HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-10-09, Page 12CLASSIFIED RATES FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1,25, 50 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 414 per word, minimum 800. SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 31/2 e per word, minimum 704. SEMI-DISPLAY - First insertion, $1.50 per column inch; subsequent insertions $1.30 per column inch, Minimum size in this category 2". Accepted in multiples of 'A", BOX NUMBERS to this office - 250 per insertion. BIRTHS No charge. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 24, IN MEMOIR IAMS - $1,25 plus 104 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2d. Subsequent insertions deduct 504. 254 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS Canada Sayings Bonds 8% TO MATURITY In Denominations from $50 Up $25,000 LIMIT TO ANY ONE PERSON They Can Be Paid For In Installments EXETER SUB-AGENT Mrs. Bruce Tuckey 133 JOHN ST. PHONE 235-1272 WM hes A M la leo icy fSI'I [AMEN K.E to ;160 ."-`7127' tea's asal7" ! Nassau Aagacy IS •. P 41 Tt 91ptiiCr ' • ,4 ' 1 '4 1 741C:: $1.75 AI CP* taps. much - PW 42 Rm 1209 strrn tCstof!Prgyr1 Z'd 43 :47 FEE MS' 'IeRmM"'2t --637$34 1 1F42 no sat aW--- , 42 W, kas 414 1 MO ofc $90.1255 $11. Rrn 414. 2 P7S, Esst Side, PIT cle1 cr5,s, 4"5 5in A, 42 55 Nor. Res hl 1/0 ta sjos PIT Recept•Swtch 111-^s -t1t 20.1 _akn 350. 47 rat la PAYR05:5;SaGR F4.r6!qEftli TN e R 570 PROVII7ENT AGEN PAYROLL -CLF . ... . , nos. I,te slor,o .1, A• ncv....12.E4. ,,, a fat .14 to sl2S K ' ran PAT'l CO • ,At. V RM 704 15 E d ov. rofsino 014,4 m'Ol. o & sumo' exp. 'Oath 'S, 3E 2 Ms , -,.......- 11/11E Pf0" St S1S . ,,,. NCY 18 E 41 i Aye 1. SECY-fee Pd SISQ N.art Eareitt,r Hs rcon dont Soency 41 St. If sliii, l' 941.- Of, SO MO • Pl , O tta. pars .4'4. E AGENCY RMi'04 15 F 4 USE SSIFIED TO BUY, SELLSWAP RENT OR HIRE hr, elP1v1 . 9024.y A4 FR asstch -MPS! W .4kbar_Ca GAL F1 3 wics ' 'HIT CY "ontR FEE e.s. I FAl /"Ti4d o ppg II W 42 Rri (pinne.y SE did, sect'. 11 $1.1S o0 PS Pk' ler ^ • p \111-1111 AGENCY Page 12 Qctober 9, 1949 4 Female Help Wanted 9 Services. 13 For Sale 14 Wanted To Buy COOK STOVE - In good condi- tion, Phone 235-2553 after 4:80. 2:9c 13 for Sale HOUSEKEEPER - To live in, for family of 3 children in school, reasonable wages and hours. Call 235-1037. 9:16c SECRETARY, efficient in short- hand and typing required for Bell & Laughton, Exeter, Apply in writing. 4:10tinc WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN from $15 - $25- free clothing in one evening? Be a Beeline Hostess or stylist. Call your Beeline stylist, Emma Beaver at 134 Victoria W. or 235-2118, 25: 2: 9: 16c Classifications TO BUY OR SELL, used furni- ture contact Norm Whiting, 235-1964. 10:19tfne REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers, Neilson Appliance Service, 'Parkhill. 294-6321. 23tfnc 30' ELEVATOR, corn and hay. Phone 237-3453, 90 DASHCHUNDS- Puppies $50.00- $75.00; Toy Fox and Manchester Terriers, $40,00 to $50.00. A. IVIacIntosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. Closed Sundays. 10:3tfnc 201 DISCOUNT on top quality Almatex Paints, Webster Signs, Exeter. 6:26tfne REINFORCED CEMENT TILE- 3' and 4'. Lawrence Ziler, Box 53 Dashwood. Phone 237-34$7. 4: 1.7tfn c 3 DRESSES - One maternity, size 10; 2 dresses, size 14, like new, $15.00. Phone 227-4573. 2:9;16e 1, Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5, Help Wanted 6, Business Opportunities 7, Teachers Wanted 8, Situations Wanted 9, Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For 13, For Sale 13a, Personal Items 14, Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19, For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22, Notices 23, Legal Notices 24, Tenders Wanted 25, Auction Sales HENS - Best prices paid for goose and duck feathers, ticks. M. Flatt 284.1960 St. Marys, 537-8594 Woodstock .(collect). 9:25-10:16* 10:23-11-13c SPACE HEATER - Large size, preferably Duo - Therm, with fan, Phone 229-6544. 9* BABY BUGGY - Good used. Phone 235-0883. 9e SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed. New weeping beds laid; old drains repaired. Fast, efficient service. Butler Bros., 227-4312 or 227-4254 Lucan. 9:5tfnc NEW 1970 MOTO SKIS, 295 cc, $630.00. Contact Lawrence Beck- er, RR 2 Crediton, Phone 234- 6486. 9:25-10:30* Sale SCRATCH and DENT SALE Grinsven & Butler ELECTRIC RAZORS 15 Wanted PART TIME RIDE from Exeter to London, 5 days a week. Phone 229-6143. 9* LUCAN DEAD STOCK REMOVAL We now pay for freshly dead or disabled cattle and horses weighing over 500 pounds. Small calves also picked up. For efficient service call collect 245-0838 or 227.4312 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week License 201-C69 6: 12tfnc OF VILAS ROCK MAPLE (LADIES' OR MEN'S) The Times-Advocate requires an energetic responsible person Tor its production department. Some typing required. This is a key position requiring good organization ability. 24 - 35 hours per week. Attractive hourly rate and benefits. DINING ROOM FURNITURE 20% OFF RON'S HEALTH CENTRE 16 Property For Sale LOT - On Pryde Blvd, Special price with Beaver Home. Phone 235-1582, 5; 29tfnc DASHWOOD - 8-year-old 3-bed- room house, on corner lot, 11 baths, oil furnace, me room finished, car port and patio. Phone 237-3654 after six for ap- pointment. 2:9c 5 ACRES LAND, 3 bedroom cot- tage, small barn and shed, 1f- mile from highway on paved road. Phone 235-1686. 8:21tfnc NEW HOUSE, 3-bedroom, cent- rally located, full basement, Hanover kitchen. For further information phone 235-1303. 8:28tfnc 9 Services 4 Female Help Wanted HENSALL AL'S AERIAL SERVICE - Tow- ers, rotors, aerials. Sales, serv- ice, installation. Free estimates. Special: 37' tower and antenna $79.95. Phone 227-4525. 4:3tfnc SINGER - SALES & SERVICE- Your authorized representative will be in Exeter every Tues- day, Phone Walper's Tip Top 235-0991 or Gerald Courtney 227- 4884 Lucan after 6. 1:30tfnc VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 262-5748. 11:21tfnc PLUMBING - Repairs, altera- tions, installations. Call Arthur Jones 235-2775. 4 : 11tfric HE'LL LOVE YOU FOR IT • 1 Lost 2:9e HOPPER-HOCKEY ONE WINTER BOOT contai,ning sand bottoms of father's py- jamas and one white slipper, left on school bus when attend- ing football game at Huron Park, No use to anyone else but worth nearly $20.00 to own- er. 228-6296. 9c LARGE SELECTION OF PIANOS AND ORGANS We offer more for your $$ Try us - We prove it, STRATFORD MUSIC CENTRE LTD. 118 Downie St, Stratford 9:11tIne FURNITURE LTD. Main St. Exeter 2:9c A-I ROOFING APPLY IN WRITING TO ROBERT SOUTHCOTT 9:16x SUPPLEMENT THE HUSBAND'S INCOME BY SHOWING BEELINE FASHIONS IN YOUR SPARE TIME Free training, good profits PHONE 669-2939 OR WRITE TO MRS. GARTH ANDERSON, ELMIRA, ONT. 25:2:9:16e WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL TYPES OF ROOFING, EAVESTROUGHING, CHIMNEY REPAIRS AND REPAIRS. FREE ESTIMATES 750 PIONEER chain saw; 24" blade on second new chain; reasonable. Phone 262-5104, 9c BOY'S GREY COAT and hat set, like new, size 3X; also a windbreaker and sports coat, size 4, Phone 229-6581. 9* GODERICH Psychiatric Hospital REGISTERED NURSES Required , for 250 bed active therapeutic hospital affiliated with the University of Western Ontario, London AREA SUPERVISOR (DAYS) $151.50 - $170.50 per week (without B.Sc.N.) $159.16 - $178.16 per week (with B.Sc.N.) QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontario, completion of at least one year post graduate course in nursing at the Uni- versity level, preferably Bache- lor of Science in Nursing de- gree, Supervisory and Admini- strative nursing experience. ASSISTANT EVENING SUPERVISOR $139.25 - $156.75 per week (without B.Sc.N.) $146.41 - $164.41 per week (with B.Sc.N) QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontario, completion of at least one year post graduate course in nursing at the Uni- versity 1 e v el, preferably a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. Previous teaching and/ or administrative experience. REGISTERED NURSES $122.00 - $137.00 per week (salary differential for two or more years recent experience) QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontario. 3 Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED MEN for furni- ture moving and packing. Ap- ply in person to Wedge The Mover, 181 King St., Hensall, 9* TWO MEN, part-'time, to install small TV towers. No experience necessary. We will train. Lucan Electronics, 227-4621. MALE HELP wanted. Phone 227-4721, Rydall Brick & Tire. 8 : 28tfne ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings, siding, porch and step railings, columns, etc. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Phone 235.0722 (collect). 9tIne PHONE 227-4176 SPACE HEATERS - One large, one small. Phone 735-0678, 9* TRANSMISSION, automatic, for 1960 Chev; also rear end, in excellent condition. Phone 262- 2545. 9c EXETER HOUSES-Nicely situ- ated double lot, suitable VLA, on which is factory built alu- minium 3 bedroom house, 25'x 54', full basement, excellent new type heating, furniture worth thousands; One block off Main St., 3 bedroom brick house, basement, oil heat, nice play yard, garage; Brick du- lex, $0, full basement, one furnace heats both; ii acres with town- ship taxes, 2 storey brick house, 4 bedrooms, lull bath, fireplace, 2 storey barn, shade tir:xeee tse.r.Write to W. C. Pearce, 8: 28tfnc 8:21tfne 5 Help Wanted Ford Rent-A-Car Painter, Decorator 37' DELHI TOWER with an- tenna, $89.95 installed. Also boosters, rotors, etc. Max's TV, 238-2493 Grand Bend. 2:27tfnc ORGANIST - Coven Presbyte- rian Church requires the serv- ices of an organist beginning in November. The organ is a two manual pipe organ. Interested persons please call 235-2474 or 235-2784 or write to Coven Pres- byterian Church, Box 595 Exe- ter, Ont. 9:16c Exterior, Interior Painting; Paperhanging; Industrial, Commercial, Domestic. Serving Crediton, Exeter, Grand Bend, Henson, CHARLES E. PINNER PHONE CREDITON 234-6262 2:9:16* APPLES - Macs, Snows; also German prune plums. Bring your own containers. W. Mous- seau, 21 miles west of Hen- salt. Phone 236-4110. 9c SMALL USED TV - In good working order. Phone 235-1130. 9c BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK WHITING'S USED FURNITURE MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Larry Snider Motors LTD. Chesterfield suites; studio; set- tees; Lazy Boy rocker; odd up- holstered ohairs; coffee and end tables; unfinished book cases; television; dining room suites; dinette sets; chrome tables; re- frigerators; gas and electric stoves; washing machines; au- tomatic dryer; semi-automatic washer; beds, springs, mat- tresses; wash stand; small desk; gun cabinet; record play- ers; radios; tape recorder; Polaroid camera; typewriter; electric steel guitar; automatic brooder; heat lamps; electric heaters; baby buggies; stroller; bassinettes; doll c a r r i a g e; child's rocking chair; tarpau- lins (in various sizes); swing sets. WHITING'S USED FURNITURE APPLIANCES & THINGS Phone, 235-1964 Corner of Wellington & Carling Sts., 2 blocks west of Main St. 9c 3-FURROW Massey plow, 3 pt. hitch with 12" bottoms; 1-row corn picker, mounted on Ford or Massey tractor; 50 broiler chickens. Phone 235-0187. 9:16c 17 TRUSSES, 30' stand of 2" B.C. fir, ideal for hog barn, chicken house, etc, Don Reving- ton, Lucan 227-4454. 9:16c Spinrite Yarns & Dyers Ltd. FACTORY SALES STORE SAVINGS ON YARN CLEARANCES AND MILL ENDS Main St., Listowel, Ont. 291-3951 9c USED APPLIANCES at Traquair Hardware, Exeter. McClary 18' chest freezer, factory rebuilt guarantee, $149,95. McClary 24" range, $39.00. Be APPLES - All leading varie- ties. Give us a call. Barry Jeffery, 235-0387 and 235-0824 evenings. 10: 2tfnc 8' MODERN kitchen cupboards, upper and lower, arborite top, stainless steel sink, door hard- ware included. Phone Art Gaiser days 235-1505. 10: 9tfn c COMPLETE BROWNIE outfit, size 10-12; winter mauve borg coat and fur hat, size 8-10. Dial 235-1118. 9c PORTABLE SINGER sewing ma- chine, real good condition, $50; new 48 inch double bed spring, $5.00; new bookcase 48 inch double bed, bed only, $5.00. Sandy Elliot over Canadian Tire Store. 235-2912. 9:16c NEW COLONIAL chesterfield and chair, used one month; 2 end tables and cocktail table, walnut finish. Phone 262-5086 after six, 2:9c MciNTOSH APPLES- Top qual- ity. Bring containers and pick your own. Windfalls $1.50 a bus.; also Courtlands and Macs picked. Ross Middleton's Or- chard, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river. 9c MALE AND FEMALE 200 ACRE FARM - 4-bedroom house; good buildings; medium clay loam; abundant water sup- ply. Phone 237-3407 after 8 p.m. 9:16* Exeter 235-1640 5:9tfnc Young man with credit experi- ence required immediately. Excellent advancement on in- centive basis. HELP WANTED 10 livestock For Sale CONCRETE WORK . FOR A LIGHT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY 35 CHUNKS - Apply Philip Hem, Winchelsea, 229-6214. 9* COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - 2- bedroom apartment above, elec- trically heated air conditioned, store below, in Zurich. Contact Duward McAdams 236-4094, 25:2:9:16c CONTACT AVCO FINANCE 463 Main St., Exeter ALL TYPES OF FOUNDATIONS AND FLOORS, CEMENT BARNYARDS Reasonable Rates Free Estimates Also required: 1 ELECTRICIAN 1 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Shift Work Good wages and working conditions. Excellent welfare programme.. Can-Am Yorkshires 9c offer PROBED PUREBRED HELP WANTED WHITE FRAME 2-storey house on Main St. in Zurich; 3 bed- rooms plus 2-pce. bath upstairs, kitchen, dining room, living room, 3-piece bath and large sun room downstairs. Contact Wes Hugill, 236-4928 Zurich, 9:16c American Yorkshire Boars Adjusted average back-fat ranges from .63 to .83 In addition to low back-fat, these boars have a lot of bone and large deep hams. To get our name established, we are offering these boars at a real good price. THE FARM IS EAST OF HENSALL MALONEY BROS. FOR A LIGHT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY DUBLIN Phone 345-2964 4: 17tfnc DUNLOP CANADA Good wages and working conditions. SIGNS BY \T--72 WEBSTER Bicycle Tire & Tube Division HURON PARK 100 ACRES clear farm land. Dug rock well & springs. Good buildings and large brick house. Five miles north of Grand Bend on Blue Water Hwy. Call 236- 4663. ER 1 D4hwood, Ont. 9* CHEMLINE SERVICES 2:9c A Division of Dunlop Canada Ltd. HURON PARK 8 Situations Wanted Apply to: Director of Nursing, Goderich Psychiatric Hospital Goderich, Ontario. 9c • ALL TYPES OF SIGNS • DISPLAYS • ALMATEX PAINTS YOUNG LADY with experience as cashier wishes position as a clerk or cashier. Phone 238- 2629. 2:9* 2:9c JOHN JENSEN PHONE 235-0680 EXETER 2:8tfnc 9 Services Hensall 262-5728 9: Mine. WILT, BABYSIT children in my home, 5 days a week. Phone 227-4125. 9c GIRL WILLING TO BABY SIT Friday evenings, Saturday and Sunday in your home or in her home after 7 p.m. on Friday. Phone 235-0153 2: 9c HAVE YOUR coats, dresses and skirts shortened by Tess Rom- aniuk at Walt-Ann's. Call 235- 0740. 10: 9tfnc CUSTOM CORN COMBINING - 4-row header, wide rows. Phone Ivan Sharrow 237-3253. 10:2tfnc CUSTOM PLOWING of gardens, etc, Phone 235-1122 after noon. 10: 2tfnx 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1967 PONTIAC Parisienne, pow- er steering, power brakes, ex- cellent condition. Contact Jerry MacLean, 235-0800; after six 235- 1286. 9* N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 235-2433 ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 237-3300 WATCH REPAIR SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER Wilson's Jewellery WE BUY AND SELL used cars and trucks. See Ed Hearn 235- 1640. Larry Snider Motors Ltd. 5:9tfnc NORMAN WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Any Type, Any Size, Anywhere Phone 235.1964 EXETER C. H. RODER DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Pannell Lane Strathroy, Ont. BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Phone 245-1272 TO SETTLE ESTATE - 1968 Falcon Future. 2-door sedan, as new, driven only 4,000 miles, balance of 50,000 mile warranty to new owner. Phone 235-2621, 9c & GIFTS - EXETER Pleasing you pleases us. 10;10tinc OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. UP TO $5.00 FOR FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS AND HORSES Small animals also picked up. 24-hour service 7-day week JIM MURRAY & SON Call collect Hickson 462-2614 License Number 203 C 69 We go any place any time. 5:231fne 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 1600 Notch- back sedan, automatic, red, with black interior, whitewall tires. Phone 229-6531. 2:9* 1968 OLDSMOBILE 2-door hard- top, power brakes and steering. Best offer, Phone 235-0101, 9c 1966 DODGE POLARA, V-8 au- tomatic, low mileage; also 3 piece bath. Phone 235-1503, 9* 1968 FARGO V-8 half-ton pick- up truck in excellent condition. Phone Zurich 236-4928. 10:9tfnc 1963 GMC HALF-TON pick-up. Inspected, service and certifi- cate of road worthiness sup- plied. May be Seen at Canadian Canners, Exeter. Truck sold to the party submitting the high- est tender. Phone 285-2445, 9:16c DAVIES, GRANT & PATTERSON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS DEVON BUILDING 2350120 Exeter Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CARPENTRY, contracting and construction, roof in g, home building and renovations, etc. Contact Paul Ducharme, Zurich 236-4766. 9: 25-10: 30* HAVE WELL? - WILL CLEAN. Phone 234-6326. Done by Mur- ray Glanville. 10: 2tfnc INVISIBLE MENDING - Cuts, tears, burns disappear from suits, clothing, fabrics, C. La- tour, 149 Waterloo St., Exeter. 235-0923 afet 5 p.m. 9:4-10:9c SANITATION SERVICE - Septic tank pumping, itistallatiorie and repairs. Phone 238-2291 or 238- 2923 Grand Bend, 9:25-11:13* ANYONE WISHING to have their barns whitewashed, con- tact William Watson. Phone 237-3306 Daahwoed, 5:29tfnc H. T. DALE septic tank service. For prompt, efficient service phone (collect) 482-3320, Sea- forth - Clinton. 5:1-10:30* FARMSTEAD PLANNING.- Silo tuiloaders; bunk feeders; Chore Boy pipelines, milking equip- ment & service; Sep-Ko clean- ers for the home, dairy, insti- tutions and commercial. Sharp- ening service, all kinds. Phone 262-5033, Tom Munroe, Kippen. 9:11.-1:8* R. D. BECK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Complete Sales Service that Satisfies, Call 235-0621 433 Main St., Exeter GET ACTION BY AUCTION vimurany 4 Our Prices On Beef Slaughtering .... . . . .. . . $5.00 Regular Cutting (As We do it Now) 5c lb. Deluxe Cutting (Removal of bones in roasts, making minute steaks . , 6c lb. Grinding Hamburg . . .... 5c lb. Hamburg Patties ,10c lb. COMPLETE Custom Killing and Processing USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors William H. Chaff e President Raymond McCurdy Vice-President Robert G. Gardiner G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Phone 235-1680 SERVICE HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL RR 4 Mitchell RR 1 Kirkton RR 1 Crom arty Tim Toehey RR 3 Lucan Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 St, Marys BOOK KEEPING SERVICE Production and Inventory Control Systerris A. WYNNE 294-6258 PARKHILL Box 382 At Huron's Most Modern Abattoir Our Prices on Pork Slaughtering 2c lb. Processing 5c lb. Sausage . . .. 10c lb. Curing ..... .10c lb. 13 for Sale PICKUP SERVICE $2.00 up to 10 miles $3,00 over 10 miles $1;00 each additiO nal animal 12 ACRES STANDING ebb corn. Phone 227-4125. 9c APPLES - Pick your own, low trees, Spy, Xing, Talman Sweet, Snow s, Delicious, Greening, Russet, etc.; also picked Mc- Intosh and Cider Apples. Be- ginning Oct. 6th picking days, Mondays, Wednesdays, Firi.:ays and Saturdays, Closed Sundays. Phone 482-3214, Fred MeCiymont & Son, 1 mile south of Varna. 2:0:16e cureroN We pay $5.00 to $1.5.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows & horses. We, pick up Calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call Collect 482-9811 HURON CARPET CARE Sales Installation Cleaning Wools, Nylons, Acrylics, Orients, Ozite, Etc, CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING ON LOCATION OR IN PLANT Earrnius Von Shrader Method PHONE EXETER 235-1451 Agents Hugh Berthinger Harry Coates Clayton Harris RNER'S MEAT MARKET Dublin Exeter Mitchell DAS HWOOD Secretary,TreasUrer Hugh Patterson Exeter 231-3314 License # 100-C-69 11:14tthe c