Huron Signal, 1869-9-2, Page 2. -7-7- -7- - I t . I I I I . I . I I . , , I" I . 4I. 1 -, ­­- . , . - ,! ,, I—. i I &I -T!-.--V-,- --.*-,--Ct!!Lw - --- .4,xt ­". The IntermiloW _B.ftt_,W - . I ­_- X. I , . 7 ZQLl & *111014041 -M -00"M=11 I I . 11. ­ ,­. ' "'k, '. . -_ I I I .. .L I I 7 , 4 , ...."ol"w . . , ;, , 1, I;v­,'. , 1 . , I - ' L ' I I L , : I . . . - - __ - TIMM TAULIN' - __ _­­ - - ___7 ­ ==--,--,-. - - ­ . 0 U. or. a famously figglibroone, of genn.al, ._.,.­_ ­. Dlvwoui;zz;matteriL . - fivelow books loolgh He doune -A bumajam 1. uva. mennom. ,. - rill -11, - 1- !amtla ­ L"T .tlq .­­ - .. .--.,-.,- 1vk!!!!, tar!ot km:4 " ."_ __ __ , log III - vMA,kea.,&.'tab4- dommob how . - , " ;,T, V-6 olo W _v`%*- 5 -_m,1t,,'j_ftt! edi', wany,o-g,vir -;-;-., r --,­­o­sar2t._,e,nii _ , _' i ", """ 0 ; r .- . I , I 7I! I . - I . -4agannoul 1 .vk­ 711al MwilUral I - ; I 1. . I I . . . I . I - ) " I I I I ,I I I .. I I ,. . - I I I 11 ­ I I I I . I . - , . _,ol . ,___ I I . . . -_ . I ... .. r - I I , ­ . - . I I - -­­ __ ft!! !-! I I - ne- - - ___ - - ­ '--- -------- __ ___ - - _.___!i I i , - p ... &t!_ - _ - . text% AaTuva ham verrived at Hold Lord Stanley on Publiff - 4k".;s:t._ no X!0L0IL6_1`_0_!t:g?S_9A,ViXM, - I oz Affalsollf, - . I , I - , 1-1 . / to boling most l.y&Ul treated by the lica..this. WA - A correspeariclitut of the Rt rue -]Joe tualle , ­ _­ _- , i"Ai"iAi ', " ­ I - 11,414141,11 alookpow-Ii-Dowltionl_ __j"Il*TXKwUk '1161!Llim oatm,rn ,,,-t', I -1 0-4t " 1 1 - . I - , .11 , . I A-.-- -;_--- I I M_ A MILLION PAIDPL11111 P . I intme. -We - __ .ITt %be i1i I 116 -.*A., ­.. .*- l 'Is1`i`;Pak_ 11 or a P, -"T-wv--or'l-lazmwl-l"txlklttfd"l","** ', - -it 1111.1111111111111111T. - ""` "I" 11"14 A" - ickist, I Observed I.. It opm vagrom. ban - __ __ 01 ___ __ A"'Aged.startailio, I .I, U. !1lovir tutu" kin With; .. about his timidity, said he _. - - __ - __ - ­ - _".Aw...j,m-,.;j;7 III - . ­ 1. .. _--l- -in__!!!_ 16__ irk a A rh l " . . I filkilsk., lkagi - fin a *a.-. - __ *&%6w*wtu.uwvAtff.- _......" I , . ... - . -1 . to a ........ ; ....... ON . I - ClDi "'I'll Queen Aun's gives 04-- ,it I& . . *t.*."*.,.,:.,.,.,.*.*.. ­ .......... 136 - , "MaIllf, ty:, ^ U or Once, a . . THE STRUGGLE, ,;rlo r, 4kisivI az;& _" lik"YLE JMJW IV --- ­ _ 1. , F ask. vieved. I dirr"t I CIS 1` ft -.-- divisions of division 0WO 0 1 Ike , AV4_;`1!tU. id: 'We .k.w..o.k, hit gnwo the foillinwinkir : v 1-ral-re bv-t,,*, d of ... ii it 0 ­7 ­7yr -- r 79- , . I -r ,, ,, I a out We away Its bdw ill" tit* I tit mull of ilk - -, ,711 1 I - -I % '= ­ 7I ViAvir. , ,,, L I .. . . --R44PZAiiir_--, I V . . _. I - tLu. - - _1__L ­ I __ __77 - - r . W . _.- !2 771­=_AX7 a , xkl?-!5 I , - . :,' X* ca - !,T==__A1;oi r_ - aI Ike rX, .LIZJ ,Z .LIZ17 -1 I m1re", .W7Z:: 1 71;V I ..: 14 . .lcg I- - - ; - I - I Iftlom. I- __ -1 ter a stmenover for th- filed- ,ill no I and fskilikeliq I I opos"tru ]mile dav,-v.r Lite Scovag. trit. litismIll 6.A room . L .... e 50 g, at ) the __11 . ;No M.M! I ... . X. 10. F. It *sale I I lace boon novinke. The the 11 I. ... I ..... I I . .... ........ .- P .. -U7"- ­ brought about. Near the middle of It _4M Jose I'mistatich-111". ]JU*11,11,116t I. fidtill )tilt, slid h' banks A III,. 4. Mi -A ...... :...: ...... .... _4.30 go. - .0tition $Of lip on Wi thaintiton fronts, but we loolvill they and twenty strillions a P Ace young Corso tonel such filings, fal It " k dW,N_e_r" -M-aA Iiii-r -- TI &Ill. I - _ -&-blactle, I&M, 21kh give Wesleyan I met, there man a I year which than 1 hail univ,st ukiddfin6 multidura, stalsonjor. '- I I -a h. V a lic,It huctod %till sp,ctat.rw _ ___ ____ . On IV doubi he of *onto use solving the letrus skest- an tarly bitter this avornksig. 'I'll* J"Iel-4 Alminswition --mr, F.AnobAr" W,1-44 a. 'I I harn &lid livighbi,rhoosoll fit Tornllwr km able to do so orso long. We shall, services oan,t us. But though they may I Wriallot Ing clannish to ill, tumoila' 4 od 'I IF tow .J culawle. lie tinverif."a , , ' .1'sortovd,sual 1'. ..0 k.".. put I.L­ f to, ft-oll A, heekle. L.Vot,lock, ( 'urch of lie's tourn, "..fAirmially're shop, Praying for a dIvIsion court happy to announce any arrangement be, aiid though they are fit one ,e,,w,40&r bemuse I *I ..r,til:v it U) lbOm4 xlvorw*v,§ city has been almoist love" I Luglawl. I. . ..re .. .ut-rueOp took .. ...... W, aolv­ I, . to X 10 bawrillicill shot gun It=Z: ,9 I I kof Y gun w" * 119 I .ie. 7Lukgtv,nr9tk:t,.d. Yth,cive 4 a:1dowerlil- [knows sk,.bumbee thet-l-i.et loo-iotwit -Ark- period. Rev. W. M. Islington preached a inottiblushiked cred cuto to) fit the earliest ,his too. to our peocktip, they are, in another and a Ike'. carrivol, .I, .14 Quo, o "' Winglaulf, setting furth as IXXM I bc-tics "me, door to English In fortee, and silo old ,A ,is had In N Itho 'It'lliju -_ hearing thelfarvard and (hford . 14. 'll.-I-91-., , 17"."...I"f.t v.11 I.I ,,r,,,",".-,tummu must eloquent wovwkmk in the aborcurig be. ,,,,,,,, that It. - b ' Ann intookut that welghed atolle ktiallill 6 ! diiectovel to the edtvt,,f chgorcovid Ack ,I --,j to ., . u collore, &lid heavily livoll,n with Imm-ple. it it ­ Ile 1, to oI,_j,,uw. it ..,ild too,, kill pit. the .west of Turnborry, ju I . ownsi wt. lure fin resuchriwo of .houi I IOU, the sub " Ing,mus wao at a ____ I cause wit Fr imemb r what they have d .,I like 'in se-,jue English publication&. He thela crowded all the r, *At, loading to the removing .k_._ao'.'6`k.' - "" 'alb"C,' ­"' too lu"we to"" Joel, Wing 'Traits of ,,barm,wr as illuftres- great distmans fro - ',)"A mpnt Itki, a thundor cloiji, ^fill keel, I covei oil the worth ilk tile pog. ill which -1la, I and kinnuff the entire dav the roada, lit lite ... q ,g, V O, , )-Mr. CoseY, of Naponve, delivered a 'king what they cin do. We beiieve hey a mule. The'uld man wauLvd ill" to all -t . - now kto ".. I.I.., &.1 th". Oick court. It is cooled Owes tile knualket soluetitives, bit% I was agreed. r-micilikole wait, about half - ­ - L onlopen Lim po."t- - ) y it A"` " - m i vicinal Of Hlou'u'voinobvith, Puskinef, (Ais- so'""' k". it it lecaunk It.. It. 9419 led by the It,. .led conduct of Esau and Wr,,xotor frona vo ,kIperancov lout.tre in Victoria ll,,Il, c',r_ , or* a tecersevolary, though a ev v imur. I- . , ,,, oviiiii-I.- new It Witigh. eastward. re, it -we I lo ; is an i UlAck, day, th'aigh, I get her juwll, will so, , pulverfavol elailoctial. So late doys It ter be W,Qk, Arnits Movituckv, ,tc., were thiguor .1oks,nook; ,*y . ollnetwa. &the# in stakinver or be. Jokoub. 1tweem, a Poijuilgivent ,pjtOua, of frollo, tile North of East Wamenoth n,lay evening test. The hall wascrOwd- &lice ; slid we do not b I'd toOk . her t-, it,- hired ... All, sued called , VIA& seatnutolled 40 see the rI4K,II, W64 ed with jve lvvstrianm, Tito railwa- wim- . w ecoo.ockly in neglectinger I litsel U: , for in- 1 -.v .4owfitwlb , q - - hVn"slkfs,"fL*blY laidd,--n byuo In tilt &it 44t,01116141, &" i'll-11jigin' coungs- tit ; him how to tied bar, because re was ont its I " " lmmwv,Qtw S"w ---- paw" Cutia thoutiolvem &lot. _t iii....... -. t1shk &rUciv ! 'J udig" Net. - lou"93"11`11, where the court was held f .. Mles ,xisibelbs Glkw,,n slid Miss orrvioneces. Wo know that we U,u rivil the tivid. Hunflu ismad *1bo )too sev the" Ifould wish. fie determalta tG I do can -glosAcurnt it, ,Arry file VOM ill", A If A, -.4no., )kmggkAwkkwp silo, In tit@ even. the township ,if Fast WasWunch, the ook e oh cwfat*" Tnxrtw-pn thovtock- fin X and . -clifflovaii the . Pro I I It ,4 Aj,­ ­uW,%d,kk,.y, T-mink,ogjact. I.ka fouls d ,me sun V On each v%phosh= A t6rol wqv,sion *&a rme.. - ­- -:­ .mbers Ili waiting at the depots. Air 1. -ni" Alu-, . r keg Rev. Mr. Lievvile pma,bed &sound, oellont SIA&- di.,,mir I am AIR re Unism, is civility tonles. Tile Turn g two, ex ,enough to excite wooly, slid we ought to side (if the Queen's I known. 8%%'vli that bit. I M to 1b.wering he Utok off the cal, ogAvWrAtIOO to atata th't pro.b.bily a ..th,-,r.._I .I- U, nown's C4 """6%""*wtameau" "d dise.)urvie, , last be btroi,g eti,,u,-,h to works ourselves reis. muscle, woo indicated Live abigiii-tiI hor chArc-I Aritilout froshoalthe, t t million till people wituessod the race. to,,, Lit I.o., . Inkii,ple suppOsted that A Portion o t TAYLOIL.-Wo gosel the pleasure lo,vto lie "to, Thap Harvard crover won the to." for `_ On Mondity everting 31r. Punshl-re do- township ,of Raist Wromationde, .it t tutu pected. For our no, a part, we have, am! load., land wkit,d f ,rtlt,jiitxtal,stiigiii,patte4itly - - . I L, # (26th) of listening for an hour tit I 1, se.tlwftatiitoftilinchl.rluit!lit. When pselieluvick, and C;Okkat the 114'Idlesox inill'thor ­ - __ livered him famous 1-ture ,-a Mateskul.y. township (If 11ol,wris that ill" convatilen tat "brated side,ttilittivir Taylor. ,I ever%tooludy Ill,00ks, rise Aggressive tit- i 'llut blow much plovider 1' . legifore a large askil aloprecl,k,tive audivol,o. 'f 'Ob lot -At so 'It dwi't matter ; put in 3 Notified the rooks %ere, as at Beat, outionlo ,4 tit* monoi-curcle. both ii,aill 7 to and no terri-striI,ki ,aidiiii.n'.' IVo are quite I . ,#. picho And discolored, b near to Winglaval. Would be ausulex,al ,upmki bes for as ,.tv could eve U1 coul- t let our u-ighbors abillie"iftlery I . What $11.11 we say Of it! "' content a : throw or If ... If il"Ildfullio., ut re applying the . startobil at 5 ,,'clock 14 nitinutex (Ij im-c.ondi. I Xturon - kiqllal. It ill" Connote tit" Wingle.in division Th. pootitiOse .,sk-d of ladles and gentlevene is I -&, I I-ded her till rut way and it charc-al an bef"re thv lid The tide at the start wals alrit:4isdo, led 4, ) poI1t4UI, grocrolon, in aeolflojent, good ell, solklet '"19 ' ill I t Ito alone i but the world oloo-if toot . I *"nut - a a' I'm as (oil charge- I find eva sit sense 4. of C-4oll. '.'Be tRod at " or 'in - IG then the light stutle-wast Inecto j-,ailod Ritill - ------ jued by the Turnberry C-UncliI, and t -t always flust with. in such & Connection ' Zo,livia, - - % isc in a day. War it A Very "Ill 1 Me that vind SLoUted ,)lit. w Ilk hovvied her I =,`utl Yoe horg-inantition; upeoll porturegges, _ -,aads me;- h -t GODEW.M. UPT- 2, 1869, ' wherein rv'ft.renco ill" ised to, to "'It a word "fe''inatituti-m-about the coold.-A on rvg orJ,1 on a 91.4 OlAny olmockbads lint give slid fOull'I'that I.-th tit. If hao wild violet oupooth water. The liar queut twvt,lkd egivegrvis. 'give pe-ruresticni, Deputy Retive mud 11-bove P - so-dave, stick them was ry 0-0 to, angels the matter, and took the le, I, native to Wastlilin. sent t, said petition to ther"ic'milgeo or d t'. by even i and musin as we dislike ,auddi t -at if, mud I "'Imirud 111-incra uere equally svenaitive to guning rapidly open ill, it ol.j.,nouts, .j,,l - ­_­ , I ­ steer AbbrY, ill. -bodies I .... u he ct-ro that ct-Al Off Objecto well- t'. pull the ugg,r, I Aut my ey . inalonid fOrgy-five st"'Iftion lomer bellikiltv, I MR5 kJTOVM AND LORD BYRON - it . OvWfard by thov were at "erich at the Julie Ike most " lifful glaid." If any one wants nobody does so tionre that I do, we cannot And winked. I wilas .fr.id .-f her k4k. its action, lt&]Wa%& gave gieckst Vigot to . . I's monitorial slabs -invi'mulk, that ,.f inve, I - so sanguine as to Pupplival that it! T.w.rd .nievivion I fetchirdseparlo live Umu& gkdrvd-fvl--i t","-,fthe.d.wers, and - ogIlievess the tilefl,ra'. fort y. ' 1, nof the Uturetv Coutced. So far" ,- throw dull carce away for ark-lemir and be -.q oil, . bift4 there *45 tile Vill -411 10161,111i VU the 9110 White Inittloinoil bortimnle %vined with red . At ligialsop'. Orsiolk, thnee, (trio" a fmw I lit thelimajabomis;r7i theAt'venticlelonth -'aas KdAuggiOne lefavaul'y "a gullet WWA Well, hut what beemoun, of ths, potiti IAU6jh to beef or her Intercom cOntent, we! is if costom which will ob,. lut,l) vice out! I or violet fail* ; tile violets became covered ill# start, the HoservArds led Lf a tongt4. Is, Mrs. St.ovit, -.,uI.h.Ik SAY We haw- "-Y*T heard ellialhowl, floor do numoon,usly sees In the nove,switile, Buou'out hunting, Insve,yo-'t so ith ariegulver s,mots Of. a toluL#h or kohnost . ed %n artitd., which laid am it Was I %Wbk jin ­uld say goland hear Taylor. The facial 16 our iinke. I. be ... per""' 94taing [roadway, thly inverVatiold their I,A, may he epitoul le tit bear anythrig noOre gbm- it * ___ black fail. M.-tty perst-ra sell,, soltuired iaQ wmf,,II,iw,­f,Ord &fail " over "Ink hreough I armed is net to dit.ortu sithemo licallie, but' 'Ifes sit' MY, 4 as they PA*ki4 the ,will. -wit I Their I'vvic i LAdy if) stock (*,cOrdu,g tj Mr.. -pus to our -Xivillso 4noxon timaich. 'low. The Judge declared he dia AnA trainsfortnotto-to. he &.wtj are intin hwr tv if, Vito sologifftmice . Lorel.situelcy u re . st"we) Ill "at ceivioLny petition frous Turbilearry ,,, itable. We flood hardly may that the hall 'It . ! Whag;d6*luu i . thirm thought they were choice now wane. ­ was coullookovitemently, al-keneil, sold, the (:b'I lived together two, years after their near- heartily till we all ths-ift yOu, Mr. Promotion . wg the culotte of the erl-nij g vi,i* ' 11.1idn't kill socklytiouself, air -didn't shoot I ties [rim scried. livillow fit,rown al,l to - --- ! f.rds pulled upkI, but the 11.1rwards in , . for such mick kutelloctna.3 treat. " I It I. Willi real plo.sure that I see I l Ir WingleArn at the close of the Quarter corma crowded. _I if. progio, obtall throut-timearteres of a Iva-th all. I , ( rvago oomenivars happy and siOnietiesion, e t If, live toff-anks logirsamill'sive would kick ­(I I be insensible to the tudivionicas of charcoal. Cnien Isjuiti thiv.,juarters . -f a mile " ,; , ve! reviontrable. 1AaIY Byron was &very rinidel - Sion& In Julie last, after the folic'unts N ILE , numboo. It of I 11 -moo local wxi ties i nereasing, ' know Welcome wall she valluM., ;___ - - The Xarly Rues. boon sudit,d. Wh.t became of - tilinuield that gun !, ;h I ­ . - tit* start. 00 --rd now went ..a will, a f a perfect wife, and ally vicriaWe ____ _ J*Qg fic. "At curly here, but sko in other parts Of old man &will 'NEVER HAVAQUAMIRL. I it, ' Itort-een . - Petition in better known to the likely We bays to record a most tit, country, They -re all the more use "'"ad all an. - __ istor,boij king, but'tho Auktvrk Ai rViolh Ili them was caused, by I -rd IIN frontlet well. - Goderwh Ali,,,. :k)tb, 1869. Turnberry thelostIvul. The enjuse of cident which occurred at the Xilo,- iA like ral "U voj like V,LIV A ,it be took clim, at tl . - I Such is tile renraik of Englarld's '. garmalf,4 thenr lved, sul at :ral-trokst &'I,,,I,- I - . rkvktur of,thir 6okI ' I I I .It rr side ,I( lite novid, avid I liegau to, dt-q- j flrvate,t general, &fill tile follow inK story - - mandate eighth fr-j%m the &I lit- to wer, . ward temperament. Lord Ityrun at lenvith U lh, Eda", .f to. nvo. - sk,-1 petition being kept back taundsorst-od I Noortle-fu Uravell Remod, an Tuvood me1g. W 1, fell I he 4 a tine r itearriew on. Will a' b,ckLova of danger. And the next I ... mactit 40,41I Ili- lextichs &]trait. Lfo)40,i.jAis wrote A no-go to totally Byrom. oordering her DRAK SIX. - Ify yield ferm in. &Y 1 4 ova . I may in-truct oil I I rAt otlor li­r uu, : poond on Ito lllgkl&m,. to; be that tile L)nl,tny , I All Vill gentlemen "tried Jackson, 72 that r-nui,,g i4 lskc,,usi,lg "cry yell, I liciord tire ear(hilimlick, avid heard the - ribs w.rinuk,ti, Wide, into[ to, leave bin hill," ; anti. fire week* after of Eve,l) looker put4t,,r. this valter in 117 Ifive dome__ unigglow, ewed aknot A I At I Yrry late period of the life of the ------- "' t the I ' a lahnsir child onto solvent .a limited be 'or 3 Jim left than &wit bus,,els Ito wevento years of age. entered the saw -mill and by more an I more (of a scientific bumits, Queen Anne whirling real over unit in the 0.1. -out I i Icc fin* sS chou, oveaked, o,vIve -r ackvit.rd- , - oil* of that he would ,only count ,,ff "!.4 9 .e utifortoltiate olip fell against the cir- ligaiihillue'ais evil nuuvwr..U4 I1n.j rni,rv, vff,c_'kblr,_and tile old man spoinning ar,,uikd ion Illulic of Ut I!in-_,fon, lie wriwo thus . ' . I-11"I'logge Ill'i"t &kAI,­wVrk-, a ,-site -,,it a atiffly. A leave-taking u, pIetoctilly i ... the"A weighing liver a pound. Nly yield if ill* petition had 'OWW %ism. ultich was revolving rapidly. tivv, sami.nical ,pl,li,noes boon, , 11 am not in I bot habit of douidiu,,, up. In, -ir.o."c" _...rt, to, 1,41 A hngth Th. .7 * fr,-,,, tile t;axly (its - , Insists forwarded a _ ,." .olver lwrl, with One leg ap and hold hands Harvard% at,,- lo:illod ij) With A miefg,Uffnent Flood :- "Oil tire day of her departure -lervelic Potatoes 114ime lute to penitence, and liethe Deputyof 'I , Hisfight unkna anut cut ,off avid his ' totted lot Luut.n or brute for- a. 0 -it, "'c""J"w" *""a" 'mA 'yu&6 fl""L that on such nni ter* hastily Or in &tiger. anti ll - lovely bunt to. tile ..,ninvoinith flrol6v, A Mill' all* loomed by the, door of lots r ­m, mud evoremin to 15 bushel, fl,.lu a peck plagl r'p berry,allowed to stand or fall con his very ,a-vc,nd. Death was, of I result i',,11,,*, It ..... . he", that I ,u,iO4, ,., O'd "pit,,, blow ,here " a hall at,,rm, ,he p,,,, &him is* III41 I ,,.,,, load -plkbrot sl- secret. coup", be oucte.olul, c-nuot he carri of on with. . &"4 th"V"I"Arte" ; out, ilk "ll""t'"' the stopped to car,&. his in% urite mpanoa,willeg, ,or at the rate-onifife ife, fpjan one I 4'"y 'rho ovil w4a a vile-,ibildier was ovt bell it three ,I,ja- r, I a rib any evoins in- my lite 1, 1,,,go " bridge, lost ated,vork- they load I, ' However, tile Clerks of the kohnest inavvintlemaeou,. Decoomed outclass %till III& JAIN, turned black sold little, . Oplookeste tile XI 1 lie 3,1411. the ok' '*d& was. 1% 111i there ; and .lie e-ifeemed t.. a A little more thelon 4 the Yield ,)ftl,e E&rjV ' I ---)u,Ie co, voider lite long civil retail suilit f,rds . ion Courts nuffiliveres three and four was highly respected in kill) townshi "ill A Ch'I'tainionloullt ofe"Int'll i 40 I I Ov, sold it, commit tip lay up for three data. - P' I think, it 6,11,,wit Ovat f3runng catko t in Cloo-lerack-or too,hiniolow "ago , Zart,j, &C., ak, l car,,. up ,grad;ool;y fell oftiond the weakness (it feeling a willing- It'lee. Thomas Weatheraild. Am ove ,dae,aty career of' the line Duke"; the in. I, HArysiontliato bill whenoppoisite tile lhovities- sees* even tip be awf"thing an Invisible as ____ ___ nervoluestall at the auditing ,if accou Guthromonang ,,fthe sm,,Iwnt,skajfg,k 'he going rule si-evicea if it i, car rie g,`6A in way I was socarvoll that come. I none, table el steel; orpelf sons Willi whole -- I i . the I-iftes w, -re found to, be tc.. cb.v, to- that p,-,r,liit6 - 'gore, might she ,only be 82LRM abao0ji... Gial tell Last June, represent" g to J prepare for an event sto awful lie isold touch . u,.nn.r as to render the obove skf - - I lot, was brought into evinitect ; hill ficies. . . I - Pilate, &W tist HArvj"s kl vtv way, field "** ___ Z.O.Lit tile inconvenience It Would 6 avilovion &lid impressive prayer witlehisagod ,ov,ehatin-al applieuc.!& impossible. Those Monster Buk"go KM*d- 1.14"t vc-lotluns it, the Pettivicula. Wilk 1 44 allowed to rem&in,&Nd watch over bias, ,wife. The w,n of . . , . - -- ­ - Clitevach Ait: 11t miles, the basts were ____ _ _-Ition, Mamillixg,% closings -govilig-labollikeek- Collikel.flonsur f&rN,,rth " Winigges, deceased was, We are to- M,cluti.,ow I . _ red4apuilitif at houle, and Spanish pride __-, . she' -glififewoess -Xie _ 1; --- lll ot m to tile Ilrervotible;. - --ATtor I or. leced, Ili; Ii fly i ter, 6 f. I rt her in as 04 iggll __ 4 . on wildhanday flow I ith inst., whiffet Yr. s" ". ivion, agaoksl,i- 41fill-kiltiev in - - I Vve Wrell , .-. Move lie okn,r­ . . . bc,ld a court. The Judge in to ,infortived, the fireitchild born in the town -1 alla rlkoc- ate impontant, bvencosi Ide'll, Is i Undrurn and Mr. %'Llliam"*k- look itic.1 ill, - I lic b.bas still ell ,racter or . .., - I %lip Osolnordis began to gain, tiovilgh tral. partner vothis coinal ,two sitting t.tgethiskjok , .. -__ I lonoth'alloiLorth clerlervand balliffe, a It ! ,6P. Ili ,he prest kit day a school, of think, r-, "ones I / I and thoMmarytervole again Slog even and. said, 'Byrom, I Come t., mov g,..I_ Y , 1:31in A Special Mor Intlimils serve eugagodimplooding poombievintlime :flat Wulf ,at thatp-riod, and . ­ P171. liesto"Plis Illidn"d rapidly all Offering at the came timm, her hand. Lord society evil be beld ft,11V I . a I nodoubt 11,01111111otl fArai, n,,k,r Ailas CtALg, A large b -ii Irt film repro mis it he cat), his wooder . . Is, 0, _ . ling 'If 'he I)'- ,if -,it hat -ng latwor tiniffiticiusit to it e I - . - ____ - - - lemilible and iii,aLbegirt ment.ok . t;iIi.s!" As I I, . -RIVERSDALE. 11 Onksba"ick-wherwitivincorns, clinfor that the By , plot 141. I.vind, I of the Horticultural I ep I - sincere, who botieve that it would be a snake sloning frous brucath lite victims I r.11 "11 I. , abl,, whooll pu* apparently taildnin tile Illerij.4. wt forilind him, retreat- I Friday evening, at h;lf-plast seven * a "id"yed" me a remain . as 7. Ili, Editor .(,I. Its- Signal., great gain to till- country Ir rho Lub-i liblonewled fight. It was Wilifit'llagely stuncl lat tile.% grl.t efijkt.ivv being ' "' -wit that if not kept below lite work . UOTV rather in did at this part ,of tire r.". Ad to the sumentel Ili", and, hulking ""l -is. - Id DUAS Sea— Vim are, set) doubt. aware wt re to two in gt-urrat, the proprety ­ 4"i 6%'M mrs. U-ndrulmand jdclutuoh,wb4, quite liver sixty years of age) to Lnjk* _____ " L not Ike as well d-ine. , - I I armed the,aselveous with *ticks and st.oce. multi I, broad declaratiou as to Ili. past I From this ip,inli. tiblecOxitunis rapidit driurcer &n-lobd off tile two that stolid them will, , Ile-jil"t as It Y' I that there is in the county of Bruce, a vlI_! ill Pook, who Work it wi h their own hands - . I ahead. and Lin a few str,-k.s ,,lots C:)- Th. Ilmor turned out at Mr. sorely there are I Or* 111torM"to to) Y L , I After a sharp contest ,they moniscoveldned is hill. it is very evident tl,xt he wbo so 4 ktwj a siorcamak; smile, said, 'Whorn shall we thres Achowit, a close, ,nill is said, bo, tkose sell,, than thomme of the 1 11errvk late in otht to wtw&, it' instead of our systL Ul it, Joad 'If gibe two, 4-xielf,tIlim. 'I Ike mr rftrubk . .1 Divisa-m lage named Riveresdale, satuat,ed (in. lite I W4,Ftjle un'llster which was fimub& tit W,W-4p.mussfailvd others began by cotn- , - ofhadlord anti t,tasnt, we w, re to have III meet again r ttarly, flyn,11 allawer,d, -in ad betwe-in Kincard.ral and Walkerwri. I i Westboro a -v, it feet III tv inches in lungs flowing pluckily. hel,11tUm there f,,r a W I haoi, used it, ill be of a very tine ottriblitv. or filter littiliffs either. I he peopiet re. son . it J ' h i If that the ent-In,"., *.-If-, . Village I hill peadoinst propreeary whi,31i -.Ire&,ly I d fire Loiciam in diameter. Thin I . twat, 11.4 lingo ; & smile. Shelf they fell avativrit, and the fix. Heaven. I trust ;' anti lite" were lice last We are glad to h-r it. ill I. terftts sh-1.11d But at in not ,if tire auk going to I is WW. forilerjothirts-eaglag-4t-kes Issrujusinto words to- hins, ,in earth.' Mr. L,Af., be firect. smouading b b. I prt-vails, fit family p iris of E ,urop-. ,rib*, , o ill lar t it 44"-U in tba.,,i. joulikenveieca- su.4- sharpness ol view. which sh,,t IiAnlcl* liridg ' . I tile sudler. Haiti" Of the Siintd, to the greatest 'I : suite, it is of the R. C. --pareste tSolOod in I ,).Alem is, 'n 11, 0 later, rh.foa him most salient traits I,& a ,,r 1 3.4 nol-,three lengths Lady. Byron, Mrs. vetOws, gnevel 00 gg I - . mind, voluivall,tot to the canitv. K 811,!Ila Arlot'sVienceirly black with ' P . - ahead. AlOuv Homes' lit, bey to the greatest number," except flow no. " place. The external appercrance of the (Cilutilm Of 114ted 1.1lon'r I . or - ulachitlery. dark strilles rurmins; I ougitudiiWiy.-kl;t. o'KII-Ilign were in part at least, the fruit At 11 it.,. Ifiervards those Won& to I he lanake of her father sur III:>' There I- a br,ach in the .i,l,..w&lk I I building is nOt the inoot attrective'na t ,on I - refrevisholl theii str,,ke, Mr. Loring. with . I bour 1. number ,,ake, Wo cannot aft lie and to tire sep r.oion of tile capital oethe ANIV8 A"cit"t- (a car, rut "it c,onstant di ciplinc of his ny Efell"'al,who arre1w in li,norefflyrout t1a, OPPOINtO tho slow brick buddiligot ,In is worlil-far frotu it. If tire stratoger.l. ,,i:d I c unity front tiw moil. To mj' I __ .. under w4benry eircumat mooes Th:r,rater, thorell) rutarding folincor beat. , "'c' th, ell -UP that lien been made in he wind it - - !' _ _iZ I ii-quafrei in my life I' Miss onsorecobtat flown tri"I tZ: rt but bile ,WAR would slower return j. hint, square which is,I.ng,,r,kmgaon dark nugh better ; tit leave a large Portion I he I bit permitted to judge ,if the Internet by I inv_jv", I ... t p­_,r,-s6c but r.&rn_-re%ai,m'. --- 19--rder most Q114&wgo­'- -: 4' Vitud the 014t; IlLcir t-bk 11"clae, (ex- MM Stairs, is incorrect in her facts ; I Imard A few "Is of dirt would retnedy t on -went ,,f rurtiberry township, frk)m !,A I ithe external, he wo,uld &my I thecd not tre . . . _ - fords. igrootting toore ,if a good, eventually and lady Hymn lived t_,,-th,r, only, of),ur Matter. ill 81) ir.,va a ill % I- --A-4- - ­ - - Amigge-f-ongtob4t.le, burs gemany Christian& - y t It in p,ing le ck grow tile sy-ti-ru of' the - awrompoudout 4 4, 'o " :ekrgvalin J alon court, while .no I ter this schoi] it I %Ash to im a and bear tactlay, with iin ttiounjod,i Ill If twis,to the *j,m,,* : . , seyr I b,,W Man - I rA)uki evil say the lo even the racor by fo.m Ieti;;ttov, vaninitup iii PMrdftdt4rftubont,u. Afterthe birth . of - the change they were antilin twelve i I,, I that which shOuld toweling killed heard Ili a ,Olit key b in -I I (,to wvavcr i it is igloo, ing - A@ I kf uklv, filing r let it is certainly possible ., thl- I;tst few str-iii-a. and pulling ill, f . blocking iiisurder was committiol. Intl ou Prons Lerntigh lilo Witbnug quoil-rorlil, w- -Tit. Onfords, Amyrd a -Till, the went _11w. to p_v, ill" took, viourt, t twj­t t., it a rw,rtl,,ti -f East Vlawan to 1,11 j rod "It mo!ll - -their child te, reviver free hes. ol.m.,:,n _;Z_(,j.,. p.p:rm­_7 ,if ii nartur ,or customers frOveri Ainle 11"' 1 vorritsion isch,A at ii. ' tit dely. ,It is rdl-Lbe t,ted-oves ati requir,us Ot4 or Thu av night (2o h) in - 112.1 -awl.16 to lbermut er(Lsdy Nool's) ; whence she 6" I_ _t teme ._, ,__,kmkVI . pre" . . 'r.-a.bill of 4 the 4th *ilk - t - S1 fi o'cl-k. Io; unnutes Ard 4!hftf.0.. _! t_X_*wmc,k_.vm .at ,11 .t, I I v prover hoids good, ,that it . the k _,*be&. sold Morris, is to a glitch Nor" Vol a ridicub,lue shame flat trusts" to pertnit nood,ree i.,du i4lits, I iijinkourthrelf-tf tit. )AIg'..A, ,In ,e I ,­­ ­ - . 22 minnies and 46g, wrote a 'playful - - ______ n mg too in 41,11 ,kneks. ilk- veu,amO.ma, to_ all, No.. ,, .,,, Man they werebefurs use re-divie.omilik.-Ig whoOl to IV kept in sucilic,elsorcou, t L fill . I "' retter to licked Byron . oniible field system ill 14nditmi, tennist and Lboor, to of Gloneegivio, 1`2 usilei, so, que i tIvervei to to its any "wh , . wo nlo. Ilosen-so-l-enavo, -ere wrilrei-ra vol which, with the girl "J-'- '""'tu-s"t" ­L"IlY --"-'it 411, 1 T- place, being now irk number three d0iln ' vir is ,emoviousic,olly the beat alpi comes prul. On proweedutoof to, the I- .. I-sailt Igualialms. A way quarrel .. at tho hands, and returniet'g, lauded at A"Uent lttgarlrof 1 -rd -1-Y we 1 41. .k.-new-ry weverejoh o.)­,kw,j,., ad. Willi the c .... rt at Cl, 'IQ I down homages &a are to be 'mt;t with no- - . nton voltage, a litigation I " " L :":, Derives. &till Lady Nuel, are than downtimes in decline ; mud it"the teulart be guard ill U-11"Wittill to limithefactov: -I'll,... i got B. ' Toot is a mislertucke which a : -. the in, up.n th-1-sto- t., owe us U,, I_ ,L,a, ,f it 0 of -over t =Oio"lly thrOngh the country. flut let v .0 of scotlaud. . I ,kronty-eight miles, i.e. &i,,Iesf (lie I he Khaw, a moul &not f&rliitr,, likeloulibly Abney not avoid, A way wout I . - - _ Thu race woo a IfOod One and excited a I July number of Naek-,,Vood. - I rkel ell I, notion, It f ­6y to _h "'k. pia,ple to travel t-, hemorthe.ludge $,"]..,n; me . -rod avw­ the inside. Ad I tllli it Ile alwayll, ou."lit to be. ill In 11, O. .awaill also." ovilight . , ;or Pill mies, Oil - - 1. dtimf entill-simant along the banks ,If I 1, Either on b r j . - (on ent" - 'M -lia-dia,kirts i(lay 1,sarriand . Areciagencr.irl ' I ! ". I. evaus lying in 1.18 go- . ,I- .11 Iriet a similar=ft, ­ . -Mag system - his brod-room, where he hall boven *I., -t 1-t it ,_In, it, r he I th 0 ourney, or immediate- report matters offer, very insignificant. uOt I tb*int filing Of willich the visit,,r wkdo treated, I got fluthin It tow i.ent ('111vocadvo olithrout . or tootterly oukri.,mig in f rmve ly after her or I I Ill ovej 1 . rival -all, Kurkby, Lady BY. c Golims ItT.-The Bmwe 11toriew has It 'an gloat way to keel) the beeillim fully iftolgioloustbe air of noatimanand cleattlingto whit.b.i 9 In V, in Pw­_ noting. to,mcbm r-, P-. *I, -t-0 to her usband a letter. will hirisicksold its village p,ligem od at file jm,,ple's tevolve. fifty other d pd,noce close bolwema.40at I All take A jwFircre" vl n. ch _ - isurivery tit* I In tile ­ -of, _____ - Flee - in- It ---I by Ili ___ too. told 711119` 'yll. lots ,,g . ' . Tito III my. not one-sided, but mutual , appears the decreased was at, ___ , "P' 'e- - "" t villie -irradva tile aluaviginjent- _ _and of clock 1, I 1.1 - yes %Q'I to 14Th rrunx will ., . ...--. An ingenious and Vairgusil. icgvgrg .Xys. forill Ull ,of Playful I , QOIOatord",,t- ..ocalson.- It if. him "JoInAbutl ps d, ,ting at a tat I- ,9" for wousitling oti.vr peopolv're feelings. 1. A7 - and Mantel a fee.. of tile fall I,. June . - on Alneann, with lots hock t -,%.,r a tiun. rot .fjp.w ....... r I . OMI*M' fw 'no. - .4. - fthb-.4 ok FN , ,i,, !Fjuir depen-lece", .1tiolu __ __ , 'Jul Or 411Y c one it dt'll"kils 1110013 U, 1110119 tor it i'm x of d __ I and lot a ­.-FTI10111M I . --- I-,-- ______ - i!o , , k' ..',""'I 'll, l.ow";:, h thin,,& flarms- I .kiie". dfSjj,.g 'If .,_....1-. I _A ..--._.. ­ ____ ___ ..- . . . ­ fees tire re irvir- - Too . mfdAm -.--!- 'M`7 -be riored Ili due . r., -- C ii=5aT1J_ai7Lr_y­u- I`Olavit "frogg ....-co, .11'.. i! !* . . I ___ . rep thcr class. 9 U. IA. wowlit'.evelm"I. - ­ - I 11 111.1.9 I'll, .1141 a .110 - MIT -y( twenty miles, will lie in,l,,,,,l t- 7, , - ", = I _91 _ _ m TjW ­ Do -1I!F 1-117711111111 in file 1, ad Xt Wo - I - __ - -Ths. P_11 All -01 Ilsometillsonvoll Augmat 9 --nillit to ter tro,e. 11 .,i;;;o T111 back part .of thr Ill. v . J wu".X in win , ti,ni ,,( their studl,,.. all ".IILIIII. tv, I'll" r __ __ ___ all, anti ,,nt at if-. riL,I,t Nothing dime a villav, nine the in -pre raf,mially if they ., in Unger or hasit­a4ar. 'An invention ban been prokitl­1 in I'vorial &lid is t+w 6_,or f.,r olitin1j. wZIvtoi - vir town sio much after I tonkple. The h,cl;ct was largest anti mit >q the two grv At forst ttIvn4 dialm tee Iwt woess:mb-iltrers and tb,,Ilgt;t, sinnot too,wooml tokin called uptick and have their, I If :cnign'tiford of groul,10-116 Will* almost cab -drivers, which -ties Islia low .I of 'Own ZV-11 I how they omfide in and &,,ve their tewher. A Bmton Sensation. Pestling tbr,,.tgh tire ,old inien's head it ,,y&I jabl, Comm 10 dealf, 1. r". . Ifas written ins. IsAlkill real 'PAKI as a tilt'* wh"b"a"'A" vltuPer`­ to PI - If this auction ,of conntro, - so 11 _ &&tsn -"' _ ne. bkffro kbllo if lk " y 113 role 1. . Ito, few Tito esive &lid eleglaice,with which the went thr"Isigh a bulavrel partstiVtv .not wT. -- - - Won. A,c-mling to tire secOunt ,if it uthich I and vii.erful tOneel"w" This letter wait ac. soon. suite at will surely be the better f,.r the! pupille of this sch...,l read I$ tt.ulv- astonish. The particiii in for the elopement or the kitchen into the wall, Inoue which it , 11414,11-ird, Or ticurcrick-k it, ,if nut. At we have reverived frem it corcrelywident,tite ,or nun.rollistwly f-di-med b, ,.no ___ - ___ lil,we-er tire offivis,in Of cOur, well ' ,ng. I bar" had fl kkllv opploritinitteek to, Mist, III not W.rren BrOwn, a pre'ly I:irl Wait o-envortod in a d4kitened ,itate, Thu, , oil Arrant, Ion will not -quarr, I.' He nay 'Collipteur inbcanique.'or caletilit.jig me- - I Noo,l, to inviting hill& to Kirlt- 3--j- The SkentOrth palter burtili V Wit =171t. fly your i,lane of the the of I fitivere jeters or a --,e, with -.no L-wim Cole realistic ,If ,the gulf hall ut,idvkontl been, I give the (4-advir a wivic bLnb in future ; chavol.in-t ,,ill - v rmliOn.thelf,stul e traver, by MallOn ;" &lid the next cOm.nom". -ovor tire left shoulder -when it speaks August, Y-1 annoonce too the public a f hear be jool-chillimn read, but selob,no, if j pieced against thb winn,.w within -fell feet tee usay *Iran bille k1tiotions With himi but sont, bill indicates*% mull the ex.wt sum ,if " riven, who in About till* illy three vVers old, an I red by lowd flYrron was a letter alkloat that band stioniMitiors. Ofevaro, Wingharn Deviation Comm bit# fail t..,tato I ever. have I heajd inure delitilitful reading a nf-gro verinvetrel )ky prof eirsion, b.,, five, J -4 tile old Instills ),,-all. 'I'll- hn,lot lien, a hit ail, have an, sitereativems and he will naken-I dole IV the driver. 'To,, lials an i from Iris foothe'r-an fater, Sir U -JI -le, Novel jr,WWAL Sp..", j. a tire Ilk oundi ,or a hat consiprim. a the dilatation. , film" that at hich I hesoM im the 8 gi I.; frightful hole through the local, matters . n rov, fixed ,in the l.ek',.f tile driving bovuot . V;4&tu I . if. iterminelp. , - , -in. riumm,nem. " If v ,,r,,,*' and a-ai.,unct ' "fit to do -AkA he A's avittelover ,)f rurialmirityr, and ""s (If 4ch-ool at Ri,ers:lale. Their lim-owledg, it, _jw,,ik4vd as by five ninth% r ot'tho I life, -all aref I a" Uniquilml toesiolkeir. 4 its to ki,.w the; ' fl,mlor. The ,old on tit metrniell to) here relining ,I,, #Ali it wish jokd,,. o I and cont killing a clock. *Ili to ion tile other tile I to hint that his w"fo I -ad left given to wvvo pleases, bill ,Oirely the lIands ,.f-Ae ( O. the in titioners, I feel anxiO ul.o Ii.,s be-tro plunged i.,to deep di,rt *.'p oces 'of thto brAill on tbv to perememod ste.esme'ret, Oral or written be distance traveled in indicated toy a hisnoll I - Ike %%,ingh..%Ill dlvoll ,n and If ,b. -I arithmetic, gratunbar. spelling, Goograpity, toy of I go, 0% artinjOu toy the wheel . - Beyoust this, with tile ex,eptiOn -of con. ."I wit but tbiLtervat t,r-thiv ituphed fear size ,if t I j ke riduct ol her arep--ter, It sp-i ill) stiff fiti.cri :I b,a face. Suspicion I up oil " balliff .111 charge mileage fr,,rn Olawn r i t a ; it is entirely I- otaltiz Dr. LOshiniolien.l.,oviv, nIt) non fire. thict a six twmtho (1--I,rich ban4 ..,If the clerk's.office 0 i hiswery, and other brajoelteco (of h-urnaij; Vars that Cole, *too wan connected with in-int,I,of atnnigly to' Ile 'win$ ,,f file old I On"I"com,4voidlOget r-A-et m upon Others all - voted tile c.ontrul either (at vabby or fit- eery on unbroken voicto, a III stole, the will theday. A higher -ruplient,rot I orifilefendstnts relillingl provethe rare abilityi,,,f tile tea,b,j, I., thre(kinjouoy at the llojwsrd All le,-rimine'llrous, derives &fad Joplin, the older abint 1 Aged 01"Afil-iog iiiulnll situply 10 tile factial. 'faroo.' Thin aPparattes is Put in and -set 4 retaling world is startled I,v tile valtion" . in Ciantom village, can Im a ..... Ill.-',- I it) communicate knowledges and invarn kith, w- I!) 'lie habit Or Aing th ho , '01 years, I . c - ro a- to e im . ,floge thesec,.iid*kK,ut22. 01.1 11' lWas are que-tioned be Makes no =by the lowering and rising ,of a lever'llieut thet,while LAdv If VII ,t be paid to our gggent,,l hat &lien I at Wingliarn. At prevent the -hole `g`w haw wait agent about 7-0. He lead ma.ried: r, ply, but laboynear the I"" to time, truth as the wood 'file're" w ho,11 jig .nIv fuel-, to t ___ - thing in invOlirril ind,mlit And , yd0th. What makes tire profienoncy of Of MrA. Brown , n various errands and a . ! ill bar father .or hern­t vc1'r'"`-v`bvr boost, 1-esson I wilbew ve-nis &lid the tiolghloo.rio, say still jo (jo.j. . . Tiftibliv when tile cab in vinility and tit aeol 1111vat lead t" bad rwitAts, cliff the polillis ,of title sal"ol no.r. worthy Of ti,uo.b Come acclulinfe'l Will, L,ns. I N that fill-" ow"T"entfanal i"Lloily li'lluthh1c. I e the Position 4 their soolotratinn she c-infi',jokil If.rtli Rifling ftil Who t A c,,,t re- , . .11 10 'e,mil-1, Or' c,,,&o,ntIV n lwOvL,L,j%L1I - g,lborls etiewl.1.8hed it. love"It'j"IIA". n,,ttce, .. th,, fat it I)V,,,n wan cot- rtIvivil by tile i. V, ,,, wt, I be lu..0 % Ito 8, til,ill it ill him min-] - -_,list" . "Timil 41 1 it !!!if __ __ - _.- r I- I 2, I a I I It I, vl,t,lelv des. cr ill, -low 4- __ - wh ill,- .1 ,--I- mi'l Ha, .4haar t!.-IL,­Wg Ill 'I AN ___ 1_vevmo ewmmpmmpik M0,11 "Op"a"llill, ,., 1111 li:i iili;iiil; i i - - __ ­ - " I:, .tlll_ I I I ,-I. I .11) I -11, Vill, k, to -t car. or kt,.nt ___ - .It I 7 a I ,.Oht, avid Kill' l:un't I - -envvw i i , i:: i! ! 1111!1'!'! !FFF . _`kah.15 7 " " ". being "ILIontil inn ,;I) , ; ! I "r so .= pellifiliffa '. - is hireol, it edited t,.% ,.tit,% I,,, I.A.-ark mir well Riding of Ifli-ii took plue at Clin (1.7 ibno, -th- ir di'it) as efficnontly mon, t:,, jr I , I .7 1 7 Y I"s Interest to, he,wit it,-- be a s, IO,Ia,r fi,rui:111y c ,nduvlsm a lonler Friday last the 27th trial. There were 3 flictval to. the lw,,IIl,, wili-le Mr. firran's krid upoll alibi r .4 thvm, .as. fit ill t, that low-ert ,we time actumlly grit for the t.i.,Iy succecd. 'I he very r(stilutivice gp`W4tc`69 IkOGII)IO, filklAno.41 likod for ; whib ,jertvcle - selfish little arrangements never Will teacher Ifiss Ile lie I late has tit one anti 'd" Lmro wasi never allowed to toc out of i ht States, and rentransed there 4,11le, ti I would cut 4 IF cliUr-tentlas of the promeso. maimples on exhibition &till the turn out of I remain . too the other hand, it *,,,11.1 be upeis" f.,r I "Hot the hatiencossof the prevolverit slander farvaters was I Demor Sir, ing hers, their Peletsol,would be still forthir of -souse into wber or the faujigi int,f . Iles. Tito old in in bo,ore a first-class, I liar ter cations Of infile ; mail troy dcovat effort I )fine to try to, inake a fictitious fare b$ --- __ . The price" awarded A RATKI-Altlike or WIVOWAW. with his Z1.1-44tiorn. If. hall 2owl oc ot -ft fullift-i it- cruilid divilicam or at 9114t I ­_ - 1. - - I UP." the Invousbory ,if the great pocrt can- large advanced the" 1440. Hoping *6 tomb.. Often Isdoules at a tiage. a *'rr* griving af;,ot will, hks-v;Olnj)tvnr' in motiOli, nolt be c,,n,e; oodejenti.f4at-ga, vok"rigivel were an folb,wa :- - - ­ - 1 0_ "' L to ell. StO % e's I at. .1 Amos (,'oil &how., Godis rich. W The 4"forde Fxp,.it.r each othef. I h -_ . I tilt a card in tire interior t,f tilt. machine I so must valmon',or were nut tilt M ",ch and pnpils may lung continue to enjOy , ]And, andoh-led too to, hin ,.lot t -no joketh -Chrestean Ista,j. . eveninx I tat, Cole called at ill I ad re James, working the rest hinalkIlf. eff 1. registers the dMance trailmed do r flow I'louth. We decline to do no.,re than con- 2nd, Jechires Loom -- AQ - gin, re and slide hew" thi rc put ,in her -- I _. - day, agood Z.- ____.__ - ply W-6- - -- - -- , I am okc."­ - -, A MAY's tars RA*xl. or A .Deelf. -The . .1 ­ to be aweki= ft,? I done the iftnio be is foor- which vim bw I ployed a village domistio ­ _Lcl11 I-,..,-- _._ - the iumM I- 1_.. totheivehOwner. '110he great ditticnity has: made heribilf respinsible : - Win RQU§dP * ill) article we arote the other . week -on , V . A 81`1114,111nif) Mvo(WiXT_-A core" hitherto tworke tO (Ind a means of marking , From the heigits; at which he might Old I toderich 1161ollshil) hat inat cause to 'Orthographire'llomidAlism'. Weh&vet - ISM& Ole. ch - " IT'I Went rw Ifteliall"lill J,,fe.mal of Angnat 29th, says. . con, ' rigid __ _. ___ - directly to the Old Colony ill I.., I i trot.ic, drontof the Locution Neetiffli'do, writing a -" 1"e"torithov fti,-rnin Oficers Thomas . . lfhe Nrancen exhibitio I I lat tilar oPentus visits. ah,)ppong bl.mks lit,' have been IIAPPY, as the husband 4of a unble f,rl por,mid ,if its tell, at raising cooparritv. it) read it, twist, the smovitionces are ,If stwh . the.3 .'oimk boat train fer 'I , York ,,, no gives the follow-!ated Leneborria'iwor" attracted to, title track* the strects, its., when the whisels and th solution, lie felt into the depths ld a secret ble an rx fr& . Devoth by Drowning. Oil Los livinsumissed, he ing fie.cripti-fo a cvin.jrI Ispeak, I (If the Per', flailtroglA. near the corner of Witale are necausearily sit a bt^ndutdl. I Mr. Cox, who carried off ill" valuable -rilinary length, that we I'mike, Our- __ , C1 I M. adilliterijus atitniguo Willi I machine :- to The spirit in my feet Noble arm[ Moiket st"x, hT the peculiar - - I Rrnet, it 1)1,mml relati.m, cash prize offered l,v the Canada Uniniany, selves in tile 14hyrovith. Reserve viisjor Carronbr­-1c, Ang 27. ad lt,r ber all over the city, an, I finally di- led me tit the Odeovio, t here t iw,e and be" actionce and bavill"If Of a left r ft. Fol - tile 'I'velitoor ,if the new register, wt near in cnPromajognulty that diso-very . 0 I has hOw nvemime this difficulty by an in. must have twen tter ruin &lid ivelpolou-n half already received a number df Orden thunder. 0, PlAwngtak I against Our ,Iowa At 6LI e,vert"at *lit! li 1-winably eloporl w' h I the most eltriuvrolinary thing imaginable 40mitifor at too the track, thevfOund itsowner L U . () this evening, a little girl ah,,ut I getilovis contrivance, by inoann,-f which, -trom civilized co.letv. * a a The per- file fored vorbvist. All the prize samples oforthography. until vote have improved f.juryears of age, (lie VOIlligu-t danghter Cole to Now Ycilt. Wedn,milay fewminjej -a sPeaking machines, theinvention of a lying ,in tile track, fivat sIodeep, where he , I -an soon an the ithisel. cs.Liew to & .t on the son wiloolve rulati, ' . . A dispattlet 0,0'rel-ce: ill the p Vienrivelic, Faber by name. nOve,doind. His, had lain down while intollmted. it he ,no with llyroga had lioteet, werrof clew Diel;l Variety. your town syntax. Ft in at tile same t,me & 'If Mr. Carroll, stati--n ag,,ikt here, fell ,,fice authori Is I intheat-pir, the clock whi:h Upernia rrt of sovitasiar,ins also in tile latte I nep ever and niece wOrk and explain this i hea n,,t latest f -mond oral awakened, the r years, ,of - -_ into, the -ttle guard at the . J.ics lit New Y ilk It- recruit and d,taill, the I triumplikof mechanical ocrit-itLe. I f-,und train which bad cOme the machine keeps, the Witaly ban now. h -r life, frii Lally lirm a billing and cOmPliftlent tit lips. that the Exii (in railway crown counowity clouplo Until Nin girowu con I in4 at a rate which credits the driver with ennoblinst Influence, &fit red a finite dead when taken ;out to .ell I'l I twenty or tonirtio People ,ittinu bef-ire it i,sb-n ia few rooments in her last seek- 1W We . would not, for the world, My a whose eyes in@ secorn to fivilk larg,,h) bits '"g, a " third, still recover live of ,later, vor.,oildhavok ]ell in The dog i w,n,d affiette-t the guard was flill ,if ,kager at tile titive. I aughter' large d011, in iminglete and a blue.reatin wait &Initial frantic its boa afflicts to attract . eight bill-ol"Ptres (alk,ut five oidem) an laiOr evester &lid dying Inaurs I.toked to her file title Seed""th Paper ; hilt comployed an expert in Criticism, us Glad 11 r i , e traced tc :h, rehodene, I gown, its IeAndn cromsed it, I:* lap, I " , - or I wo I francs, according It, the P . moris jetedf.* c.,kjmOjatj,,n and supp,tit. There ago an when its e,lit-,r -rtstl%athi4nhp tis now we are bor that thriving village jh;jt the _____ --- __ .l1eC.T.T`.8.W1 ,:1 in New York by Llsomil against. Mi- Virtemat bodiomd.t wstk'= ".StLm,tj"n"fthe vaill,make, ..a -loweemoll I I , _. - , n'IfOrtookete child of step, born with tire the largest in the C.eventr of fitiron rwrt titigin. . "WhOlu the #Drorkmed ,whe" its inaketer wan alwaken- - Bifurcate Clothing. eus-7rellU beer, over cabinet, wayward tells an tinknitiffectod -, well h he I utterances i)(herpnbf i"n.lgmtnm.ri4n., - Paiw to -7 1140061"id tueet!6moopoporalt what seems a tilt 1411voin-led" I not d Oppenjaro veraraelligible. Will the viltiouinie POILT ELOrv. Anit. 25.-A serious . tlo*y led been legally otarri-A in jj,pul,), ! t,,i,,r of^ jusn-f-tr. A lease intelligent. I Aboorl- , ' 4 i y Bvr,,n Watched With 6 The Milwd boa alle,,va pabli4hed a arge and short -me ,if the Ameri,can p I'lle,11caton Alstevere :-The tonimies molver's wilderness. iche roacks the line - - Plea" explain to us what he meanx b, the dent oviesibirrod in 'hex neighborhood vionter- I'livir entry map fit) lar b, 11,v, of ill it a very ("'king girr:' TO it low dress' i )mining that the arriva of ;I erfv are com. of anifurent. and lo'hirr-tm el,thing, as who could latio fi,,tir.nce when tit. ,,I Pill-'o-vit -lien the hal Of land% for ,devoted *,all If the . day t -o -an old man by the n.me ,if thr,dr. Iclowe surv- ilance-e"Was kept upoo t Illoovele. touch&@ the keys ,4,the piarv-b-oote E I lice Arthur I 1 a ' ."I'll"I 1' Can it be - . heir I 'ectielfirnmod the dOII'a painted no"Ilth , ack dimitractiod I lie rettenti-m, if flunk ion from lid Irted to', reform ladlems. are m-l',-nnelly patience of every cme else fatiovil ; And, t*',n was in. avid we no-rer felt inclined to 'JeTmat' wish? What system of spelling He was loading grain, &lid virl,en they find ninvemo title, which crosb1­11 itn-m to emislet'l Voll 6-t. -odiffiellt One, fr,,tu Outko any particlilmerl.l..w about it. Go tin is 'Arr,Aied,,9i,.I eurgurne . finished he slipped .tral fell brotween thr from the 1.(,aoe, go-go fin, ing a Iiii, 9 one r -lice rept-ator, hundreda.Of w.,rds and 'ly. I L . I distrumovist Ily thr. Channingin the H,mtw- though her Usk wells a ,)Penn and shoits, while a bind, nl.,nl,V,F,- the president, and Ate jeahkis according. - ­ I I The pantodette is stigmatized Asian the eirsonf,r, abloortual pr ,Isevrxitvms in evil Mr. Ex',You - ill pp,babiy get over the by I not' to Ile itiolged lixen, which got frightened and started off, filoomvition, th.-y were finally tittroril'k., mentivoleves, in fittreriont letrignagra, at the I -dOmwph floinn, the hillard cham ' -_ I ­ . What is 'the J-jrrmmt obeel of the *won promising over his chest, breaking When it,- girl' nkoilv r arrive -I in New i dictation ,if tile ohOwninn. Ofe ,worse, ,-ne'Clerimija, Inut bern making a color of the aWlIffinatilm, and pg­"f,r,n'(; is given in in the sip ojecitof horcalrece.yet 1,cedy Byrnii agony by and -by. ,pion tit the drugs of the ,9wkod Pre;uk.uttess, which . nevor faltered &lid never gave over until - __ - _- human progrose r' He mays that an) thing theon' ribs, and injoiring the lungs so that York tha nicarritge ce natura:ly thinicke thowt ell -rite fine is hidlien omi-ifinie Pn-vincest, c, tnbimrvg busihoms ; vii ,,on late of ornamented mtoo-kingpit Anti shoes, death took the reel ,,,else blity from her drawn issidwor it ,mjunvkkft its station among he died tlii&Fncrning "ligicale *'I* Pro-, liti-the t ot bedstead till the guide pulla With p1palnire, tin(] wid,losiothing the blue. . I __r:t her a mongre costume, test strohorni hands'. - - the 1-mwil history and hiddem ect, a. ,if . duced, slid, ofemorme her (Ifur a o save j down the drAperv. detwhes the blue satin 'notes with his 'big runic.' i MI -as it million a" of in,,ti,,n for walk to .Mrs. 9taws declAres that Lady Byron 0 PbLI)rtqsoa romousopF. 1:7- A paragraph, originating with the Ili" child were all it, vain. ,n the tests 'ng, writking (r dairl-inlL_ Tire (1 --tor told her this atOrv. If Mrs. Storwo's nas- I __ ournetion.' IfthroosAof the machinate lo-ndonAderrifierr,to tile eff, I arm nothing lint the hideom ltpft(l I howallust his t,)Ime Isildly , t that lit coutrustics Ind priyerdof her tuscither lit"nallaw"W"l"ge ,on the frAtmework tit fry,nt (if a -There in an established Price clarrent 1 ,4, , , -lien he presentation story boa not d ived her, the (on)), ex- Thin i;Pnownt-d and justly popular Mnei. to I. him] in .4-af,,rth a* salvies, the mon- Avis I ear' d so-nit-kneive ()To the press trip, prove& UnYieldiliz, k-ut we unde;.ts I'd; large pair of bellows (which I)Prf,,mm the in Paris of the chargi,it file getting top can bethatloady livrovi'm cign Willgirs rineonifitiovery Attractive *title flown 'If the yellow I- draw the Editor to AV !!r f a ti, say ft-@ went,,ur of the 11*9 "holild be phanAtiou of it ace f -en Cat'norig acroms to R-lchester, were ill S to will 6, made to prove hat flow I duty #if Innol,th and tin My taken promi-ved in drtat, and will .!tract Ifilb, je-I ... nor &rod anger hack ci,erturereved hot Entortslinevelonto in Ormbb's Vacot kkvribe Hall. Clear Grit " ' filling t a r, ... code. It . . -.-- way the I'alieR in different stvl4 a of beauty. For I ill our ber was c"n e : twenty francs on -o can lie made beautiful, I of the Expositor h r -umnatt-d used r lot,- cor"Ititoeelf(after whichthe rm-mischin, . . Olive Lligan's AlUrceeres by his cicttlo' . and his henchman the Wall, Of conva, intiontillod as a j4ki (in gibe bution. with itA ronstal organs, t ,a power Of ,not forever. but ff,r @is weeks. $ so ,if revision. Lord llyr,-n never saw his *later oil Thtirivoiny eviolirg the Oth off"colitionsher d-inkinie unsiver it. ,Stationed' jul ,f(mil sozjoev-sontemi nine, real (bias obt tin be ovepu- Is, the volon-vitirmijel Of the theatres as ^Per he loft Evvgi `Uid. line we cannot dim- next who" he will be Astaistod by a part Of the Advertiser, bill it army he inat king French), lortring only ol,wrinethinme, frimis!ling a wort 17111.1110i 1, -0 f -,r it now ell" the nionstr,, in "Itsinny patent by piece. 11 the 'I blotil"Y And hid -ion reconla they w ,11.1 be as well to mention, arlds the S Aticia of ibm eloping go,uple.-Iltai Her-, 'Ir"t -Mt t1clecol P.-im tr-aintroor ,of the fonvivialinc,liettemse, -na,bahne, #he fill, slashed We submit that bogfure we jw"firfor when, short. somfolds onecifthemouth IGroAktWnvn­, I e,l I - @1 w it Complan rut to L krn tnersione sho, a the 4 now,, can be pectived mical tAlent,-f ,)lie town. We here re, molch more valuable to the coontrol"it that the InAr-wit famenonger On the trip war ,I'd. of n't,wtoise on4groffied, when ,,Iw,n prements to lien. ' Y the Writer ,,f the paragraph in rinevowuh,, ------- _____ IlfrOm Fr goinil by flat Conark, . enter I . . and the to receive such a fitatcoment it intent The donitt tbil will prove, " all his provivoins thoon as giving stupidity and blots. an exact invitations in black gutta-percha of a' . nalsock. I Clu ,. to lid reached. Hamilton on Friday. "ghts, we R"PP'mw, of Omens, for the supported by proof' fit And he claim* to list a " Clear Grit." That - The Montreal Daily News Yei ti 0 the chief ­rXAus ,if almosich. The tn*tvri4l Why is it that finally colonvowerts have, oilo of the grmt*et treats in,onseenso .. laos,l in a thcatri(,al pageoll ByrOn never bruright this charge Against ,,f the a,lasOn. nettles the lineation. fnelialsof the flon J,.hn Role* area" Wh­, risks the Kirgilton If-hig, stole . 'trowsors' is imixily hill.- ,W-hopmeourtoorm People ----. --- I IstOut to, ruont of th- t entorris extra,irdiroary In sent, - per joart of the r1rockle tile Doctor r9wro riulinnielY the $0001 ont ,If the safe ,If tile Royal memory. F-ir the up- her husband until an Ainorivark Italy -_ - - give little it conipjamentary dinnor prior to tile por-novinciation, thinigh fr' I period to visit her I Mrs MI. we it will turn out lo. -rally as it will he Alloys I?fTsICTln?ca. -The necessity for a chemble .1tottrigiviii.-The HamiltOn Njwjago, hits leparture f4;r Enrope. which wouid mOn-own,prom, in very porl'.0, With the ex- Caradne" think at TOrivnto. Aye, that's "'I the ()wt In tonic Avid niller owes am was because she wen * iflif fols"Clod tit"I %moro holf-Ire they will have another Practical system ,if making wit he" hot Pn-f~er Jenkins, who, ­ tip indicate hat the Finance 11,14plater Poptinnof a orooriaratOry " hins"veor the the 1. '&I wave buitatirn I ' car I Lail a visit frO,, Ilion(. I ill* rillestion every shareholder has a right and he Ill . ..... . 1, t,, scrop 0 BY -114 rejoltatOm. In reality she sinsihit opportunity. ralhood ferth the fall istrointire, gansio* ,If mook diamprooriontell sight-srere at the Sinsiwit- really intends to resign. ; letter so anti a tottering to ovi in the r. I go "it, .1 the matter of 6e el'i"are of the fonsage by every means, &lid all through her life .--- I I'll? witin Rrid alkirt, which rvoilly is T., the ,,th,,r &,v, toy n,,t hreak I I brolvider whr-ther any one will have the fol-INARATI-It.-Off the an vietroveraly delicate matter that ne, moist lie ill" Ont of his mind, - the fith 3 fArtrion,lungespen it) injare it. Or" she declared that EPITNIIIAL AlvertivirT.-Ths, Proseng codi. beat meribirrom, - The 1,nnfl,,n Aforni I 9 rourt of the 4th mIlragr tit make an ... ther, perhaps a qinx MVMTRRFOt-M DIRA lot the Docto,r go it Abme ' . 40ve"al are holinq recover inighisrk who lecromforrew an him velocilwilo. inst., A1111­11fteei that Mr. F.,ribleve, an wool ingtho well an mpostitinv rineriiine. fir whether [ solved in,n,t I two yonna Englinheren ar- and tore are a m ­t 11 liappy family.,, one tested find others are to be tried, hilt we He twelve intensely rilognated with ti e sent merthant,of Koston, as at present t thin city, and to, ,it 1,slifincesirt No. He e,,naIudes I Z ter 111. muldhooless, Man Ivoom­ of chair A III d 7 Ill"' OP on I comment* (if a Con of the prom, hilt am. the marhine, and the ideft will drop barley with a X, -,d word f,,r the 'Gabrielle I Witrh rib. .at Ike, volotivill'sel- #,lot- -hy In, half left boa thinks sk,41king of devoting a Are 'lot in a position yet to give the r",Ilta' Ily rho 04! : Madrid, ennPO-roId it, make overtOr- a Ill'or 9, Well ,,,,, xttev t. After ronianaing three ,he ter I— 1-yer grow I -lunst-) with onlunin nor tiv,; I, ripping top a Wit are inclined I. thit . .and says he will give the puminva, ejf4 n amehythe U&it&l t It ,, tf-goother int6ohliv inn And ritin." the know, and a 'head- oloonseivitont .fb,,r it"nortanowook.kabod ft. vidloal list know. brother 'it, in all cere-l-r I aa. in the city. one ,if them. name Jr. it' ust I .-t. Anior.ord .he trold h,u, r 1p, Brvice ism hoginning to look lip irk ton wrov newspaper man who, will ea ,d - I k,, sethf,h wi'll In n.-even,lbe Allin"Isec nerst-, A. booth. .... Is that Platt's system ill the beat we bole Y = gew,tKe Th. Antork-k-y1for is understand to " I b Interesting ill - - - F ra'socie Thatcher, aged shoat 21 years, I . . The Drecton, will of Onanal, be the,, .e4,r taw . along the roj -till his %@I I 110 In a 61(olljogge);4golo. . moorerivion 4 filmed remains went tty flartioltien to l ­k t,)r a situation, . Is o 1,oei am., As It ... .an I, Rome, pool I lea Matters In fact it is proposed I Inks, will scomes an _.h,kk.gn.: vmml I'mos".1n,ot 1.4 he., 1. te. let I W*n; hilt arm shall watch further devel.;_ mis, 50 fer high. Thin sort- recently been di versit, taking with him but car two ftime I . - . .- I nuenzy &wmack lot ill"; he lfrapplost mean A O*oub vor )kill lit'. 'hi'll a- ofewors"ll. that abo, shall (oral ments with great interest. toot thet rilloostiOn with regard ill his .1loW - According to the Apart, lad' dh' it n I rubmit with a triple that h*4 f.%rfqllv scitated the = Inco, trio or not ch a now ministry, now . we or ington, Nion, driver. "Tah'o bove.i,of are in no, corr, besides a valon"M rld W"'.11 lowars tit tionvinsooke, -,he@ timort not - - - - - "It"I'Ming thl Pliblic. Ile is making rank we Isigoining to discon -L fismalo mind, And we trivet, live. .,Irfd the a mothlow that Rjr John A. and ('"or are like if, a appor . I s% . hout.1 -looiI hit tine.@ It ,.ntly the remains of some ,of this and chain. %-for* litswing .rnnt. he I . I- mini,loomons-I ,-(!7rt1­.mkr I.,."",.. .ad , '"' qr go Itniff(VAIIII ('01rclIaT.-Divrivelf, t InAt marsingervionoto for snothVir diapl&yIif he, Chignoon, intestine it Plea" all hall do on a hole reno,miefrositisma which inhabited this dorminkited sionvermiderahlor vision i P"I'Volorn"farefOrloosent". Now We , M-9 Ifooledive lit. Hits T. it. Wt Awo.-t-f his make a grand bunt WD of their old ambi P of money in - _­ - ­ 1G.- I - sisionvol, which mill be oven valley, re .1mor. mv,pitift nesnarity-the ofing"On" of tow Playing at tit" nPmdng (Of the tertiary a fillavin I Rot it of #are hill trnnk, con- ele; 14 ­ . Q'n- :Ft!!. ,rp ft,jf,") ggl 4x4t, of, .(4n A&%._* "-4_-1_. ­'.0"All, I - fit , , . 34, 4 , _ , , " ..! h.msn,.,jKdr W _ I -1 1. .., - - -11. -.1k a T_ - *%s - .4 "Ill" _...r no I a" . , , ­ 4a, Wt w F -W.=-.-Wl,tvjr :­ p4w4 ,z,-J e'%' __1 ne ' *vtfl f .'Kr .-"0* 1Z, I-' , -*_­:_'%m-'19-11"=r,­," I '' ­­ ractiodoes, ,rt, ___ , , -, ­ = ."llibe'lameth 0 "fee 1". too ill slow weeks A m:1 _11.=1.4_k.1.TauW;W';e :- .. 0 , com. me InVaol',ocki 11" . - latrame, awaItharseto * we the IV M.,17"i., urici" -,rws, ftaf:1 " 0 t it, t At 11A ,I - , I'M , & ;a ffi I ti it' I - Wioo;.X 't - ' ii 1.11 ..i otnl.g'. ' Y-i"I". " . Ij j*L* "In -:tm rwavce,.,- - If leP*,incharapti(bint irn 'ni,,,n. c4ince I'm I -, - 0- . !, mffft I n't _ . a" * ;,ffi4,;iA kernels ... 14 at-. he. me. 0-Y.' I Promier-Ifir IF Hardee. tWi-n Based to gire a grant, p,,n.,.do by -and by it may bin waabs I A.flll to, is' , - - , the atinflop"vore will hardly be M,P,U*M. I A 1"I'll" flab And ft ImUliftealia- a nice of his vicolvartrikoe his frivoled less ,en analonsty ______-`11___-___: 11 owne . me-fook At b -#Mn Minister of Finance -Editor Review. "i'mis"n't WO have no drovilet it will be ferry pomongon seen" the riven. lip - Theo istorroor,,rietifaCincinnati hnt441 I monster" ;hich. soce,irding to the testi- 1 -king nut for him, as Thatcher prontim. - Phil - 7 bit "wit I have boon proelecuted f -,r intoning ad'sortL h Pilwcs Ans-itrig. --on rhArsAar Avon_ " nowthlon but rvA 4 tit, Anisto I% ­ftio, .9 rahm Mineviver of P Works - Editor il,,opse.f. "inly attended. any* it "An travel joist lbel well on n -ads ove . ,_ , no- ! mony A( ilsoolloginta. wan m,4t ninnorcorres ad too rettim on the fit inset. Ile bits net . I for".l.em cortince, w a the i Minister of Moln M - ,ct any other "ll,wipedev. ingrorovelars in Onitati-m of groon ws- , ShOut tho porli,od it, which the earth hologgis le th, lool.week. 6.4 Clo,art-4.. 1. ._t it I& -, %,r , pniat. I reli Iris Vpmeracroo in . conte. an .- -1-hosga,ft"bill lar-sidentOf Oil we It.l.k. )Trnw Pow Raw?, -A to ... or days All- A ch y know which istwomcmetf,iii,i4h. here In. L nw, to Swap* through awry Among theme wait Inroad a strintler court', socidont rally have befall#% him. Hoe in man--- - A -MI'l,volo. a tilt A.,. is fit for the habitation ,if was. hall intake #Red .1 him, it in fevered Anne" A I a roll Wendy. 7 Wohick"If Too,) liters in %,l in Chiow) tor linrighery to get of all tit, word --W- 2 1 _l I A flocif I AnA A -- In slormigni -1 bit 0 Mae Who risks him nook in each Ann small sportrires by covering thlogroamilirsook fourteen iftrina, in eire"wrive,w . Afflict 9 am dooly juarnin.A.d. ,. brIcTiliz This Polislor A 4weemigs to, be the ljoverso. pow in the witalorma Ohafth here. once ft rified as being of i I . 4%. ,v000mki,Ioi On Trid'k, center ef ww.tl.wf,,,,4,,, 'A glogge"M am is IWPU "d Q"Nm's Prialedo 114111061 gleeful, toy thostronforl that glikethers fin .else*" all over wish rool"t sivale. filter At r rill fie ..,-, 11.1. 1j.IA.n I.,- ., - .-I. .. ­,o,,ea- 11 - ___ - , . - ­ I , n.twit I S at" PIZ fignat in . - .- L_ - , ." tho prin,p ! is 1wmwvwmwtvwf -A --. @No - - lmoselseet-_ - boa I L ificism. .&a& r.U. _r`­%­ ­nw. ._t.W - jinvolina in brivoillth and'. Moral in his halk,ts - 7 1 go mperaft, and - ---so,"'r,", -ot' . . , , I i _1 . .... .. 1, .- . to ­ _-e-- .. !­_­!:7, . .­ r' --- - -,;I&"- '.-- , I ,,o ­ - ", , , . r , ,. I I . , i I - , I - ,;P.. I ­ lX"*.*j. Vggj*.%a;' _' - - -- - -- -- -- ­ ---- , '4jW*v,wnmg,tXengI fire,to 4 AA title 1, I P , -msm Aw 1 '7 .- ,tv- I 11 A­ I -*-,-V,&" . -1 - , , , ­.. I I' .b 14 wif .* . _, " "'co. -w, , ... " I - :v , - . . :_ j __I_, , " 1_ - V I ..W r -m-1 1= ,ffftft '_ . r , 7;r . -.1 to .., ergasto a 14"W" Parts '" 40 ' it, f .it, ft" *a owo"m vim- a silia . .. . _0,4. 1 ­ _1 r . 1, nlrowekort , ,_&.- cof flihniliggink 1 ,w bin %ft I* "l, __ ........ Apacered trabin I an"I .1--ve-aft acksa. " bin - - . I 1116crelA . #c awev X" _ r 111. . him ho- I - I bt by Nouns-mr. Viggiano" - a., If. .- i,o halo left by I ill% owem- . , low, .ask-- - lit ot jz,n. . few days W ; b" imbeene"'a"Z6 locomotives Township, killed a morgifforratile- I 1" witivr A I millfbig feet I Ned in a limen Kentch tweed snit Whose his 1. - , ' r- 01 r-, - - 3 '. "*to" V*#m sopponarmeill' I* M"rLi Power whime wum tim =if . osgelnrAik,m,w-,)it%gf,,r Plct,*, &"*M-, *' is" __ I a$,. . * I race deliberately coastal up a ponny, &a it worm, "i6ko ,In the Milk inert. It m#Ao"rwi ,over A1k* AS fn&hY illichod in diaawto W!nt loft the ri t v An4 i,n(f,,i news, on I has can r j%;b*vkAl2t0wn "ok u cat to to" With him I on At No 9 WOO- b*A *, L4 .i =..2ZL­. . . I.- fpceran "t this VWM' ' It or to be up er' )V%v "w'" "god"" POWSO-Mr- inat d"#A , 11,a feet tit length The prionswearem of tho ticiew'" "ot _ ___ I Walf,rob , 191=-. ,,;--A IOMLIL , I ­ 0 - - AM, -40 5 grit, , , S*WLMNNW& !a liI m a 4-,XkAA - 1loow1b maill, by,6AbmR&"vp,aw*it,S,L r. k;:_vMVW­, if-loome. ,a 1. - Plim*- *?'^, . tifl J ". n.i"h sn' 's ;;! j 77v! x ­ - " --.:x nia, W, . ;-z-,- - Awo"oo-ftL r - I- I wn* WM*gl - eau"tgw t1w'Ai * tio ,;r,r=' f or. f"llits i", ­kks,v rdej,41A. I - - I . .. lho mill IIII-A t4l'a in TWO b"w4gid" . . - " . -a- .. ] , I I 11 - ,I - .r .., f I - 1 I ! I I I , , " II """" .'4'1','.'--`111 lop. 'it I.- iiih ", -L10 fin lv "­, _ =11 li T "T IV 0 T MI' W-7 be . I . I I . 1 1 Ill Ui __­ - "' '-'n cm, _for """" '­ L, or I n P n"' "I'll' .' of res nine i , 7" r nch-o"d heact Stirviest I Rwl - W, _ 020 " I __ -1 I . I I - pil 1 , " ii" , - I ,".A 11, It.?# I -a !so ip'" - ,: M - , ,,; , lll, ; zr_ As colikkagge that " 01 - ­­- ­ ­­_ ­ - ",-___ . __"__________wwm.mewmmw .: __'_ __-___­_11lr___ ,----.,-., I . I r . . 1, . I 0 ________._______._________ . - - I—— _. __ - . kamosion, . ___. --..------ _. __.!_­­__ I I . I I __ . - L -.--- -_ -1 I . 11 . 1 7 . L to I I I . _ . . .,I. . , I i : I - . k. Ito . I . 4 . . . . .44 .. I , I.N ft - r . I i ­ -, . -_ -*-- I L ­­­ 111 - .. W`,_. , " - -L - ­­­_­­­_ ­­­,.__ -_ __ .1 , It I . I I ., .. . I I I 4 - w ­.. L' . I i, . , . __ - I 7 ' __ ,_ . ' r ­ - ­ - . I . ___ - - - __ - _._jr, ,__­ - _ -S,- -a- - LI ---I'- ---A