HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-2-17, Page 4The Moe miry y elute L11417 '`.11t1,.:. J . . l orale tit s/I .yin 1••.r cern k Asdl{ neeperthilty MonFhr t.d, ae•lr )wbw, Nebo. Ileum n .A_ yal.•Nero rhe "Id areal.•4..4 aI ewtwwe And ams r•tuna around threw comes dreary and eh u, tr►• al,..,. then, 011' tint •►edit Men?. • T.. recti mei, I row tura 'yeti my wispy' sod Me thee, • ries; M tor ...ht of my Yen u mum sore. • • I y ....eh It.... h.. e • Jr worms 1 .4 rd, W lneep• I...a I roe • .mw ►••h ' -parr -fe / ' ' 1 wort enrc may( py r frit! .w iuuhr • tDltl' ( ,1• d/ Iv W ewe Ye l ne mr heart a1/1 11.•r. o.er-ww•4.aa. The esel •• .• at* rite sl. they tie.. r', e 00 e.7 IMO . •..t owls mu P • troll ,r tltoo bead the I .n•nes put wY 1 4_ t. w bra 1 m. 1►r ' Cu`d tat Inlet/v., coat tall spun r,r 1 Y. 11.10,21;1.4.. 0,21 m el t Mere h, heagnwa, But Chir ry•r Intl. t\u.(e, Ihm new all beetle and woo.Aida ., I. W Moose them leathrn ere sortingP • Y•r) \4.,d J. sow,. 1., hot eh,, ..4 rows 10 YN r d t4 btu v hale htrhrn. ' Rates te, r4. ono ..Ler d.dr kesWat teeIv.at .Je,d.•Yr 1 The) a '. Idt a .. • ho.110 re1N rte tau Aod .ad «r► w deli-., pm .1.n.' b IN dock 11 .e 1Lr ooh a ...oh ....t. gJema r,eammed, ls enrpl-". • ■'.Ili 1 ..r.. p Shod the .tee h. • 1 Meese 1 bow w►u have Me km acre You n ILA am emporia" forever Mac. W.g appear oh rNenta( e.4. dant, _ Ad rhe inners iota/' path.. 1.ver•h*wy p r•. w... .new . T. • mea rt •Name wale choke%( -Leri weer. LITTLR AMY. 'Look hero, little intim; where are you go- ing 1 You should ora be on the etr.et /.0111.' Little Amy looked into the motherly Lcis of toe questioner, bet she did out •n- ewer. She was • baskfl.I hill, thing, ..nly four yew -sold. 8he..tci1y looked three, she was s, little. It is crowing dark,' *manhunt the kind neighbor. 'It will hnight .00,ard the'. pmwill get lost. tun hone, that's • good girl.' 1 is going alter my papa,' said the child. 'Oh ! now yon can't find him. See how full the streets aro. Tito horsed will run over you. Let me lewd y..0 home to your mother. Your papa will arum home post - We Nth thwftK}st ltd hurl. in hers, but the child pulled it away, and pushing put her, ran rapidly down the etr.eL 'Alt ! well,' sighed the woman, taking op a heavy basket of clothes that she had set down on the sidewalk white alasalcin to little Amv, 'I have no time to run .lx ter her His most take her chance. 1 hope she'll come to ng harm, for -there! ahs. gone into Meg Quinlan s rum-bole.- Hhe'e after her father -the loafing wretch --letting his family starve; std he earning more then any man 00 the street" The woman was right -little Amy was looking for hue father ; and,oung as mho wr, mere baby, she knew whero to look for him. Nr was sitting before the fire in the low drinking 'toll., half stupefied nth the,. liquor he had taken Mar his fly's work. He was • large atruugly-built man, with moo, ec, oand11. manner, and • disposi- tion e, 41 hopeleitily obIl lmging. We say hopeleo.ly, Larose it was this same amia- ble trait m mea NUM orgy to those who would rein him. The rum -seller. in this cats, was a big, noisy Ir,ah woman, with • very rod face and a very dirty oars. She had • loud, harsh voice, which WAS lend at AILMIOnned by her (resilient riots to thi denies . There were a number of man lied women in the room, g..reg thr.ugh the venous 1t of intoxic•tina; Sons silly, some sullen, Some quarrelsome. But the maa before the Bre, little Amy's father, .at apart from the rat, and did net seem to see or hear anything •roved hon. 'Don't go to'tape there my man,' said Meg Qndlan, Firing him • rough push. 'Yell be pitch..' ea the stove rat. Move, an' ye're alive till 1 set off the kittl..' Little Amy stole noiselessly into the an room d crept upbetween her father's knees just r the huge dinner pot was set on the berth. The Dover ems half off, and the child, who hail eaten nothing all day, gavel h tngrly into it, with an intense longing for some of the contents. A large heed of cabbage was simmering ..n the top, sending its appetising odor out into the noon, and giving • pleasant reminder w idlers who happened te an an . on 01 their own to rtake MI yob o voweor effort of whiskey for wothi • tf PW et ry dr ricnptl1 Dr. .1 'Ai.yaetrwm •• la kis .IAulloeeat • : • - . • • ' . New 9L.1. A iltlur 11.7 PourNor akin 0• Ja Ltf ...u..y ' which ..-many fears ban been tu- n *Wei, hese.. in.. +r ! Yhl+i y .1r . l .. { z'r$ }:" !' ° . !7''.", r./aNaet . ^'+a •--tee "tie t senium Ole6rsllea 1Wtkia the !les;' l'...•i 11taa.altt. ►. tlaa>,yluta uRr• M Cwt• time but • Lel mutton Mai homes, cut It 7 e a • u no atm. He knew that all hie earnings --and they were not small- were stent in that VIM room, and that the cn?booard at home was empty. So he sat dill. Little Amy leaned over his knee to get a little nearer to the dinner ant, and then she reached out her pit little hand, and with her tiny fingers picked a bit of the to .w.. Nlsrah and New Zealand Qovanmenm is app•r- - i.. uwewb esM t10.17waa, Im1.as, flea R1B1, The at hums like • gums u min dmelares, aubtaha rlweMel tow. at m 07 J un.p Gar Then u no mon g,unagg wt in the wild artily drawing to an 'oda A battle is re. .-t,,• It... ubraly r dk.n.d. .eiia! la l.t coact itttts to era fur otb.r pwpple. she 1'"rttd to here taken piaci betwul n Meade 41e1.,.d.an*WW1. Soddy Wren. Mb plenty of t work et Lowe ; for 11 x,ries and the Colonial forces, th, latter For Colds. emelt, assaults onsaismir ..4.0 ietie Aniy baa baby brother now, who is tom •i•' ing of • nixed (orae of ostlers and the delight of 01..w.a .ben r,L CIN.! end Loy.. w J Ortega Myst mid Lung Healer 1s a ourWt rod MOM Se r heart. He u . big fel Ihngh.11. Tho• hostile Maorie. wee 00th- dv. 0.1,1 by Uru.teb. bee for •nab) atter the patter* of Ter- pIuWl rthruwn, and driven from Ili( r.wo, hu father -iso bevy fur Lir te tilt, peps W ova which they La I .trenched thew bet a perpetu•Itouotetnut jay, uolrlth- e tahiliselves -Thirty a•ven were killed, and Bed of alt, her paresis lead her quietly •e • woen rtaprison, the intointhe beer of God on the holy Sabbath, remaining wen escaping into the woods. and listen threader .iib unquestioning The loader of this bated was s olliefoftbs faith, to the *mug truths et the repel of lame of Te Koote, who had p'eviounly Christ. This is the sweet promos o1 the show'. himself active amongst the Native future. tell insect y. Ile eaped along with the other ell little Amy's story Y I herd it °r aped but the moral ,(Coot of dee vie- myrlf, not a week ago, from • wain ill be great. erpreislly amongst the hound Irish woman, who is my fiend.- tory . She is Relearned, and I have been obliged wevtron, of whom thwu wen seven) to treselatn ler brogue into plainer Eng- natives of iufiur0oe, who now! apreae a tisk, but 1 here given you the facts of the wish 10 make terms with theBritish. own wdhrout alteration. Matrimonial Hun. From Packard'. Monthly for February. Out of a handful of gnaint anecdote., apropos 01 marrying and givtug in marri- age, which we find -epee our table this month, we select the following An old tgnornmua, lately ela=ted Putties of the pesos, .as applied to by a couple to perform the marriage ceremony for them. The fnnottonary had received grand ideas of the dignityd importers of hu otos, and though and hal a, definite idea of haw the Y to be time be verily believed that it was after SONS form- al and impressive faahien, and that its legality would depend entirely upon iia formality. He kept the its Cant oen ,le waitingr the threehuki of doublm- blussed•eas lar quite nn hour, while he thsmbed over hie 'Justice Assistant' ler a precedent ; but ending none, 1.41 observ- ing impetisroe, his slammed the book to- gether and desperately exclaimed : John nglit hands ! New Intim to ms. I want you to understand, before you go any further, that you have now undertook the mint important undertaking that you ever undertook te undertake -,but hang the thing-=yfe-kauw what I moan. I per aroma yon ran and wife. Alva me tww dollars and clear out.' Another magistrate of our aoquaintanca, was of • different .ort -an intelligent nun --but se inordinately fond of his joke that no olficul eat? or dignity oonld fully re- strain him. It Was hie fr. jeent practice, up ou marrying a couple o/ palpable ver- dancy, erdancy, to eonclu.le the ceremony with a charge to the newly .tarred pair, which uniformly began as follows It is very important, my young friends, upon setting out .pun the ra of matri- mony, that you should have • little good advtos addressed to you. I deem it the more important, because 1 hays known young people to .tart out with pros te quite as fair •a yours and ,,J making dr m4 mtjw4 of fhnwarlicca.' ( ice are ll'.h1', years Isidore the Pacific Railroad had.an- nohllated the 'Far West,' has been thus described to u. : .'here -a rate fr4t. The magistrate in his shirt slayes, busily plying the ho.. Enter two candidates for matnmony, who follow him closely alone the row. Tb. magistrate at first pays no attention to them. 'Be you the squire r the ye.th ask.. 'Yee.' And the ho. Mees and falls faster than ever. 'We want to be married,' the youth des- perately exclaims. Well, .hot up, darn yon, till I get to the end of the row. I'm mounting the hil Is Thus admonished the twain follow him anxiously Meng, hand an head, until the end of the row u reached. 'Twenty-seven, twenty eight. Now, dere you, stand up hon ;' and the squire loans for the moment upon his hoe handle. 'Do you (to the yonth) solemnly swear, by thunder, to lake this woman for your wife r 'Yes.' 'Do yew (to the girl) Solemnly swear, by thunder, to take thus man for your hus- band 1' 'Yes.' 'Then I .wear, by thunder, you are man aad wifel' The effect of this turn in events will, doubtless, be most salutary, and give • great impetus to emigration to New Z'a- land-a oouotry whose climate is found 1) be most congenial to Europeans, and which, Iron the geographical situation and asrrollpdinits, is Dot likely to be dis- turbed by ootaide political infiueuooe. malting Gatti*, The importenos of properly feeding salt to cattle to promote health, and thereby gnarl against disease, is not sufficiently appreciated. I have ever been.n to the practice of giving kelt to wv cattle once a week, precisely to a dav, with the follow- ing exceptions, vis., caber they first ge to pasture in the spring and the first part of 10wmer they want it oftener, and w1D Wt ma know it by gem; to the place when I usually .alt them and gnawing the ground. 1 then giv. them *alt twin. • week ; but asth.rt bowels are loose from eating fresh grass, I give a smaller quantity. Dnriag the last forty years, or mon, 1 have kept COWS and horses through seasons when black -tongue, hoof -ail, and other diseases Mended throagbout my neighMHh.nd, at - which tune 1 d gitiag salt 1 have during the peer- ed 1 now naim the statement that Ihave ver bad a cue or horse •fleet &bgaer prevudiny di..., untoes you may gill this I bought a cow two and • half uient4• before tl of the late w,w direr, and 1 kepi. a clow watch of my corm the cow that I had recently bo*ght had s crack sena her anse,bnrisrm- tal, between herds•. -claw mod hoof, which I should not hare noticed at any other time,,but that healed in lel. than • week. 1 tare new rated tut ; draw your own conclusions. Ifth. dreaded rinderpest should ap- proach us i should rely with • great deal of confidence upon t . e WAY. In ku.d/ New Yorker Death or George D Prentiss. (horgr D. Prentice, of Louisville, Kee - lucky, the wittiest. but one of the most intemperate, editors in tie. Uoiled States, been released by death from • life which- bad became very wretched. For nearly forty years he hu been • sue awful editor, politician, poet and wit, but all there varied Dowers did not enable him to withstand the licensed spoiler - strong drink. ile wan a native of Coo- Dectirut■oa • graduate of Brew. Uni- vereity,.he enmmeneed journalism inlierto ford, but rumored in 1831 to Louisville when bit paper, the Journal, became the ablest organ of the Whig party. Though unfaithful to humanity on the question of slavery, he was laiibfu. .o .iM ..nrdii throughout the civil war, and did excel- lent service in moulding publido opinion aright during those long and dreary years Of conflict. Ironed FM 1..111a•Inn Comm Beton, Bed hall. dr ,•n will. el) . (rad Ly Me UPS of In J Brim. Al. akin 1'blab.c 1hN Rrm,edy Ls. ,.ars ....pound Munlee and nod .. dor. tad, ter fade 1. ,4. ondimrw10,•h.11,trwrw anMMMMt e and u ter 'moon. nab le o.00l ly nave. .wt yah kit Gaud Ply 4.1. W l Bosse AWerrwr. an ...Inane Hewed) for 4mth a/1 pun NW Iamae mold by Drum. net. or .1 B0a.' .tlleranwr. 1.r the C... of Catarrh. Scutal,.., lt►rumauret kr., u0 trehala In . thorough trial of Its tartan, all .411a.ks..eteu.e II. e uprrionty roll by'womb... Ir with nip you acv tench ..laid, Awl sought 4n • cure in vain Use Brim Ills Remedy e. almntd Ti. will both health and 11,000s .male. Dr J Bei...' t Co, No. t Lay Street, Rat Tomato Dr J 141.' ole namely rm•knowldgd by all who hare tried It (and their sac. le Leib.) to be the boot, most .nrc7 et0I and ,n.wru.a Reaeely ever used Na NW .ilii. Wald by Oroesl.ta. All Perprwl5.l.1{ from PIM Intern!, Bleeding, litter 1. et Itching PIM, will be 1..mAukly Mitred d events&ly cured by trey 11. lingo' PIM Remedy Boni by l,nlggtst. Sn.ent. from Corea Runlona, Bad .•/ .Ile. •W .. l., torturing •f•letwa, nl'hlll•atmi, an well vm.vad• eel w nes Ili J Brim, well two, Cuntive for retain reBdMd posnmec.re. bold by Druggist, Cbmon -fives ley Dr .1. SM..' Throat .eel 1.teg 11.1. It 111 relieve .0.1 cure you Pur all Dammam of the Tanrt, Chat, rod Lunde, wallies coat wry.. Is bensInai Wale. Hold by Droop. Tees Commissioner of Plibli Works Public h Y leaned his Report far 1869: It retains little that is new. Engravings of Our Howland's palace ; and the Asylum. at Toronte, Linden, and Beltsville emheilish the pamphlet. in looking at the elegant aspect (on paper) of the London Asylum, one cannot but regret that a better site had net hewn chosen and better material used. The London building aid gronnd., with its plashing fountain, were evidently phi _ tngraphed from imagination. auction & Commissient . COODF,RIOH •OLIN'ToN I tn,bHahed 18412. DALES of Miscellaneous Property is OoJ•rich even Salon:My, ■ad a CWW every Wed- ■ erley. Mu.eyadwaroe.l On Property Irl Imined...e w ile .,d prompt return. made. Fern atm•e and whey Nei. puntaeallyatteed- ed to throughout the r.rbry, O.M. TRUE Auction Men, wan Markel *Wan,Oudeneb WESTERN EXCHANGE, LUCHNOW MY. AlfDABW DO1001, rlOrurron. E'IRR'r-CLASH acoommodation. The table issupplied with all the delicacies of the season ; and the bar with the host brands of limon and Cigars. w20 MRS. DAYS'. HOTEL t'RoXETas. • ON the direct road from Se•fortb to Walkerton. Nrery modation for the travelling Deistic. HANNAH DAYS. i/reiMiff'p1Nl. 1.-19•T:"_ .. .d THE LANCASHIRE PIKE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. CAPITAL, £2,000,000 STERLING. The,- Silver DOBottlt7. II Tone. Ce ..timnrm. wAMY* dioaln, Wu M eanhHud.n bmn,(late rles. of the Lopas bsrr) .n deer o, A Circnlarinlad by Sir Francis Rinks •kierse4..4•lase 'rT...e rberba.1Me to Me , and others. in re- ference to the silver question, proposes w Meet for o.Mrlrh that atter a day fixed by pruclamation, silver shall be legal tender only at the fol -I' R$DERiCR ARMSTRONG, lowing rates • Fifty, twenty fireten and , f Dean Swift is said to hare preached three anniversary sermon, before the Merchant Tiler's Compare from the texts m -" Steal no en , ; ' Yet • remnant shall he reed :" " There were Iles in all _ their boarders ;" sad it is added, somewhat superfluously, that the three sermons gave catchers.- greeth t offence to . listeners. '1,11 tache ye to stale, ye ►w.gar'a brat,' A would-be wit asked his uncle if the screamed the woman, catching hold mf tolling of a bell did not put hum in mind Amy's arm, and shaking her in spite of her of his latter end. " No, air," he replied ; father's hold on her. " bit the rope puts me in mind of yours." He started op (rout his seat with a defi- ant link on hi* foes that she had never seen there before. The nine's soul was aroused. 'lett the child alms,' he said. 'Tn.eh her agar, d yo. dare. Can y not gee it.. Misr is starring the Jay 1 r1 r' the otbernpfisd, " 1 wish to gild. - Two Dundee citizens were overheated ravening in the street regarding th Ecu menial Conned. "Well, John, Said one, " what d're think o' this Eoonomie- a1 Opened in Rome l" " Rome ! did e "11=11=11100#161041:4• J4. ++4+ mg it an offence to pay out silver at higher rata. Meantime, the Oovernme■t will export three millions of silver, et Bre per cent. on the first million, 64 percent. on the second, and 6 per cent. on the third. In order to supply the void caused by the removal mf American silv.r,amillion dollars of fifty and twenty -flee omit pieces will be track at the Royal mint. While this is being done, fractional Dominion notes of 26c. will be Maned, redeemable in gnld,in sums of five dollars. A Bio B.4IDor..-A French engineer hu made plans for a bridge 'erre the e..British channel, from Dover to Cabal; en The dirtsnee is about eightemiles, and !hero ore to be ten spans of surly two miles earh: The piers are to be built on shore, an I floated to the appointed spot by reins of buoy., and then sunk and firmly fastened. The piers are an &instructed that the water lows through them with little resistance, and they are also to be e■ provided witn'dairoa■, np which should a vessel run foul of the struotura, the marines can ascend and take th. Bret trnin home. The plan of the proposed bridge has been ■ppproved by the beet engin,ers, both in Primes and England and a model of it is to be ereeted over the lake in the Bois de Boulogne at l'.ris. 'An' who a to be Mauled for that Name, nese we mile bad an Economical Louisan Torrence Maloney l Who wt peril, y. 1n Du.dr 1" peril, bon fool r 'You soy trim, Meg Quillen,' rid the an., mreaching for his hat, and buttoning his neat as he spoke. 'An' it's the ford's wages as has paid for ynnr cabbage this teeny • day. i11 do 14 no more. Comm, Amy, .she ; there'll he cabbage for yrs at home after this ; and mate loo 1 m tkiuking. A derisive la.gh follnwfd him as betook the child in his arms, and strode out of fit 'He'll be back far his dram directly,' said the wnmaw, laughiw . 'it'll be a long day Indere hill go te bed without that.' But he did not oe.e beck. flay after day pawed by and Terrence Maloney did not ince ct'.r.• the vile threshold. Not a word did he say to kis wife of his gond re - Deletions. He watched her going and onm- ing to her work with a worn and ditto -our WATCH AND P11•11, -The congregation of a well-known church in the `bath of Scotland has recently hadurrderdiseuriow the question of the proper attitude in prayer. Jamie M.-, rather a character in the town, being asked by • lady .t the eowgrogation if he,want.d to conform blithe recommendation of the minister that all should kraal, replied very emphatically, " LH.I a bit wall 1 kneel. The Bible rya, " Watch and pray.' an' heo an enybah watch ern their knese, w,'their e'en stook itf 14•, aa : 1'11 jnst stand an' glower Mend me as I has y. dune," Here is the .hornot of the IYt song at i• London 1 saw Rua kissing Kato And the fact is we all three maw ; For i rev Esau, his saw me, And she saw 1 saw Ern. aged leek sn her fres, which was S. big►t That is very troth like what we enee and 1. Mil rad sheet a loot ration fiddler who said Pp! six !ears •gee : but M •and of his (Intl tool : "'Of all the saws 1 .ver nothing to cheer it until Hatnnley even- saw eau 1 River rw a „in a tvdju that inn ing, when his wages for the week were pee. - Then, after sending helm (mei end feel, he entered the Mg. with a feeling that he had recovered in part his lost manhood, and hada right to speak. Little Amy true him first. Oh, papa 1' she exclaimed, who hd me moon* inial e: 'there's such • lot d good things an,...-- iSop• perienes at Dot mammy aaya they can't belong to ns ' .,acct : 'be a wasp, •Rin then 10. eau 'Arrah, bed they do belong to 114., glen- natl. They're all your awn, (torah dear ' he said to bat site, .hu was drearily look- liiht7red tt70 ieetsfwa 1t1 jiss_gjees_ee and ash-" • 'Now, sprain' you wash's he tatted into an aaimal,' said Jim, 'what wonlA ynel like M b., Balt' 'Oh, rd bea lien,' retied easo--"Oh, Sill, 'brans* he'. eoOh, en, don't he a hew, Hill,' i.temlpted little Tom sting the school -master. Mr, Hodson, of Napoleon, Ohio, has "Boge" 01 th lhim. The paper yonder has the ht cab- • ',near. on bags for the dinner to-morrew. Yell not "Magi' 10. Inca, paper ova ..• rest to steal it, aru:k.' I eaemendable in matter, fall of love to Amy clapped her Mauls, nock little, pale hands, and langhed gleefully. Yemei.4 my heart. PB kiwi ye boa i1Lp.tly, War hes inflated terrible suffering (n Maar fear.' I the f .rag,ayen people. An eyewit••r, 'Oh, thin, Terrenne, man,' said !forsh I recently renamed, says that starvation and bantiag into a fit of mingled laughter and 1 theories nekednees are hr from being the voyage. •11I jiat alio we Joy.' I euaeptinn. At night t1e plasma and Nr ye wont, not for east, either ; you squires and sidewalks of the slreat are will esti. it's the bit Ieseie'. doing.' And thea he Mid the mishit story elf lit - Amy'. theft and ptlniehment. 'I'll not let ye. Nate D. hey null M Qmlla., the maw0 o.td critter,' he The,..0 t d • happier IMMO is Aeon- nnehbas►eetrTm Iat.rdq wigkt. ' A*BrU it res Clete 401it mss .eta he arserMa>t Pri.ee Arthur as en Friday evades at M r Piro run1 w . rime he has einthe charity a y hall 1. New T,ek, God and man, and was alleviated to maim *FINN whohwrd it b,tter'f;hristians rad better entices." the dormitories when hundreds of the unfortunates Ise down N rest. -th. 1 reprwt of Jay Aowld, ]resi- dent at the Err Railroad, shill that the onraiwr .f the rood .,re *early 119,1111, hl.!w ISM thee le ink het the ttaaeq tsensl titrrsLtlallli iti Ittarmi.m 7a1.J pavem,nte, h•nsetb.ah■eawddi,Meslde. • A NLN WHITMAN!, FOR WALLa.- Moak noefoo.th of a pound of glue over eight in tepid water. I be next day put the veer! in • kettle of water over the fire, keep it there till it boils, and then stir till the glue is dl.olved. Next put from air to eight pounds of Paris white into another yawl, add hot water end stir until it hes the appearance of milk of lime. Add the eising, stir well, and ip. ply in the ordinary way while still warm. Perim white M sulphate of beryls, and may bo fund at any dig or paint store. Stents* PALL. -Alma! every veer old visitors of Niagara Falls alatethat they find the Cataract receding and gfviw` way ill many pros.. The Rochester (hien, yr, the Horeb -.hoe Fall hr .red in some 30 fat, and now ha* the traps of a Awie _7L Ft ` ther..7ht that 'Mtree nr malt have fallen down at that wpM Mena, awl .0 habitees here are taking land marks to wetter. the recession that may take plane before anmther year. The Amerman Fall has evidowNy•rotten way at pni.nta to • entteidenMe e,te.A There is away and falling bank, het the present reeseeien i. probably the greatest ever retested by any eine generation. --Thi heavy toe fields which pass ever it in the spring, the roam( earner and .....I... wear and tear of time and the mighty thundering ewtar.N. ,...4 Imevitaltly tell heavily upon the reeh• areat of the grand .ad (brine. Ilrate.ss quantities of iia -plat. req.irtd fag N. Wade e/ Bastrm. Nota steamer or vessel arrived Perim Liveipned gg .gw 44ohllwt *thou dl tier grew. Imo, nessely width • fen pen, owing M the' enormous intension mit the peeking and r'.wrving tads. Nif F". ',Pc) i.1EN I), A pat for the (Lola landed Credit Co , 'P 4..i uls to r Stale. Crown Land Patents taken out. Debts Collected. 0.4.rtd. Det. th .w.. nN-tf 1860.1 HENRY GRIST, 1868.] PATENT SOLICITOR .8 DRAUGHTS- MAN, OttahAPo, Craraacia, TRANSACTS MINIM WITH 711R PATRNT Orne and alar Devenmsne. ..f the ,Mrerament mT Corrunwn ..m rue ■natemanrw m Tsai aw.Dunmire ux e n-URrn { IMenon., awl other Ikrn,Mats as, miry to Pain.. o-. lateen, prepared. nwlpt of Martel of Me 1.,.a Ottawa, Dement ISN 7 OrtilskteLpon suips WINDOW BANDS ! '11 `OTALLY exclude COLD, WIND. RAIN and DUST from Non and .1 Windows of every descriptioo. These invaluable strips HAVING BLOC, the '1'113OST For SeVen Years On some of the finest public and private buildings in the United States and Canada, 01141 no further recommendation. Mir Principal Depot 234 Broadway, New York. H. GARDINER & CO., Market Square, Oodericb, Ont., Agent for Heron used Bruce. .43,1 Ood.rieb, November 16t12, 1869. PARSER& CATTLE Now Marble `tirorks FOR SALE. THAT V LICLLLI'T 411? OF w11,D LAA 1l,TORI. 11 IA 8T., OODERICIeau.. r MI N,ka, eta Lal w anwel. -. '«.-w_r •,mss hemi •--e .'- Yd • wmUoa. Wooer iitt rad, also' nerw-Olu est the 044. gad, al y q ileya.a It M calf • mile now Shot o t 4.•r IDU. and D roil. kuru roil, for p.u..ry .Leap o to MR. ARIIRTNOIIU,(tudcr tL, Sept. T. MN A. Al, .lerltnrato t1OHU1IENTS, H$AD8I-C NEN, 't M 1111 tope Pots, he ,Tombs, of every dawnlion and style of workmanship, furnished on short notice and at the lowest prices. Lib, rel reduction made for cash. All orders punctually attended to. Designs of Mor ants, kc,, ma, be wen at the shop. Dodsncb. Dee. 19, 1866, w47.1 WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC OEO NELIIM to their superior atuek Of EtlliB, TOBACco£s, 8L C., tStGC7.a Also having just received a Mrge supply of NV I N 1 h1 Aar I. I Q U O I2 SI, Take great plea/ere in recommending them for purity and flavor, which cannot be surpassed fur medical or family ete. Goderich ,Nov, 30, 1869. PARKER & CATTLE. GODERICH- WOOLEN gA (KNOWN AS PIPER'S MILLS) -T, INGI- LItit nc !k3t)NS. RESPECTFULLY intimates to farmers and others that they are prepared to fib all orden in ROLL CARDINC, MANUFAC1 URtNC; Cloth Dressing, Custom Spinning. Dyeing, Sdinette, Fulled Cloths, Winceys, Flannels, Blankets, 1)n the shortest notioe. Parties wishing to exchange tkeir wool for goo.l home mad, goods, will find it to their iutereit to give no • call, :isfiel goods you require. Parties coming from a distenos with wool to get carded may in nearly every instance rely on getting their wool bomo with them the tame day. w A(.L WORM WARRANTED. Ooderich Woolen Factory, June 8th, 1869. .11 TM List Ay4Z PROVED RESTQ RER -AVORITE IIAIR D RIESSiNG )cwpstyre in OIC$otat BY ITB USA Grey or Faded Hair to g4. ckly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first application a beaatifhl glass and delightful fragrance 1s given to the Hair. It will sue Hair to grew on Bald Spots It will promote lutariaat growth, FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. lend by all Draggista Price One Dollar. Itanafaetared by 8. B. VAN DOZER A CO. Wholesale Draggiata. 35 Barclay Street and te Park Place, hew -Tort, and 846 High Holborn, Radon. Bug. JUST ARRIVED. 1 MADAME TAYLOR. With Her Groat European herb Remedy NEW STAND, NEW GOODS !TH(>ah:waerteaIMF •'oneempnun,Rheuma- ham, beads. pepme, behe. I oda of Ap- 4 nettle, .4 " Prams Catarrh nod Not ee n see Heed. are .deiced to try Ihu Yemedy, in sat -Hlhur. LIMN. cad Stomrb Compel., 11 send. when others '.J, lot ewer .rad ague. enN I.rrme■Id'L•YIMC•a THE NUMBER ONE CROCERY STORE. rheglEO(..one k,111r.Ihr.mdriecommaseed M wall prove . W not miller when you can set sage, by condo.( Maitre Taylor, 4.1 room No R. Colborne Hotel. Codereb Ladle. on.dc to call veal be etlended et their .Ara al... arw' iamb. 101.4 Ans. IMen. w 17 NI;W IRICI M!! F.E USION! MILD NOT TRU, HISOLD pI11RrDiARDCUSTOM LMTHAT 111 ALWAYS KLLn1 1110V1N0 FOR ward, enlarging N. era, hrr.el.g his tacn,tk•, .ml, .s far as ...patlm with muetalnly the veil heo.. wpenor (octopi of Me gad., Lowering him /snore His bucca. tuns grown yearn year. tM Ieased amount be tarns... amble. him 4. re Maar the pmatye of peullt. SWUM. patronage be hl. Moen.. Mdse him w belinetat be COMPARES FAVORABLT'WITH ANY STORE iN THE SAME LiNE. To enable*. further 10 eel.r.e ole hurl nes. ht. Mmde he re rented and anted up to In swat eare,le.t canner The Large Brick Stare l■ Ilartaa'a Black Hamilton Street (DETLORM OLD STAND) Where. septets tow the .W famine hew.. ".4 .rel. .,Arlt an Memnon nem 1 already THE BRIGHTEST SUGAR EVER OFFERED, ALL THE FAVORITE BRANDS OF LIQUOR, '1"11111•: I3hfel'i' W INE, ALE AND PORTER UNRIVALLED SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. .And all the other neewe.rl . of bonnet..ping. The ..,'.- meet of ernetery, Lem. Re., k r,.T •rtenmve .rad varied. watering everything boom ornamental Chins to plain .nd.e.N1 010..war,, all e0te►. from his enlarged .nl.non. 1/ rat .u.pl.y.A that ovenAes variety rhe nen et • glen.. e.rr P.niool.r attention Ie paid a heretofore• to the wiener and Fred department. D. I M h)s 000try customer, Me laid 1n • sleek rat tWTAPLE DRY I-OODS. Nob . (1Plain Tht. Plain Ooal,, rnfbm., Flaa.•1.. Infringe. Pita.0 , 4e. .14.,.11, will be fm o4 a„wllent In many and .lilt In lo. ,"r Porn Pendent. r aeon, trim le exchange for 40.04. •t 4.. ,alae. D. 1* ventures rnna.l.n(ly to men that. ell Moon.. 10 hl. NONE WILL CO AWAY DISSATISFIED. Ooderich, Sept. 9th, 1869. 1133 KMAi1.I. & THEM MARKET GROCERY North Si..e Market 'quare. - i. cL. 0 la II.AND X' D 137 D OF ALL KINDS. ARCHITECTS. ' Pr ISR and epee Meat Mng. nk.one of Ba1ser got up In mot • and cornet Wyk. t?' Ore* over J. C. D•thw Co'e atm. nM1r1N. May 1e, INN E3Y P11. +'et03I WHERE DID YOU GET THE FRESH SEA FISH ? A T MI. S X DT Cal- Er s, TTL hes Ilaeldneb, roe. 4..1 1.0 ..ers heel. Also nth., aknth.,.444.7..-t Honing, Yarleoeth .45001000, Fl,., HotdlM, FRESH OY$TERQ I wgnl.uat. Age ■■TALI., AT A very Targe Stock of Crockery. tgplendid China Beta. GENERAL pROCERIES O! All Kindle, CHEAP AS THE CHEA PEST Platform and Counter Scales of best make bN) Lt ILIA I . RbBINSON & YATES. Ooderieb, Sept- 4llth, 1868. .47 '1' i B IF: (' A N A 1) A E'- 7,...r.,74.7.7....,..',.,93- t Permanent Building & Savings Society 11ndMrh. J. th (••• IR nn1Aaee TO AARI es L'11.C. OC tel Pi. l.1 III t. &WV/YE111Lil YIt a ir11 Ie At1A1::' 1 114119U1t.A8iT111TE iN WEATHER CANADA., ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS : )7R QPI r Q0MPt71:1 tea- Ammonia req..MJ to reason*Nb WOO edyaerd is ............. 6yesn. le ryen le,wn. Lt •• Taw,... eM..I, • • Isom. •wi beth h (flea. If ^ k r•wd7 int w.e1 .•o HOB;AC.I IHORTOII, Airiest meson at prwpeeteseih• te Meir* to •,11. n w If pen, me4. Id 44 Il xe TM above ..nennesm e•thiss 1 Ru Meg Pend *NM oars of the 1, es well *a ane 1.,.pest 1)14071 x11AI. 11lIlUaAw (N/YPANTdOsrv, .flu Ines,es11,4Y Pm1 re Mthe earns Ihd `M• wt Tbe lbll *Meer R..d niwmM. Tlw.more Rms .4 'mi• r .f. wh C. ter. MOW. W 'I M r res g• jmrmgrr.6tbt..eer lea M •ter naw Inn arm Alm r mfg n a kw era P•irma.m MgmsttiMelleja IVORAOR HO *TON. A ed atRt,Itt at aaysm•dha ger1. gaLa . 1erAMlbrtalMesalha, the eed the • N 1. term 1zPNNa iia t r NOD. st ACE HORTON ESA. r-•'M1311KY TO:LOAN. room' r row wee rwerv.peg ens mare reWe.reN•w remmN h M•emw, NORAr** 1*ORTON, Agent. • Bomb 11. Thee • IIIMary awl Treae•rer, Terontflt Owie,hlie 16th Ott.. 1864 • • leaks N.M. 11 eelsa7 OIv11*. 7111.7_ Arrl.11'a will M rad. W toe l'.,ll,(u•-ant of th sesu.les W Caarl. 11 the roan, 111...,.r he. e.ln Ike .t ata ..alba now ILo date of tin MOM101,tma, el no 1'u., .01;,ol. rl. h, tel the petty of .Nee. M a rut of ----------7,...,. /dell Ad Yat..; rends MMUS. Boil.ud out u.,w moiled TW yM yHMI, enWerremit ef adorer., - f altkdaCJlt Mit" A .as•M wrdbAwre Por. plicae TO BELL OR RENT ! 'TBE wI:HT ICA LP LOT NUMBER F.I311'r. I l0orlrenlh uuue aetun al 11ul4•n, ou the boundary hum between Bhn► .rad Walton, Pool (NWe much ..y. Good h.rdwowl w.Iered ; thirty .era rku.nrc. Drearily e ve. acre. .,d • ball in •11. '44.1 fence.! Foi I nether parncul*ts sppiy I. hoe. ou 16e p,,u or*. -JANNIS LAWSON. Mer 171h. 1tr7. Ara Farm for Sale. UF$ 63 and 64, 11.74.01 Cnere cion. In 1m• I Towmebtp to Modern. Coatelnolg M acres. d 1 hese over NO scree cleared with good 1,*.e Baru, .ad Log Hour, .lout 14 moos from C4aou. For Term. 01 We apply a1 for D.,.mon Coen *Noe at mineh, or to Yr. W It/Ul hu TON oa tM pprr.e.iess. Gerrie. 'U1t. Sept. SI, 1068. .116 11_ FARM FOR SALE. TWO HUNDRED ACRES. Loa 1 AND t Cee. 1TH. tOWNMHIP OF GREY, FS acme aimed, •e. from Al bora tact t .,.res . 1 hare w. i e . N Ise R Ah l title from non. arta, w the gravel road. o.. 0.11' m4e n este M a000l, o MN mile hog d gnat .4l at A.nlen.I:te ; well .oma at .pfl r004, .4.d very valuable the- m, k.th p.m .urn .-.-d., 57 per erre .lis be i.rrpt- d and ClamIver Ir urr.d Apply a g try {{ . w U. II. THURMAN, Valuator /or 13. la a LBM lar ,..4..l denote Ilalerb r Nur It. 1•l.. wan rAitid FOR SALE. 'T 0710. COY. 10, W. D. CO1IMRNL, 100 ACRES, 4.J a. 001004, pal dwell!. hwlar. DM rase. .Ith. sewwedtoas kItrbe. attar -bed .les, mood barn 44,4 sad iemm0,a1•noo, g...4 Iwo oyy an bard well Nerd by two creaks lailalIngthr011i. the Ian,,, w.l mood mils ON.Ii• from Newel toad. a mole. front 0,,d.,,.-1, 7.,. :apty ola 44,e pre none.. t ..1••+4.4. raw , It Mfr•., •re•••• '. Oe•Ittttiitt, - _ -- C IR'Irw'.T wan 'FAR! FOR SALE_ t, Fn1, 1" lwithh Co. lin Oa, coot e, _iO W r• olea•1 with house and Mie. There allay .teat n.th•farm It1 .arm Mt. 7,1.0 41.00tae, nn rent and RIG. YAK rim 1w.L1'4.m 4.Wm. F.h.1. tate . Farm for Sale. rl.Itr..,,baiN Me Re al i lot t, tlthr••s., W D Ae0Mld distant shoot 41 collet Inn. net. fact. ...tants. led acres mom or leg, r mace clear - 01.0 ..r 10 ,howaaa 10 .. r . go..he bal- anceaal ter sot bal- ance MaClw.ed A n rnaue tunny, 17.04. mh.M 0W well, 0.1...,) h.".e.o. lust Mt. good egad .l.y balance 1'rur ,I.ma .m1 7 emir for «.4.,u•n rurthr, taaeeeef' ser •i,taled num the {.n.prktm, ugsti I/ a1LA. Ma new. ink. tee .m• mammt P. O GODBRI(1K DULLS. TO Ruu>IIT. rills Use Lila e.■ b04a la age". p*rv•nea to amt wMtsN proses Wan year. . ter peruceises rely t• wi♦. MRet O 4.,4, . nay II Iles. NEW CA b t 1 AND UPHOLSTERING S iOP. PPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL, GODERICH, ERIC McKAY, -wow) Rg7 icorruf. LT At.,-. VI some. tat he las opened a n ew ho ta 1l. above Ills. oe Weet north op,n.lte Yh. Hank .I M . oeirte when a will Imp ea.MU .■, t on Med inmate W order FUBNITUBE OF ALL KINDS - Hs lag on amt 0n.. of l'1.hol.trnog ..,.tern, be will M pmpand to gra promptly W onkn ntal line ,..11.1.7A quantity of GUI and 11oe.w,rd 11001411(4/11 013 ,lure F 4 W.1 la RIC' Febi Inc Ga nt Rar BtKin B' M ( AR Te Aa la Ag e_L CSA 4 K. ... ' • {ate P. e.n, C ire alt Ma Aa' r ser net 81 14 • L1c1 e .Med it nes - Ctvl - A STOP IND SEE, "NM rmn..tng rems'ke on Tret:mm,.el. ", mm1 1 o.d.nnl.l0 rarm.mnmq torn rutm4 fly t1OSLAT 1x131147 RRM :IIY Tb.yet with.. 4.040 a .at ter 1..I1ble ar,nt 10 r ,. tae meet Memo -el... t1r t the (heal M,Mmito Comp., mr ,. armed aMri rase•N esw.0e .01.). In the 0,.., SHOSHONEES REMEDY for DI.... M the 1hraw, tans., 1.mer, Ihgentre organ.,orge, Kidney. fe., r 11.11 M nerolu4, lee ,., ektn Does., Hamm 04. all ...es arming from In menta@ of the thaw', we leddly sale Ih.l lea iff"r remedy l. hNEVER RNF.N F.Ill'AI.I.I:D. W►rr• we there ever h • mm n that In the pent,. of Wok.. Storm. of Hngho4, C. W., M Consumption , or that of Peter C, V Millar, Iirrnloc,, t'. W en, 44minton, et. that oaf Anthem W,wd,o(C.mar.m, 1'. W., or D7•Mpe and Laver C0p4mm t, tat of Jolts Flory .r N. . paner, l'. IV. m Rhramuum, who heA Mte.11y Men on rruaha rot ran, to epee of all treat. men. herelnlnreand le now well. neurons nfs•ch case might N ,,.ob,m.d hod we /pore. l -,`r011 .t l hr gong MOre and get • Caroler of ' g..twnahl. ,.0,a.atn on the ORE* r MIIOM. HONEYS 51MF.I)7 and PILI.., and tier ).oar eehK Price of the Remedy in targe p411031 .r rot dal* by all Dragoons end Dauer. in %bob eine. Agent. for 0.11.., F. NA. ed Parker cele WHO1.Y.NALF. AIHRT1• LYN AIr,P:IA.Fr?It 0. tmnnx7v, I4IN1PA17OHf WATSON, 1. INNER* Reemerge( C.. ?t} Reerga ter Ass, ) sAMItArOM, T. 01071,1. f NON, A.1Aru.T0/set. 7o nmsre. C VI a N. the, Cary P 0.. Collet) of Ieaacn,Qp.,,a M.,..-. Crmn17 e/ Prolms. of rmbrM, Twig 1e to certify rinns the el.lr r 1!1.1 1 was tat., with s weethrweil o1 the= wM,h penally, Maws the ming of 107. w o, knee/, and nn p to m7 him, and I bear, ea ea aal tt 1 ...milt! not walk. het woo ,mnenrd GO lay Nan - -- - ?0 .Mut t.0 r010 .044. t4.. kr.tn•wn tem mm.11y 0110., el. of .,.,M., *001 1,4 0,44007 Mr1ee, errMy. 'antAleerwl in1m. them •I.wt.,...nA .•Walls. e1 I ront.Il h4A. p.. orse a h, M.wdI.. the a nnll. I MNl4ned timet worse and worse. 04(11 the mother res rowiljniLlng ppwof . In a p00p M1 MUD thaw I hl. heron to MI the .00k4M. fir my bends . h hit I w. getting Almon helplm. 1 here line tee b.wtlu .f lith wtr.l.on.. Remedy and two Nom oft. Tor. 4.14 1 a0 ... Ore17 rm... to health I mew sxpw.t.i to f M Mtlw. trottinny O the medicine u e en4 of /Mon bop.TM hi. car of mt. u i ane. prate nen, Mit keg , en all e1 arta and Inmos ; 4.01 Many now • 4.0MM o I wen 1 bevy '' Ie ..0 lbw N►n. will ria'e we aw+ws I. "66 N of llemma II fP ff mel IMO Casoni 2..n • Yi M .V 1==',t t M r Warp MIIi.,a . share of pnhln rytrony... rn(Malch, Nov. 17. 104*. s 141-tf Feed j Feed!! JUST RECEIVED AT Shephard & Strachan'., 20 TONS OF GRIN, SHORTS t 1rl4Hogs, WRICR ?HP WILL Sell Cheap for Cash. Grdurich,June 7th 1860. w19 -;f NEW PATENT IT A. -"Sr F O R MC, MTRACRAN • 11,717740x,' 1.11 ACROMiT11R, 1.1.n, .tort, 001rn.h, ..14 )) Intimate 11/1 -mets and others then, Meng ,ur- ,h.wel the right for Carter's I1., 1Aner. they e".o. Prep..rl to Mndnh them rat ie...,.0th The an • • in a nealh•.1 eufwrann.l manner. end ken glee. (reel ml1.hrtbwl4. iMac who have „weal then d'An agent row be out for the .see of the litter la a OMsrkb. J. lea. ISM Farmers, Livery Stable KEEPERS AND OTHERS. firing to all Your Laine Horses. OR alCfLR0RNp.HOTRT.,Oo4 I ..Pch. aflo10 te)) .hear ep.rimre pupated te Ilnetor Horw for .41410... ' N B Rina et.mlo. m to Rnn.deem M1.rkh (0411 Aug .4.., FRESH oys rims. 11) RCM VIM 4.11y from tionlmme at WWI Mseen la fin and after Thnraday 1l.• fith mgt. Go derich, Anil. 24, 1889. w3Otf ESPABLISHED 1848. THF tl HUROlN,O.,3JGNAL. r:n.e. Ir Py'Iir's"wiftxttM t knee rlowa est ter t 4.... M Male sculls ik hat low It hes e•htl adman Wenlnowisiwoor (nisi ► N ale TIDTtRIeq • mem,-ere linos. ages,,., y., .yt'M NAM OP •DVIIITN itta Plot Im eel.• Me per Ilm era atrq■a 4 Ia*wrsea der . row«. or anew, 1a*7 , sae Deems is 1111.4.•0 RMerm lobe p.waw 411 dy.Aerm.nr.eh•rR*.1.7.4.ml. of .114 ampere wisuotire *rwmp044 t•mM.ale•4Im• _Erbsitusias.se t Efrl • i lamp, olid pwnssia very INSi y toweel ltsama. Js+• e ttlgp.tketasAwnstAltra eAt titr ter r wMsn1too et plain Y ei nriP ay lm*m!, p teacart 1Mh, less M Pt.. .J' Soder IN Hot D` h weals t.. .sal4•1 Nott > with Rk Magi elm H, 00 0 117 at 111 P 114 egad mm lar Wei her n. ire V T