Semi-Weekly Signal, 1869-8-3, Page 2smoememaeweeemmosideme kikeitilkokimegrimcarnsifee • YrdrdN ( op re.- Persona Perish from Thirst• I Y • tlMaward at VilbOougr'e. A HaYDlVL WARNING TOYouaeLLuwa 1'A 1 F`, au. T. It make ... brick builds% I (-Tlu Tuwato Td prapA 7r : ♦ aw ul •urk 'tb. b ua d kw night Jag w3/6eaaans3 tsa. It r Whit „►Meld. He ►tits010/1" «.,a1tRi lab gL IS. 1 aav mut ital Mat Meerut 1•1;°- ".. mac It would hese No need to • 4•,•• 6a sheet would Vo abed withoot oaf MY it do.. Ste a relo wet lattorb 4:= IS arms or eve oetoweea ',tattoo. Yu eo !swftil smart fell No duet ye hay red iiiO4. t..,, b. grate money people in I, pay a bade mere memo ?TOSS FrOisallaidI ,._a.L."4.110P6,411._ _ from Sten Frauciaeo states death through use of arsenic, fear cosmetic A correepostlent of the Hallaileaw Emus imaph, wii,r.,.,4 fr., se Thomea, Pah UM. l••„`,./1 entorotsfy Wm. H. Reward arrived j purposes, occurred in thutetty • shert Wee bee been travelling in Ute Quunty of jar ma 'as the ful- et • ham* Vancouver's lidand us •the leo, which furniehell eallthae-hestamie al Waartgo...430:4.1ipiptiketrie lasso ' • -.' ' li roll' Pre'Ldetit Kr'ultee8""Ilid ' was riiftlied in . b."'r lag, &DM 5.73"•0?rar. 11•41" halthe pbnuerposen in thief ; it biprbi urvingenithuge thtiont"oilf hf.,:irr anhavitilaileevittlie titi.elit riit Callegjwinalsa whe"talh"""*.11° titlitiguit"viclotil, Lfst"harallnadsiednainspethecerollitiv w'lth 11.11 if.5. I easgsplhijamt, end ef joopactius a softiies,' to easeful') propagatedspeckled trout, balding El.“17.ntirdwItril:Ik'hh.:,%,,.''":1:71ihgte)....,b,,urt'luouitig. The - prussic's! of frentieltip for 9rtsie &Alm th• akin, as well as IB obtain a hrilltauce dune ao the pato te• years, although tite After v tatting the the ports ts Puget Hound Os the eye, w hteli she supposed shigrequ teed bowl; thee aorta &Wife, though amm- o i the mar. here In ahont three *woke. she aotained the esil she had iu view and .1',.o.i.d that heels to. lie Gouge, tbele-aer- --- ' found thy iusiduous potent preying on War and ascending the strew owing to au ao- thidAle of the ti,rt • de letter, A Naval Engagement. wished for that maven to duicontinue her Pottomed to Alaska, and will return Ito mutinied., her personal charms. Whether P. WOliame,00nuriauding the Uutted States ay Stout we are Met aware , u i. even Mr. Bowman undertook the prooagation !dangerous itabiluttose, or whether she steam or 'Oneida,' reports to t lie Nay y ale euddenly duicoutinued the daily prom- of Soh inanity ws auouree of pleasure. Nog - me of lush:bin& tie rood, mid the muse- wolistaading looms, he has between 600 De rt en mid TOO fish ; three hundred of which, he thinks la ill aver • t too pounds we lot reser furies • ma ▪ 0000. it.1.0 as &craw. Very much so. cr. 1.1 tell Whom Hanor ea dust OP ,rt mi Belocool announeed last allay, .t by Masa Budge, haa just &wed aud rent clams aninnienced early OM 1 "'day beat, and continited until 4 / *p. a. gmingthe greatest satisfaction The &Idiot Montreal is at last roved* to inst. ha manager appeal' iu the fere •„, el a See street gembler,turning •sheoito 1164 017.0.4 6.,..ers looked d quarter. The •aautination of its parents and gsardiana of the who was lather fitelOot, was unable to kit up and sent his on with else hotietura • ,e. too 1 ug e is quests was that she died &few der there - miles of the Came. WAAL akar. thget mfr.; :ft.., a Nek 0., . tt Lh : m i . water • lit tie olf th)1 road, whia 10' 6°: altd attacked the. kluit• e I dim(' ed "1-11 aafter,ytrongaroloadnaosf iiihretio.hitiotAukhesweimagmeocagubr; ',Joked ha but holed to fiud. " Ile the ttis teeerretice, and dosed front using c aborted for tlie Beaver Hainwell, twenty. _ , ...a, a ri !arty under Enemotte, settee for the aim. veiling purimees of tr three on's, WO but wheat he g it within 0,e,rit7o_boti,t,..g, mpg went: eNnuiirteIlteruof ten-entya-steixr half a mite uf it he must have fallen utf lits hers* •lhatetted, as his body Wail (Maid „ 'I" toe vessels Toe& mid •Enip... outage:. ,. :1,,ilreo, t te „P"4••••••• 4 ths t•nn. •nd • -a make themselves " beautiful fury - bar days after. Tb• Lone rout on to the well, *here there were tee DOM . lleorge, clearing it amt. Ifhey. tied into up mai t oat% Wu in ore o d h to bout it for e day anti two nights. shot, Se they wore takiog thew mutes te feed they hated the body el the boy, which they buried, On the Pith, the saute road fvUittn116 fattier mind mother lying dead In their bee. tins of their 0511 vowels blown tip by is shell which entered her powder lawsuit. The deeth and strange prophesy of • The forces. et Enornotte have poesession ef melees K teed sleeping girl is related by a Kentucky paper. u fort aud Fort Feiner, &with. 1inv) Sudan Caroline llociseo, the aleepeug of earth- works extendumacrue the l'enin- wonder, died at her mother • h nn 0, seine mile Emanate has about 3,000 men,and eight mile. ftotti hi icktuan, on Wednesday, the Mikado 6,04.0. The earthworks aad the 14th ult. The bettor,- ef Mies liudeey forts were inveated, and batteries thn,wn is well known tu the public, a statement lip preparatory to • regular sage of still, of her vomit caul cenditihs helmet/ bees works held by Enomette's t Banos for the Goose. 'tilted :States. At the time of her death Ismaili classes we _ . tea: y. riblethed extensively by the prose of the re very interesting 11**0 2,61.23-.441‘ " 2"1117 P.6616166.. their itieririg-• "delightful taste. . Thompson, teacher in the Central ler what e Nov York journal res. :soca. .4 the Reed. w. H. oy vi.11 oortooly „metal in Ili* •leinination during the fore able, and • tottle ineoleut, Wooly dit000kon and were lughly planned with th ing this fact, occurred yeaerday, •h veneer la which the children acquitted tAm gum! to h. lc opt from the poblic. thomeelves. The chimes In English grant eago has heretofore bums off the tool ahem oet,00e ot the nee,. eoteepp, neer aod geography deserve apiPe1 any. 016, commendation The crowni elem. ef tbe day were the eriginal mays read by the children each reading her ow essay OM hatter. The following are memo of the topics Heaven -Light -Truth Honesty -Liberty- -Spring---Sumese Winter -she at excellent one oe Quee Elizabeth. Alt was announced thet t schwa will epee! again .ou the 23rd u August. • The respected Meeker has sneered for herself • geed near, and wi in future have a fr.! class room. Grand Army Amociation, • Republican _ , thorgas. ikisaor.ttiovitrgsni... It sativons ,...i•.%%:.•"clentotrutneek. eurrI7Y"lo.R.kenep.Puw:ledllit:ge.:1111"1"172t2illialii: behDie:trawce protofor:1:1 • . Constitution old the Union. Theo:00110v justme. These men want a distracted - di.eii ilia thi.Tritpii. it a little fartber,and Voore ago the streets of New York and a ; untaat ten, is deree of the P i u ion avid "trot 1" tr•hily swrhg in the air. is_a every plotting them ot their Woes , Chicago. however, ntust leek her laurels. In the fiord Wean v., afternoon it was freely reported oo steamer 'oho, railed early te-dooto sot hike out ony specie, whert price of gold suddenly hill Ifore At this CMAIRL-C•Mat a peen wt. that th• Cabo would take ijo 000.000, which • Int. In proof cited that reitteto dray in fnint of one 'oldie, reedy to go do▪ uble eagles were pa Wall street on the dote tor a. evening threw lei uolo,oed- meaty returned -to the lo• /item west centiding oetaninotty et t--_41 Irene with ridge meassit•esiWillelee in the premium on shiers s'441,- bolt, had been 'take, hy •P•ottlAt- 'K mirk' Utah siel°eel the **Yid . Th.dwiessd the pomp - • of the soul testae O. regerded lathe sharpest pace of 40'6 ja 6 'Pe"- ve way, that mistress less witnessed for a longtime' What nest go twos last ant etreet "'Ohs was _ refuse aid end comfort totted Maim, illatle. mak* the sunny side of the 'triad ..,5,1 , iffy tawe to the refuge of the pedestrian, and the parka r „peace and r..,,..d h;•00.ay ant juid„...:, na longer pleasure resorts but nuisances. n People were Morava dodgem these ta in he Th. kianrest I, aisisa4. 1 walking; in the cars they picked thetnirem awuke oftener, su much as, that "easy con- y each others' beenete, in church (rens each sidered it as indication of her final re - The London Tier of the Tith says :-- others/ hackie It was like a plague of covery. 8he would remain five tea, or " There lira Mat been coompleted dos erek Egypt, and people cried out for • M011611. perhaps fifteeu minutes anderselu'ally &op 11 See a the finest hay harvests that have The little Eurtpeau houtoseparoow under- to sleep again. When asleep it waa Utter - been gathered for • greal number ef year* took that rote, and was euevettively intro- ly iintosatiole to arorse her. Mho never in the agrieulonal comities ef Worebester, ducted into COMM i'ark, into Central oumplanied ..f any reel! pain, Grub Hereford and Gloucester, The rens 4 l'erk, and GO OM GO all ether epee vases, wheal aideep iihe ars very nervous at times, the terly eart of the sunener-excitel alit- to Brooklyn, to Jorsey City, to Boston, to end ..iiimareil t. suffer tonselereble by the unease growth in the grass, and durin• the Havana troll, and •very where its ohisleY vielettt twitching and jerking of her tut three "mar there hotelmen &Imagoes, aall'eurs vanehed before it. The differ- intmeles and [oohs, mid her hauls dem:h- im . irrupted au/whine. The croltusenerak sacs in enioymout between sumemr MN. T. lid tightly es if endunng severe pain ; but h ly very heovv, and, etvitig o, the Nverable and three years agi a vere great ---which whelt awake she dtd nut appear to suffer Motaarologbosi IINSIMArbr kir slake Nialltna FALL,. -- A letter trent Niagara Falls states : "The change is the falls this spring is the greatest that has been thrZ 446 63 19 1 ID tie I 70 11 11 Te7 ta DT ell tea 14 on 720 11 1 11 101 Tea MS IWO CI II 6147 III 11 4 IV 161 00 extra ones. The forge pond for old tioh ix too !St 11,•it 116 4 el:touter, 63 foot iu diameter, With all ill- ,, r, rz ;34.i band in the centre, 14 feet in diameter ;1 13 depth of water about 31 feet. There fowl :i., tif: 2,0 ! 2..... t..ilircovil::::,-pci:. a straight one about 180 feet long 3 feet is re 44 1 416.1 tion, supplied hew &different IIK011. It. bat ii---441.--a-i-ir.-.....,=. ..___.. ,...,._•::.) young fry, and the Calico fieh tale 10 %WU Lotrk.eali T.r.dp..00 ..„ 01 1. „. years old. The spo. tong, heretofere, has . temeeet oo 44..., Wu spawning beds, to obtain the eggs in the. Tot blideet oty,,,,,5,:eity.s...44,_3.. been artificial ; but he has been arria.nrtgiltilof natural way. The Galt ponds are under 7e,";,':' eretr"'etot °.ereltems. ship compauy lumen as Brown At Co., and Itstne°uoufrietherie' .votoerw2°IprI)liesi'tthellill .17iihul:41--hareia•-•ter- SI'S .:L.fd1-oa---Uie3tli -1-1: -1 fe) wa""a:allyhtn;ell'ha. worked for fuol ill the •Ild Iota beau solewo, as uescribed, abest 'River. The property consists ot a. let of Marmot 01 in° leasui. hoUra ha Beak, read 'ear* of Isgo. I:T.:tit:I:1,1a% ilea' iitaiek":..atuiti....1wItiqu:__._:eievl Breciklyn !levy Yard m a marihuana has Miss Galway was about 26 14 leers. The e Liston,* od this wonderful 10 eo. caws of coma, or preternatund chapeeition , with a stone bootie, garden and and write Helerew, Frehch, German and the fact is undieputable. Indeed, some 12 a Mall orchard at the front, aud a ceder ltaliaus and obtained • theruuthknoeledge to sleep, has been doubted by many, but gmgmp at th„ e,ar of the he, The whole , of geology and betenv. Out of his sav imga pe mud to the hawk of the beEleav.rpduircd hibitseebill.a lithhripar.y.omfotryweloref Nashville turd other places for exhibition PhYsicians of Nosliville leokeel upon the and south ; u 100 feet long, 8 feet e ide i . htuhsat. w" taie'll to river. Foul.- line springs wit1 be turned to dread vulgates. y trainee eau tv,th suspeem. The buttery of the 2 feet deep, and covered in by a board, •tf o o ... r but ire understand meny even of the The first pond, fur young fry, runs north tuff eV'. e00044. 0. vanity and Mil sae g awe iii, briefly : When about twelve years otoot, It io esipelied at the north ellenti prub k • . -- 40 0 SI 7.il 14.3 71 al 0. 7 00 lull 55.1 441 61 0 30 2 to ti 0 364 64.4 56 A 41 5e7 34 11 I 9 RI 03 10.0 341 1.04. masa 47.3 a/ lig 1011 le to 0 ins II a ealle 0.1114 0.111 Stage she was taken with • severe etuU, a spring 40 feet distant, givMg a and treenail aceordingly by the ploveivan. supply. At the south end is a screen, As her fever, which followed Lu-ailmile This is the ouly pond completed ; the ottbo,dedo she fell in 1 detIF lively. ill which others are, hewever, in course of construe- cept at intervals It vviai her custom at cendition she has remained ever since, W1- hen ; the. grounes %till be cleared lici„and first to awake regularly twice, in every toenty-four hours ; but of later years she fey. The Goderich Grammer school will reomen oa Monday next the 9111 inst. - bidder, some of thorn meaning up es hig as 130. Wean" happy to my that eve Pew in the Church has found an owns except • few reeerved for to give awe and for free asets-thie a as it ought to be sad is a full endorsement off the set of trustrae in enlarging their borders. . higher oompliment could be paid th pastor, the Rev. W. 11. Poole. W• are waiting with anxiety to h when the henored Freeideut the Re W. Pentium will visit se sad attend the dedrafien see fele The pews in the Wesleyan Chore ,ware add Menday forenoon to the highest oho Noe nei erre ley the veraci- o. Meg, is inalelong jut new in a indiessatimi, the asbetentive matter be- ige fresh Frame raid. Whatever the limed says reletive to reads in est be true. Bleu its reporter. Doyle, wet up here • day or two hsforethe battle of th• Bayfield Reed, -.Mei. by the my, is destined to . ltee in history si ova el the Most blood ler • graphed that at WeePlenons 'ease were insight, trail by • Meseser, when in factathers was s sees the sail of • fish- ing suet te he of lake Ekren. that aim Snot pore Mt Ouch enlace In or a sorely he they stir w diorite as distinctly aa Callaway." arimitili hewing. on the poor simple good - ‘,4 girls servant -girls of Yankeelenel glimgy do upon the invaded. Mow Id Thiele ffunuel like it if • thousand stalwart young Herunians to make • raid en the Syracuse Salt opolista / There would be no row eked op about it. Oh, Odours, not on the brood. broom it may possibly be expense, the Herald has reperter incapable of ly- we ray place /erne small ry of a Fenian invasion, 'Rik wet vetiver like because, eren if they do of money, which would ndered in some other way, • nai tonal blood and tell us gureaswv.-Mr. mod engineer ef the Silver Spray wee comiliele he the Siete.' by Etieliesehinery, through Sortie iniatake 1111 MIS 4111411e• •1111•1111ced t• the engine room. . abler ekillfel needles! care, end, gm WV* MU soon be about again. h dition. Only in two or throe wired. account of ear faithful little ally. Spar - positions tine krrana new uncut, mil rows are now in this country lay the thou- faresen *rebel/tithing to think of the mon 5.54 and not only are scavengers of tette* r. crops. These are gonerolly good, and the and keepers of parks, net gaily do they y recent het muddier h.la Mitch nopteriad I make streets haluteble slid shade tree* , their appeereuce. The cold soil oet _s_ograteful, but they are worth their weight month ago had • demaging erect for ate; in gold to fruit-growere in tne country 1 1,11 re c to in 1110 rouu a et. The uuly oufferers lo their were well proportional and developed,aud progrus, Wit the bleowining time jeet aleurstication here are the comic eepere. grew oonsidlerably alter heraffliction. Misa • over has leen a very Livorehle °tie. Wheat; elitch used te fnll of neod-cuts diecrde thitiney OW trollijr-she died indulged in a in now just filiong, aud a alniht chanee ef mg the old discomforts -Adolphus molting little propheoilig, which we give, east - enter is v lathe landeepe lit mine , biro to Angelina, with • par of the banish- ed., for what it is worth. She said that the oar situations the otrit le thin, but on strung ed eueuees hanging tel 11111 .311341 ends of 'sun afield be a tote! eclicse on the ;011, of and pereotent effort to cleanse her throat 'II phlegm. She generally passed into sleep thrieigh violent paroxysm, which Would last perhaps five minutes,. and she would then sleep &elide as calmly and quietly as an iefeet. Codsoy wan ef medium size, she her limb* and muscles • Wownearm. Remake -If you maw with the the souther', end of the first pond, will eze thmengel,ntthtrerehe feeteaste:41ye,a6in.4....rocetortiay..pfift"y fueept. 447:1. ..,rbt"s1:41 din at: per a.nd fifteen inches at lower end. At Factor st No .6 .161o% .04774. T,Z,Z, 1".• l'nO; the head of the rsceway, water from a second spring enter and does through the c'ul. e_ succeeding ponds. Beyond the raceway in • straight hue, e ill be pond No. 2, 120 feet lung, 12 feet wide. 3 to 4, feet deep, for 2 year.old treut. From this point i• a southerly direction, will be &nether ear- wax 60 fe4 lease &feat wiste,6 inches deep at upper end, andTgluches deep at lower end, the- heal id- *Melt •Settriiidndt the *Atter (mutt preyieus eprings, Mid that of a fresh 'one thecepacily of the oiher tiro. Beyond this, in the aame directive,. will be the thied peed for old fish, 160 feet ludg, 20 feet wi.le, 5 to 6 feet deep. The water of the third spring beferis ester- ing the raceway, e ill peas througheadanild- ing 70 feet long, 12 feet wide, supplied with tzes-fer waturiag the young fish - each it to bell feet long, eta DAL:out/kin from 1,410.14.-1.1200 hatched lish. A rime Way 10 feet long will separete this build- ing free the rocewav leading tirthe large pond Aiwa ito feet south-east of the Y. Way lands, famed. the wheat promises! law moustache, she wearing a cluater Aup.se Ohm is remark& le, because par- southericettreetity t f the-fing pouli willbe jo an abundant yoola. Banter beansarevery j them en cloy i aed so on. All that re ties assert that she could have no know- twhi4e aimatchicn.r.g.h,..ukiniete-..--,2t:th) fi.ffert,lb.,,hing.t.rlotsfehe: thick on oho ground, and generally well ' source ie closed new for the hunierous o ledge that this was according td' colon's; Timis iseeppliediby a fourth miring. The podded, but voile. formers vouploin arttsta. But to the original euestion-ar• 'and thst therm Mid never shies epaireeig 14111 be done naturally. The want of pod Spring beans are fir from I we ungrateful to our featured friends - as bright after that day ; that tins would capacity ofthe entire ?aide, it ui estimated. blight. Per are now being harvested lel Not to; is we who %entice these afternoons indicate the cad or us.• world, which wee will be between • sixty and eareette the Vale id Eyeshot.. Oats menet *web through Central Park will see, °been -tug ; speedily approaching.- ST•Wh 111 Yforcmterehire, Wit on km Catiol. the poises* we have built for theta, or whale _____-_. wee el- All proms suffering from cancers, which may be. entre'y cured without the anuerism, enlarged or varicose veins, hip disere, swellings, tumours, or any dam. urens lingering disease, should not delay. inseam Dr... Ille:Taggert.,,AapcieL. all their medical ead surgical bearings. The following is copied from the Oshawa "Goes.--Certein rumors aa irregul- trines ILI the management of the Bowman- ville branch of the Royal Canaiian Benk, has turned out to be Leo true. It wee stated etthe anneal meeting -in Toronto that thelossesthere wereonly about (1000, they now prove to be about "412 011oO. 'The aa blest feature about hie that these lures are the result of fraud ins the part of the late hies.ager Mr. it. Yount. It appear* 111 notes which been left with him for reeneral to many times larger an amount than was intended, for the •purpont ef obtaining fends which he has mod in grain specul- ations. Several farmers in 'Darlington will suffer considerably through the in created amounts which he placed on the soles which they left signed in blank for 9•111111111 purposes. We have not a hat of the 91161/141111. Mr. Toung, aupposed 'A be gl• Ito %ma Council have determined go do away with th• old plank mdte-walk the north aids sf Eastetreet and substitute gravel i11•411•41. Goderieh gravel waken • vary farside.walk, hut we respect. hilly suggest to the street inspecterand the fhoecil that by the expenditure of a eery resat vest tin - the perehase of the proper the inevedimile used a the cities as side - 0.1k 0tment would, if applied to our tow. owe ag oiately thousands of del- Tn. Alm last meeting of the it Wu decided to lis the rate for the current 'ywor at If • tetra of en the lee t en menet' Mayor Crabb stated the r. W Kay and himself had an interv' with Hoe. W. McDoegan, who mid the 1:ournisent intended to mpaid on Wane herhor on lake • MOM. em 0110. 14. the envineere 110.014 re- port aa to 114 proper age. He (Mr. Ma f.) aloe said that the offer a a hoe** from tbe tans I Miami* esponally if backed goe,„ene erowld hare great weight with the go at. memmammedtmell• 04.01 tam. -.; jillittalklA4011110WIrlinin"leavall sr. per. 40 0511.0110108 le Waif readers, and awl mos .• think econ• one 4 thine ,iikesigi " 111•01•41. i rag Hie rho ahem of a . ouvoner. of beaks, balks, blokes, 4'sd /walk shams, 11.11111F -e ham, Ike... wd astinatnia. W. Fermin, ham we understand, made ag- rngementaloy which his bailiff wilt receive claims for suit itt Witighern forth." sittings of Court to be held at Griffis's hall in that village on Wednesday the 20th Oct. next. 'Leech an arrangement was made previous to our article on the subject we were not aware of it. T11111.01:711 A tiverreas.-On Wednesday of hot week, duties • heavy (WV • fisher- man who Wee 11% Pei's! A nBarqwes, en the opposite side of Lake Hums embarked for mad• of three boards. He got along well enough until th• heavy Westerly squall arras( Foolhaerly •• he leas our hero hed philosophy mough to know that his only chanter waa to lie down flat in the skiff which he did. From one huge wave to another the soliiery 'mariner was hurried towardaGoderich,which, singular to relate, succooded in reaching safely. This is eletainle one of the most extraordivary voyages ever mode on IW11111 uron. or it expected that the 33rd Bat - whom Velonteer Militia will he mosinped on the Maitland flats about Saturday the Ilth September for their ..... I drill. Members will he loaned for sepplying rarely and companies with previsionseanel from herd keeper's for keeping the eanteen in camp. Washingten, July 96.-4'40111(mm' ha, bees remered front Hamm which goes to show that an Asneefases. sawed Carina Polkenette, kr Leo abet be Oa bail; wee 4.1 flm thailloi Mar, mil tenth be and lkis father are °Worm e1 Dye (Twang Atm., Vb. poor man wee wised in the night at wag telly delayed till the !week of day sruld IL is in.,(2louce.teraiurs, and in 14 al-, ever kisser's of a ruorning at their orieinal re710.0d han, own The Severed Tresses. a promising corp. Mangold§ are new ate ' OD to speak, of thee* little culotte's-vied '- but no French moire Like mut broad A mother had come two litiTro girls who assertions this meat be token Env theugh,rerhaie wo yetter4411;10A4":1101;• 10 De J Atirmet,irprirlilrer 0,9 le very coutiurive t• the g mral halt 1. la it lay .kia sti kept 16 a tiki0.1 and Walley modeles. Me pet.* "pea, atel Tom th woks the woe: permots of the Noe* mama off wak much tope emeg;;;- wm.„ the perepiratoty Imam, im mud 141 Yeerieit'.1Ntiett Hniiiitff."`"Fro 'caviller ap- pearance uf the horseshoe is now ofined,,,, 11.1141144;211122-'..- -American VII •ItA" usdereola Literati which eh! habituate settee this season ; parliZularly Is it sees on this side toward Luna Wand, &ad were • [minted projection 11 rock to give way the appearance would be changed to time of • liormiliosi. it ia estimated by amps - tent 'eulogists that setae Ift0 tons of rock inert have given ewav from the hematites alone. The beauty of the holls is 514 is the least marred. but enhanced, and old hahitece seem te like the falls this peer VIWIT GO 1 NIDIA.-The visit of Nis Royal Highness. the Duke et Edinbeigh to the far East, and hia tour in Hindustan premises to he of great interest, hod may prove of high political importuiee. meinlier,of the Royal Family has ever set heat in that grand knotire, and for the ()rental mind the per I of Royalty pos- IMAMS WO ordinary influence. There is at present exhibiting at the Crystal Palace a rick service of milver gilt photo, which hoe been Ourchaeod by the Maharajah ofJohotee in order to entertain His Itoyl nighties' the Duke of Edinburgh on his arrival is Tar Fein Carr•L., This CandiLV/0 tral N. In length tool the tulle Ms1/46ted awes it fur 14411 anteuuted to over three Milani? shirk la wooly doulde the amount citIlect0.1 In any p.m.!. year and while oar neishleim time., in uch rt mem to lie plimml at tale newt ern votaress -to IWO/ that tile sales a the Canadian Palo I metrover,- Go the cure mugha, mide, amities, brumes. rhetnuelkuu. . ta mcmaattig amok Maki. Sold by meek WO deal*. at 13 eta per bottle. /Came tole.-.1.7se Do .1 Moe' Allerast Ike. It le egrreabie to Ma, relielde.-jge Boa. for se dieweee of tise Tlikat, Lungs. and Chest. Van pletamet awl ellearittes Said et try here Ram. - Use Dr 1. Brom: ihle Reeked, far Internal, Itztsniel. illawdow and lb hum Para It sires trested4- Coale -- Cm Dr .7 firigna' RoderaCiimateefe*Corsit Bonnie, le growing Nana. Tender riot, a, Mild, every deaoriptiou Sold by I r Imola. isimp...tlipip.agi... amilew...ing aye: ii.nhealing6.M. ildvh. y li,owitugglebytha_i ttearalgis.Catarrh.tleadanhe. to. held by Drug:girt.. D r nosiate. Poo*. -Cm IR../ Briggs' 111e Remedy, foe Illea at 414 (.0.1111111111•141111 OW 11.11,111/1d1111111111/99.1..,011iarte4 Whoa lingering enhaliest action • of the doe, the moy atrionmitmeste. end aloe peroration la eneeirt Woe Memos dry and rough. frequerah sheppam and awl claim milt rheum. the 111.4 circulating 1artel fectly, awl the temperature al Se halt rapidly red. 01, oat estnetnees death will ous note the Me Nag th. MO close aed healthy. w evict- that ratty peoperly prefers Ito fnectiom er. J- Melva. Alliwaster, la the moody leuld hr Fula end Cattle the auetromi to limit aud happowas la • seen teas etreeir--:ore.- Is Meech lest. [legatos en tool tatter p'eme-hegill 0110115•11' of tmacce with ',for Comities awl American mama •1 bas alm as Aimee the sultry mama, hislueinit die' to dtkomee of the /mho, and Dom balms v0.4.41440 • milt as out) be roamed by a Naiad use el in, weeds. Met t.valicts loos blednall Peek. whoa so many wortlikee ate hike: ea adeeletlied . be are of trans. Mamma . hut ,eltelk aid we towed irantiag 11. ha a yet t• lereellYse. Vibe drated.er. Dr. etigar's "War. kV mg well , tho hot weather sults thew lotti nut* • the hotels we have provided for our "rid" wrmirt its itelnAlitotetastliOetigteged allies, "'balite cold sent her in lane was greatiy SVAInat aud interests bolow.-.N. 1. Titer. sierra. -inrirre.. WIC ig it . Potted as faithful geardian of their rights them, but if aerthing von reetore thern sad gives chance oi • crop, it is the pleartit sunny time. Apple.. and pears are good Cutiali average crop, and plums sn the Tale Lotto, from Cob, yeemjssygi•Tottall arid free from dottiest at preeent.' Williams to the 20th inet. GeneralQneratla leis destroyed two importent brims ,,n the railroad from N ue ear to Puerto Princi pe, F -`,113* -4)•-• cutting dffeommusiterion between those The Punic Mail Steamship Coompany's steamer J spas. 1111TI Yeti rojm. nCe h-insaaaYis cities. All the intervening ceuistry is held hiutrrcenoop.• are now confined in Chinamen The lame rigid 'earl by the Cuatom officer, ter sinnooled opium, Wee gone through with, as moon the arrival ef the other steoloos from t he Flowery King- dom, anil reoille I HI the seizure of free, the Chieng0 Diritairreial patty, who ilea beets Retitled efthe arrival el the Strainer, inade their appearance on the %hart and nf the Chinamen and the *vet -hailing of their baggage fer smuggled opium. Th.. officer* e ere, a. newt!, meet thorough in bat m11111111 the go:emote Outplayed by the new comers in secreting 'the units/ivies eery coneeivatole manner, with the hope thei the watchful syes• of the Cuittenelimuie offIcent might overlook it. In one' w swinging sign for • eseh -house, which use 1401111 al1 appearances, en b oing broken, rowelled the fact that it was com- posed etif two very thin board% the emote between being lucked with opium. More of the cling woo feentl in false bottoms of earthei pots, in cleats on the 'edema of tome, III fahoo covers, entes and fleabites id trunks and betel, and. in fart, every nook or corner where the owner thought there was any chains ef emoggling it through. 11114•UrAf•ri SKI. We learn with pleauisre *hie city, haring fur de ehject the 'scour - meet and development of *tool. siennbie. tnree. It is poop Awl to erect • building in which specimerui of the manufacturing prodnctions of the Previnee shall be ex flier ‘vinit Halifax wet. OA' interestine eohihitine el our resources IM well es the provoke tnade in skilled lame. !trench nocieties am G; be formed the atrium refutes ef industry in the l'nivinee, which "hall he in regular COT respondence with the parent gooier, io cation containing interesting information ay to trade and miurefeeturers, and the projerres made in the Province in iniltietrial pursuitoo. We understand thet upward, of two thonsand dollars hero. been alreetiv taken an interest in the sehject. In afew der the en hilitrihere vi ill meet, adopt • constitution, and apment suitable office bearers. There is certainly ample vote for the beneficial operations of the ale socriatione and from th• spirited manner in which *citron has been alreedy balm, we hare no doubt the movement will prove cordial aupport of the peeple.-Healifee Pe'radollaniall it may appear, it is nevertheless acteiplay true, that an intelligent party in -the Routh re- gents the Virginia elation se enfavonshle le the Intereirta of their section. for the very reasen that the beat mOM in the (teeth have thns led tato rase, rya le en• lInstanor who laid and mennwel the etttemew r4(powire 1. is el the debt of the Provinces of Q••bne t"r thi'.11"t. "slY hi"' ale" le aim& .0,....1.1„,,..hpmesialwils tt:15intver; npro":17 ot :lot I nirainnd"ti:p11.1.""..,,,hila,. """N".$1"Ylirit'erHals'iblod""1".11k1161"1"8".."°'- En":816ii71:14.4:14""irginisik""."mi taium.** Men aisit MA Ulf sit Althoegh there is prnixably much exagger. for twine. 'f he elder had beautiful golden Mien lit • AtAtelelent recently made that ringlets clustering about a fete id rare the Orench lettguage is onlyspeken by the bot0t:". Ile younger had otraight, dark peet,ie in eight depairtreents, yet it is cer- hair ; end the chief heanty woo thelov- tain that _the_sation is for from going as AV, light 944 0044d exPrculion h" homogeneous as is generally- supposed.- face. Lagneau, in a revert to the Academy, Every day the elder heard los pledges races which inhabit the soil still retain the undertaitts to Prove that the different spokes ley injudicious friends or strangers. '0 what • beautiful child " paid a visitor -physical peculiarities, and in n.any cases one day ; what lovely ringlet," '.' and she *wen die diatoms tif their respective &mem lavished upon her rainy carer,' ; while tore. Hie obeereations are herd ou the the yetinger sister was comp/untied, too malts ofthe ceonscnptimo. Be finds t het noticed. The little one had noticed the these muss, and are suffering atMetelt front the Dram of the priesent day when the visitor wee g_owc. 'disease and want of supplies. steillnithat free., iiiir,A4virritara *Iry Mtge- tnotben side, and sorties had been aired* from Nuevitas, end charscterised his sturdy prooenitors, and Waking ttp trith th. ry: 'yam, lisped out the in each instaace the %DAV" were driven that the contr.' e ,art e ti 0, forinerly Tier, It1116 s hair pretty, too, b.bak with severe hoe tIerieral Quested& Whited by th• ti . . ... Cmt h .11•1171111 r The R610.1 1.n. Ma ret•T &dor to iniuute globule. which Gnat la that eate eta contain. in • healthy per- m, a large ankinat Ma, give. valiant) to the Word The Pereklaa acme nipples the blood with tit& eiroireit, sad glees strength and yteor to the whole systma. _Ill` Tweet! VW, •IIIVIIII1f• Ylkiklif OTTilek 1.01' 'remedy rrie nixie a, sod irritation of ifie throat mimed 10 cold or enema! estatten of th• vocal mom nod., opeekere sad Mason will fl net them mmt hem- nc1411, The entice freedom from 411 deleterious ingsidl- Voe'r Ivereagm, a ode reno dr for the Isola delicate perkid. and has 1.11111.4 Im• held in high esteem by ad who Imie mei awn.. hold by all Ined1C100 deal - ere et_11% gyp mis-lrox. Met RtirttlIstiusti la•se 144.1 Ay ere *clam he state. Dot Cbmiletry misters ems manliest. omit on menkial oise any ether adduce 7, Mon w AY mum* ,1 which chemistry woa.d teach if mon tlhantighly an Maiulad SAlt more he so Mail, ordained. The uts ectmete- - • 4.1 L-i-e711,11.•nt 101111.1,e. n. Only codestoo Obti e‘ metes Baelpreetty Treaty* in dame,marL woke. I.11111 011110,07re la easel et rheosatIne. neuralgia. Reran. Brute.: he res belied in mep city, Mere or - sillies at eau per /Nile. 4M at aal all ae_heigese Damn otee Na .611 al Ittrlawomt. -To pewee ..eiesquer at bt ma t and Rrym arm will se ear.. • The urelersigned is prepared to haw*. awe.. oe-de. 464104, IlSer4-411-rele wen fol. If D. n..go., 1110 rem:beet end IN ANY MI •NTITY AT Tife peeper treatment et ceesiee et, , Islay other lel, aisene tdm Lido.aa 'ftv were b oth r too the little ki-ei",eies.1"esseent," he"hroete"'"rerlitus7 8*ki " into thehands et the Spemisli imiettlistaltre. 6•11111 NIP? .11e ,1111.4641.1111.1 Illoo,Provinceo heart was veraforted, but the an.tinir Was PI vv. trwrLoia. FROM THE A In oVE WELL. Among then. are • number of preminent invaded hi eit, Normans, • lame inmb•r oPPro"od antioito thoughts., How (Iodate* August Itrd, 186g. - ern government °Meier. The letters state that the Cohan forc'es their •ountry thetr weak ay . beautiful clidel Una oolong her vain and of censer.tate are d.la Item 1114.11/614 c°'• rer•ni l'sising her haie proemial .... Um country from Nue, and feeble constitutios.--aadaht while Sie'llfreer"riss waddoncd hY le Gale/lel*, August daughter of •Albert miss to l'ustrte Principe, with ftei.eral points neflect • Flura A. , • oe Men t reqeirodeneffort le sake the sacrifice, 1:11310 L f BLAira Ittl Y.- The steeerlain hut tint Christian Aber municstion with the 1_ htetes. It a reported that there have boon two fliu dela s t tem' dittarti,_ the ibeauty..,ei end the other at Settee la Grande in both • ''',//n '• 1110 llestsPoPer ward, 1 of which the Spanish troops attac'ked the ho.,._'•4/ 111c• slloso'n• Wiar's does twantifel goltien'lleeue Wm ter derly sever.._ cabana in force. At Iteined.os the Spain- r..ulool°41°.11,Fousso°^11:.4104 rmr-ooti14;rr 11.10t39vbeb ..41, and laid in a pryer beeide.t strai4ht ' rorrected rot the '0.2• -1/ W ards were driven off, with* ler 14 140 in -liliek locks of the younger MAW. 'Thee killed, wonuded and plowmen. At Sagas ft. '1,_,__bad ware,' PNorly caeca!' the difference bets ten the two sae lunch • Grande' the tight Mated real . hours, /7•Ys61110,6•1•001/t na• inviag ern vas yyy,1:14:: while that 'of the Cobafts tout tese than 1 0404) efittC11•8 Met. The Spaniards were heath. compelled to retreat, with a lost of ever lei 0, while that of the Culons was Iva than 110. The result or theoe battles has inspired theCithans with renewed mir- age, end they have no doubt of their ability. to matetain thenuelves *gallant the fumes now in the tield against them. • A large supply of arms and ammunition, from the United Otatee, etre sereseshilly !Andel near ,:iiievitae, and are ndw • part of thmerel (Jared:is fortes. The sickness is reported to 14 shading, and Genera grossed& and Jordan expect mos to SAUDI,. the etieneive with a force more than equal that of their opponents. of the Reiffenstein (rands on the adminis- entrusted with the power 11 appointing and removing public ...mete lei am to se- ems • faithful Administration of ruble, affairs. Attempt ties administration, the Receiver-tteneral, believer, ie specially respensible for the management of hie own deportment, ni which Reifenstein was • • lerk,- hut that gentlemen (the 1703. Mr. Renee, of fialifax,) took se little interred in the meter that he left t etewa the dier Mr. Retffenstein wan brought before th• Police kf implied,. From the facility of embezzlenent in this case, and the length of time !let it has taken to find it ont,and that not by any person connected with tbe 'inane. or audit de_partnient, but by • public arvants in the treasery department moat stand very high for hommity Or •119 wield here heeral of other defalcations ere now. T Receiver General's neglect of looking er hie oen ottlee is the 14. el_ Poiettes enable, ing that all or merle ,s4,,,,,,the written on vellow ranee, hest. awl the e. ',T.. .... at..4 rim sena ,fter e.f .trL discharged by the Finance Monster. 01 the burned "eb• W." OF " ••••en is under the vresiderstion 0( the Onvarr .140154 Ima•ruatiYiii tool he ends, io she lay on her coffin pillow. The .n„ mese Hamilton ILflrmary, KET Teter who are with fermi.- tee, ouch sie 1•604setilptso 1, the fast owl emovd emote. It,- melotim , Asthma Lone Dom.- al i tido 'a ts rrh. DespepoN '4 "'P. Juliette*, Liver biltspialsts, Rainey A ffect hake Moiled er, Meet Street. Ilemeee.11pkepay. Perofela Abram. rept owed miens semmlatetliete being teld sit many Min_ •-•••••••••••• testes will be gives to all female eoreptaiate Is all the* medic sl and aurgical hearing,. ancere lee itt moved 01110.1 the um of the lialfe, and pertnewete 41 red. I 'nustatatinti free. Animal Dd. 1010. prr-td mew awl wiAls them as illi•ersVe 'other Oster live.1 en to a beautiful, nroloie moriej•.0 •••••••• ...... sa ins) he I: would went wi. Tito editor ,,monnnhood, with her Nir head crowned way, drool .211:•• inclined toward reimum, wreath of humanity. Carol, eh ,rtly to be honored i• • the editor utter., tam woe& : 'In two instances, within the Irmo of tv..enty-four erc•ense thneral McLellan, trim haunt, our redoubtable weather clerk hos prer«rr the invi,nirating and health rester. rang the changes open the four &Parma, mg rli oat. of the Oiminites to that of givIng us • medley of them all.' There tbe United States. fIe will find mull to you have it. We hie, • 'neither clerk, a• interest him here, and we truet he will re era",an4 dole about what he pleases. eean • th t of head hook -keeper, who orders the turn home imprered wiathwt„„hepb..e.eliefsothmaet Now, to koo candid, we do not, and near' a, is no e of his eountrymen oriel' it to be can- did, lik• this stale and irreverent joking. We Are froe to admit that It requiree the sidered• attainment of a high degree of grue to enable 011* to endure with patience the - The Qttawa Cittron says, it in under. etoblen changes that occur i• this climate ; stood that Judge Mallneh has placed his but theeingians teach um that all thinp resignation in the hands of the Govern - are ordered by I.hvine Prot/dance. The meet. g.a,d God order,. the sunshine, and on - The naniesally hot weether in ralifer- and wind, ancl Ile has not appointed a nia during the present season hu serious- nurth-liiving devil to do this smelt. Please ly injured the grape crop in many place* let um have lal. talk abuit a mythi- cal 'weather clerk. " --It is said that • lump of camphor heat- ed snot evaporated in • room will drive est the mosquetoes. 'Kitty, whera*a the frying pan 1' John __ Teo headred travellers' names were ny'spit it, carting mud and oyster shells mietered at Ht. Lawrence Hall is Mon - op the alley, with the cat fer a home treal on the 29th. "rh. dear little fellow what a genius he'll yet make ; but go and get it. We're et, vi:he_17,,,t;tre_onot_trlu_hieeeetien i"orsee„,eolleoloodh/ seriously wennded. 7 hineee trial at &leer Oity, Idaho, derived ...o" n children the ether day, an of inferrer frnsi the method of *wearing n " ••• ceremosies: "A rooster's howl ii harked Imitation reeersehaion pipes' ar• now winterise The Taint Won teserilme the off with • kaife, • saner brekem the oath ie mid, "oolar"emeal te the gamins Marts el star broad, which Aeries, and it TEM M Fall MUM Spring Wheat Floor Oata Barley Butter 0 Chick's" per par Docks Wool Sheep . Turkeys Goderich Solt, whole., The hIghtat 1‘11:8101.101 wig b. rweireci until Raierday, the 700 ce paid for 1 da of Anstalt IMO. for avelltng the itidew elk fledetieh. heal day ef A impost 114111.50".1 In. ter til CM 0:00 4:5°' Re.Open Monday, August 30th, 1869.- 0:80 00 0110 tor oTtv TFIFIrageler :term will earnest.* Monday Ortnber curies, (Lea 4 new.) imil Mere/trail. low Ia. (-4 I mu clod a* theory ited preetiee Is tosehleg $4 to pi (914y. ( 00:1)411/ pestle% emote, The r...? P•mlieh hpreies.henpor „sla- •rett to 114 per wholaatte yore 1 pare SIM ver Iri•eli menial. arid ether latroutatIna met tor a etrtmho or rr DepC4 are sAnaltto41 et any time, FM 44•41- 2 ere F.11 W. leen Oats Barley draws herself in Trento on 'he 2Ath, hair • ing hems madtmed ho Andersen, of chetah -The meation relating to the partition in each imaai. 1110 prossenties and defence each aware five witneesee. ktIled five chickens, broke. live sewers, bailed dye r:;:,id paper, AM. After killing the -wor• threes away by the eltbasams bad eenaiderat unfit for nee; las MMus wierines heatheu wander than nem tete sir edweithi.o. mint, awl likely Mho adopted • Le Nisei* annoeseso the 4505 nf 1, Enema "weer W litnrphy, who *hal is of wain& remivied in the ft h aid that ender the new system .1 stigmatise alcohol from gortiego, _ Opiate* wet Mau . ra 008 naso Oltell Is hewer c1.5 Mei partsereMp her- flelen••• beam fleede sad Mamma Itternksete, eft 0.10 th"....0.1091tried hi lithe sold Je/.• 1' leetler by whore the Imelame Me sad proseesem em he MeMenot at the lama of lieeleirieb seder the Sera of 1 Beti.e a re Dalled 00.118,114 die lath day.ef July. A II 1111/11. JOHN C 111905148 D Vrtailess R. R. FIQUI Rik eV -ft 4.611 Met ef mom, whIch Moons* ma Yam tey art JtieKo r1710:: 01100r7-.