HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-2-3, Page 16' se tat?tY.•ete sass+ •3+.tt "!!` +eee' 'faplM tea, t.r WEEKLY E1)'Tx 1 _essnits w. C.:)S, ;Moot ind'ropiiotor. The )roatoit Possible /coed to the Greatest Posnibls Number.' • FI • • as 1.l1OPI'SR ANN IN AT)VAIkfCIF, $1).44).&T END JrOYEAH. Business Directory., D !SUTHERLAND, DRALIK 1N Coal. Limber, Shingles, Laths, kc., YARDS, of Ike Harbor µd corner Wes sed Wares es Streets, res •tees, •oaWaterloo street, is rear of the yard. Dederick. Now Sik, 1118. Uwkew lyre C.imshape11tltale/el WI1cIte11C.4g 1ORN RHCR1, Proprietor. This is tb tergest.nd besICountry hole, ,n Weyer Os.ad.,aad coarses •o moderateie any Heim le Mitchell. Nage Proprietor. Uo od eo LI+nllur 100 Hones Hor.weaedG.rrtages for H,le, en 8'sorie.l Nut tree 14, LAI 0 V A L. ALEL WALLACE, W 4TCH AND JBWKLER, wry seam, p OD E R 1Cii YR •-ober h•,•,r rrttvlved mJ. el...e dusty wwWww l..r•uth, wear 140. ..P0 I, the f w.M• t. 'hoot hu 0r04.. d .ho peb1 e, tar re liberal awn.... won which bare hrurad 4.r the ise 1t end bee. 1. .ee now inn Il•iarere of petwiewc We wor wady supl, Bushiest Stoves ! V c, t Po .1 RI va Q PLAIN AND FANCY• Il T I BIT W. -A. R m, ( 6DERICH, ONTARIO, D. O., THURSDAY, ,FEB. 3, 1870. Da ittdorti. !(24 YEARS AT T11E OLD ST IND.) Stoves! j CABINET FURNISHING 1 ill O m sie 1 0 RI Watches Clocks an(i Jawelery a•►ai ion etre ....s.m.r r .ea car -now , wd r cal wart W been da.. b. no .ell .w • limy derend- r ssnng .1 well esec wed. gr A Need amenmente sun .rid Pled Merrell Weems g•c, W.pes Wet AJAX WALLAQII. adaisk 0a.11116 11111 w4a co W A'HIE: 1-1 0 U Si E . DANIAL GORDON, NIA1i1 :1t Undertaker, lc., Arc., A bSud thpewe o0 Largest stock OF FURNITURE In We Comity, it every variety can- not fail to coin r the I of oil ,n west of PDRTITRKE wliwwww `1 ^i Rut Paul'. l.,ve died quite a1 one fnwt. 1t eau you ever forget It all, and really love OOUit TYOOUNOIL to OODDRIUH 'Young, that .oke Watdea sad Mr Adar ' SECOND BLOSSO ia can't have been much, unrely, fur one frost me again T' 1 - sem ba appointed the &ant rd AadH O 1VOL. XXI1I.--A€) 2 R TUB £Fritos •r "441 naive., or A utile, ars." - (learfwdal. 'Ah ! bat u it, an it be thus too bite T Ring out, bells of Christmas, and give your pathetic denial to s0 cold and hard • verdict ! Tett the dull world of a love which was not too proud to be the wooer, to stoop to seek first for reednciliati n. A was foolish and wrong, 1 know ; but 1 ' an yo. really love we again now, u in the ((rderich (T) k (Abb.w 11 Hoxton Ione which, altar Paradise took could ret (routed be would Ire sure to twine mond in old, old days 1' 1 du Township W Sheppwrd 1) Patton tone, if he really loved me. So 1 welted But as she glanced for • moment from Grey J Lock.te A M -Donald u *sited, w„ him to the Ishii' sal a lad, and aid Rot give in and ti a bwids them, she needed Hy k Brown W Carrick every lay made it re difficult. L didn't !not the fervent answer which yet was gie- Hoick J Perkins W Wade know 11e c ld len so cold and stern to me. ell. For there was also the bundle of Aer f Hallett C Morrow H Buell .1st letters, and on ons which lay opur, a ( McKillop W J !Brannon 8 Hannah big, new, .blotting tear. (Mums T K.II W J Hing.t.n Jett then, the Christ meg bells broke sant fiewfnrth(VIi)R (i gee. tgkey agein, sweet exceedingly ; • ith a tender, Htanley T Rilopson G Castle but/ducd ecstaay, with an sorriest triuut- phant gladness, that came and went like the Christ mail chorus of the s ngets. • • • • Little mon ins to tell. Theft 0u a happy Chr.aIw.a evening at the Hall. It was especially curious to notice the effect upon the children of the changed state of things. The iu4nctive peruel.tlon of a change in the father, and their gradual, shy creeping rip to hon. They could not rearm on the Change, but a looker-on Reeve of the Toren of Ondenrk, be Warden ought $re that they felt It. le truth,louk, vri heitrrywl•'ilJs.. . , Tb. Warden took tbwweow.sry declaration to kill it. Yet, oh vet, 11 was w tender, 'Little wife. 1 also need to be forgiven :' J4HvaaY 48th, 1810. 1 the terms of the late act. saddest of all, Mr. Johnstone said, when ed.' I The County Council mel thisday por you may mo. that nun. it was kept so can. 'Darling, hive you rrufly f I didn't ever su:uit G. statute, whin the following (tent fully, but now itis ruined. And that nu believe you cared •h.' Anil the golden Iemer'Uaresente d certificates (nisi the Clerks true. AR that he said was trite. And the head esu led un by::: sbonldrr uaon re u(thrir respective Municipalro., of having hells 'seemed alto mean the same. But • after thus long while. 'l1h, 1 have s, oftenIt NS for all that, it comes too late. Pull never wanted to cry use your Wel again, ea I used leen elected Reeves and Deputy Reeves. minded it, never thrright.•( It. The garden ; to do. I didn't ever care to cry, nom 1 Township Rahe Deputy is ruined ; the very roots are dead. It u ' couldn't cry then ; and s, 1 se.,n.d ie, Ashhrld U Armatmng M la1Wu lo. late for so.' I get ked sed add. Tken have yon really, ('hntnn ( Vii) . W Farren 'I was foolish,' said little Lilian. '1 really lured me, really wanted me 1 And Colborn. W Yn se sweet, so dear ! Ab ! the garden u the I have been too hard , but 1 have sufrer- Engineer's accounts ewe referred t.• t! -u - Ftnanca committee aiming, with th,vtw a other A0Couus. Resignation of Rer W Barr, as I.. e; for Colborne, *as read and accepted. Lr the Counsel. Moved byy• Mr Young, sec by Mr Hoo- ton, that th• Rev Ju lilivoMght to al - puinted in 6s stead -carried. Mored by Mr Atmnirultg, see Ay 11 a Young, that 16• ker W Marr sae r•-,.1 pointed L. S., of Schools for the 1..1. ship sat Ashfield, fur the cermet yeas carried. Monad Ay Mr 13atK; sec by 1Kr 1lelp., that the Council adjourn &e•,l,ph,•FM 3,p. r. 1 The Conned netlmed, the tt anlen in tholes chair. Amount of Mr Spence aas 1.6101 ; and referred to Finance Commit's,. Itwp•d'r of the selecting ..mnuttee wad rent an I adopted. Moved by Mr Patton see. he Mr Oaring, that the sem of 13000, be raised within this County for the improvement ..f boendary Innes of the several Mnnimpwlitte. The 566.1 w raised to be apportion a•arrd- ing to the equalised a se*aul4Mt of tlic current year. The expenditure GI fin o.t the same principle r last year, •1elioneel.. on Town Lines, except the Town .d 00derich and villages of Clinton and ace - forth, who may appropriate their propor- tions as heretofore, cerried. Mored be Pj[r Bishop sec. halide M.aasaMlt•4-d1 .,m. Council du ass-sa :aef An meet' spin -t..--. morrow morning *1 10 o'clock.-431rned. rash:a w, 3eit The Council met puraeant to adjonm•- meut, the Warden in the chair. Preserve' Messrs Ariustroug,Ddlon, Farms, Young, Horton, Sbepperd, Patton, Leckie, 11c- Donald, 10- Donald, Brown, Carrick, Perkins. Wade. Vurr,w, `Snell, Shannon, Hwnn*b, Kelly, H4ngston, McCaughey, Simpson, C•utly, Greenway, Yearly, Creeswsll, Dallis, Mesar, Scott, Bishop, Willis, Hell" , Uirvtn and Usunt- The minutes of yeltenlaylwere tread orris and approved. By -Law No. 1 1870 ape tweaking County Auditors was need aloft pared. By=Law Nu. 149 .1 Godarieir Townehtp was submittal when it w5F ,pored by Mr. Sh•pperd seconded by Me.. Patton, that the clerk be instructed t•. draft • By -Lew confirming By-law Na. I40, 1869, conveying a need alkalinise* mentioned herein to Uabriel ElL.d, Cor- ned. ciente Engineer's report was reeds and referred to (Travel 1Grd Committee: Account from the municipality of the tows,. of Godeneh was referred to the Finance Committee along` with fire aonwns.-- Moved by Mr. Boots, seconded by Mr. Helps, that the Caonty Engineer be lw- stnict•d to report at this meeting of C..ow- eiI as to the propriety or neonulty of re- building the anpentructure of the EatI*w4- Bridge during the current" year. Camila. Petition of David Willem. was read ae4-• referred to FinanoeCuutmittee. Meted bio' Mr. Meyer serended by Mr. Oirrin that *ltilrLlt'(rlid 3');wM71rteinglIWTrwtnor Treasurer G. pay over to the several Meq, mealier the amounts collected ca account the non-resident Lend Fund, en the 30th day of April and the 31st say of Dee. in oteq year, l.'.rrieai. M•nsd by Mr Leckie, seconded by 111 • Metairsld, that this Council do grant toe. NM d $186.00 to the Township uf Omar to est ie building • bridge nn the' Boundary Line between tho Counties id • Huron and Perth near the Village or Moaewort6. The County Colima of • Perth, at their last December nearing, , having granted • pike slaw to the Town ship of Wallace to be paid on the cord!- • tine that the County of Huron do grant M OnnimtenSeteamobetwAnfalg tv referred to I'nnt6ng tont, "a C4mneil adjourned till 7 oclook, p, ate- TheConneil resumed, the Warden in tarp• chair. By -Law No 2, 1870, to tenant.. Hy -Law No 14V of the Township of (lode•• rich, Sas read and passed. Hy -Lw No 3, 1870, anth..riabtg tho monies Treseorse w, pay e,sr Nn-ke1_imtR reonies we• read and pseud. Communioatu,n fron. Messrs. Renton aid Meyee was reed and referred to the Roane. Report of the Pnnting committee wee rent and adopted. Report of the Sadarie committer wee read and adopted. Account of Neil Montgomery weaned and referred to the Finance south.. Commi,,nidstinw from the President) of' the Northern (travel Mod Company was card and referred to the F.nenoe mom: Report of the Finance Commit*. was read. Meted by Mr Bishop, s•.nmMA by Mr. Leckie, '1 hat No.'s 14 and ibnf the Finance Report relative to the Taswnd„p.-, be amended by allowing By -Lew )*poor• 4 a sea on dogs in thisomnty-to roman „i force ss tut year. Upsets s vrr4w helm., skew, there voted for et• $ine64mt•nc Messrs. Bishop, McDonald, LeukwyMor- row, Girvtn, Carrick, Helps Rnell, Finge• ton, Hannah, McCaugheyJ, iIort,m Wi441.( Young, Hhannon, awl Cishis is. • 11801. the report, Noun. Armstrong, Courier, Slee- pers', Perkins, Greenway, Kelly, Simpson, Dalton Gaunt, Brown, Wade, Patton, Rett, Dalton, Yearly and Dallas. Theme being an pnwlity a votes th. ameM4tueu, pored in the negative. Motu. fly Mr. 1 erk.e•, wooded by Nr. Wali, That N... '41 of the Ylnancp R.p.rtbo amended by granting the sum of 81000, to grltde the Road on 8 wad A emeessen Ins of Howe -4. (wet an • dirui.m by • nna niity of 13. When the report esu again wtbinitted t.. the (,bleed and adopted Massed' exert Itself to set hef.,re the sullen -hearted and rebellions, the sweet and softening hope of • Paradise yet to be regained ! And surely, where onos flowers grew, where naw fruit ripened, although now neglect And l alining get to hate lion for being and coufnuuu have taken the pine. of the able to do so without me. Tien that hard sweet blossoms and the pleraut fruit, yet letter. It6,t you sow in hl, heart the root* if you would part the bran, and tear up were dead. His love went clean away. l the weeds, the nods of the flowers would thought 1 had usneged to get to he don't- - be found to remain, the trees themselves aro u well, l made the children my ria NIi,11 ms c erose who say ay..r boo with • awn-wbM be, m ,e- aro nut cot dole. At !cut to worth the h 1 and chddren Go. 1 went not a card to Quality, Siete ser Pn.w. Every 'este rtpenment. Even this very dry let it be good deal, and even got friendstbat i knew wunntr,l.. rwv,.u,u.ndd. tondo ; ereu this very day let the dewrted Hsv.sa mala .rta..p our cal. sidle l i('QI'ES' garden he entered, and search made Lor k SAY, ereroo ' sin lurmeh aeylh,og how+ ser' the hidden flower. ! The flowers u1 old u then Warorou.nnn furore„• !confidence, and tenderness, and kindness; C:l1143a1;10 118 C1Ql/ki' thBower of gentleness, and no hearance, and peace, and have. They are there still, ch. moors are there ; they aro not dyad. 11 f4 not yet Go tate, Another Christmas, said the gnat gulf of Teeth may have wt op ned battretn you inn the 11rp117}ltedew of the t. Yon would "glvti irortds then N. B„ Hes Ower% a complete ..mortawiet of VOEE•l)eloee Istoad. Ailed II E-A 1 PIEllittoo hire. West at., n .lion. •,,*, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - sar Coal Oil Lirppw,1t. ke. Old Ire.. Creeper, lir..., Wool Piet ..e. Obese aims fakes is IDIOMS se, 1.100.1, yrotr, -. Sipa. ails Large olid 011 Rieid1, seisms. !dam, 1at.1sa'r Ll NOW IS Y''II CHANCE no Tsae .nh•rethe, ,u nannies treks hes the ober. patronage .•• 1641 bestowed upon enm, ler. to in lar a.mll Won ihis n..a.rnw., .' ...towers are. *r > that in . to I6.r .t r of the las a.e, b. 11. removed u,. beet... to tar war f,8.0 '10 tesiaL ret by Mr booth Rel •trent, tan Ilr.k •.f eloatrasi, warn r.M}ilnne ■ b,• h.r will be a,n•1 and A11 Binds of Job Work will he Done - 6*0 YAW u non.*. Prices to Snit the Times ! N - ^f for the portnnity which you are refu.s 11 -l\ - 0-. 1--CE1 . now. Yom then wnvld ert *feud- wl.at Tour heart is too proud to whisper a little. But you shall hear your voice die across the great distance. They cannat hear you notthough von plead with pardons ler- vein. ervein. It is all in vain ; thnugh with streaming eyes and clasped hands you stand by the hunk, and cry out in the hanger and desobitedeairiug of your heart. You would forgive then. But you cannot le heard. ion went(' forbear then. But, the opportunity has posed. Return, 0 love, O trentinq :4)1t N and dear confi- dences ' Ah, the mice dies aco... the abyss ; only a dull echo answers from 11. •ebaans, Toxo bis ! 100 late " There were more of such words -words ant very, wonderful. not very e1.•gnent,but earnestly spoken, and hereand there find- ing their mark. And when the sermon ended, the quiet mortise aft.r.'arda took "p, and ewncluded with the thought of peace and good will. ---:- - And then the belle burst ant again. Glad, as it would almost seem, to have had their music interpreted, they made the old tower rock with their jny-peals, and their plaintiveness seemed almost et mer ed in their ecstatic gladness. PenuahaR pleading, reminding. all throngh the walk home : weaving words of the sermon into their tones ; changing their arrangement, timing them in new oon.l•insliona, piecing them anew ; hero a fragment, and there a • and lad res ace and Agpartlesindt'bled to R.RunclmsskCo; yIIITHEIt BY NOTE tilt BOOK AC- uterehereby u..tified,thatunlessthey CALL AN') PAY UP AT ONCE My will be seed, without further nonce. R. RUNCIKAX, Huron Foundry Uwlerick, Oat Uolerleb.11iibDec.. Agee. wt*. 0O1)£R1C17 W'AtiON & CARRIAGE Photograph.; reduced to $1.00 per Doz., ria 7t,Cb. rim HALF Dol5w. Large Photograph Reduced in Proportion. AIr-win mate me targ,errll..rna')wal„et. In f1M1tt•1 ,• h very .beep P rtal.. ie. tare, rows oar dollar ma'I tt. e• s 1. J soe• .rlfit '- - n s azto. nisfetclo, O r y Hr. Snim-oder W.onbl esw0USe• to the pule (tud.v6A. ssN Yawl lass __ --- --_ rod.ri►. Ott. 1a►• 1511• G. BARRY & BRO., 111411 GABINET MAKERS , WOOD -TURNERS AND UNDERTAKERS, r '. 1r ,' p t.nI ton Rtllrfor ia e .II arti- 1► their Itrs, ,urh u Beditea s,ChaiirC Tables, r A14tiads of woad•turniog done, such • pal ear stair bwnnisers, neckyokes, ac lays on bend, a complete NT OF COFFINS mum 40 hi.. oro respectable term 't/aV 3rd. 1,444 16w4.1• • • ,w.} Photograph Gallery. taw -tonna firstc ase w11 Carritgee, Waggons, SleIgku, THS 1 Oldest Establishm3nt in Town, s : F ,Cit AND 1ORYDOORr r(v eneerw[ned Maine p••rrhnee "he Yls,n- J), Ndl end Nash Preto', owned, end nes .up,tby Donald Cumming, are now prepared , h• -y on the hupnrr u1 wanufarlarag StSh, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring Sling, sed .11 toadies It Ce i. VI ♦Y () I2. Lee 1le ■. Cirri* end 64,.fhle Saab and Prone T 'Mak (min liner r ve M rience in P101 .6brbcoon to *1050 a rel layer them watt a call. '11xw)rrtt vee drimenel tet#* ...aa. r 0,000 frit of Pry inch soda ester Flooring on hard. J RiiCFrAN , i rip LAW, i i[f ROBINpq L`• a.l 7 Waimea. Merck/ 6h.• ewM --->/ r ----- R000 PAPERS UM PAPPRSU 41101. "ARl6 rY Ar yes Different Kinds of Papers TIP Rlilrn RRt. Jails, Parlors, Biting Rooms and Drawing Rooms, LL NEW PATTERNS, rd Moak end d«Ioo4 by NI., r. and Paper Rana en to he W moat I,- nor 1 .Wags., aiir ieape e "1101"Wit'_' PAPERS KVRR l' FRODCCED ••.r.e.rtlt.ft. FOR MALI AT OUTLIERS. -AMA owes( rued, ILL RINDS OF 1''rIt\ITCRE. Al h+. rhos n Rmrw .,.. SInM, eppeene the "rraaeiiai t1R: 11104. her ltlf f11i.. -. Maitland Salt Well PL.- TT'S PATENT EVAPORATOR, • The undersigned is prepared to FURNISH No. 1 SALT, IH AN, QUANTITY AT TH1 1.,owt!Mt O, FROM THE ABOVE WELL. P. H. LFTf•OR. Ooderieh, Augaat 3rd, 1869, .27 CHEAP LANDS FOK SALE I TOWN OF CODERICH. now 1410,1)144 1114. gsowrh. nnl.dlrl,lnn Park I roots r .,cat 1 In run 1 1,44. 11 a, 140 and 159 110 I owatilp of Ween. h, North 14 aro.. Ince, en 1, Ino remota,.(4An.ld. 4m,s.ry le View of4aet t of South t let I, rasa 4, w. D ,vise. T7106(68 WRATHRRAI.D, P. 1.09rveyne, 0.40Arb. grsrlre. nes. Mk 11m, watt FARM EOR SALE. 1w1R.A1,*5 4g M R01T tel Ho t. (:oro 14 W. 1' n A.A6:1d, Co. if now. mml.lntne M arms. IS slaved with hn•, and warn 1h... It llei0R elwee on the %Ara It le 5 .mower tat, Pvve f1* M parson, rent peen and taxes. SAN rim 1LR111T. Lanka. rot 1. len • 8 a.. MIL a.MIL ten !write ZC=, Farmers, Livery Stable liNE1'ER.S AND 0 tt4BRA, AN 1!I Yoir Lame norlfee, ,' •.'i il `1 `- eyk `', tb'exa'wig8 a 1is'A 'i g r.n .'eml•M t• In IWtlewer nedMbk, 1.1 1.1e. n)• Farm for MMU,o• o..e,lrn w1.'... - mei het, .rmtawusg Ind woe. monde M,A re reorient In were mkt sure Mcleod. A saw nese .e, 1 orsMM 1M to ln, 6,51 56s I I4 ld add IOW g.,.d say town 1'rl,e o.s1A atM r,y MT. sen. Mltwee ess may M nW*M Irene tM pr+pAruer, Hwrll AR14. N lath we. car. M fins nor 8 0: c4uttors, WtT., which will be 0,4d CHEAP "0R CASH. p. Wanted a wood -worker, and two apprent.e.a--one to learn wood -work and the other bea ke nems g. - JOHN PASMORE, Vitoria Street, Goder:ch Cndrrieh.Mty lab, INN. • w45 Middlesex Seminary. Il y..• sen /this lost i. r al cadent• .cath Ar r++ of s 1ian••n no•1 to the Fine 40•. The M.fire. rd and Tau Tww 1.4 4.8 1 Otto. 1070 rib INatd and ante.• 4 ass14h •^•1 .'lis•. per II went.' term pan S .114 IMO. m t'ou. rimrh•,.,rtmrni to ...1n14,01.451'I40. and ale. fan.• ,l .u•. T nom dot. o1 wle.t.ra, For .6. 4 1'rofra.,r.. Twl.rid temt.fmor .40.' ion.. H"t+M`Ist ! ^w. t ►eew.h end Derotow. eve raw. Cifthel h ('6'044, ?WT.wner.,r: 'Th. Seminary I., Kw u,1, T p,„„, n s ai.11 MK RI[ht n! of la eat Aral 11 Ja n r4M l i, • I. nee two 5, IMM M nd0ea.,th to January, lino 54011 ..0 art tan* and fourth o • IM1 or ter, la Kaneohe, In 2100.teacIn , 1111. ,tele.^ -{A don caner, al. trot , Kay. ora, tions. wp s,niq SAW -LOGS & STAVE -BOLTS WANTED. THF rl;eM'RIBRds Ault PIIRitA1Yt11 Ivo HARP r••ntrse•ta nor 4.11r ., 1r. quantity of Elm, Ash, Beech, Pine, and Hemlock, Sawlogs, also, Stave Bolts Dellvned sem theta Toronto. nrp..lr. the rage., nation Alien 1n nnder4l, lM Ywi,y of. n.lom 1.•r0 Per ptrlirnur• apply to Yr Tann'a the pima.. or at the rr1,1,tc, .d Si, Jame, ?continent. M'AHD6.! • Co Oad.rw•h, Wird Der.wber, ISM e4►w 1868. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON INSURANCE COMPANY H., neon ,s aoment•e Thiry -two seen, and Miring 1h.t period hot pad home. rtrrwdme Flee and a half million pounds sterling, Th,diabo.r..m.nl of 1111. •narmma tem neer n wide area, h'1. wuh•,pl dns1 contributed t, the e6.Muhm•nt of Ile,. In•w noon. in the confidence n1 I'u bite Corp.ottnne, Aterrhenr. Householder., and 5n•inrse men greenfly, wherever m sometimes.ted. 1n car b6 year, IMO, the Yin Pr.mmme alone en.nnnIN to . fa lis Mos year, 1•N, • 70th veer, 1866, • ,' 1(A year, 1006. •• •• Una year law, 1%7, '• •• The Min Reuev., Pdnd re sow ,4.7,7,404 The life Remove ?cad er now .R.Idl,4e0 TM rnmpan) is repr..aaed thrmtehoet rte. tern and goober, by ,nt•wnte. 4ivets, ,n whom 'mimeo mn for tnom sees may be made. O. .C. 01611 H, Hwldent secretary, M A. M. R(MP% 4 1* for ('ndsn.•h ; N. T Elliott, M Sure W.X. Wawa., ler !Memoh tlerle nh.F.A.II,ISN. 1.41 dI leJr7n 441,701 4*41,170 4g'A 77Z 48 D6,06A . `D`AK• if*8.eer aatwtaiimeearegemeat he Mu ,I.i .I..ee. h.rnmaeeced M, one.. In lied.. .lrh.n I l.eseanle In eter,wr over nacos 1 e kwtdsrd,m.ghl to nus I..l.es.e. ageing eaw •carved. •Mlle.•,(• Carryinaon Business Extensively paw PATE" " and 4rteQiorine none tont gM.title lrMerer - ,X AN...D.A. hwl,avesh0..p.,r atoie rather in tommegumbanntli as kwsm.aiexse•r,tw,y n.A. w.mvrlld l7.n N.eRhaw, rninei aamdwn. AJtd rotas--' grays, Inv* • to As woo ahs •nuns A• •Holt !KNOW, ppunripe Byern-el*wrnnomwn..id harms been eM ei •tt I► At1t11RRdt6t w.wr •0.40 en1..a•e, .nnnt /tnrris.we wf eh. hia,op• 1 tsa.Hi.l.,wwn ., w Ilan fief/ were Mr s sed to hoe h.srl, T y child 1' lauat1Y 1e 4.410,.' end other. Mel. having . Hai b,9n Ilial, he rnwrty.ta,e to a '(t fe of no wee, se...PT!, d tome IA1ian : 'it ). he murmured, 'It mo. that H• setas! paOmer w [ r i_t fou a6/ at ek t Mr. Johnstone by bmkwn 4f batG•- ai. nk.wntln w:ns., enA w1r. glees -MIN' Jnr% i1 attar foam iceldrr or a iter itHN' tertrnq' nein and a .. M liner.1.111•••• w.M thew s •r5 •.taM,teesew mom • oe,^es Rw•MIN. te me, 6160614 wee not. Not tic nee, h. r Meta 4e tri. esu et M, lifter 15 0 N*Uw Tarowta ear McMwtl. .aid. t0S. roofs oftho Soave had life a?a►law 0edsrleb. Ortde► 34.1843. 1017 flat haw any woo n•• that setae haw. WI . WI a they became vehement, imp,rtt.nate voices, that emit, net be dented : ah ! was there still thatsp.ctre-tolling, that dirge -answer which replied to the morning chimes t Or did an, mermen cone, in any heart, like the diotant peal that might now and then be detected in w pease of the near bells, if the wind jnat then set that way Whether this might be .n or not, Waring and his wife paced home in silence Rt' the bells et any tat* found patient listen- ers. At lunch, little Minna askedher mnther, 'Mother, do you think MrJnhnstnne would say that ewe warden was in lad order f' Blither mother foetid nut snddenly that made him unary. But he did nut speak we are just separate since. There is a gel, between us already. Ab ! how si4/4 1 am to keep on crying 50.' Anther silence. Then she murmured.'i have really been very wrong ; i have known that furl•.ng w. But 1 was wilful, and would not listen to myself. And now nothing can bed ,me It is to . late nos,' re4rwtate -•'AMMtreneeenrMwraerwaR- heart th*Stnt rperted denial -of tbeehrme- Inas bells ; but elle .idly ah. wok her heal sad nod ageing 'It is too Iota now.' '1 hath a fsncy,'she presently said, 'to tr.k at some of the old letters. How lung It es since 1 read ..4148 ; 5iuw-that time 1 hero not cared to, h*f, re that 1 rad nn need. 'lis all that l have left now ;- dried dowers from the r11111,Vi garden.' dee went to her davenport, and cilite • handle tied with faded blue nhh.,n. '1 will hair the last year's letters before we married,' she said ; andrttled herself down upnt the Mor by her sola "spill. It ARAB part of brr softened nl• od that rhe just then felt an almost mulpportable reaming to be nestling, win ..hiders, atomise Paul'. knee, and to feel his banal now and then lead tenderly on her head, car phonic` with her trews. • flowerer, she arrange' her- self &genial the sofa -head instead. Anil then mhc undid the letters, aid read one or two and then Ian* them down to .hick agar. '1'6e rush of old memories, of the old feelm;,s, that they bronght !The imperious demand that awoke in her heart, of an old want, stifled long, held down, stlenbetl, but not destroyed ! She mused, with the letter last read atilt open in her haul...What hopes those had been at the time that this was written; hopes fairly realized to., ; for had she not once been a h.ppy-oh, • very happy wife? The sympathy, the tenderousa,the confi- dence of trio minds in one scent ; the neverfeeln,glnuely ; and, if ever unhappy, the never bring without the kindest of womanly entenng Into all that woof mini - eat to her. Ah *last were all those trifles for which she had given •a11 this ap -what were ties sat the balance .ith it 1 How had she dodged add the fair fruitful acres, to contest the possession of • strop of hare s.u,d ! 'Hut he had been so nrea.me, 5uuetneee ; s. exacting.' 11h foolish! Her piques. her small resentments, her fancied Injuries ;could these outweigh that hap- py tune wheal she hal bartered for the bitter tight id mining them I -Her own way ! What has this, after ell, compared to the possession of iter odd love t And she mined sem tbrfimei when those letters were wrii-ten. now 'he used Lo .tddlt4-' r saw • we nvur one 0 RM ei • Ttireenway TYearly Tu.keramith E ('rerwell J Twruberry J Messer C Tait Scott Rshnrne A Bishop U Willis K Wawan.ah H Helps W Waeu...4 C (1,m, E Gaunt The Clerk requested the (:coati to elect a Warden to preside over the C,o,noil, When it 0u moved by Mr Young, sun. by Mr Bishop :-1'hat k Gibbons, Esq., dinner,' persisted the little nor ; 'Its flush and the joy of it all can,. hack. Iter eye reefed rn the letter which elle hail begun t.. real. Strange, he hal then ex premed • doubt of 1un.wlf, after Inst he , honld 4.e to stern, 1. 0 electing- And she bit smiled at thus, and told him, in berreply, that having had her own way for eighteen ,eon now, a1,o was quite con- tent to be obedient in future. Ah .' the hal not known, sox guessed, the strength, the.ternnees of that nature. Yet he hal CHAPTER, ilio lured her ; undoubtedly he had loved her. And now that was seer. Another letter lay by her. She picked it up, and inatinttively began to read -it. How well she remembered It as the read ! We here seen enough of the interior of It had followed upon their reconciliation the study, i think, and am tired of War- after some allgnt quarrel, and he had been ing'e somewhat dell company. Let ns so pleased, so tend, soproudofber,beaue leave him, therefore, to hie nen medics- she had awned herself in the wrong, and tions, and .teal quietly with Lilian into cried on his knee. He told her in the 1.1 - her boudoir, inviable, nnsus ,ected epee ter bow he lowed her doubly no•. ; and he talon. The children aro in the nursery ; went On to say, (0, how strange and mother onnld not he's them yet, she told pathetic the words seemed now !) "1n them in •newer to their petiti.ws. And our marded life, dearest, findt httld doh - there is little fear thwt the denisen of the inks trill (in this imperfect ass,) doobt- stody should come to bre.k in npw,n her less arise at Hines, especially in our trial quiet ; even in old days he seely did thio; time, before the passingof many years it would have been her part to trip down has changed love. deest* shoos 1466. stairs, and (nn such an afternoon ea this,) sturdy timber. And. it you have beeq nettle on to his Ian, with her arm. mend wring, 1 shall, i know, he apt to seenm bis reek, and chatter to him ; er lay her void and stern, and u though the estrange- gnldon head upon 161..hnnlder, .rid ln.sn mend did not make me wretched. But h.pply end cousplo.dl, to bis earnest believe me, that while i may teem coldest quiet talk, fon, except for nnr nngnnswed and meat rwwsoiir-ray Beret will 130 hying - intrusion, the little wife can (if *he wi.hea eying ever with a great ♦earning for that it,) 0rnlnt ne an nndistsrhed afternoon. 8nt even *light advance from you which Yat see, the hes risen from the chair which will mailer it p,aable for me Go let hew, t he had drawn to the fire, and turned the the Mrd -tide of my greet love plain. It k.,' in the door ; we cannot now creep out, 'my seem strange t.. My this ; bot I du 61 wa •mild h;:e must e'en stay where we trust myself so ; 1 fear my great untitnrr are. and amine ourselves as we beet may, for mirricd life : 1 know how easily my by wat;hinp leer manner (which i cannot alter), when i am it u rwther dull work for the find hoer, hurt or unhappy, might be misunderstood. for indeed she h•sdrne nothing but remain How misereble 1 hare been these IW few with her head rested on her wee hand,and days ! How inkneely 1 have Yearned for staring into the fire.- A sort of don't cars you! And you tell one that yon thought f Intik, however, which hes snmehew got to did not care !' n. simnel • part of her evereeinen. hn. RM let the letter fall, and pressed her been laid aside now, or hu unconerion.ly hands upon her forehead, stenlying her melted away. 'There is a look of trio! hot Maio to think. Ah ''ywtg*t them he • wintriness' in her • etracted eyes ; a shade hope 1 should she try i The words of that of intense melancholy neer her very lovely sermon came hsek. It a not Goo late, the f.ee. Nothing more than this, nn change prowcher said. It Js nor too ale, the bell* in leek car in expeeasinn for a whole hour. had repeated. 0, all this might,it m.PAt Then at lot you might see ten large teen have shoo attwek him ! Ehoold she try 7 trickle down- through the fingers, and fall And flat then her ye fell on Mot hate- upwHo her dress. fol letter, the letter that had e.uoud all the Pohaw !' she says then, Tow foolish i quarrel. Then 1t lay the had brought ant ! f don't think i have ever cried shoot it out with the hurdle of old lettere. Was it before. But now ---ria, it most 1n the this mere charms* f Was there mot a moan - bells ; aid then dug pamon ! Ah ' shall ing • • directing in this 1 (,loped hands, 1!f•t11Y 1APQAer 11'rifli'a Te Ci m &uiii; win tori mameni Jost for this once t 11y rained gard,n,that Christmas. and we have dinner with vin. But, mother, don't sere that .our garden ix nice t' 'Never mind, dear,' .h. wnewered,driven to extremity ; 'Mr. lohn!tr,ne 'did not mean that kind of garden. Besides, Ile couldn't see nun for the snow,' Lunch ended, Lilian ran masters to her little remit ; Waring retired to hie study. 'Ah + 1.ko the imperfect sin d Ming, Rnootor the priinrew yet„ 4157, Tut prion... of 11,e tater 7e.e, A7 not nu„kr to that,,[ opting.' at .11 remembered. 7'he stall, gnewirtg- pi n had on •sudden stopped ; the heavy burden had beau lifted from the heart, Iles man wean altered man. Not that nnt- wardly there eat any definable mark of this to a oareleas observer. Hut children are not carets= , they cannot ntplrou,6ut lee, perceive. And In finding his ride again. her hush ed afterwards told !wr,he had found hie children Goo, of office and sadness/id the Council in acknowledgment of the honor conferred Ilpwll 111111. Moved by Mr Ferran, sae. by Mr Scott that the Council du now Iydiatn to meet to morrow moruuag at 100'010:k -Carried. JAHPAar 46, 1870. And we may end our story by the old The Conned met pursuant 10 adjourn- ment Present the Warden in the chair Messrs Armstrong, Dalton, Ferran, Young, Horton,Shepperd, Patton. Leckie, McUouald, Brows, Carrick, Perkin•, Wale, Morrow, Snell, Shannon, Hannah, Kelly, Hiugitun, McCaughey, Simpson, Cutle, Greenway, Yearly, Cresswell, Dallas, Meeoer, Scott, Bishop, Willis, Helps, Cir in and Gant. The minutes of yesterday were rod over and approved. Moved b yMr Kelly, see. by Mr Morrow : Thee James Allen, Esq., be app,inted.ne of the Auditors for the current year, moved in anendneot by Mr 60.41, see. ._. AANrt nsn.-Knowing the lively and by Mr Mooser. that James Scott, Esp., of deepinttrestwhich ,nu feel,and take ,n the West Wawanosh, be appointed Auditor, Educational and Mowat advancement of the for the current 'ear, carried by • majority youth of your respective Townships, and of seven. Moved further in amendment by the County generally, 1 IMF* much Mt Armstrong sec. by Mr Dalton that J pleasure in being able upon the whole, to Cook, Eat, of the Township of Ashfield,be report favorably of Mile Township. Most Auditor for the current year. Lal a e Rt•Ileels hare -during-jull the (1-;alntyi/•TA'yffjrf of nine, mused 111riherin uam tend- 6rn well strayed, and with two excep- meet by Mr Shannon, ser. by Mr Mo- uens only ars pfngroring in the vinous thsughey, that Mr W N Wagon of Sea- brasiehea, very sat.faotonly. in reading, forth be Auditor for the cnrrent year. Lest gt•wma, di.:atiu0 and arithmetic, there by a majority of nine. Moved further in is s very narked improvement while in amendment by Mr Shepuerd, seconded by writintg, geography, history, dc. the pro- Mr Patton, that./ Patton Eeq.,of liynderich gnosis not so great; there is nevertheless T'ownehip,h. Auditor for the current year. nn casae for complaint. 1 wonld further Let by a majority of ail. The Warder remark that the attendance in seven of the nominated W McKay, Haq., of the Town len Schools under my supervision, sal this todt.year, min excess of the correep uding "( Gwlench, as the other Auo ditor: half-year for 1868, and had it nut been for Moved Mr Garvin see. hy Mr Bishop, the very severe drew -backs which Boons uf that *committee of Ave be ba1wtled Ln, Se the Schools met with throngh the sickness strike the standing .•ommittee for the air. .' croon,, teawso,Inela to rnnstat uf Meese tires in, Itishop, Lock le, Simpson aid formula, and they lived happy ever after.' The change was complete. Ila wits, tid• 1, more tender, more allowing ; but the we riot needed, though appr.eiated. Fyhen once • woman hr really thrown aside self on behalf of modes luras, 'tie wonderful what sue can attain to dn. Mr. JnhnsG.n'achoir appeared in sur- plices fur the first tine un Loki- Uwe. Thiy were to. gift of the churchwarden elect, Mr. Wrung ; end were worn at his etpreM desire. Mr. Johtutone thought that the world had moved on quickly in- deed. TO t 1 • V , and Council of the County of Huron would have very much exceeded that of the corresponding half. year. Nn. 1 School esu for thirteen consecutive days Mf passer. entirely closed,in consequence of the sickly ;,loved by Mr Horton sec, by Mr Bishop este of the youth of the section, 1 h•. ottendanee of the whole township for the thiol ll H kl)6 4' Req, Ips reappointed veer 1869-70 is also in steer of that of the Trustee for oho f'omr,ty Grammar School year 1848, 11 will be u gratifying to you u, floderich, carred. No'ed by Mr Fa•- tol.ear.. if u Pleasing to me to en.op.ne, esu ae.:. by lir 540.4400. that k Cows Eel, that to 501)6...1 t6. Sch.xd. 1 find pepde b, appointed a Urammar School Trustee capable of solving moat of !tempter's Anth- for the Chalon (:aunty Or*mm►r School, matte problems. Arithmetic 1 regard u 00. of the .ndispennblea in either literar r carred, s;ienufic ..r mercantile Ids. Tu the parse , Petition of Mr Sprat and nth.rs m- oi the Trustees of School Section No 1 6e quorting the Cumncil to establish m.mthl, at spoken that the sugge.tiun5 made in any Int report touching the enlarging of Fain to the Village of Real Orth. Referred the School -house and making Som. to Finance Committee intern.* improvements, were by them folk" Petition of Mr Joh. Nairn, requesting met and very promptly acted upon. The a•notance was reed and referred to the work reflects credit upon themselves, and the School -house is sow a credit to the Fdnsmw Comm ooses. sw6'1114. inn. Petition of H. Penfonnd and ethers of - 1 ►r, n'wltstnera, the rnwud, q, of aanley,wu orad and re- Yuurs, with much respect,(erred In the Finance Com. THOS .}1 STOKES, Moved by Mr Meurer, seconded he Mr Oodarirh, 31st Dec, IBu9. a.a•r Scott, That the Ily-Law Imposing a sea ItAIT vn AWA1t40f9H. upon doge he reM1 instal, and that no tax be imposed - on d•,gs the present year in L Council Room, January 1701, 1870. the Connly of Huron- Referred to tA. Th. Council met thin day s000eding to Finance Cnm, law. The members presentbeing Mears, H Circular from C. 8. Usowaki requesting Helps loth iteere,T. Taylnr,il.James, W. a grwnt from the lonncil to !h@ (ynsriu Graham and Geo. McKay Councillors. Rio, Am.tiation, wa.ts•dald nferrd to The minutes idlest meeting were read and the Famine* Committee. approved. 11 Quinn put 1n • tender for the Report of Mr Worthington, local Sup., ofitca of T'p Clerk, when it was moved levy esu referred to the School Com. Mr Taylor. sec- by Mr McKay that ss the Report of Mr Farrow, L. 8., referred le Clerk has iiia general setisfactinn, he le the School Committee. retained at the same salary u he had hat Circular from the County Council of yeast -Carried, moved by Mr Taylor see, Lambton was read and referred to the by Mr Orahem, that the following sect. 65 Fina.twCmn. peed, yr T Walsh 11.511 for mending a Circular from the County Cenneil of 0*. scr.pwr 1 .i Conit• *8:. (part payment) for ditching, putting in poste dc., at lot 30 Ort. 16 ; R Riley e3 for mrvicss as Lien.. Inspector; 1 Wightman s1 80 for cleaning Soloed hose No 8 .ft•r0Ietirn.--Carried, m .v.d by Mt. Graham, P.C. by Mr Taylor, that H /fel ler be allowed 10 months to pay the arrears of taro against hi,n, on giving anon. with ..minty, for Me emonnt, with interest at 10 )Mr writ.- (farmed, moved by Mr Taylor, sec. by Mr James, that W Bongo ugh he appointed An,ht r for thie year. -Carrier*. Thr Reeve then nominat- ed J Ostrich ea the other Auditor hich was IlnnrljtrlD uttttl...Moveaely Yr G3•m y r Taylor, that (l e- Gowwn to apptlMe& SS iseste ••'erfa tart' ford relating t.. import duties wee read and referred to Special Cons., consisting of Messrs. Morrow, Patton, green way, Shepperl and Leckie. Petition of Arthur Mikhail and others of tosTownship of Howick, requesting ad from the Conned to grad@ the road on the 8th and 9th onna, of the said Timetable. Petition 1.1 Joha Martin to he app,int- ed Court. Hoose Keeper, esu read and referred G. the 4@stir Com. Report .4xsArakr,L-B-elaree-rMe.1e1►f to the Rehrol Coin. 1 was an beast fel' n y i4P4 un- n _AMY. . - ,-r•••••••• - sea , . • • inn a• e Apnlic ion of lir R*rir (L>. ._. at1 gtfl-.t:w.r.we. .wd i... u .!,r.. - ::.wg{d` ,.k••.i , et.d 4%7.7+• d••'•c-•-r• thech it .41l,..0 rh4'SudY;yl',rer. rl as Treaea, twat ,I MAtoi an b• ren Delrio, 1or an the arrif s5ary, weseead d1mo1•te I' hasty w rip to the chair .14.58 he was (54.6.4 as Tnuctwr *t the same uI.ry u and referred k Ile. Salad,. (oro, And sheer wsheln knelling hy )the seta did net h.54 we... Ince they, end he had last year.- Carried, moved hy Mr Report of the Rey Mr Prim, 1., P., was sofa, and y f imploring James .oc. by Mr Moky, that the (leak referred tea the fMMw l Ona. and eeepinp. This call, hnnhe.d into ire eyes: -the hears alweet .ink. 'Pas- pereide three Municipal Mandela for the Communication hem Mr lain., yea w calm ag*iw ;and a6e rf quiet nn the band, d,.,, 1 hay. kr,wght that let ter , „idener' of township officers. --Canned. ing (travel Road dnin*Re, was nodi d that ached . wl rpm h@► hand her had. witlittle 0 sea and let not a to all lie @ The Conned then adjourned to west vein referred to the Gravel Road 0.wa '1 .dale (ormld la it roe his oke@Idsr tittle the ; a n.) 11 broke dawn. r en the ssoond Tnesday 01.11 of Fehrnery Commnnin•tibi hews Mr Tpm, raspee►- tm Pant's shoulder. It Schee ; and m► The hod Monad to her now ;flew sent. .1 -rh5DaLR ing loxes p.14 07 "kin oaI one-rssldeal !'' ! rp Clerk, lords was reel and referred t Firma heart h s keliety, sen d5etsta Mask a eyes weave fell .f hats the lank mil (oro. aeseas et of ^d Teaks' b the bit '• Outshoot, shoe he Tennant, L R , was re_ iota! . miles his. Thesty (k ^eawTre..a.m, ptlalftlal- .!....a Nlee no m hue lap now tt in .alta B•va, aces rapesiw7 view tar testa, Ieatemenf ""nrt' r I'w1fy. t• AtImM illint t obi i1 16ttenrrw arms read and mitered a"'1 4iha loos age, 'Mr JehaAlna.asatd,,d,, phenols wasn't 'ye don't think Pm grits] Pt *WA* i'b re she p„mmiffee HO" Iles tie, lore ..s. 01rmuta4, pheeww.7 : 'oh, hull, 40 ye r %cored by Mr Farms. aaoww..d ay Me andliop. Orseserr Carrick, seconded b '•J' Mr. this Council do now a Mp• Phone. • Tier. .fl unite to morrow morning, at 10 o'oleo!. Carried, WithJAweanri 1a7H. The Cnnneil met pennant to adjourn- ment. Present, the warden in theubwlr, *•rare. Armstrong, Dalton, Farrel, Voting. Horton, Shwpperd, Patter IeAj., Mc- Donald, Brown, Carrick, Morro., Snell, F1Ln pan Kelly. Hinpston, McCaughey, 0Impstn. Goole, Greenway, Toasty, Cre.nwn, Maser, Sundt, Dialing, wales. IGO..•sil (dwwtrW-. wpThe eminutes rd yesterday wase I rldlemel I onnty ..(Hen., to 'K tae m•.as of me Imre re Qin.. Canada. G. wee tl • s"brmr d Rebel's at Oo,diaieb, ease neat*. Moved by Mr Ferree, Mr, (lreenwev. This the WW andri rod the ('leak be and ere H mode es behalf el *lois M owlet M the Dsrtnine port of a Rarhc.r oat Uhler Carried. By.Law k. 180, for implore( • .1 nano was tv Mal ri Thera