HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-08-14, Page 13Aurlat vtow of natural gas PIO u r, il.. r conctructiOri natural gas is on its way! Corning soon: the modern fuel to change your way of life, Yes, Natural Gas - the world's purest, most useful source of energy. The transmission pipeline to Hensall will soon be completed. Then, a valve will be turned. And Natural Gas will be therel In Southwestern Ontario, 315,000 people are now using Natural Gas in their homes, businesses and industries. To them, Natural Gas is the cleanest, most efficient, most economical and modern fuel available. Why not join those 315,000 satisfied users of Natural Gas? Call us today, collect, London 439.2471, or, better yet, drop into our mobile display office when it is in your neighbourhood. TOWNSHIP of STEPHEN AUDITOR'S REPORT The Reeve, Council and Ratepayers The Corporation of the Township of Stephen Crediton, Ontario. Gentlemen: June 11, 1969 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1968 REVENUE Taxation Realty Business Special charges 1968 276,587 9,007 33,346 I have audited the accounts and records of the Township of Stephen for the year ended December 31, 1968 and have prepared therefrom the statements listed in the index accompanying this report. OPERATIONS The operation of the year resulted in a surplus of $30,885 from which was deduct the 1967 deficit of $19,269 leaving a net surplus of $11,589. The operations of the other local boards were as follows: Dashwood P,U,C. Hydro surplus $ 8,171 C.R.C.S.S. Hay, McGillivray & Stephen Stephen Township School Area Stephen Township Community Centre deficit $17,928 deficit $ 2,588 deficit $ 1,420 GENERAL The revenue funds bank loans are in excess of the amount allowed by section 329(2) of The Municipal Act, for the following reasons (A) Bank loans to finance municipal drains and tile drain loans have been dumped into the revenue fund bank account. (B) Payments made on behalf of these expenditures have been taken 'out of the revenue fund bank account. (C) The result is that accounts receivable are being created to be liquidated by recoveries by way of the issue of debentures & benefiting property owners payments. However in the process current revenue funds otherwise needed for the normal activities of the Township are being locked into these accounts receivable during the time taken to pay for the drainage work and its eventual collection. It is suggested that these types of expenditures be financed as capital loans and capital fund recoverables, If this course had been followed in 1968 the Township would not have exceeded its borrowing limits. A statement of debenture debt was not prepared by the Clerk-Treasurer of the Village of Gtand Bend as required. The amounts of Grand Bend debentures shown as assumed by the Township of Stephen were calculated by me. AUDITOR'S OPINION Subject to the qualifications concerning 1. Revenue fund bank loans 2. Statement of Debenture Debt assumed from the Village of Grand Bend, I hereby report that in my opinion 1. The financial transactions which have come under notice have been within the powers of the municipality. 2. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department a Municipal Affairs, 3. The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 1968 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. 4. The financial statements have not been prepared on a basis consistent with prior years but have been changed to conform with the financial statements required by the Department of Municipal Affairs. A. M. HARPER Date of filing June 18, 1969 Licence Number 3664 Contributions from other governments Payments in lieu of taxes Subsidies Other revenue Total revenue EXPENDITURE General government Protection to persons and property Public works Sanitation and waste removal Social and family services Recreation and community services Financial expenses Other County - share of expenditure Education - local contributions Total expenditure Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditure for the year Deficit at the beginning of the year Surplus at the end of the year Revenue Fund Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1968 ASSETS Cash Accounts Receivable Other governments Ontario Municipalities Local boards and other funds Police Village of Centralia Police Village of Crediton 44 , Stephen Township Community Centre . . . , ,, Other, after deducting allowance for doubtful accounts ......... Municipal drains ... . • 4 4 .0 Taxes receivable, after deducting allowance for uneolleetable taxes LIABILITIES bank overdraft 4144•044.4004•••••4•40114.1..•••1,41•1•4 Temporary loans I .......... Local boards and other funds Police of Dashwbod . , „ . , .... .. Due to schools „ Other Deferred payable ...... ....... vefetted revenue •44044 ........... •••1•0.4rd4. ReSerVeS 4,4v.0 11.1,iiI41 ,11 rooi#1,16.01.If.tV1,11* . ..... S urplus 4 ,[44•4“......4011 11 116111.4414.1.4,,4,.....,,,,,,, 318,940 27,947 124,213 irct4.052 160 481 560 141735,058724 8,390 804 8,707 3,601 /9,244 779,65 3189 152,116 450,675 112_,Lt630,885) 11,Y89 1968 $ 2,887 147,494 20,479 170,860 898 1,058 1,500 174,316 7,622 150,329 73,382 405,649 1968 38,946 258,000 ' 296,946 10,01189 306,983 18,169 18,908 344,060 50,000 11,589 405,649 JUST ONE PLANT - That's just one geranium plant, the pride and • joy of Mrs. Ivan Brock, Usborne Township. There are over 60 blooms amid the healthy foliage, Mrs. Brock does have one slight problem. That's where to store the oversized houseplant for the winter months. Any volunteers? T-A photo KINSMEN WALKERS AT STARTING POINT SATURDAY AOMIRAL Color TV PRICED AS LOW AS 459" CALL ON US FOR * ANTENNAE INSTALLATIONS * TV SERVICE ZIMMER'S Radio and TV DASHWOOD 237-3574 Rev. Sister St. Omer and Mr, & Mrs. Jim Doyle of London visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. McCann. Miss Rosalie Carey has accepted a summer job at Grand Bend. Mr. & Mrs. Don Ferguson of Baggotvi]le, Quebec, have spent the past three weeks with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ryan and George. Saturday Mrs. Norman Ryan and George accompanied them home by car to visit for next two weeks. Miss Mary Ellen Ryan, Chatham, is on .holidays for a month from St. Joseph's Hospital where she is in training. Rev. Father John Gielen of South Africa showed slides of his work in the mission fields to a large crowd of parishioners in the school gym Thursday evening. Richard Trainor, Hamilton spent last weekend with his mother, Mrs. Frank Trainor and family. Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Carey visited over weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Paul Masse of Windsor. By MISS E L LA MO R LOCK CREDITON Vacation Bible School will be conducted in Zion United Church Monday to Friday the week of August 18. All kindergarten and public school-age children are invited to attend. Sessions will run from 9:15 to 11:30. Kerry Lynne Mahoney spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Sam King. Her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Don Mahoney, came to Crediton for the weekend; then the family returned to Hespeler. Russell Pack, his two daughters, and his sister, Mrs. Harding, of London visited with Mr, & Mrs. Emmery Fahrner and Miss Lillian Haist. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Browning Sr. and Lee of Winnipeg were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Browning. During their visit the Browning Reunion was held in Crediton. Relatives came from St. Thomas and Shedden to make a gathering of 25 members. Calvin Fahrner this week concludes his work with the Beach Mission at Ipperwash. Twice he was assisted by Mr. Carman Schlenker of Ayr. The chicken barbecue sponsored by the Parks Board in the community field Sunday afternoon attracted a crowd of nearly 500. Many of the people stayed to watch the evening ball game between Goderich and Crediton, Weekend guests of Mrs. William I-lodge were 'the Misses Sharon Hodge, Jean McLaren and Sylvia Anderson of Kitchener, and Mrs. McLaren and Mrs. Anderson of Edinburgh, Scotland. Mrs. McLaren and Mrs. Anderson, mothers of Jean and Sylvia, are in Canada to visit their daughters. Mr. Danny Ross of Ottawa spent a couple of days with Mr. & Mrs, Ed Thorne and family. Mr. & Mrs. William Brennan and their three children have moved into the home formerly occupied by Mr. & Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner. The Brennans came to Crediton from Huron Park. Mrs. Mary Faist suffered a fall in her son's home in Kitchener and was hospitalized for a few days. Last Friday she returned to the Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich. Mr. & Mrs. William Benninger of Mt. Clemens, Michigan were guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Lamport. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Lamport, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lamport and Mrs. Sanford Lawson were in Ferndale, Michigan, for the funeral service of James Leary, husband of Eileen Lamport, There will be no public library service the weeks of August 18 and August 25. Books issued prior to that time will not be accounted due until Tuesday, September 2. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hilborn and Cathy, Orangeville, are holidaying with Miss Nola Faist. Mr. & Mrs, Ross Haugh, Linda and Danny, and Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner were in Foymount last week visiting with Sgt. and Mrs. Robert Lambie and family. Shirley, Beth and Mark, children of Major and Mrs. Robert Palmer, Trenton, spent two weeks with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Emmery Fahrner. Their parents were in Winnipeg to attend the wedding of Major Palmer's nephew. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Finkbeiner enjoyed a holiday at Bass Lake. On their return they went to Fenwick to visit Mr. & Mrs. Howard Haist, By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Mr. & Mrs. Ross Francis are spending two weeks in Western Canada, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schaefer and girls, Mrs. Wm. J. Blackler and Diane Fairbairn spent a couple of days at Point Clarke. Rev. & Mrs. Bell and Sam are vacationing at Rondeau Park. Mrs. Bella Wright of London and Mrs. Herb Bibby of Farquhar visited Saturday afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Miller McCurdy. Murray Switzer spent a couple of days this past week with Jeffrey Watterton of Balymote. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Roundel' of Denbigh are visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Garth Blackler and family and friends in the community. Batfn Around - Continued from Page 4 spending any time in their backyards will realize that such training will never go amiss. - Fred H. McNeil has been elected chairman of the board of governors of the Institute of Canadian Bankers. Good for Fred! - The post office department sends along a couple of pictures of the new stamps for the upcoming Christmas season. They unfortunately don't indicate any special prices for early buyers. - The Canadian Jersy Cattle Club announces that Valtallina Dandy Jerri 7M was the top producer in Canada in July. She also made a gold medal on her 365 day production. We hope we can count on her to have another gold medal in the bag come the next Olympics. - Not to be outdone, the Holstein group announces that a Bolton herd took top honors at several leading fairs in Western Canada. A ticker tape parade down Toronto's Bay St. should be just reward for this tremendous showing. - Last but not least, the Cigar Institute of Canada announces that Andre Gingras of Montreal took the most interesting photo of a cigar smoker during the month of July. Those are just a few of the important pieces of literature included in the two bushels and we know most readers will doubt our sense of news values When they consider what has gone into the fire and will never reach them. For those who are really `upset, some of the same typo will be arriving each day for the next 51 weeks and anyone is invited to tirop in and help themselves to this wonderful source of knowledge. Crediton church is planning annual vacation Bible schoo Union Gas HEAD or-i CHATHAM