HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-06-19, Page 12POSITION OPEN FOR EXPERIENCED LADY BOX 189 Must be able to carry out all secretarial duties, fil ing, receptionist duties, typing, good with figures & able to meet the public. APPLY IN WRITING TO The Big "0" Drain Tile Co., Ltd. HENSALL 11.,11ML, 130 DISPLAY Man (Windows) tricot' to 1100 Able Agents DISP rnI0Ing" CY e-$6- n9 r-train gcncY 175 St. Hire loudly! hishictst Agency, iJu vi CLERK plumbing 11, heating supply ego pricing s'estimatmg Call GL 6 9403 LtIxlit bindle flour 24491. I aro... "W .I./ AI worm. °Pay to break into publishing litld 190 G one Agency, 152 W 42 Toe ca.' dialti Aiello,: 110 *11A7a; CIV ENG-REC GRADS, TO %7M Sanitary r strcti, top 0, fee ad VinTirV.,4744 fal7lrfi7!"..m*.12 EGUI 4 110Y/MAN RECEIVING CLERK 2 175.•••-• 11 0Y/M • EPLIt Ef411 110 tuUlT IIKPIt,-a' egg A-So to USA- iink 'your sal of $4700-$300 expnsi icct. CA NCY 7 E 42 Pegair 01, .e v$125 89 5th W AGENCIES 160 Sway J(11,-OFCE ENT Y1 )sP*11d 100 IAN eK 15 • luTE:raltt.kie7:77,1e,s,',Ir 3114.19 $125 y al 507 angry Nem. excel Agency 509 5th CLERK, IX CO. AGENcY, 1014 E layout sag, $1, , 489 5TH ME Jr SOpen Jarrett St _Pill Jr- 'MO--S70 rren SI NYC etalFis1 M ncy, rural gent? E PAi EST: AGEN LIN Hlite P/0 /9W8 , ACBOCUYS, JOYS, laity A SOY, cl w'. St KELLOGG SOYS, ACCURk ncy CLERK-TypIst, $7S HORN Agency • CLERKS, H at figs, Guhn Agency "509 5th CLK/Asst Exec TV Gd dells, Griffith' A e rc OK F,C,-. - 1 Volume dealtr-N Y C. vicinit & F R-plRIPEst ge neral PRO HI Wide AFncy, 210 Madison 140) 00 gss . sis s art. 31.. 5-1359. IIKKPIL MFG CO. SOB PECIALTY AGENCY, 115 W. 42 RM 202 1110•00.1% .T... Y.5 .1109 5 A% 30 Quer G PINER-11111 SWIFT AGENCY 509 5 .ORAFTSMAN•STRUCTURA' ' CLK/ Teletype, ex, ICS $80•90..Griffith COFFEE .91. MGR $125 Hospi5 Trok Triad Agency' It W 42 LO 3.4331 EE, w/wo die, /sin test equip; 17-1M; big ootl. Griffith Agency, 509 5 Ave ELECL emirs, min* own, le tbat (1-114. E a Er- ONTACT Agency Mg 18 E 41 MU CASHIER-CHECKER LY SOY-OttIce, nice type, A-1 co, 11.1 Abblneton Agency, 11 John St., Rm 704 . , CIERICALS-ACCTG $70.85 • 13 For Sale 19, 1969 4 Female Help Wanted 13 For Sale 9 Services 13 For Sale HAY - 21 miles west of Clan- deboye. Phone 293-3162 after 7 p.m. 6:19t1nx CASE BALER - Just baled 35 acres of hay, Phone Dave Mor- rissey 234-6202. 19c Page 12 June CLASSIFIED RATES WOMAN OR STUDENT for part- time work. Apply Hotel Hen- sall. 262-2012.. 19c Classifications TRICYCLE, medium sized, in good condition; 4 cycle power lawn mower, good condition; Bell & Howell tape recorder and amplifier, like new. Phone 235-1565. 19c USED 9x12 WALL TENT-Dial 262-5146. 19* MIXED HAY - Apply Gerald McFalls 235-2313, JOGGING CART; girl's bicycle. Phone 227-4364, 19c 20 ACRES good clean mixed hay. Phone 229-6143, 19* TRY ELECTRONIC ORGANS, PIANOS Sold and Serviced At Guaranteed Low Prices Organs from $539.00 (2 keyboards) Pianos from $599.00 STRATFORD MUSIC CENTRE LTD. Walter Beisel, Mgr. 271-6322 4:17tfnc MARLATT BROS. 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks Far Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17, Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales FIRST INSERTION 20 words $1.25, 50 per word thereafter, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 40 per word, minimum 80d. SIX INSERTIONS No copy changes, 3%0 per word, minimum 700. SEMI-DISPLAY - First insertion, $1.50 per column inch; subsequent insertions $1.30 per column inch, Minimum size in this category 2". Accepted in multiples of 1/2". BOX NUMBERS to this office - 250 per insertion. BIRTHS - No charge, MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1,25, each additional word 20. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10d per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -30 words $1.25, each additional word 20, Subsequent insertions deduct 504, BABYSITTER for small child, beginning in September, prefer- ably in my home. Phone 235- 0884. 19c SECRETARY, efficient in short- hand and typing required for Bell & Laughton, Exeter. Apply in writing, 4:10tfne DEAD STOCK REMOVAL We pay from $5.00 to $15.00 for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. Also small animals may be picked up. For prompt service please CALL COLLECT BRUSSELS 133 18' STEEL Hull, fishing boat with trailer and 35 h.p. Evin- rudeater 6enpg mine. Phone 235-2224 19* 6 ACRES of standing hay. Call Phil Johns 229-6184, 19* PIANO - At SS # 2 school- house, lot 6, con. 1, Hay Twp. Apply Clarence Hawkins, RR 1 St. Marys. Phone 229-8229, 19c 3 BOYS' winter jackets, sizes 14-18; 3 boys' sports jackets, sizes 16-18; girl's winter coat, teen 14. Phone 235-2874. 19:26" STANDING BARN - Some good beams, 2x6, barn board siding. To be removed. Phone 235-0663. I AM SICK AND TIRED of in- terviewing people who want big earnings and do not want to work. We offer exceptional in- come opportunity for the person who has a desire to succeed with honest effort. Wholesale cosmetic business. For appoint- ment call Mrs. Lillian 451-2100 London between 2 and 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day. 12:19c • 24-Hour Service License # 218-69 19:26:3:10* REINFORCED CEMENT TILE- 3' and 4'. Lawrence Ziler, Box 53 Dashwood, Phone 237-3487. 4:17tfnc CONCRETE WORK WE BUY ANTIQUES Telephone 238-8151 EUROPEAN ART GALLERY DASHCHUNDS- Puppies $50.00 - $75,00; Toy Fox and Manchester Terriers, $40.00 to $50,00. A. MacIntosh, Clandeboye, 227-4598. Closed Sundays, 10:3tfnc AIR CONDITIONERS - House- hold and industrial. Sold, in- stalled and maintained. Bruce Refrigeration, Grand Bend. Dial 238-2385. 4:3tfnc 25i DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS • ALL TYPES OF FOUNDATIONS AND FLOORS, CEMENT BARNYARDS Reasonable Rates Free Estimates 9 Services 9 Services CHURCH SECRETARY MALONEY BROS. TO GIVE AWAY - 2 puppies. Wm, A. Ameronten 234-6470. 19c SMALL BARN - Double' board- ed on outside, single boarded on inside. Phone Lucan 227-4204. 19c DAY CARE for children in my home. Phone 235-1305, 19:26c BARN PAINTING - Free esti- mates, Phone Dave Morrissey, 234-6202. 6:19-8:21c VACUUM CLEANER Sales and Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensel]. 262-5350. 11:21tfnc PLUMBING - Repairs, altera- tions, installations. Call Arthur Jones 235-2775. 4: lltfnc TO BUY OR SELL used furni- ture contact Norm Whiting, 235-1964. 10:19tfnc Gifts - Antiques - Importers 3 Male Help Wanted DUBLIN Phone 345-2964 4:17tfnc 15 MAIN ST. Eleanor Audrey GRAND BEND Brennan Metzler 5:29tfnc Applications will be received by the Exeter Pastoral Charge of the United Church for a church secretary. Duties to commence Aug. 1, 1969 will in- volve five afternoons per week. Applicants may contact Mrs. R. Jermyn, 235-1847, for informa- tion. Applications should be sub- mitted in writing to Mrs. Jer- myn. 19c CARPENTER or handyman to help renovate older type house. Phone Granton 29R3. 19c LABOURERS for tile yard. Ry- dell Brick & Tile. Phone 227- 4721. 6:12tfnc JANITOR for Greenway United Church. Duties to commence July 1. For further information contact Mrs. J. W, Horner, RR 3 Parkhill. 294-6708, 12:19c EXETER MEN'S CURLING CLUB - Applications for posi- tion of Ice Maker and Cleaner for 1969 - 70 season will be ac- cepted in writing by the secre- tary until June 30, 1969. Please address applications to P.O. Box 119. Exeter. 19:26c 18' CRUISER, full convertible top; 18 h.p. outboard; foam cushions; heavy duty trailer, 235-1076. 5:12:19" ANYONE WISHING to have their barns whitewashed, con- tact William Watson. Phone 237-3306 Dashwood. 5: 29tfnc BANFF & CALGARY STAM PEDE - Depart June 28; 15- day tour. Transportation by lux- urious motor coach. First class accommodation, $295.00 corn-, plete. Inquire K. B. Dairy Bar, Ken Inch, 235-1913. 19" TRY OUR guaranteed appliance and television repair service. Fully equipped to service all makes anywhere, Traquair Do- minion Hardware, Exeter. 235- 2511. 19c TRUCK TOPPER to fit wide box, $100.00. Phone 234-6442. 19* FARMALL 200 with cultivator, live hydraulic, fast hitch, 4- row bean puller, $1150.00. Phone 235-2657. 19nc ECONOMY CARPET - Orlon, candy stripe, recommended for cottages, $5.50 a square yard; Nylon, honey gold, for bed- rooms, etc., $4.50 a square yd,; Ozite, rubber backed Valaire, recommended for kitchen, bath- room, below grade, assorted colors, $5.95 a square yard; 27" runner, $1.69 a ft, Guaranteed installation. For in your home service call Superior Carpet Care 235-1451. 6:12tfnc FOR SALE SIGNS BY WEBSTER CUSTOM KILLING REGISTERED NURSING ASSISTANT AND PROCESSING 2 Butchering Days Tuesday - Beef and Pork Thursday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 5:22tinc • ALL TYPES OF SIGNS • DISPLAYS • ALMATEX PAINTS • WALLPAPER • Applications are invited for the position of Registered Nursing Assistant with the Huron County Health Unit. Applicant will require transpor- tation as duties include work in School Health Services and Child Health Conferences throughout Huron County. Applications with copies of two recent references should be made to Dr. G. P. A. Evans, Medical Officer of Health, Court House, Goderich, as soon as possible, 12:19c PHONE 235.0680 EXETER 2:81„inc BULLDOZING, land levelling & land clearing. Wayne Woods, 294-6576 Parkhill. 5:12:19* CONCRETE SILOS - We still have a few vacancies left. If interested place your order now to have a silo erected for this year's crop. Reasonable prices. Wes Hugill & Son, phone 236- 4928 Zurich. 5:8tfnc SPENCER CORSETIERE - In- dividually designed, founda- tions, brassieres, medical and orthopedic supports. Phone Mrs. L. Brock, Crediton 234-6272. 3:6tfne CAR SALESMAN • Sales experience preferred, but not necessary Good earning possibilities Company pension plan Half hospitalization paid Percentage of gross profit Guaranteed salary while learning Some night work necessary. CAMPING TRAILERS BRUCE This fine split level with attached garage is presently under construction on Pryde Blvd., in Exeter and slated for early summer occupancy. Built as a three bedroom, 1 bathroom home, its versatile plan is designed to accommodate a fourth bedroom and second bath. Available at $23,500. Ford Rent-A-Car REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE BRAND NEW Top quality features such as: heavy duty suspension, pre- shrunk Egyptian cotton tent for years of durable use, etc. Limited number of 1968 models available. To clear BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK Air Conditioners, Ice Machines, Walk-in Boxes, Etc. Sold, Serviced and Maintained 6 Business Opportunities Larry Snider Motors LTD. Free Estimates INVEST TEN DOLLARS in a business of your own. For in- formation contact Avon Mana- ger, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., Lon- don. 451-0541. 6:12-7:17c CONTACT LARRY SNIDER AT $299.00 PHONE 238-2385 • Larry Snider Motors H. T. DALE septic tank service, For prompt, efficient service phone (collect) 482-3320. Sea- forth - Clinton. 5:140:30* AL'S AERIAL SERVICE - Tow- ers, rotors, aerials. Sales, serv- ice, installation. Free estimates. Special: 37' tower and antenna $79.95. Phone 227-4525. 4:3tfnc SEWING AND KNITTING - All types of both. Please call Mrs. Chris Forbes, 228-6811 or 258 Algonquin Drive, Huron Park. 2:20tfnc 3:27tfnc CANADIAN TIRE STORE Exeter 19c Exeter 235-1640 5:9tfnc Limited EXETER, ONTARIO Phone 235-1640 19c Grinsven & Butler 8 Situations Wanted SUMMER COTTAGE television special. 21 inch Admiral con- sole, new picture tube, com- pletely reconditioned, guaran- tee, $79.00. Traquair Dominion Hardware, Exeter. 235-2511, 19c ALLIS CHALMERS side rake. Call after 7:30 p.m. 236-4726. 12:19c TV, RADIO, STEREO AND SMALL APPLIANCE LUCAN DEAD STOCK REMOVAL We now pay for freshly dead or disabled cattle and horses weighing over 500 pounds. Small calves also picked up. For efficient service call collect 245.0838 or 227-4312 24-Hour Service-7 Days a Week License 201-C69 6:12tfnc BOOKKEEPING of any type, in my home or in place of busi- ness. Apply Box A D The Exe- ter Times-Advocate. 19:26c You'll Be Happy With The Results From Want Ads REPAIRS 3 bedroom ranch home with glassed breezeway and attached garage. This home is located near high school, has well landscaped lot with outside barbecue. Livingroom has fireplace and broadloom. Excellent terms available NEW & USED TVs AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES SMALL MODERN space heater, ideal for cottage, $30.00. Phone 237-3354. 19c TO GIVE AWAY - 4 kittens. RR 1 Centralia. Phone 229-8798. 19c J & J ELECTRONICS SERVICES SINGER - SALES & SERVICE- Your authorized representative will be in Exeter every Tues- day. Phone Walper's Tip Top 235-0991 or Gerald Courtney 227- 4884 Lucan after 6. 1:30tfne • 95 SIMCOE ST. EXETER Exeter 235-0443 or Huron Park 228-6876 3:20tfric 10 Livestock For Sale 1968 EXPLORER TILT BOAT TRAILER; 25 h.p. Evinrude motor and boat. Will sell sep- arately. Phone 235-1580, 8:00 to 10:30 mornings. 19nc G.E. STOVE, 4 burner, oven warmer, utility drawers, good condition; double bed, springs, mattress; 2 wardrobes. Phone 235-2024, 5-7 p.m. 19c BLACK, WHITE - FACED beef calves; Holstein heifer calves between 2 and 6 weeks. Phone 294-6125. 6:19tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. 23tfnc • HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1965 COMET 2-door, big 6 'stand- ard, immaculate. Phone 235- 1565. 19c SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed. New weeping beds laid; old drains repaired. Fast, efficient service. Butler Bros., 227-4312 or 227-4254 Lucan. 9:5tfnc Centrally located, completely modern 4-bedroom home, hot water heat, kitchen, built in dishwasher, family room, large livingroom with fireplace, large diningroom, 2 baths, attached garage. REFRIGERATOR; side by side combination stove, fully. auto- matic; Hoover spin washer. All equipment used short time. 227- 4376. 19" 2 END TABLES and coffee ta- ble; chesterfield and chair, like new. Phone 236-4153. 19n FRESH EGGS - Marcel Ver- linde, RR 2 Hensall on No. 4 Highway north of Hensall. 6:12-7:17" 1965 CHEVROLET sedan, 6 cyl. automatic. Must sell, have com- pany car. Call 235-0677. 19:26' REBUILT 1963 Rambler motor; 1957 Dodge pick-up truck; 12' aluminum boat, 4 h.p. motor, used only 8 hours; L'Islet elec- tric stove. Phone 243-2177. 19c WE BUY AND SELL used cars and trucks, See Ed Hearn 235- 1640, Larry Snider Motors Ltd. 5: 9tfne 4 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 235.2433 ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 237.3300 FOR PLANTING and SPRAYING 3 bedroom, 2 storey brick, 1% blocks from library on Sanders St. E. oil heat and connected to the sewer, large double livingroom, garage. CLINTON Main Street - Brick two storey home with oil heat and sewer. Home has good size kitchen with large double living room. Bathroom up and down. Brick home i ntroApor ive of land. This house is in need of repair, howev the p strupe is sound. Property has several trees, We pay 55.00 to $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows & horses We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you Call Collect 482-9811 Call Your NA-CHURS Representatives MARK WHITNEY Crediton 234-6479 RON HEYWOOD Exeter 235.2087 5:8tfnc 0 G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Phone 2354680 141111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IN NORMAN WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Any Type, Any Size, Anywhere Phone 235.1964 EXETER 4 bedroom home, 2 baths, large kitchen, garage,hooked into sewer, Large brick he jpg etcebc repair located one block from Library, new roxteileat.f e, priced right, License it- 190-C-69 11:14tfnc CLEARANCE .-7s= SALE === E---= Bed Plants 3/$1.00 F.-- ▪ Shrubs $4.50 PI - Rose Bushes t-t-* 67-= BILL'S FRUIT .MARKET Bill HurkMans, Prop, 111011171141111h11;11112111 North of Grand Bend 238-8172 F 11111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111011111g WATCH REPAIR SERVICE WORK GUARANTEED CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER Wilson's Jewellery Sanders Street - new 3 bedroom home, full basement and electric heat. This home is connected to the sewers with the lot having several trees. Commercial lot on Main St., large frontage and serviced with sewers. A-I ROOFING C. H. RODER DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Pannell Lane Strathroy, Ont, BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Phone 245.1272 WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL TYPES OF ROOFING, EAVESTROUGHING, CHLMNEY REPAIRS AND REPAIRS, FREE ESTLVIATES USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors William H. Chaffe President Raymond McCurdy Vice-President Robert G. Gardiner Building Lots Kingscourt crescent - several large 108 ft frontage lots serviced with sewers & treed. One Sold Kingscourt CrescentS-(38Utprontage with sewers and trees. Churchill Drive - several 85 ft. frontage lots, serviced with sewers Pryde Blvd - 88 ft, frontage, 125 foot depth with sewers. 4 & GIFTS - EXETER Pleasing you pleases us, 10:10tfnc R. D. BECK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Complete Sales Service that Satisfies, Call 235-0621 433 Main St., Exeter GET ACTION BY AUCTION PHONE 227-4176 5:8tfnc RR 4 Mitchell RR 1 Kirkton RR 1 Cromarty Tim Toohey RR 3 Lucan Martin Feeney BM 2 Dublin E. Clayton Colquhouti RR 1 St, Marys Churchill Drive 301.01bontage with sewers. Riverside Drive - Unlimited frontage at $25.00 per ft. Sherwood Ave - 66 ft. lots serviced with sewers, $1,700.00 OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. UP TO $5.00 FOR FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS AND HORSES Small animals also picked up, 24-hour service 7-day Week JIM HURRAY & SON Call collect Mason 462.2614 License Number 203 5C:2639tinc We go any plate any time. $1.00 * Fresh Fruit and Vegetables * Fresh Ontario Strawberries • NEW 30 Bed Addition of the QUEENSWAY NURSING HOME NOW FINISHED Qualified nursing tate for chronically ill and ambulatory Patients. Private & Semi-priVate rooms. PHONE HENSALL 262.2830 2:13tfrie INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Contact Gib Dow evenings and weekends 235.2420 235.0707 DAVIES, GRANT & PATTERSON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MUNICIPAL AUDITORS DEVON BUILDING 235.0120 Exeter Hours 9 aan, to 5 p.m, 0 Agents Hugh Benninger Harry Coates Clayton Harris Dublin Exeter Mitchell HODGSON LIMITED REALTOR Secretary.Treasurer Hugh Patterson Exeter J. Gaiser J. A. Kneale