The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-07-24, Page 7HURRY! Get In On The Savinp During Wolper's Ammo" Summer * 20% OFF ALL Summer Merchandise * 20% OFF ALL Made-to-Measure Suits * SOME SPECIALS AT 1/2 PRICE ae 13 ge 116 MEN'S I WEAR 235_0991 THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Main St. Exeter Minister to be inducted Work on Crechton drain By MISS ELLA MORLOCK CREPITON Friday, August 1 at 8 p.m. the induction service for Rev, Douglas Warren will be held in Zion United Church, Work on the King Street North Drain is progressing favourably under the direction of Mr. Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wolfe and child, Detroit, visited friends and relatives in the area. Mr. & Mrs, Lorne Preszcator and family enjoyed a camping trip to Bass Lake, a trip they shared with the Robbie Robbins family of Richmond Hill, Freeman Morlock is a patient at South Huron Hospital. Francis Clark has left the hospital and returned to the Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich. Miss Nola Faist visited her aunt, Mrs. Mary Faist at the Bluewater Sunday. Matt Finkbeiner has returned to St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Sgt. & Mrs. Robert Lambie and family of Foymont are vacationing with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner and Mr. & Mrs. Ross Haugh, Mr. & Mrs. N.C.. Motley spent By MRS, G, HOOPER Leonard Thacker, Linda, Cathy and Joy visited Saturday with Mrs. John Morgan of Brinsley. Leonard Thacker and girls called on Hubert FIodgins of Granton Sunday who was celebrating his 85th birthday. Miss Janette Hooper spent several days with Miss Veryl Hooper of Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Langford spent the weekend at Niagara Falls. Mr, & Mrs. Claire Sisson were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Archie Cameron of Watford. Mr. and Mrs. Grant McCorquodale, Larry and Maxine were guests at the Pye.Howard wedding and reception at Embro United Church Saturday. a few days with their daughter at Alma, Mrs. Isaac Gower left Sunday for a motor trip to Port Arthur with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Taylor, She will visit with her grandson, Don Taylor and his family, The families of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hendrick and Mr, & Mrs. Ervin Devine gathered at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hendrick Sunday. Twenty-three members were present, Cpl. and Mrs. R.J, Taylor and family, Downsview, spent a week with Mrs. Chris Dinney. They returned home after attending the Walker-Dinney Reunion Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Petch, Mrs. Loftus Muxlow of Strathroy, were Wednesday overnight guests of Mr. & Mrs. Sisson. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon McCorquodale of Windsor were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Grant McCorquodale. Dennis and Byron McCorquodale spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mrs. M. Gallinger of London, ADMIRAL PRICED AS LOW AS $45900 CALL ON US FOR * ANTENNAE INSTALLATIONS * TV SERVICE • Radio and TV DASHWOOD 237-3574 WEDIMPO 01 PfzeiveYetw O INVITATIONS 4a) ANNOUNCEMENTS O ACCESSORIES COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER ASPHALT PAVING * DRIVEWAYS * PARKING LOTS * I3ARN YARDS All Work Guaranteed FOR oriEE ESTIMATES Call Dungannon 529-7686 (Collect) BLUE WATER PAVING CONTRACTORS FISHERMAN'S COVE GRAND BEND RIVER RD. S. OF BRIDGE CHICKEN & CHIPS FISH & CHIPS *44 SHRIMP & CHIPS ETC. TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone: 238.2025 • 0 • • • ., . .a. - .....i. • 4t. .:J. g 41.! BEST OF THE ODDBALLS — At Friday's pirate, gypsy and hobo parade of the Exeter playground program, a miscellaneous division was needed to take care of the many contestants. Shown above are the winners of the Oddball category, Ingrid Peitsch, Michael Veri and Dale Kerslake. T-A photo 0 • Several on sick list Many visit in Centralia Gas is one of the most important sources of energy. There are over 25,000 uses for Natural Gas in the home, in commerce, in industry. But it's more than basic energy: it's a willing, ready servant, a worker, for industry and commerce. And for homeowners, it's the Total Comfort Fuel. From the gas fields of Western Canada, via Trans-Canada and Great Lakes Pipelines. Some Natural Gas is piped from wells in Southwestern Ontario; some from the Southern U.S.A. It's instant. Literally! It's at work right away — there's no waiting, no bother. It's trouble-free because Natural Gas requires fewer moving parts; no storage space; no bulky, costly, extra equipment. And servicing? That's far less frequent than with other fuels. The result? No extra labour, no worries, no budget-straining expenses. I n a single word: economy. What is natural gas? Where does natural gas come from? Why is natural gas better? Yes! Natural Gas is the world's purest source of energy. It consumes itself when it burns, leaving no grime, soot, smoke or dirt. It's only significant by-products are carbon dioxide and water vapour, already present in pure air. What could be cleaner? Or healthier? With Natural Gas, you heat your home, or cool it. You cook. Heat your water. Dry your clothes. Incinerate refuse. It's the Total Comfort Fuel because it can do so much for you. Absolutely. In fact, Natural Gas is as safe a fuel as you can possibly have in your home. The Canadian Gas Association has set rigid standards for the manufacture of gas appliances. Similarly, the Ontario Energy Board maintains high standards of installation to assure you of complete dependability. No problem here. Routine service is available during normal working hours and special service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This service is provided free by Union Gas. Is natural gas clean? What do I use natural gas for? Is natural gas safe? What about servicing , for natural gas appliances? Union Gas TOTAL ENERGY FOR TOTAL COMFORT HEAD OFFICE CHATHAM Answers to your questions about if/.47(/441 CAC` By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Mr. & Mrs. S. Molnar and family of Agincourt were holidaying last week with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. S. Molnar. Mr. & Mrs. D. Germain of Toronto were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. V. Drought. Mrs. Germain remained with her 4 sister for a week. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Fairhall of Thorndale and Mrs. F. J. Fairhall of London were visitors with Mrs. Clara Abbott Friday. Murray Abbott is visiting with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Maguire in Scotland. Mr. & Mrs. Maguire and boys motored here Saturday and Mr. Abbott returned with them. George Baynham has been a patient in South Huron Hospital for the past week. Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Eaton Mr. & Mrs. Straus and family of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. John Glavin and family. Mr. & Mrs. Pat Glavin and their family are enjoying a motor trip to east coast and to visit relatives of Mrs. Glavin on the way. Joseph Dietrich and Mr. & Mrs. Clem Boland have returned home from a very pleasant plane trip after spending holidays with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Patterson and girls in Winnipeg. Mrs. Ada MacDonald has as her guests Mr. & Mrs. Willis from Alberta while she is enjoying a holiday at Lions Head. Richard Trainor, Hamilton, has returned to duties after visiting with his mother; Mrs. Frank Trainor and family. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carey and family attended the Glavin Picnic held last Sunday at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Trudell and family of Tilbury. Miss Margaret Anne Hogan has accepted a position at Centralia Industrial Park. Several young boys from this area are attending Hockey School at Centralia Arena this week. Miss Jane McCann has been working at Grand Bend for the past month and visited her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. McCann on the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Sam Ducharme and family and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Micallef of Windsor spent last week with Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Carey. Mi**MiNgt'SU SHOP AT HOME manmementrammorma and Bonnie of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Greb visited over the weekend with Mrs. Greb's mother in Mount Albert and with her father in the hospital in Toronto. Amos Wright who has been in Woodstock for several months has returned to his home. Mrs. Clare Wright and family are spending a few days with him. • Rev. C. Lewis of Kitchener conducted the service in the United Church Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Wilson. Mr. & Mrs. Stan Hicks, Randle and Clifford were Sunday guests with the Penwarden family at Grand Bend. Miss Sandra Dickson, Hensall, has returned home having spent the past three weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Fred Harrison while her parents were on a trip out west. Mrs. Jack Smith, Woodham, visited with Mrs. Fred Harrison last Friday. Mrs. Roy Harrison has returned home from Victoria Hospital. By MRS. S. HUTTON Dennis Hutton is spending this Week with Donald Hutton, Listowel. Mr. & Mrs. Percy Felker and family, Elmira, Mr. & Mrs. Murray Bray and Steven Molesworth, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hutton and Debbie, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Hutton, Judy and Don, John Gates, Mrs. John Hutton, Mrs. Jessie Cousland and Lorne, Listowel, attended the Hutton picnic at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennis and Diane. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Frayne and Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters visited Saturday evening with Mrs. Mae Beer, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. & Mrs. Elson Lynn and family attended the Skinner picnic at Riverview Park, Exeter, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and family attended the Kerslake picnic at Riverview Park, Exeter, Sunday, Miss Diane Hutton is holidaying this week with Mr. & Mrs. Murray Bray and Steven. •