn.d se u neem
cionwesa. lath A.- los
Shephard * baa,
ItGookirir•h for the W. of tan osIsbr•Nd
Rester Fenney Cheese.
focal dealers supplied at the Factory
(Inieriek, Kay ft. 0867. wlgtf
AR PTIIINTRR of Improved Parma eel WMW
Leal Mr Selo
,.4ateAttb Res 11 r
i2.4.ses.Rasa►1.1217. Martel Severe
The Best and Cheapest
Goderkh. A 1M1 1100. 1110
Marshall & %leadell f Atba ■y.
EyF. RT Inetrnment le rnlly.•rranlM and ha
the 0.01.0. Impmvmnepte, roll ire frame lie
eon nm ha. and 0.00.0 Ivory front kryn. ror
we anerwnw the. rhin.,.'..o-npd M an..
Pianos, Melodeons and Organs Tuned,
e,.nl et Oder
' Iwond hen.[ l',.noe. then 0 .t. -hop,
nlerleh, ITth June, 1509. wtbin
lyes r.-.-uv--••retr+er-eetn ;,e -' ee
Coweinling in peri of Wenn( 0.g1wd Mosel
eloohe Hoarse., WNlesms R1wkt.e, Pafey
saglfllto row
Semen. sad fn'sarawsd. Ceek.eros
Dmeskies, wed a row, .f C..ndles Cloths
Meer, Selig wad Poouep
flowered Tw, Shorts.
Glenn, iyi, b...M.
HeMUse.Mat of mete. sers8ehois to ell
any s.-iistirk/tt wallas* emirs .
I . C Eel
All parties indebted to R. Runciman&C0
untare hereby notified, that unlessthey
hey will be seed, without further notice.
Huron Founderj,,
Goderich, Ont.
Godsrich,4Ptk Dee., 1a68. w.O.
Middlesex Seminary.
TER design .r the Innutonon ,n to peeps. [toe's."
•,he..t litre and el . light etpr,,.a fur n.nlr,
linlve,dt!ee .n4 .:ol len,., add 1 ee,4rn. AeT.t
ante. •e. .,.. ct.l . o.n..on paid to the 11.e An-,
110 winter Toon .111 eo.emaere Teeedsv, ].edit
eth, 1rrn. For lent. .rad Tallon In En 01.1 .n
CIo.(r,p r 11 aerie term SW Whole. ship 15 Vnm-
mn1,•.MI lh•pst:mrl (.hu f ill Olt end 410.
R414es00 lie. rhe j.,l :,,.m da., of en:...in1. E'.v
amen Of firs,..,,,.., Teacher. end irem. r.'0 01,1.-.
11,1 ralntme, In..lnt. 0 -each add item,.., M+e Ire.,
1.r. Yet Nether po.;c.W. a d..o or Melrose
C p.,90 a CURRY,
R05M0, On -
Ten ons....0-' The R.oilnrey In in • Maki, p. ore
Mita eta a, Eight pepsin Rat not eltea.e - la.'ea to
teach nate. the armed of Mena. inn ,n Jenne, 111m.
Thr. mow Snit Hord •ad fn1rek . • list of tMrt,-
N r lieene54 to trach M Aean.t, 1500."-(Adverr;rr,
K aneko (At , Nov. acrd. 1500. w t1N
Waller Great Faros Herb Remedy
TIWaK nanowpw. wnh''onesmplinn.Rheern0-
fdkmp• lir pepma, he.dirhe. 1 roe of Ap-
Me. Bed 6yMie. UMrell sad Rats ria
soma Mies odors Mb,
.excises rhiltr. 11 wee
0i wommeeded by Ph
Tia t• no hnatmg me nae
well prove . IM mw imam MSR yon
cess, h mnsslnng Mil.
er, et mom
No R, Colhwneklmel, f; Meru*. Legates essble
M Dell will be .tle.dnl at (heir ewe bow,
t/wdwWh. 1010 Aug. lawn M Se
1 e idib'i ['*,!seem' favi 1 mann Ile ee... -:'- •'
PPRAtaRR tote. Trost Lmacewpsny
ir. e.-Ostting done to Opder.0 S A .Ilprern:.pra..
- .M-'fRURMAN,
lir rims ass .'s,C
detail of the reo.ipts and diohorn'menta
of the Municipality, tor the year ending
31st i) r. IAI',;). Mnv.d by Mr. Stuart,
Rec. by Mr. Mollw:oin, That John Wilson
be appoint. d inspector of Licenses, in
Pace of D. CRmeron, resigned -Carried.
Application fir shop license by
D. McDougall, of Lucknow, was re-
ceived -certificate to be granted on
e oeipptt eft -aka Iesp.ateve wreiieaN.-
Tenders for the Coli.clorship were
receive' a. loltowe : - From Donald
Grant, S15; Jos. Mallnugh, 850; H•
Mather', $10; J)1n. MoKoatie, 845; A.
Pentland, 81•• Moved by Sir. Gaunt,
,. h 11 . ,■ -en '
tender -Carried. Mr. Gaunt reported
to the Council respecting a broken serv-
er mentioned in minutes of last meeting
Moved by Mr. Mellwaio sea 1.1 Mr.
Stuart that . the scraper in quewtinn was
borrowed without the authority of the
Council although the township had pro-
vided a sew scraper for the special use of
the village of Luckooe it isnot exp -diene
to pay the ism demanded -Carried. A
By -Law was passed for regulating the
height and description of Lawful Fetors
-Ibe Council adjourned to meet again
Phew notified by tbeClerk.
JAS. SCOTT, Tp Clerk,
Northern Railway Blevator Burnt
Ova* 1200,000 Woay■ Or PROP/HITT DKR-
From the Leader
The old elevator belonging to the North-
ern railway, and Rituals on a wharf to the
westward of the Brock street station, was
completely destroyed by fire lot night.
The origin of the fire is clothed in mystery
--i•0much as the watchman, Mr. Patrick
Garcia, who was raw duty at the time,
knew nothing about it till he was i•formed
by some parties from the outside. The
flame* were first observed in the cupola,
and it is therefore inferred that it most
have originated from friction of the
machinery, as then was no fire in the eng-
ine room. The earn. was given and the
Fire Brigade turned mut very promptly,
awl conveyed two engines to the sane of
the disaster, but they were perfectly
[powerless to stay the onwatyl march of the
flames, and the elevator and sheds ex-
tending northward ,to the esplanade. a
distance of several hundred feet, were
completely destroyed. Tho elevator w.
crammed full of grail & flour there being
about 158,1100 bnmbele of the former and
over 820,000 worth of the latter in the
buildinaat the time, and all wsonnswmed,
A large number of ears were on the (reek
leading to the elevator, but they were
quickly- removed ender the direction of
Mr. Harvey and Mr. Matdnnald, and other
empleyeers of the company who were
promptly on duty ; and did everything in
their 1e saw pen rty. By the time,
any of the rnntractnra or their sureties
from their obligatiows. The returns be-
fore the House would give fall particu-
Mr• Holten asked if the Government
intended to bring down a fall report re-
gwrdmg the program of the lntercolonial
Sir J. A hfecd-.nald said the anggestinn
w. not • bad one, and Le considered that,
though it had been thought that a return
was all that was neoeegary, the Home had
s right to full infurouota(n and would get
Mr. Mackenzie hoped the report of our
Chief Engineer would also be brought
down, as he nod hewnl there was a di-
rect inane between the Commisiuners re-
rte .
Mr. (bamberlain moved for lists of
persons who have passed examinations for
employee in the Inland Reyenne Depart-
Hon. Mr. Morns said that one hundred
and twenty-four persons had premed recent
examinations; and the fullest Information
would be given.
Mr. Cameron (Huron).-Addre.fnr in-
structions given by the Department of
Public Works, dc., respecting the harbors
..n the east and west Ride at Lake Huron.
Air F. Meeks ezpreseed his exceeding
regret at having the name of the Hon.
John Young in the debate, which he hal
not intended to do, and had only done a
on pressure from the member from Lamb
ton, Rad •ceepted the statement of the'
gentleman as to his views expressed in the
private copvorsation referred to. He was
more desirous of making this statement,
as it had been said by the hon. member of
4hefford that his (Sir F. Hincki )statement
wnnld blast the character of any man, and
this he did not wish to do. He was sorry
to . thnt h w
there as
a direct issue e
tween him and Mr. Young ea to what Mr.
r onng did may, but he considered that a
men's own stetemerntes to what he hal
Raid should be accepted by every one. He
then read an 'street from the letter of
Mr. Young to thefJ4,M, showing precise-
ly what hie views were on the subject.
Mr. Mackenzie hoped the report of the
speeches on Banking and Cmrrwacy would
be publislsed, as Mr. Rom had promised.
Atr J. A. Macdonald .id he kite. no-
thing ab.,ut Mr. Rao's promisor, bot
would look up the replete.
Mr. aleckeszieenqutied if Arthur Ran-
kin was employed h the Government es
agent at the North-West.
Sir Jelin.A:"'Mardoneld said Mr. Ran-
kin hal offered his services, but they were
not accepted..
Mr. Cartwright called attention In the
fact that in the official Bank returns, there
were m. 'sterna from Nova Scold. Banks.
Them world he of considerable value in
the dismission on banking and cnrren'y.
rind he woeld be glad if they were brought
Sir Francis Randle said the 'sterna
woeld be laid ea the table, including the
Dominiou notes in circulation, the Notre -
notes held by ether Beeks, &c., and he
would enquire if the return wield include
theta/. as e - sonar'; f
flciently fee the r.oeplun • the steam Mr. Cartwright remarked that them to -
engines the demobbed obtained much great tnrna had not been ngnlsrly f,rniahed by
beedw., that it was found utterly im- Novo Mcotiao tankers, who, perhaps, oh.
fineable M suppress them, and they de- jested to it ase pees of Confederation ty-
v.ured everything before Cham till there ninny.
ass nothing 01sa10commute. The biniding Hen. Mr, 11 .., mid that the mime of
idly favor-lelr hot rat o ferre•'t f)o*t.exteseese -.[Bort -.--J� esetr w, .r'31.-',
Vet Yells fifA 8fttlt ilIArafrfe len ,that fie Henke via h•en in .. safistaerary
them. Nearly every gain dealer in the a mite for the last twenty er thirty years
MIT will ha aff.rted by One eslamitnn■ that the Uovernmeit gotcareleae about
Are, and indeed it s feared that a few of "esteem.
them will be entirely ruined. At the time In reply to Hon. Mr: Holton,
the Are broke tut it woe fined impns- Sir F Hulk. mid h. intended to -morrow
Able to obtain a list of the *afferent. it in moire the Holm into mmrnittee on Fri-
es. s remarkable fit that the whole day on the Reeking and Cnrrency r•sole-
bUildint end sheds in connection with it tin"'
it was found neee50.r to remn,e a 1111041c�a':r�-•Y-^y+'- ay
y tMiwA, Match 1a1.
schooner from ths wharf to yrereht bet At the ripening 04 Ibseffe s., Mr Mse-P
1 LYlb}n6 bwr'i%'-�� i_wtiiiilritttlased 11R Mlepursrentr e.
t e amount t ey may • sem necessary to
pay all dehthand liabilities of the Hank,
without waiting for the collection of any
detest due to it, ..r the sale of any of its
assets nr property ; such calls to be made
at hke intervals and for like amounts aa
calla on unpaid stook, and payment 11.1,0f
to be enforced in like manner ; and any
failure on the part of any stockholder lia-
ble to such call to pay the same when due,
shall operate Rs A forfeiture by such stock-
hoWw' el all claim, or to any part, of the
meet* of the Lank. Stich 0.11 and any
fdrttlerotoll thereafter being nevertheless
resovereblefrom him, aa if no sunh forfei-
ture had been incurred ; provided, that if
the Brink be commandite, and the princi-
ple partnere are personally liable, then in
against such pnncipel partner without
waiting for ane wile ordinsinn of the pro-
perty oraaae'ta of the Bank or other p'sh-
nenary proceedings whatever.
Persona who. having been shareholders
in the Bask, have only transferred their
shares or any of thorn to otherw,orregi•ter-
ed transfer thereof within three months
before the commencement of the anepew-
sine of payment by the Bank, shall be lia-
ble te-call on such shares under the next
proeeding paragraph as if they had not
fret»fernd them, having their rea,nrse
mistime those tr. w hum they were transferr-
ed, and any director who shall refit. to
make or enforce, er oonetr in making or
enforcing any such call, shall be deemed
guilty of • noisdeineanor, and shall be pert
smelly respnnaihle for any damages ref.
fared by such default. And any soignee
or other officer lir person •ppointed 1e
wind up the affairs of the Hank, in care of
its insolvency, shill have the powers of the
directors with respect te such calla. Pro-
vided, that if the Bank has been • enm-
mondite, liability of principal partners and
..f c.mmandit.ires shall continue for well
time •iter their naming to be ouch es u td
rmayke provided in the charter of the
Every new Rank shall, at d every ex-
isting Mani whom charter, se continued
and amended in enmformity to these re-
mnlntinu.hell,frnm the time such amend -
orients take effect, be exempt front the tax
now imposed on the average *mount of ito.
notes in circulation, and to which other
Banks will continue liable.
The total lithilities of the Bank shall
never mooed the aggregate amonnt of the
sum held by it in specie and Dominion
nates and three times ita paid-up capital,
e nd the Directors knowing any .icer, and
net forthwith protesting against tt, shall
be responsible for the came.
Any suspension by the flanks of pay-
ment of any of its liabilities as they aoente,
in specie or Dominion note*, shall, if .t
c,ntiuues for ninety days, constitute the
IMnk insolvent, and operate • forfeiture of
it* charter, so far es regard• the issue or
re -lune of notes and other [tanking oper-
ations. and the charter shell remain in
force rawly for the pompom of enabling the
other 1
to mw
its business. ; and any aneh assignee or as-
signees, or other legal anfherity, shall for
such pnrp,ses herein the powwrw of the
No dIvitiny,nf the prnflts, either, by way
reserved the eighth) make.
TaeaLl110Ra 0101 .tTIMO Dol 1111 0 10.s.
1. 1t u .zp'eatent to amend the Act to
enable Banks to use the notes of the
Dominion, instead of caning notes of their
own, by repeating the fire[ seven sections
thereof, except u 1.. the arrangements
with the Bank of Montreal, which shall re-
main in force until terminated in accord-
ance with the terms thereof.
2. It is ezpediecit further to amend
Hie said Aet by providing Met Dominion
Nobs to the amount of fuer million dollars
my be maned and remain outstanding at
any time nn Ute security of debentures of
the Dominion to a like amount, whirh
issue mat be from time to time increased
info t
authorized fur amounts not exceeding one
million at one time, and at intervals of not
lees than three mouths ; and no such in -
cream being anthnnaed Holme the R.e..v-
orl;eneral then holds specie of the amount
of one-fourth of the aggregate an,nnnt o1
such increase of debentures already held
by him as aforesaid.
3. It is expedient to provide that it any
amount of Dominion Notes be ia•ed and
outstanding in excess of the amount then
authorized to be Mined and outstanding,
on aitch somnty..afurewaid, the Receiver
General shall hold specie to the full
amount of suoh excess for the redemption
of such notes. And that any amount of
such nut.s which the public convenience
may require my be issued and remain
ontstandmg, provided the excess of such
emntmt over that so authorized be re-
presented by specie held by the Recoils:
4. ft is exiedient to repeal section
nine of the said Act, except as regards. am
existing arrangement made ender it, which
shall remain in force until terminated in
am,rdanc, with rho terms thereof, and to
provide that the (lovernor map in his dis-
cretion establish branch offices of the
Receiver General's Department in Mont-
real, Tonmo, Halifax and St. John, for
the redemption of Dominion notes, or may
maks arrangements with any chartered
bank for the redemption, and may allow
a fixed sum per annum for snob service.
e- 11 is expedient o wryest section
stereo of mid Act, prnvnllag for the ap-
pointment of Cotnmis.nner,, for aecertaiuqq
the amount of Dominion nous issued,and
the specie and debentures held for their
redemption ; and to provide that the Re.
eeiver-General shall publish monthly in
the Canada Gozot r a statement of the
amount of Dominoes notes oniatanding'.0
the last date of the preceding month, and
of specie and debentures then held at each
of the cities aforesaid, reepertn,ly. Such
statem.nte to be roads lip from returns to
M made try mid br.ncli offices er bank to
the Receiver General.
The rosnlllti.ne respecting r.rrency
pn vide for a uniform rerream in all the
Pelvinees, hawed 00 the ltnt�,nvereign',
vetoed at four dollen eighty-siz tan...
thirds cents, Canada currency, after the
ora lir the wignse or asslgnoos, lir Arst of Jaly, 1870.
legal authority, if any b. •ppointcl Silver codas nnw w.twtl0 in Canal. lir.
week w.......--�w.J b7 t._ ►e. .Rose. rr'ur'he'e./4r1.. serene RR
k. the sails aforesaid, sad .dad .p um in Canada,.jl►It il.. wl tender o
the amount of b0 chile.. s.4 wipp.r.an.
thn.nonnt .f 1Weajy-g,. 1. Ky
one payment.
H.,' Majesty any, y pmclamatina M
h. isswed *84x0 tka sat/ day,, .;_Abe mks
Ki em.hnll -'"""'ee..•4.iiIV veriest
sad Ps sit in (`arida.
Mr Galt spoke, is f v,a1bt. Mom of Silo
scheme, end emly p e fe wl it del ane goo
far eiMngh.
1fi Mo kSYab .eked whether the dmhta
.:.*.that the rel. of Blight per cone per
simnel, shall he paid by a hank until it
shall have a nett .w immersed fond .goal to
at least twenty per twat, of it. e•pital,
d siting all bad 'awl doubtful debts before
calenlaing the amount of .ods ret,
Sharebnldere real' have parer M remi-
IR4e by by -haw, let the number Wad gemli-
ke, ion of 1)ireeten, .bteh shall ane be
rano. m • riensim 0 ere r r.i•eex awe tee
Di'esters ; hitt no Dareet.w, Preeid.N .w
os sebiest repssisd bra sem. ig ..4411
1111111.4 11164 is noel.. ig.ge
'rue lisers *Ilinneadis fa 4.4i till re-
aegoiell ek• leek eV?
if me.