HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-11-13, Page 21•
lid district news
Correspondent Mrs. Frances Sawar Phone 227-4517
Interesting election is expected
Honeymoon in USA,
to make home in Lucan
STUDENTS OBSERVE REMEMBRANCE DAY — Impressive ceremonies observing Remembrance Day
were held at the Lucan and Biddulph public schools on Monday. Above, students at Biddulph are shown
dressed in military uniforms at a cenotaph that was erected for the day, From the left, they are, Debbie
Kennedy, Michael Armstrong, George Melanson and Michael Stanley, Below, Lucan public school
youngsters laid wreaths to mark the occasion. From left, John Storey, Darren McFalls , Lynn Butler,
Mark Finlayson, David Campbell, Pat Bates and Paul Theander. Photos by Engel
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St. Joseph's Church, Chatham
was the setting for the evening
wedding of Mary Ann McMahon,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
J. McMahon, Chatham and Dr.
John Phillip Brown, Lucan, son
• of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Brown,
Father Michon performed the
double ring ceremony in the
church which was tastefully
decorated with baskets of white
Escorted by her father the
• bride was lovely in a sheath
gown of peau de soie and
chantilly lace. The fitted bodice
was sleeveless and was fashioned
of lace topped with a bolero of
• Tour is taken
of Cancer clinic
The Annual Meeting and
Workshop of the S. W. District
Cancer Society, was attended by
Mrs. Clarence Haskett, Mrs. M.
H. Hodgins and Mrs. Harold
Hodgins from the Lucan Branch.
As well as a tour of the
Cancer Clinic, those attending
were taken over the new
addition to the Thameswood
This addition was assisted by
donations from the Ivey
• Foundation and Middlesex
McGeachy Estate, and will be
free for people from out of town
to stay during the week when
they are having treatment.
The meeting was held in the
School of Nursing.
Guest speaker was Mrs. H. C.
Krug from Kitchener who gave
an inspiring address on the work
of the Cancer Society
Reports showed that total
collections for the year in the
London District came to
$160,346 while the total for
South-Western Ontario was
Rev. R. A. Carson spoke on,
"The Cost of Peace" at the
morning service at Holy Trinity
Anglican Church.
by Clarence Haskett and the
Poppy Spray by William Smith.
The Poppy Wreath was given
The Board of Management
decided to ask for the following
projects in 1970: Moose
Factory, Overseas Work Tours,
and Theological Students. A
Visitation of the Parish is to be
• made in late November to raise
$4,000.00 to meet expenses.
November meeting of the
A.C.W. was held November 5 at
the home of Mrs. P. 0. King
with 14 members present.
• Worship Service.
Mrs. J. Murdy conducted the
A letter was read from the
prayer partner, Mr. Brown in
Rosthern, Sask. telling of his
Ordination and move to
Macklin, Sask.
It was agreed that two
different members arrange the
programme each month.
Mrs. Harold Hodgins gave an
interesting talk on her trip to
Oklahoma and her visit to the
Holy City in the Witchita
This is all built of stone
depicting Christ's life and
She told of the Easter Sunrise
Service where thousands of
people had waited all night.
Her pictures were equally
Members of the Lucan Legion
and Ladies' Auxiliary paraded to
Lucan United Church Sunday
last, to join the congregation in a
Remembrance Day Service.
Rev. W. C. Tupling 'was in
charge and his sermon was entitled
"Peace with Honour". •
peau de soie. It featured a Peter
Pan collar and full length sleeves.
Her bouffant veil of French
illusion fell in tiers from a
coronet of Austrian crystal.
Her flowers were a cascade
centred with gardenias and
surrounded by white roses and
The maid of honour was the
bride's sister, Mary Katherine
The bride was also attended
by two bridesmaids, Mary Lou
McMahon, another sister, and
Rosalie Brown, sister of the
They were gowned in empire
style sheath dresses of corn
flower blue crepe with royal
blue velvet bodices and long
sleeves, They carried nosegays of
pink sweetheart roses,
stephanotis and ivy.
Stephanie Brown, flower girl,
is a niece of the bridegroom and
wore a full-length dress of royal
blue velvet. She carried a basket
of pink sweetheart roses with
white stephanotis.
Andrew Laurie, nephew of
the bride, was ring bearer and
wore a royal blue jacket suit.
David Brown, London, acted
as groomsman. Paul Faulds and
Thomas Shoebottom also of
London were ushers.
Robert Mindorff provided the
wedding music and accompanied
the soloist, John Ford Taylor.
After the wedding reception
at The Holiday Inn the bride
donned a smart pink wool suit
with black accessories.
The happy couple are
holidaying in the southern States
and upon their return will reside
in Lucan.
The bride is a graduate of
Ursuline College, Chatham, and
St. Joseph's School of Nursing,
Dr. Brown is a graduate of
Ontario Veterinary College,
Following the Service the
members of Lucan and Ilderton
Legions and Ladies' Auxiliaries
paraded to the Cenotaph for a
Remembrance Service arranged
by William Smith.
Sgt. Daley of the O.P.P. gave a
talk and wreaths were laid at the
foot of the Cenotaph.
Rev. Gordon McDonald was
guest speaker at the Lucan
Pentecostal Church, Sunday last.
Fourth meet
for 4-H girls
Clandeboye and Lucan 4-H
clubs held the 4th session of the
course, "Focus on Fitness", last
The Clandeboye girls were at
the home of their leader, Mrs. R.
B. Worthington.
The Lucan girls at the Lucan
For Roll-call the girls each
answered the question, "Do you
presently have a First Aid Kit.
Mrs. Saward gave a talk on
First Aid, and Mrs. Worthington
instructed the girls on articles
required for a useful First Aid
The girls then discussed the
design to be used on their
Record books and arranged to
get these done.
For home assignment each girl
will write a story on someone
who has made an outstanding
contribution to health or the
story of a famous Canadian.
Roll-call for next meeting,
which will be November 22 will
be the name and outstanding
accomplishment of that person.
Dances resume
at the Centre
The Lucan Irish 6 Jr. (D)
hockey team started out very
good in their first home game
with a 6-3 win over Zurich
In South Middlesex last
Thursday night it was L.M.P.
over Edgewood 5-1 and Esquire
checked out a 5-4 win over the
Lucan Merchants.
In Minor Hockey last
Saturday night it was Lucan Pee
Wees 7, Huron East 0. In
Bantam, Lucan won 4-1 and in
Midget it was Lucan by a 4-2
In Novice Hockey Saturday
afternoon it was Exeter over
Stoneybrook in a well-played
game 2-1.
Lucan topped Ilderton 3-0
and Dorchester walloped
South-West London by a score
of 6-1.
We have Saturday night
dances again at the Centre with
the next one on November
22nd. Old-time and Western
music will be featured with
square dancing.
Twenty comrades were
nominated to fill the ten spots
on the Branch 540 executive at
the general meeting held on
November 5. With a month until
the December 3 elections in
which to campaign, and with
further nominations expected
prior to the voting, it should
prove to be one of the most
interesting elections in the
history of the Branch.
There are several
considerations that the
candidates should ponder prior
to the ballot-marking. By
holding office in the Legion one
has nothing to gain but work.
Every vice-president and every
executive member should be
prepared to accept the
chairmanship of some
committee and to work at it. He
must also be prepared to
participate in at least one
executive meeting and one
general meeting of the Branch
each month in addition to his
own committee work.
Paragraph 20 in Article III of
our by-laws states: "Any
member of the Executive
Committee, who absents himself
from three regular meetings of
the Branch and/or the Executive
Committee, unless granted leave
of absence by the Executive
Committee, shall cease to be a
member of the Executive
In short, unless you intend to
work at it, don't accept the
Starting in January, The
Luminary will keep tabs on the
executive and will publish a
monthly running total of the
number of meetings attended
and missed by each member of
the executive.
Those nominated at last
week's meeting are as follows:
President, Sid Daley and Jack
Elson; 1st vice-president, Bill
Smith and Emerson DeGraw;
2nd vice-president, Percy Knee;
3rd vice-president, Wally Boyes;
secretary, Art Bates and Pat
Crudge; treasurer, Keith Dickson
and Wally Boyes; Executive,
Roy Zinn, Harold Butler, Len
Fisher, Gord Elson, Larry
Gibson, Larry Ditty and Charlie
Skolly; Sgt.-at-Arms, Emerson
DeGraw, Len Fisher, Jim
Lockyer, Fred Bowerman,
Robert (Scotty) Holland.
Prior to the elections at the
December meeting, nominations
will be re-opened and candidates
will then be required to accept
or decline.
So the race is on. Talk it up,
because the more election talk
we hear between now and
December, the more members
Remembered at
district schools
Room 6. was in charge of the
programme for a Remembrance
Day Service at Biddulph Public
"0 Canada" was followed by
"A tribute to our soldiers" read
by 4 girls, Dianne Malcolm,
Karen Mason, Sheila Smith and
Debbie Hodgins.
Grades 4 and 5 recited "In
Flanders' Fields" in unison.
Cora Engel showed pictures of
the installation service. Christine
Stutt gave a poem, "For The
',Ropopny,B.rintnell a
Ron Simpson President of the
Student Council introduced the
guest speaker William Smith who
spoke on the building of the
Mr. 'Steepers' art class had
drawn a very impressive
monument and wreaths were
laid at its base.
Remembrance Day was
observed by the children at the
Lucan Public School, Monday,
with a Service, in the gym.
The pupils did the whole
programme. Each child had
made a poppy to put on a
wreath each room having a
representative to place them in
front of a cross which had been
set up.
Padre to speak
Mrs. R. A. Carson reports that
Mrs. Gray Knapp is unable to
speak at the next Lucan WI
meeting, at the home of Mrs.
Clarence Lewis, November 20, at
8 p.m. but that the Rev. Charles
Scott, Padre at the London
Psychiatric Hospital, will tell of
his work with the patients.
we'll have out to the meeting.
Also at last week's meeting
Comrade Sid Daley announced
that we have been granted
membership in the South
Western Ontario Track and Field
Association. This program will
commence in area schools next
Comrade Gord Bison
announced that Zone Sports will
not commence until January but
our Branch winter sports will be
held every second Tuesday
Novena 11 1949 P•90. 21
Township of Biddulph
N om n at ion
A meeting of the
electors of the Township
of Biddulph will be held
in the Town Hall , Lucan,
Friday, November 21,
1969, from 1 p.m. • 2
p.m. for the purpose of
nominating candidates
for the office of Reeve,
and 4 Councillors to
hold office for a 1 year
Election if required
will be held Monday,
December 1st.
Austin Hodgins
Voter's List
Clerk's notice of 1st.
Posting of Voter's List
1969, Township of
Biddulph, County of
Notice is hereby given
that I have complied
with Section 9 of the
Voter's List Act, and
that I have posted up at
my office at RR No. 1
Lucan on the 10th day
of November 1969, the
list of all persons
entitled to vote in the
municipality at
Municipal Elections, and
that such list remains
there for inspection.
And I hereby call on
all voters to take
immediate proceedings
to have any omissions or
errors corrected
according to law. The
last day for appeal being
the 24th November,
Dated this 10th day
of November, 1969.
Austin Hodgins,
Clerk of the Township
of Biddulph
commencing November 18.
These events are for members
and non-members and their
Teams will consist of one man
and one lady who will
participate in darts, cribbage,
euchre and shuffleboard.
A memo was received from
Mrs. Olga Bond, our card
convener, for assistance from
members in identifying persons
who are ill that should receive a
card from the Branch.
The Poppy Fund Campaign
has been concluded and,
although all results are not final,
it looks like our most successful
to date. A full report will be
included in next week's column
but we must extend our sincere
thanks to the merchants,
organizations and citizens of the
area who gave the Legion such
marvellous co-operation in this
We can truly say " We have
remembered" .
Lucan Legion
Coming Events
Sat., Nov. 15
in the Lounge
Tues., Nov. 18
Mixed Couples
Thurs., Nov. 20
Church news
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