HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-07-24, Page 10Ready Mix CONCRETE Plain 215-0833 Residence 228-6961 C.A. McDOWELL County of Huron TENDERS FOR TRUCK SNOW PLOW Exeter Area Sealed Tenders on forms available from the undersigned will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. D.S.T. on Thursday, August 7th, 1969 For a "Heavy Duty" truck with or without snow plow equipment and with or without driver and wingman for snow plow duties in the Exeter area commencing on or about December 1st, 1969. Please telephone or write the County Engineer for full particulars and tender forms. J. W, Britnell, P. Eng,, County Engineer, Court House, Goderieh, Ontario, Telephone 524-7412, SUMMER BARBECUE SPECIAL 10 lbs. Turkey Legs 41c per lb. 10 Jbs. Turkey Wings 31c per lb. 10 lbs. Turkey Necks 21c per lb. RODER TURKEY FARMS LIMITED Plant Open 0.6 Mon, - Fri., Phone 828-8835 410' WANT ADS w4aAow ALL IN. THE Page 10 July 24, 1969 3 Male Help Wanted 10 Livestock For Sale 16 Property For Sale 13 For Sale 13 For Sale CLASSIFIED RATES Classifications REGISTERED Polled Hereford bull, one performance tested, with $75.00 government bonus. Harvey A. Ross, Ailsa Craig. 24c EXPERIENCED BODY MAN - Apply Hensel]. Motors Ltd. Dial 262-2604. 240 AIR CONDITIONERS - House- hold and industrial. Sold, in- stalled and maintained, Bruce Refrigeration, Grand Bend. Dial 238-2385, 4: 3tfnc LOT - On Pryde Blvd, Special price with Beaver Home. Phone 235-1582, 5:29tfnc IIENSALL - 4 bedroom brick home. Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath. Remaining mortgage at low interest. Call 262-2438 after 6. 10:17:24* RANCH STYLE, three-bedroom home, attached garage, full basement, corner of Edward and John Streets, Apply Cal Wein, 235-2635 evenings. 17;24c BRICK HOUSE, 1/4 acre of land, Good water. Oil furnace, In good condition, in Elimville, For further information call London 438-0146. 24c 5 ACRES LAND, 3 bedroom col• tage, small barn and shed, 1/2 mile from highway on paved road, Phone 235-1686. 7:24tfnc TRAVEL, TRAILER - 15' Orbit, parked on shaded lot in down- town Grand Bend. Top condi- tion, Must be sold. 234-6268, 24c 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5- Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11, Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14, Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17, Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23, Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, 5i per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 40 per word, minimum 800. SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 3Y2i per word, minimum 70d. SEMI-DISPLAY - First insertion, $1.50 per column inch; subsequent insertions $1.30 per column inch, Minimum size in this category 2", Accepted in multiples of 'V, BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25d per Insertion, BIRTHS - No charge. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 20, IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10d per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -30 words $1.25, each additional word 2d. Subsequent insertions deduct 50i. 4 Female Help Wanted SWEET CHERRIES are now on. Bring containers and pick your own, Montrnorencies starting July 20, Elmer Wells, 3 miles south of Camp Ipperwash, 17:24* 11 Cars, Trucks For Sale FORD STATION WAGON, good condition; Ford 1-ton truck. George Deelstra, RR 1 Cen- tralia. 24* WE BUY ANTIQUES Telephone 238-8151 EUROPEAN ART GALLERY Gifts .--• Antiques - Importers 15 MAIN ST. GRAND BEND Eleanor Brennan Audrey Metzler 5:29ffne WAITRESS & short order cook for evening shift. Apply Hotel Hensall. 262-2012. 24;31c EXPERIENCED waitress for night shift, Apply Burkley Res- taurant, Main St., Exeter, 24c SECRETARY, efficient in short- hand and typing required for Bell & Laughton, Exeter. Apply in writing. 4:10tfnc COMBINE 503 International Harvester With Cab, Air Conditioning, Grain Header, Bean and 4-row Corn Header New Condition Cost $21,000 BEST OFFER TO SETTLE ESTATE MRS. ALMA FISCHER GLANWORTH, ONT. Phone Lambeth 652-2437 17:24c 1966 PONTIAC Parisienne con- vertible; will trade down. See Pat Pineo at Elliot Apts., Room 203, Main St., Exeter. 24* WE BUY AND SELL used cars and trucks. See Ed Hearn 235- 1640. Larry Snider Motors Ltd. 5:9tinc 5 Help Wanted 25E DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS BOOKKEEPER with some know- ledge of car parts and war- ranty, preferably a man. Ap- ply Box 789, Exeter. 24c EXPERIENCED bookkeeper - typist. Must be able to handle all the bookkeeping and typing, No high school students. Apply in person to Wedge the Mover, 181 King St., Hensall. 17:24* BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN - Exclusive territory, no inven- tory to carry. The leader in its field. Particularly attractive to a man or woman who believes in education. Investigate. The Lincoln Library, 1693 Louise Blvd., London, Ont. 24* 1931 VANGUARD sedan, good running condition; 1958 Lincoln hardtop; 1958 Lincoln convert- ible. Best offers. Phone 262- 2021 for details. 7:24tfnc COMBINE - Allis Chalmers 60 with motor, in good condition. Phone Don Thompson 293-3162 after 6 p.m. 7:17tfnx RCA 10" television, 8 months old, excellent size for cottage, owner has 2 sets. Phone 229- 6559 after 5 p.m. 17:24* 9 Services 9 Services HOMES 13 For Sale FRESH EGGS - John Camp- bell, RR 3 Dashwood. 24c PATIO STONES, sidewalk slabs and curbs. Apply 71 Simcoe St. Phone 235-2562. 10:17:24:31* PIANO; 2 piece chesterfield; desk and lamp; radio; ironing board; extension ladder; lawn roller. Phone 262-2431. 24* CUSTOM SWATHING with a 101 ft. self-propelled swather. Ap- ply Ross Skinner, phone 229- 6304. 17:24:31nc AL'S AERIAL SERVICE - Tow- ers, rotors, aerials, Sales, serv- ice, installation. Free estimates. Special: 37' tower and antenna $79.95. Phone 227-4525. 4:3tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed. New weeping beds laid; old drains repaired. Fast, efficient service. Butler Bros., 227-4312 or 227-4254 Lucan. 9:5tfnc SINGER - SALES & SERVICE- Your authorized representative will be in Exeter every Tues- day. Phone Walper's Tip Top 235-0991 or Gerald Courtney 227- 4884 Lucan after 6. 1:30tfnc VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Zurich, Phone Hensall 262-5350. 11:21tfnc 1 Lost SAVE WITH MODERN METHODS THE BEAVER WAY - Brick, aluminum or frame construction. Our trained home consultant can assist you in the availa- bility of land, mortgaging fi- nancing & building procedure. Inquire today - Free brochure of new designs and floor plans. MORE TI-IAN 30 HOME SELECTIONS COAL & WOOD FURNACE suit- able for workshop, $25.00. Phone 237-3681. 24:31c HOUND - Large, light brown, collar and Kitchener tag around neck, Exeter district. Reward. Phone 235-0426. 24* BROWN LEATHER baseball glove, left at Riverview Park on river bank Friday, June 27. Name on glove. Anyone know- ing whereabouts please call David Rundle 235-1406. 24c WHITING'S USED FURNITURE PICNIC TABLES - Call Dash- wood 237-3207. 24c SPANISH GUITAR - Reason- ably priced, Contact 235-1547, 24ne TV, radio, record player com- bination; portable TV; round rock maple table and captain's chair; chesterfield suite; plat- form rocker; rocking chairs; piano; dining room suite, buf- fet, china cabinet and 6 chairs; dinette sets; 2-door upright re- frigerator freezer; electric and gas stoves; dishwasher; auto- matic washer; dryers; refriger- ators; washing machines; cof- fee tables; chrome sets; end tables; book cases; beds, mat- tresses and springs; bunk beds; roll away bed; wash stands; dressers; sets of drawers; basi- nette; child's stroller; rocking horse; children's desks and ta- bles; spinning wheels; vacuum cleaners; Coleman lanterns; electric heaters and fans; ta- ble and floor lamps; electric lawn mower; portable Singer sewing machine; car-top car- rier with box, tarpaulin and ropes. WHITING'S USED FURNITURE APPLIANCES & THINGS Phone 235-1964 Corner of Wellington & Carling Sts., 2 blocks west of Main St. 24c 14 Wanted To Buy TO BUY OR SELL used furni- ture contact Norm Whiting, 235-1964. 10: 19tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE --- Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. 23tinc REINFORCED CEMENT TILE- 3' and 4'. Lawrence Ziler, Box 53 Dashwood, Phone 237-3487. 4: 17tfnc 6 Business Opportunities USED HIGH WALL TENT, ap- proximately 10x12. Phone 229- 8831. 24* 3 Male Help Wanted GARBAGE ROUTE for sale for the Village of Zurich. For further information contact Ron Corriveau, Zurich. 3:10:17:24:31c PALLET LOGS - We are regu- lar purchasers of pallet logs. Advise us of any logs available. Zurich Wood Products Limited, P.O. Box 40, Zurich, Ont. Phone 236-4324, 24 : 31c COMBINE - 6 ft. Ford, suit- able for repairs. Phone Jack Feeney 345-2318. 24c CORN PLANTER - 2 or 4 row. State condition and price. Write Gordon Morrison, RR 1 Luck- now, 24' EXPERIENCED packers and furniture movers. Apply in per- son to Wedge the Movers, 181 King St., Hensall. 17:24* r.VER.GETIC young man for our quality control department. No previous experience neces- sary. Some typing a definite asset. Reply in own hand writ- ing stating age, education and general personal background. Alex M. Stewart & Son Ltd., Ailsa Craig, Ont. 17:24c RELIABLE SIGN PAINTER - Must be experienced in all phases of sign work. Sales abil- ity helpful. Apply in person Signs by Webster, 176 Victoria St., Exeter. Phone 235-0680. . 17:24:31c BEAVER LUMBER Exeter 235-1582 1:30eowtfnc CHERRIES - Pick your own, choice quality, ready now. Mur- ray Bros. Orchard, 5 miles southwest of Thedford on Ridge Road, Bosanquet Twp. 24:31c SHALLOW WELL pressure pump. Can be seen at 23 Wood- ward Ave., Grand Bend. 24* COMBINE - Massey 60 pull type, with motor, like new; Massey Ferguson 7 ft. mower, new; 3-drum roller; Massey Ferguson side rake, new; Mas- sey Ferguson manure spreader, power take-off, like new. Ap- ply Arnold Desjardine 238-2406 Grand Bend. 24:31:14* CHERRIES - Black sweet cher- ries, Montmorency sour cher- ries, Excellent varieties for freezing or canning. Bring your own containers and enjoy the fun of picking your own cher- ries while they are plentiful. The children will love it. The orchard is open every day and evening including Sunday. Di- rectly north of Forest Arena. Beechwood Fruit Farm, Forest, Jim Brown, 873-2276. 24c FEED BARLEY and mixed grain. Phone 235-1462 after 8 p.m. 7:17tfnc ALLIS CHALMERS Gleaner C-2 combine with 14' table, 4 row corn head, spike tooth cylinder, bean attachment and cab; John Deere 550 portable grain dryer; Massey Ferguson No. 10 baler. Phone 529-7278 Dungannon. 17:24:31c A-I ROOFING PLUMBING - Repairs, altera- tions, installations. Call Arthur Jones 235-2775. 4:11ffnc 9 Services WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL TYPES OF ROOFING, EAVESTROUGHING, CHIMNEY REPAIRS AND REPAIRS. FREE ESTIMATES A Whisper Never Carries The Same Impact As A LEARN TO FLY, at Centralia, Saturdays. Contact Don Mac- Gregor or Larry Snider. 24c CUSTOM SWATHING with 10' S.P. Phone B. R. Gamble, 229- 6367. 24:31:14c HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL PHONE 227-4176 CUSTOM COMBINING - Grain, beans and corn, from 28 to 36" rows; also backhoe work. Con- tact Leon Triebner, RR 1 Hen- sail. 24: 31: 14: 21* CUSTOM COMBINING of grain, grass seed, white beans, soya beans, corn; 2 combines, ele- vator and wagon to serve. Wilf McLean, phone 296-4739 Thed- ford. 24:31:14c CUSTOM COMBINING - Phone Exeter 235-2802. 24:31c WILL SHOE AND TRLM saddle horses. Phone Ron Hill 262-5175. 240 • 5:8tfnc IMMEDIATE CASH for good standing timber of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig or phone 232-4450 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 5:15tfnc HORSES - For Consignment Sale Saturday, August 2 at 6:30 Strathroy Fair Grounds. Con- signments of horses, harness & saddles solicited. - Geo. Kil- mer, Strathroy. 24* DOMINANT SPACE MEANS INCREASED • READERSHIP CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING 2 Butchering Days Tuesday - Beef and Pork Thursday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 5:22tfnc RELIABLE MAN for mill work. Permanent job for right per- son. Good working conditions. Apply Cann's Mill or phone 235-1782. 24c CLINTON We pay $5.00 to $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows & horses. We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call Collect 482-9811 MOTHER CAT and kittens-free to good farm home. Phone 227- 4181. 24c OLIVER COMBINE # 18, bean special, fully equipped, in good condition; mixed grain in gran- ary; wheat straw. Apply August Gregus, 235-1647 Exeter. 24c DACHSHUND PUPPIES, reds; also black with tan; seven weeks; three litters. Glenreid Kennels, Kippen. 282-5052. 24* CORNER CHINA CABINET, wal- nut finish, like new. Phone 237- 3215. 24c 15 Wanted YOUNG MAN with knowledge of bookkkeeping and desire to learn woodworking plant busi- ness operations. Apply in writ- ing to Zurich Wood Products Limited, P.O. Box 40 Zurich. 24:31c GOOD HOME needed for black male cat, house trained, very friendly. Call 235-0483 after six. 24c License # 190-C-69 11:14ffnc 4 ACCOUSTIC CEILINGS supplied and installed, 500 per square foot; renovations and repairs; floor tiles and shingles. 228-6919. 6:26-7:31c OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. UP TO $5.00 FOR FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS AND HORSES Small animals also picked up. 24-hour service 7-day week JIM MURRAY & SON Call collect Hickson 462-2614 License Number 203 C 69 We go any place any time. 5:23tfnc Ford Rent-A-Car Tell It All!... Tell It Weill_ That's The Easy Way To Sell CAR SALESMAN BARN PAINTING - Free esti- mates. Phone Dave Morrissey, 234-6202. 6:19-8:21c ' ' BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK I I Sales experience preferred, but not necessary. Good earning possibilities. Company pension plan. Half hospitalization paid. Percentage of gross profit. Guaranteed salary while learning. Some night work necessary. Antique Auction_ SCREENS AND GLASS installed in aluminum sash. Fisher Pro Hardware, Main St., Exeter. 235-2190, 17:24:31:14c Larry Snider Motors LTD. 20' CABIN CRUISER, f u 11 y equipped, converted 292 Ford motor, marine transmission, ex- cellent condition. Best offer. Phone 262-2021. 7:24tfnc 20% DISCOUNT on top quality Almatex Paints. Webster Signs, Exeter. 6:26tfnc 37' DELHI TOWER with an- tenna, $89.95 installed. Also boosters, rotors, etc. Max's TV, 238-2493 Grand Bend. 2:27tfnc ECONOMY CARPET - Orlon, candy stripe, recommended for cottages, $5.50 a square yard; Nylon, honey gold, for bed- rooms, etc., $4,50 a square yd.; Ozite, rubber backed Valaire, recommended for kitchen, bath- room, below grade, assorted colors, $5.95 a square yard; 27" runner $1.49 a ft. Guaranteed installation. CLEANING. For in your home service call Huron Carpet Care, 235-1451. 7:10tfnc ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings, siding, porch and step railings, columns, etc. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Phone 235-0722 (collect). 9tfnc Community Hall - Crediton CUSTOM COMBINING - Beans and all grains, swathed or standing. Contact Wayne Woods 294-6576 Parkhill. 3:10:17:24:31c ANYONE WISHING to have their barns whitewashed, con- tact William Watson. Phone 237-3306 Dashwood. 5:29tfnc H. T. DALE septic tank service. For prompt, efficient service phone (collect) 482-3320. Sea- forth - Clinton. 5:1-10:30* Exeter 235-1640 5:9tfilc • Sat., Aug. 2 1:00 p.m. C T C CONCRETE WORK CONTACT LARRY SNIDER AT TRAIL BLAZER UTILITY TRAILER 40" x 42" x 10" deep 18 Gauge Cold-Formed Steel Box 600-pound carrying capacity SPECIAL VALUE $112.95 CANADIAN TIRE STORE LARRY SNIDER MOTORS Limited EXETER, ONTARIO Phone 235-1640 24c BRUCE ALL TYPES OF FOUNDATIONS AND FLOORS, CEMENT BARNYARDS Reasonable Rates Free Estimates REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE * FURNITURE *CLOCKS * DISHES El • Full List in Next Week's Edition Air Conditioners, Ice Machines, Walk-in Boxes, Etc. Sold, Serviced and Maintained MALONEY BROS. DUBLIN Phone 345-2964 4:17tfnc Ioi 101 1 01 101 for Free Estimates EXETER 24c it ROOFS SHINGLED PHONE 238-2385 ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 237-3300 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 235.2433 MID-SEASON SPECIALS - One used riding mower; demo sell- propelled mower, 22" cut; 5% off on all Simplicity tractors and mowers. Lucan Rental & Small Engine Repair. Phone 227-4412. 24c OAK DINING ROOM TABLE, 6 chairs and buffet. Phone 229- 6404. 24c 3:27tfnc AND REPAIRED FREE ESTIMATES 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE WORK GUARANTEED PHONE 234-6307 Grinsven & Butler LUCAN DEAD STOCK REMOVAL We now pay for freshly dead or disabled cattle and horses weighing over 500 pounds. Small calves also picked up. For efficient service call collect 245-0838 or 227.4312 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week License 201-C69 6:12tfnc ELECTRONIC ORGANS, PIANOS G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Phone 235-1680 JOE REGIER CREDITON 4: 3eowtfnc Sold and Serviced At Guaranteed Low Prices Organs from $539.00 (2 keyboards) Pianos from $599.00 FARROWING CRATES - With or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, phone Hensall 262-5282. 4 ; 17eowe NORMAN WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Any Type, Any Size, Anywhere Phone 235-1964 EXETER • SIGNS BY WEBSTER DASHCHUNDS- Puppies $50.00 - $75.00; Toy Fox and Manchester Terriers, $40.00 to $50.00. A. MacIntosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. Closed Sundays. 10:3tfne STRATFORD MUSIC CENTRE LTD. Walter 13eisel, Mgr. 271-6322 4:17tfnc C. H. RODER DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Pannell Lane Strathroy, Ont. BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Phone 245-1272 FOLIAGE FEED YOUR GRAIN, CORN & BEANS Also weed spraying service available. Call Your NA-CHURS Representatives MARK WHITNEY Crediton 234-6479 RON HEYWOOD Exeter 235-2087 6:26anc USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office -•- Exeter, Ont. Directors William H, Chaffe President Raymond McCurdy Vice-President Robert G. Gardiner • ALL TYPES OF SIGNS • DISPLAYS • ALMATEX PAINTS • WALLPAPER • R. D. BECK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Complete Sales Service that Satisfies, Call 235-0621 433 Main St., Exeter GET ACTION BY AUCTION RR 4 Mitchell RR 1 Kirkton RR I. Cromarty Tim Toohey RR 3 Lucan Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 St, Marys PHONE 235.0680 EXETER 2:8tfnc • WATCH REPAIR SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER Wilson's jewellery & GIFTS a EXETER Pleasing you pleases 10:10tfne 10 Livestock for Sale DAVIES, GRANT & PATTERSON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS DEVON BUILDING 235.0120 Exeter Hours 0 am. to 5 p.m. SOWS - 15 first litter sows due in two weeks, Phone 236- 4145, Lorne Gingerich, RR 8 Zurich, 24:31* 4 YOUNG BEEF COWS and calves; Hereford bull 2 years old, Apply Bob Denornme, cor- ner Of 83 Highway and Carling St., Exeter. 24c Agents }high Benninger Dublin Harry Coates Exeter Clayton Harris Mitchell Secretary,Treasurer Hugh Patterson Exeter