The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-06-12, Page 3Regular meeting of Am'oer Rebekah Lodge was held Wednesday evening at 7:30 in order that members could attend • Many attend UC services Large congregations attended • anniversary services in Hensall United Church Sunday morning and evening. The church was lovely with early summer flowers placed by the U.C.W. Guest speaker Rev. Clifford Waite, Sarna, presently serving the United Church Pastoral • Charge of Mindaumin, gave very inspiring messages. At the morning service he based his thoughts from the subject "A tent, a well, and an altar". Ronald Doehn, soloist, sang and there was a duet by Mrs. Berne McKinley on the marimba a and Mrs. J. Turkheim on the piano as well as a selection by the choir. For his evening discourse Mr. Waite spoke on The Mantle of Charity'. Wayne Payne was the soloist and an organ and piano duet by Mrs. Turkheim arid Ronald Doehn was enjoyed. BOWLING TOURNAMENT Members of Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary who participated in a bowling tournament at Strathroy are • Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs, Wm. Smale, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. W. H. Bell, Mrs. Hilda Smale and Mrs. Mary Taylor. Mrs. Taylor was presented with a corsage being the oldest bowler present. • HATS BY THE YOUNG FOR THE ELDERLY — The Exeter Kinettes visited Blue Water Rest Home at Zurich Monday evening to model a collect ion of nifty 'hats' they had created at home. Here Mrs. Barb Hero (left) shows what the well dressed fisherman's wife will wear this season. Mrs. Barb Dow (centre) shows a colorful fruit salad with just a hint of Mexico about it and Mrs. Nancy Dowson, billed as Miss Potty, wears a baby's chamber on her head and carries a matching toilet seat in a smart white diaper bag. The elderly residents at the home, particularly the ladies, thoroughly enjoyed the showing. T-A photo The Huron Presbyterial was held Wednesday afternoon at Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, with vice president Mrs. John Wray of Goderich presiding. President Mrs. Jack Pollock gave the devotional. Librarian Mrs. W. Sanderson of Auburn was secretary for the day in the absence of Mrs. Ray Dyke, Goderich. Home Helpers secretary of the London-Hamilton Synodical, Miss Flora Macdonald, Goderich, gave a report on the Synodical which was held in Goderich in April, and Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Auburn, who is the girls' secretary of the Huron Presbyterial gave highlights of the Synodical. One minute of silence and prayer was observed in memory of Mrs. Wellington Good of Auburn, who passed away in April of this year. She was a valued member and secretary of the Friendship and Service of Huron Presbyterial, Members appointed Mrs. Kalbfleisch of Varna as the new ‘Ittrt.•-• a a VAUSPREAVA1SEMITc., ;.; 100% frost.Proof —even in the zero zone freezer! Model FI14K, 14,12 cu. ft. (CAMA standard) FRIGIDAIRE Sales with Service DRYSDALE CAW HARDWARE Dial 262-2015 HEt4SALL BALL-MACAULAY BUILDING SUPPLIES CLINTON — 482-9514 SEAFORTH 527-0910 HENSALL — 262-2713 El El "SPECIAL OF THE WEEK" Standard Guage Galvanized Steel Roofing Minimum quantity 15 iguanas d a" 6 rolls 79 assorted colours 2 pkgs. PAPER TOWELS (assorted colours) 24-oz, tin IRISH STEW or BEEF STEW COOKIES Dare's assorted 2-lb. pkg, (king size) AEROWAX Liquid floor wax 50-oz. tin ibs.8tA POTATOES McCain Shoestring ti Lipton Chicken Noodle SOUP MIX PREM Swift's 12-oz. tins TOILET TISSUE Purex Scot twin-pack (41/2 -oz. boxes) 4 boxes $1 2/$1 Swift's canned .OLIVES Club House Loose Pack Stuffed 12-oz. jar CORNED BEEF Swift's 12-oz. tin JOY DETERGENT liquid (deal pack) 32.oz, BOLD DETERGENT King size (deal pack) GLIDE Sp, ay Starch 16-oz, FROZEN FOODS $1 2/$1 59C 5(n 494 $1.49 434 69 $1 Boneless Rolled POT ROAST SIDE BACON BOLOGNA 79 lb. 49t PRODUCE No. 1 U.S.A. Sunkist ORANGES Ontario No, 1 Hot House TOMATOES 8In a 494 lb 554 694 694 lb 794 lb 354 394 By the Piece Sliced Size 163 Large Size 'BACK BACON Beef and Pork SAUSAGE Smoked Picnic HAM Fresh Ham STEAKS AL'S { MARKET] HENSALL - ONTARIO The Annual Penny Sale sponsored by Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary was held Friday evening in the Legion Hall, Seventy lovely prizes had been donated by Hensall and District businessmen. Reeve Oliver Jaques drew the winning tickets with prizes going to Seaforth, Egmondville, Clinton, Exeter, Zurich, Kippen and Hensall. Proceeds were very • gratifying. The following are winners. (Names not designated were from Hensall). Fifteen quarts milk, donated by Ron Mock, Wilmer Dalrymple; voucher, $1.50, Isle's Health & Beauty, Hilda Austin, • Seaforth; Tobacco, Kosy Korner, Connie Chivers, Seaforth; Shaving lotion, Don McCurdy, Bill Fairbairn; one year subscription to Huron Expositor, Pat Patrick, Seaforth; $3.00 voucher, Beatons, Vera Brintnell. • Trucker's wallet, Regal Grill, Joyce Pepper; $5 dry cleaning, Brady Cleaners, Mrs. Alex McMichael, Clinton; hair cream, Flynn's Barber, Gordon McDonald, Exeter; kitchen clock, John Reid, Susan Riley; $10 perm voucher, Jean Turvey, • Bruce Austin, Seaforth; $1, Wedge Mover, Sylvia Merner, Seventy prizes donated for annual penny sale Deaconess is speaker at Huron Presbyterial Zurich; voucher, four quarts oil, Kyles Shell, Herb Hedden. Wax and shine, Fink's plumbing, Mrs, Ron Mock; $5 voucher, Grand Bend cleaners, Teresa O'Neil; paint, Doc Kyle, Sandra Maxwell; car mats, Campbell's Garage, Bruce Austin, Seaforth; antifreeze, Stan Kochan, Herb Hedden; broom, Jim Bengough, Herb Hedden. Truck, Hyde Bros., Hazel Corbett, Exeter; rust spray, Hyde Bros., Mrs. Torn Brintnell; two quarts oil, Supertest Garage, Kenneth Dolmage, Seaforth; voucher, dry cleaning, one man's suit, Mid-Town, Melvin Wurm; voucher, dry cleaning, one dress, Mid-Town, Jim Smale; pillow cases, Cook Bros., Nancy Stretton; nylon kit for girl, Legion Aux., Mae McLellon. Tina Katrina doll kit, Legion Aux., Beth Munn; bus, Legion Auxiliary, Connie Van Baaren; chip and dip, General Coach Works, Marg Smale, Seaforth; ice cream, Wes Richardson, Colleen Koehler; table mats, Guess Who? Liz Brown, Seaforth; grass seed sower, Co-Op, Vera Brintnell. Lawn chair, Clarence Reid, Connie Van Baaren; jeep, Legion Aux., Hilda Austin, Seaforth; racing car, Legion Aux., Howard Finkbeiner, Zurich; one year the 22nd birthday party of the Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter. Cards will be sent to Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas, 94, Brucefield, patient in Seaforth Community Hospital, A thank-you note was read from Goderich Lodge in appreciation of a donation toward the money tree which was presented from District Lodges. A second nomination was held and officers for 1969-70 were elected: Noble Grand, Mrs. Elgin Thompson and Vice-Grand, Mrs. Jack Taylor, both of Brucefleld; recording secretary, Mrs. Leona Parke, Hensall; financial secretary, Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Hensall; treasurer, Mrs. Ed. Corbett, RR 1 Exeter; trustee, Mrs. John Corbett, RR 1 Exeter. Noble Grand Mrs. Earl Campbell presided for the meeting of the local lodge. The June meeting of U.C.W. Unit 4 was held in the Assembly Hall of the United Church Thursday afternoon with 25 present. President Mrs, James McAllister opened with a Bible verse, gave a brief article on Faith, and offered prayer. The devotion was given by Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, taken from the 121st Psalm followed with an inspiring message on it. Her talk was on Christian Outlook, Worship, Faith and Trust in God. Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle and Charles returned Tuesday evening from a very pleasant motor trip to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. They attended the Baccalaureate Service at Lehigh University Sunday for the graduate relatives and friends and on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Mickle attended the graduation exercises when Charles received his Master of Arts degree in International Relations at the University. Mr. & Mrs, James Bozzato and Dana, Port Colborne, are vacationing with the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs, William Kyle, Mrs. John Joynt is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Scruton of Port Miter visited recently with Mr. & Mrs, Peter McNaughton and Mrs, Pearl Shaddick. Webster Buchanan of gssox visited friends here on the Weekend. subscription to Times-Advocate, Maude Hedden; blanket, Queensway Nursing Home, Bill Fairbairn; soap, powder and oil, Leona Parke, Helen Thiel, Zurich; picnic table cover, Ball & McCauley, Shirley Smale; bathroom mat, Irwin's Ladies' Wear, Martha Rooseboom. Paint set, Legion Aux., Judy Campbell, Exeter; five year diary, Legion Aux., Shirley Rooseboom; measuring cups on racks, guess who? Ray Schwalm; paint set, Legion Aux., David Skea; doll and diaper bag set, Legion Aux., Jan Zimmer, Zurich; doll dishes, Legion Aux., Fred Beer; manicure set, Legion Aux., Dean McClinchey; Bonspeil game, 5 to $1 store, Bonnie Sangster, Towel and washcloth, Raye Paterson, John Deeves; $10, Dr. Goddard, Linda Reid; glasses in rack, Crest Hardware, Cathie Sangster; fishing pole, Legion Branch, Mrs. Ray Consitt, Kippen; split leaf philodendran, Reder's, Mrs. J. Randall; $10 voucher, Al's Supersave, Norman Gasho, Zurich; electric fry pan, Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, Mrs. W. Scrabuick; diapers, Taylor's, Rose Harris; cradle fish game, Taylor's, Herb Turkheim. Four-wheel balanced, Ted Thuss, Mrs. J. Randall; two dinners, Hensall Hotel, Joe McLellan; two chicken in basket, Freeze King, Pat Patrick, Seaforth; oil painting, Legion Aux., Alma Hess; cuff link set, Joynt's, Karen Boyle; one year subscription, Citizens' News, Herb Hedden; one year subscription to Citizens-News, Donna Allan; pillow cases, P. L. McNaughton, David Smale; bath mat set, Thompson's Mill, Norman Gasho, Zurich; picture, Bonthron's, Mrs. Mac McLean, Egmondville; mixer, PUC, Roberta Wadel; flashlight, Fuss Electric, Gail Reid, Exeter; $5, Hensall Sales Barn, Kevin Bisback. Bryan Fink weds in Exeter The Fink-Baynham wedding which took place in Main Street United Church Exeter, Saturday was the last registered wedding to be held in this church which is closing the end of June to amalgamate with James Street United Church, Exeter. Bryan Fink, the groom, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink, Hensall, and the bride, Sharon Baynham, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Baynham, Exeter. Mrs. McAllister welcomed a former member, Mrs. Elva Coates of Exeter who sang two selections. Miss Greta Lammie was the accompanist. A film strip on the "Middle Aged" was shown describing how to make the most of it. It was followed by a question and answer period. A report showed that .fourteen boxes of used clothing were sent to Toronto; two boxes to Memorial Hospital, Hazelton, B.C.; and two boxes to the Salvation Army, London. A thank you note was read. Arrangements were made for the general meeting June 16. A social hour was held and a quilt finished. Woman dies at age 93 Mrs. Martha Harvey, a resident of Huronview, and formerly of Hensall, passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, Saturday in her 96th year. Recently Mrs, Harvey celebrated her 95th birthday at Huronview with a party arranged by relatives. June 1 she fractured her hip in a fall Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas of Brucefield, last surviving member of a family of thirteen; and nieces and nephews. Her husband, Albert Harvey died many years ago. Public funeral services were held from Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, Monday, conducted by Rev. I), B. Stuart of Brucefield, Interment was in Exeter cemetery. Pallbearers were Roy Consitt, Harvey Jacobe, Min Stokes, Walker Carlile, Bldon Jarrott and Leeland Willert, Hensall Unit .2 stvdies Chimp The June meeting .of Unit II of Hensall United Church was held June 9 with an attendance of 28. :Mrs., John Corbett opened the meeting and gave a reading. John Blackwell favored with three piano solos. Mrs. John Drysdale had the devotional lessons from China on "Indoctrinal Mrs. Ron Wareing read the scripture taken from St. Matthew. A thank you card was read from Mrs. Ken McLean. Plans were discussed for the bake sale which is Saturday, .June 21 at the church. General meeting is June 16. Mrs, Harold Currie showed a film called "Middle Age — making the most of it." Mrs. Joan Wall conducted a contest. Mrs. Rodger Venner and her group served a delicious lunch. Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. Grain a Feed • Cement building Supplies Coal 228-6638 June 12, 1909. Pogo S • • • Barbara and Katherine Orr of Crediton spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr. Mrs. Elizabeth Sararas was taken by ambulance last week to St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr, & Mrs. Lloyd Shepherd, Sombra, visited with Mr. & Mrs. R. A, Orr, Saturday. Harold Horner, RR 2 Zurich, 14th concession of Hay, is a • patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Ninety students of grades 6, 7 and 8 of Hensall and Zurich Public schools accompanied by their principal and teachers will enjoy a bus trip to Detroit Wednesday. They will visit the Zoo, Greenfield Village and Ford Museum. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Pollock spent the weekend in Tavistock at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wall and girls. Henson and- district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Mayde Hedden, Phone 2624002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 Friendship and Service secretary. A piano duet was played by Mrs. Malcolm Dougail and Mrs. Ed. Munn. Regional secretary for London •Hamilton, Deaconess Miss Barbara Woodruff was guest speaker and also explained how to use and fill out the annual report forms. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm of Hensall thanked the guest speaker and Mrs. R. A. Orr, president of the Hensall Women's Missionary Society invited the ladies all to stay for lunch served by the Carmel Church ladies. WMS ANNIVERSARY The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, will celebrate their 79th anniversary tonight (Thursday) at 8 p.m. Guest speaker is Mrs. Eric. Luther, Hensall. Guests will be from Kippen United Church, Zurich Lutheran Church, and the Arnold Circle and Home Helpers of the Hensall church, Rebekahs name slate; • attend party in Exeter 1101111111111111111111111111111;111111Iiiii lllll 1111111111111111111111411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111W1111111111.111.11111 Hensall personals a 1,111.1,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,181111111111111111111111 iiiiiii III llllll 11111111.111111111111(1111111111111 Unit 4 sees film strip about the middle aged