HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-12-04, Page 6Shop from the pages of the A EXTRA SPECIAL VINYL BILLFOLDS . . BILLFOLD KEY CASE SET . 49" 69" CREST HARDWARE e sa 1 I and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mee, Mood* Hodder', Phone 2624002 Mrs, Bertha MacGregor, Phone 2624025 Good Luck I wish to extend congratulations and good luck to the winners In H e nsal I 's election, Special thanks to those electors who gave me their support. HAROLD KNIGHT The Women's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their Christmas meeting Monday evening December 1 in the Sunday School room with eighteen members and Home Helpers present. President Mrs. R. A. Orr opened with a Christmas verse following with Christmas carols with Mrs, Ed Munn at the piano. Members answered the roll call with a participation towards the program of the meeting. Mrs. Archie Hoggarth offered prayer. Visits were made to 19 sick and shut-ins by all members. Mts. Orr spoke on "The Littlest Coin". One penny a month, no more no less, for a person taking part. The president also brought the small knitted shirt she made for the underprivileged children of other countries. More members offered to try knitting some. Thank You I wish to thank all those who supported my re-election to Hensel! Council. I shall continue to work on your behalf to warrant that support. LEONARD ERB Also accept my best wishes for the coming festive season. OLIVER JAQUES REEVE OF HENSALL To the Ratepayers of HENSALL Please accept my sincere thanks for your support at the polls, Monday. I shall endeavour to continue to represent you and your interests to the best of my ability, RATEPAYERS OF HENSALL Thank you very much for the trust placed in me at the polls, Monday. It was most appreciated. I look forward to serving as a council member in the coming year and shall endeavour to serve each and every one to the best of my ability. PAUL NEILANDS HENSALL VOTERS Your Support at the polls was most appreciated HEIN ROOSEBOOM admitted last week to South Huron Hospital Exeter where he is receiving treatment. Mrs. E. Fletcher of Moorefield is spending the winter months with her daughters Mrs. Ed Fink and Mrs. Ham Hoy. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fink of London were recent visitors with the former's parents Mr. & Nrs. Ed Fink. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Smith attended the Maguire-Smith wedding held at St. Peter's Chapel, London, Friday evening. Dear Sir: The presence of candidates at, polling places is embarrassing, humiliating and possibly intimidating to the public. In Hensall, the two most successful candidates had no regard for such ethics (and possibly legality of their presence), as they stationed themselves where all voters had to pass them in the hallway of the town hall. It seems the fine practice of candidates going home to await results no longer applies. As a voter, I resent whatever "pressure" their presence implies. Aside from the foregoing, I congratulate the winners and praise the losers for how they played the game. Voters right to privacy entitles the signature. Backlash. Fresh Spareribs Meat by Products Mac & Cheese and Chicken Loaf Smoked Side Bacon Fresh Pork Shoulders Shoulder Pork Chops Chopped Suet Sirloin Steak PRODUCE California No. 1 Sunkist MANDARINS (med. size) count 50-60 oranges s ent a carton California No. 1 RED GRAPES Product of USA Can.No. 1 P. POTATOES FROZEN FOODS Old South 6-Oz. RANGE JUICE lb. 730 S90 690 490 6.50 290 980 1.29 3 lbs. 494 25 lbs. 85t 5/$1 HALF-PRICE FILM PROCESSING BLACK AND WHITE 8 Exposure 500, 12 - 700 KODACOLOR 8 Exposure $1.31 12 - $2.39 By-pass "middleman store- keeper," send DIRECT to processing plant and save 50%I Send film, cash, cheque or money order along with this ad to: Clinton Photo Service CLINTON, ONTARIO Kinnettes deliver cheer to shut-ins On Sunday afternoon members of Hensall Kinette Club delivered 65 Christmas fruit baskets to patients in Victoria Hospital, London; South Huron Hospital, Exeter; Community Hospital Seaforth; Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich; Huronview; Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, and to shut-ins in the Village. This is an annual project of this club. Choir socializes At the conclusion of practice Thursday evening members of the Hensall United Church choir enjoyed a social evening when Mrs. John Turkheim, organist and choir director showed lovely colored slides and narrated her recent trip to British Columbia. A highlight of the evening was the presentation of a gift to Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson on the occasion of the 25th wedding anniversary she and her husband recently celebrated. Enjoy euchre The C.P.&T. Committee of Amber Rebekah Lodge sponsored a euchre in the Lodge Hall Wednesday evening. The winners were: Ladies - Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, Mrs. Nancy Kyle. Gents, Alex McBeath, Harold Rowe, Exeter;• lone hands, Glenn Bell, Hensall. In a draw for apples the winners were Mrs. Elizabeth Riley and Alex Meikle, Exeter. Conduct funeral Funeral services for the late Mrs. William J. Douglas of Brucefield were held from Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall Thursday November 27. Rev. E.D. Stuart officiated. Interment was in Bayfield cemetery. Pallbearers were Arnold Keys, David Reid, Frank McClinchey, J.K. Cornish, Roy Consitt, and Eldon Jarrott. RHEUMATIC PAIN? Get fast relief the very first day! Rumacaps are specially formu- lated to give you fast relief—the very first day—from nagging rheumatic pains and aches. Also proven effective for relieving lum- bago, sciatica, headache and neuritic pains. Ask for new Rumacaps—a distinctive blue and white capsule of soothing comfort—at your local druggist's. Rumacaps are capsules of soothing comfort! • • • • Viii4 4A0. 41 i g s . V ik*4 ,NiZiO - 0 4 : %, I iZ*11;6 A LO- I Santa's Christmas PARTY HENSALL g Sat., Dec. 13 2:00 p.m. HENSALL ARENA --- - Av—"- - • • MOVIES • TREATS • SKATING Saturday Afternoons n. Dec. and Jan. Watch for more details in next week's issue e?, Pcz idixttvp444;14wwww:41mr4141%.13124-tam. vgew,4 vavafs tf k of Beef Hind Quarter 0 FULLY PROCESSED / :04,Was§V4i. 4,..!Metge SECOND THIRD Side of Pork Smoked 1i Nam FIRST FULLY PROCESSED MM. DRAW TO BE MADE DEC. 24 •••• vsarmarlurignurw... Just Put Your Name And Phone Number On Your Cash Register Slip From Our Store And Depost It. VALUABLE PRIZES IN OUR CHRISTMAS DRAW EASY TO ENTER eigniEruf. I 1 • leageg.iP.M. Page b Ihne*-Advocehr, December 4, 1969 Presbyterian ladies choose new officers Hensall 262-2015 Arrangements were made to meet Monday December 15 at Mrs. Orr's to help pack Christmas packages for shutins. Next meeting will be held January 8, at 2 p.m. with Mrs. Harvey Hyde and Mrs. Harold Bell giving the devotional and study. Roll call will be a New Year's resolution. Mrs. Catherine Montieth closed with prayer, The 1970 slate of officers are: Past president, Mrs. Earl Campbell, president, Mrs. R. A. Orr; vice president, Mrs. George Walz; corresponding and press secretary, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm; treasurer, Mrs. Ed Munn; Glad Tiding secretary, Mrs. Munn; fellowship and service, Mrs. Earl Campbell; literature and library, Mrs. Harvey Hyde; Home helpers, Mrs. Harry Snell; supply secretary, Mrs. G. Walz; pianist, Mrs. Munn. Youths solicit aid for teens The HI-C Fellowship of the United Church are asking congregational participation in a special help project they are sponsoring. Sunday December 7th baskets will be left in the vestibule of the sanctuary. Into these baskets the congregation are asked to place a contribution of canned goods, fruit, vegetables, soups, meat etc. These canned goods will then be presented by the HI-C to the Teenage House supported by the London Rescue Mission. Entertain vets Seven members from Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary in conjunction with Exeter Auxiliary entertained veterans at Westminster Hospital, London, on Wednesday evening November 26. Bingo was played for entertainment and prizes given. Refreshments were served. Attending from Hensall Auxiliary were Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs Grant Bisback, Mrs. Wm Smale, Mrs. 'Mary Taylor, Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs. E.R. Davis. SHARE YOUR GOOD HEALTH Ed (Buck) Little, Hensall, was the lucky winner of $500 Clinton draw prize at the Clinton Kinsmen stag party last Friday. John Skea was the lucky winner of $100.00 in a draw at the Huron County Trappers Association at Londesboro. Harold Caldwell, Hensall, held the winning ticket in the Clinton Lions Club $500.00 Grey Cup draw. Mrs. Earl Gass is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Ernie Chipchase is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Wayne Smith is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Stewart and David Blackwell attended a banquet at the Civic Centre in Lansing Michigan Friday evening November 28 in honor of their brother, Wm. T. Blackwell, who has retired after nearly forty-two years with the Oldsmobile Corporation. About 500 of his business associates attended. _ Mrs. Inez McEwen spent a few days at Paisley visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Sparrow, who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. A family dinner was held at the Hartley House, Walkerton, Friday. Mr. & Mrs. Carey Joynt and son of Bethlehem, P.A. visited last week with Mr. & Mrs. Don Joynt and Mrs. F.G. Bonthron. Mr. & Mrs. William Workman left on Friday on a motor trip to Florida where they will vacation for two weeks. SOUP MIX Instant i,9p FFEE s BREAD Dare's assorted Kevin and Kathy Parker spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Orval Cooper at Kippen. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick and Mrs. Annie Cole left Wednesday of this week by bus for Florida where they will spend the winter months. Dr. Norma Hopkinson of Lion's Head visited recently with her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mrs. Amelia Schroeder of Woodstock spent the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Ed Schroeder and family. Mr. James A. Foster was PAUL NEILANDS ... wins council seat CASTING A BALLOT IN HENSALL'S MUNICIPAL ELECTION — More than seventy per cent of the eligible voters at Hensall turned out in Monday's municipal election. Shown above receiving her ballot from deputy-returning officer Earl Rowe is Mrs. Clarence Reid with poll clerk Mrs. C. Christie looking on. T-A photo. Three Hensall residents winners in cash draws SPRAY y-On s STARCH Liquid (floor wax) AEROWAX SANIFLUSH Ros STRAWBERRY rAWBERRY JAM Rose TROPICAL CONSERVE Stuart House Chicken-Noodle 24-oz, 27-oz. (regular 5 pkgs. 494 SPECIAL 24-oz. COOKIES 8-oz. chocolate-chip, fudge chip, sugar, french-creme, peanut-butter chip Purex TOILET TISSUES (pink or white) 6 King size IVORY SNOW King size CHEER S.WIFTNING s CORNED BEEF (deal pack) (deal pack) 3-1b. pail 12-oi. tin 4 • tin 680 tin 880 580 290 2Sq 5/390 $1.09 loaves 6U 3/880 rolls 894 $1.55 $1.55 784 54 C • 0 47-oz. tin 9-oz. 9-oz. Nescafe (deal pack) 6-oz. jar