Huron Signal, 1870-2-10, Page 1e ' r • onlanalatemeow • if . ereteri---.•-vwwle-...--, d...te. .t..1.•-• 66, ••• 4 1 • .4. • . . • ..,.......0•••••...w4kM0.1.3••, -ww/Ifilleralr kran"-7 KnAi rft, 4,1bZa -44 W. t. 2L litor tadProprietor. W IL:1EL 1E131'r It." caner ts iJ.J IN ATIVA.N011E. 944.00 AT !CND OF YUAN.. 11W • •-tairia - The Ireatest Posapte, 1.331 to khs areatset Possible Number.'. GODERICH,ONTAitio, (3.,THIJRSDAY, FEB. 10, 1870. muleelemomiseriir /VOL. XXIll.--NO a easiness lairettory. _ ICR /AD WHORL PHYSICIAN. aUROZON 400 Ib avvooMeer. hImelimier, C. N. Palmar, Ith. 101?. weer 81111811IN DENTIST. 81101101411100f, &Mate over %lariat Moe, West Street, Godearisk. leovetabae Iftk. IL 1443-11 aim Lames.. titallITINI AND ATIORXIIIT.AT.LAN. I 8.1..........eameeno. Coto!, C**'s 411e00o0, 00ienela.CaesidaWen. oD. is Cowl How. o14•40 iltteifless 1Dirttt tn. Basilian Director!). HAZLEHU AST at COOKE D. SITTHERLAND, Stoves ! Stoves! commissioN AGENTS,LC.,LO. It IN ,Orabb's Block, (Vanirrery'soldstand) AUCTIONEERS. Coal. Lumber, Shingles, Laths, &e. 0 KINGSTON STREET, GODERIOR 0.1.. ittrweta, • r •.. Waterloo tyre 0 N T A lt 1 O. Delerion.blov. 5t . tees. 49.e/rso, 0•3 tile Sales in town anti emintry punctual- JOAO'S, •t ihe 111rhoe •11.1 corner West M strew in rear aline rini tr . .. te M'', - M attended to i1 ..4.• Pp el • o ElionminaareiniNotel rich July lath, 1869. *24 JOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This Is th CO drigral • nal 1•YSIC,011ftify 1101•11 • a Wester e.) • mt. C fremeision. ,341/111.10.•nd I. II ..... • • I li I •Jr• kV ma age HMS ..P. rotainersa. arroltawr. 00avaltaticsn.4.0ac, teuotatein,•.,..1,et: flac............• P.reuprisieowmer. tieede. (.7. Hb l I, .n a. (.0., LI. D xinoteeot .1iodoriols OK. - - Ill'iortml N Mime1t7 itn Comoro, de CaleMeove 10' pi:SRPITILIVI, SOLICITOR), IX OHANCIIIST. ie. ..' C•meme. two., Kiwnito• aimed nootertela .41 J. T O•mow. 0 .11. - jihp. IV 111• Mtsast• ti.0,••••...g. Ang oloor ern a N ..-,.- 4:._,__, 0•110441. (newer. em. . RIR lhaTtIll; ATV/SWAT. WiLICIT0IL 9.. ---.._ • Ivoch, , 0. W,. leave. epasora Work. Wen attio. Wooed.. vri_e___L . j _ai. II I ,. CD1"12 hi -- Joan 94. I &order.. .-... J ' 2, k , TTORVIIT-A T.L4W.S0 int ITOR I PI o'R ANCRAT ...• !Snowy Tatar. Conwevasowt. ic . a... .1krrerW16. Onf , 011,.• on 116, • nnlf anSo of Wen soe . share • was 4.0 ("fl 'II' *40.0.. buena Tn. T•wase. tRRI4TI7R. liTTORV AY- r.LAM, a0Lierima 1).. idiot er. In. QOM.. lIewroto0 innot DARIND al1404N168. SOLICITORS. 1.., 0-'4,....,',1. AW thereork toi. R L. Dela neS * 4 - ,itserewer 1111wed. BIO10eitnts ,*4'4.4..*. A Inantweep.Orpee. 01V/It A 41.14sartivia.Ar.t.aw, mom. ono. to 1.....s4. Dere I: Cw19.611 RI ob, ow. Mr 4..8Neh4'• Moro. , 'err VIIIIIinns II.' Bain. II A. nit %%CRAY IVO LOW iirro-r. loolaws. 11...orine Streei 0, N. 112 8miey sa nmemble mom. DisettclamJ 4.10. tiv• tel... In reel *ate 'heated. 0o0orw0. Dm. 34 119 .was iv 5. 0. Or 14 64 ile S1/ 0 . • gl▪ • 1.1..AIN A..S; 1)1•ANCY g x 1\T w XL MX MEL \....-_. -„_. COAL OIL, _vapitisA LE ANH H&TA Slir towl-Bil Lamp*, Oce: . Copp... 8....., Wool Pieklaga. sed 131441$16killa alt.,. eschaa;,e. war $irn of th Jorge Coal Oil:Baulk vill orke leo darch 1.4.1611: - 1F--- 1111IX woberriter le nannies rhaali• for 04. liberal Pnlrotiage w.iishrussaisinal OIo. low tewoo 10oe• Ito ...wren:. unVieffer, awl the pohh, generally that tn. ...rope late ho., 10 haft rr ..... havrtnesa to the form. rly opted( 19 WI lho.1.11, Wort vir....1, nett liwik ilimtn•Al, where ever}ilitug a 4. foomt awl Binds ofJob Woek will he Done tee wise w 14•40 • G. N. DAVIS. noderi. atteltigaiili use P. F. W \LICER, Xin:::,:;_kr.. g 04.-.. A' 44.Clerk of Thittyara, Wert 11..., near. 4A I D.:1RRY & BRO,f biro Cierersoor . ,4,r) Pnbitr, be eb Ontario 0404 -- - 7`. Afars? roe eye y r r. otti tOldrel.TIMAI. ..lir.". ▪ 1.7▪ 25- 1▪ ra •r w Aid GABINIT MAKERS 44. NIII•tecom.... VI \MUSTS& ATTORNEY% SOLICITOR. at ee. /LA to.o. *34 MONET TO. LEND, • etterone & 1114euree. IDEAL NAT aTIS AXD 104.r1 8101 91.111NT51. 1% 4. tirysid• nouns. 0.1910. 14. T Jagewe. wren.. att /veered-I.e. 111. 11 ?aeon, Wm INA. INC 141 1 h. lie Detaa•Ji f ICReattil irorttninsa DATPIRI.n. okomo. at Ai Nowa. WOW Is voltage ee temery paollnwatte ai. .00.4*... w11-11,111 14. WOOD -TU I tr 1..1{S ? AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St, Goderich, L'EEP coostantly on band for sale all .di - 11 el. In their lin., such as Bedrteads, Chairs, Tables, NOW IS YtTO OUNCE 0- a te c PHOTOGR %PITS $1.00 Per Dozen. 11\ DOZEN FitoM BACK NEGATIV 4-4 51 cents, postaje tree. One dozen from oack negative 87 cents„postage free, to any liddrvW11. Particular Attention pall to Copy- ing old Anihrotypes. For ei. her large ur small pilot misphs. The relent iber in reternine thyoke for the liberal petne.mre--00,emerfeerim-tortmolinforewt, tint jemitarttnir-hirfou srettrimalrld- proyetnrnt. ie his winery. Will merit • cam tinuance of the nona..L. • 11-7. A Great ReAsetten ea Large Photographs. E. L. JOH:040N: Ouderieh, Oct. Jfi, 1869. ...ail 1. 'Reci,re the destlow ere the elet..nte Pates to Sift the Ttlits I - Photographs reduced to $1.00 per Doz., .111 75cts. Pall 041.F Pori", Large Photograph Reduced in Propqrrion. Will IOak. the IsIvn•I PIrilograt.h. made in li,nler 11. vet) cheap Yoreel...is inelure. from oar dnlInr OIPPICIA.L ASSIGNEE, /011.70 INCE. LAND AND ii$1161461.AGRNT, Mower la 0per Well-i•Weat 01W0.4...4WwwW4 ...eel *Om. Ose eire 1... IV. illfterittr.„ eM'itentetre Ann soneWrOn, Cm, ole awl Con• more r ow...MAC 1 M R q. t).‘1"si 1-10TEI4 WROXETER. - /pi the direct rdad front `Veaforth to V Waikerton. Every nereriery aecom modat ion for the damn in RAN> \11 DAYS. Wronger. Yoe. 1. 110'7 WESTERN EXCI1ANG F. 1.111KNOW 951, iwopsw 1.0110010, 110411111704. WIRST-CliAtIS aocommodation. The a' teldels supplied with all the delicacies of the 'upon ; and the hr with the best brands of acilinta and einem *20 imicton k -Commission. _.._ GOrkRICIH &CLIN'FON _-_ Elitablieilleed 1fteS22. ti4..1 "jai! rol; liti:1":.1%. Pt': lint:17 :tient ; jW.-"t1h- / seen td nolmered oR Pr..prrty li r immedoile et reit...mute ioelr and ..I44*'4.I15 punctually •Itend- 'boo the .'oonly, glee. Pro .4I01 Ahs 0.11. TItliEtiitsiM Scrum. M•rt, - IdallV to Loy' on Real I.:state, fltAlsEtt to. he Treat and leolinCoMpil ilAilUpper .44. fittlEMso, * Market Sou•re,coarich 41411 11 F ACTOR Y. 1 H 1, ?"..°"."0I'rri hsm,S ger,tomed •toe VIA I n. 27 ill.:.....ahoit (.,•Into., .P„air t ore o wr, ond ne- tfry on ilw boomer c;161:eni4WIerioird Oils Doors, Blinits, . Mouldings, PI/Wring, /ding. 5.4 all tom. 0., ..71 Ft C: 1;1' „ met. •• Cirele end (»ion, sem mei Frames They think horn inter ,lorietwv in 'artery Went. oast tam o. give 4.1.14c1i01i 10 1111 Who may ta•or lbws with 5 n111. N.11-4 II her. don.00set to the trade. 20,000 feel of ineh _a- ° A a quarter Flooring on band. JAR RUM/ANIL DAVID LAWRON, w M ROR1 ff SOM. Dodenee. ht *rel. '*1.1191, mefei SAYI-LOGS & STAVE -80W 'srVirA N TED. J 'VW .1 11.1,RIfir. .4. Atte retriernT',r T0 Int My r1.11,no of • nn•nlity of Elm. Ash, Retch. Pine, and lienlsek, Savings, also, Slave Belts tptavgjamimargly '*'.""ito Mr 'inn*nuthop4.a"T or d nittpole d JAMS. enainame 578 141197 5 Os. aid Ids wow Land Office, O 01014789 o(terproMitt pea d. Titian - ,„.„,(1.$1"utt..dibedivto (r:r. All kinds of wood-ternine done, rich • Nocl posts, stair baneisins, neckyokes, &r Al mus on hand, • complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a HEARSE to hire on reasonable m Ooderieh. Mar 3rd, 1866 15w6 -e• GO E R Hitt WAGON &CARRIAGE earal.ernot in 7 THE Aulie•-rmer ;I-midmm.1nm to the polo 144 el Huron • oel Ovum, be meow man- ufacturing Aret.eleee Carrl•ges, Sleighs, C7tit14,1411/e. itibd".• *kWh 40111 or wwW• -us eAstr- RI. Wanted • wood -worker, and two apprentows--ono 10 lesrn wood -work and the other blacksielthing. JOHN rnsmortv„ Victoria Street, Goderich Coders...Mee Mb. MN. *49 FA11.11 YOB SALE. L-109.1,..0. ON TO ISKST Led No 1,",, 10. IV I' nI..••1.161, Co. ilumn, rontaitiing w. rea 21 eleared, ',Oh honer and *wen 1 here la • living eratek no the fvo.. 11 e. .1 ...twat Int, Trite 1114.00 per sera r.ot .11.1141,11. MAlI 0101 1,11,00141. L004011.4.4 1. ISM - • 2. Farm for Sale. 1111111.4n1weethar neer. 1, 00, El of lot T. Iftlionie,, 1 W 11 4.101•14, dlotant about 44 hales Troth Bea rut. nommen.* On •en.. more or lea*, 10 arrwielear• .4.0., 10 ohoppiev In sere. gymod eclat. mad UM bal. Sara. brintriold. 4 are rrarne bone., last& good I. inn•I elay haw Prim 111000. OWN eam tad way ,,,,, bal.., Fortier parlaulainmes 2...obligated town 14s preplielar, mama MR 4. SSD am. 1401. Ma• Deft. P. 0 IMPORTANT NOTICE. F. R. MANN, House' Sign & i;arriage Painter. IIRMIRIT ACQU 11WT TI10. Pit IILIC TITAT If Iltled op • slop on North street nest to tee Resit/an Clotreh, trith tarnish 000111 at• taelowl eh...-. he is prepared to 011411 •onlervi promptly, and .t reasonthle Thankfill 6. 74. pvtrionAge of lite laxt 7 years ....11,11• a tlw winos - Now is the time to Paint your Cutters, Sleighs, and Carriages. from root -dry l'Arn.q..nhnp•allowierl Sign raintia, Iirahtlog 1 Matins. /Paper- hanging It r. F. R. MANN. nerienee. Roo, 0, IMO. 0.40 NEW PATENT X' It PC. - 11111fieWWWWWWret !clams"- Btrr teeterreor, 04110 .1,..), 1.41r=41. lettemee Islaws•Ps 444 Mews 0800 pew Adwordelereeskle1.0.10"..*S, :leered mon on • poet owl whortant lid manner. end kr • shea inlet fletIonietkni to Memo wbn 4... ....1 floon SS swat .11/ b. oar for th. wile or tar 'near in • Jr MI, lea - - ' pc, Farmers, Livery Stable KRIEPRS8 AND 0 MESS. Urlsg ea el Tsar Lame BOWS. sit00.1110ESIEH01m8.100 - Photograph (taller, 89dere 140, *31 Oldest Esilblis4m1n1 in Town. MARTIN AMAN N TO 1 .114)11N1 old" clitiToMERo a • ,1 he 1. 1.11.444 to sell for rash, at the oW6oI (CM ILL RINDS OF FURNITURE Huron 11.4e1, 11.A1. nee. thee hint • ,a11. A.m, h. tel... 3, Itsbil, SW111•37. Maitland Salt Well All parties indebted to R.Runcimac&l'o DITHER By „NOTE Olt BOOK AC- :mmiataire hereby notified, that onlearthey DU. AN') PAY UP AT ONCE lot silt be skied, without further notice. R. RUNCIMAN,` Huron F000dary, Goderich, Chit. G 33erich.2911, Dec-, 1868. *49. ROOM PAPERS tiOM PAP.M. AVERT LaltrIF V.lItIFl3' '1 Three Different Kinds of Papers RAW Intl For 11 8111, Parlorq,IPI ti log Rooms and I..w1ng Rooms, ALL NEW PATTERNS, tiond Stork awl .0.3.00 I.y Twittery And Paper Haag era to lir thee...vet Ivrialittfoil design., The Best and Cheapest P tPERS EVER INTRODUCED IN GI WERICH FOR SALE AT 40het124MSEL4, ..F.R48. • PLATT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR. The undereigned in prepared to FURNISH No. 1 SALT, 04 •111 QrANTITT AT 7Ill8 C, VIT t 'rIctg,, FROM THE ABOVE WELL. P. Goderich, August 3rd, 1869. ir27 ALLAN P.. DT &CLEAN, .8 cc - J 0 0 -I IIA$m JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Corwanins in part of Memo( England Brd ea- ekilh., 11...,.,Meor.ltin•. 44. 43' English elentehoond French Twowl.,Csolsoiere.. Doeskin., 50.5• variety of Canadian Cloth. Plain. 0.1,0, .,,l Flowered Vesting*, Shur*, Glr oves, em. He feels eentdent of giving .11111•fact.on to al, Who m•y With their order*. TW EED SUITs (al I wool ) 411 2 and u pwerde. gdg- .-Cu3tting du. to Order.' Ooderit 1,S,'01 25th. 11166 sire GOIJElltI011 BIEILLEI - TO RENT. rpniamesemotot mi fair nkoilEtrea'na....;ili."....;. • Milk mtg. hIA own normal. how pespared to rent hem 0*40110011V Senna to mown eottipetent pertain or on• year • For parneulan apply 1. AlEtAP LANDS FOK SAL -1' tie/oriels May la ISM. WM PfrILfsf f TO 1.,ET. IN TOWN OF CODERICH. T orre teat, ism IAN, SSA pork anhellvirdon Part lads 2 anitt in I Lots 110, 140and 130640 Township of Waaranosh, North 24 ai rya 1.110, nori 1, r0ownahlf..4.11.411•14. 4,utkorly it MIT. of Taal Ofgooth 1 lot 1. en* 4, W 14, $100 A I to T210111•8 WRITARR,I1.11, • lairroyor, Oorlerk 11 Godrriris Dee 1011. 11164. w44 213438. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON 4341) ILO r. INSURANCE COMPANY 14., me, In or rearm, Thn1T-f•ro 0011.1144. and dairmg h•fl ,‚."nod Ima ,f1.4 est...odes P() ist In Ow Town of On/an" Om *tem ft/rear.. 1 PrIelt 0,t10ir. with, large or. heel and sly aeres of good 14,4 10f moth -Oar, Apply to W. D. ALLEN. ashram, Rept t7th 1 Mil w301 - - _ MONEY TO LEND ON INIPtioVe:ir FAkMS.Ji Al' 8 PEh CENT -'-3l00,- Some to i098/14 ID Town Property tr J. B.00RDON, th Barrister 40.,Ooderich et,ider1ath.Sidit.1 /1.1410. .9141 VAN ADA.. U ..... , -- N ITED tTATE The Dunkin 1311 has beeil tarried in the - The lilac hushes in sheltered. aueny township of Mut ray. places, in New York, are green with Mole, A colored clergyman recontlf took big while the rose hushes an potting trot text from .147 1, called "reirt• *MOM to ilisi""'". • . 2:17:044es =sealiffrar.K,i.lare:;" R wv °Mat Britain. l number ool*Idided ea Who sight 1131140 ; - - Rethe gistration Actcame into operation, Mr Diarstli iirepintrelegivalescolit from Th. „inini„u spawning It11ofl 1l now an attack of gout. rapidly draw tr. to ado.. 'floe extraord- T1 h •" The Montreal Preahytery tried to oen- siii• Knox Ohurvh for using an organ, but failed by 7 1. 5. Mr Maodotigall proposes to establish. weekly sixteen -page peter, a aortal Soler - do* Brrie lc, to discuss the ,Morth- West and polities gesterally. It is reported in Ottawa that Captain rtIY with tine aloe " H h Ith Hotel 1'1 IF Ex-Cicvernor Darltrig Victoria 14 tfeyinonr, .4 the Rifle Brigade, *ill sho lead to the alter one of the mcomplish daughters aif Hon Wen Macdougall. Dom is coming to America. North Lanark is auzious about 31 dougall. . The bankers aro baiting Ilincks tawa. - A youthful negro is in Die Allem &yttrium( fur leave to work on the Sob- h. teeny run of mon in the end of Septeni- .._ penitentiary, few selling a dressed tat for imlh• r aud beginning of Otieber stocked tlie a rabbit to one of the Hiattunilies in New 'le•th T1'''"'"•11"t- Tay, Earn, Aluitind, and (Aber streams, with breeding fish to such ale extent that Yrk. -- An industrioua old man in Conooesi. fi ra• • I. ) • - casualties oocur, the most produt vint the inmost' spawning season tuft be, if r Muer arriennived. Deceased in. 80 years • r • • 6 Mr. fi,f1f esSapn, W 1 / IS ft•infrii:1• has put out it sign announcing : " trots id Nge. out white waxbill done tu here " that the Pope has yielded to Frances and' 1111, oho. only educetion was neglected. to h.y.. unf 40. hi. is $o yoare London, Jan. 29.-11 is reported to-ditr. I Mime February hut, 3,156 *magmata . withdrawn the project of tabillatility. - Th. Courant taididuce its readers .b**'. been sent mit through the agency of •ity .... _ &,... you *aryl e loin i an, l. .1 .1114 ologration on.. dead. od of tbs true' oho /44 Mt., 4 Gm Mug 4 Ne, • It le now *treed that the Duke of Marl. r so- 0 hxna the . - In New Orleans there is a man, of i C4fim.•r,..ifi c patty au the theme of Lords. boo did 1,,.. net 111„1 j H. hunt*, ...... b,,,,,,,,i, .14... th, 1„..6.f.hil, -of du, ; nu, Orotund .r.burn.ph to India 4. 10. A food li 01 h. en stinted by Cept., Hans . date have been esehmegod between London working order, and memages of to -day'* , " it hummer as a pirate 102 years ago, a...4 "' c""flueu°94 Dams for ell i'„Iihai g steam life- boats at and ik'alb•LY• 014 those I. ems of ibn n,,.( of Greed Britadi , faithful into Death Donald Nor:tonal.' 11'1* at *h. au" '4118 he t° • d'411 rat' 'utd share amp.% racks are twist (meowed. • river thief " who had been a shepherd for some year• Nandfield helped to arrest • ruusway thief in Toronto last Hamilton Mesta mand-peper These ere to rub &midfield dowu at the next eleetion. The flight of geese northward in alresiv annonueed. The bards evidently thiuk winter is over. A rumor prevails that Kix coinpailies the R. C. Rifles mid • lottery will be dill - patched to Red River, ria Pori Witham, iu the spring. ......... lort-FiNi---- -rolie,-eirvi and mitrtatri,-hr-a tire 4. 1.4. quartets, at Qnebec, un Monday The. Grand. River has erertimeed---its banks in various place., and caused snuck damage to property: • The Kingston deity A",,er loorreason believe that the Imperial lie eminent has abandoned the iota:mein, forme' 111,111, time ago, to disband the Royal Canadian Rifles. '1 he London P',',, 1,'..,.d an epreettea 'par- ty.' This al siwnVe 1110 WAY With those who bare torfoltedthe confidence of ail par- ties. A Toronto correspondent of the Ottewa Free Prrn, Tpeaks of the 7;c/ono/A, ',Ha papers of suck ilk, which otirieh under the shadow of John sbirt Collar. On account of the sensation created in the Cabinet by exposure by the Fortin! 3.f,,i1 of Mr Fre/leis Hincks' intended im- position of export duty on seaorned lum- ber, he has withdrawn it. A -eorrespontient-uf- Louthet--.47heretiffe overheard. • conversation late -ern tiro friends of John Sandlield; who said he felt nervous about meeting the laat Ses- sion of the Ontario Parliameid, and wou1.1 probably dissolve it during the summer and hurry un a new elect. - We, in rum. are ready any time. , Look out for counterfeit 810, Bank of Commerce Bills. will support Intakefiumetel currou- ey scheme. The Pope line issued • Bull against the Fenian' in Irebind and America. 11 11 reported that Hon Wm McDougall has placed his c ..... mission as Governor of the Norldfi West Territory at the .dieposal of the Cabinet. A telegram from Montreel of the 29th say.: "'190 human hands which had been skinned, were found et the thew of A nnu- miry, an $t. .14411 Baptiste street, wlieu the porter opreed 1 thet morning." Ti.. Montreal Cnstenia' diltieb, for the month of January amounted to $169,940. The Quebec thief .4 Polioe's report for 1869 show's an stICeel of 866 arrest. over 1868, the number being 2,909, of which 2,125 were of maks, and 684 of female... It sets down the number of hooses .4 *5090*05 e un and St John's Wards, with none in Si Lem.; three in Palace, two in St Peter's, and but one in Champlain ward. TOP.ONTo, 1489.---- revere License*, 220; the revenue from which amounts to $13,- 200. Shop Licenses, 56; revenue, e3.340. Saloon Licenses. 8; revenue. IlMel Total revoitie, 917,360. Revenue of peen ,,,, rear Mini er ,,,,, source, 816,030. Increase last year, 81,330. -Mrs Howe, wife of lion Joseph, nar- rowly escaped being killed at Ottxwa yen- terday. A runaway team dashed unto the sleigh in 'Melt she ewe riding, smashing it to pieces, and injuring her about the head. The first of a series of Fenian niass meet- ings, to be held along the Canadian fron- tier, WAS held III 431.1144,, 141 MA$111,11 sy.- Eliciting speeches were made, and much rtithusimin was dtsplayed. Death of Oen. .Wyndboxi, A telegram has been received by Mr. Brydges, now staying in Toronto, announc- ing that the illness of Gen. Sir Chorles Wyndham terminated in his death dam evening at half past 8 o'clock. He died at Jacksonville, Flonda, U. S 1St • Intro:' Nsw Yoe it, Jan. 30. -The steamer from Hayti reports much agitation on the Sama- ra question, and 114.1 114. provisional goy. eminent 10111 probobly amist CM -nal in a movement to defeat the plan of President Baez, .4 81. Do.ningo, of selling the bay, or otherwise parting with any ?orticn of or the neighboring territory, to the Vatted States. A French war steamer had loot 4n of her crew by yellow Neer. Memos>. San Francisco., Jan 29. --Mexican *44 - 441 state that peonlInciarnenth was issued in Ran Linn, ..n the 30th of De - camber, declaring the itelevetelenee of the tate, on 0.. groom' of repentet violation the national Coratitution hy President isms. Prirriguny. Li.hon, Jnn 30. --- Thefinail Mesmer from in Janeiro has arrived. The Argentine orype had returned from Paraguay to en lames, and the thasilian volunteers were expeetal to •rrive in • few days at Rio. jp. 61-hAlf MilliOntfrPAIFT e4-0017ORNEinit 1./ OffIrr., • cloths...moot 01 1111. enorrnona woe over • melmiersmitsrEPleroe dome emorrewrotrnf - -•••••••1111,1211Miltilr".... f littlaseholder*„ mod boom... 01•, getimeny, wherever .1 simposse-aorl. le it1 lei year, I1016, the Yore Pommy., •Iose alsonglIel ........ Ell.f176 111 1111 tOth me. 1.44, •• /47,783 .• 1014 veer, 1101, .• " L'411.T70 rr fah year, INS& .• ** Sir 0.211, CM* year lame. IAA/. " •• 43111,116ft - - The Yin• RO•Orr,. Pnwl WI Now 44.717,484 The LAD 1111816••••• tread e• sobs, 10.1411.4118 Tee 109104 11 repremeted three, lioal (I••• sr,, weeaer, hy ett-neeo• Ad •et•. In whom 14,14141106 fne I Ofillif *INV may 11.• made. gAM4fi11 Fl , tleiadmet Secretary, Ig1167 V'ed-Aint;wederonlo ; b.7.0164. E. MARTIN & SON. Gond Accommodations. Ample Stable Room. ilia This le admitted to he a First dad holm, kept in Good Style. aResselset 4475 ....4 V --Abney to 40 110. Jon •-myaspor=- D9.L1‘4•Pm.14.1kOLDIe W.'114rtttr" SItsa-Lfi....14.4!)./4,4„krt*, fariePoW, ?At -nary 2. A letter has leen received hers from Capt. Coeht one, of the Royal MAI`r com- manding the l'rtrel, stationed on the Afri- can coast. fle reports !het Dr. David Linn/stone had been burned as • veil's' by • chief in the Interior. /4r Duwerm is getting a tomb. of 11"el purposesitnhe Tlirnorff4°1.r real thWeatTli"2711,:401 awry from 30 to 40 men each rit=ny spoke lo oriedtwooditimse night 101114.610•11--41te ...wohninoirrmtf-Mr• Kisaienary itteisty I .. . laige .4 .0 each 44 toott tfrIM With dr. Sutlierlaed, at Tannaohy, rte. - It is aaserted that Rev. Dr. 11.e.c...k Iririle•a, e, noe teoeg_hailltouthe ilenry- -Feeholista attieitately, and left* favorite of Buffalo, Said in a resent dammed., Mist for the Nat loyal Stemiselop C.nnpany. collie, which appears t v have been devotedly 4.10.4. 40 rut much reamer for denianding the Time w id le. il.. largest ate toners in the attached to his master. When D middl reading of the liable in a pl g mill or amid. a oh on exceptiou of Inc Great WA/ lying in his coffin the faithful dog waa IllusAeu factory as in the common a:M.4.. &Wert', observed to stand up and place his paws on - A South Certain* paper drelafeefor • eon- that i., • G. . , the 1 •the: 1 riir tleorge Francis Seymour' G t! It edge of the coffin. He mutat a young man who bat IIM wife (*47 a erk . O.&.. 19., d., -.t ''' 1-Aml'I"li. mi 1•11. 21..1, Biderab • tans on face of his dee... married another elide (needs were iimk• .111`i 83 'e"f• fie ..the el'I'st ."“ "f "wn.f' as if taking • Anal farewell, and, nig preparations for the (uneral, anti 04*, A . toed Lord Hugh Sin While singular to sav he atone ni A th hie tootle followed the remains sorrowful- ly to the grave. '-11-t:riarhvrouartn"*""he iffx."111411a1""slieillk-eillite-d I.) 31, r/369;1171.,usitea fit 14.0ff:Iiilt°13. .11111.0* lad WC 6 werod the fink Novy funeral promeaion to the beryteg rooted end partici', deal the battle of St Dom. Chapelford, in the Ensile, a distance ot logo, height in 11100 on board the N nth- _ four miles from Ina masters zeauleigsgo- istnE-.111Ro011t itronn time co onian- Two days aftlftrifftleor "..-- toeVrie*WPtior Royal Red in is. yrno,n,•: 0400r•od scraping SPA' The tainsfeimt„ grave, and the mould had been so far - A solid lump of g014, weighing th; j Ainenua rod -Wed. Indiau waters '.:i:: cleared out thatthe Way VOW 044444Whw-•-• - pounds, and worth oat,000, fiimitt m g .149erBe axe appointed Admiral. He was The devoted was removed with chi. Califoroaa iutle, is bums eithilated iti Fraltebleti.. - A 'project is on foot to boil.1 a way from hlorriatown, U. S., to Iniiholel- phi*, to egnievt edit the Brockville and Ottawa Itailway. -Since the thli nistant there hasheenan n.orlalist Hear T • elity•four deaths hese ovaitrreal - seven whites and se, enter ii blacks, hese de- al.* are polliti.cly knovin. T111111U are reports of thedmitlis of many more itegroes 111 411te country. The !neaten'. fraternity denoi .. i tt ate the dia.-a. i11u0iii.4111* - 111- ibili11111601/111 of the en. eloping iiimiaoranes of tlto brain -and menet alluet . -.At the Ipso State Fair of 11166a Mail received through mistake four dollars more than he was retitled to. He ed Pettnedirania, atel'imdinal the iguateorry. of ounacienoe iin the Chrietinis ...4 *heti he remitted the *,*I,lI,ll1 to the riociely, [ulnas themiterest, become 'the animake was the 0.4.let3's, And not his.' -Prince Arthur is winning radon °pito ion* in the United Sluice, and is Mang re- ceived Yeah the utmost- c01101n407 by the must iliatinginshint °amens of the Repub- lic. intensive emigration of Si. toles to the Southern States. A native of Sweden owning land in Miseseipp., I,aad Yam." sediment ,,,,, net.' enable the firm party, 200in number, to sail (..r New orients. They'ltry. to repay his ad Yuman maul their labour. -The Watertown and Rome Railroad in New York roundly- killed a passenger fin. the first tone in ',tightens year'. -DenensedenoVireolenbiltrefusesto make a will. He dead, e that his youthful ode shall have her 1.11 legal share of his pro- perty. Hhe will he her, therefere, slum he dies, to some $63,000,000. -Small-pox is very wide -spread and fatal in New York. A mew, dieume, the relational( finer, him also broken veto' -There are seventy •nine Zpiritepal ch u N I for the past year were $3,001,751. --Therein not now ••inole apprentice i1 MI the ship -yards of Howl...irk, ree, - The last epanof the Ohio River Itridhe was completed yesterday. The bridge • one mile in leugth. - The joint owners of • house in Pari. 111., couldn't agree on the matter of Witon. ing it. The olio who desired reinoyal theretilmn sewed the house exactl14 in halve., andcartel off Ma share in triumph. TIIR PZABODY FUNSitak.L. Dinka ION or THS ItZW•111.0. THE PROCEEDINGS AT PORTLAND Pours. -nen, Me., 3an. 29. The Maine legislature acconitemed by many ladies arrived here *1 ,111 early limn, going on board the steamer Mahoning and made a trip around the fleet returning 7. time 13 he present at the reception. An immense crowd covered every point of lookout, the boats in the hartour amid emeinemij in thatiggiogFoL. -the shim pipg. All the vessels in the hart.. air die - played their colours .1 14541 nisei and Moi- nes. was suspended throughout the city. At 11 o'clock the Monarch fire ane gnu es a signal that the remains were dieembark- ed; which was follosed by toilette guns from the ret of the fleet, Fort Prehle and the arsenal The Mate .4 the need worn drawn up below, south of the Monarda in two lines, each heeded by a long Imsat. At 11:IA Admiral Farragets nag steamer, having the remains on boArd, guarded by the officers of the Monarch, two companne (4 114, mantiesand the hand a the Monarch preceded by the ateamer Ins, with the band of the 5th United Stet. artillery rei board, playing a dirge. Th. Monarch steamed slowly up thronget the double line of teats and proreeded lip the Laden, fol- lowed by two lines of boats tilled by men seated with ears repeak, and -Admiral Farrago t in the ideamer Cohassot bringing op the reer. Upon al riving at the wharf where Nov, Chamberlain earl *tali were stationed, the body *a* taken on shore sod placed on the ear. The poicession then former' and marched 1.1 14. t'ity Hall. On wierclitugthe Capt l'omnierell, of the frenittn4fMonaitfi. 7414141711 imbiresi 1. who made an oppr..priatir reply The =et - ',boob was drawn Ire six Ma. 14 homes, with sable 'demos and sweeping coa ers of Mock bromleloth. The Jortege arrived at the City Hall at 12.45 p. tn. Notwithatending 'atavy fall tdenow .7the time the streets were peeked with sportators. 1 he ...Idiot, and merinos drew op in tine and reverted aro..., the elan *4. 11400 borne op throngh the openes1 mein by the ofOcial notothers of the City Government followed lit the pall lemons. 11o. 44.4634.' *44 plrieed upon the eatataloove whiela was surrounded IThzilssalyrt&-Prerli 14,11111. *id CiaTd too bermes • kidailea celsoa 4-etris accompanied hy Mama' Farming, refired. of I also a 1,..1.14 ll., ttlioirelti. and Vice- Ad- hciilty, and he has near then formed an mind of the U.4......1 Korn! ,,,,, . Tin, d,.• ' uncommon attachment to the sextun.--e ct•liseil Aker wiis a greielson .4 the lint Minden A drerto.r. .3Iaroitis of Hertford tool heir pr.:tumid a i e : London, Jen. 28. -The Poll Molti 11/ that tiile. •- Gazette status that neg. ottations ,,nth. Alah 4-toiiittkitYsiibl ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt P. 4 r Q"'" ed. Immo claims question have been suspend• The stst•stio, of fietfost sliow o eitiotieo The land belonging to the Estate of the - proofs ..f onterprem and pr.wierit.. Th. Ty.- co..tahvio,. reports the deroli se64.ised"."brKey uffiPeaost'd.Y4 thwehCh'rhowwnaa, Mr. M'Awilley, A CoUllidy magistrate. Mu unc.t.„re 00 i iutiw•;,i 3,,,,j0 wind. • Cottonspinnen,lei theFaciories atWimin hretve...biut.y .4 &hue .11 Ginn, aged 105 year., en 1 of returned by order of the Government. ve i -mod lineal, aged 103. holm deprived of the Coininiamii of tie idle. ' Peace for swearing and using offensive I 04411110. 10 14 1r. I), n...,,,. ii, h., * h.,.tr.,,,,, .. Sir John Duke Coleridge, Member of .i,4 the fifacfoom 80.rd of e.r_l_inment from Eniter,addressed a m.00• . leant...no ing of his ormstituenta last rennin , iii an Iniportartt speech, defining and do ending the policy of the Ministry. Miss Gaoliti'er, who WSS fi3111 arld •i.tiod..d. in Ma, .., pr.gressing favorably. No cleft _whatever Las beim disetnemirt -es to the per49it...4ml 0( 14,5 outrage. Some agronaii mtrages of s envere char- ieter 111/111 bill* rep 'reed front tlie County 51..y.. kr. Web41,. dealer, was recently deo. demi neer Team. He is fasted to have been a very i ,,,, ffenave person, and the only 1.6.1/14.11 11131 can be assigned fin hie murder eery .4his great 51104e11 :414 lad shot for buy mg elms- at too high a . . • An imp. •ing demonstration was held on Finlay Comity Shoal, at Colehill, near the borders .4 %1'estmoath. A fanner, n teed 51.1ameari, who held 20050res,w5. e. tete,' 1.y the 0.6 6611t Mii6 • 1.nil "Pt 141. 1. ner, and 'as there was 1,1610111i. loprillif,111.1 a 1144 force of 150 imistabodery *as prirecut tai enforce the 1fitemaniara had • home of the lands at las. an: ere. When the !mane ex- pired lie ass c.0l4..1 upon to Pal AIL_ 4.1 tato-arrrart the extent of oyer 3001. ie rest end half • rent), and to avoid a e•isare I mi all chattels remove., off the lards. The procen vies earned ant with- out any di•turtnavo, the J00)1©* force being too strong fur ane attempt at resistance. There ans 1.1113 Latter- llay Sainte ttxdland. . It is premised to form a sum literary Monet hetor.o. At the meeting ..f the Ediiihtirgli U. P. Presto tery, on ineeday, the Ite•. Dr. Jirrhnstmi 3*11e11 attention to certain state - neon... by *14, 114,,, of Dondee, to the elect that the Standards ts. Church contained what Was dubious false, nil mischievous ; also that that the Short er Catechism VIM f1111 of Qr. Johnettin suggested that the Dundee Pre*, ytery should lie emtinenicated with on the subjevt, soil tabled • mot ... so direct- Med and wounded • On the day of the funeral in Paris of Victor Noir, Marshal Canrobert the cemnienderanerhief of the forces about tbri city, wos asked what he would du in mum of • riot. He replied, 'latish shoot down 40,000 men if necessary, and 1 only ash five minutes to quiet Paris.' Paris, Jan. 30. -The organisation of the new comp.y for the canalization of the I • ing, and the capitol all subscribed. Pour French bankers and a dozen American capi• taints 4111 at the head of it Such are the powerful cennbinations existing that they will obtain the ootiosesion 01 (14. mum. The Gqvernment wilt be soared. The oompany OM the report .1 14,. United States exploring expedinon 70 50 to work. The journals t.. -.l. -.y state that the F'reitch Minister of the Litterior, in reply 4. the demant1 .4 an English Company for the priviledge of lay ,ng • cable front Algiers to Frence, 'e4.I,4 that hereafter all monopoly in tlegralibic cablewon 't!(0 wo't! nledialied, and thot even privetsed parti were *1 10117 to loy cables. Rome, Jan, 30.- -The exe'erand Doke of Tuscany, Leo.edd the 11., diet' yestere. day, aged 73 years. Havana, Jan. 28. Diorio 41414.04.14.4• report, by o 0 eye witness, If • batty eft- gagement. Jamody 1m, which remitted In great deetruction of life. Thoring the night the insurgents constrocted a lane of entrenchmeuts, and the Spaniards beipg unaware of the fact, were surprised .111,newsy volley of musketry and cannon. The troops then stormed the entrench - mode. The rebel hes is ostimated at over 300 killed, and the Smartish 14. at nearly eit delayed by diacussion melt KEY West, Jan. 31.-00.astloCas4aron ni ting of l'ret tory Wedneeday afternoon, Bailie Lewis, of Edinleih read • sitii.er on the Scottish Poor Law system. in fhe Law Amendment Society s Princeelitreet, Edinburgh. He unattained thet the tendency of the Poor Lavr of l4*45 was to foster pritiperiam and to degrolo (lot poeerty-strieken He commuter. d it a lamentable fact that no fewer than 223.2 5 persons had been re- lieved hy the Parochial Boards"( Scotland during the last yeer --a number mineide.-- *My larger thee the population t.f Edin- burgh aud 1.e1110. or an the proportion of one to every 13( ..f the entire P11111111144011 4111 Hcotlaud. This, he thought, showed withont controversy the neceseity 1111- media0, anal combined aciiave morel or tittfigirotTIT this grest social ChlICOT. It is estimetel that there are 50,000 of a Gaelic -speaking population an Glasgow. The footand mouth dinner hes regain made in appearance in tllasgow, in a dairy Gellos gate. The Glasgow papers report mimeo -min sad wises "(death from indulgence in drink at die N•tr Year treason. At the eighth annual soiree nt the 01.- 9040 United Mforking Men's Tot .1 editor .1 0.. Voz de Cuba, while standing on the porch of hot hotel, woe attacked by several Cubans who opetesi $ tire on him with them pistol.. He retorned fire and had wounded three of his assailant, when he received a shot from the effect of which he diet in Nissen nitwit/a. Several arrest* have heen made. The edit -goof Key Weer kapntrA in a caret eithdrew the art,. tt which they piddished this morning on Ad approaching deel for the 11.1111011 that tho statements made are inexoet. rips loot Moamar United Kmddlrrt The Cincinnatti Tiatescontainn th mire mg despetch from New York . -"A ph. VIM tinter "51147344 1101. Myu parrientard have beam received .4 0., bee ..t the Bolt- ed Kingdoin which aided from hrs' flut April for Mango', and woa newer after wards heard from. The steamer str.ick an ieeberg in a dense m near md-swan, aml Went to pteces at mien, everybody Dorado ing except one mailer, who sitoorechel 1*1 lashing himself to a spar. Fie w114 not nicked tip for seven Or eight days after, and then had thiamine derengedlie wm* taken to England and reniained insane WW - 10 three or 1.•nr *1040*. .ire whew ber,. _ . st . . gamed his arise., told hut ore and fat. Abetinence Society, held in the y Fled , end died the name dir. The the chair was oceepied by Mr Thoinaa of the ship• .. , Mackie, President, who was 'imported on "L".'r • ''"" 91414 Henry /Choler,' the plotforin by the Rey. m eliace,Rer. Fergson, Mr, Ft Eilimmnson, Re. The eheirnian Stated that 6,500 persons hail signed the pledge in 1869. Di*, At Bryoe's Land Govan, on the 31s1 tilt., on old woman known se 'Granny Walker.' ronspleted her 10309 year on the 'Merited day, and was able to walk about mitil within a few ileys of her death, fthe wes • native of Tarbert. Al No. East CflinfnO1 street, Glasgow, (the henna of his dnoghter, Mrs Dick) on the 3.1 inst., Ate. McKinuon,- .04 Waterloo wakes. .A4cAttlekv•Pec.-stodi.,14oedle.7ears.""0*- The iron ship Absona reeently 0111 10.0 *1 ems, Writes accomplished four voyages menet the Atlantic and home in eine m„Tith. days, including the lit- bowveninig detentions at each port. The Ake ma wee the winner of the Montreal ocean roes Isat Mason, having accomplished thrive ymyngie to the St leverage and 114bri in tit and a half months. Freemasonry is rapidly on the inamiao in the ancient kingdom of Fife. In dor s phosed to J11/41LIMS ABROAD.- -Th41(911.,stintrewrirwits 540 lmen...I Roan in Jelikeniusto it put Rah - d th. 7.0axt, flamffe under the head or -coon N.0,. • ,--Ystenlay his Majesty deigned to *rake id 7 a. an after a (renal breakfm, WAS rammed,. !alerted to go for • hear M',Wor- m; thi ',r - m; the wood with hut snit, • NOW% mortal apparently by a heppy instinct ter mreereate the mind .4 the 4,44.,,,' of noir holy Wrens, intinediat•ly alarm to the *pm where Itt• •saites_ viameilAurealt P.A..irada•www" ruler m.111o. .4 Wage who Mode* him the Iwo., .t..4 et,till,Whinit this magas* ...,.4 14* usually aharacaterised his mweseenemen bona an iisormasion Idiesfal " if 40515 looking forward, like •1470 in.14.1 tr. the hapientema nf hetng polt pr• death lie hie gramma, ..re.e„,i On Alfr tinning 000111 Cho elms. hi...jests eseg141 odd ; but the mina! remmlim haritte heed 1.. Ishila he dossed to oat lonlmal t a Itnie defense lodge kno spirting wagrodtolukty well." • ition ireit to hod. tank 111.44...404 with renewal vird,sed all whir %r lirthm-rimpood., sworn,. g OViirid; n IChikaiably there are two k 104 troatt,ivo.. avointi.u.t. '4194641... ,p TTIMFTlit II. P, and ter; N... 468.' P. r., . - y.-