HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-06-19, Page 17TAKING A LOOK AT A MOTOR — Visitors to South Huron
District High School's annual chicken barbecue, Wednesday had the
opportunity to roam around the halls and visit some of the displays
that were set up. Above, auto mechanics teacher John Remkes is
explaining the operations of a motor to from left, Ron Green, Doug
Wedlake, Bill I looper and Brian Wedlake. T-A photo
Miss Jean Copeland visited
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Marshall,
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Robinson, Mr.
& Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mr. &
Mrs. Ross Robinson, Mr. & Mrs.
Roy Switzer, Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Switzer and family and Mr. &
Mrs. Harold Davis were those
from Kirkton who attended the
Switzer-Thiessen wedding at
Conrad Grebe' College,
Waterloo, Saturday.
Rev. & Mrs. Harold Thiessen
and sons of Washington, D.C.
spent the weekend with Mr. &
Mrs. Jack Switzer and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Burns Blackler,
Wendy, Jayne, Robert and David
visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Dobson of London.
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Fred Roger were Mr. & Mrs.
Fred Doupe and Miss Velma
Doupe of St. Marys, Mr. & Mrs.
Don Brine and Cheryl of the
Base Line, Mr. & Mrs. John
Simpson, Rosemary and Paul.
One good thing about
middle-age spread; it brings
people closer together.
USBORNE'S FISHING WINNERS — Students of Usborne Central
School participated in a fishing derby at Morrison Saturday morning.
The championship fishermen are shown above. From left, Brian
Penhale with the biggest fish and Robert Bray with the largest
number of fish, 24. T-A photo
Whalen community
shower brides-elect
How much fife Insurance
do you need?
It would be nice if we could give you the exact answer in our
advertising, but for this we require considerable knowledge about
your financial situation, your family responsibilities and your
present assets.
However, we do have a formula which enables you to list most
of your important financial needs. These guidelines for life insurance
are expressed in terms of a total dollar amount in some cases; in a
percentage of annual income in others.
Our Formula looks like this: 1 M 1/2 1,14 1/2.
1 1 year's income—the amount your family will need to
cover Estate Clean-Up costs.
The mortgage remaining on your house.
1/2 your annual salary for your wife until the children
are out of school.
1/4 of your present salary to your wife after the children
are educated.
1/2 of your average annual earnings as a retirement
income for yourself.
Now you have on paper the basis of a truly sound plan for financial
security for you and your family. The next step is to guarantee this
security with life insurance. The Man from Manufacturers can show
you how much you need.
A. E. Pym, C.L.U.
Tel: 235-0395
Would all those who
participated in the
Lions Club Walkathon
kindly turn the money
in to Harold Gunn at
Troop* Hardware as
soon as possible,
June 19, 1969
Page 17
by W.W. Haysom
your telephone manager
Have you seen this man?
Sure you have — driving about your town or on
the highways, in a green van with red wheels, with a
"Bell Canada", insignia on each of the cab doors. You
also see him in your community as he comes to repair
your telephone, fix cable breaks, locate cables for erst-
while diggers, or install new telephones.
Don has a record — no, not a police record, but
a safe driving record, fifteen years without accident or
In recognition of this record, he was presented
at a recent Bell Safety banquet, the safe driving award,
which he holds in this picture. Fifteen years without
accident is pretty good when you spend a great deal of
the time operating a motor vehicle.
We congratulate Don, for the fine job, and we are
sure you do also. So congratulations Don, for a worth-
while and safe driving performance over the past fifteen
years, for which you can be justly proud. All the best
for the next fifteen.
Some homes have a "collision corner". That's
an intersection where speeding bodies collide as they
dash to answer the family's only telephone. Why not en-
joy the step-saving quality of extension phones con-
veniently placed where people are.
rit4 s;de VP 14
.1117 lot ) VAili fit 1:400/
WhAt Is
4 C6 W
The cow is a mammal. It has six
sides — right, left, an upper and
below. At the back it has a tail on
which hangs a brush. With this it sends
the flies away so that they do not fall
in the milk. The head is for the
purpose of growing horns and so that
the mouth can be somewhere. The
horns are to butt with and the mouth
is to moo with.
Under the cow hangs the milk. It is
arranged for milking. When the milk
comes, the milk comes, and there is
never an end to the supply. How the
cow does it, I have never yet realized,
but it makes more and more. The cow
has a fine sense of smell; one can smell
it far away. This is the reason for the
fresh air in the country.
The man cow is called a bull. It is
not a mammal. The cow does not eat
much, but what it eats, it eats twice,
so that it gets enough. When it is
hungry it moos, and when it says
nothing, it is because its insides is all
full up with grass.
The above essay was written by a 10-year-old English boy, It appears in a book written by
Sir Edward Gowers to help government officials write in a more understandable manner.
We Know What A Cow Is . •
We Deliver Their Wholesome, Fresh Products To You
Woodham women view
liquid embroidery. display
A large congregation attended
Kirkton United Church Sunday
School anniversary.
Rev. Grose of Thamesview
United Church, Fullarton was
guest preacher.
The Junior and Senior choirs
• rendered special music. The
church was decorated with
peonies and iris.
Mrs. Roger Urquhart was
hostess for the June meeting of
the U.C.W.
• Mrs. Stuart Shier led in the
worship service, assisted by Mrs.
Herb Foster and Mrs. Wallace
Gary Urquhart favored with
two guitar solos and Mrs. Bob
Down of Hensall showed
interesting slides of Hong Kong.
Lunch was served by the
hostess and the committee.
Oliver McCurdy visited
Tuesday with Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Gray of Millbank.
Mrs. Reginald Morrison is a
patient in Victoria Hospital,
London, at time of writing,
Misses Carole Foster and
Laura French were hostesses at
the Community Centre Saturday
evening, June 7 in honor of
Carol Johnson, bride-elect. She
was presented with a
miscellaneous shower.
Mrs. Mary French gave a
reading and a contest was in the
charge of Carole Foster. Laura
French read an address to the
Janice Morley assisted in
opening the gifts.
Carol expressed her thanks
and extended an invitation to all
to a trousseau tea given by her
mother, June 14.
Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins, Mrs.
Cecil Squire and Mrs. Ray
Jaques entertained at the
community centre, Friday
evening in honor of Catherine
Khlare's approaching marriage.
Carole Foster read the
address and Catherin was the
recipient of many lovely gifts.
She was assisted by her sister
Martha and Ruth Ann
Mrs. Pearl Statton of Toronto
spent a few days with her sister,
Mrs. T, Isaac.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm Curts and
Miss Viola Curts of London
visited Sunday with Mr. Manuel
Curts and Miss Evelyn Curts.
Recent visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Russell Brown and family
and Dean Brown were Mr. &
Mrs. Bill Sherritt of St. Marys
and Mr. & Mrs. Cline Flynn of
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Romphf
attended the O'Neil-McDonald
wedding at Thedford Saturday.
Aaron Sherritt of Brantford
called on friends here Saturday.
Dean Brown, Mr. & Mrs.
Russell Brown and family, Mr. &
Mrs. Ken Larmer, and Mr. &
Mrs. Carman Woodburn visited
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Rufus
Turnbull of Grand Bend.
Supply Ltd.
Grain o, Feed • Cement
Building Supplies
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Foster and
Billie, Stratford, were weekend
guests with Mrs. Margery Morley
and Carole Foster.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kilpatrick
and Susan, London, Mr. & Mrs.
Allan Hodgins, Mr. & Mrs. Grant
Hodgins and Mr. & Mrs. Gordon
Hodgins were Father's Day
visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Norman
Hodgins, also celbrating the
birthdays of Grant and Larry.
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Glassford,
Oshawa, were Sunday guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon
Johnson and family. Mr. & Mrs.
Jim Love, Grand Bend, were
evening callers also.
Mrs. Allan Hodgins and Mrs.
Robin Bryan, Prospect Hill,
spent last week at Port Franks.
Miss Joan Hodgins has
accepted a position with the
London Board of Education to
teach at Hillcrest School for the
coming year.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Standeaven and Glenn,
Avonbank, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon
Mitchell and Joan, Wesley; Mr. &
Mrs. Stanley Crawford and
Cathy, Revere; Hubert Hodgins,
Granton; Miss Linda Kennedy,
Ilderton and Mr. & Mrs. Keith
Fawcett and family, St. Marys
attended St. Thomas Anglican
Church anniversary service
Sunday and were dinner guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins
and family.
John Kalnins, Granton was a
Sunday dinner guest with Mr. &
Mrs. Arvid Beitans.
Mrs. Arvid Beitans was soloist
Sundayatcommemoration service
in St. Paul's Cathedral, London,
held by the Baltic nationalities
in London in memory of Baltic
people killed and deported by
the Russians June 14,1940.
Mrs, Stewart, St. Marys spent
last week with Mr. & Mrs. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Morley,
Janice and Rob and Bill Brock
visited Sunday evening with Mr.
& Mm, Alvin Pym, Exeter.
Leonard Thacker, Cathy and
Joy, Woodham, visited Sunday
with Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins.
Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Hall, St.
Marys, were Monday visitors
with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Duffield.
Saturday Mr. & Mrs. Andy
Langton, London also visited the
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Hodgins,
Lucan were Sunday visitors with
Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins.
Mr. 6Z Mrs. Grafton Squire,
Sue Ann and Paul attended a
family gathering Sunday at the
home of Mr. John Massey, St.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Parkinson,
Mrs. Evelyn White, London and
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Docking,
Munroe were Sunday visitors
with Mr. Frank Parkinson and
Church at Kirkton
marks anniversary
The United Church Women
held their meeting in the church
basement Tuesday evening. The
theme was "Friendship' and
each member was to bring their
mother or friend.
The meeting opened with a
hymn sing. The worship service
was conducted by Mm, John
Rodd. Mm, Ira McCurdy led in
prayer, Mrs, Ken Langford read
the scripture,
A reading "Collect Friends"
was given by Jean Copeland.
Mrs, Ted Brine favoured with a
piano solo.
Mrs. Ivan Brock of Elimville
demonstrated liquid embroidery
and showed a display of her
handy work. Mrs. John King
thanked Mrs. Brock.
Mr, & Mrs. Bob Robinson
were guests Saturday at the
Switzer-Thiessen wedding in
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Eyre and
Richard, Shedden, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr. &
Mrs. Gordon Scott and Frances.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Scott,
Mrs. Sadie Scott, Miss Olive
Speare, Miss Agnes Scott and
Lorne Splane of London visited
Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. Elmer
Colquhoun, Clinton.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry and Steven
visited on Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs. Jack McGhee and family,
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker, Mr.
& Mrs. Hugh Currie and Jo Ann,
Dorchester, were guests of Mr. &
Mrs. Robert Hulley and family
of Winthrop.
Mrs. Grace Scott, Mr. & Mrs.
K. McKellar visited Sunday with
W. R. Binning and family,
Mrs. G. Dow and Mrs. W.
Sillery of Exeter visited Friday
at the home of Mr. & Mrs.
Gordon Scott.
The people of this
community were saddened to
learn of the sudden passing of
Mrs. Cecil Bowman at her home
at Staffa Friday night.
Mr. & Mrs. K. McKellar
visited Wednesday with O.R.
Francis of Woodstock.
Mrs. John Hocking returned
home Friday from Stratford
Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and
Cheryl were Sunday guests with
Mr. & Mrs, Fred Roger of
Mr, & Mrs, Ira McCurdy and
Mrs. Bob Marshall, Brent and.
Lana of Kirkton were Saturday
evening guests with Mr. & Mrs,
Reg McCurdy.
Mrs, Oscar Brine attended the
Dominion Hardware Show in
Toronto during the weekend.
Mr, & Mrs, David Wheeler
attended the Corsaut-DeJong
wedding in Colborne Street
United Church, London,
Saturday. Mrs. Wheeler was a
bridesmaid and David acted as
Miss Jean Copeland was a
Sunday guest with Mr. & Mrs.
Fred Switzer and Miss Joan
Switzer of Kirkton.
Mrs. Jim Miller, Mrs. Oscar
Brine, Mrs. Fred Parkinson, Mrs.
LaVerne Rodd, Mrs. Nelson
Baker, Mrs. Bob Elston and Mrs.
Duncan McNaughton enjoyed
the bus trip to Hamilton
Wednesday, sponsored by the
Anderson ladies.
Mr. & Mrs. Reg McCurdy
were Sunday guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Paul McNaughton, Rodney
Alf Miller
Eavestroughing — Humidification
493 Talbot St., London Phone 672-0235
Contact Pat Moffat RR 1 Granton, Phone 29r3
Randy and Shawn of .Strathroy
Mr. & Mrs, John Rodc
enjoyed the bus trip tc
Nashville, Tenn, last weekend.
Rev. & Mrs. Wallace Moss,
Mrs. Ezra Moss of Edmonton,
Alta., Mrs. George Lucy of
Ot tawa, Mrs. Bill Eno of
Drumheller, Alta., and Mrs,
Robert Corsaut of Ilderton
visited Sunday afternoon with
Mr. & Mrs. David Wheeler.
Miss Lynn Robinson and Dale
Robinson of Fourth Line visited
Saturday with Mr. & Mm, Oscar