HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1869-8-20, Page 1.e'811.,"s 111r u& - - 1T HuxR PUR Conal ap te Il TueIT& -lit. awry, soy` via& um11 et any boar Neanh Mir offer ' ( .C. Nla*n.on. M. D. rTRICIAN.NURODON,sasa.,eolalsi01Y• W. 11141,I)1t. SILDIACAN. -� • and Resalaues run roe SU 11411OIN.Least olitCanualecMa140 la. Pet. Mobil OK I N(;•. M.D. L t µ)N01, C. 1.' Restlrinl•v .the h�aeu fo.a.4Il reaped by Mr. J. R C. Uokda., /)PS 110411 1)R. CIAIi0A1)Y. (0111,(1111 C.alkaa) 81C1 A N. BC RG EON,&,:.. Uaee, over hthus th PIITnu,re,uoderk'h, uutrriu. IN .7. F. Daater, M. D. SHR,;EON, ACCOIrctiKun. Hm u.eopalblc Physician, enJ Medical Electrician. * atoning 1•h4,� 4 4, of thy' Atlantic Mutual Moir. Dc.Company of Alluuy, N. Y. - lar (11%re and It,.4J flee Park et., Syw�Hd•s rl Wnl,((uleeh. Motlicn 1. DICI1ARn NOOSE. rnT`tu'IA N. ylIU1CON ewe J[1r Aeru,1h o Nu,ehnwar. C. W. wtv, tebnory 71h. 1nyT. -`-- -Tf era I..0wls. flARRISTrIt AND .CTTO449 VP- ,T.I..AW, Gera la,f._,tnr-In.Vhaneere, Comity Crown .ta.ir4n,.a adserleb, Caaa,laWeet. Oiled u( Court Hoerr. M. C. C.meron. B .g011 `ATTORNEY, 1NAY.TANfR. .0L 69 a, Caon,ron & Ciarrow. t.ARRINTRRy ,pll.(CITr1R4131 CHANCERY, no. Oltrr;JiJ„g.ton infest. (1u,lerlek. 0. C.meaw. Ire J. TOAiw6W I). yr,note troou.1 01. . BASSIST hR: C. ATT ,ItW.°Mee imam. (I11. Watson.. 111..0, Wain mamma feel dour weal ,if O laaanw B oor Jonas N. IAnnion, T7y)RYRY-AT-LAW. 440I.ICI flit IN CAANCr.RY ,i..rr r"'ibia .`ontel•i.een ala, ala. (4,daeirh.. t, . !dee, nn naa or ,h .;de of wen Susan, dow from-0ern•d4aaa %%hare. ia.�usu...... Towne 1". Tome. RRIOTO.R. ATT,,RYr.Y-A(-LAW, ROLICI'M)R le Chawrerv, .e , Il.t-neh. Ontario. Mee - •Vigo*,Ringer. Neer . alai r Doyle ay Moiler. 1RmN Rr"RY AD ATTOHNIr.Y. SOLICITORS- $ n..(:har.7. it (hderwh'(M(. B . L. Abn.g awl w. R. Sonya. R A. rasps i Elwood. &ROISTER & AT'r'(IRN1:Ylt-AT-l•AW, SOW. i„(. in Casneer'r ertrrdeane.,4A atrte•ser. ones to lwnad. Ovens L..WY. 11 W. ww d ckleald4 aerie. swIrl. -ve Wflltawn TR. Ilnln, D. A. CRAN''FItY ACD I. AW OFII('R. caamh waw Moeh,.g'. ao,g.lnn, areal (hderwh. - 5, u.. r. e,veynoe ins. ILeay bol oil .emssshls NON. Doomed sot deledita tale to Tea WINN •'meted. (notate►. Dee, u INCA. ew114 P. F. WALKER, Atb.ni -44' Staa'.rj �(1.0.7meer. Notary Portia, a0 Oa of the Clark of the Peace, Court Iloa... meter- tont 0Mr- 81. Rialtos. AOFNT 041* NtA TITP,IItU AORICCLTCRAL trill t..ech Sharman, proprietor). w:bleeee. 0416.1 Ito..!. .11.14-1p ea. Mnleomaon, v'(RR!ITF. R,ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, tare. D C.wb,n. l)„1. W35 • MONF,Y TO LEND. IS. Mc DOvar.11 L,rrYern AT TIlNYRIL nAVPIRLn, Corny ol R,.,,. Salo In Village or country punrrr117 •,e ed.4 tn. wP-lyrg 1.. A. Humulin. vI 5003/558 AND NI'RVF.YOIt, LAND W. T.COX,Editor and Proprietor. is v. 4 1) ii 44 1 11 i1,''1 AND HURON AND BRUCE AD.V .ERTISER. $2 -.50 -PER -ANNt AD 1. "The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." - -CODERICH. ONTARIO--D1-C1 FRIOAll, AUG. VO, 1869' VOL. Business Ditcttcrp1. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. r(tflE endelltoW4%I 4np Nlr'•haw• the et... - J. Ins Mill and Sub Fetor", owned, and oc- cupied by Donald Cloturing, ars now prepared to carry on the business .t moluractunug Sash, Doors; Bliude, Mouldings,Flooring. Siding, and all kinds of C 1 11 C I. E W O'FL , such ae Circle and tluthi Sub and Frames They think from their ,l1perlenee in Factory Wwk.tbu they mistime .410(1ctlda to 111 who may favor tMm with a cell. 14 H. -A lib.,. dsv,uot to the lade. 80,000 feet of Dryinch and a glarter Flooring on hand; JAS BUCHANAN, 1/AVID LAWSON, WM. ROBINSON. l9odenos. Mare\ 416.1E41. sorb Buoiue89 Wittctor 1, TAILORING a. gags RET('Rti8 1118MOBTBIN(:ERETHANEB l0rlha very dal1na(esooungeme01 he haa fer:erved.l ace hecommeaoed business le (1,4,. rich, nut Mug alta t0 execute , over owe -ba 1 u heorderabruughl to bon I191u•aaoo :harp, ace aecurediac11U,eelu Carryinaon Business Extensively and employing note but brat -cis. tredenmee Aod ■e D.A. betlevmhiseap eranre a fuller r a mcoodt 0 110•11111111• Peuvinee,hanngcarrled o. buuoeese laenure, y uJ euecurl ul l y, u Hauulto., pnuclpallyhraadaweuawmera,and berms beta ('unen:I Due of the Principal EM.LLsbms s, e Edinburgh, Scotland, he earlerly.{ate to a discerning pub! o1Ml CLOTHING CAN BEMADE . hl•,subl,.hmeo equal oche eves Eetabliab. men It ■ Toronto o r /lustnat. (}oderich. October 3rd. 1863. sal? TEEM Oldest Establishment in Town, TBE h00111 r la returning thanks for e liberal eaoT thanth. y",(ib_ mac; than le t•,uwqueuc• of the lath tire, he hu d kir bu.lurr lir the .(.,n- formerly „c. u dad by W. booth, Se Rost stewed..at Bank of U,oua.i, where everything 1a ifs Ilse will 4• t,.,ud u,•1 All Binds of Job Work will he Dc t1r mina r usual. G. N. DAVIS. 0edssleh. >Mla Mach, 18th 027 NOTICE f NOTICE 1 b 0 a 0 • III. N ICHOLSON, L. D. 8. SURGEON • .n zT 'X' - *WM. Over the nod ore, .r, great .t. • 11 D. SUTHERLAND, DEALER IN Coal. Lumber, SAhlgted,-Letts, die., YARDS, at the. Harbor and cones West and Waterloo M(,eeta. C%' (Mice, on Waterloo 'Street. is sea r of the yard. .4lwltsw TYN Mo.knaMk, Nov. . 114 9. . .141111Y IYALDAIV, .11r. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, Ohm -West 1114, 1..7:•.,•'le IM*wt'Slek. On41fha 1860.] HENRY GRIST, 1868.) PATENT SOLiCITOR & DRAC¢HTti- . MAN, C ttmW1A, GeirLeidtb•, LLt-y24.cI _Jg8Ij...' WITII T1,11: PATENTTsi '-r"'"',:rr1. no.irngIIral. ills Uenarnwn Ain TNR R41114104T1ne or Vita)t D00*00 .0 Nn,r ter0r,:aro -' .• �,, ,peefflr%linn,, 011.1 „Skis TV women's nee . Miry to moors Parayar 4.4 I,,,..*, v pr. prom! on reoelpt '4 Model of the Invention. Ottawa 1leeomlwr 1Me rete Nh:ulowere the Substance fades. c 0 H O MARTIN AMANNI 1.0. 0•11-0 INFORM HI/ OLDCOST(IMERI that M o hll able to Sell iw *soh, at the oral nitre. ILL LI1DS OF FIIRIIiTURE At his shop ea Kiameoe Street, opposite the Hines 11,Ae1, Oodencb. Hire 1u* 1 call. t)atonxb. Oct. 3. 1hde. ew11w37. Farmers Attention • :AND BRIM. IUI'R WOOL TOTII F. Wingham Woolen Mills, WHasa YOU WILL IaCRIVE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH! Business Oircttorn. REMOVAL. ALEX. WALLACE, AND JEWELER, wear 0Tnf[T. l3Cis DERICII. TIlk: cat,enber nines reev.,ad 4, the !lora lately. oeeapid by A. $�1r•4I\.wern Street, appear I)1. l+w „are, wishes totlljaa11 kkilas &rude ural the W , 0,11. 4,4,4.4 ...pp., with witch hassure he Woeyn,. troth II nim 4r Use 116 years, and beg. t rain pard will be . Sant acouunao,rs of Weir patronage, W 0(201..11dy will De toruppry Watches Clocks and Jewelery &bah wdl give ..,uraeto,( m the loo. Unser, and as 01 wort au been.h.ne int nosed. 90010aers. May depend ea1.10rane.a wee.sneel04. 54 .% pod w,nlenl .4 Oold and 14904 Jewelry Such., Clocks ,elves), on W(.1 ALEX WALLACB. (:nd.ru:h Oet. 1111, 1957, wN ROOM PAPERS ROOM PAPERS. ., 4l,I:T LULL 1: t.U(14T1 OF Three Different Kinds of Papers For HaII9,Parlor8,t)ining Rooms and C: awing Itoomv, ALL NEW PATTERNS, T11OP "1nh0erlber would rail gavial to his ou.p largo and vaned .Inch Of Wool aid Union Tweeds, I,11 Chill. 1110,keta.(eu11 width) Flaa.el., l'laul.1,.. which he 11111 offer for tai Waal. front o oth( data t wholesale peer., In any quaittfca In enclteage for ,00I only. Farmers will d0 well to .all earl,..m'm a.a the .ark and Mtge for tAemwl tea Wool Carding,Spinning, ManufaettUring, Cloth DreasinColourin• done ina.su lar God Nark 0144 , ..red by Painters awl Paper Haag ere a( by the moat bea01)401 drlspa. The Best and Cheapest PAPERS EVER INTRODUCED IN GODERICH. FOR SALE AT tITLER)8a G„deruh, AAAI 1146, Useg: wll.t( 1i (l T Z C F! To all whom it may Concern. TR0OMnwlgnr.) Is preperv1 In 4,1-.10. omen for .)••unto, in largo or .men gnaoiPlec White Ash,Pine;Whitewood anti Cedar. • L I 0 LATHS, PINE & CEDAR SHINGLES, d.hv.Ta4N this erre, of 009450 ion. Parties wool 03 7y ae :Ft H DCAMPBELL having lately pirebued • an instrument which enables him to make flieTinted pp'hobgn4tslfiltdei in'Oode. nch VERY CHEAP. N.B.-Porcelain Pictures, not the beat in the Dominion, but as good as any made in Goderich. Also the New Cabinet Picture, which is Rim, times u large as the (,rrfc 411 ) i.ib, for 62.50 per dozen. In returning thanks ler the patronage of the past, inviteeall to call and sec the new errs for themselves DOMINION AUC TION M A R T.. New Andes aM Commis'ion Reims. QMAILL eta (3RQQIi ARCHITECTS. F 3,451,ret sp,e1Ale rim, ornandngn, ae. got up h, e Drat and corp t .tyle. pfr Ogler neer '. C. De'll.t C.i s ntoro. 0od0Heh. 11 o 10, ITV 1lrolallaerelRlUntI.OIticket IC.Q' �r e t01114 HICKS, Proprietor. This trth J driest and h*OCmrmry 11ob1 in Wester Ca awls, and. .nar.ea as moderate ea any Hexa• ■ M,tehel I. 41 age Proprietor. flood atebltegfor (r0 Homes Norms and Carnage, for Hire*1 u Shortest Noee. 14,'1 %L.nl v tO I.e•utl. ON REAL ESTATE, at from 71 to 10me. cent. DAVISON & WALKER. . - • 3,drrltore. Osdert b, Ont. 16th 1868. .3911 VELOCIPEDIANA. N and *Mr April 1,t Me M0,tinq Rlnk x111 h O o0.4 r 0 Anen one il.•hnnl. prn,wr0 . 11 N11 to star 01,1,1,4 die lot nna. IV. V. 0001041N14 Oal,rinh Ewell 30. 1'.19. w9 Land Office, AEmma RFJIISTER of Improved Emaand Wdd Lod In) Sale 4. M.TRIJSMAN, Up fetich. Meech 1. 1947. Merkel Wenere FARM FOR SALE. WORM ALP. ill TOREIT.-TM Nn. a,O..10. W I 11. Ash/telt, Co. Huron, el.lalnlng Se scree. 21 cleared, with bmf and Inns. The, U a halts amok en the farm It la a corner Int. Poen PIA 00 Ir, earn, went gm 00 end tsar. MARTIN DURKIN. lead., reit s. 1Ma wit' MONEY TO LEND. At 504.11.15 %n1.5 RAT►A of letereet, and rte lay.no(b•. by J N RINCI.AIR, 1lartlgest, Sr , flOderielt. Januar) HUN!** W61 THE LANCASHIRE IrIRN AND LIFE IlSTIRANCE COMP'NY. CAPITAL, £2,000,000 STERLING. AIAOnwpwwr 0prl.ny MWI, m the (,40.. gena, of �4*Qp� Me Ron W. SwanJy)}I ,',IaeeMRh' T Merl ear,. • It lar .two 01044=61„. Two. •tlaa.rb4 I.. Aea1/411,ffirai,44. (15)41 t5vaAA fr saa.uva T. IA - M3D.OT TO t,ENi). Farina gab. (fig Tas4 FI[tnwa i.A.m l ort. 1)04491. CM144slai. iii MITI) at tote (Meta (d A 1�fw�I�J� Esq. (1wawMk, Sept. 8th, i8R8 sw•R44f TqE Sn/aerl1rr "moll r,.pretfo111 0000'0,06 4" the pnhlir that he has nlairod n, w Au, t,, n n C,nnndalonla.,mo, on klu,,e.n alert, fad. rlrh, n. th,h"1 lately 408" plr.I by Mr lIntge, where he 11.1111.1 nal.(,-na17 141.11.11 , *lino, or .',I.L. IMI„on_ •. II"',+ drtermio. I 1 .triol 0tteil1m 1.. In,.iner and ..... payment of all go,.I, «,11 nn ro nnnatoe, to writ the nnbh•nne of all Household furniture Bought & Sold Vann tMt..'k Anil other 1‘11,1. 410 4 hr, mty tri favpr ' wlth.runrinMly n1.:n.101 to tl,on,liont the Crani 11 on raaunuhl, torus. MARK WHITELY. Chen h,. Feb. 10., IMO. w 55 And as the the Mills are now In the Tat wnrk• Ing order, with additional Le111(i,w for turning "11 work, and everything under my personal (all:'ge Mehl, my customer. may 4.;...! *p.m every esertun being used to insure enure unroll.. PETER FLITTER. WIog4M, Xsy,lt$, w-ITJp H. BARRY & BRO., 2 CABINET MAKERS WOOD -TURNERS Hamilton St,, Goderich, Auction & Commission,- GO.1)RIC7H &CI.IN'I'UN j7Mtab1iMha•tl 1P4C1010s tetaAGLAwof Miecellanmue Properly in GoJench 4-7 eVery Saturday, and in Clint. every Allgawysdvainvef on Property for Immrthrte Weals) prompt returns made. Perm .etrwlk and other SOIre pnneuullyettend- 01 to lhronehout the county, (J. M. T lir F, N A N'S Anet,nn Mon, w61 Market vo dere, O,d.r,eh Money to Loan on Boat Estate, APPRAI97:a the Trial end Loan Company of Upper Canada. O. M. TRU F.M A N, wq" Merkel Sou.re,Codefleh MEDALIOIv• If YOU WANT GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS ISO T„ E L• JOHNSON, if you want good Porcelain Pictures, 00 TO E. L. JOHNSON, Cabinet Photographs $2.50 per dozen. N. B. -The Subscriber offers Co h4AI.11 MIN 0411.5501D PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY I'EEPconatantly 041 Mind foe sale alt anti• , clog In their line, %deli as Boal toads, Chairs, Tables,- Sofas, ablesSofas, Ito., Q -A11 kinds of wood-t.rning done, such• Noel plate, stair bannisters, neckyokes, Ar Always on bond,. complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a iIEA1tSR to hire on reasonable term Goderich. Mat 3rd. 1466 15w6m• PINE LUMBER, LATH R SHINGLES. TRP. sub,eriberbss now received 1,0001000 feet Pine lumber, x .rix l3, PINE & CEDAR SHINGLES, &C. which he is prepared TO SELL iN LARGEOR SMALL LOPS AT THIS Lowest Rates for Cash. R4; Apply at the office, over J. C. Detlor & We. etnre. JAMES SMAILL, Agent. WAY Osdorlch,M010, 1MA0. Goderich & Southampton tine 1 THE STEAMER •- o rn "SILVER SPRAY D ROWAN. MASTER. 1 11 with a splendid lot of new Camerae, and .I.. m T Tnk R. 11.. dell, In Srnlhampton and r,110rn. braving ()Manch ever, seeming at 4 o'clock, calling at Kincardine, IM*rmseem, Port Elgin, Southampton, wind and weather permitting. RETURNING EVERY MORNING, arrivi.g Is Goderich in time to nsnseet with Greed Trunk Train- . w,gp.r�lp,tn+mkt+6. yttii4714, �' *4141.nndnU points .e*: :�,Jy V.D du oonci. Ns/ 17. IBM • 401;3. ',t .•., • A,. A.a. complete, Alan, a Brick DweltlRg Bowen containing Seven Mona, with Good (birdies. Stehle .e tat bedding... Two ,.cent loft. Auto, tern paid op Shares of 415/00 each in the feminine Salt CO. ere Remember the pleat, corner of Hamilton Street, and Coen Inose Squat°, tarAi wv- Nem. 11th. 10101:.."'" itriSnht 'weer 1'I.uu dr0n, IR I ..nd Ian,Mtee mda f lar the Yon ., F,,, Is. stat., an.( gnanllti:a u( malarial coquina' 4.0 bunilrug., Lodges, 4 SMAILL & CROOK, Archtec$ earner of North .614.4 144000.'5 J. (- D.14or A Cn 'a store, to.. t ant o,rt non,... .Inaru U dcnch, Jm,u✓) Y th, 194). ffitl3tilT r>m5; t71CN T LEIrT"1711"`!t?nTGAuE: Apply at ITN. R. RATS'S Sad Iwo OMNI. Crab►'s block, �Omeariel,. Gwlerie., Eesek 811. 1947. sw6 • .!...^1.1 ..: . T@ 1 a c O O ... p 0 0, C. O c O -et 9 O O ❑ 1; s.e E 4 a O O a a Cato -u C CIM w 01 w =2 '4° (24 YEARS AT TUE OLD -STAND.) CAII ET FU"F !SHIN VYARF.H013s l:. DANIAL GORDON, CAll INErl` NIAKZ~7liiE- Undertaker, ie., *0., . 1.1 1.1 SOO as tnie(r,h. Largest tt ettlsk FERNITUti in the County, Is 09,•ry variety,e*R. ,'-�• - not fail 14 com- mand onmand the laver el t0 to want „f 'eget-Wag who lase favor bun woe a volt -whether a rr (001 to Quaid)'. 441,4.' ' nix. Every .01.510 wu Hated as nco,n,nel.ded. H0V1,5 mads lnang.'d aha with era:QTTge & 11AY. '1'owww, ram 41)1.011 anything Lure Of at their Warero.nu ,u Toronto, c721o451p yea Coders. N. B. -Has al Wart a r,nnpkte aeaUnrne0( d COFFINSou Ie*wy. ,a Also, II EA ROES to titre. West Se.. Uodenc6, Xis. t, I.W, era CLOTHING CLOTHING! CLOTHiNG. 000 a sup■ TIMM Tr 1171'V 1"I ItMT .CLASH READY-MADE CLOTHING C7$I]AY TRnl rearnbrr baring 4.-t,rminet to 011 net hl. large and lAilnpl010 Stock Clothing, without no - »n. GREAT BARGAINS MAT s1 *1(51051(0 IS OM COATS, UNDER COATS,I PANTS, VESTS, HATS, C -\PS, OOLLAES& TIES. GOOD VALUE IN SHIRTS, AND DRAWERS Iw er Clothing lade to enter k. W moat Mhl.,no'd, R,4,te1. Aiq £ ..t 6r entlLr 4•.1.11 ABIRAHAMS 11RITH. mimosas? TAILOR Oodarlah Mar 1a. 1a410 ......_ w4 CIIEESE, CHEESE. Shephard--- & Strachan, G recon*, -CODE RIC 1I . HAVE teen r .appointed sole agents at (Joderich for the sale of the celebrated Exeter Factory Cheese. Local dealers supplied at the Factory Prices. STTF.P H ARD 8 STBACBA N. O,ederich. Mao 27, 1867. .18tf MASONIC APflONS for SALE AT H. GARDLNER &. Co.'s. ---1111111611111.11.11111111‘111- 04edch. Jane S4 , 1 0t, - row t GODERICll WAGON &CAGE DRUGS, 3-21K1.4" IY Ira O IR. a 49 (8n..easenoK.B.R.ya IIedioa.11 Cesge•Baaw q..ar.,O.4., DISPENSING CHEMIST & 0 .11•11R.t.+t I)lurphy 6enator Morph) en own aloe W ba ' ths;a421."1/fill.. 4411"1111121412111.1111114" tae !' The .ssalce kik tnnity, and taking tlu hand, lei her out to the f her from the updercun dam :noes waves ti,. exonat 'l) , how eli fitful 1"" oma " Se; After awitittt{ bathing, and paying ti►e seat., *kith is the melee by the bathing mu. one vi reed the senator wag, she U4i•Well, air, 1 wish you is bath[ . day at eleieu o'clock ; w1M ego call you by when I want -jeer madam ; I will wait 00 you *Alin Swot afterward the lady met tit G BLr in the parlor. She naw sij bur mak ( ! hlnshingh left the ruin). Tom 1kt,ty however, met her at the birettaa kh Sad removed her embarrassment, by siring in his most winning way : 'tosyl but Tom, nladtm, and hops yes mid for me at eleven o'clock.' 'Sealer, a, Sad 111porterol GEUIINE I)ltU 4 1, en8MSe4ld, P05015110. ' Hair, Tooth) wad Nall A rem% 0110, 001100. nraen•rn, IIORSEAtc CATTLE M EDICIN DAIMON .1101' &C., &C. Oilers frim Medical man punctually rates ed 10 et I.,.wThole e. u eat e Pras 5. H.- Phys,cds Pres.-1,1,u°'earwtulY passe.!. floderictl. Jan. 10. ISM. 0.06 We Eollvorolo The Termite Globe complains Id Canadieua paring through the tt(d Rates on their way to the Hudw.40 Territory are subjected to remind Custom -')louse charges, some of thele dr character which excites 'the suIpiciee ai tie Isis u nude the cloak for * cousin' ekhe amount of swindling.' Mappleth,s porton Like Sopenor, u the 'meal purl d debarkation for the Canadian", whew ey journey overland to tho Red Rine the North. The Cantona' autbontr w ire a bend that the property aid Of the emigrants ere mere) a to Brits► por...sons, and d tided with this, a duty of [hitty per a exacted. 1110 em1gnuit nascent, to per a duty Bet epee a apart pit en which he relied for travel. The should receive the attention of the d ' authentic. On the northern tnitgent.sgeleti..nsare undoob b uired rw!ec4 amnggling ; but Id o 7aslewed to hemline the frauds rfnpus ve)tiuu a, itt4 bf tie U4dr that t1c nr:,lssA1 d 00107 i0 tool by a maple precaetiw,, 1 wIi 11 (044140 artue in• 404. 115 lir .110 coeu', the nim d Owen)'kouae.• sides d as extended demeaned MO. Is e 1-301 YeekTiesee LIGHT i LIGHT 1 OAT ROCK & COAL OILS. Burning FlRid.La11y011111AFi. Tortiale h It th. .r,tabls perks *40 44 frontier &Mir M �b b f PLAIN AND FANCY N b M 9' COAL OIL,' WiiOLESALE AND RETAIL. Sir Coal Oil Lampe die. he. Old Iws. reviver. Bram, Wool Pickings. and Shoop Skies taken In 'itching,. J At J. STORY. war Sirn of th Largo Coal Oil Barrel, Uudpr-• r_•-.• bat., b67 1-t NURIIAN FOR ONTARIO ! E. CLIFFORD, Pot JUST ARRIVED. MADAME TAYLOR, With Her Great European Herb Remedl THOSE .u6enns wnh Consumpti10 .Rheum e - tam, Dy lite"*, Headache. Ap- petite, Bed Digestion, Catarrh and Nmre in the H.Od, nee adviael to (17 Ihia Remedy, in Rniona, laver. and Stomach Complaint. It cold reeds when others fell, int ever end agile. sweats and chill. i We, never known to :ad. Hwommended by Ph4,,c ie ns throughout F,nrope This is no hombonit• one bottle 05 tl When f her medicine wdl plate . U, n get wee, h.y consulting M.,l.me Taylor 111ms uroom No 0 Colborne Hotel, Codench• ble to oral wdl be attended et their owe ho=„ t)adnmb. tan Aug. (1tg8. C CARTWRIGHT SURGEON (lir;A. DENTIST Or araarrnan. Bum at rap tMlly tednform the Ink*blt0.t0Ileefert amt .reann4Ing en ntry that he hea .rearlat pl intro Mr 114ek0.. Deng Atm., MUn hist, tluf' ,),, and hM p,or*Mh t W _ 074 ,4 MR J A. Ingle, Se.4111l WiIn 4•41Unt4aen to inth. All wcladl iii she'0me. M. '.rtw**1IiR1hvt evarr�� warwarrant IM gleeml wok nee tum.rth'n. Teeth overact/. cr. ON, ed Te.0 by tie, not ,4M. Narenet1 Spray ill, "Anne : , unitr4 (,1rmtia W Stratford P. D. Jarvla, Iltnit,r'1 Iw whltmg, Rodin : D, 50.OSe. DIiwIM : Th. Reny. Chatham. re. (L VMS, a" the Ovenwareal Hotel. Clinton th 1 week nener1 wets. .et DeeOn1R rah. Farm for Sale. TIIR Sulernber honor1 o.nnnnee m the pub - Ile 01 Huron Snit Ilrnrr, that he (sow man- ufartunng ),,.l-rl,r Carriages, Wagtons, Sleighs, Qui e•resn co., which wilt be sold CHEAP '1111. CASH. 11raht0R• wr7MM-worker, and two a praettelir�ae 611 learn wood-w,lrk and the other blackamithing. JOHN j1ASMORF, Victoria Street, Goderich Coderfe►,Mav 16w 1868. we9 INSURANCE. Eire, Marine and Life Insuraitees IPTCCTED ON REASORARI.g Tonle. Office --Kay's !:lock; corner Court Roane Square and Wes:St.. Goderich, C. W. JOHN HAI.DAN,JR. Agent. Goderich, Ilth Sept., 1866. .7611 Grocery and Provision Store, HAVING rented and fitted ap the store I1 lately oecnpled by A. F. llreh, for the above business, 1 am now prepared to furnish amities with CroCerles and Provisions which I shall sell et the Lowest 4'-' fir"" Flour and Feed kept constantly on band. A there of your patronage will he thank fully received and rsithfolly .ttended ro. Wines and Liquors, Crockery aid Gta9Rware,Faney Goode, &c., Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buckwheat Flour, &C 0OA.L OIL 1 AND 0(�AL OIL FS LAMPS P. f3. -Goode will be delivered la any portal lie town. 0e4 apI*,,, TN returning thanks for the liberal support and patronage he has received for the but 12 years, begs learn to try that by the introduction of machinery he is now peeper. ,It to edpply retail dealers with all kinds of FIRE & MARINE N O T 1 C -E. Alt parttesAadebted to R. Kauai; ITHEI1 E R BIN) out tura heroIIY by uuNOTttliudO, that u W pi AC- hey ahey :GAIL AN'i PAY UP AT ONCE tkry will he sued, without further notioe R. Rl'iWIMAN, Huron Fonndary, Goderich. On 11i.1nricti.21tk P11.a..1868. • 1. EIA LT.O 1' it 111: N 1), WHO MARES YOUR BOOT'S ! 14►�� a '111TF.undersigned bele to return thanks I the public for the liberal patronage heret'doer extended to him. ile is still pre- pared to make, on Ae shortest ootioe, any quantity of WOIIK. and at the lowe0t Cuh Prices. JC�T RRCEIVKD. a large Stock of FIRST CLASS BOOTS AND SIiOES. ALFRED COLLINS, Ons door Esst of the Huron Hotel, Sign of the Large !toot. Biscuits and Crackers lOcsd'riek.eas-Ra.1868. w31 whirl' he thinks will be more advantegeoss to the consumer than importing them from other places. LIST OF PRICES : Soda Biscuit by the Box or Barrel . RJ,07 Wino •' " " ... 0.08 ArrowroOt " '1 " ... 0 O u u ... 0.04 u lar' ... 0.8", u lar • • ... 0.0 Li Abernethy " Rutter Crseker )yeter ' goiter, Remits ' " " .... 0,06!1 721riciole' Cakes of Every Kind ;eneral amfHment of bread always on hand and delivered daily to cuntnmer.. E. CLIFFORD. Jan, 12 1868. 1w6 'N09i1Q0i1.L 1380V1 '141011 n0JRH Jo teen Jeep or seq.ssla8.ingaJnd w»Jaq;two u am 8410 '6Z'1:a L:un 'slag Vas auvte alto0L8 * 1t�tt.gl ''lamed1 sol lure le ItT `A ' ►1 I o o si o Jo tnamlrosn *9005 V 7.410011 004.10 91 '/10171(14 011 sal mn4! M1AV7' ,an01l 0741 rip ell tl 'RQ10IT11 VIDNx'1VA till^I' .41 en 0Ni ss •ILLNVRROJ i lgadlragD 1 NM1ITitAN(%1:. rAATRI1 r1RR AIMnRANCT mor, NT of Der- de., Erthoo.4.00Mr.bed a 1700,...' M the 0N..• tenses Snot taut Mien 1. Camila. ROJIACk HORTON7 Agent Id' %n'a Sat „,2:1„1... 4(.ee,lso. Tete.'. Wm Nike vane ow Cowant nr Mali.erraa. oak,. •t r sow was L)a�n9ter teo .lar MM. Tta1! 1iottTO';rw'a*l�+ w11f31RIBNP 'Testate• . e �(y ,. 5,104 Slim aa..arwv Mtt'ie• 4449 ,I fl r1) fo a e.e w twMea }wM. Ne lliare" HOs1AOR RORT01tf, Ai• 0.4arwk. freer\ a, Nsl - nee J. D. OORDoN. aresiest. stall oVt tin 'Avila romp lips m penal, ;mom v .19011M Sea Lt dog/ fm t. pieg /Mimeo' s y a'UYM SatAVa '18 al INHI a►LIOXa ZV�2Ix) ,rs.r •,:, ALLAN P. MACLEAN, 4 0 ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS Considine ie pert of .Weetof England Breed - Doeskin., ond • retie.), a Canadian Clothe t lie feels confident of rTing antiatiielion to •1t who may isvorhim with their orders. TWEED SUITS (all wool)$12 and 'Tweeds. ler N. 3.-Cotting dose to Orolar. Goderich, Sept 15tb. 1866 soft BATH It At ••-• 4F-4:3011SEACM83880F• Money to Lend, )N very reasonable terms. Apoly to Savage'. new Bleek, Joderich. 9th Jan. tbfla of Whalen. . S3Cl" svrory nnV/R►Lb' h Lldq *Ns Huupu . taae.- A samensai. NI da the fnllonne lar ho4gh.ar to, the y 13 o'clock. is atorno- Id men ah. atva5 Y a bad seise pitch'. 1 welt oR ries lav the seen obarned a amebae �edrrly es four laste attempting ✓ em is thea law tarN,;''44 nonlbe •shoal Vf fad a shore. lwnhu aced !m rat ilia whets whlrk were �raud contently slot wed lbw• the water ; they tures audio. of and were dryly (nl'~ F which shortly turlied Woad the month of the \Soba, 111111111611 erpiegs was repeated several i Grooi, • while werins'ther bot wall peered. The scene nor Maims ... a10N t517'atil1g, Io5 the whits Sidi,' Pressed, miae a ; ie the sea, going sway at atenfic pees `. w straight course for thieve! +ea ; tkssH«t appeared to be moth ing Iceman fo .n hour the water noon( *nate they cat their way through i The the whales were taking leh\Ue hope the mimosa their puree." but minim upon . point of laud who* thoaled tki water, a euddeu turn is the silt brenghl ' then) again in the direction el sb. her ; an hour or two soon pend wind fishermen of Stornowaytass 07 tware of what wee going on, a tome In the chem, and a dozen boats wetter fn pure, snit, the whale, now making my f., the distant parte of the bay, 0d ogee lief. fled by the projecting points/4W ing the course of the demo w Lebo Midi wklta eke ay batt.:r, tteetrbret peered as if every human town were bent tnt magling, tho women and children docked to lb WIN of action, symil soon 60 rowing ad riling boate were engaged in tie chase ead the rowers became exhatteted the tIOP inendeue exertion of land -conned sad -fast rowing of heavy boat*, they ewe Ph heaved by relafit front the peel* es Jere, the numerous fishermen w lin int joined in the sport were replaced now by taws, bettcheni, arlattalle, carpenters, rases ami children. The 'bola were dead sod the town deserted ; and so the RON Ortill1P certainly, if the inhabitants ef them itv lands aro as pernevering and se isdetstit able always as they hays enrol them- 1 selves to -day, they deserve ts ais most pre:Tennis peeple in the world Not sn timid in the citron's When fin1 isarktpd, they now became enrolees of der teemYr and allowed themselves lo bead bytho oars ae they rushed past the leiliMINAPO from the various creeks into Irk the, had been preened. At II o'clotelt lkiri were dielorlged front • polities'. elm/ hod maintained for some h,on• • dir tont pen of the hay or colter IMM 108 were driven about a toils tool Ile 1.• tompte to escape, but by an .01 hiril they rushed ever ilioal-gr neke0 11)* the most exciting tin." of theft, 00°1-r_ ally from aide to able, reasingill,.,0*"!„.° violent brenkers as though a turbid the water; reeking thee007,"10 •eariel to and fro as they &ppm. bosh. now began in pint0 in 1111601".' wheles were blinded by theZ% they had created, thickening porno at ono. bewildered, Wit= themselves to be goaded hy OW' 7' the Ahrens, tie be deepatotted the finhermen. "I will not attempt to d alti11 going on ; enfliee it to am I can judge,.and from the fishermen there will be at taken ; half that number are and aa 111•117 more see safe bor. The whales are, 1 he kind, knnens es the lent they Ititallottivo in length from fest The 0 is/termer' w b7 this prise and they wel driven within the i team InkT&Ill of 13 hears, so ▪ mad tb• Int Wan *he• al et shako has far oho tonal el te-Aal ▪ irtieseeeed, aid Farm Lands for Sale. 22 1+1 con. Township of 0041740h 116 acres " 4 Lake toed oast Colborne 100 East 1 et 404 14 1th one. Ashdod,' 100 Lot 17 7'ith Con. Stanley 37 " For mimm 004 terms. apply to. Notes .19 In67. er4314. - TITOSTON mum O. SAM% in town and errentrv linnet 17 ettetufret OnAwrieht ler Mk 1880. Irk eb ie that a •