The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-06-05, Page 16Pao. 4unik • 1949 GETTING A HAWK AUTOGRAPH-Pit Martin of the Chicago Black Hawks was the guest speaker at Monday's minor hockey banquet sponsored by the Lucan Lions club. Above, Martin is signing autographs for Bill and Lyle Westman and Paul Hodgins. T-A photo. Minor hockey players get trophies and awards Correspondent Mrs. Frances Seward Phone 227.4"x1.7 LUICCOri and distritt news HALF-PRICE FILM PROCESSING BLACK AND WHITE S Exposure 55 Cents 12 - 85 Cents KODACQLOR 8 Exposure $2.12 12 $2.88 By-pass "middleman store- keeper," send DIRECT to processing plant and save 50%! Send film, cash, cheque or money order along with this ad to: Clinton Photo Service CLINTON, ONTARIO INDIVIDUAL STARS-In addition to team trophies, individual awards were presented to members of the Ltican minor hockey program at Monday's windup banquet. Above, Lions hockey chairman Clare Stanley is presenting trophies to from left, Bob Cornish, the most aggressive player and Jeff Culbert, the h igh es t scorer. T-A photo TOWNSHIP of HAY - • -AUDITOR'S REPORT The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, The Corporation of the Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario. Gentlemen: I have audited the accounts and records of the Township of Hay for the year ended December 31, 1968, and have pre- pared therefrom the statements listed in the index accompany- ing this report. Operations The operations for the year resulted in a surplus of $7,029.53, after taking prior years surplus of $15,395.60 into 1968 revenue and providing $10,000.00 to increase the reserve for working funds. General The records of the Hay Township School Area were not maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures. The cash receipts book had not been written up past April of 1968. Numerous errors were made in the pay- ment of accounts and the recording of payments in the cheque register as to the amount of the cheque and the distribution. It would appear that the Secretary-Treasurer never reconciled the bank account, a procedure which should be done every month. Many errors were made in maintaining payroll records and most of the T4 slips sent to 1968 employees are incorrect. The tax levy to Hay Township School Area from Stephen Township in the amount of $311.13 had not been deposited by March 31, 1969, although it was apparently forwarded to Hay Township School Area in December, 1968. The balance of a Federal Sales Tax Rebate on school con- struction costs incurred in 1966 and 1967 has not been applied for. On April 25, 1969, a Hay Township School Area cheque sent to the Receiver General of Canada for $2,329.35 to pay the balance of 1968 Income Tax and Canada Pension Plan de- ductions results in an overpayment of $1,969.03. The accounts and records of the Township of Hay were maintained in a satisfactory manner and your Clerk-Treasurer is to be commended for his work. Auditor's Opinion Subject to the qualifications concerning the Hay Township School Area I hereby report that in my opinion 1. The financial transactions which have come under notice have been within the powers of the municipality. 2. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the in. structions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 3. The financial statements present fairly the financial posi- tion of the municipality as at December 31, 1968, and the results •of its operations for the year ended on that date. 4. The financial statements are not prepared on a basis con- sistant with prior years but have been changed to conform with the new financial statements designed by the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs. A. M. HARPER, • Licence Number 3664. Date of filing, May 30, 1969. Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the year ending December 31, 1968 REVENUE Taxation: Realty Business Special charges Contributions from other governments: Payments in lieu of taxes Subsidies Other revenue TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURE General government Protection to persons and property l Public works Sanitation and waste removal Conservation of health Social and family services Recreation and community services Financial expenses Other County-share of expenditure Education-local contributions TOTAL EXPENDITURE Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditure for the year Surplus at the beginning of the year Surplus at the end of the year $209,908.03 3,551,39 23,994.18 237,453.60 550.28 117,649.74 118,200.02 4,800.56 360,454.18 18,078.92 3,952.95 152,571.50 347.00 500.00 2,202.23 692.92 11,859.83 2,777.40 63,504.00 112,333.50 368,820.25 (8,366.07) 15,395.60 7,029.53 Analysis of Revenue for the year ended December 31, 1968 Taxation: Ilealty-Residential and gum l -Commercial and industrial Other revenue: Licenses and permits lll ll Rents, concessions and franchises llll Penalties and interest on taxes llllll _- Provision for deferred income -________ ll l l TOTAL REVENUE Other-Police Village of Dashwood County-share of expenditure Education-local contributions: Elementary-publice Secondary -separate TOTAL EXPENDITURE Revenue Fund Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1968 ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable: Other governments-Ontario Municipalities Local boards and other funds: Municipal drains financed from •current funds _- Other, after deducting allowance for doubtful accounts Taxes receivable, after deducting allowance for uncollectable taxes Property acquired for taxes, after deducting allowance for loss on sale LIABILITIES Bank 'overdraft Temporary loans Local boards and other funds: Due to schools Capital funds Other: Pre levy re Parkhill dam construction Trade accounts payable Debenture principal and interest outstanding Other liabilities Reserves Surplus Statement of Source and Application of Capital Fund for the year ended December 31, 1968 SOURCE OF FUNDS Contributions from the revenue fund for: Capital expenditure $ 5,186.51 Other-Adjustment from revenue fund re Tile Drain Loans 298.24 Balance at the end of the year not permanently financed 1,183.04 $ 6,667.79 APPLICATION OF FUNDS Balance at the beginning of the year not permanently financed $ 1,481.28 Capital expenditure: General government 236.20 Public works 4,950.31 $ 6,667.79 Capital Fund Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1968 ASSETS Due from Revenue Funds -_-_------ -- ----- $ 1,183.04 Future recoveries from levies or rates: Municipal enterprises 425,000.00 School boards 382;705.17 Other ---- - -- ----- ------ 145,523,23 Pixed assets 954,411.44 57,521.83 $1,011,038.27 LIABILITIES Ne Gene ral teem liabilities: municipal activities -- - Municipal enterprises ------ School boards --- -------------- 954,411.44 Equity in fixed assets .4* 57,621 8.3 $1,011,033.27 May 15, 1969 Analysis of Expenditure for the year ended December 31, 1968 General government Members of council General administration Protection to persons and property: Fire Police •inspections Unclassified Public works: Roadways Unclassified Sanitation and waste removal: Garbage collection and disposal Conservation of health: Unclassified Social and family services: General assistance Recreation and community services: Parks and recreation Financial expenses: Interest on temporary borrowing Provision for allowances Unclassified $ 4,804.65 13,274.27 18,078.92 2,275.00 85.57 1,592.38 3,952.95 128,577.32 23,994.18 152,571.50 347.00 500.00 2,202.23 692.92 1,801.94 10,000.00 57.89 11,859.83 2,777.40 63,504.00 36,824.53 12,162.82 63,346.15 112,333.50 $368,820.25 $ 1,550.57 25,929.46 565.98 28,046.01 37,758.11 65,804.12 810.50 21,648.75 63.30 $ 88,326.67 $ 4,244.23 6,600.00 10,844.23 198.01 1,183 04 12,225.28 512.85 500.19 3,610.00 16,848.32 418.82 64,000.00 7,029.53 $ 88,326.67 146,706.27 425,000.00 382,105.17 4001.11100monlamlomonomionliollonmonisminn $usiness Special charges Contributions from other governreents: Ontario Subsidies--Ontario-General Per capita llllll ll ll l ll lllll Residential property tax reduction s Specific: Roadways---. General welfare assistance Warble Fly lllll lllll ll l - $198,795.91 11,112.12 209,908.08 3,551.39 23,994,18 237,453.60 550.28 550.28 9,645.00 35,249.54 71,050.45 1,498,13 206.62 117,649.74 118,200.02 2,179.00 034.00 1,418.82 78.62 190,12 4,800.66 $360.454.18 Chicago Black Hawk star, `Pit' Martin presented awards at Lucan and District Lions Club Hockey Night June 2. There were 81 hockey players present from novice and peewee teams and about 80 adults including parents and Lions. An award was presented to most improved players on each team, six in all, as follows: to William Sentjens, Ilderton Lions award by Lucan Lanes; David Latta, Jets by Clare Stanley; G. Bedard, Lucan Lions, by Clarence Haskett; Gary Curreh, BUSINESS GRAD Kenneth H. Simpson, B.E. Sc., son of Mrs. E. Ross Lucan, and the late J. E. Simpson, received the degree of Master of Business . Administration at U.W.O. convocation, May 31. Mr. Simpson is presently employed with the Department of Transport in Ottawa. ANGLICAN Sunday morning service was in the charge of Rev. R.A. Carson. Flowers in the church were in memory of Victor Westman. A.Y.M. Election of officers for the Anglican Youth Movement was held May 26. Those elected were: Co-Presidents, Brian Ankers and Peggy Bison; secretary, Carol Haskett; treasurer, Frances Bison; Group leaders, Ron Crudge, Judy Hardy and Jim Macklem. A.Y.M. will be present for Holy Communion Service 8 a.m., Sunday with breakfast following. First meeting with new officers was held Monday, June 2. LEAGUE OF LOYALTY Three members had perfect attendance for the year. They were Bill Carson, Tim Culbert and Cheryl Hardy. Five missed one Sunday: Karen Henderson, Bill Henderson, John Henderson, Holly Bison and Stephen Revington. Lynn Stanley missed two Sundays and Brenda Haskett missed four. Five Sundays were missed by Jane Hardy, Jeff Shipley, Laurie Shipley, Linda Kraul, Rickie Freeman and Bill Lewis. UNITED Rev. W.C. Tupling was in charge of Sunday morning service at Lucan United Church last Sunday, Sunday will be "Flower Sunday" and the Church School Will participate in this service. Sunday, June 15 is the Church Anniversary and Rev. Donald Orth, former Missionary in Japan, now of the Centralia School of Agriculture and Food, will be the guest speaker. FRIENDSHIP UNIT, LLCM, The Friendship Unit of Lucan United Church U,C.W, met at the home of Mrs, Tom Barr last Tuesday. There were seven Mernbers present, Mrs. D. Emery conducted the Worship service, and also read the fifth chapter from the Study Raiders, by Harold Butler; Rick Millman, Thunderbirds, by Bob Gibbons; Wayne Hall, Wildcats, by Cliff McLean. Trophy for high scorer was awarded by Leroy Revington to Jeff Culbert of the Raiders and the most aggressive player award by George Noyes to Bob Cornish, Thunderbirds. The novice trophy for the season was awarded to the Jets and the peewee trophy to the Raiders. The following coaches were given an enthusiastic vote of thanks for their work during the season: Doug Arrand, Ilderton The Ladies Auxiliary Trophy has been awarded to Branch 540 because of the Lucan Luminary being judged the best bulletin published by a Class "C" Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion in Ontario. J.W. (Bill) Smith, Branch 540 director and deputy-zone commander of Zone A-5, received the trophy at the Provincial Convention in Cornwall last week on behalf of the editor, Art Bates. Entries in the Provincial Bulletin Award Competition came from all over the province and were judged in three classes. Class "C" is branches with 125 members or less, Class "B" is branches with 126 to 325 members, and Class "A" are those branches in excess of 325 members. Book, "Man Alive." Next regular meeting will be June 20 at the home of Mrs. A. Jones where a barbecue has been arranged for that day. Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Emery served lunch. EVENING UNIT, LUCAN U.C.W. The Evening Unit of the U.C.W. met at Lucan United Church with nine members present, and their leader Mrs. Emerson Stanley, presiding. Mrs. Stewart Park acted as secretary-treasurer in the absence of Mrs. A. W. Thompson and Mrs. A. Reilly. Mrs. Stewart Park read a chapter from the study book, "Man Alive". Worship service was conducted by Mrs, Ivan Stanley and Bible reading by Mrs. Frances Seward. Lunch was served by Mrs. Alex Young and Mrs, M.A. Cobleigh. OMISSION Jane Hardy, Carol Hardy and Sandra Avery made the "Welcome Miss Abbott" card for the special service honoring the former League of Loyalty director. This was really a banner four feet by two feet which they had printed and decorated themselves. Lions; Charlie Glenn and Gus. Sutherland, Jets; Doug Cornish, Lucan Lions; Al Perry, Raiders; Bob Gibbons, Thunderbirds; Bill Hodgins and Ray Thompson, Wildcats. A short business session was held by members of the Lion Club. Arrangements are being made to organize the first annual sports day at the Lions Park. The events are for all Lucan School children and preschoolers. Refreshments will be provided. The probable date is June 21 and final arrangements will be announced at a later date. Bulletins were judged on branch information including reports or notices of branch activities, humour, special features, contributions, editorial comment and front page masthead and also on impressiveness (printing, layout, typography, pictures, illustrations, cartoons) The Lucan branch is especially pleased to win this award as this is the first year of publication for the Luminary and the copies submitted for judging were the first three issues printed. The Sir Arthur Currie Branch of Strathroy was awarded the Leo Cunningham trophy as Class "B" winners. This meant that two of the three tropics were brought back to Zone A-5. NEW STEWARD June 1 saw Percy (Bud) Richardson assume duties as steward at Branch 540 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Bud retired as a Warrant Officer First Class from the Canadian Forces (RCEME) in 1967 and leaves a position with Canadian Admiral in London to take up his new post. The new steward is married with two children and lives at RR 3, Lucan. W. (Wally) Boyes, who has served the Branch for five years, celebrated his 70th birthday April 21 and retired as steward as of May 31. They will live in Motherwell, Ont. A social evening is being planned for Friday, June 20 to honour Mr. and Mrs. Boyes. With the announcement of the change in staff, Legion President Jack Elson also announced that due to changes in Ontario's liquor legislation there will be changes also in the hours of the Sea-Land-Air Lounge. Commencing June 1 the lounge will be open from 8 p.m. until 1 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 5 to 6:30 and 8 to 1 on Thursday and Friday, and from 12 noon to 6:30 and 8 to 1 a.m. Saturdays. HOLD COFFEE PARTY Members of Lucan Branch Women's Institute held a Coffee Party and Talent Sale in Nevin's Motor Showroom last Friday. Tops clubbers prepare banner Lucan and District Streamliners' TOPS, held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Gary McKenzie, their leader, with eight members present and 1 weigh-in. Weights recorded were good, but some little pigs had to be taken out, and all members are hoping that with nice weather the little pigs will learn to stay at home. Mrs. Mary McRobert was Queen for the week. Work was started on the TOPS banner which will be taken to the Convention in Toronto. This is a lot of work, but with eight pairs of willing and capable hands it is hoped to have it ready on time. Here is another Diet Recipe, Molasses Bran Muffins (To make 12 muffins - 67 calories in each) 2 cups All-Bran, 1 cup water, 3 teaspoons molasses, 1 egg, 2 teaspoons liquid sweetener, 1/2 cup flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 14 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Method: Place All-Bran in bowl and cover with water, let stand 5 minutes, add molasses, well-beaten egg and liquid sweetener. Sift together remaining ingredients, add to first mixture and mix well. Bake in muffin tins for 30 minutes at 375 degrees. CROWNED QUEEN Mary Angela Glavin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Glavin, RR 1 Clan deboye was crowned Queen at North Middlesex District High School, Parkhill, at the annual Spring Prom held recently. Well-known man dies suddenly Victor Westman died suddenly in his 88th year, at his late residence, Lot 13, South Boundary Biddulph Township, Tuesday, May 27. He was pre-deceased by his wife Olive Eedy, and is survived by one son, Bev Westman of Biddulph Township; two brothers, Melville and Harold; a' sister, Miss Milda Westman; and a granddaughter, Janet Westman, all of Biddulph Township. The body rested at the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home, Lucan, where the funeral service was conducted by Rev. Susan Seymour, May 29, Interment was in Birr United Cemetery. Pallbearers were Erwin Gowan, Doug Pattison, Harold Westman, Ken Westman, Eldon Westman and Stan Burnett. Flowerbearers were Austin Hobbs, Wilf Garrett, Gerald Siroen, Bill Cook, Roy Moore and Earl Middleton. Lucanite feted at graduation Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kraul and Mrs. E. Ross entertained at the former's home for Ken H, Simpson, B.E. Sc., who received his degree of Master of Business Administration at U.W.O.'s convocation on Saturday. Mr. Simpson is the son of Mrs. Ross and the late J.E. Simpson and the brother of Mrs. Kraul. Out.ottown guests included Mrs. K. Simpson, Arran and Erica of London; Mr. and Mrs. Ian Allison and Miss Jane Allison Of Windsor; Vaughan Peckham Of West Lorne; Walter Lyon and Dave Lyon of Moncton, N.B. Miss Allison and Mr. Peckham both received their degrees in Honors B.A. in Physical and Health Education at Tuesday's C.W.O. Convocation. Dave Lyon also received his M.B.A. degree Saturday, ATTEND CONVOCATION Mrs, A.R. Reilly attended the Convocation of her granddaughter, Joan Ariel liaist, who received her Bachelor of Science degree at, Brock University. CGIT girls hold last meet Lucan-Clandeboye C,G.I.T. held their last meeting before the summer recess last Tuesday at the Lucan United Church. Ann Stanley led the worship service. As the part of their Bible Study on Judaism a full bus-load of the girls and their leaders, Mrs. R.B. Worthington and Mrs. Clare Stanley, visited O'Shalom Synagogue in London where the Rabbi Samuel showed them over the building and talked about the Jewish religion. Saturday, the Junior group with their leader Mrs. M.H. Hodgins visited the Moslem Mosque and the Russian Orthodox Church in London. Biddulph former dies in London Thomas Albert Allan Langford of Biddulph Township died Sunday at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs, John (Marie) Dunnell of Rannock, and Mrs. Charlie (Olive) Gowan of Granton; and one brother, Clayton Langford of Biddulph Township. He was predeceased by a sister, Mrs. Melvin (Verna) Dawn, formerly of London. The body rested at the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home, Lucan, where the funeral service was conducted by Rev. Susan Seymour Tuesday, June 3. Interment was in Siloam Cemetery. OAMOM 4100A omnI0Wpoln nifionWilom i1plp01W new, personals 1111111111111111 11.1.111 01111.4.1114110111.14111.41111411,1111AIMA111041 Cliff Abbott who underwent in St, Joseph's Hospital, London, is making satisfactory recovery, Mrs. Abbott is staying with her sister, M. M.H. Mullins in London, while her husband is in the nospital. Mrs. Bob Coleman was a Thursday overnight guest with her daughter, Mrs. W.V. Garrett and both visited other London relatives. LUCAN LEGION AnnOuneginent New Hours SEA-LAND-AIR LOUNGE Mon„ Tues., Wed. 8:00 P.M. - 1:00 A.M. Thur. and Fri. 6:00 - 6:30 and 8:00 -1:00 Saturday 12:00 noon - 6:30 and 8:00 - 1:00 More -Logan News Pli.P.a90 113 I llllll lllll llllllllll 10111i11101“7 llllllllllllll lllllllll .14111M4111. lllllllllllll lllll 1111 lllllll 1111110111 Church news llllllllllllllll 111111111111unll111111111111111111111111111111 uk lllll 01 lllllllll Min llllllll unnOmmunlinA 11111111 1111111111 Auxiliary bulletin is fudged best in province 0 xa If et Kf ry 0.) rl 4