Huron Signal, 1870-2-24, Page 1. .. .,:,•i.y w' ----S .-*.Bios._ 0 ti :^J,. tite7m7rcs144'yetup47a7"..3' _'*tab - N!C'✓;I:A.'-._'. • -+- eeeirS0te a►1Mt .w+ if.. of t► n w wail 404 hill her. A. r •ppltea• T! it GREY, 1144oray* from Rea- • hool' ulettllla. ramble tlm• W kevpt- N, u1. inti u ACRES, ere 23136. a LenM hm !, well fano.t miler fn,nl maim. to mmlerlek ethane. wbiu on 10 W. aorta. TS 'Ing emelt a .ere, KIN. Ilth now Bel - nes claw- ed the tel. ISA gest The nil cad easy 114*alned . • e t F. 0 lisp. '.Ifh40wn d t,. tent 4t person PLR -'etf ET 10P, REAL, 111Y,r LT f- w,rnrrl • p,.. tie 000'4tly CDS. rad. bring au,•r,iwra Ild.ng• on w41.41 11 "ED 0, ,T8 • Ib. w19 -!f h, wmnld ring 0.- • w The are glen Mr is • able Tomes. rtT.,Oxd nrim ymr ilea 1. M AC EB 10tf RS 18. L. '• , t be lb* V▪ ibes i 4 e. r 14 ew.o A T END OW 'VEAK NCE. W�EII�LY I�DITIUPI The 3reateat Possible }ood to the greatest Possible Number." GOD L ItICH, ONTARIO, D. C., THURSDAY, FEB. 24, J870. Ousincse Wircctotp . Business Wiudorn. Mt`al' HURON HOTEL, Il,ll,n rano:(.* i:arwrs:wAiteelh, C. w stinieeH +1!! February 7th. Iw1. .Res ZURICH, CO. RUBOR. **grit N.Ct3t)T.r,4ON. JOHN PRANG, - - Prepdptot. • SCSG11/ DENTIST. Wet Street, r►u bn;,ss 1. ntl«2 up hrnh meq conteelwce for BeOme ever the peat f�0e th. tntNhn, Ipul.lr, . God.rteh. aw u...o St.wing:and prowl*.ucnd.ni. I February let. lif0. .ltd letlmhK Mks 1.944 eat •-.•a gra Le,wto. E D %WRINTIR AND ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. .1• I7 a.l. 1c_tn.Cleae.n. Conant, Crown Attorney, O,uhw°, Co.adaw..l. 1)•r. 11 Coen Hoo.. 114.40 M. C Cameron. A R.i.I e e ATT0RV RT. COIYRYANCIR, gl 4a .t. l4d eneY Oat w4. B rya• *,/arrow. Cameron 4 ARRIIT(R4, 0*Lll'ITrlml I V ('HANCIRY, he. 1) IMa. Cases. Wort, Oede018. M. C C•es.o.. .12 1. T. OAuaw. I)..esed• . roo...res. I)ARRIOOTRR. ATTORWRT. 9ULR'ITOR. rye. D 0.4.0o4, C. W. 'ogre. ep.*.,,. W.l.MM Mart, Wee ereRL.a•t�w Bret dew weal of Blare,.. �ngw. w49 Joon H. Bordon. {TVR rV-*T.t11, ..r.nw.rOOLIC1TOR IaCRA�61RRY 4. One.. on tar rhte e Nee .f won Mr thud' deer D Oaen_M«w:any... • wall WESTERN EXCHANGE, LUI'iCNOW Immo F. Tomer- ARRIITER. ATTORNRT-. r-L1w. SOLICITOR le Chenwn. he. Moaene►. 0.twea. ORk.- Week Oagetarfwest - seTT Doyle Is tOIgater, AIRMTRW 4!10 *11v,RN1IR, SOLICITORS. in-i•kurery, Se. Oodenol,. IM . L. Dona ewe w N. Ronna. R. A. essays & Elwrood. elIng* & ATI` 011e1YM_1T_1.AW, SOLI. roan le Chancery a Iwelver ey.C. nve0 . r. 4o,. oner to t,.nd-. Genoa,.4sAA'• Rf eh, a over Wr. 4.4414e4d'. Serra William R. I3n1n. 11111 A. JSISCIRT AND LOW OPTICS. ca.u'e rew 1J retreat Oedemeh. WARW., erseisa, K. R tam en restorable Money orae W ora uvea 4 rya •.*most. O.id.h• Dae. u IilAs ..H P. .F. W 11;RER,one,OsorsyTum'.r. MMary RahnM, Se. Oar of the Clerk .f We rap, (beet 4.4a. Oo •r - a alar T. a. &token. AGRIT POR )era STF)8D AORICULTVRAL worts Jce.p9 4asrems, proprietor). 8»04,1041. 61 1..1 d • .4. .11-17-09 re. Maloonamonr %ItRR1ATER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, &o.,8.. L IP (lo ..,. Ont. .2a MONEY TO LEND. • &trona A 6gnl•r. RAL LSTATR AND INRCR6NC1 6114)1'4, SO. 4. A rle 8.114123. Ba41o. K. T. 1'. '*.moan eteave .l -le.. e. L' plan. OILS. AIDLIW DOlQQa,_r10FL&T(OR. fjalRBT-CLASS .ecommod•tiee. The table is supplied with ill the delicacies of the season t and the bar with the beet brands of liuuopo and Cigars w20 !1i1Rt4. vA YS' HOTEL WROXETER. OV the direct road Iron Seaforth to Walkerton. Every oeceu8ry accom modation for the treme111ng public. HANNAH DAYS. W rosete , Y a b. 11187. .4 C.lw.nereIu IQete l.l,lItcbel IC.W trOM 1oaN (HICKS Proprietor. This is th I.rge•und be.2Conutry Hotel in Weal.r )*mule.•rad estates es moderates. cry Ham In Rai -heti 'Moore Proprietor. Goode, blln*fo, 100 Monet Humes. aid Carnage. for Hill, 4* Shorter.' Netters 14'1 Sutures Diudarp. PHOTOGRAPHS 11.00 Per Dozen I g 1� S toves 1 Stoves! I atator'yr or Huron. .",r _ 'CA-N-AD'A. • MR. EDIn)t. -It u not in my power to Vies r now visible at mJ-1laf. ,� narrative, this week, a time air publics-' A woman mimed Elizabeth !Sharp, !iv Thum - lion, u it mud be necessarily be lengthy; iag in Sidney, right mile. from Belleville, Ottawa, FebruVIII0Ali,- ngurv.ut In&wtry made the fact . 114a•nt. comprising, u it will, toy (mat trip to GOO- - in • tit of tueanitv', hung herself sou Thun- chi AMISS o► rot ri!Yu6r• east it became my pleasing duty to, Mpn •rich, what I saw by the a6T, how 1 fared, da eight gut. She leaves a family.Thu day, at 3 o'clock, pm., hu Excel- to her Majesty's Government as the resole trod mJ first sight (or rather y Y limey the G.rrnwr Geswr•1 pn.oeected in of uteervatiwu that the inhaboanlr dr( The statement a Made *hat stormy/ one state to the Chamber of the Senate, m thi-the Ik.au . are well ouaten4d w1Pt' town, tb latter rt c f October, 1Jt3dsights) alien I arrived it1 this then embryo Washington, 1'nnArdor's reatron w tit Parlisnteut Il uldags and touok hu weer i their position, and that the wick wrr'ti'w' ' - Opening of 7> Dominion Parliti- )VOL. XXIZI.-M) if --- - e.Z..-mow Mg his Royal Highness Pilot Arthur.- Highest' rtier: Subsequently 1 eucnnpoau leis Royal Higheess on a tour through the' Proton...• furnish you with tin fist the tar of my of Ontario, Everywhere tho .n'191 espy • k IL PLAIN AND FA.NOle COAL 011.. - WHOLESALE AND IITAIL. si Coal Oil Lamppee &c. ho. Old Iron. Copper. Brass, Wool Pirking,. •ad Sheep Skis■ takes is exchange. J.&J.STORY, IW Silo of th Large Coal Oil Barrel, Vale sa. Merck 1st.IN7' 6-1 HALF DOZEN FROM BACK NE0ATiV lel cents, protege tree. Ona dozen from D eck oegatne 87 centa,',poet&gs free, toeny add: cess - Ir!' Particular Attention paid to Copy - D d Ambrot ' s la I . g ylK For either large or small photographs. The subscriber in rrtnruing thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore' extended to him, wouldjust say th.t he hae m.de such im- provements in his gel lery u will merit • coo unusnce of the same. ICY' A Great Reduction ea Large Photogl spits. E. L. JOHHNSON. Qoderioh, Oct. 26, 1869. seet1. NOW IS YOU' CHANCE r tai O � rte 0 70 Pel ..11/11• TNS ab.•nber le meaninowgg,11 Weeks for ter Hare w� nsa li4eg1,11.1 hemtowelym hemd the hii Jlct rennin) thatt In 001aryuen.e of the I.le nn, ke hu re,1 hu Malaga* to the s4,re formerly oo-oI' ed by Mo, l9.oth, tort street. nett 11.nk of .Montreal, where emir,U.ing m hit II. will 1. (mond aid r). lic Oonital► tortaa12.4 He s I I'LT.4lyenor8reentry peectrellyt tetot {Med re. .•-lyra JOHN HAL.DAN. Jr. .oi:X,Lo,IAL AeeloNx . R$IIR.AIC4, LAID AND MINERAL AGSIT, 111 qet • pus et•a tea -woes Rlrssa.enemire 4 . peel air.. Ordwlek L. N. Hamlin, I11TML 41011111* 4WD SCRVSTOR, LAND • Aposeed Ore•r'aeer. *,meds... 1 NMAi[I,.L A CROOK D I AN/ awl epreinieslips er saddle•, 40. got or la 1 e wet aid eons.* 1. rT 04a over J C. Dello. .tore. Roderick, Mar Is, 1•N 1 • IMPORTANT NOTICE• P. R. MANN, Hoare Sign & t;arriage Painter. DIL41815 To ACQUAINT THE PUBLIC THAT he We 0t4n1 rap ■ shop 00 Norah .trust prat to the Weele7'4 Methodist Church, w4.. 1lnlah room at- tarhed when he is preplwl to 011 .11 or *0r* promptly. of the Iasi 7 y.., 4,11 ;pekesto, Thankful wilamens of dust oto. seen mo Now is the time to Paint your Cutters, Sleighs, and Carriages. Pr Orden from country Carnage shop. attended to .rah di.p.4•h nl40 Painting, alldleg. °Waimea Gluing. Paper- hanging. &c., ,e. F. R. MANN. 0od.rfph. Not. a. 10011. sett H AZLEHIIRST &COOKE AUCTIONEERS. 001111881011 iGE11T8, do 0., &0. (h•bbi ■ Block, (V•nEvery'soldatand) KINGSTON STREET, GODEBIIOH ONTARIO. Its Sales in town and c,nntry planetoid - attended to Ooderuch July 12th, 1660. WASHING MACHINE ) A PERFECT CEM. Priceonly 02.00 each e oli Job Work will hire Done tee alu1 u u•u.l, G. N DAVIS• Rode*,. 8, 1919 Much 1 G. BARRY & BRO.9 CABINET MAKERS , WOOD -TURNERS' Hamilton St„ Goderich Brp ctneUo,lr lisoal it sale a)! aAl - 44 cies in their line, such as Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, etc., All kinds of wood-terning done, such a Noel posts, stair bannisters, oeckyokes, he Always on band, • complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a HEARSE to hire on reasonable term G.4.i4 h. M., 3rd, 1866 15.6ma GODER1Uli WAGON & CARRIAGE Tn 11P *l'41:RIMPRM "even TOR 5A1.R "A Mil. wonder. the Wuhin Ma 4111. un.• paled rt end ...anew -hood by brawl Emmy of It, 1sitoet. It i. the,Mapeet'm.rhinr •..r Inr.nl.l . ,on he .4 .rhed to any ordinary 4.51. Inn'.r� .dln.t.,1 M••. I.y •peNa.al ••"•-• tf.atYr ,' pldlr and •ariwnlly •• 111101,111111/01111101111• 504 0arly ,china , and dna low *Joey to the clolhw.. and Ie.. ea town nearly .1 dry. If 4.,ned. u • mamas .nrignr. Thr low prim. of p a, Minim It w1t4u the r.,cA meas Mmlly. With It oar housekeeper tee do her ownwashing without •lam 6140166 00,4 Bends w en .ening ?wk. Cgll nli Bee the ]R04 hina AT RORiNS()N & PATER' eua.l 4* (Io4M.h. 4.q Den.. tses CHRISTMAS CHEER Tp* to hi. r 100*l 00earattn10.1 the Hil4on. ofen R..d•M°x*0w .__. rhes Mw• lamest 4Imo with •11i Mena Meats of the lint Qsaflty h NOen, -- Te „,;11,..e... Otto Mnor 'Namee,-'1► 1t'wretw *id t the 4111.=IPIR a:u 1111.4.4. a„Mh.r 711h. law. wee Land lice, &+ 4RAI!T611 of Iapr.• 1 tarns. se. Wok( it Ise ad for M1ee.M TavamAe. Be lend. M tee% 1, 1W9. Msrnit•ees& M.nutao 1c r y TH haler -ober a meld *nommen, to the pelt le el Moron net Braee, th•I M Avow msr ufacturing Sol -clam tfafr , Wagg•ss, luttoro, whwb will be s014 CHEAP -OR (-ABH. r r Wanted • wood-wArker, and two w prentioee--one to learn woad -work and the other bl.ckamithing. 4 0 iPrIces to Salt the Ti.c91 Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., .t 73ct.. ext 116Lr postl. 44 -L06S & STAY-- WANTED. III 11 Ts Tn Ml7R11-R18F.d4 ARE PREPAR)1) TO M \KE j ntr41. for the stylise ry or • 50/01110 oaf Elm, Ash, Beech, Pine, and Hemlock, Sawlogs, also, Stave Bolts Dslvend ou they prernl.,. oppwlt. trr 'Aleay e rllr. Ale. to uud.n•kr t4. aawln4 of, 0.lon. le** For paticeLer. 1�.{{sly 4. Mr ':um on the premme. or el Ws 1ss04em'e of Mr James T,w.h.wu aT• ' & Ce. a DLT her 1 wf►e W isrks. rertl Dse.m tIM REMOV- L6 ALEX. WALLACE, w6TCHMAIER AND JEWELER, ._, .roar, (i OD E A I CH fl1HE neh.rnher hewing removed In the More role eme.iw14 by A Ne .ash, we* Moen. memrl0 rhe (live, wales to .hank h.. fnene. a.d ,he pew e. .40Y IiM I n .I:h which 0,.v h.re 6r•red e4.IYI to rn n, and Ings t.1 Wure Ihem 14.1 so eget .til be gored to merit aro,r..1;mm, d their 90111 iege, leu tmLn1„tudy wdi he nr,,.upfuy Watohes Clocks and Jewelery .h.ch nn Der smudgier mit to the perch..... net a. a ,Proportion. Also'sIII make the large., Mot...graphs nude 1n (Aa1er- Irh. very clomp. I'.,r,eLslni po'lures from one dollar upward..* _ A good ar,wtmen* of cold .nd Plated Jewelry wue8es, clocks Me ..Iw•y.nn h.td ALEX WALLACE. Oederk4 Otto fah 14se. woe D. CAMPBELL'S ITwtograpbG-211 `I. FREDERICK ao-t.rlee. Oet. tains ,oleo. wsi THE 01des1 fslablisbm�n1 in Town1 Oft WATCHM.AER, JEWELER, Etc.. TR4 0041{10* 01415AL'e arsm'M. ttilities of the country and the Ones in • r pa ' o . ' _ __Ie ....._ _ .__._... _�. upon the Throne. The members of the their hearts is to avail themselves ed .344 Senate long aeeembdel, Fete Excellency franchises and lull posers of legtaletion wait please., to oomrrand the •ttendanoe *Itch they pusses, in order to build smote of the House of Commons, and that House aed the British Empire,insilleteube being present, his Etostt lleey was pleased 1 of tkntr own choioe by laws of their own to open the Third liesitoa of the First making 1 now leave you to the labors of Parloaseat of the Dumteiue u( Csoada the session, with earnest aspirations for with tie (ollerwieg your complete s000e 6. Mown rue 451 4.1071 : Huwr4M• l:enUr•mit sf fin Set,Ote. Oerwtle- atswr Bre 11 of a flown(''enson. - I. recur with oeuadenos 4, your •dries and have much eattsf.ctie0 in being enabl- ed. on the present natation, to •uwmon you W the discharge of your public duties .t the 1•-r4.d of the year meat convenient to yourselves. The circumstances under which we meet ate in mane respect& auept- c Tu. bounty of I'roviderwcrowned the turves' with abundance and made the fisheries unusually productive. 1. many districts eluting industries have been eu- 1•rgwl and new enterprises have darted into activity, ful•aisn.ng fresh avenues for semesters and additional employment for our people. whilst every day now sections of the country are being opened to the labors of the husb.ndnian. The trade s'ad wealth of the Deminten am en the oneroa.e, and the equal alinitWtratton of the Mae maintain, ea heretofore, the en- joyment. of the g.,,.r.l fitting of security. I have watched word much anxiety the curse of erecta in th. North Went Terri- tory. Uslwtun.te minpprs4.luioa of the intentions with which the country .as thought to he acquired by Canada have god to complications of • grave character. With • view to their remev1l 1 have thought it desirable te exhaust every ineeneofCanted./ tun before ad • hoR other !imagism& and the latest .48,0*e lead me 4. expect that the groundless &Latin• en- tertained by a portion of the inhabitants have gives place t.. • deur* to listen troth* exp.lauatlous which I have caused to 0S made whw344hs (animated goy Government. Etforta made in the throughout can scarcely fail to aaoa lash ag equitable and pea'efel solution of the existing d8cwltles, and thereby secure the III moody inc>rp.rstiea et the North-West femtones with Cans., an object w •ar- uestly desired by the Empire and t4. Dominion. As the Act for the temporary 4overmment of the Territories when united with Canada will expire •t the Mose of the preset Beeston, s luwure providing for their government will be wbmietad for your coati [oration. e charters of mart of the banks of the were last *wino s:lmd.d"• 080a lumarl period, with the view Ui&t during the Interval the question et banking and currency ah.uld roomy. the c,nuderatlo4 which their importance d.w•nds. A nor- Ingle intended to miser safety to the com- munity without interfering with the It timate v ration of the Banks will 3o, submitted for your asei,erstier,•nd will, ru 1 tst, I. found calculated to place those important interests open • sound and sta- ble loan. The hove in foroo un the sub- ject of the elective fr*elhise, and the re iodation of Parliamentary *Innen in the several Provisoes of the Dominion vary much 111 their operations, and it is impor- tant that w,tf dot provision should he • de sett .n - - is and regulating iFnent of my .Id friends aro very anxious te see the condos{ stranger, they must just bide more. "Mickey Trus" apology mutt he mine for thio time, via., that i am o.mpsi•g it, and, as . first attempt, 1'w bound tlo put the right feet foremen*, as early impressionism hating 'Tut sed that • thing well begin, is halt ended; hex far that may apply in the present caaeroftuas to be seen• about among the girls ezel•imtng, 'Binh a Citgo,! blush • little! lewd! look more English The latest fashion we hear of is • fuser of young ladles for .electing naives., match the Dolor of their eyes. A letter from • prominent eiaa•s of at't,Mpeg, dated January 24th, nye.- Fur,now 1 ►afairf. nneert .el - o y Ise, Wm to ..°fret,.1.loe mor {.try{. rh ma d.teo,mm element of difficulties, either by delegate* tort time . tie 1 rye,g errhoo It toss tun out a mug to Canada ora retain' to the Hudson Bay Pa Maps tt• ill le• arrow. Poona raeOlurrx Company'* government, Chapter 1st, -Oto Est trip to Geier 1t u reported its Ottawa that the (:ov- ereliant have derided to build the emi- grant sheds at Toronto on the I:Amson re- serve, immediately west of- the old tort, and north of the Greet Western and Grand Trunk Railway tracks. - 'ch, Chap. 2nd, -The natural beauties of its 1010117. Chap. 3r11,-Ooderieh society at that time; its Bank: it. merclunt• and mechan- ise; its festivities and thea leaders; its political leaders and their doiups. Chap. 4th,-TheCanalaC..w any;their Commirimers .rad AYents: thoir treat- ment of the fret settlers; . the Company's Charter and how Wm carried it out; a few words about their foule or sole/btu. Chap. 6th,-t)ur first acquaintances, who they were. and how many remain in the land of the living; our lint opinions verified after the lapse of more than a generation; our first employees and their treatment of as during a sojourn of three weeks. Chap nth, --Our purehne of lands in South Eesthog.e; w ho and n hat our neigh- bors were; their religions, gg.htlta, and na- tionalities; their industry, and vire ones. Clap. 701, -Our markets; our internal lm aevement5 societyAnd anllisenicate I swung Germans North nK this .mens and scotch of sad South Euthope Town.hip.; • ••Dh•n- nybroek Fair' in Stratford; tea principal deaden, and pew. -makers. Chap. 8th, --Our return too G..derich in '36; the steamboat laud up; Sunday all the week. Taylor's !tank M111 g,.ud, despite as foes -these were merchants. Chop. 9th, --Tho Rebellion; its effects en the progress of country adjacent ; the foul and false weans practised by the com- manders to get themselves in a oommuton at the sacrifice of the country and the livesof • few; the winter:the "Home Guards," the esterase's barracks and guard -room; how they -were paid, and what for. Chap 10th, -Volunteer Contingent Company in '38; game "(their doings and sayings; punishment by Capt. ttto al_rt,.. (.34 - MAR IN A ANN [�((IM TO IIFORM H14nLUCU1TOM ERN ICS 'Wily tall aria le epi Bash• V ILL RINDS of FURNITURE. Al his .hop on Klemm Street, oppowelc the Huron Ilolel, Uoiwnwk. thee him a r1'I. Onereta.Oel,l, 151111. awl Iw3T. ROOM PAPERS ROOM PAPERS. A 'VERT LAIIOR VARIETY 07 Three Different Kinds of Pap( r, RgprlRer For ilailo,Parlore,Dining Rooms and Drawing Doom, ALL NEW PATTERNS, Good Stock and d,Y l.r..l by Painter. and Paper Haag en to M the moot Mentl011 designs, The BeSt and Cheapest PAPERS EVER iNTRODUCEDi JOHN PASMORE, Victoria Street, Ooderich Cod.tiob.Mev 1618. IgM. wed Auction & Commission. 1GODERICH • CLIN'TON EutahlIwiled 104es3 o, `A LP] of Miscellanea,. Prnpewt• on R.d•roe► 07 were Raurd.y,.d a Crate. every Wed. needs y. Mown advanced on Property for immediate ode ad ppropl retort*maiM hrrmr 01114 minerSelw pene,..Ry.nawd- ed to throughout tow county, 'O.M.TRtIR Mooreonn.n.N'S Anetino Modench v7,R1 Middlesex Seminary. Tlgti nabllisegi Aei i Is • shwa els 1�{ erns ler .n4rlwg fi r( TeseMr4 Aoaant r wwwial. eta, ary 4 In eal(114 s mei term g4. t•nhlp la ort- WIC 41 M. rem AoV M nee O 17 res tan rad ranee OwWeer int tiMa1 Ys.lmig.�jeseh net nae non ea Mrrn Ise. Fos larller Fr(trsieR ��pp11y to CURET QHpM! rUNR I reivenitM rl seta i+e ilk, Q mise eitie fiYht p ieffrgr* Mkt sain e.'ewllia.w 44.80144 ya herd of mead n 0 Jriwf res, ala llesswmtMMlim h Awe 24. R, w,. ml .le 1 ...a In A.g.se, IaA. fp*. Gus, law 1111/441Nor.. T$ GODEiOICH. nasipar- Near the Post Office. ase. .- ' •.J UEORMOTr RRRPECT Ft IJ.Y To RETURN 1114 1) .10,'ere thank. to the people of awl.rleh hod- ho ryafr their ither* patronage during the mat a yeah..rd. 1 now that the holiday nnr.n has Arrived with .II It. rte til enl.yenente .e.lnrn14Nw , he ould awe that 111 who • latew puna(.. Jewelry ter preach* or otherwrea of warranted material and • nrhuutuhip old d,. well 4o buy from him at rte. comparatively would then that .Mad nor worthless tn..n. • A:I Jewelry Sold for Gold Warranted. Ms Repairing done in the beet style of workmanship. Isaac PRF.I,ERR Dederick. Dec, !0111 Iw6. .21-11 - let In e Town of a•„,erre. Mna r a les o1 motto • Tn w Rnrt Cotten, with a heir" nn•h•rd 4401 alt mom. of poen lad. Por perU,-nl.r. •ppb to. W. D. ALLEN. Goderlrh Beet. *711. Iflee Ontario Carriage Shop, BUTLRR1a. nn. God/oh:b. AVM 1401. 14.. ALLAN P. M &CLEAN, 0 1 r1 AS JIJST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS ConiWto`( In pert of West of Rngla4d Broad - sloth., Iee.Ven., S'bftn.y Relent ins, Pete* Kggligh, Scotch , •.d French Irw.ed.,Cseltmirse, Dneeklne, owl ■ variety of Comedian Cloths; Peek, Bens, and Plswe,ed Yt.n.ew, Hine, Gloves. Ceps. be., Are. He W M ,'..61.•t of print satisfaction to .11 who mayl..erbim with their order.. TWEED stIrrs •Il wool)912 audepwsrd., B Cetting done to Oran. log (}/Mtwrla4n�m.,ltlj[yj )A ,,^Iv'•.+I, iP:, oTIC E. 1149 IM NOTE OHNOUlt (Hamilton St., Godo ick. .. ,.-.., .»..._..e 4/4 / 4, R. J. WHIT -ELY, RM 401 In full operation. and 111 turning out imperil. Carriages, Buggies,- Wagons how they caught r,dra m, and why t er, got none; "The evil men &olives them after J. W11.1.16MMIN. of II kine., nl.N1afM, CUTr4RR. era A nnmbo roam* elms R,isa4' on head, and for ate elm* for rah Priem of all article. In the line that will r.00 +tea hrneahty with any In the ('only r 411 wort tarnwtend rtleal.r alteration pebl to wagon and Carriage Rs nettles R. J WHITELY. a,deele°. Novae!. ISO IrST NEW PATENT H A.-' F O R g, Hay, Feb. 14, 1870. Dear Signal, -Mr. Love in his "de- fence„' of tl.e 4th ins*., complains of "'Voter'i efni,n*'being bei "pet gonel," though, perhaps the difficulty hes in him not being able to make Ai.lsrweal enough. Mr. L. would like tokno.-.ho"Vnttr' is; well, 1 motet tell him that "'Voter". is 1. and 1 am "Voter." He talks of being (stabbed in the dark." It seems he is only sorry tube obliged to do the "stab- bing in the dark." As for be,•K a cmnter- part .f Relatives ass, "Voter" will leave RTRACRA1 & McRI NNON,I BLACIRMITTIR, Kelso. street, (iod ri4 .14 **mate totem.. and othrn Mt Meted pm tr. .9PnW_ 6441, 3r• sen mem I1 • neo cwt .* .UM 4'400. end he-s.t1ss great •alNwwrs M thew w4. hem mrd Am . Am *4 wet w111 M tot M Use al. Md the liner l a Oed.0/eh. Jet 1108, IOW Farmers Livery Stable KINP211/1 AND OVUM ETA VW Mai WHIM CALL AN1 or NT ONCE J. TAY•LOA.4 • *next oNEY TO END. RTINVIMA EASY TII1111113. We uadentaud that Lieutenant -General Sir Charles Hutingn Doyle, Lieutertaat- Governordf Non bosom h+a lurul.11y mass edavmtnanduftheluruwln British North Amenta,ineuoucessionto the law Lieut. - Geueral Sir Merles Ash. Wyndham, and that Col. Hamilton, of the Royal Engineers bestehen over the command in the t'ru- YtaRta of Quebec and Ouariu. London, Feb 13. --The Tian, in • re- v•ew of last evening's debates iR Parlia- n len•. , rejotoae that the Government Ilan adopted the idea a. long advocated in its columns, viz : the withdrawal of the troops from Cauad.. The Ties.• admit. that Canada is the Duly English colony liable to be invaded in Daae of war ; yet peace is so assured that it is foolish to provide now f "r its rupture. 'Trust him not.' The St. Kitts Journal wants the public against • certain 'Prof.' M. D. Th.mps,ou, writing master, who, everywhere he goes, swindles hu pipits and landlady. The coal trade of Nova Scotia for 1869 vu considerably in- emits of that of 1868; and If the Do0unwn Government rill give us the right kind of legislation fir 1870, we shall be able t., shuw for this year •still further increased 200,000chaldrons -JleJlru Grim*. Mayor Workman and Ald. Redden and David left for Ottawa thus- morning, to re- present Montreal at a westing there to- morrow reepecting the propi.ned Canada Central Its, sus)'. It m re . Sod that Mr. Tupper ie to be to replace Gen. toy e, who •aumea chief miliary Command of the Dominion. An important legal decision. The Su- perior Court has just rendered an import- ant judgment to tenants in the ease of the Quebec Seminary no. Nitres, holding that in the event of property being destroyed by fire during ecenpation, the tenant u liable tr. the landlord for the Ion, „less be can stow nut only that every pre ration had been taken, but also how the fire oc- curred, wbich un nine cases cut of an it is almost impossible for them to do ; but such is the law. Flu'rrl"o or L aIe11A41.-TM Mini: - ter A Jolence hes ro o.l.onded the Gut - • a Ile strongly rates von, Mr. Smoot, far spec, to the exeentton of criminals in pn- rinsing "personal and un,nterl*ting met- vete. He reports that the same; so far as ter ," certainly Mr. L's inter.-afiognm.rie nutted do Canada, should be adopted by do seem like rIa•A, and make him better the Dentin ,,,,,, and recommends that the "keened" than even he him,elf would rare tulleswing rule. be made by the Governor in Council pursuant to the provisions of 32nd and 33rd %%creels, chapter 211, for regulating the exelution of capital senten- ce., that is to say :-1 Fur the sake of uniformity, the •xecutioa should take pl•ce'at the hour of8 a. m. 2. The mode of execution and the ceremoni*I attending it, to les tho gamin heretofore in in. 3. A black flag to be hoisted at the moment of execution, tip on a staff placed 0o .n elevated part of the prison, and to remain displaced for an hour. 4. The bell of the prism or, if arrangements can be Rnalefor that purpose, the bell of the pariah or and other neighboring church to be tolled for fifteen minutes before and fifteen minutes after the execution. to be. Mut not wishing to waste your time, nor put Mr. L's, courage too much to the test, I will close my attack, hoping Mr. L. well keep '`.elm.. I remain, Yenre, die " 0TER." MAST WAWANOBH. The Council met this day, (Feb. 8th, 1870) pursuant to adjournment. Present, Mean. Hells, James, McKay and (Ir. - ham. The minutes of Int meeting were road and approved. Jae Garrick, who was nominated as Auditor last meeting declined te act. The Reeve thereupon nominated Jos. Edward ss Auditor, which was approved by the Council. Meted by Mr. Janes, seconded by Mr. McKay, That 910 87 be refunded to Richert! James, for three days statute Taber. her the perform- ance of which the pathmuter's certificate was shown, and for arrear) of axes for 1882, wbich were unjustly charged to him - Carred. Thos. Anderson made applies - tion to the Council for permission to per- form his statute Jaber on his mad &cross Int No. 31, con. 2, when it was resolved Wat,atri►aoo04 n44 be allowed Haul the mad was conveyed to the corporation. Hy -Law No. 24 wee road aid paused. Moved by Mr. James, sseouded ler Mr. McKay, That there be 211 senpers provid- ed in time for the performance of statute labor, end that the members, of Council, who shall have the opportunity, inquire where they can be premiss), best and cheapest, and report at next meeting - Carried. Moved by Mr. Graham, se ond- ed by Mr. McKay, That Duncan MsKel- lar be allowed instil the first n( April next, (or until the job which he has on heed is p. .d by the Read Commi.sianter) to pay ih .ta=r, (88 112)up.n giving an approved joint ante ; and that Thos. and .las Foe - lap be allowed the mama time on the same arms -Carried. Moved by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. McKay, That Thomas Fawn be allowed five moithe to pay hi. axon (99 32) upon giving en approved joint note a beer intermit at 10 per cent. (awned. Auditors ReForiOn road an`it • tad. *Mored by Mr. James, seconded by Mr. McKay, That the Anditore each rens*,* 97 00 (tamed. Moved by Mr. McKay, esrrrndel by Mr. Graham, That We Clerk got 990 pules 1•a printed, •on- taimn. the mfMSM el Cast year, Tarwur- shert&batsen( Registration Act- berSet The Conned then adjourned, to 1 N4 on the a.eond Tuesday (8134) of Hula *tett. JAS. TISDALE, CL■R1, Perdyes P. O. <.rj(.1,_, tai e....,ilt!I'r• 0110104. • Mat, after only a fee day* flints of in- flamenstien of the leap Mr. Skop WM mierater 07 the Canada Preetriteruni Tort tot • to eta Treat erred lows.o0H111161P UNITED STA'T'ES. A "Red -Headed Map'. Hall " is to short- ly come off at Bridgeport, Conn. The U. 8. government in experimenting en •-shot that can be thrown eight miles. Carlota Patti was homed in St. Louis for refusing to lung in response to an PI.rnn. • T1 . teat. tamoered..tanda in Maine ere offered to actual settlers at fifty Beets por sere. Tempted by the love of • lwrnnet, the prior of which wait above her limited means„ & Louisville young lady last week Berri Aced her " beautiful golden hair." Pas.e•gen arriring at :len Francisco by the Pacific Railroad report that the route u clear of *new and the top is pleasant for this season of the year. 'I he Rntish iron -clad Monuoh is pry. pounced by a Yankee a oomaader too be "the most formidable and efficient itdn- clad vessel of war for seen Arsine in the world.' Estratrdinary preparatief.• aro making in San Francisco for the eelelmtt,nn of St. Patrick's day, the interest in the l.orlsiml Ming enhanced by the preeenea of the 16 Feninn prisoners who recently carped W.A.rated in a Meohamca Part Subbing. A haft Chree Itswed lately Is a general milk light, in tt • enures of which boom and Johe Gond: irer. stahhed by John INAket, .140 eb=1171111111Intifted for frIot. AYisaim. A pnntifrl Hlj�h ter lion. (k4 ITaeeday nett the Fenian refu- gees will he enartainwd ata hall, in which all the Irish organization of California will participate. Th. Ageirwlfwri3f r�Ow of w Ameri- t * I t 144&.I't1 his stock .f old fee." Drinkers of *vim may dryw their own ortweledees. measure ■pm t u subject sen ea orated for your &m oderation. Under ()wawa, Fes. 16. After the delivery of the peat Speech frond We Throne, the Commons smeaiblal til thele Chamber. All the Minister, welt. present, and the Oppoettup. was ►Ise ash represented. Hon. Me. Meilwog.tl, on entering the Chamber, took his seat ou the frost Opposition bench. The mwmiberer elected sinew last ser were introducer! and took their seats. The Premier 0,04401 to take the Spunk into arnnderatirut nett day ; whereupon Mr. Mackenzie, as loader of the Opposition, asked that the paper* showing what hd beau the coltte. of the Government on to Merl timer ' uo.toohi referred to in the Ouvevade"r0eweral's Speech, should ars* be presented to the House fur it* guano" .ud WetrUCt4ello tier_ John A Mawduu•ld promised to give all the information 'that world not pre- judlw the public service.' Mr. Mackaml urged that the .ztrawrd meal otresnutonera of the (w justitietl him in demandinall Possible particulars. Hon. Mr. Holton Jwaad in the demand, and, admitting that the production of papers at soak • fraud might be aontr•ry Go nsual rosettoe, 04.4• tended that the nature of the case required • departure froni the ordla.ry rule. Sir. J A. Mscd.nsld alleged that English precedents did not soviet(.., the averse at' needrmo{pitsi4. hot by the hon. gentle nw promised that everything should be done to put tins Hoes in • psltton to judge .1 the matter fairly. Bir John A Msotlonald moved the usual Routine motion for ph. teatime of those engaged til punting the Parliamentary papers, and also for the appointment of the Standing Cuwuutte.., after which he moved the alp, trnment tit the Huse. The Heusi raw at 4:211. OTr*wa Feb. 16, The Hutto meet at 3 o'clock. Mr. Mc- kenzie awbnutted a petition from the Lake .(Two Montan Indians for restoration of lands and removal td !'mesa of bomin• .ry. kr. Helton drew the •ttntiom of the Hoar to the question of N r Mcl),..gail s seat. 1f he .ng legally appointed to and accepted tee office of Governor of the North West, Has position .as • very pet. • as .03410 -la ' erterrllnRa.a"tr --tet•(: were struck he would move that the paper* arnnected with the appointment be no ferred to the Committee on privileges and elections. Mr. Mackenzie naked ohs the departmental reports would be published. Bir. F Hincks could not say]. Sir Alexander (,alt Suggested that the House should ed• jour' toll to rrow for the discussion of the address. Mr Mackenzie said the up position was always prepared to proceed with business, but if tie Government specially wished an adj.urnment,hwwmld not object. On try• uijtloa of Nor John Meodoeald, the •oos,dorstion of the speech was deferred till t crow and the House retie at 10 minutes to b. Poisoned. The wife of M.-. R. Rotate - kir of Port Beraell, *as Le ally poisoned Ratiirday night last by tat ong sir) elevens. given by her horehand, as us at present sop - reed, by misteke. An Squeal was hold. Ti wee evidently nerwees, le omoser ton that Goa Railer and Mr 116111164/1 CAM IkibActitt eidvikaht". In the ermteive in block- y& t the fbor of irertreen". rer- an/AO mer 4410.-14411 11108irlie.•414:4°. U,1111 as hest Mot isys of the re tan them. 11 thaw things as es " easy the ftnaaa." we should wow& our hew* figlitie., faro dealers and crown bourite. -'L N 6611;r4.1‘111"'acn k-e-ezie -For 611 address to th• Ouvernier-General f..r • copy of the comma - mon issued to Mr. Maodougall, mid copies of all correspondence connected with the astabluffiment of • Canadian government tu the North-West terntory. Mr. Mackensio-For an address for oopiee of correspondence on the new Mum - Mr btaekenzie- -For sin address revisit ing the oonstructiou of a reed to the North - Mr Maakensie-For an &detrain" fief copes ot the correepondenee,,Lc., placed before the Dotninion arbitretors, with the evidence taken by them and their award. blr Mackenzie- For copies of the cor- respondence between the Dominion govern- ment and the Indiana of die MoURIKM110 respectuig the surrender or sale of their bfr Mackenzie- For copied' id instruc- tions to yore sent to the North -W eat, donee between the Imperial aud the QUM- dist' governments respecting the late.- p.ice• t. of the proceeds thereed. Blals--For an address for spies of all Orders an Commit anal of all toorresposd• Immo between the Imperial and Canadian governments and between the Ossetian and Primer illewersk USES reessinesents- and between the goy ornments of Canada end Bntish Columbia, touching lb' ed. elision of Prince Edward Island. or of British Colombia, into the liana, aud terms of such admission. Mr. Blake -An address for copies of all Order* in Council said of all Wsr/sq..1%- governments and between the governessno -of caned& and any of the proviness,toesh. Mg any legislation of any isi tbe provinces --including any instructions to hisisoel- lency on the subject of provincial lispele- tioM'Er. Bleke---An eddies for spier of all ow -respondence between the government& of Canada soul Neva 80otia., smashiny the, provisions of the act respectieg Nova. Mciitia and for a statement id all teasel**, paid thereunder, with the &fire of scab in▪ titeded 'Rh Act to Bait tire rote oi- stir esatetket el people tw Ike Ware ard Kir John A MeeffiellE4.--A bill for Me looms um. btu . silky for the with the wetherised ipatairmisd hook at seer Ilhesethes,""Alcree le lemilhir main of Geetlreteli of ate &mato end riettfreotett of• elm Hone of Otermetole• :- The act respecting the militia and der fem.@ of the Dominion has not failed to 1.111M0 my attention. The high spirit and loyalty of the people se plastid in a elear light h• the feet Dail the Ileti•tt Militia hes volontarily seine forward largely in asaeaa of the quota required, se well ea by at the annual training in tho camps, sad Ity the promptneas with vehicle they asses - bled in fors et the call of duty, en more than rine occasion, whoa rattan marinades thrstosed the pease of illieentstry. 1 have observed with gnat eatisfaseine the efforts which has bees made be several of the Provisos of the Dealiges to foster and eitontirme noisratiso tar ere peNtie Ones in meal paramours.* mew sr La - work to Inrira!vii=eourraws, forward ir be Mise audi austussa 1 6:: lahl"...11:1"1"."101 1 gibar :Mull dilliwwit Prim !.. * -el Me the sod at Hallfes I Mg the hewer of reeent- "nig 1.../'