HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1970-01-15, Page 11NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Robert Elliot Pollock, deceased. - All persons having claims 4 against the Estate of Robert Elliot Pollock, late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 5th day of September, 1969, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 24th • day of January, 1970, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice hat been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administrator dt Exeter, Ontario. 8:15:22c 24 Tenders Wanted Greenway UCW elects officers G REENWAY Greenway United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Carman Woodburn. Mrs. Russell Brown conducted the worship service and Mrs. Harold Brophey was in charge of the study. Mrs. Ross Brown, president then took charge of the business at which the proposed budget was brought in and read by Mrs. Lawrence Curts. The following, events are to be held in 1970: Strawberry and Ham supper; bake sales and tea; plant sale and roast beef supper. Rev. H. Dobson installed the following officers: past president, Mrs. Carman Woodburn; president, Mrs. Ross Brown; recording secretary, Mrs. John Steeper; assistant recording secretary, Mrs. Jacob Lagerwerf; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Joesph Horner; treasurer, Mrs. Harold Brophey; community friendship and visitation, west, Mrs. Gerald Isaac; east, Mrs. Jacob Lagerwerf north, Mrs. Harold Pollock; south, Mrs. James Geromette; citizenship and social action, Mrs. Russell Brown; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. Paul Eagleson; representative to Christian education, Mrs. George Dixon and Mrs. James Eagleson Jr.; representative to official board, Mrs. Ross Brown; literature secretary, Mrs. George Dixon; supply and welfare, Mrs. Kenneth Rock; Program committee, Mrs. Kenneth Rock, Mrs. Bryden Taylor; pianists, Miss Evelyn Curts, Mrs. John Steeper; pack sick boxes, Mrs. Harold McDonald, Mrs. Norman Romphf; kitchen committee, Mrs. Jan Lagerwerf, Mrs. Fred Bullock; order funeral flowers, Mrs. Elton Curts; chairman of finance, Mrs. Lawrence Curts; press secretary, Mrs. Joseph Horner; card convener, Miss Evelyn Curts; auditors, Mrs. Cecil Smithers and Mrs. James Eagleson Jr.; representative to manse committee as requested , by official board, Mrs. Lawrence Curts, Mrs. Harold Brophey, Mrs. Stuart Bullock; representative to stewards, Mrs. Lawrence Curts. Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. A SCIENTIST AT WORK — Most of the grade 13 students at South Huron District High School recently participated in special projects, Some visited district schools to teach science lessons and others participated in other scientific experiments, Above, Connie Johnson is showing teacher Vince Elliott, a molecule the constructed. T-A photo, Order Your SPRING GRAIN RequireMents Now WHILE ALL VARIETIES AVAILABLE • OATS • BARLEY • OATS & BARLEY MIX • OATS, BARLEY & WHEAT MIX We Can Also Take Your Order For , . , • CO-OP SEED CORN • C105 • C110 • 266 PLUS s280 — One of the best in our corn performance trials for the 2800 to 2900 heat unit area Exeter District Co-Op Beside CO Station 235.2081 1 Ih. tray Schneider's Pork Sausage 79t Reg. $2.29 Rubbermaid Boot Trays SPECIAL $11 59 SHIRLEY AND RON DASHWOOD 237.3403 Habitant Pea or Vegetable Soup 28 oz. 2 for 494 Giant Tide 2 lhs. 10 oz 89t White Swan Toilet Tissue twin pack 29 Macaroni or Spaghetti cello hag 2 Its. 43C Sunspun Margarine 4 lbs. $1.00 BREAD 4 loaves 88t Personal Size Ivory 3 bars 29C Five Roses Flour 7 I b. bag 79t BRAID'S GENERAL STORE IT'S YOUR CHANCE TO MO VE . . . to Greater Savings I• 22 Notices TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH BY-LAW NO. 21, 1969 A By-law to raise $300,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, stone 'or timber drains. The Council of the Township of Biddulph, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows: 1. The Reeve may from time • to time, subject to the provi- sions of this by-law, borrow on the credit of the corporation of the Municipality such sum not exceeding in the whole $300,000.00, as may be deter- mined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the cor- poration in such sums as the Council may deem proper far the amount so borrowed, with coupons attached as provided in Section 4 of the Act. 2, Subject to Section 10 of The Tile Drainage Act, when the Council is of opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the pur- pose of constructing a tile, stone or timber drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Reeve to issue de- bentures as aforesaid and to borrow a sum not exceeding O the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the ap- plicant on the completion of the drainage works. 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and col- lected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is bor- rowed, sufficient for the pay- ment of the principal and in- terest as provided by the Act. Passed the 15th day of De- cember, 1969. Wilson Hodgins, Reeve Austin Hodgins, Clerk NOTICE Corporation of the Township of Biddulph Take notice that the above is a true copy of a By-law passed ¤ by the Council of the Township of Biddulph on the 15th day of December, 1969, and all per- sons are required to take no- tice that any one who desires to apply to have the by-law or any part thereof auashed must serve notice of his application upon the Head or Clerk of this municipality within 20 days after the date of the last pub- lication of this notice, and must make his application to the Supreme Court of Ontario with- in one month after the said date. This notice was first published f on the 8th day of January 1970. and the last publication will be on the 22nd day of January 1970. . Austin• W. Hodgins. Clerk. 8:15:22c 23 Legal Notices • FURNACE FUEL OIL Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the Board of Direct- ors for the supply of furnace • fuel oil for South Huron Hos- o' pital and Nurses Residence. Price quoted to be constant for the 12-month- period. Tenders to be in hands of the Administrator by Thursday, February 5, 1970. W. McBRIDE, President ALICE M. CLAYPOLE, Administrator 15:22:29c I 24 Tenders Wanted GASOLINE DIESEL FUEL 8, STOVE OIL. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon, Tuesday, February 3, 1970, for the supply of gasoline diesel fuel and stove oil for a period of two years commencing April 1, 1970. Bidders to quote price per gallon delivered to the Town- ship Garage and the Township Hall, including tax, with pro- vision for adjustment subject to any change in the wholesale price or tax rate. Supplier to be responsible for tanks and pumps. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, For further information ap- ply to: W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, RR 3, Exeter, Ont. 15:22c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE .at GABBY'S AUCTION CENTRE 433 Main St., EXETER I THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 at 7:30 p.m. Sharp TERMS: Cash. No reserve. D. A. FINKBEINER, Clerk R. D. (GABBY) BECK, Auct. 15:22c By MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN President Mrs. R.A. Orr opened the first meeting of the year of the Womens Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church with a poem and a prayer, and welcomed back vice-president Mrs. George Walz who has been ill for several months. The devotional and study of the 'Recongiliation in the New World' was given by Mrs. Harvey Hyde and Mrs. Harold Bell. Roll call was answered with a New Years resolution and a payment of membership fees for 1970. Past President Mrs. Earl Campbell presented a Life Membership Certificate to Mrs. Clarence Volland who was very much surprised and thanked the members for the honor. Several thank you cards and letters were read from the sick and shut-ins who received the baskets of gifts and treats at Christmas time. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm reviewed highlights for 1969 of the W.M.S. Several ladies plan to attend the annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterial which will be held in Seaforth Wednesday, January 14. The next meeting will be in By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL GRAND BEND The evening Unit of Grand Bend UCW held the first meeting of the New Year, Tuesday. Mrs. Gerald Kading and Mrs. Clark Kennedy conducted the worship and program. Rev. H. Dobson spoke on "Christian Education." Mrs. Fred Willert, Mrs. L. A. Bariteau and Mrs. Allan Parker served lunch. MAKE PLANS FOR 1970 The afternoon Unit of Grand Bend UCW met Thursday. By MRS. G. HOOPER PERSONALS Mr. Leonard Thacker, Cathy and Joy visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanexan and Lisa of Esaden. Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper visited Sunday afternoon with Miss Josie Medd of Wardsville. Mrs. George Channel! of Bloomfield visited a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and Jeanette. Quite a number from the 8th line attended the Baseline social evening at Central School Friday evening. Mrs. Donald Hendrick assisted by Mrs. Max Turnbull presided for the worship. Mrs. Clarke Kennedy gave the study book chapter. Mrs. Wm. Love presided for the business. Mrs. Elgin Webb was appointed secretary-treas- urer for the unit. Mrs. Wm. Blewett, UCW president, asked all ladies to attend a pot luck supper on Tuesday 13 to make plans for 1970. Mrs. Rosie Grigg and Mrs. George Walper served lunch. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Dale Pfile and family of London visited Sunday with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Herb Pfile. Guests last week with Mrs. L. A. Bariteau were Alice Backman, Kathryn, Pagel and Lily Moore of Detroit, and Mr. & Mrs. L. V. Roy and his of Oakville. Birthday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Patterson and Winston, Saturday were Mr. & Mrs. James Patterson, Mr. & Mrs. Johnston Patterson, Donna and Donald and Mr. & Mrs. Wellwood Gill. MARY ELIZABETH LAUGHTON Mary Elizabeth Laughton (nee Iza McDonell) passed away at Victoria Hospital, London, last week and was buried in Exeter Cemetery at a private funeral with Rev. Harold Snell officiating. Her husband, George V. Laughton, predeceased her in June, 1966. Mrs. Laughton was born in Forest but was raised in Hensall where her father, the late C. A. McDonell was the predecessor of Bonthron & Drysdale. Her mother, the late Dr. Mary Jane McDonell was one of the first women medical practitioners in Ontario. She was the niece of the late Dr. Browning and the late Judge Dickson, both of Exeter and had close ties with many of the town's original families. Mrs. Laughton attended Hensall Public School and graduated from Exeter High School. During World War I she served as a phsiotherapist with the R.C.A.M.C. in Military Hospitals across Canada. From then until the time of her death Mrs. Laughton remained active with the Canadian Red Cross as a volunteer nurse, with the Well Baby Clinics in Toronto, the Navy League and other welfare projects. She was a volunteer supervisor at the Red Cross Lodge, Westminster Hospital, London, up to the time of her death. After her marriage to Mr. Laughton she resided in Toronto until her husband retired as Director of Circulation of the MacLean Hunter Publishing Company. The Laughtons then took up residence in London, Ontario. • Mrs. Laughton is survived by two sons, C. V. Laughton QC, Exeter and Dr. Paul M. Laughton, Ottawa, '7 grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Mildred Taman, Listowel. WILLIAM FRANCIS McILHARGEY William Francis Mcllhargey, RR 3, Lucan, passPd away at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, January 11. Mr. McIlhargey is survived by his wife, Kathleen Rowena Mrs. Eric Luther asked for volunteers to help with crafts at the Queensway Nursing Home. Boyle; three daughters, Mrs. John (Mary) Koegh, London, Mrs. Gordon (Helen) Foran, Auburn, and Kathleen Mcilhargey, London; one son, Joseph, RR 3, Lucan; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Heenan, RR 3, Lucan and Mrs. Kathleen Ryan, Dublin and 13 grandchildren. The body rested at The C. Haskett & Son Funeral Home, Lucan until Wednesday when requiem mass was sung at St. Patrick's Church, Biddulph. Interment was in St. Patrick's Cemetery. THELMA BATTEN Mrs. Ed (Thelma) Batten died suddenly on Tuesday at her home in Michigan. Her husband is the son of Will Batten, a native of Usbome Township. Mrs. Batten is survived by her husband and one son, Rick. The funeral will be held on Saturday from the Boorhees Sitle Funeral Home, North Perry St., Pontiac, Michigan. Once in every week, an ad in every home ! Time;-Advocate4 .January 15, 1910 Page 111 International discussion held by Dashwood WI By MRS. IRVIN RADER Goderich were Mr, & Mrs. Earl PASHWOOD. Keller, Mr, & Mrs, George Keller, Mr- & Mrs. Albert Rader and Mr. The January meeting of & Mrs. Jake Schroeder. Dashwood WI was held Tuesday, Harryr Hayter attended the January 6 with the Citizenship 32nd N.T.F. (National Turkey group in charge and Mrs. Syd Federation) convention at Hot Baker, convener. Springs, Arkansas, last week, Roll, call was answered by naming the country "you would go to if you were to leave Centralia boys Canada." Mrs, Harold Kellerman discussed the motto, "He is back from UK greater who tries to do something and fails than he who does nothing and succeeds", By MRS, FRED BOWDEN The topic was an international CENTRALIA round table discussion with new Canadians as guests. These included Mrs. Fred Messner, Mrs. Oluf Petersen, and Mrs. Cornelius Van Raay. Mrs, Syd Baker was moderator and the audience also took part in the PERSONALS discussion. Mrs. Eben Weigand Mrs. Elmer Wilson of Exeter gave a reading, "Charity Ward". was a guest for a few days at the Mrs, Martha Miller sang a solo home of Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and Huxtable. Mrs. Ken McCrae, a duet. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott of Mrs. Howard Maier, president, Lucan and Mrs. Blanche Hodgins was in charge of the business. of London were Sunday visitors The group will tour the new with Mrs. Clara Abbott. Dashwood Industries plant in Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowden Centralia in February. They will attended a dinner party at the canvass for the Red Cross in home of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Paynter March. Mrs. Eben Weigand's and family, Kirkton, Saturday group won the membership evening. The occasion was a drive. A short course, "Fashion birthday celebration. Cues" will be held April 16. Mrs. The UCW meeting is being Howard Maier will attend the held in the schoolroom of the Officers' Conference in Guelph. church, Thursday evening. Two euchres will be sponsored in January. PERSONALS Saturday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ken Keller in Farmers Income Tax Service Year 'Round Services Bookkeeping — Income Tax Businesses — Contractors Farmers — Individuals Box 35 Lucan, Ont. Phone 227-4851 We will come to your Farm or Place of Business. HURRY ...Get in on the savings OUR JANUARY SALE ENDS ON SAT., JAN. 17 Out 7/(Cait cud Vevid fir _, Sale The response to our suit sale ad, has brought many of our former customers as well as new ones to our store, for which we say thanks a lot. WEEK LONGER UNTIL JAN. 24 $AVE ON SUIT: THANKS FOR WILL CONTINUE ONE ,Ogaff• laggg,", SHOPPING AT McKNIGHTS Len McKnight & Sons MEN'S WEAR MAIN ST. EXETER 235-2320 • , the form of a Valentine meeting with Mrs. Clarence Volland and Mrs. Gordon Troyer presenting the devotional and study. President Mrs. Orr had nine knitted infants shirts for underpriviliged children and these were displayed with others knitted by the ladies in various colors and sizes. The Ladies Aid held a brief business meeting with the new president Mrs. Clarence Volland presiding, and laid plans for a bake sale in March, and a bazaar in the fall. HENSALL U.C.W. Hensall U.C.W., Unit 4 met on Thursday afternoon in Fellowship Hall with Mrs. James McAllister presiding. The devotional was given by Mrs. Albert Alexander who spoke on the faith in God one needs to carry on in a troubled world. Mrs. James McAllister conducted the Bible study assisted by Mrs. Harold Currie. Miss Greta Lammie played a piano solo "A Southern Melody". It was announced that the Huron-Perth Presbyterial of United Church Women will be held in Clinton Thursday, January 29. All those planning First meeting of year for Bend UC ladies to attend are to take a box lunch. Mrs. T. Sherritt reported on the sale of a quilt. Bruce Breen and John Lenk arrived home Sunday night following a three week vacation in England. They made the trip by plane. Since ground meat spoils readily, Home Economists at Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, suggest that you use it as soon as possible. EXPRESSING VIEWS ON EDUCATION — Parents, teachers and students of Stephen township had the opportunity Thursday night to get together and express their views on the aims and objectives of Life membership presented education in Huron County. Shown above during a panel discussion are, from left, Mrs. Jim Orr, Norris Webb, Mrs. Margaret Box, John Braid, Wilmar Wein and Jack Gaiser. T-A photo. Hensall church groups meet