HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1870-1-20, Page 3111ttht.t+"RMIh7: !'Ad/ rwil!rnyti M':'St_LT.te'A'(r""' r•e..y>.lecee `ceem aar„.ae. 1 60,,0Ii:J000 unemployed, flew York Al. 1/..0..1 V,.?#r art` ..-'se . 3 20,000 go Cnienin. 4 )taaew prypllgKwl, California &e. 5 ern -Alan &eaves cumiug boort. 0 Queiheo has a cup kitchen. 7 Ottawa hat do 8 C. M. are to explore Darien; 9 With the view of Panelling it. 10 Oov. a New Brunswick sick. 11 Stanton fluid u now 688,1100. , 11 Beecher's income is 990,000. • • 11 Rpurweo• litotes hu 4, 16,006, - - Ii Ree her a pews 1et for $6 004 16 One pew brought 3013. le 16 Erie R. R. weuta 200 machinists, 17 Bb Popper is at St Cloud. 18 Paris in now tranquil. 19 430,000 8e. in Boston. 20 L.c ntnotivoa. care, Ac. wanted 21 By Intereedu11ia1 R. R. 22 30 der/ream brine aero at Ottawa. 23 Belleville is deeded; 24 West enders have t., live upstairs'. 25 Kulg.ton harbnir firmly Innen. 26 Sia Schooners wanted by Doe. 27 To peed.•. Canadian fisheries'. 28 Dr Iavutg.h.ue to be knighted 29 Pr'ee of Wales ruesrad•Katel Striteer,- 30 As Lord Lieutenant of Irelaud. 31 Garibaldi at Paris, for London. 32 Telegraph strike ended. New Engl'd. 33 Panama and Mouth Pacific loan, 34 lutrnduoed in London today. 35 0 French journaa to b. prosecuted, 36 Four attacking government. 37 Lopez has deal t.. Brasil deserts. 38 French- Amerflnncsblebillcompleted. 39 Bishop of Ontario preecl.ed at Mont. 40 ('hinigny lectured on Temperance do. 41 Ano. Derry -Dion billiard match 224. 42 A y:ung toes drank himself dead. • 43 8 Sontchnn.n beiat 18 -Canadians, 44 At A curling -match on 149),, 46 Snow -oboe rat wt.11 tl't/n• - 4e Prince Arthur to get a pair K "hos. y wwMltwe! _ . _-_ r I'es ed several stag('. ' -.ell. Aseoret.-. III ()oder' another of 4 . .111110. _ - fit ,Wesleyan revival in F. rue. 53 A Toronto traveller* ted in `ted'+. 54 A Montreal do heir' 94,000,.00 e. ... 55 A female Temperance lecturer, 56 1s in • Tennessee jail for beingdrnnk. 67 " Ocean Steens" Allan u in Tomato. 58G'd T. a to branch from Dorm to Galt. 59.Punshnn tee$ttred In Guelph 12th. 60 Dr Hewitt, of tluelph, a dead. 61 A Me. court debates if oyster. arelsh. 62 Mei). is to hold mwanps in Lanark. 63 H.lhnuth college re -open. 18th. 64 Revival wren," are be held in Don. 65 London penny readings are a success. 66 Ball before Cone for R.R. toPetabloa. 67 Sebringvllle distillery seized. 68 Save your soda for manure ! . 69 Massachusetts Ploughrnrn &dries.. 70 Detroit has a P..or fund of 11800. 71 Liabilities of Detroit 6080,6x4. 72 New drama is " the coming women." 73 A Jackson firm i• 'M Evans. Father.' 74 A skater made • mile in 2 m 29 sec. 76 Almost w goad w Polley •'Regnletow.' 76 But nothing tl Smith's famous mare 77 Peat dv'a rumens urine in State 48h. _. -.... t . land on arrival. 79 Pr. A. to pmt "as ington en' o mo. 80 N. Y. whiskey houses seized for fraud. 81 Frit Sumter is to be rebuilt. 82 Society of Friend• raid 14(10,000, 83 For exemption from military service. 84 Spanish gun brats have reached Cubs. 85 Algeria to be represented in Fr. Purl. 86 Bank of Monte Video has reen.ned. 87 Princes+ Trek hs a .on. 88 Whaling .0 cerfol this sea..m. 89 Par up over due aob.criptiona; 90 And begin 1870 with a clerroonaaisnee. Dr. 're -events letter will tipper in oar neat. lobe cul woos FT 7.d to the f, Ate . a4`i TT"rr;aWt y?` C.., 1 ,dIvot heli lief of tlol- .ay,of Y.I. CoH.<e, in • e ss for re- medial measure.. Ho $ tys the Stats need 001. legislate 011 Moral latest' a s,,but it must legislate us marriage •s4 ilvoroe, IB un address before the MutllodlltStale Co veetiun it New Have... ThlsswJiy, be said ' Pp to 1813 JiTorre• were only allowed for adultery or m•lieioe. &fortiota. la 1843 other cruors were added. end is, 1849 oilier causes still -one of a Bary remarkable character, and that was, that when then wasanytI.Iog that permeatellyl destroyed the happiness of the marriage relation, than the judge might grant s divovee• Mark lbs rff.ot- fur the leid thirty y'ear's. eleven per cent, of the mar. napes have r melted io Jivoiee. That is tilt) divorces of a peadose to the marriage* SO one in tee. Tn no other Slate are divorea so n.mleroas as in this State, u0 - lees in Illinois and Iudianv, Or sonar other Welders States. Connecticut sujoyed the greatdt looseness of all the Atm,. in die. solving the marriage relstine. Tho prof' et u now, by a union of all the Christian de- aomioatial., to obtain a ebaige til the law. Last year, before the legislature, it was proposed to change the law et that only aduilery and malicious desertion should be reason fur srp4.ation from bed and board, without re -marriage. He hoped the church would endeavor to effect this change.' • - • ,eolle r-•. Aar of 1 •. R)a,-in Dr. (iarner's letter of last wept, 1 notice that he is not .t all in Hove with the people called ltethodista, '1T. doctor telt& us that he u a member of the Church of England. No. 1 ate. sure the Church of England people are proud that ' they can number ranch a paragon of moral ... excellence Among their members. They are welcome to his support tad iafuenos. As for his insinnationm that the Me'thdiers ' charge him with spite. 1 am satislied,that itis only some of his bottled spleen against Methodism braking out. They no mete than any others, charge him so. 1 kilts no doubt but some of Dr. Tennant's personal friend., or Dr. Garner's personal enemies' charge him with apde, bit it is altogetherfrie from church influence, and Dr. Garner should hove more c,ntmnn sense than drag church matters into the affair. 1 fi AITt' Yours very krill'. METHODIST. .SKATING CARNIVAL. -Remember the fancy dress Carnival. on Nrdnesday, 17th lope, at 7 p, m. when Mayor Hays M. P. P. is to Rise 4 e e - et aketea a the sosil-neatly ,li, o' Tay aa er sob Hegh (lardmer, Esq., is to give another Fair to the g. ntliman o ho appears in beet oharaeter coPtume. if the prsAent fear at the lab Pam metal Exhibition at Lnndnn. A4 tele continue. the ice will be in splendid con- la thesis xTlt nm»evolve roar that wa h..e taken title dition, and we would remind the ladies rlr .;1'.1 sontnn! 1501.»reran A. but os .p - and gentlemen of Clintonand S.aforth IIFo.an,wbento('e Iron awd s. g For ,penmen. til ,-,Miss. bank tofu, .Ines,., a,. that Mr. flooding is to admit them to the Hick, free of sharp. ► ""'" A medical student sats he he. never ben ■b1.' to d1•cover the bone o1 conten tion, and dveire' to know whether a is not eituated very near tbe j.w bone. Carl Biliand, said to be a'representative of Gentian infidelity,' and elm attempted some time ago to rued a clt ryvman un • Berlin church during the r•rvicc, has been sentenced to twelve )era hent labor. d eo TRAPS .',sine RIOT.-- telegram (rem on, to -day, sa s that a Trade Cuioe ecesevid•Mt lffalieiifwreays 8tAt Inst. - 1lRohe*eframeitt prevailed. WITH A VIEW TO MATERIALLY l reduce his {{resent large stock, the subscriber will offer for the oust TWO WEEKS ONLY ! The beta..r of he large and tailed as- - - _ :. . _. Wrtutunt of -. aILVEtt WARE, 'LADIES& QENT $DRES81NuCA8ES WRITING DESKS, WORK BOXES, JEWEL EASES, ,)EWELLERY,j CONCERTI»A8, TOYS, FANCY 000D8, KN ICK KNACKS, ppY1A114 r era also all, • Chronic and Wasting Disco, T)It. ITAD WAY'.! SIRBAPAA.RI.LL 1t3SoLVSNT• R.R.- The y.•✓ •.1 u.: 1," f.+n'. a/1a M'e w 440141, 44444r) 4.ra ..4.4ew 1 h.-., In Hud• toren SAB^,>A?A1tILLIA:1 BESOL'VE T, upre/., to.. u p..,a•y.rr ,y Ned. -r /'Aar• ia,Y,/.,.w. re waif. qrrul*i an',y,rrl.,n a64.a ,t..•11. le opt. 5.ve roes• et4'ed,em, / yarlmaw o,of rdler '-.'otres48 yy .101050.. sloe 01.0 inn. 'AT h..w:w.inow ,r /A5 b.yu e rr s.l?.R.Yal rea wtr aroy III.'••Jefed1., i 1A "4..synsr•1*n0r1 rJ 11. saner- • 4,00 four , ,.01Ur'e Ili!. Mad, IAe /11IN em on se wet 0'--i'rax't+ e. ines'sw'M11.hM- twtr employed .. mho R,.: M. A. oru••nnyy d ttr.- p41501 w Uploww waw styy... Of mot/Near ..w+ carr p..1561y tr ousel With 0Ae pot,./1 cwt. Ire II..Ie••.y ,k r'. err oyes (tMrfy £$ ..•ad .141....) is.i .i no IM a „rot .,of p•fur• ,y rl•-w 4. Ii.1 n..••• 4,.14 . ess see ..t... so 6hl! 41. r,w..4a../ 1..y.rr.rre.ol, TI eacale red e rAr ctoIlyw wry rI tlw. JOesL. W'a K•merll•r rear •.j*o0ay Be, S I* IV **Mk WeO.444.14011011‘'r I j, , ,' Arae R ,. IV n4o 1..eteete M., h•.r•, y ,r/ .••lir. . .0. , 1 .,, r• r•' 0r eeroesp.r. li1rI h..;,•. up,u,r,. ,.,, ,.n,l r Gus ul. oral/, JY Ae.a/ rr am; •.n r 1....at` al -aa. Au1.1aa oral rod ,IRm'1r...ytr.gkeli., Dr. R.3D H :91'1`+ SiRS.IP.1RfLLLIN 1t ESOL f'!::•YT. ato'' ke'•le.1z-operetta i'L.•Iniwl 1'l in.-10es ttppliad'to Ih•' wutdig 6•wly Iluougl. the AT ACTUAL COST SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT A Groat Reduction no FAMILY & YOCK4'T`HIBLES, • CHURCH SERVICR81 - PRAYEIt BQOl( OIYT BOOKS, ALBUMS, AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Rill he given for the &b,va.perird, after 11 roars 11. b$. 4 wt*$ 5','.,I.•.ramt. IT tlo'el tins Tta1 K -MA iC: to AND Yl.t:a11-MA1C111Y 4hl A1.1 I 11.1. 1t ...,,pit.. tM as row with ...holt err Isra*. era 1. 0x II •.4 t-Icer•Ir 1 also • .r 1.6.•w.• i)y .., M•.., Mau., r,.. wl, ▪ r.1 whin ere ra 111........0 rise ave. t rO'.1.p nor. 1'I' n'1'l.p1 Av4 %5 :SAIL t.Al\U Ulal'IIAK. 4,,,. 14 lr..• we. lir repair war d1.0atra.l.0• t1. ..,. » s10bi mtra u. bel nw/w.1,110111.1%ral5• 1• of .•• ay. s. 11 rflr f.T14.1“4“••i Ln , tr., H,r . an1,111,110111.1%cs la er.. tae .rare row 1 Jhute .'•a. e• Owl Si.M /.i.. ttl1 edea Ires ti. a:r•.w srlat ro n l a/ are Soothes the wale.. Mr ora •tial IO•.4/o l ewes Rann-longe •u . luwe6:%S,t1111 /Hyt. •a aur. lor i 4r. ee u tot, r d, noa. .. er.+. • - newere alhowweowe ern. WW1 arwerso 1t I. HAVE RECEIVED., VELV OTEEN t CLOTH JACHT.:79., MO "Er BVD". AICD P'Ist]LT 0V.1R73MCC►EJ'IM. WHITNEY PETERSHAM CLOAKING Wool Shawls, Extra Val le, CL(.)UD i Tlrc 7.NI 121 14'7:'`41.+3 LJ[' A Lor OF REMNANTS AT 003'•. -Pea JAokets and Overesits--4he Ot&callik Nov. 29, 18419, w41'1v • • bat Y•'I!.. x" ^.•Reeredy Ul' i11a7 f ;$per's Sarsaparilla, rskt lee .etior r red mills tiA x4=-4 aerie em0'11✓j.•- rr' mr a4sliew nth 6 $* 5 M had Snort• r RT_r .. wyall fit e.r,llr L.._o• fc. P'....rti.k.ue„d Teen•_ +ease' ram ter Salt W wkt n Irl f ' .. tint rtes,,,, `IKr►Illl..i •u.• • a: `. .bikes. „ieJa..uu wYJ, s. and M r bar of land r .Jing ole ■terve h Md.fl .1 bulbs rreea. wi trey .r whta•b u. .rely• lla ked 11 nyr•red. T w N roe Soh Tr rrrarrelbu+. le•eterala silo. M,Ih. r,ilwar Ir'vk 0h divide. ll .brei of n2Rofwoul• ,ll.. ,, w o rn,tinn IrrrI Iea•1.d +•wr.Ied wgl (•eery fur e•Ir. A,., y to H. PARK (; •M, eoneyt4,n lure been or to G. if TRh EYI N• 1uriar.il and surer by IL i.r,.minu.•aw•t1w..ud I-u d Agent Aa0linnet: dun,nlr,e ww,n.rrea4• (, Bench, V •, 2:I,d, IPt1, u441f v•1„1 by bre . row tarlammatra unlit ------._ - - -- Spey frc',rattily amraua, hale Lra'n rsdnauy TWO FARM88_.for sA%F 111117W1A tntwnrn (nett nowhere In wlw„N terry wad -- ■ .4 the tamale.. tart the public Wendy awed le - MJHwell el d• .111.,. nr 0000. 1,-4. in w. ear Tory 001.1.0. PAR.! la oke Two bur pours a roe of the twat deswwetlrt r Yly ablest e. /,r p.ryy:•n bean kr Of our o... (Met, Shr moire. amA mart ?torten -nil A ty) Nene. need_ or the o, 11.4 1lm ,.mann the readirttew, Grierrh ►e.w1.t.1: Ica the.11 . -1 of ellrrl•haaa or 6ul dl.egaea, Kn•. a s., 96th. Isar . err erring ...Meru of its ;terraria. Agin Meherldiuf-Goo - ---- - ___. wMlrofIts4 ants Merin, IB:1T-CLA38 F11(MFOiRSALE lob ear lir abbe of •r lid Tru• fens*, rat r e rin, ,, surAre lir am..n/r e fuse. the Luer, tuber. , •rare - - _ rine bey Ir. suddenly LAO 1. enly deported In the Hots lir '------- NEW LAYER RAISINS FON CITPYS' 1:1.1;. NEW SEEDLESS RAIS.NS F•JR C:t17Ir'TT1(i. NEW VALENCIA RAISIN3 Fel C'Tj3,'; rP lig, 1 NEW CIIR ANI AR R SAND PE'iaS FD'L I.HRI jd NEW 'UGARS,TEAS.8PIC.S. as , F i2CIi !&T_'IAS. lot- t'AN (IET 29 lie ('IIRRArT3 vOlt. PO. 11 lbs VALENCIA RAI'I'l F • e 1)81 %IINI(l:rl .)1111':, S Ni I T H - A'r Gderich, l)ec. 21, 1869. .w07 THE STANDARD .LIFE .ASSUAA I,E C E/stablt!/lo ,al 11,23. -.- W1111 which is now seated the C. Ii .1 1.1 w A tai suoe ,e.1...5y lief eff -, f. Candela : Montreal,-S!andatd Ppn.'a ms.'s lira •bud•, Nu 47 'ie, St J.rrs .eeyn .I )lander - 11. M. Koni..y. lusleeror- Iticl•a d *tett. 4 1.0 r• ..,rear from l0. ',rile las banal w ACCUMULATED FUND i t0,00ti,000, abeam.a Me -•••••••••• of Noa ANNUAL INCOl1E .. 9,500,1,00. S(' - -"ITC .mliinTRN11trff pn,lredi e.611Fo itn I .e tarsi Act .i,..ei - r. • w ems_- t wl '•. Y f I6- tlfrT TAe pow, .Rrag r.iy oil ake Thsn 1. wr.l • Isar cure►{ ,r ..h.1t. her 'n ask ( ',. u 11 -AMie. ,. . 1 wl_ tuuh.le b mor.'..d amt u / t / ...led rev .1 r•r••. it 1;,. r nttmw• .n• rWl . moderato rale. awl wt.all ddf.rent gate se m pl. wiw. v `n f/t•e Of frons bola yprL gilt Jr+ fr iit Aoa +fir lt"'t ••--- (t4 a 1lather', • sI 114.6( RasalMuy Fills, awl an•. Redw•Ca •r r.a14•1•01 .Mutely ata p,lselplea sad t»d A •4r Ise( sue p+•imeek.it ..r $1.•*talk4w..M• .aerate. np*1ly, awl VR►.e 111b4Nwrrkmr 1•. IA. pallent., Komi bbf aY seamineemess hart in temi • l.,, Inde OM ShSher l•SAYy new or the» »wi 1, , Met the ••gr'dlarl• Mata 1e sand 1,. Inc l' w , awl olio, seeere•Mtl.e, Orlr Iw1,14.1 4.,,'..4.. ere .{lee Wen. bur.-WM ar►.rm•crryl.. 0.• - Iwur. !y dale. eyrrleelty of hetet hr thief p4L webehls snot rer•p•rlln. for the,( e4,IWIK In 4 Ort of ,mter- terl.)ne0. wd rtai.. tomp,w4.. Kern .5.. W n. I n- iVeemw••.el in abates til. 0,...t.w•,1 ,rtuee n.,n, ,.e •') .1 .r".turd »ow 0.1 t,r„t•. 4 • to the -.• ,4 medium. world h. • • ,r0.5. : .e for ,n•tow e, W 50-04 poplar An/016d agrnr..4 th.-'1 ureme els mid e• ragmen. bre mg t0. Wawa. rawosria t .f / Ib rrrl•ti.' - d 1a,a J401', a,. r e'Yfafata, toe••^4a1t11•• phrase'aIse nwvrWs 4••h -,.et ole eller 117 :rr skew R r reaUi means r t be says. •• be,,. the •pl.wlw a tsar,: r • a Awew•,,e 14, f0µ..0. re yr of KA 1.1% A7'd 3araafiarellTaa fi'erob'cirt, Mt eon M either .Ma•sl he health. w 111. waited gad derweeestri.rtepped. eel the 01•.0,n.µ . a dere 14., a w • ant be J, r. 1 front T;,. I1.ler halr•rue,wrr.w►eill Me 1.1' 11 is ban 0$. 1bad atber Oren.. We •••1W. eb•.,.:.1, nal lieu f tee- yawr.women 044.4.n.l ire,t et r-na nit.n• I her tth .a r0earatir0 lower r need» as. 1507. end .'.II, 1., ow of the Hr eap.r4111s• K,: W er t ...tl•.* r live Ge for years' fur tea 1our0r kali 100 I$ •datf„ ap.•.•. ay 110. it Ih0 ream rso seder the rawer...4rhes drew bol rods -worth In • o 14. .n 111 an 1 th U e w, law 14, UL""U N I LL leer that hien .lemur of CALL AND SEE. Terms Cash, and Cash Only. T. J. IISOOB,HOUSE. (I.wlerich, Dec. 28th, 186:1. THE GRE1T FEMALEREMEDY. ^*„.7116 r y sal r.unen,ee•t an .bible w h••4t d•h.dt04 .1 .,.i 0.e. aR ;s Volt Ion. reA +toy IhP procneP N Jeea) asd .4n•m par, we.. Job 1199ef' Perl- eAfeal Pills. ' pORaCltrrto3.4c1arF7 LI Ikighre dl.t.e lis liloetr...10 roe. •KT brews.. Aad the 10.000 _ of lldGfs 40aereal• Are Jar i through Gm w+r:e,• or.e. TTYeae rrvH1A IYTA6uARL/ !%%si n 1 CarA1LtK0 ""41"171,1b. W. bi µ r4.r k,d- r .Rapt pll 5.41 M l In IM rrM M • 1 n.ye I..uf .l •owl' d.rHn,Y wyr Bidder lir 1'.1','",'7'72:.1'.""'„,iurkr.Trlaa- ky..lae4a1.nM to I 1:::::„..... o re. rte the lemHer,•nemre•o a ..I,r,l a P" rrwuu.ere.• .vee• in the,( .,1. u,.ed aa•ern north h•r6e. kr now .re I..ln rule. creel ared rrm,.T•• W r.h.Irern.me. 1 ad <und b1 th. eN rl W. Nrwys.Ill/am Kr •. ,, ro a pp d ern .es' » rr I l• 4 e.1.. Reed r/od rare h, the pnl.l,r Ra4.st',a•r ;W.:, wlr•r4 • Rory. Rt-0a1r.N mea MO ars tie. 0..1,.50, to lethal= neap ' In•1••r4 aw sew ptrl•elelw sail *Wiwi the wk It r /.trier. rated. I1 win, 4 • then- fire. brag - 4ithoo• MU, rid 1, sahib la leets Ro•1.1i+ en the nenn►ly,ere,d with ree.lanry. NARK TTIS C1tAROt. Menhir... for 1,70 W h,tla•sguta etre ew11r7 •Them Ms .A..oM .nal. ware j' P.w.nce dont[ she .4 Fresno .n any M estllwta 01 seemed .,. rah rubor drove. ( lit .As 00.5( Thar RROXTJIIe/Preg.p 0, .10 tie. /run, /deer, SA ow, K"bey.,.y/5rwehr /:br0.be n s Aro. Yiprnew. ha/ et ver wt., two they a'"r A .r t•. ,oro 4, 1,. nlo.,, ,;r r, , A los eiw girl in Wiw•dwws reelnll`T re - w r.in0 -i...... ,.. ..s.4..u1L.. tai -l..., r covered a tundras' and forty dollars dam- In•h1'••e•.4N..ro.,.'d 1Jrr 141'.1..... P.. a d.n,/ /h. a.raap. ilt.r IIe•.lyrr.. A. R,. rAr.U.etr.a a d1railtea•n a... .beadle+ 1ir0tl /amber+» r r s, w v,e5d ager in • broach , 1 pronto.* refit agYRst a I won ,d the bre.. R1'.rew.. • 4 Srnllw. t1At.. Pi A W,aw. and ,e r.r.d,M74. halal .r .,r.r4r. N, n..rur.lt rfidiousl•eeer.I Her !sneerr,rgr+tilat- 01.bn.rec. ears a•lo'brtorso. rye Ailed. nwd,rub,lh.Nep,r.l.ry1'uhnrdn05..1110'*11 o 1• al •1,d',,7,.., 044 r rrnrvw, „/1 far.., Ir•rr'0 I N. v rad bar on the Amnsnt, when she enchain,- ' h.rrarh • n•.•N.I .rrwaa, do me. rrwlu" 1..,e.. II he d,n„d,•A.J m lir Id,ay., 6o.b,.y., 44 ebb rami coon ',nlrmr,p waey.b.. hura.a,n t 0r eu..w1.- nibs 0.,prn.: 0wne,.r4. WAIF 0. 11,p 0x0 .surer ed, with A fur. r•uun Lance at the. mulcted I a - Jrarru,r0 (.orb.., M.., / •'n0rgd,1 ..4.. -.welt, Fire, hthe, 1, 4 r,rr fli • 4Aer,,.ui, b.(5e Wroth,' 1e elp . .4* ..... ,'." 'n acerchoen•flo,o,. w'N4 0.- se 'JlrtrrrA14 rel f ./0 fho pools o• Ihrm.r/A /Aria puler ,h•1.. , II r••1,...r pools ow N, ,nA,trmt defendant and nervously clenching her pal' ertl•n• mtk•..wp*lel.r.w.el .•ah reran. finers, '1'd g' re fenny .4 it just to alar tic ,55. d lr r.nraa) Ire.... ee. • have one awl pull At Mn hair.' as r1' • ea.rwur,Non., meseIV lir. J. grty.. thr ot, awl Inlay Heater 1s pleasant to take .ml re.nrinen.l for la Atr•y In oaringComte. Rn,e„t,t4,. t' 5.1.11] Pnaggltt.. To thea who enter from ear,. Ranieri, 144 /fail.. C1.• l' ...ort Pert. &e , nr lir J tamp' Cn- ratlr• If .t..4 lih.nny at dlme'M, relief 1. Imo,.. dl,✓.. a el ,,late cedra.. &Al up.. Menials. - - Pnr (•old.. Covet, Bnmrhltle. Cn..umptton. earn1ds dl n,w... •4 the Ihm.t• (-beet art Lunge, Dr J IG Throat tor 1 1. ,n; d., er le • n.rW• e.l rel4IN M .I•. P:M 1,y Irrnad10.. ...Mow M.m Remolds. 61i5ssili't. or 0.In 11,, 4.a -eller, • pr. J Brine: ARerent'lr rill soothe awls your Se.trie. rum 'der RMuruu.m, sed banish your Imo. Td.1 by •n Ilregglete. Nola ilibutistotents Gonzales, 4th January, 1870. Town of Goderich CAa tUitt.r1'TDYGrTH%1N5Ko► I.ndNO O, ban, 1.Sh,dr /rd .ian MITd w,Mpm. 1rortrn 0•0110 aTartslie 1•5a0nusr'rl- Ivo tMy 1.1' i1.e i(5•.4 ice to • pndl4,n 1. n• I R invIrmfeM raw] anorak n• runs o,eln m Tor nn/n inept .14Ms 005. M waking Bare L 1 . h 1»Ir Fetal. and 4.51,r$t.•a 0. prnrsrr • n,. - ed a tnne M pnhn. (.Annua m t/a171enMt -1^i' ; amid- M attention 4, the In,nnrert.n fr.. hlna, n,d.•m ere t. r.a. ,norel.,. 0100,. aan,''.0,,,. oat, V T ,'1015 101.1 , n.t•51n. I hay. •,n hand . N.Itr •a at 0t• MM54.Oam awn Pea ranters end tferr thing In Gt•tlem.a'e /..than,. a ►,..,- ns MVO iiroa •'rm.t am req Mrd • gird ato•nrrde..l Not riot hot e.•. wonder In on. eh•ngr. Th. pollong•plere le mkt door to Rarer A P,drrf..n'. I/ry 410444 RO,w;her I y 0,511 »turnout „Trey awl the elerflen premed* tons S • m„ till 10 p. every Wahl dr. w4 ABRAHAM SMiTH. GO TO THII BEST. THE BRITISH AMERICAN ANI. BR►ANT. PTRAtT(/N a (Il1ELL CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS COLLEGE. Now ter I.,e.ot mare enne100-..4 HCMKUf1 u, M th. ,r„alrp ame,adha arae... weal Teacher, and Ibe most en•rnr•1 and well rlr era Monne.fpm. e. and the 1.+t arm..ted m00om trm'.Ilm,. ap•rnn.nt.. It Is nd7er the m•nuement a/ TIIOROF011 PPNI- NrMM MEN, tally .Iter to .II the relolnares of the Im•Inen tom mon00 Tas i4con are nld r aitireE 4 old ,nlry fal'mtSm *WMet -- Il.the c.o.», ,l n n. men •hM m,ernn • burin... carter with... hilly so ailing hlm..H 4 It. »newt. we wore awa'dod the FiRSTPRiZE IN BUS(NOS WRITING Usn,m.a,, o. I ,wenn • bottle,, nrta.Al4nve• tall. 11• 4 rete. lead NORTIIRrP t 1 YMAN, Nr weenie. 1;. A(.sgenere agent lorl'enedr 1rr Sold t• Dowkneh by Parker . eagle. . no f./banal tiiidim•r se Co., Berl ;h1 ; 4.mes l,'eIhnm, Kere.Odle; 1. Ihrk•r.l,l telt,; LH. l',w.b. 0!M1.. R and, Lwrk,ow; R. Hole l eue..3n 1.o$k. s* ell Medlrl.e IJralar,. w111 0//110113 PAIN DESTROYER A Fun I M,d:eine, •nol AvorrlAyknown kr, ler pea 0,, 7,,n.nfrer fuhng ,n r reale rn•tame le sire permeient eche .len timely rand, end we have ,ever knew. • atingle ester *111.• 10.).-t on where Ion direelarna h re Ian efght. lila. op • ratifies, an epeekm 1►. 4)1/4)10,1,11,00111. Vi10e sad M•gl••d .5..... THS r'A.,VADIAN PAIN DSRTROIRee hw won me user • retetten,, , see Itlemf port se, Altera! we •tomrt•h l0o..', unwrparrnl a 111, Stern,y of Med.,1pn-pereverm. h IRIdrr111 Ude la rtt, Mete -pro, I..?.r ('0mplun'•, Jreri, 11.,oh,rn. Sisk Headache. Kutner Cum- pismy.Acu1:11amarb Phlk,rona A Parana ewe Int Ore. to 1 nal net t•tly the system dehu.toted by ..r Renes mod aware. Is mnaird 5nd aomlrrlul sneer., in morns sudden (M,1,, 'ore 16rnet, Cough.., Diptl.ns print. m the •ele,hnne and hark. neuralpm,bar h ...be. rheumatic endo her pees ie any pen of the to,.Io• .4n4 Ihnn. WI Heyer emote, bre given i1 a pl.e. ,n every hotmehohl and Is fee au preset - Is, all ether prem., el•one orf the hind. 11 is elw an van . 1•111041 prompt r.ineiy 101 14:11,1,, Hume, Knows, S rine. Chdld.,.e, f root Huea.('ramp. ,n I,e Imn.eb, Durhma, Goole.. morn.,.. Meows t' .1 it), Chelan lager. pun, I)y.enierc, Sr.. Pace only per SORTS ROP LTNAN Newcastle. C. W. General -Agent (. Crnede. mold ,n CoMrek by parker At C Pale and F. Jor.len; l)erdinee At Co. I4yReld; 1•m.'. Hmlham, Ro4ger*Jk;J. Pickard. I(xele, .1, H, (Nom», Clialoni Qeror4, Iweknow; E Hr kw.. 0.. tone oad alt 1ldlt0r Dealers. wag N. MoHARDY, IT. 1111.11.. ('10MMIRPIONER 1N R. R. i C. FOR COUNT? t or llomn rode. steneww,. Ire••.., f0., 111.4 ..a.a_..r"• ...5410A.,.r a.n oat. 1141,0041 Money to Lend .t moderate rates "0 I•,J.wr04 property. All erpren rend.1.1.. N. R•t•ARDY' el. Helen., l.n, let, Inc 441.44 The New Yokk Tribune wya :-Tee Ksn- tusky Legle!ature hw passed la very con- siderate Bill, 'exempting ministers from execution." It should to nndenkrd that this alludes act to the lynebtng of Anti - Slavery ministers, nor to the hanging of clergymen who may indulgeilfr lRirler ; but tri ministers who nm 1n debt, and sit!, 'menet or will not ter3'up---in tact to that little deenment which commands the sheriff t.. take the bel r, unless he can find eitimfartory property. We treat that the Kentucky preachers will show their fratitnde by lumping out of debt,in which lendable effort they will probably bes- eisted h the tygleygatag# epspeotire nrhoods. yam w Tors R eltl ttlennel: elft iiue to b•IFOU + +/ wel principally generally, ore ..olenred to a menthe' imerimw,me t, end the rend; to MEET IN THE ;MUT 11U0M IN sheen daps. Public opinion is not yet Ape Slough for what it edhl thin Dreenni- IIt,DERiCN. M tl/ie. ' IIn*nr prieke ms Ina,' say the Vr0/ILlike [Woolf , but it randy pricks IWO off when they Borne on. In faet,the =re for m wean argument with thin a M ■• as ippool. to .._ear 0•r ,_,d Re0Mra1 OMtp aid Toronto NOTICE. PRIM - 1 TENDERS WANTED ! vol. :xi -No. 49. J. CALLO WAY. Jr.. 4d.or R.G,o1 ash. PARKER & CATTLE WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL THE ATTE.YTi.,N OF TR n PUBLIC Oir'RRA1.T,Y to their aaperi s. Muck of T£A13, TO/3.A_C0 , etc C., 4 &L .r Also hariue just received • le-ge 'noel) of W I N 1.. Ml 14c Id, I-1 11 (( 14, Rip Take great pleasure in reen.meedi,g them for purity &1d dense, which cannot ha surpessed fur medical or gamily .wee. one - proper /'m ',or., he,. , hr r' o N .rf. yah her •epnatno herae•Iy, lender. y4 AO" r ant. Hiller Mesnlvert 1.. rho imp onto' ,,IIr1 JUL hr I e role1f1hl are !t41.... rrmedrd rr.fenra ..N ..rr r.a tie ,1•e. , ..00. h.rr rieep,0 arraerl or tree,/Prot In 400 tearer% er,.1. r'p/^v. rrlrin.rr rA•tin,n, pr '.1 (.r .entree earl nrrw/41n y(sr.Idr'4)1',,r,.r r,/ Asir power., *4) a 11. nn rAr hrr.1l we/ edhoc Vessel. Ihal steppe, LA. berry bell/ »MA repose, real an Marge fir aye Inc w', ( nosh er..0 .1i?"to no M Intel r, '. ester• • r. dr rA ,reM ,0,0 ell ,0. 1 tondo, randier, nwd an/s- pry w r.' r. ?., ,. warn,.,.m-f Indy .,0Mrr., wen - ,%,.,I eery r,•7,, p,.re, reel .le.., astral, HM sire chemical YAW 11.ea/M 4nr11t1.1rrr(111//eIer.aa.11r.e1F•wl hos f , rr'•r,'reva taken to Mr an 01 A Ir, In • r/,l. ,rri r r,0 Dope, r 'f / N Grow 1d. i:.r, 1 r.. tore as ore earl. AhL $ Sweats at r a Ia r bh,ad, r dol ,reater., r4 ,f.r-i lir rl,nn who eat. My /. t Mr r nr;.1am, it eneem.Plea every y roma M err. /tem Ih, Alen 0, rayl rrnent Mune 1 d• Wllogury .dtgf, 1,,.•4 '. meted be ' 001401 n/w,00r sr p. pa-wm,m neutral 4,0-,w.. ewlr/nl/ % or vows. or /roof 0004? tr....,0001 hero Ny n o...Ov erthalweg Mre ac nut Nryh halfn •"Ids n week .faun.. Ivrr.M4 ('.•renn.pll.R, .y 5.111•. Warred mad horny l reale Iyer., eat I.. Ile son **' forme. Wan l..l.r 1)4.,u4, 11,.,. 1e. rt.. Throat, )l..thr Tru ro. Bodes In Ile alma.(• .ear othertar la ofllse • els.., tame,;, 00• elms. Men. Disah ted,the K.. owl the worst /arm, r NW... 111 114...p. boor server Meer. 1.10.M Mess. 1111ng.Tor....00H H'1 m.' lis). al torso A. tie. 111..1. stoner o M'e uI.. the R4ah, Tare.•,tb .I.0*., 1V orb. 011,1 ail wre.l.rntr...d ,elf .'rear. R15r1 hweao. Ile. M' 11,0es, en4 allw.ele• or 11.e 1.1.1 P. Inc I4.lr, at.. within /h• roarerire range .f Ilse Boer pm. linen II,Mltss11. .nI alew days, or n1n,„t to ary' nets.rn ,sing 11 ter flitter of Mese Ibrra of Dianna. IIo potent per er 10 core Derr. Rtron i Venereal -filet.. Oral el. • el. Ares. area en Complaint,. of 11.. l'rinary Or - g .. markt... Khfne.1 . -.. 1V ',.. 1)0•p•). I)/.Cert., .n1 •IF-r4u- ..e lu,,.a. w. Went..40,1.1 by Ni",','.*. of Ware. dr Pao - feel DIsel.arew. ore .t,.I.kl- .else• e.l red.Ilirl,..11, .ae0,1 through the T147:2114.'11 WILL BR RECEIVE') BP TIIR UP TO THE FIRST FEBRUARY FOR THE BORIIIC OF A FIVE (5) INCH WELL. To the doydh of twel•e Anndrnl 401 arty (19M.) Ret, er lees If rvierirr•d. The a"non, ter will have ergl.0 and helm fnml.hed Alm. and .Ill Mr. to and .reap. LA Injl H« rehired Inrinding •,04 aorta R wIl.ru((,17 .o. 1hly fuer 11. prrf,rmat.. unr• .til 1.n na,btwrIMITPlerw.wv-howler Comoserrjel TN. • slier, Montreal. Pnie. Cnnw E•at hod tor one veer. TW., 1. 110114 VIA:El:re. one on bre hose. the other on his pert. of ennotio Leal Foll Ito commenced ths 0.• with 11.1.1e y'• 1.111e end 114 toted only three botilea of the rreraonerillien lie.trir rest. end two or three tote* of ItedirayS Eine, 1.14 whoa., eroodroily cured lan• lien, it. a Juan Illek had prevoterry at trot hundreds ttl dollar.. do. 4..04 lor runs. anal /hared et • Teat of leas then ife Da,ww. one e( the weellk•-t einem, of Ivens ber of Pierer )1.11.. Ate.. told me et kin know- ledge of yonr medicine Ilia enn. and 111 flIara. Mika enerrel with ono SOLID !WAR. covert.» the entire body heart tronk. she». le. anti ell 1 arow him put unter the treatment of itswievee vie ititareapee fotber. who then 011 toe Ebel hot •on ••• root chtely PrIred. 1 know of loon, Who he.. berm euroti Land.here i.e.. end in fact ell Itioda of sures ever Eteptorn td the alvn Clvere. sere flArilna ff.., five 1.*naiin bow.. wails owe SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT *maga i1Tanfiii, On arm. l'enetlx Mere!. II. cart Dr 11:0.11•1 -Thin is le certify that I e rt. takee With ilia as th• I•nge. awl will. tirel enrol 1 eonlin ed le a rill 1,4114111 Ithershorad y health Goderiek ,Nor, 30, 1869. is heist, w tulunr. Mewed la the tiler, or n r sows W pre.en'e by rruau.u• on the filth, or soul idea. snort. 1 .oar pert r use lowly. Hen., Iter ore* Menai sr .4 • Wane of rtes A.r..ryrano 1a d- rluble, noes when to Mitre obbroll of theater appear. Persons at -lot nip the f. i4.w1g rum. 1/srW/a.. orient/1r Owl hnme,u.1e relief, mod, u 4.. 'Orr, by the Una or slit. RA11oAli'JUL- L .1,1A...p'a erre, for .r iirwr/)elry Traver, tetRare r41l , ...,eva, l/n.r.erre, ... a.kte Byre, free Roe., and otter etivpl w r /Made forma ,.f ..r.frr.w. mase..•, Al.o 1. lM . ore ,o,.ralnt form., uopeprb /+ar. Heart Disease. *Ye.. aa? . y llfes0w , M..1 the venom. Werra eeno.. 00 lkr b•5A' hr 1 ....,....vote.•. though g lino A .2 peae.•lw Me rarer lr It, though • lord time Ir rtq., Rt get K Wroth, tlm.. u4auaate ,, .Labe bbrr an/ feel apse but lone rununoN lir .0 tea maIMine .m bra .amt faint. Leers., w. ar AAlfrr, 1'pw,we (4wr pw,Md Funs. JMww.rv. A eat tubi .ton ,.14.0.1 Ord mnnta&.4'stead WRa esrfl;ly and ..sea re waw e/aea ) cease st= iRsa••s• Ar earn rare •R mewls' etre Ar••Y, a •rI►p ess111.rr.14 aa/ ...$. Warr 4tNrd bj aernmulauoe• of ss8 sass .y1Me Y re bird, read. ylirkly ts R, u •tae dM n,v 0091•1 reryrare70r Lr/•R4. they of a L/roe., ihS rankling waw r4 . ei they etre do, from rlr schuss e • greet We Wort TTI. R.IRs.1P.tRITl 4i • r,r.at r Thor mr the •trnrrti and raw of the parr, 1Lu., who are Lenora/ and wag New D.•p.r- gewr, Ate?etto or •n.l troubled cif the affections 4p. prvhr.ielw• or Y..rt, lir of the •testees try •.,1 tete ra i4eu n 0 15 rdrlr'lwrw1 • snow epeco/Martel . PRFPARRD BY two at. O. ATRIA it CO., Lowell, mar„ rrs5/wl on, 4n.l0 4..1 Cheor. re. S OLD DT ALL DRUGGISTS RVRRyWfgaL rif-• hwrirw Who 5.r.n:•', n• Mad Mw.., d l ....Wel tarn. O. the W.. ylrlp of l.fh•rr a' fr toles la•, .••• Ie Lwu raw 1010G.dede►. It raw .ala.. as rrre. o/ Iter led ...ay moll, •11 chewed ,e• 4.trmpa. • Frame House and Barr, .ylr.tid Apldr d Ptar oral rd •ter A low•. andloI LG.d.A.A wo.,:4 1. to es v jrrt 1' y- rw4 T. pedant am essay 10. . ANDREW 9 r:Rr1:K. r1t rte K Ledelir. 18e41uk. Mev. 1st, IN a 1f A RARE OHANCM: Lag MORE AQHBRT F-1 SALE R poott,RR,11 50? *111 Rey_ 3 .1 4. taldt..aa k ttk,. a rear *5.510., ■ wr1 R•yrly T p rd so. tt py, v 1111A,, r 0MA 7.ywr, 4Mrh. t Pn. o, (1M.0 41.rli IR5.4.. a 1115 aslasdr 11'.5,.11 .M 1a w 1 e to i Para .•J 4..y other and • ill un. n.... r. a e sW Nara. Is 5M..1004 and . t1 1... 1.1 n4r,p Its ear. Rath.;. o -I ARNIAA, d Ow Arads basibeal .heiy. 04 re 9*' _Gaaa1W -Ke.. gra IM. we! T AId. parties renowned .re Irembyr1eel:L..1 t.•1 i:r ` m.. nt.. Out turn hare, p„, . ,.Ilun•I or 1,..h .r..•nt, as L•h. r•Y ., row 11 a ,.sy M olh. J.,yw•.d• win M wmnA, nJ a .I' gest t•I • Rft, .aH' n F(! Dotterel.. nae. 11, )1M. see Canted le 1'. tSrOApT r5rwreaw . 6 ..1.14 naTi -.r, . r s$4&.d- 5. - - »11.11 Joao. 116•11.••• `)y1S/1C'VniRRn lir unr., uHnlaaN LIR•'1 Mlo.nr05 4- P1 Lod_ 11 ..0. J. u. 41 l5, tm I) Fo.uA.11. 01 truly, , rainy or ha .n, Tla atilt ralr•ine •. ths Axe Nana& tory III AI. ▪ Weir brow Tiff Aortae, Nereltere Or My _Aar e•• be obtained .0114ocr• thodiree Mrs. CMS REDUCTION II/ PRICE t Aare seal .4.1 1(11.7 SS NA %et freed oriell • illy 6 wins ti.r4 Iwo nano farms null. *Mr Wise, "ono 4 be. gum property in sithe'vel eel • glen• o mei. the warrant rather of Ilayillid4 ill b.-) and Neriorth (12 0•11.). Parr further pertirti 51141.4:111 11•11.11N, un INSOLVLINT AC1 OF 1369. . errant thi Vowels aortae in nor, . As .404, witweet kr the ....inen.g POO 111111 preemie* A* Mil BE SOLD RY P1191/'; AUlTIIPS the nen n Karl of Grew PI *frilentan. the Dant), pion ire meet SO, 14•11,1thd 6.111 fob toss tloderish In Ur terry of HMO. JbOol.,1 Awn do TM, do •is W doesday,the 23 rd day of Febria JOHN ldePHERslON. • 1.70. et the inure( twelve eleloek woo. 41. I fi•dorrieb elk. 1411111. n me 411 and ilanslar that rortstreen or taw» of lead owl ter to tot Ming ....mann withdree on rol w told doom ori roppaland pre. F•nolit l.1 othearnawal. one Ofth of en 1.• re, bs IA* merv too, of barki. .s__Etatiodbus_aattssarrrippiy et the A.117..e. or to I. FREDERICK WINDOW BANDS! l'OTALLY exclude COLD, WIND, WE and Dun from Dixon ant: For Seven Years 00 BOUM Of ilia finest wadi(' and private buil.'in2a In the Untied States and Canada, Coderieh, Norember 16th, 1869. DINER Market Square, Geeerleh. , Arta Jor !Aro,' anti Bruce - CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I WOULD CALL T11F, ATTENT1ON OF TIMM NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS TO 11101f large' assottatent of Vases Perfumery. Toilet Preparations. dce. Which .1hey will xell eta very small ad•ance urInn PARKER & CATTLE, .:Gederich, Itie.v. 30th, 1869. w21 ti CARDS it BILL -HEAD Plain and Fancy. Printed at City Ratea AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. •ny rawer Ileolothih.111.1. Jenne». 1070 eye it untrl he Illesoluser. Air BONY it.- 1 sad *now 114,0n. On piano. to 410141 id 00f see• MU to reveler hy eh. oriereimer ins in the 1110.1.t oor Rohl bY PY•eelYie ned newel manamiegamb 11•11.11w.lo he stems se see Lairreselli how. PAR pot WOO. •• to 144101•0. IBETWOU111 Co. LIST OF LETTERS Allen louir liorrey (Aerie. (2) i aniptwil 010111•11 Wow 011115.0. PA. kr I »trope NMI. Jean Grundy Theo. lawle• 1..ha bowl If • Neohllee ,I II or•einall ion• /three hoer Mi.» IMO Net. nor PAW Hot Yobs 4 en Winton. Mt, Heat, Marti, P•rio 006.• Naltora Alai Kiley mango, Ware 1113 Noy. ARCH. DICKSON, .51-30 Post Muter. 'Picador, the 1.5th Say ofJaloary, loot. tea tboolittill• TO RENT, SALT Wets PEE VAINEL PREPARE for WINTER. HUGH DUNLOP, lagerchant Tailor, 'IA VINO witted Ire Shoo nn Wow street, Kia Ithet their to Ronk of Montresl, is on* prepared to supply his nmeerose euitonters, Ilia stuck eongiete of csrxxs. 41e., increat variety, and ell I lie sold MIRA!' for All/f. Ile hopes to re. wive • fell shorn pablic paleenar, as Ooderieb, Nov. 3, 1860 w3I1 licar tits Post 011ice. 'IRO% 110•T RVAPICCTITI.LT ND RETURN RIR A./ •13 ere MA.* Ita li• pooplo of Goalsrlth Snit riritiliy tot their bberal 'harmer, derinil the p.m M. I Doer that Om ilealdely Aron her An, ort *Mb bt• rob .44 robe) aisle stet anworitwoe. ...tent rale 11•ibb all who *bah pnwhase*wlry (or andante A..•.41 to buy lleraltita•Lallso einsiparatlwly froirkh 1Wersabet A. D. Ira o47 -tot 810 REWARD. ar that 'tole firm kis bets es tait Ag. ants, Read This I A PERFECT CEPA. ulsOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Pirice only :H2.00 each ertlig UNIIIIRMR:14411. RUG DANK BERN rying on huh.. 4. betrayers, under 'he Oyler./ n ett, Met Me parrot -MT /Lahti. Ironton theta la wohderie the Rutting liderthenellne'pahrt- With mbar.. 11bv Abobr• Illiderabsibed Lovila to Is the . beamed otecbinc est» invented rem he at say tbei the buone. will he carried on by him OilhiP •^! vwliditt7•••• to* tr., weerseter ver te siestittparriststie tots be weld mereetroir ...nit arrows 0.0.1..on., tient lorry pee. trestle. 5' luny cs nal brifbvtalnA4 , and rine. hob. 104tbry to the eleitkoo Mtn Ilederlek. ith Jae 1170 .50 Aron tarn warty r dry If .leolred. as a ethane irringer. 71»low prim. of $1.09 beings it writhle the merit of any family. irith it any hourarketier t an PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 .Per Dozen. can and See the Machine AT ROBINSON & YATES' Verbal Whey rfe NOW 18 Y011 01IANOS beck negative 87 cents, postage free, to any 13" Pariloolar Attention paid to Copy- ing oil Ambrolypes. Enr either largo or etnall photorrapha. The subscriber in returning thanks for the litreral petrortage heretofore extended to hiss, 'mold jest say that he luta mule teach int- prOvommte in 06 gallery si will merit • eon tinuanee of the mime. trl'' Croat Redietion co Large Photographo. Oct. 26, K18619'. jlikireN44‘41(17. DART -49 ARABIAN OIL cc 0/) cc PrIeei to Suit the Tinto! Phologntphs rtxlitcrtl to $1.01 per Doz., Large Photograph Reduced in .Proportion. Ahro•111 mate the,jorser PArtArapho torn In Gorr error r D. CAMPBX1.1,11 0.140141. Oes. tam, On o Carridge Shop, porton,* nos on.rd parr re Min are .toi •fikre. newsier. 0* Ili* Mein a teat IV•ood•, 11.1Io ne Inns., Cracked Heel; Nor. Wort.. ethane, IrMala, Ilweeney, Neon, ✓ Mona. Mir hoe et Wawa, Ilerers„ 114e.lhors, 504 grey war Mo▪ wer lo hero • mad errs ma 4•10...1 you.. ma rotonOt Rommel, :4 • * neva*. Atha rhos nor.. Arne ins WM • roam ef art Retro. far Al 14 lb einewman the 1T0 • 9.014 two: to of tie Root Willy Barra CleMelith r/D111111 Dana') MY /MI 11041111 rth cog. sea dart linalor at the brow 04 Derlerieb, for 1411,44.44 Rs Control !MOW of 3 rola Deer net owl hew I., fr. nem 111014.• the 1.0101110 11 1. Min* ori AT Itosannoti 011 Sir FOR SALE CHEAP. „DOstator lish, Ire *DWI NW 8.104 flotwok.b Ay re l War atoll • Benham. Rotiftent Li 4. Peke a IR farm R. J. anuniatair, is eel miemea, ere sestiess 119•1111 - Mates. ta Marne 4 Er 0414