The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-07-24, Page 314
It's Our Annual
Summer Clearance
25 OFF
* Men's * Ladies' *Children's
Summer Wear
And It's Not Even
Water Damaged
Dial 235-0270 Exeter
Time*-Advocat*, July 31, 1969 Pap 1$
Fa ily reunions Youth trapped in raging water
CALL 235-0487 ' Exeter
For the Ultimate
With a new dueled warm air heating
system, including the added
advantages of cooling, humidity
control, and special air cleaning
facilities — and you have your
choice of oil, gas, or electrical fuel
Ron Brintnell, 16, is shown in the centre of this photo hanging onto a tree after he got trapped in the
rushing waters on Ann St., just west of William St.
One of two rescues during
Thursday's flood was watched
by a large crowd of onlookers
who held their breath as they
watched the event take place.
Ron Brintnell, 16, was
wading in the waters surging
down Ann St, in hip-waders
when he made his way behind a
tree and then couldn't get tp
safety on either bank. '
With his father, Frank,
shouting instructions from the
north side of the waters,
Brintnell hung onto the large
tree for almost half an hour
before rescue attempts could be
A small boat was first used in
the attempt, bat men working
from the south side couldn't get
the craft moved into the flow to
get to the youth.
A rope was finally taken out
to the tree by his brother, Rick,
and Mike Mellenger. It was tied
securely around the tree and the
two men then made their way
safely back to safety.
However, suffering from cold
and fear, Brintnell was
unsuccessful in his attempts to
move along the rope in the
rushing waters and after a couple
of steps he lost his footing and
was dragged under.
His brother raced back to his
assistance and the two were then
carried by the waters several feet
into a shrub near the home of
William Etherington.
Exeter Police Constable Jim
Dingwell made his way to the
pair with the help of a rope and
Dingwell helped the two
Brintnells to the porch of the
Etherington home.
The Deichert Reunion was
held at the Dashwood
Community Centre, July 27
with 91 in attendance,
Results of sports supervised
by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Keller and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Negrin were:
girls 5 and under, Diane Keller;
boys 5 and under, Jimmy Keller;
boys 6 and 7, Steven Hinds;
boys 8 and 9, Beverly Learn;
girls 10 to 12, Heather Czech;
boys 10 to 12, Mike Keller.
Young men's xace, George
Keller; taking the mpst clothes
pins off of a line with one hand,
Marg Keller (17); men's kick the
slipper in a basket, Clarence
Bohner; guessing pins on a pin
cushion, John Deichert; guessing
contents of a can, Doris
The business session was
conducted by Earl Keller and it
was agreed to hold the 1910
reunion at the home of Mrs.
Cliff Pepper on the Sunday
closest to July 26.
Officers elected for the
coming year are President, Earl
Miller; vice-president, Ron
Deichert; secretary, Judy
Deichert; treasurer, Claire
Deichert; sports committee, Mr.
& Mrs. Roger Keller, Mr. & Mrs.
Murray Keller; lunch committee,
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Deichert, Mr. &
Mrs. Earl Deichert; music
director, Peter Deichert.
The 1969 Pfaff-Oesch
Reunion was held July 13 with a
good attendance.
Dashwood students
close Bible School
Closing exercises for the
two-week vacation Bible School
held at Zion Lutheran Church
were Friday evening with the
children giving a short program
for their parents. Afterwards
everyone viewed the crafts in the
basement, followed' by a light
The theme was "Living God's
Way." Rev. Earl Steinman was in
charge with his assistant, John
Hayter. Miss Helen Nadiger and
Mrs. Martha Miller were in
charge of the music.
Teachers were Marjorie
Schenk, Mrs. Howard Datars,
Shiela Willert, Dianne Miller,
Joanne Hayter, Anne Becker,
Darlene Rader, Mrs. Wilfred
Thank You
The members of the board of South Huron District
Hospital take this opportunity to express appreciation for
the splendid response by so many men and women of the
community who have readily responded to our appeal and
so ably assisted in the colossal task of cleaning up our
hospital after the recent flood catastrophe.
Our task is far from completed and offers of assistance
in the days to come will indeed be welcomed.
Becker, Mrs. Robert Boogemans,
Mrs. Albert Miller, Mrs. Roy
Gibson and Mrs. Chas. Tiernan.
Helpers were Rick Hayter,
Mrs. Arnold Becker, Randy
Keller, Marlene Tyler, Olga
Zemitis, Gary Gibson, Mrs.
Frieda Keller, Miss Joyce Keller,
Larry Gibson.
Spare teachers were Mrs.
Delmar Miller and Mary Lou
Schenk. Spare helpers were Mrs.
Earl Miller, Michael Fleet and
Don Anderson.
Winners in the sports were
Gail Clarke, Bradley Stewart,
Betty Cower, Steven Finitheiner,
Judy Cower, Ron Bowers,
Audrey Desch, Gordon Gower,
Ruth Galloway and Paul Schenk,
Kicking Slipper, Gary
Dinney, Audrey Desch; ladles
itick-the-alipper, Shirley Clarke;
men, Henry Adkins} three-legged
race, Kathy and Dale Dinney.
Corning the farthest, Mr.
Mrs. Milton Gower and family;
youngest baby, Jeff Galloway;
oldest lady, Mrs. Mary Gower;
oldest man, Nelson Schenk;
hidden mark, Gordon Gower;
guessing game, Mr. Desch.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins
and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Adkins are in charge of the
picnic for 1970 to be held the
second Sunday in July at
Riverview Park, Exeter,
The Bestard and Pickering
Reunion was held at Shipica
Community Centre July 27 with
68 in attendance.
Relatives were present from
London, Lambeth, Lucan,
Centralia, Exeter, Shipka and
Grand Bend.
Oldest person present was
Mrs. Ettie Baker; youngest, Gary
Todd Hayter.
President for next year is Don
Pickering; sports, the Pickering
The seventh annual Hodgins
reunion was held at Poplar Hill
July 27 with approximately 54
in attendance. The eighth
reunion will be held Sunday,
July 26, 1970 at Poplar Hill.
New officers elected are
President Mr. Ron Turner;
secretary, Mrs. Marlene Turner;
sports, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
Hodgins, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne
Hodgins, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Herr,
Mr. & Mrs. Wes MacGregor.
Winners of races, 2-4 years,
Daryn Hodgins, Sherri Hodgins;
5-7 years, Lori Hodgins, Doug
Latta; 8-11 years, Don Latta,
Daryl Hodgins; 12-15 years,
Joanne Latta, Gary Herr; 16 and
over, men, Jim Latta, Art
Hodgins; women, Joanne Latta,
Lois Hodgins.
Blowing bubble gum, Don
Latta, Lois Hodgins;
wheelbarrow race, Gary Herr,
Don Latta, Derwyn Hodgins,
Jamie Pringle; three-legged race,
Joanne Latta, Gary Herr, Jean
Hodgins, Derwyn Hodgins;
kick-the-slipper through hoop,
men, Wayne Hodgins; women,
Lois Hodgins; reverse race, Don
Latta, Daryl Hodgins, Jamie
Pringle, Derwyn Hodgins; spot
walk, Lois Hodgins.
Longest belt, Bruce Hodgins,
Art Hodgins; most buttons on
ladies clothes-, Edith MacGregor;
most change in man's pocket,
Jim Latta; oldest man, Garfield
Latta; oldest woman, Bertha
Brouillard; youngest child,
Laurie Ann Ranee; most
recently married couple, Mr. &
Mrs. Wayne Hodgins.
Mike Bellenger returns to the south side of the street after he and Rick Brintnell managed to tie a rope
around the tree. Howeverrthe'maroontd-youth lost-his footing after going a couple of steps towards
safety and Bellenger and Rick Brintnell raced back to this aid as he went under the turbulent waters.
Others aiding in the rescue are shown on the left beside a boat.
Return home'
from jaunt
Miss Sharon Rader spent last
week in London with Mr. & Mrs.
Lloyd Howe and girls.
Paul James of Windsor has
been renewing friendship with
some of his former classmates
and friends.
Mr. & Mrs Leo Gibson, Terry,
and Michael have returned from
a trip to Northern Michigan,
Sault Ste. Marie, Manitoulin
Island, and Tobermory,
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Marriage
and Randy of Clinton spent
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Leo
Gibson and boys.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hayes and
family of Tecumseh were
Saturday guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Louis Restemayer.
Members of Mr. & Mrs. Louis
Restemayer's family gathered
Monday evening on the occasion
of Mrs. Restemayer's 84th
birthday. Present were Mr. &
Mrs. Victor Kraft of London,
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Restemayer,
Mrs. Herbert Miller and family,
and Mrs. Madeline Fleet and
Michael. The neighbors were also
Miss Edna Willert of Mitchell
spent some time last week with
Miss Susan Willed.
Miss Susan Schenk of
Crediton spent a few days with
Miss Jane Guenther.
The two brothers were then carried by the water to a shrub near the home of William Etherington on
Ann St., while their father gives a worried glance behind him as he watched the events taking place.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Ferguson,
Quebec, are spending their
vacation with latter's parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ryan and
Miss Judy Ryan and Mrs.
Winnie Dignan London, visited
over the weekend with Mr. &
Mrs. Norman Ryan and Bernie
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard McCarthy
and family, Maidstone, visited
for a few days with Mrs. Mike
Ryan Sr. and family.
Mike McKeever of Toronto is
spending his summer vacation
with Mrs. Evelyn McKeever and
family at the farm.
Miss Margaret McCann has
accepted a position at Grand
Bend working with Miss Susan
Mrs. Mary Bedard and family
of Zurich visited last week with
her mother, Mrs. Catherine
Mrs. Jack Essery
accompanied by Mrs. Edna
Caldwell of Exeter have returned
home following a three week
vacation to the West Coast
where they visited with Mrs.
Essery's aunt, Miss Sadie
Caldwell in Vancouver and with
Sgt. and Mrs. Dick Waite at
Courtenay on Vancouver Island.
They also took in the Calgary
Stampede and visited a number
of relatives in Tawson, Central
Butte, Moose Jaw, Sask., and
Winnipeg, Manitoba. They
returned home by way of
Northern Ontario.
Recent visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Jack Essery were Mr. &
Mrs. A. Fisher (the former
Bernice Caldwell) of West Palm
Beach, Florida, All attended the
Caldwell Reunion at Riverview
Park, Exeter.
Miss Debbie Rippin of
London was a guest last week
with Miss Marikay Hodgins.
Weekend guests with Mrs.
Arthur McFalls were Mrs. Evelyn
Atkinson of Marine City Mrs.
Leda Williamson and Harvey
Williamson of Detroit.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Haddock
attended the Bestard Family
Reunion at the Shipka
Community Centre, Sunday.
Master Chris Hodgins of
London spent last week with his
grandparents, Mr. & Mrs.
Kenneth Hodgins while his
parents were holidaying at Point
George Baynham and G. W.
Parks were among the patients
evacuated from South Huron
Hospital following the flood
disaster. Mr. Baynham went to
the home of his son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
Gordon Baynham in Exeter and
Mr. Parks went to the home of
Mr. & Mrs. H. Cooper, RR 1
Lloyd Morgan will be in
charge of the Service hi the
United Church Sunday morning.
Rev. Wilson will be on vacation
during the month of August.
Mr. & Mrs. H. Prance visited
in Belgrave, Sunday.
Mrs. Mervyn Pyrn is a patient
in Gener
Miss Ruth Ann Gill re
a week's
ng trip at
Parte and entertained at a
birthday party last Friday
Mr. & Mrs, G. Gotelaer Jr.
and sons visited Mr. fit Mrs. 14.
Prance a few days last week on
their return from a trip to
Mexico and the southern states.
Visiting recently with Mrs.
Sam Horns and Mr. & Mrs. Bob
Norris and family were Mr. &
Mrs. Eric Norris,East Lansing,
Michigan, Mr. & rs. Jim Norris
and family, Brampton, and Mrs.
Ethel Mae Lyall, David and
Nancy, Toronto.
Mrs. Graham Wark and
children, Killarney, Manitoba,
have returned home after visiting
with her parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Alec James, Mitchell. Mr. & Mrs.
Philip James and boys and other
friends and relatives in the
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Miller
returned home from an
enjoyable motor trip to Alberta.
They accompanied Mr. & Mrs.
Ken Duncan, Kirkton.
Mr. & Mrs. John Templeinan
visited Over the weekend with
friends in Ortnstown, Quebec,
and attended the Gamble-Greer
wedding Saturday evening at
Harmony Hill.
Miss Geraldine Ternpleinan
visited Over the weekend with
Miss Linda IlacktreyT Thames
Gordon Miller attended
church camp at Camp 13imini
this past week.
Mr. & Mrs. George Vivian,
Janice and Andrew and Miss
Brenda Kerslake holidayed in
Northern Ontario fora few days.
Mrs. Wm. Fairweather and
Miss B. McInnes of Hamilton,
Scotland, are visiting with the
former's daughter, Mrs. Ellis
Straham, Ellis and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hansen
of Los Angeles, California,
visited for a few days with their
cousins, Mr. & Mrs. J. E.
Anderson and Messrs. Allen and
Hugh Berry.
Graham Robinson spent last
week at Bimini Camp acting as a
JuniOr Counsellor.
Miss Cynthia Copeland
attended a birthday party for
Miss Joan Ross of Kirkton
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. & Mrs. Win. Spence and
Mr. & Mrs. David Spence of St.
Marys have returned home from
a a
Very enjoyable trip to 'Western
Miss Sandra Wilson of
Lakeside spent several days
holidaying with Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Mrs. Wm. Strong of Seaforth
and Mrs. Win. Spence rendered a
duet at the church service
Sunday morning.
Mist Terri Brintnell
entertained Saturday for her
seventh birthday. Loree Russell,
Cynthia and Ellen Copeland,
Cheryl Brine, Lynn Robinson,
Joan Ross, Susan Schaeffer and
Sandra WilsOn were present.
Rev, & Mrs. J, C. King have
returned home front a delightful
holiday in Western Canada.
Mr, & Mrs. A. J. Donnelly
and Mr. & Mrs. Mac Walker of
Caledonia and Mrs. Stanley
Mountain of St. Marys visited
Monday evening with Miss Jean
Copeland and Mr. & Mrs. Glenn
Copeland and girls.
:;:ft 144,0
With some help from others, Constable Jim Dingwell got a rope around pole and with the other end
around his waste he waded to the shrub — after the Ilrintnells had made their Way to the other side and
out of view, Dingwell then took the two to the safety of the verandah or the Etherington home.