HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-07-10, Page 11Judy attended the Hughes-Garrett wedding at New. St, James Presbyterian church in London, Saturday. Miss Melvina Schade of London spent the weekend With Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Schade. Mr. & Mrs. Reinhold Miller have moved to their house purchased from Roy Soldan, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Love, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lobb, Randy and. Rhonda of Clinton gent Sunday at Sarnia with Mr. & Mrs. Glare Love, Leanne and Robbie. Here's the monarch of the Chrysler Action Line featur- ing: MAGNAPOWER ignition— for easier starts, no-miss idling; prevents spark-plug fouling • First outboard packing more than 25 hp. per cylinder ▪ Fuel Economizer throttle, saves as much as 25% on fuel • Three alternator models ▪ Standard and long-shaft available • Racing lower unit optional See the powerful 105 and our complete line of Chrys- ler outboards. Thompson-Warner Motors ' Grand Bend Phone 238-2036 Open Daily Until 9:00 p.m. a. We Specialize In Custom Slaughtering and Processing Extra Lean Our Own Hickory Smoked Ground Chuck Lb 79C Bacon Lb. Pn ' ifrtreolMARKET BOY OUFi Beef & Pork o Personally Selected 41 Gov't Inspected • Locally Slaughtered -0 <-0- - -rAr----401 • tr 0 dressers; antique bureau in ex- cellent condition; kitchen uten- sils; clocks; jugs; set of good dishes; electric sewing ma- chine; old cradle; some antique items; chesterfield; day bed; dehumidifier; bedding, includ- ing quilts and comforters and many other items too numer- ous to list, ALSO OFFERED will be many carpenter tools, including a ta- ble saw & stand; heavy black- smith vise; saw sets and saw vise; garden tools; garden hose; lawn mower; shovels; step and extension ladders and lumber, If not previously sold we will offer the property on which is located a 2-storey brick house, modern in every way, insulated and heated with oil, and a workshop that would be ap- preciated by any carpenter or handyman. Tit* property con- sists of 21 lots ot,.1/2 acre and Vs beautifully lan'd'scaped with trees and flower bushes. For information phone 235- 1383. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3:10:17c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. 25 •Auction Sales RECEIVES MEDAL — OPP Cpl. C. J. Mitchell, right, of the Exeter detachment was one of seven officers who received Long Service and Good Conduct medals from Assistant Commissioner J. L. M. Needham at a presentation held recently at Mount Forest. The medals are presented to those who have served not less than 20 years and have displayed fine, outstanding service. Also receiving the medal was Cpl. C. E. Gibbons, Markdale, a former Exeter detachment member. Graduates from Grade 8 class, Biddulph Central School are: Violet Acres, Gary Barker, Leona Beswarick, Faye Blair, Bill Blom, Susanne Bradley, Laurie Cox, Jeff Culbert, Joyce Cunningham, Wendy Currah, Kim English, Bradley Field, Dorothy Garrett, Bill Goddard, Pam Gricken, Mike Henderson, Janet Henson, Anita Hodgins, Brenda Hodgins, Ronald Hodgins, Karen Hodgson, Barbara Irvin; Jean Kirsch, Joanne Latta, Sandra Black, Nancy Lewis, Joan Lockyer, Jim McDonald, Carole Mason Lynn .Melanson, Richard Moffatt, Ann Mohr, Gaye Moon, Donald'Neil, Nancy Nickles, Beverly Parker, Carl Pa c kham, Steven Revington, Ronald Root; Louann Shipway, Beverly Shumka, Janet Smith, Sharon Smith, Patsy Sneigrove, Anne Stanley, Ruth Westman, Neil White, Dennis Wraith and Mary Margaret Young. Fall classes at the school will include: Kindergarten — Daniel Anson, Larry Arnold, Kenneth Aulenback, Julie Avery, Daniel Avery, Cynthia Bakker, Anna Bates, Karen Beaucage, Michael Black, Lori Brand, Ian Carroll, Lori Compton, Raymond Cook, Timothy Culbert, Lorraine Crawford, Darryl Currah, Shelly-Lynn Douglas, Marilyn Dykeman, Joyce Earhart, Mark Eizenga, Martine Engel, Lynn Evans, James Field, Leona Finlayson, David Gilmour, Steven Glenn, Denise Hayter, Betty Ann Herbert, Gregory Hindmarsh, Janet Hockey, Daniel Hodgibs, Katherine Holland; Barbara Jones, David Jones, Catherine Knight, Robin Kraul, Carolynn Lankin, Larry Leslie, Deborah Mair, Allan Mardlin, Pandera McCooeye, Allan McRobert, Tami McRoberts, Loys Melanson, Charlene Middleton, •Lisa Navin, Michael Neil, Ingo-Roy Nippa, Anne Marie Nixon, Leslie Patterson, Joseph Pelley, Lawrence Roberts, Paul Smith, Peter Smith, Sandra Lee Somerville, John Storey, Monica Tait, Shannon Thompson, Sandy Westman, Katherine Winegarden. Grade 1 — Bernie Avery, Anna Lee Bakker, Anne Marie Beaucage, Verna Blane, Ila .Bowerman, Robert Brintnell, Lynn Butler, Bradley Campbell, Joanne Carter, Kim Cheyne, Ronald Chisholm, Tommy Clark, Lisa Compton, Brian Currah, Kevin Dann, Melaney Dark, Susan Dallas, Margaret DeVries, Bradley DeGraw, Chuck Dickey, Eric Drost, Ethel Dykeman, Wendy Earhart, Betty Ann Earhart, Penny Emery, 16 Property For Sale ILDERTON AREA A modern home in the country, located 2 miles from Ilderton, 3 years old, 3 bedroom ranch home, on 3/4 acre lot.. Bright kitchen., L-shaped living room and dining ream, sliding doors to rear patio, area for family room in lower level, oil forced air heating, pond at rear. In- terest on present mortgage only 61% with payments of only $86.00 monthly including taxes. Suitable for VLA. Price $20,500, For further information please call TIM MacFARLANE Real Estate Broker LONDON 434-8824 10c HOMES SAVE WITH MODERN METHODS THE BEAVER WAY — Brick, aluminum or frame construction. Our trained home consultant can assist you in the availa- bility of land, mortgaging fi- nancing & building procedure. Inquire today — Free brochure of new designs and floor plans. MORE THAN* 30 HOME SELECTIONS BEAVER LUMBER Exeter 235-1582 1:30eowtfne 17 Property For Rent APARTMENT for senior citizen, available Aug. 1. Whilsmith Apts., 235-2473. 6:26tfnc NEW 1 BEDROOM apartment, available June 1. Town House Apartments, Senior St. Phone 235-2420 business hours. 4:24tfnc THREE ROOM OFFICE, 480 square feet, Main Street, side entrance, air conditioner, elec- tric heat and three room mod- ern apartment, one bedroom, electric heat, air conditioner, Main Street, ground floor. Dial 1-271-2677 or write George Lewis, 100 St. Vincent St. North, Strat- ford. 6:12tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment in Exe- ter. Apply 88 Sanders St., back apartment, after 5 p.m. 10* 2 CABINS — Sleep 4 in each, weekly, located in Grind Bend, close to shopping area and beach. Contact Ross C. Guen- ther, 237-3676 Dashwood. 10:17:24* HOUSE — Modern 3 bedroom house, close to Exeter. Contact Box H G The Exeter Times- Advaate. 10:17nc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, Main St. S., available Aug. 1. Phone 235- 2427 or 235-1027. 7:10tfnc TWO 2 - BEDROOM apartments in modern country home with all conveniences. Apply Thos. or Michael Ryan or call 237- 3227. 10:17c MODERN 1- BEDROOM apart- ment, up town, all facilities, available August 1. Phone 235- 2420. 7:lOtfnc TOWN HOUSE ground level 1- bedroom modern apartment, electric heat, laundry facilities, available now, $80.00 per month. Phone 235-2420. 7 : 10 tfnc LARGE attractive country home one mile north of Hensall on No. 4 highway consisting of 4 bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen and bath- room, oil heated. Available in early August. Phone J. C. Smil- lie 262-5141. 10:17c REAL NICE small self con- tained apartment, centre of town, 442 Main St. Suitable for quiet, refined lady, or gentle- man, $45.00. Elliot Apts. 235- 2912. 6:5tfnc Frank St. Apartments Lucan NOW RENTING New two-bedroom apartments, electric heating, balconies, car- peting, ultra - modern kitchens and more. PHONE 227-4592 19:26:3:10c 18 For Rent 14' TRAVEL TRAILER; lawn mowers; ladders; Toto tiller; chainsaw; water pumps, Lucan Rental & Small Engine, 227-4412. 7:10tfnc RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & V2" drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2:22tfnc CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; skil saw; ad- ding machine; typewriter; sump pump; 12 & 20 tan hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; util- ity trailer; cartop carrier. Whiting Rental, corner of Well- ington & Carling, 2 blocks west of Main St, Phone 235-1964, 6:19tfnc CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT-- Plywood forms, wedges, form tics stocked, power trowel, small mixer, etc. Phone 236- 4954 after five or Saturdays. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 4:24tfnc 20 Wanted To Rent 3-BEDROOM HOME, preferably in town of Exeter. Phone 471- 3931 collect. 3:19e 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James Bell, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of James Bell, late of the Township of Thckersmith, in the County of Huron, Retired Dentist, who died on or about the 8th day of May A.D. 1960, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, Solic- itors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 26th day of July 1969 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administrator Exeter, Ontario 10:17:24c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Valuable Property formerly known as Crediton United Church in the VILLAGE OF CREDITON The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 11 at 7:30 p.m. • REAL ESTATE consists of an ideal building location on which is situated a red brick struc- ture which was recently de- stroyed by fire. Also large church shed. All to be offered in one unit. Please Note: Church must be demolished and removed to ground level within 90 days of sale. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. For further information con- tact Lorne Preszcator, Chair- man of Crediton United Church. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 3:10c Collector's ANTIQUE AUCTION PARKHILL ARENA TUESDAY, JULY 15 at 12 o'clock noon Glass, china, clocks, guns, Edi- son phonograph, corner what- not, school bell, etc. BILL ELLIOT, Auctioneer H. McDONALD, Proprietor RR 5 Parkhill Phone 232-4376 10c Clearing AUCTION SALE of 50-Acre Farm; Antiques; Household Furniture; Power and Hand Tools at LOT 6, CON. 9, HIBBERT TWP. IA mile south of Staff a, on SATURDAY, JULY 12 at 1:00 p.m. PROPERTY: 50 acres with large 11 room brick house; 3 piece bath, kitchen, oil furnace; barn, garage, good water sup- ply, quantity of gravel. This property would make an ideal summer home. Terms on property: 10% down, balance in 30 days. Selling sub- ject to reserve bid. To be of- fered at 3 p.m. FURNITURE: Admiral 21 inch TV; Marquett refrigerator; 9- piece dining room suite; ches- terfield and chair; swivel chair and foot stool; chesterfield; coffee table; occasional chair; round dining room table; Grand piano and stool; china cabinet; leather swivel chair; office chair; leather rocking chair; arm chair; 2 sets of dishes; antique dishes and glassware; tea set; antique table; antique bedroom suite; 2 brass beds; two 3A beds; 2 metal beds, springs and mattresses; dress- ers; wash stands; sideboard; flower pedestal; TV tables; 2 radios; 4-burner electric stove; washing machine; odd chairs; odd tables; rocking chairs; metal cabinet; cooking utensils; pictures; 2 rollaway beds; win- dow air conditioner; coal and wood space heater; small tent and many other articles. TOOLS: Antique blacksmith bellows; electric drills; table saw; planer; drill press; 2 skill saws; router; 2 sanders; sabre saw; carpenter tools; 3 vises; pipe vise on legs; pipe dies; roto tiller; lawn mower; aluminum step ladder; wooden step ladders; paper hanger's table; extension plank; straight edger & cutter; pipe wrenches; tool boxes; mail box; garden tools; etc. No Reserve — Terms Cash Executors or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. FOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. JOHN DRAKE W. E. NAIRN & SON AUCTION SERVICE—St. Marys — 284-3796 10c AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Misc. Items FOR JOSEPH G. FINKBEINER MAIN ST., CREDITON SATURDAY, JULY 19 at 1:30 p.m. Articles in clud e: Electric stove and frig, chrome kitchen table and chairs; 20 cu. ft, deep freeze in good condition; Washing in a chin e; laundry tubs; end and coffee tables{ floor polisher; vacuum cleaner; electric clocks; mirrors; pic- ture frames; television; floor lamps; also complete furnish- ings for 4 bedrooms including Heather Fenwick, Brian Froats, Sherry Froats, Diane Garrett, Kevin Gielnik, Kim Hayter, Michel Hayter, Helen Herbert, Jeff Hockey, Heather Hodgson, Paul Hudson; Bobby Jones, Derinda Jon Bonnie Joyce, Kathy Juerguen Donnie Kloss, Ricky Kloss, Carol Klumpers, Angela Korevaar, Michelle Leckie, Lorie Leitch, Shawn McComb, Darin McFalls, Laura McKepaie, James Mugford, Mark Navin, Carol Nickles, Lori Noyes, Joanne O'Connor, Darlene Paton, Jimmy Paton, Kevin Piper, Ronnie Pitt, Frank Quinn, Elaine Rooney, Kathy Root, Jamie Shipley, Teresa Shumka, Dougie Smith, Jeannette Smith, Uhris Socket, Ferlin Sovereign, Scott Taylor, Paul Wraith, Diane Young. Grade 2 — Jeffrey Brand, Mark Brand, Deborah Cheyne, Louise Clark, Dougie Cook, Gerret DeVries, Brenda Dykeman, Marjorie Dykeman, Mark Edginton, David Eizenga, Kimberly Field, Mark Finlayson, Dean Geiser, Suzanne Gricken, Penny Lynn Hodgins, Gerry Howell, Bradley Hutchinson, Heather Hutton, Alex Jones, Janette Rooney, Danny Sloetjes, Lee Stevens, Karen Taylor; Roger Blane, Janice Burt, David Campbell, Gwen Densmore, Carmen Drost, Tommy Emery, Donald Hardie, Tracy Harrison, Lone Henson, Donna Hodgins, Lorna Hopps, Matt Josh, Bruce Joyce, Denise Kennedy, Wendy Kloss, Douglas Latta, Harvey Leckie, Lone Lightfoot; Stuart Melanson, Jeff McLeary, Raymond McRobert, David Pelley, Jo-Anne Pennington, Elizabeth Scott, Brenda Thompson, Raemond Thompson, Marylou Tindall, Ronny Vanderhoek, Margaret Whalen, Stephen Wicks, Debra Wissel; Pat Bates, Dianne Cook, Teresa Corrigan, Paul Gilmour, Wendy Hearn, Debbie Hirtzel, Phyllis Klumpers, Coralin Knoblauch, Christopher Roberts. Grade 3 — John Arenthals, Kevin Carter, Dorothy Cunningham, Dean Densmore, Fenno DeVries, Patricia Ellyatt, Kim. Emery, Diane Evans, Ivy Gardiner, Jane Hardy, Fay Hayter, Jim Hayter, Marion Herbert, Bobby Hodgins, Sheldon Hopps, Barbara Hudson, Patricia Hutton, Roger Lewis, Marilyn Lightfoot, Robin Revington, Marnie Rooney, Faron Sovereign, Brenda Tomlin; Paul Abbott, Jimmie Anson, Terry Van Arenthals, Debbie Arnold, Karen Bowerman, Ricky Cheyne, Veronica Clark, Paul E 1l is, Steven Eizenga, Joan Foster, Margaret Ann Garrett, Billy Garrett, Ronald Glenn, Barry Hodgins, Ursula Hoffman, Sharon Hutton, Carl Jones, Virginia Jones, Darren Kennedy, Sandra Kloss, Wayne Lewis, Wayne McCallum, John Nixon, Sheryl Noyes, Denise Quinn, Scott Revington, Dani Roloson, Mary lynn Shipway, Darlene Smith, Paul Theander, Nancy Tindall, David Walzack, Robbie Windsor. Grade 4 — Sandra Avery, Ron Brintnell, Melissa Dark, Debra Emery, Doug Butler, David Cook, Carey Eizenga, Cheryl Hardy, Cora Engel, Linda Korevaar; Bill Reschke, Kevin Gilmour, Janet Goddard, Douglas Scott, Melody Crawford, Michael Stanley, Scott Dickson, Martin Drost, Kathy Fenwick, Lynn Finlayson, Dean McRobert, George Melanson, Jamie Wilson, Chris Cheyne, Michael Armstrong, Elizabeth Bowerman, Jeff Field, John Lambourn, Terry Hayter, John Leckie, Heike Nippa, Susan Riddell, Pamela Smith, Lonnie • Sockett, Wanda O'Connor, Harold Smith, Carolyn Hopps; Danny Piper, Christine Stutt, Paul O'Connor, Faye Black, Janet Earhart, Karen Leitch, Kim Leitch, Fern Mardlin, Calvin McCallum, John Noon, Dawn Lynn Thompson, Beth VanArenthals, Kerry Westman, Lyle Westman, Randy McCooeye, Jim Hardie, Jim Harrett, Wendy Kraul, Cindy Mayo, Darrell McComb, Barry Mills, Michael Taylor, Terry Holmes, David Roloson, Harry Arnold, Cindy Donaldson, Danny Ellis, Ronald Densmore. Grade 5 — Jean Barker, Cheryl Davis, Rita Evans, Kim Geiser, Kathy Hearn, Linda Aulenback, Harry Blom, William Carson, Linda Earhart, Barbara England, Harry Foster, Rick Freeman, Brent Froats, Susan Gebel, Wayne Hall, Joanne Hodgins, Janis Kestle, Donnie McFalls, Brad Tomlin, Tony Vanderhoek, Nancy Riddell, Lynn Stanley; Ruth Ann Atkinson, Kathy Campbell, Ken Holland, Tanny VanArenthals, Trudy Wright, Lori Ann Wilson, Linda Hayter, Tracy Hayter, Karen Henderson, Dick Juerguens, Donna Leitch, Bill Lewis, Dianne Malcolm, Karen Mason, Pat O'Connor, Sheila Parrish, Christine Quinn, Bob Ross, Sheila Smith, Albert Thompson, Debbie Kennedy, Linda Josh. Grade 6 — Janice Field, Wayne Hindmarsh, Roger Horuk, Cecil Nickles, Lillian Bowerman, Michael Callcott, Wayne Cunningham, Gary Currah, Debbie Dickie, Shane Dykeman, Thomas Earhart, Lynda Gibson, Charlene Gielnik, Jim Gignac, Robert Harrett, William Henderson, John Henson, Marty Hopps, Douglas Hudson, Shirley Hutton, Jim Jones, Richard McCooeye, Walter McRobert, Danny Middleton, Terry Morgan, Larry Morley, Karen O'Connor, Jim Peckham, Brad Westman, William Westman, John Whalen, Rene Wright, Jeff Young, Jeff Gore; Dale Cook, Ron Dykeman, Brian McComb, Lynn Emery, Johanna Engel, Dawn Farr, Pattie Fisher, Vickie Hardie, Cheryl Gricken, Esther Krainz, Don Latta, Lorraine Lewis, Bill Lockyer, Don Riddell, Michael Scott, Ellen Shumka, Leonard Anderson, Bonnie Aulenback, Pat Bristow, Bob Cornish, Jim Ellis, Mervin Evans, Kathy Hopps, Wayne Hudson, Scott Leckie, Brenda Lewis, Lori Hodgins, Judy Jones, Jo-Ellen McValls, Gerry Morgan, Robert Mulholland, Jim Pennington, Pat Quinn. U.S, Vine-ripe Tomatoes Mayfair (75% Butter) Spread By MRS, IRVIN RAPER Music results as reported by Mrs, Ruth Stire AWCM are as follows: With the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music, Grade 9 piano, Barbara Anne Thomas, honors; Grade 5 piano, Patricia Bender, honors; Grade 4 Harmony, Gwendolyn Bridgette, pass; Grade 3 History, Barbara Anne Thomas, pass. PERSONALS Rev. & Mrs. Bruce Seebach and family of Hamilton were holl d ayers with Mrs. Cora Gaiser, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mueller, Douglas, Cynthia, Patricia and Susan of Lewiston, N.Y. spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Rev. & Mrs. Bruce Guy and By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Rev. S. Bell is conducting a Bible School for the children and teenagers of this community each Tuesday morning through July in the parish hall, St. Patrick's Church. All young people are welcome. Little Miss Brenda Carroll and brother Ian are attending swimming classes at the Lucan pool. Mr. & Mrs. K. Eaton and Carol, London, visited with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carroll and children and Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll spent Sunday at Springbank Park. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Davis and Cameron were guests at a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Love, Varna, Sunday. Wayne was the guest of honor. Guests during the week with Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis were Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Stanley, Denfield, Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman, Whalen and Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy and little granddaughter Bonnie Jean K o o y, visited Mr. & Mrs. Howard MacDonald and Laura Lea, Friday evening. Grade 7 — Robin Bates, Jim Brintnell, Bruce Cornish, Christine Cornish, Lucy Cunningham, Mary Jane Culbert. Please turn to page 14 Kraft Lb, 29C Cheese Slices i6... 69n Large Size Lb. 59 Watermelon 7'n Scott 29 Toilet Tissue 4 g'c'kilAA Wallace's Frozen Boneless Turkey Rolls Lb 99C 'Tiros-Advocotio, July 10, 1909 Page It Dashwood MUSK pupils receive exam: results Graduates named Biddulph Central School Beginners listed results LEFT OVER STICKS CAN BE USEFUL — Youngsters attending the annual playground sessions at Exeter 'Community Park are finding many ways to make use of various articles. Above, Donna Davidson, kim Dobson, Bobbie Glover, Susan Campbell and Joanne Davidson are building houses from popsicle sticks. T-A photo lq Mir Liquid Rose Brand Relishes Assorted 12-o. Deal Two 24-oz. Jars 89 c + One 8-oz. Jar Detergent Burn's Vac Pac Gaylea 'A' Medium Wieners 2 Lbs. $1.13 Eggs 2,002830 exeter frozen foods GROCERIES • FRESH PRODUCE FRESH & CJREG MEATS 235-0400 for FREE DELIVERY in EXETER