HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-11-13, Page 1VETERAN TAKES SALUTE — One of the most popular and
distinguished veterans in this district of the two World Wars took the
salute during Sunday's Remembrance Day march-past at the Post
Office. Andy Easton is shown above taking the salute with Exeter
Legion branch president Gordon Sanders in the background.
BAKING WAS AT A PREMIUM a The Caven Congregational Circle bake sale held Saturday was a
huge success. Most items of baking disappeared in the first half hour. Above, Mrs, Earl Campbell is
contemplating a purchase from Mrs. John Burke, Mrs. Prod Simmons and Mrs, W. Sillery. T-A photo.
The Blanshard .Hunicipol
Tdephone S'.44701ern
• Giant give-away starts this week
Exeter businessmen this week
embark on one of the richest
Christmas promotions ever
offered area shoppers.
Thirty-one members of the
Exeter Board of Trade are
offering prizes with a retail value
of $1,821.30 in a "Pie-A-Prize"
Each of the 31 stores has an
advertisement listed in this issue,
so shoppers can quickly see the
attractive array of
gifts ... ranging from large
quantities of beef, baked goods
and groceries to chairs, tape
recorders, watches, radios, tires,
gasoline, tricycle, complete
clothing ensembles for men and
women, carpets, travel cases,
electric shavers, shoes, luggage,
electrical appliances, dry
cleaning, typewriter, blankets,
record player and an imported
wall tapestry,
Oddly enough, while it
features prizes double the value
of most recent promotions, this
one isn't costing the local
merchants any more money, so
shoppers need not worry that
prices will be up this year.
Some of the expensive
elements of former promotions
have been dropped, and the
Money normally spent in this
regard has been put into the
prize total by the merchants.
The printing of thousands of
draw tickets has been eliminated
and customers will have an easier
time entering the promotion. In
fact, they don't even have to
buy anything in Exeter,
although naturally the
merchants hope that's not the
result of the switch.
Coupons for area shoppers
are printed in this week's T-A
and flyer . one coupon for
each participating store.
Customers are required only
to fill out the coupons, clip and
deposit them in the store
designated on the coupon,
A coupon deposited in each
of the 31 stores gives a shopper
31 chances to be one of the six
winners to be picked in each of
the five weeks prior to
Christmas. Coupons from each
store go into one central draw
and the winners are eligible for
any prize.
However, those who may
consider cutting down on the
job of visiting each store by
depositing all coupons in one
store, are out of luck. Coupons
deposited in a store other than
the one designated on the
coupon will be tossed out.
Each Weak will be- a new
draw, W shoppers. have to•
fill out the " coupons which
appear in every *We to. be
eligible for each draw.
After the six winners have
been .PiOed during the first
week, •011 coupons will then be,
destroyed and the second week's
contest begins,
Winners will be notified as to
the procedure set up for
determining which of the 31
prizes they may pick. There's no
limit on the number of prizes- a
person may win.
_One of the Main reasons for
—Please turn to page 3
Ninety-fourth Year EXETER, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 13, 1969 Price Per Copy 15 Cents
Poultry farmers appeal
assessment on buildings
11.ev, Harold 1, Snell is shown above, centre,with Andy 13ierling,
E, (Ted) Pooley, Reg McDonald and president Gordon Sanders of
the local branch. T-A photo
A CONTRAST IN COMMUNICATION INSTRUMENTS — The Granton exchange of the Blanshard
Municipal Telephone System is changing over to the dial system this week-end. Members of the office
staff Helen Baillie and Mrs. Marion Urquhart are shown above demonstrating the "old and the new" with
manager Wilfred Douglas looking on.
• '4
T-A photo.
County board slashes
charges for insurance
W. H. Hodgson Limited, informed the Board. "This refused to join the Perth-Huron
Exeter, was awarded the extremely low cost will only be Independent Insurance Agents'
contract for supplying insurance held if the Huron Board's own Association.
coverage on Board property by losses are controlled. We prefer
Huron County Board of to see the fire and all risk
Education at its meeting in insurance spread among a
Central Huron Secondary number o f coinpanies."
School, Clinton, last week, at a The Board also accepted the
total figure of $22,631. This recommendation of the Hartley
compared with $40,099 in 1968. consulting firm that "due to the
The tender was made on $250 deductible and the fact
behalf of the Perth-Huron that only 53,000 of 1,152,000
Independent Insurance Agents' square feet of floor area is over
Association. Dale and Company 20 years old, we feel that Dale's
will act as a broker for the $3,800 premium for optional
Hodgson firm and pay a extensions for glass falling
commission to it. The group objects, water escape, collapse
includes 29 out of 35 insurance from weight of snow, is
agents in Huron County. excessive and do not recommend
The Board took the advice of that the Board purchase these
its consulting firm, H. E. Hartley extensions at this time."
Consultants Limited, Clarence McDonald, Exeter,
Scarborough. chairman of the Insurance
"The tender introduced a Committee, pointed out that 29
much broader insurance program out of the 35 insurance offices
and reduced the premium 44 in the County of Huron had
percent from the existing joined with the Hodgson firm in
premium," H. E. Hartley its tender; the other six had
Crash damage high;
two animals involved
in five accidents investigated by at 5:45 p.m.
the Exeter OPP detachment Johann Minderlein, RR 3
Damage amounted to $5,500 on Sideroad 15 in Hay Township
officers this week, and again Zurich, was proceeding east on
there were two accidents the sideroad and hit the animal
involving straying animals. owned by Ray Rader, RR 3
Zurich. Three drivers received minor
Damage to the car was $200 bruises and were shaken up in a and the animal was apparently
three-car crash on Highway 4 at not injured.
5:10 p.m. Monday.
Constable D. A. Mason
•4 Brian Hogg, Exeter, was investigated.
proceeding south and was
The other crash involving an stopped waiting for traffic to animal was on Thursday at
clear when he was struck from 10:15 a.m. on Highway 83 east behind by a car driven by Mary of Dashwood.
Olive Voisin, RR 2 Ailsa Craig.
Mary M. Smith, Zurich,
The Hogg vehicle was pushed struck a horse owned by Case
into the other lane of traffic and VanRaay, RR 3 Dashwood.
was involved in a second
Constable E. C. Wilcox listed
collision with a northbound car damage to the car at $200 and
driven by Bert Bax, RR
the horse was not injured.
Woo dham. The other crash was
Constable D. A. Lamont investigated by Constable F. L. Any residents of McGillivray
listed damage at $1,800. Giffin on Friday at 9:50 p.m. at township interested in obtaining
the intersection of Highways 84 water from the Lake Huron pipe There were two accidents, and 4 in Hensall. line are asked to attend a Sunday, one causing damage of
Drivers involved were Joseph meeting to-night, Thursday at
$2,500. Drivers involved were S. Green, Grand Bend, and Brian the township hall. Kenneth John Horrell, Exeter, Chappel, RR 1 Staffa.
A.E. Ladbrooke of the and Paul Wayne Gross, London.
Martha Rooseboom, Hensall, Ontario Water Resources
Horrell, driving a car he had and Kevin Shouldice, Listowel, Commission will be in
purchased only a day prior to who were passengers in the attendance to answer questions
the crash, was stopped on Green vehicle sustained injuries. as to proposed costs on Highway 4 south of Exeter to
Damage was set at $700. connections and cost of water. make a left turn when struck
During the week the local The pipe line to Parkhill is from the rear by Gross. detachment officers charged six now being installed. McGillivray
The crash occurred at 10:10 persons under the Highway clerk William J. Amos said
p.m. and was investigated by Traffic Act and issued warnings Monday his office had received
Constable Lamo nt. to another 24 drivers. One "five or six" inquiries from
The other crash involved a car charge was laid under the Liquor ratepayers with some interest in
and cattle beast, and took place Control Act. obtaining water.
of James Street United Church returned Tuesday to speak at the
annual Remembrance Day banquet held at the Exeter Legion Hall,
water pipe line was given second
In other business, council:
Accepted three tile drain loan
applications in the amount of
Interviewed five applicants
for the position of Road
Superintendent and reserved
their decision until November
Approved grants of $25 to
the Huron Plowmen's
Association and $100 to the
Exeter Agricultural Society.
Three crashes
for town police
Three accidents were
investigated by the Exeter police
department over the past week
with property damage totalling
The first occurred Tuesday,
November 4 at the corner of
Main and Victoria Streets when
vehicles driven by Sharon
Martene, Dashwood and William
Henderson, RR 3 Kippen
A passenger in the Martene
car, Martha Miller, also of
Dashwood was slightly injured in
the crash that caused $325 in
Shortly after noon the
following day, damages of $200
were incurred at the corner of
Gidley and Andrew Streets as
— Please turn to page 3
Hydro rates
still unknown
What effect the higher cost of
wholesale electricity from
Ontario to local Public
Commissions will have on the
rates paid by the average
domestic consumer will not be
known for some time.
Hugh. Davis, manager of the
Exeter PUC said members of the
local Commission have not yet
had a chance to look at the new
charges and it would probably
not be until the budget is set for
next year before a definite rate
can be set.
Ontario Hydro announced
Sunday an increase of about six
percent in the cost of electricity
it supplies to communities in the
province. The increase will go
into effect on January I of next
A Huron County assessment
court of revision was told,
Monday, that a 25 per cent
business tax levied against five
Hay township poultry farmers
was unprecedented,
descriminatory and should be set
Anson McKinley, spoke on
behalf of McKinley Hatcheries,
Zurich; Scott Poultry Farms,
Seaforth and T.B. Allan Feed
Mill of Londesboro and five Hay
township farmers that have been
A man to whom World War II
"was fascinating — not horrible"
delivered the address at the
Remembrance Day service at
Exeter United Church, Sunday.
It was the first time the
service had not been held on
November 11 in the community,
and the Sunday service attracted
one of the largest crowds in the
church for some time.
It was filled to capacity.
Rev. Glen Wright pointed out
that his generation knew little
about the hardships encountered
during both World Wars.
He noted that the fathers of
his generation were too young to
fight in the First War and too
old for combat duty in the
second encounter.
He said the only thing he
could recall enduring was the
long hours his mother was away
packing bales at the local Red
Cross centre.
The young clergyman recalled
some of the "features" of World
War II as he recalled them:
gathering milk weed pods for life
preservers ... covering German
airplanes with war bond stamps
at school ... eating peanuts that
tasted similar to soya beans,
because they were soya
beans ... packing boxes to send
to two cousins overseas.
Rev. Wright then reviewed
what wars should teach people;
namely that the future of the
world does not belong to
nationalism, but rather to those
willing to understand and live
with diversity.
He noted that it had been
wrong for Hitler to march across
Europe in his nationalistic bent;
and also that it was wrong for
the Russians to invade
Czechoslovakia and for Canada
not to recognize Mainland
The large congregation was
told that people must have more
respect for evil and that it is not
always right to respond to your
country's call.
"It was wrong for the young
men of Germany to respond to
Hitler's call," he explained, using
assessed a 25 per cent business
tax on their poultry barns.
The business tax was added
this year for the first time by
Huron County assessors because
the five allegedly purchased feed
for their operations which,
according to the assessors, makes
them businesses.
The Hay farmers making the
appeal at the session in Zurich
Monday were Peter and Erhard
Boersma, RR 1 Exeter; William
Rooseboom, RR 3 Zurich;
this to point out that leaders
don't always have all the right
"We condemn draft-dodgers,
but we must ask ourselves if it is
always right to respond to a
country's call," he stated, noting
later that where communism has
spread, the country has always
been better off than before
communism arrived.
"If the cause isn't just, we
must have an alternative."
Quoting from the poem "In
Flanders Field", he suggested
the torch ' referred to was
freedom . . . justice ...
elimination of poverty and
prejudice . . and the ability to
live with different ideas.
"That's the kind of challenge
we have today," he commented,
adding that it was desperately
important for people in wealthy
nations to sacrifice for those
who were less fortunate.
He said that unless people
share with the less fortunate, the
— Please turn to page 3
Stephen Gingerich, Zurich and
Donald Hendrick, RR 1
McKinley said the assessment
should be set aside in view of the
action being taken at the present
time by the Ontario Legislature
to define a "working farm."
A ministerial committee has
been appointed and is now
actively engaged in preparing a
definition of a "working farm"
and recommendations
concerning the manner in which
farm operations should be
assessed and taxed under the
Amended Act.
The new business tax does
not apply where livestock is
raised on feed grown on the
same farm.
County assessors said the
business tax involved an
additional assessment of
$130,000 across Huron County
and $6,000 for the five farmers
— Please turn to page 3
Hay township
awards contract
The contract for the
installation of a new oil furnace
in the Hay Township shed,
located on the Blind Line was let
to Gingerich's Limited of Zurich
at the latest meeting of Hay
township council.
All work on the job is to be
completed by December 15. The
Gingerich tender was for $900
and includes a 200-gallon storage
Court of revision on the
Cann-Mitchell Drainage works
will be held on Thursday,
November 20 at 2.45 p.m.
A number of tile drainage
loans were processed and several
municipal drainage reports were
BACK ,FROM A SUCCESSFUL TRIP — A couple of local hunters
were successful in a week-long it',/,ira to the Parry Sound district.
Shown above on their return with a doe are Cliff Moore and Ken
Inch. 1-A photo
Stephen plans check
on new construction
Stephen Township building
inspector Arnold McCann has
been instructed to keep a close
check on building construction
in the municipality.
Township Council has
discovered that numerous
buildings are being erected
without first obtaining a
building permit. A permit at a
nominal fee is necessary before
construction of any kind can
The Stephen building bylaw
was recently amended to include
construction on farm properties.
Previously farm lands of more
than 10 acres had been exempt
from the bylaw.
The Ontario Fire Marshall's
Office is being asked to do a fire
protection survey throughout
the township and make
recommendations for
improvement of fire facilities
and equipment.
The tender of Harold Litt of
Thorndale in the amount of
$500 for repair of a portion of
the Webber Drain was accepted.
The GI avi n•Schwartz
Municipal Drain report was given
third reading and passed while a
bylaw covering a tentative
agreement with the Ontario
Water Resources Commission to
have Stephen property owners in
the west end of the township
hook onto the Lake Huron
An interim preventative
dental program in the schools
was approved by Huron County
Board of Education at its
meeting in Central Huron
Secondary School, Clinton, last
week, on recommendation of
Dr. G. P. A. Evans, director of
Huron County Health Unit and
Medical Officer of. Health.
"As an interim and valuable
measure, and one which can be
complementary to a
comprehensive preventative
dental program in elementary
schools, there is availabe
immediately a topical (i.e. local)
flouride technique which can be
administered to a class of
children by a registered nurse,"
Dr. Evans explained in a letter to
the Board." In this way, the
children apply a special flouride
paste to the teeth with an
individual tooth brush supplied
as part of the scheme. At the
same time, they receive valuable
dental health education and are
able to retain the brush for
home use. Needless to say,
parental consent would be
obtained for each child's
Dr. Evans described the
procedure as "safe, effective and
complementary both to
adequate flouride in drinking
water and to a fully developed
preventative dentistry program
under public health auspices."
D. J. Cochrane, director, said
he was recommending the
request on the understanding
"that no pressure will be exerted
on pupils to participate in the
program and that pupils who do
participate will do so with the
expressed consent of their
Water meeting
at McGillivray
Large Sunday crowd
for Remembrance Day