HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-05-15, Page 10For Automatic Dishwashers Cascade Giant Size 99 4 Spic and Span Giant Size FROZEN FOOD Wallace Turkey Pies 4/594 Target Sockeye Salmon 7,202 2199C Rose Brand Assorted Relishes 12 oz Each 29C Kraft Cheese Slices 16 oz. L b by's Tomato Juice 48 oz. White Sugar Hostess Potato Chips 11 oz. Cheese Sticks Hostess Rainbow Facial Tissues 200's 69C 2 /5 4n 5,bs49C 59t 3/$1.00 6/$1.00 PRODUCE Weston's Mix or Match Bread Pa c k agghe s 8 IV Buns 4P: Hot Dog or Hamburg Chevrolet Pacesetter Values This year's cars at less than last year's prices. You already know where most prices are going. Up. So ';•)UW;;;•:,;•.- you'd naturally expect the brand-new '69 cars shown here to cost a lot more than last year. Fact is, many cars in this year's line-up from Chevrolet cost less, much less, than last year's models. For instance, the 2-door Impala, equipped with power disc brakes, Turbo Hydra-matic transmission, whitewalls, wheel covers and head restraints, plus a bigger motor than last year, is yours for $120.50* less than last year's figure. And comparable savings are waiting for you on many Nova, Chevelle and Camaro models. In other words, you can buy many of this year's cars at1P.ss than last year's prices. Which is what putting you first is all about. From the top, Chevy Nova, Chevelle Malibu, Camaro and Impala. "/ • .g.irri;••••••••'''''. • ''''' ."';•;••,:iiiati:4;:?;•;•:•••.,4,•••• Every Chevrolet has to make it before we mark it. KAARKOF xCELLENCE *Based bn rriafaufacturer's suggested maximum retail prices, including federal sales and excise lax and suggested dealer delivery and handling charges. Pacesetter Values SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER SNELL BROS. LIMITED 450 MAIN STREET EXETER CXPS.369.tit PHONE 285-0660 Mr. & Mrs. Bert Garrett, Clinton, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Eileen, to Robert Earl Munn, Windsor, son of Mrs. Beatrice Munn of Cromarty, the wedding to take place June 14, 1969, in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, Ontario. Miss Garrett is a graduate of Woodstock General Hospital School of Nursing and Mr. Munn is a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto. Tea 'n Topics exeter frozen foods c7affilet/MARKET ItIGROCERIES • FRESH PRODUCE FRESH E. CJPEL MEATS 2 35-0400 A a •••••• o.• 2 for FREE DELIVERY in EXETER I • • I" • . .::'1',II'diiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIPJ11111111111111)p Specials from Proctor & Gamble Liquid Detergent Joy 2/99 4 Ice Cream A Gallon 89' Bissetts Quality Whether by accident or by design, the Women's Auxiliary to South. Huron Hospital agreed to bannish cigarettes from the hospital cart at the same meeting as their special speaker, Dr, G.P,A. Evans, Medical Officer of Health for Huron, issued a powerful case against the noxious weed tobacco. In her report concerning the Auxiliary 'tuck cart' which is circulated among the patients at South Huron Hospital on a regular basis, Mrs. Hilda Smith asked for the feelings of the group regarding the sale of cigarettes in the hospital. She wondered if the SH ALIY;" • j wanted to follow the examp of Victoria Hospital in London where the sale of cigarettes in the hospital was banned, Within seconds, a show of hands gave support to her suggestion to withdraw the cigarettes from among the items for sale to patients. Mrs. Smith later reported a marked decrease in the amount of cigarettes purchased from the Unit 3 of the UCW of James St. United Church met Monday evening, opening with dessert and coffee. Dist. president visits Lodge District Deputy President Mary Lowe of Brussels Lodge paid her official visit to Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge , Wed- nesday night. Following a banquet in the Parish Hall at Trivitt Memorial Church, the members retired to the Lodge rooms for their meeting. Nine sisters from Brussels and four sisters from Victoria Lodge, London, were also present. Plans were made for a birthday party June 4 with Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall, as guests. The draw for the afghan will also be made at this meeting. cart during the last year. In his address to the ladies in conjunction with Hospital Day, Dr. Evans deplored the cigarette habit. He said there are 5,000 deaths annually in Canada of lung cancer with cigarettes the leading contributing factor to the disease. He also disclosed that sputum cytology clinics are to be set up throughout the county soon where the common 'spit' of smokers will be tested for the early signs of lung cancer. "This is a must for people who cannot or will not give up smoking," remarked Dr. Evans. "By the time lung cancer is detected through Xray, it is too late in most cases," He outlined the child health segment of the program including immunization, preventative dentistry, testing for hearing and vision defects, certain blood tests and a comparatively new field, mental health. The school program, Dr. Evans noted, was growing each Mrs. Maurice Love, leader opened the meeting with a spring thought and all repeated the new version of the Lord's Prayer. Business was then discussed and plans made. The program convener Mrs. Garnet Shipman opened her part of the meeting with Spring — A Happy Thought, assisted by Mrs. Mervin Cudmore who read the scripture. Mrs. Maurice Love who spoke on love and said as Mother's Day had just been obeserved or Family Day as they now call it, it is well to remember that mother is the center of the family and to think of what mother gave besides love. During her talk on love she gave these things to think about: Love is patient, never boastful, never conceited, never rude, never selfish, keeps no score of wrongs. It is all sufficient. A discussion period followed and the meeting closed with the benediction. year, This will in all probability include preventative dentistry beginning this fall. In the high schools, skilled counsellors assist with the psychological and sexual awareness problems of youth. Adult clinics to screen for tuberculosis through chest Xrays, cervical cancer by Pap smears, diabetes and kidney ailments through urine tests and blood pressure abnormalities are also offered, Dr. Evans said water and air pollution as well as the "gross misuse of herbicides and pesticides" are becoming a prime concern of public health authorities. He noted the polluted condition of Lake Erie where shipping boats are warned not to use the water within five miles of the shore. Not even boiling or chlorination will make that water safe, Dr. Evans said, and it has been estimated it will take about 20 billion dollars to clean up the lake to the condition it was about 1939. The MOH also advocated home care programs whereby nursing staff would be available to patients at home, thereby eliminating the need for hospital care in some instances. During the business portion of the meeting, it was learned that profits at the spring rummage sale amounted to over $1200. New ideas were invited for the fall rummage sale to be held October 17 and 18. More money is expected for the cancer society in this part of the county, but already $3,658.22 has been collected in addition to $1,010.40 received through memorial donations. Sorority tea for mothers The Beta Sigma Phi Mother's Day tea was held in the James Street Church ladies' parlors Wednesday afternoon. Corsages were presented to the mothers on arrival. Guest speaker was Mrs. Robert Simpson who displayed and spoke about her collection of antique glass. At a tea table decorated with black candles, yellow roses and white mums, Mrs. Earl Russell and Mrs. Bob Dinney poured tea. — Continued from page 9 previous Department of Agriculture study. Any differences that appeared at first glance could be attributed to the fact that the rural homemaker does have access to home garden produce, dairy products and meats grown on their own premises. Also some years have elapsed since the first survey and changing trends have influenced the nutritional habits of everyone. "It was found that those interviewed in this survey served a good variety of nutritious foods to their families and there was no indication of u n d er nutri tion whatsoever. Generally meals served are in accordance with Canada's Food Guide. "A very good lunch program was observed at the McCurdy Public School in Huron Park and what the students observed there, was born out by the information collected from the homemakers, that is, that lunches packed contain good protein-rich sandwich fillings and a commendable quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables. "All homemakers seemed conscientious in supplying a good daily source of vitamin C to their families mostly in the form of orange juice and fresh oranges. About half of those interviewed also buy additional vitamin and mineral preparations because of an awareness of the importance of .good nutrition. "Meat cookery seems to be the greatest problem to homemakers everywhere.',' * Supplies of tomatoes from Canadian hothouses are appearing on many produce counters, competing with the imported ones. These hothouse tomatoes have been grown under ideal conditions and are not picked until the ripening has started. Watch for our Canadian hothouse cucumbers as well. They are a uniform dark green color. Like the hothouse tomatoes, cucumbers should be kept at room temperature. If held in the refrigerator they lose flavor and texture rapidly. SWEET AND SOUR TOMATO SALAD 3 tomatoes, sliced 1u.2 tablespoons sliced green onion 12 slices cucumber cup salad oil 2 tablespoons vinegar 1/2. teaspoon salt 112 teaspoon sugar 1/8 teaspoon dry mustard 1/8 teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Arrange tomato and cucumber slices in a serving dish. Sprinkle with green onions. Combine remaining ingredients except parsley in a jar and shake well. Pour . over salad and marinate for half an hour in the ,,refrigerator, Just . before serving sprinkle with parsley. 6 servings. TOMATO SOUR CREAM DRESSING 1/2 cup peeled diced tomatoes 1 tablespoon chopped green onions 1/2 clove garlic, crushed 2 teaspoons chopped parsley 1/2 cup sour cream 3/4 teaspoon salt Dash pepper 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons grated cheddar cheese Combine all ingredients and chill thoroughly. Serve as a dressing with lettuce wedges or tossed green salad. Makes about 1 cup. This dressing should be stored in the refrigerator and used within 2 Or 3 days. * Fresh Ontario asparagus is now on the market. Buy firm, green stalks with tightly-closed tips; plan on one pound for four servings. - To prepare for cooking, remove loose scales and wash thoroughly, using a brush to remove sand. Snap off each end at the point where it breaks easily. Tie the stalks in bunches and stand up in a deep pot or a glass coffee percolator with salted water halfway up the stalks. Boil until tender-crisp, approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Serve with salt, pepper, butter, or a hot creamsauce. Combine 1/4 cup liquid in which the asparagus was cooked with 4 tablespoons butter and 1/2 teaspoon marjoram. Simmer uncovered for 5 minutes and then serve over drained, cooked asparagus. ate go lie Happy birthday greetings are extended this week to the following members of the Over 80 Club: Mrs. Etta Baker, Grand Bend, who will be 80 years old dMMissay 21;Pearl Kraft, Dashwood, who will be celebrating her 80th birthday May 18; Mrs. Pat Reid, 4 Rathmine St., London (formerly of Exeter North) who will be 88 years old May 22; Mrs. Sadie Lawson, Gidley Street, Exeter, Who will be 81 years old May 17; Mrs. Mary Miller, RR 1 Staffa, will celebrate her 87th birthday May 17; Mrs. Martha Harvey, Hurianview (formerly of Hensall) celebrating her 95th birthday May 15. 6 oz. Pkg. 3 /8 90 Bone Removed lb. 79 C Pape 10 Times-Advocate, May 15, 1969 SH ,Hospital auxiliary will .not sell cigarettes King Size Tide G rapefruit Florida 48's Oranges Sunkist 163's Cello Radishes or Green Onions MEATS Schneider's No. 1 • Chicken Legs Large Size Schneider's Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls Schneider's Assorted Cold Cuts Blade Roasts James St. Unit learns real meaning of love To marry in June 10/59C 2 Dozen 69C 2/254 lb. 534 lb. 6sn Baby Beef Liver lb. 55C Skinless G round Chuck Extra Lean lb. 79( We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities