HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-06-19, Page 15Hay Stanley - Legion Hall, Hensall - Hay Township Hall, Zurich - Bayfield Town Hall - Blake School - Varna Hall Contracts Now Available For WHITE BEANS WE CAN FILL YOUR NEEDS FOR: * CIL Fertilizers Analysis to meet your requirements * Weed Sprays For All Crops * Eptam and Patoran The proven weed killers in white beans W.G. Thompson and Sons Limited HENSALL 262-2527 An Expression Of Opinion Poll Respecting The Proposed GENERAL FARM ORGANIZATION IN ONTARIO TUESDAY, JUNE 24 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the following locations in HURON COUNTY S tephen - Dashwood Community Centre - Stephen Township Office, Crediton - Shipka School House Tuckersmith Tuckersmith Township Buildings, Egmondville - Ken Gemmell's Residence, Lot 10, Concession 8, Tuckersmith Usborne - Usborne Central School Usborne Township Hall, Elimville VOTERS MAY CAST THEIR BALLOT AT THE POLLING STATION MOST CONVENIENT TO THEM. Don Pullen — Returning Officer. ,3011.01/00•111Yrd..., VOTE YES on G. F. O. Sponsored by Usborne Township G.F.O.Campaign Committee Times Advocate, June 19, 1969 Papp 15. Here are 6 ways we could skimp on the famous REX forage box 1 Use a Jerky Ratchet Replace our Safe Heavy instead of SMOOTH Duty Outfeed Apron with WORM DRIVE a dangerous auger. 3 Use common beater in place of our Spiral beater which peels off the material. No Bundling - No Plugging "LET THE FINGER,S DO THE FEEDING" *TOP SHOWMEN AT HENSALL — The art of showmanship paid off for a group of district youngsters at ,"Tuesday's annual Hensall Calf Club competition. Top showman, Bob Kinsman is shown second from the "right with his calf. Runner-up and junior champ Les Coleman is at the extreme right and the other :finishers in the first four are at the left, Brian Wilson and Doug Smale. T-A photo Two families take share of Hensall calf awards CHAMPION CALVES AT HENSALL — A Hereford heifer calf owned by Paul PIssmore, RR 3 Exeter was judged the best finished calf at Tuesday's Hensall Calf Club show and received the grand championship trophy. Paul is shown at the right of the above picture along with reserve champion John Coleman of Kippen and his calf. T-A photo Auburn, Ont. June 16, 1969. Dear Editor, You have discussed the General Farm Organization in your paper. Now the time has come for the farmers, their wives and families over 21 who are actively engaged in farming to vote. The 3 questions in brief are: (1) Do you want one farm organization? (2) Do you want marketing boards to have a vote? (3) How do you want to obtain membership? We need one organization strong enough to keep up with agricultural advancement. Two instances come to mind where we are behind this advancement. (1) Our production has surpassed our available markets. (2) Dairy and butter spreads are being marketed but are still being taxed for Excise Tax because they are not on the list of exempted goods. Ladies we have been given a chance to say what kind of an organization we want. We can not live in a little community any more; what we produce and sell are affected by the world's situations. Lets get out and vote on June 24 and have a say in our agricultural happenings. If we don't turn out in a large percentage we may not be given another chance. So vote on June 24. Yours sincerely, Mrs. Ed Hunking June 16 1969 Lucan, Ontario. Dear. Sir: After attending many meetings held by the G.F.O. campaign committee I am completely convinced that the idea they are promoting can not improve the farmers income. This is the main problem with farming today. As I see it, the G.F.O. is aimed at protecting the government cheap food policy from the Farmers Union's collective bargaining effort. Through one of these bargaining programs I have saved my Union dues for one year. This is the kind of action I need. I don't need help with my social life. Mr. Gerry Long claimed the G.F.O. is to help farmers socially and not worry about prices. I can't condone the collecting of a checkoff to pay for this type of an organization. I urge all farmers to go to the polls June 24th. The only way The majority of the top awards at Tuesday's Hensall Calf Club show held in conjunction with the Hensall Spring Fair went to the Passmore and Coleman families. The award for the best finish and the grand championship along with the Times-Advocate trophy went to Paul Passmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore of Usborne township. The reserve championship was won by John Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coleman of Kippen. Placing third in the same event was a calf shown by Beth Passmore, a sister of Paul. The Coleman family was back in the limelight when a 979 pound calf owned by Les Coleman showed the most net gain of 493 pounds since it arrived in the area from Western Canada last fall. Top showman of the 43 members that showed their calves was Bob Kinsman while Les Coleman received the junior showmanship award. Darling's IGA of Exeter represented by Jim Darling purchased the grand championship calf owned by Paul Passmore for 46 cents per pound. Canada Packers of Toronto paid 461/2 cents per pound for John Coleman's calf. The top price paid at the fair one year ago was 401/4 cents per pound with the average being 321/4 cents per pound. According to Bill Coleman of the Hensall Calf Club this year's average price was about 36 cents. The recent favourable weather has produced good growing conditions. Most of the spring grains are up and growing well, plus a lot of the spraying of grains and corn has been done. Almost all the beans are planted now. Some farmers have started to cut hay for haylage. this vote will pass is by lack of interest on the part of farmers. Make sure you and your wifes' opinion is heard. GET OUT AND VOTE. I AM VOTING NO. Yours Truly, Joe O'Neill R.R. No. 3, Lucan, Ontario. Placing behind the Passmore's and John Coleman in the best finish department were calves owned by Darlene Carnochan, Brad Carnochan, Shirley Chalmers, Ann Morrissey and Ron Chalmers. Other area buyers purchasing calves during the sale were Al's Market, Hensall; Merner's Market, Dashwood; Denfield Livestock Sales; Ray Bell, Kippen; Ray Ingram, Hensall and Huron MP Bob McKinley. Canada Packers of Toronto were again the big purchasers with a total of 32 calves. In the horse show portion of the Hensall Spring Fair, Pat Cornish of London was the top junior point getter and received a trophy donated by Lloyd Mousseau. A trophy furnished by Ron 4wartz and George Beer was taken by Nelson Bilyea of Granton as the top senior performer. ASPHALT PAVING * DRIVEWAYS * PARKING LOTS * BARN YARDS All Work Guaranteed FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call Dungannon 529-7686 (Collect) BLUE WATER PAVING CONTRACTORS NO PLUGGING NO BRIDGING NO AUGERS 4 - Skimp on a Plain open Jaw transmission in place of our Protectively enclosed unit. 5 - Replace our Positive expensive worm drive with open gears on our Lower Beater Drive. 6 - We could use 5 2x4 uprights and cross pieces instead of 6 on a 14 ft. We use 7 instead of 6 on a 16 ft. We like strength. BUT . . . We won't skimp - We know how valuable Farmers' time is in the Harvest. Rex is Safe - Smooth and Trouble Free PRICED WITH THE LOWEST - - BUT SHOULDN'T BE! CONTACT US FOR THE NAME OF YOUR CLOSEST • DEALER jr., FARM MACHINERY SEVIN insecticide is on your side. SEVIN Carbaryl Insecticide cuts down the moststubborn bugs before they cut down your profits. It has all the strength you need to kill Colorado Potato Beetles, Mexican Bean Beetles, Cutworms, Leafhoppers, Corn Borers, Flea Beetles, and many other insects. And SEVIN takes your side on safety, too. It breaks down quickly in the soil and presents no residue problems in meat or milk when label directions are followed. The combination of these advantages— safe-to-handle, economical, dependable, field-proven effectiveness—is unmatched by other insecticides. Get SEVIN on your side—for better crops and increased profits, See your local agricultural chemical supplier and insist on SEVIN Carbaryl Insecticide this year. UNION CARBIDE Agricultural Chemicals From The Discovery Company I UNION CAPEEDE CANADA LIMITED; Mulles &ChNnicals 4 Consumer Products Fibres • Gas Products • Metals d Carbon