HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1869-7-27, Page 2. - - - - - - - _ - - � - -_ - - --- - - - - - - - - - - _ .-- -va- �- - , - - .- ., - - -- .- . , -
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I _a� * I - , as III *, .,,.� .":iii I wa tag 14 ozftl_;�. - --- DEMCH GRAIM"T
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illiltl� , . ::..I"moM . I � -1 M
- - - wrosung amain a.- - I, Me Jeweser
71 . , ......._ ..""T. Z ir-, _ to, I" hall. is bat *As* have t,bAm - or i JbI T1 . to, -&!raw """':O�',-,,- - . �
, with rogzvt�ottlz . A -ko0XPr-__- " okeeki-,1pitakewesse, _1;hs, 1 -doer rA T0.0somestruationt, A.---- M., -.-.r Z I I'll . , '1� 77' "'L �, '11,11, rit , �
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� I I . � 1 7!�ISIA!!!�. � I . ,, - 11, � I I o . ": , " , , � .1 I � I . � , - . - M -- --- - - 0 -- -
_!. "V. .,;.;. I ... -- . -I.., - __ 11 - - �, unob--mil __. . - i;X-BALO nautea ALUMBLAMY) Amit-- . - � . , -
. la�_ 14 . . if 11woleavosprobablyarentholostoIXT-1 'jitiobt.posid.uss .rthlicual wator=r" , tit* P.eig.woklary toy 01611 -_ 1. .
P1111vW. , .v. � .1 - .. omtomtKU4"tq"&.N-.-&A�i.14 *klikealk qL am beattiss, �:, " or key to;- 0",
, . , - ltoiBi tam. the kc . itited to. r yessm � ad eateri us Mr. -
,,;;;w "I s W =. u �ur of =X iefoo clwk in tit$. owit"oll the " Sea with the I - TRIP SCH001. �7 - - ,
� 11 � . P, mad 15 be Us Tile farguark have Ides, of ecourse; but thiel , L
r, � . ... .,:�. - loo- kels a, Ifte Inlay ft*," tial" . "a" -a wit I MIOG" I .� �,�, ", , ", t, - ''
0 si�� of boa 0 sit r.c. er-gunerad's depaituatsfit, who bes, rebates, and by that luedo the Indian uw Nowbura's r.sideno, I . 1�1
. . I .,W."_.., ."a h the design of .� J, I
" . � ,:,-:,: ... .... _...% 1 . tini"go, mince, be b , me I ides proof fold Iteat to hall. I'll ,'� , ,�',' �,-� " ,1 .
_ _", _ a 0. be,solose, I v ailiskodo of ths, OULA to whom We have . .
. ' , : ..... I: IL as -trugoom � zgwJj*.d spring .lid sown M boon in durance fur souls tiams Peet. Th. Atlantic OoosmI41 will be 4`11"Ima0d OIL the robbe,ey, .lid ah,koting with 11 WILL RE -OPEN , �,i 1, I I
. ...... - �* -AtHatc.embisalt"'. On ilk. Pra,villoo fee* beat nothing Of good People 44 ottaww were startled fif" a' October Rest, to the ships lot the Tfievircumstances Bat forth OR tit* "I; written tor our amount is r(u)dt. � � I ,!' L -11
: ,
tile I 4, _ I �
I AJII,1rM .: ON I Ill - `#, J�, ,, ;;t"�' ,
- I Aicods of are flesh is &be Humals of the public. the - , . I . "I 9,
� , t (I. 11 tali tild tha 1 whsmL We world. The lie& of the cocatruL I orgo Talked avnia/11. red -1- A. .,a.,- lighow. �V* � ,
19 ........ .... - ,Ali., Pot. The ykiest4rollikey to Bud that On ilk* prwXi-u* got thik .1
.1. . ..:* ... *1las t m of 0""'i"" Lot tit* Im"a a, been big &P- U441V or 509yel or any t In; I 0AW having excited great int"t .it" am& Is that siakid "Isowla, w. U -my per, Monday, the 0 August , �4� j" I � - .
a 116 evening ,the 4molmoiler, had twos ad his oww firstowtodived in Ifte
11 I , *:.;.*:::. , to IL m,at.'stfsaeo" Of all It al 4 -4 .. 9 1 .1 �, , I.. 9
1 ... .. . I -Ps thao,�U� 1 ....... .__,..IP ------ Water" usildy to Who. .11 ,..,I,. _a., 1.1 -tat .-alk.l...". .. - "
1ZLil: I I ::::.. .'.'.*.,.4 111, y ley to the pod only TalAyt r which ro r0o" and no doubt to IMAI, Bull that dUrITIC the might 113)1.0-4 M. Pordinaud tile Los 'r � IT .
. I so evaimof 1p -A It euumov - The al;p and b itioduls must otronuolwv, soad Y y he re- r'!
- t.wst of HUM. W - "I W-litut"If wimp and dew r I stoup sapplive W 1.1 -mod I
I --I-- pukukk I -Give Us tier away to the Frvnl �i�� Bhkb sit. I,it qo.t1W I.io.e;i:t.J1w'. of :..L000,U",J_ 6 V
;Z;� itsi-w-us -1 roll. (if .11 tie* allow who mu*M, Is-' led the red turned to the .Ili after ousaill0ims him "a- $Ams surgagill a" 'im I, I V I -0 Pull - somt-hoklig to .
=. of A.dit-r-Geme, -, a 1869 will house a *easier Crop Val Hietes He' left ()tt&W& in S � MRA 'If i.,011alf XgYPt c'04"tU I Lt. 1,
� =,,;adise. neel X� 4--doo. I � C ..I& under the arealker all ko, . t" . . L 111W Ult too be overcome. After getting tax beat on V.14pligan" air** He meet I to that a" ovalook- :hr: =IX -1 AIL J_kI-6 to. 'eshowatistak'alf IV
to I iz:,ol" -..V-- keld cabluet positions a - .. I , ilku .. .84rded to does., I
..',, enalk, " sal. -two - , a -akkko 6 to As ),at I - vaLe conveyance, not Hat .or A a 1: J .�
, , at,. so Me Cayf.y's reputa- " any Of Its pro ,kc - - w . the Vicertity and the Mr. alowburin on J---- street, about three ____ I =�11.11"1!111"�"-"!-I,,r.Wl-,.I,.N, Lee '_
tooks. Nu. -this t He old I stive Wow, . L64. Ulk* OIMA after tn,r:w fifty covionalsione frol r the right of way, . .look in tit. afternoon VA i-wAd"w[ .1 -r---- he smago Alyago 1. I I
;,; ;aarlhe an". that all, ,.I. o -9w is bean very unfavorable fee lit* It.'" 'ittirkish (;ovarlitilimt fill ..r 1= To= wt-to'.11-daruilit. ,e.,,,i.e._d to tittles
..,,L -,I- - to �cEl weather do ,as, b.agver ,odd wilem to the St. I.Awrolice, .hwpu 4�� videse..'idep , I P-4 III— w 1. like o.".0, I !,.hud to was" on veliallikel-I life, to .'a",
- � L...aAr le, No f.o I no % tmu LB lenoiasholy the is :g;.T"": -weather freedom on that other side of the river. - Tt , ft- d':tMg"`r, whoo go., -- a -4 I -xilithe-dint-loo I.B.a..I.�dl k_,fw,_dwr11A1.iftk.,,L1kt �,.,., ,ilk toliAL.Acial Aoki- -to
. I ., 11 ..I,, aw,takelood, to 11 Ug crojw4 the .
". %af its I as 41 ' -it w stand Ili$ - Em4Im" Eugenie, Zwontized a com�ps In style. f.,wa under his coat, and attempted agooki 6oliko" aw a .... a ..I'll.. ar it. -A1 ,,ftme - , _4" 4 F.141. Irkek Ike kmoy I- .Te.
. b lit7l! hi 1. 11h. loomill
'. re'.. tholt during which he we& ,,in, for the wheat, ,tiny holes, wilt come losix " 6 . It
I , . it dva . 4 t�caw ralm do imemas te; discharge the weapon, aimed directly at I Teell,.likeek....4.1oleara will Rod th ...4 to- I,,,o_I. 1, ,ok4.t . l_ f .
� . . I-Lat log_&m the years a IF PTGFD� I'Lliasy's.wilitillitw., trial an the c"m for wilkoll he was coca- 1 �Pkl 1. ,,L,n,v"ty holarit . "
. I tL � � sake, %U -O' " '% from la4 '10 . ' I h 00.1. Th..�ti.t�-d-l.t�.11-i.i.t-lil--il,P" i�...Itk..I-lw..t�IJ6�.LwL..R-xj.-.uibo
� t.,;%.i,b1J I . vital
A" to. `, . '. - *a* " swas -A ,�kle".�. IS , 'L with &cap tati-ail S'0,000- Mr. Nowburu's bro"t. Happily I ejeemakesion,wroolicerugoloc _ aw ok-.1r,,,d . I.-" in .,w.Lk L-Im. .ad Pill., ket'jecu, rw
I A�', '1� boo ,,,- ON he .timvokk .%an Iambs I vulliaa too the "I, witted, kbu that is so uniAttlY an event McElroy then I V,.k. L-esko ...h raloody loo, th. _t am
, I , bIw looney a ran not. "'o'N.-kits more ge - , too each. This van done powder A&A*d in the pan 'ft=* I" be held I' kWh "w"' I I.notte, sk-u-sleas -l'i'licati.is may too alkoiao%.
- � . 11
" : V) - this wifooditon ILI Pa Coanda ditined bat, hey & very severe alikkort I lokk�k th..da And that. we have little as pactation of tit on I thmor the pullout to men tilde, and drawing I ft �_. _::4,.�T'= J. PRENTON, R A..
-1 � - f ram -Age t1to Tit* somoOot of 6", ke Held yo be In 1" , and the charter rules for ninety- _ bald bet,ollakaostakem. Amid, ji.adamww.
'o �==-.____________v= g We& Lima that JALWGW ferreting Q � ' b7if. .-& each hallid, coo- ' are .4 26 "t. ipeor boa. July Ilith, low. .91 -toll
� ougg -ezo�v - I - _11�hg, so,t:�Iktith diabolical f a-. I
A~ or the Cammesses L Lightning with 10,Z-asumbardlyoutficient owashould nine) , M. de Usurps items the man
,r--' - ., %i -*.m. lato - raw Aso" gr"jy hand. into tile public chest "A � south al.1 east it took tile sh-Tv Q' hill'- ion@ incur , red by the ager. li!:.d ury, Mr. - I ----- -
ronosee.oiNat Look., I two India$ e is to receive Nowburn having no their weapon than rielosesecow--Thellrati-Alw1b,olit plabehif, leall
. "'. tag Agesie" toeaw. mi I. * on -. , 0" ... to t The Vioalrof-I 9
I ... it Anevi,ew 'd -Al to Took. what am am she pleased W -"7 ,Jones .1'ellool"U, us all* d to koskug it t w the 1.4 r.-. the "not wo.o. the unit ...., .a as
. , .1. toesceive,Tgoodwas Atol-e-Vaeleask local.suire, It was then that the Quebeel I !=�`,�rrzza,ro,�',,, u be recover-! A Egypt 1okl=.u:n ..tmt.h.taa,Lm.. I.m.
. .. �� ,,, ill fifteen per o"t of the yearly earnings ; his fists to defend himself. fie finally L _ 1. LEVI J. NORTH'S
, is, dlau vice a � able in wit from the sureties There v , a,I.".," 1.7;
[-;-7- .. 811 - �V limit. winduwll Bud in.� in' legal be all aorta of comments upon I an = u bookonal. W. 'I i U
I t tim Latolluttlime Baby the *e" of coll od the t" of rates should be the ambe succeeded in grappling McElroy and h,dd- -I
_.",� 11 _ - - _"--------�� pion won badt; thee � socked down a stoor- � - in# him lift pankes mine to him asigistance. r -.A 1. ail Poll- at 6 -,Ad Vol -w V-14._ Tit.) kus
, � - t 11� - _ , gat, I atao., for the ahilid'of All nation@, 11,111,11 at %its *1 to h., " .1thmth.P.L. or Look I I, tio.lOo -
, .Y.:. I.
r jobs, won perfected; that " .;7' lJoirristso omoKs. _iyuring iho,Wm the prumeedii.g ; but" judgment call be scl,artartheEllyptainUovem- MeElr4p wells his evelope and is so 1, i"4wi A Ili
, N 016 Ig�ignRl law. 1, ke ' Of' ut Room Mr. j. Vic- formed until an tit* facts are known, slad I poicatmaut th �ull proprietary poommion to lwy I . able of the P6WAgh�a - - t'.4.4. I C I 1 C S
I Ion at J put out into the lake in a silliel Park.. "A Noter T,ko Tian 6.rkb te Tim.- &-te
I Tenure A,t became __ so vs, , Iruckeday Ind& bi-, It until it to "on whether Ral went OomOs lut`1 WmImi lil'-dy 4
0 of dollars .. hou. of hicliallvp was the be" o"Paceen
. i -'Rl I t 61 i V , above & Bull" And a helf - It cattle f�&Loia has taken permanent tearks, or has I of the work. Tile work wait undertaken I be". I .11, ;,.ns%`t=.,:d.,,,1,`4 whow, C
* I ' -are Muskat the MI. 1. 1kA,,t,4Tt,AM t I
11 - f Per . 44 tit* lid] . on id-odoe".1,11hal- I. Lt. Dot$^ Ad
- .. - . , I
� , . �, . $"tit without the "Action o it a gulug. piy stoma on a brief pleasure excurtiOle,soome two thoughtla yeark ago. bl the � PERFORMIN'G" ANIMALS I
� . A . 4 opera out the fine a% never . 81,1111,1N. Im. *111- we Brokokooky,loti T. ago Vol, a Lie, Lt
- - t -tl for the hquefit .9 kill ikoallth.' --- gives, T -.I.bt&L,d Modem Bow
- - down the i immay, forcing, J Pharaohs, but was .,=tail.
. . - --- e Do . III 'A it, , I the. I. =w, ValwAa. I,., C", J ,
- in direct defiellectis of f*OOPL"d bodad.old smashed the store 1`11" lot- I Napoleon. *hill in Egypt, his � MADRID, July 23.-Mueb excitement is by Mother a catio. . L � . . '.
4 .vl (INT . JRT 117, 149 t_i,,ft.l usage. And I- th"o Years, An", It a &haloes, at the law tla�lc -_ t otlakethe necessary knor-Irplys,
11 `1, . inawrd-�bl I arm- I- created by tit@ Carlist agitation, and in Y - ---- -
11 _', --%ft was that Provincial debentures to the dri, ing the .love in,lies, f; -,-m It- Posit `n AblirlocWture ia M111121101131 5011,0018- but dit., re�rtkrlli that the construction of .is were peada dAdy, 'rho 6eve'raY ___TUA MAPXMIO , 1.
. , r. � cp from thul it I
_-__ I to a Boon AW1111""t1kht affricill- , th: 1MPt'Za hoing twenty fact higher than .
-�.�"�`# 0 amount of 12,bLill"ll"twi were sold in lAodon sued i,rik,ked off tho t Whom a farmer' I tit *oil work was sm tnipteabtbty, menot hositatee witether t o confine thinge to - i , 1� -
�. � 1, .M DIV1810111 _ .are 'luoted the "live dliLA,d int- two curve" - " - ll.r turn I. " ititellaell"I pursuit -that it the civil measures to reporting disorder or 00,11RALICS, JUIY 36, I91119to �
. ___r . - at Wi, ,algsat they -am -1 �d Zola I Il"' J the Maditerrandesa, wed the oun"usa" .0 � � I
� . '. 6 am advagootim. a re ... hog of valvio-1 such .:d.of the 1, Ard proclaim martial law. rail wk"t ............ 10:96 0 :1 I i " I �
� - . s&' .4 be -bm*l ad from day at 10b to 107-th coastal Cay - by olik-mild uff pairtk,-u- -f like .ba- b,� of wach touportance as to be taught him at 14 be that th force of tile current -
I I . 46 -I- school -that tile natural sciences are its e %?,n 9.10
" -,- - �%Nl be so ateeng assit utoakng tomill Muisivie, July 24. -,The ministry and H:I Wh.t ......... 0.85, . I
" , � , � - is Bertha "lowD that somech before the Fineman CO=ulltt" hotead emitting li-Jes through the cooler kv`ng * ...... 4*5 I 4:15
ii .1 , -- too 0 b'16 bwlk slide in tit* Di,lwi.m of Metal- ley in & fit of rage U) threaten an in situllar to bullet hadle& One correct f.r-d se,vasts-that the meet elevated profook I resist it. M. Losomps, however, arrived at to In at members of tit* haviermin thalt utate . . I 0:00 (ak 0406 � -
,,, , 1 to. W.belikovilthe .tB,r,,Wa,.bswAd. Th"woothe 6mviom larval &Rd somished a son Italy hare find sco for all their sdilloyeatcianclusilon Th. Viceroy sup- K.vm.I,IoZgeJ themselves to support a Bill ****"* :70- �
& b
tz.:�41 11 the b- a 11 c ges tro whole picture. . Pe"... ..� �
� folds Coeta johim Clime . im, the Yarb. a learning -this han� plied the,owmaskor with 10,000 11sylitiAs based on negotiations with Herr Resister, Barley ............... 045 (,il 0 ;;r"�
I rpted by 6 with to glee Sankt, glemolial the §PP§r head cinock wb,I!h -PW Its .Lit by "be ............. 0:76 (4 0:00
��f branch �M- wl What was ware drudgery becomes a manly �
* , Aw%W-""" Wiloide bus"was puchuting: upwards if window. 'Ft&* wow by acience, and the .�L.kLhaj;7rt of "Too, of the Caucswm the Bavarian Consul at Chicago, recogrus- P,.k..::: ............. 0:10 (A 0100 , 11,
L` ` to ,* imggHwo zva,Imftk.d_-.ao ,a the public � , -pod by the excercue, directed � _ itookcale and athletic laborers. urg as valid all the legal bearings of mar- . P k. W*k
, . .,do' . call" And a . i Yo, _1 -
-, � . . . �; .hen dwgn er bemoan the saw-' for nearly is year, whom f Bisvisrians I.. OA& (4 0;60
t, r . tall werT far sis "r% $100-00a Ul�aoksb ado; when the -rdi d,u,.go That d the currents, wait leavastood farm -no work went on in the United States Potatoes ............ A ,
. -t� �.,_ - ,takli, however, they t"I"Ounie'lledit"" values I- xmr" , , M W town, When he tear= by � a comment of the House Butter ........ e. _., 0:14 R I, I 1 I
, _', in'reasolood from a :the numerous lwoiaskioadtariO= uAtI0111115 rIT o the To OM 4 :1 ,� � � �
� - - � _;O� . - be ad If Division .,,&I expenditure ,n.,L;A fia though" soared by, his studios in school . I out notion 10: 15d 1 -
I �- adwitok, public cap" ruery .,.panwid by a in- that all tile prulta-sen an the farm should kindat. but the right of Bavarian 9 .................. �,
- of h4 Little over $4,000,000 to & '"oLe ams ac .gairult the otill,loymeat or this kiad of (;.Teral 1121P. 0:10 0.0) 11�' A�
9 IV �& little over try,- the , :"" IT
" - � Cdowsme, doorsill . a 24 all, thev should debt raise from meadowe report, and left A don" lill"Loo begoverned by definite likeriolikodgkok, and - , .,:: .... *.*:' 4:00 4:50 1 1 I'lits:
meack gauggival cam- OW,04110- whom that Publio slavery proved to strong, and the ViDWGY citizenship is not to be immediately ac Map Wei , .
,� to. ".. , , we of ,he exact rules, his respect for him f&Lh*r's wait eampe1w to ;J�don it - corded to the wits, if an allen, by regime of *1 4p-) - - - .. (4 � -
. , Am .Pat" - W In,* " - *29, ;W,o00t,W,0W000- Sucham"Mg of sankoks and diol. The inma , , . I Wood. . ............. : 2,00 (iii 2:80 � , 1�1
- , I " I the publw F room , I I t
- 11� .. �-, 1. Arok,11189 to the weetito um.tely All .tit of if* "Ili �,
C.y1gy'S AlmnA641 , hall$* were fort Hot do L -pa, however, did sot her marriage. Bed, per cort. � - . r .1
� 11�1 is mA around mi Impact, At the Ike& of the incident. -E4Pvsa1"r- bandon the work, but blind she feulAs, I &&owe Chickens per psi 0:15 06"k,
., �,' '1- , I as coo &ring the four years lie we -:::::: 0�, ". , I
I vowdoot " pmaw"
� i thaitiests"allimigand rowing is M.
0�' ,� �. .Is= . ; , , ,
.. I � " - "40 fox P"* livi of atecle sumessafully require a knowledge !and ***tied with his Rommissa &"it. Tan V sLoclirson. -Everybody I .
,. , ;.1 � 14 or be sued at the (jaejergoi. 1. the record a Solid "t I On --aiii:), - 1= is onuety-eight and one-tenth Dr. Jok"un's definition of a fishing end- Ducks ................ 0:330 0:3.5
t , A 65UTIL H M. of tit* laws of life, both vegetable and � .
, e , 'sue The V.
, 1� . , , � ` . 40C.::7.�71hr. ,,'--IV is a hard - the comirs". it can amenely Bad a defend- __ 0 animal He sees that everything has an I 0: 0 0:32 .
Ar - � - a lorig stick, with a ourd attached to it, a Wool .................
� ��" , told ar. It long tire.* poor CAYIAT f - sookiloquatoo mass; th, its* long ; its learristrust Wet ninsty-six . her She ep ............. t..-. 3.V0 1 4111" . . .
` �, 46 , - be ef - WEATS" Alil! caor� - At to grow simulate 1 , I .. I
� ,,it w,mdvr t, d7tteebod to him an Infamy . �fset it, &verpp width being one hundred .Idm at one end, and a loot At tit* at (it 0:60 1 1 .. I
1, I I I
i ,:� , . . the to.nobipa Around public life; an -a the most princely of his - - I .tall4fently, thOLr structure and futic, and ninety-seiven feet, 'depth of water Prunes MeLternich in accredited with & Tarkeysi .......... ... llho , I
&.1' A`�:liI4" .if all, July Net, 1869- "
6 . * . , I I � the, I - I h Am Dot a . usol Aml yet t4on must be underldt" ; that the food which is Applies - .............. 1.100 (4 1:00 I ' 'I
�- - dly .,.Plwn agistuat Lt. ( in cotrupU,,n ca. tweelty-six tooll--4officleart to Beat the Inecutiull uf sonether wiefinition, I
.. - 1. W,wpam low Is i;Id delights to T.th.somAl�oo,��. mimst. be adapted to the _purpufts i9dow � n . � Zateres. _ wedof the continental Godw" Sollit, wtotmal% ro.b. par bill � , I .
vkl. I'. at cansolklikkag=Timahisforajoh The ----- stAbe work, up just, now gum& the TO _. - � I
, , � I Abr. . honor such to the a " tied : that tile sams food Mat will fAtteds -
, , � wo., wit Act anwqrow man, abOve all others, The weather iUn 0OAt'nues met mod us- to the let of October, it in estimated, will papers, &lid which is amusing enough to $1 W. . .
, � ", at" fits to PLO, om- sAt be recorded here, the definititin of a - ---. - _ - - _ -
. .1 �, i M be &o -d to centime*. - U , had muscle ; that the sommal bi $90,0^000. The sidm of tit* Centel be - a fool upon milers. It - . I I - -
, � ,;qSIS - , sk, lop him in the " We Juve up I ... no _ J I velocipedestrian
I I;liatou is twenty I'mazurer W ited, ttled,ent avom than 4 dry dars at a Unk's all animal will not build ,,., mospitV
Ir I fie Past like. weeks. . ,
� .� "; ... I examine his books and Ill to an walled up with blocks of atom* made DIED.
'. It .We gowt h of wingloso and the in
, , , 31t Out tiong awan mad witne,swo that Poe for the the food must be likewise various � that of them desert, soad am as in& be doub" if the doctat definition .. I
� 44- , . � th.of fimancial ViAske I " however, soft* so" wftthor lately. The from the asondis
" A j.w of tie __ . build up certain element of the suimsa losord as grewto. They are made of the ovlr made one angler the low ; and we At Rodsorvillio, an Friday the 24tb fast., .
� ka , . . be obvious at & glance- 'a I H.TeL ,oToU LGI.w placezisbeginniag quires precisely the same *16=tut in Z" William Elder, Wd 64 years and 11 W. IL C. 8811IIA RD ..............
I shewdo, meet the Dam* materiak and in tit* again way, an an sure that the prince's definition will
1, - V ANGU.. Mr- Wen' agail 'a a ring Knolls &A - -_ '�:�.-
_- I trata a( Ont-fif , - - I spring Vale l YOUR has 14 _ food : bhook, Able. --'--I atimetes.-Iloo-nalli. - f-�jdm1r&Uj-)a uption, which the uvl�iaftt extingak the velocipede. - ____._ - , - --- - - ___ 46"I J. 310,11L.- _ kij= __
: " - - Ilb.Irregoolikkes, is pol-un West to Ain- removing from-tFw-siiva-zx&xw bon' - - ! -- montles. C. MACOMB A.I.t-t
, I In f,a, lim,ponown on the I Lt ottiew - finds the" ; thist, keerfisia. --t - - - ___ - - . F,2;bLgi4.......:.-.,:.,....L,..Iblw =
. - _ . , . --- ' 3 VIvILLIa �Nsryar .forwaks, a himd � - �_� 12"KAN11, ___ _,___ __ I __
Iii: leak.".. And W. L --k,- well it-- F��, -I city of Tyre wait ui to n
�Zl "is wA-ti-14 at _!& za &vamp element& from its food, but simply Appeal bi I and are ot affected
'. - � I _ � I U,,r. ,it Ift...4ter-400A the East, it 6 a A" 4or A - but reA cropet Is priatels what it by W or maker. '
� - "unovin Q,Urt. L We Can to the travelling p.ligue'voiat rw.wpww ow 6 - pritimig coop -of gn=. elements In fowl go to keep up animal , 1 -_ -when sick- AM UftffilltIIIIIIIIINS -
I I '. I I. -A, patent se, D Albecoft to & tow day$- We house "ne heard I omay, ?,gage if we feared "am hurt past heat, and that if stebles are kept of uni- _ The Midining ceremonies on the I It of When enemies gather around __ ------,------ ZetabUshed CkMa Of Almeria
., ". I � Ot bar will as far signal all celebrations, of &am fails an the heart -when the world i
A, . a I , all, a court should not at Mr. Small in the British- mijokup4om, We "A a good view Of the form tempersettim, Ion food will be requir-4 to I he Prosixiolum LANZ Acknowledged to surplus Is, t"
�* , r � 8" or"" . We ah. is to succeed t the kind heretofore, am the Cartel excels in dark and cheserleas-im the time to try true Ile=
40 thim made I
, V � pleased edtoeupply animal heat. Itilk
- ,;* in Winitham. . ,bar and Talent of Its Artistes, 11110
I 11 ... he esubhobeal __ ____ crop a the Riding lately, heroes i magnitude all similar vot to the known friendship They who turn from the scene W the Goderich Horticultural Societv, too,
clear to bi& COMprehansion why Warm y, and be hold in the 1)rLlI Shed, Ili tho town of splendor of Its Wardrobe, Me
.- greater claim$ to *ff The notorious Father Milken it" Biting the London mad (- . I :�rld ForLithe purpose of doing honor of dtau,m betray their hypocrul
- �, , I it,.. " ismas that it" oaclinton to Lattice should Ile pr.Tiotled. th a kill. inigui-bod guests, Immune* prove that interest only moves them. If Goderich, on Wednesday this 15th day thorough training of Its B0111,11-
� ;r,��,' A, ' ame , .mom .I the distance it is from been released froma the Penitentiary. He � L"" generally we noted fall wheat He also Icarus that the vegetable gram -who of September next. tiful Horses and Poalea,,
. ash ips, is the North .at not be likely too 1X,ckkdwP"ftY Ley future and a Ism breadth ley appropriating the elements of which it buildings or tents are beiL4 directed, to be u have a friend who loves you
11 .. witercoma The V,w I fitted and furnuilikeel with all tile peculi- M .tidied your interest &ad h&PPIAS"- APPI-k*- Beat "it largeat 30 Itarkative *(Apple. .1.1sKI.L. 1.�OX OP
� lid tanking spIkou'll't, . higninadygruty. LAt ---d-..L,-tt,-s.f-h$kou.,%dd�"!,..L�.3
. I --- itake, of lialow, from thekr farUlItY a Fission invaders of Cassaida. he earth and air ; that i fashion of the country be sure you outsia I, ?=� . .
, � I- ___ &tell, spring w beat ead som, yielding very I An I ties of sty to And I. up. 4.100 boo.aT."'77"I"'.17"I.- I'll A TWORMBO WHID ANINAW
� -, J - , , ragglHas we rapidly increasing to porAll- __ poor go luw lands, pam potting ork the ,h:vkP=.-tdfrk,.-. ,nothing for itself, but an What like effect of the him feel that big former kiadnew -h SI 10; Bud do, I IV. 314% 751' 11-4 -- solood Into eghlbullon A— brought be*,. tell
I and the wishes Of BL,rKwoor,.-Thks July number of " =If= ulhat it finds in reach of its thoy.ro�rtljnt' w avenue of trade will precaletsmi,and that his lavis was not thrown vviouses at rail A 14,look, 6 .f. -k I 14, 2.4 d- A W. 3rl key .1ml
abod, ad emportance, , is before me. It is & Pious"t allegiance' we ever saw at thim plant(sold, must its I olu- "TH'"Ing in no 8_1 13 N.,la mpy'. I 80. aid do T!,. Joni rb _aah,l, ah� sets vi,ited not.
. .Z. Th. th
-mall mat - fine old Uisse"In" .2 be ""ho' c"mmwree of Western Europe, is away. Rsdej fidelity may be rare-Irlit it " Is- Book I I Ithcal. I.W.d U-.1.9 I OIL 2-1"- 76. arcing within Ill. P-1 twenty Y..r��
" blere.--ol
L kbo,oa* especially in each a a heart. Who he& not "on 4w &a' is
� n,"d ro., ocr,,opso dincrached end "&"'oil tiodi before it can be absorbed by the Most I% lealj I W. �od ,hI ' . 5 Ird 4. I &as Loth rep.t.u...
, ought not to be capital one, embracing It numblir a tter of speculation At the present tuoke. exists -in tit yU,2LAs=b1 lookkard. and to
to boL Bat plate .f Thwart Appl- ,., d I as . -_�A C, I = ,.&-it "4
sk,at u We had roste : that all the element& of a crop must `M& . They only 116101 i A`t so ""
I I _ --- will felt its power 1 *44530 Lt,.tl�L,t#,fLm�.bA,-p�,"Ii�lbgc.�=io I.,ch
I I tat =_ I
I - Ild bft ; Ind A- ,a sense that I is wit It. it I. OW n�N"3
twoost*v--c-rt . tall hole for a g ---d ertip. � - Zi ,,=,of Its "Invokes. n1do,lik bu
."I." Wefoel&" red that Judge unusually intormtin - 9;�Pws- __ & droaching rainiest Thurgalav might, which be pr�at 'ft a g0luble tons' &aaimL'&bl* con' A Huge JOk*- worth who have neverloved sifriend, or In d*36 B i,ww,dCr,bbAppI
B.0 would readil y stairs the 'tie& of D),a,wlo,.q M ON TxLv.-Tho August dition, or the regalt is a faidure ; that tile - . broured to make eme happy. Thogisloodamill ai. I
knocked down the fall wheat comitildersibly, isoil ofteon contallis large stem of plant On Wednesday week, a sailer belonging tit. kind, the fIffectimmits and the virtuoso PICAR8 - fk-t 6 larill-Lis'Posay. illooko-I r- -, rad d' CFIC;.&N1rIC C03111P.ALINY
. . as,olmondal trouble to himself, if he number of this popular Canadian Mo,ithlY . hookaktv shower yesterday noted with hail faced ,,, an unfit condition for one, that III to the sockooner Jelowne, 31clAolatials, lesing leow and feel the heavenly principle. The I 16 Aid 4, T5r_ lettal 3 torkal- tell P-1 toloe'i I Wave valse Allen
. Y too* 'AWd.To. II_tskA,i.t..w.,,r1IP. .-�, Atook from The PAIN SMIC Be B,
, sessidered Ike would thereby &Aid to the in before us already. It is fully up to the I "' . . I Ireous. wousel L Go f . I
I �7'
In wine pl.1-o-artir quite heavy rain,from dratmin9whan wet, anti pulveriloing thin alightly uktkkdk�r the influence of liquor, &lid wow Id sacrifice wealth and honor to IkT*- I oil - Aad 4, 7 6 Iteet I -Law .r old said maw WCHIC with dPv" =%""'a
I . t to the action of air and d 4, And d rd do 30 - . = � of I their pwfbrmm"
/ � takuwaveuteace. of course Itte the in- standard of excellence it ime stt&'ne& wishingto perpetrate a phase, the Colocarg enote the happinage 4-othore I an I I, r ' at&- I q(1k.N�1113"IT). ST&RTUNG-4
Woof thopromut Dkorumiscourtclorks __ ___ 6 -North West, all last night aful to Amy sell, rising, win be Owned 11
tangled frost,eltromMlemeentis are liberated vk' ple, pretended to fail into t,he harboonf, turn, they receive the rowlird of their law* I'LL114-h-t and i -f -I likillaw-host -f askylloing of the tried boom
, keep - I fill own. The fail wheat Lexicon, these Rome slo- � I ..k.el. .A I.- ,!,�. deorketwe. Lie( - 1, 11 be i;ATr AZZA continent -
t 1,W the alTUMM large. The Public W1!vTRD. -- For the Tin I rendered soluble ; that Cut insteaditif going in himself throw in,& lea,
I illby sympathizing hearts and coustle- 4.iw.sroAd5- It 4 ,-ti- -e-all.
. on brought Ills, _b I so; and it. 76. aid 6. be mool C
or cattle off the solu.m...-T.-If 6.1 owe* �1 wly-ruat halt struck it, but m,,ntA may be supplied artifically to the I piecoof the far-famed ire& one 'Le of
A I it becompai'le I fievours, when they have be . "'t .!' I, ral iffits, In tke, Quietly of Squestriless, *tam is Use
.wwts am quits, diffiress"4- - With mail 1 end lojals" I to to injure it. The forms= by big old plug hat and a screech of &90uv- b di sond ad"rsity.-Bunboom for W"'D'�D'Al'"Ibmi2t.V�w.ijib..,I.u�. too
4 -1 - he mat, in the refusal of crops, exer.ments of i
Clerks and ferocious dose �nd a bad tempered Us - I 6W. � was than 12. jim. oqwlian.tool
, dookend equally competent "" :IS oo a &is never greater call= an ime,ls, booe,, guano &she&, I laster,lime, �All was excitement and nim,,ra (,f f-)ul 21 S=. roads Selvelooks da 1&'L no %"'I-" kg' -L"' I M H MARK
, I finish 40 be eingooksood. kipplyAt owe to the proper saLburi&W, .oluthtHuro. h Iw".P.tId.sk Liall'oettogbig.olM, kox-t a
. _,� - ___ I bJu; witIhisetil ronorfor ." uk,nth*f Ary "It and fr,)in many otKer sources, and play, ac_ were bleard in this uAtially quiet - - - - .10L...... A5., &.,Tw- U.S.- _ 26-- W The 1-111 sona 11"..."" Aqo_IA .... tot
- I plants will flood upon these and call,- to Inside and the hoort- IT - Askerics. -4 ('111111,11 1=04Z, Steps "
- __ "I Convict ,town. Dregs we avolh' -The Montreat'Gazetto'calls Oteriball- D--,,'- P -To,' " O"' . !lat Wool,
.. . Ths, attention of the wells weather, hay in a 9-1 crOP it it them by their own kvaerful chemical w : . Had �w end (,or it , u � . ; i _! *a- == 9% 1;4 - -oh,- ,-.'oft.
. 6qg4led
_ . ___ . _.___ - _______._ I—, A_.:�;- ,-romm qk I! ti _ .., -IN-Wee, INAMIAT
� "'.grf"_ - � __ -_ - - lion,t 1"m � -h-,;s4 5,,, 2-1 4-, ---.-- -- __
�. wwsmy-au� - -- amid Tkoffummer- - eson 1) . . 11111211 � __T I jni.l,, 7b
,� " - , r:_9uoi;arna that plants must fad as men" cannon son tear ary, certam y. lor Best, MINE DAVENPORT.
" � , , I . I'M T! a Wit @Odi� , " " . I A r.settg ... !Nle.'Mowli!Rlm,4-.N-�41-"Oi,it%', I
ri Th* - , he wemi ro- of water, on tit* site of Dark's 614 stand, b#Abwahou"d, but wevouli may itun VI t hear for the volun a. It_, plate .f you - doo�. 2 I4 d. 23. I
ll 1� we think, has Imes it . I U As animels. Idery was brought alongside of where it -_ .1 filed. a Mae -to. B- . 'ftd 440 31' Tlko rwimtivs r1l...."il.
4 it an a in Cisguide-jor kleat at. I& is a eased deogerilkwo trap on a ,adigareat state,many havenut commenced we , I goatc"llet.u.'aars -_
Tholfew lessetilloto that are given him ille *rtl the sailer had fallen in soad 9Xv%*oEwiUay.--0n Tused LW the 91tArlisil-likedouldhan
pmerkAble sodomm v Imesupposed a so, tit- a -t- lask, ,= of U'LLZ AUSTIN,
- '114, OR if -4.1 else.. Hot I
is wfis hardly poosible dark night to strangers and others. to cut at all, walking far dry weather architecture *not landscape greatening, hat pAmed around for a collection to wife of Mr. Alex. Weston, 71 . �rwvl _ Log DL.Bomm� ad
I mairry a ]am year. .it $I as; Ind t,L Aa.a.kLrA&k,A,ma9 llflolk,Itm oril ATY, ia,,o;Mppffi;ff-MlAvo
1 wil.2o 'W Z:`
I matedy: when wintst __ ___ Toronto Much ielwud& upon the next Los days fair show him thatrefinement and taste may buy powder to raise the body. An still Westminster, gave birth to Tome chil .4 I."t coi. andn's.
I -1 to tell woniol approxi - r)-- We understand that the I 5..2.d do I so, .
I "it winter's 12111d. be as wTa (Itooplaved on the farm As in i,ther artillery man was lonrod,under the on parka- -two eons and two dat ghtsam. TWO .( :'Ll-'-'r-'f'1'1mp, Inowni In"I'm or 'good Iff"KE MARKS,
eaded end spring hope, Bud it bute been I&B,ver, who to a mum f,f great ability, to , __ - __ - emupsoom or . the profession& ; and on I tendency of Captain Stanton, t to fire the them were still hc�rn, &lid 11 the -others died sra " "I- Beat 4 1.11I,listo 11. I w ; 2.4 d. To; .114 L -PM booklitilitil Be - �
- lot. bo. P -t3 Inhoot L.I-'. 2Lk. Makill Z 4- .Li�hh ";y Uldiolo. ��Ipq
, ' . f and after shaking tile town to Its sion after birth. 2ac Ile t 3 d,, il.rtf,o &5�. flood, S 4. . __ , ' '4 � �
I It, .m dLfficwft to dmovw thin YWvk94 what% the is hum the question it" Ivan tl&rr*d' a The South Ripe fbr a M0xkArOh`Y- those ` whole "In . .. --- ____ - ,....r, W, - - L", I , 111111MICAII.."MONT, �
� .,,4, - - - ""17fi, % n. i4m f - I - - - me. IkKsd.i-w--
, Y cultors. I, .. int. forthreadoly-they gave It"T, .,.,,. 1, "
" ,o_ spring we load mA`VCw*_om`A4wgW~r'_ d dedlyoftheoPini"ft that th"Caunt this mcupation for Q ven-n-u- of nowl" JAN rdiffulliff flivorlis of loot.
1. 'a bank.knoters, have had eel I as a bad job,impitowng tha. the revolutions lit�-Ratdkkk,d tat
. .
11.1 Whether Callow&- coo ncil must furnish aocummoda&iow is A ocivromromfent of the vile B, york World lie will not theii leave t, t - Ile Queen in expected to Visit " aamead .4 I-oo the-- ot-ot 91 GO, -.Lot. 16; aid
, _ ��,-;�:� ; ' to his -t arkeoluenical or mercantile pereanto ,if looks of the atmet not had carried the camp at Aldershot early . in July. &A ". 1ievt4L�kkaOaM'-�; "I"14160,3rd'e" NIL. LEVI J. 190RTH,
j I- saythims &-I do wlUi at or not we can not the Court Hotusko for Mr. McDomott an triket in the mouth, sea" home any w I dignity or respiocta P tile lake. It salicke turns out __ � Bookink"',"' Olo itio-eaccomiffigi, Asoloved I'miller --it 11 -ft" 4*
� been a lesson of Aim 'L journal a soinesthat remarkably frank on the acore of I"ril Y. body out ink . . rM,=`='='.t;�;1o,wo- ea,mood.mat es" Clots., .111 latindil'. bi. basaWill trick hem
'r-, '. 4 may, but kt has antainiv torinClutrookory. ItwillUeo6mswhd statement of his investigations into the (or he finds agriculture requirs rutrw in the orap - The Clearing House returns for the tit- TV ... Wool I as ; "d 4. '. 3rd d" 25- "" - MUNITOK." whose hattooll has lovem 64wiGPId
I a I that the sailor, after throwing 51
1. I 1, frequent and violent changow-fmmn Warm difficult to carry out the do"*a *f the rapid growth of imparmhomi in the smooth scientific knowledge than any line of t I al, .. so*. 2 4,*, ZI gagested Boost to.l.skest, trick.
I . vl_ , a .1 � an;[ his hat, nisida, off in the dirgoetillft Of Week donding June 9 Allows S total of Z61'. 4 ... hot I- To,. :264 4. "; $rd.i,, 2T6 fleo" Lfie"I" I line th.aght, &.4 who h
I . - fie sold, and from a moderately dry -*all before Mr. Dicko" and wo$L He says, in the letter to which TEts, then,will 6k, the beat cure for 0 Colborne, where he has been spreetfig star of Phl-ft wet less twou 4 vootodi 'I so of ooMEN" dWO
to, 6(iii'me. 1W., ,.,I_t .... .. r ol;hkato s- I ad I- t Ikkk t
� The Amount of C.luncil in that come evalent 7an,aloof farmers Be, a to ly , , ,:I ;.t . .
. . .6i since on the strength of his own j,lie, --_�_ _, I W. .t,e1d,-. 314 �f, 1!��111�1: I MR. T. TOURINAIRE.
I", ,,�, � � *.�_ ,_6___._1alfH1_ - -atul � .(A.1-71, 1.d,!TQ;rdd,-2� 1-t..
*_0"al*4w-4_1q%� .�i.!z�� _0900goJAWAG-46 kv#%x 1I I ,LkvjL - _
�Asa-_ Is ftf": ly Alibloll_ utter dutintst ofooverld cor,,nom wiml - - .. .. - r- � I .- 11. L I - .._ ___ rothade,t.1nor.tioterr end thniocilrWyartlatic forts,
.- -1 Per-'- ,)I bro,"difilf _TTULT_ WrffpTff T1111- nowe �WM'z�T - � --- _. I— __ - - 11
I learned in these egetters, hall keen unpr*- Lavi J. NosTium'great Circus, and to its sollikliar- "Yet dhollfitwl-mrW14- f��. - ... I ,� . z"'. ., V�)�l.!'- -1
- 11 late vitat Godericholl Illickil cenvomtion . - walti =71 1--b77f.= Hare .tul a nu.glilSkirt4 IkiA were drivitut a I !Jorl",tua,�ion '72.1.1.".4, 11-11, o., 0,00".[ umanallooko. "t-aace. I
_ - __
.6dont.dim Canada. WItheytrytmm4li- forturrig Arkismals, the arm*. . 44, 4, I itsoo, liko,"..'t r."
I a,,d- at Anklikeloo 7 I' - IV- -1:0 Ikooi"et 7U.; ,%ol do US. 0. WILLIAMS.
, e LLLLL I done thUBdOnt4lrM a took,tal failure of the Thuroday the 5th of August, when them ,,,pire This idea has match popularity, - I--- , 1. endeavoring to One , "AH, Low, fad 4?ft it, head Deal 4 Airewagertholvall.bassochl-vold.kIii, bi- &""
� :f1 -.k,-:.:.,.-. cu,,;��.-ttplaft is Allotted to Red River NuWll, team at It sulart pace, on the _I(Alk can- I
' c ";.In III Pea ,ke the No Beadc�g,_o, . pade 76,; tool 4. be. 1.
If- crops has been predicted, ani yet, take it will be a performance afteryinklin And witi tile rol,loer devoted to its promalpation It'-f'r, Srd ing-., it" the fo'- Wigan to Bolly a Farm MeHLA "a am golual tanker. tells, as tile i,enR,f'm�h*
. The N�' __ L, , " Hlro!-ink-hand" with dry acket-8, When a Arhi-�,8nmaPhml'hft - 2 ... 1 &t Z�
Is j.'so Alk Imi.l., is Heat 4 ut�n W. 1111,�,t 4 estakif" will introd-o the snowkg�r VIFFAL0,
I altagother,the prespoetforsIarge y laid ofali evenueg. it,& spoken of by the Prove a' finds a ready We. Of that Or I have lowing homl items : Very few po "am to know that tf,e � sh-wp 3ash of liji.tilini, �11' a heavy 0 R rookebwaiiaLlaidood. novid.P.J."'re-limb",_ - PACMe'. In , '114. fivive bell, intakidelm Pc1
July &M thel.� L I. m If - `u�ickl, isnol-fiet drisp- a-, catistail;. aeolot Glifidleas Tu: I" do fte wool of 'mm, an it, "t.ing.
slobigi, to ;rerpp�t. -4.. inning td'ireturm, froLa r"1106 - -
- - I w^yde producta far above the average had the greatest circiia that Ikais ever vimled ban rerilat#41Y Th* carte at* 1*9 mouth. ,It .June &lid - - -il, -rfi T, Forc, i, rw% Zia a so: red it* I so. &.A
The Irmin creope Canada Nis dioubt there Willi be a great 11riamill, Mubile,Montrofw wery sona .those, 3' r. -L. The nigh boric mid the liall, 12 o- "Bar
seldom been sourpsakeekil. cities, who editA it I I ZSt. Paul. the y*,,r in torli,c), to, look f,,r,,c purchase ,col on flie yi-od 1-6. I 40 1 KWUc--uw4- ank-I 00. MR. CHAS, WRIGHT,
* I What does it me" to twenty-five shillinEs farm. At this ateason one can judge man (41 tho 61,A11-2.1610 Aplocared to be stood. jead lL,Oos veto I oo. - The Ft -lea .f Angeri-, . n,pres-tsales,
generally pnmoe to tan out well, and at rush to see it on the part Of tit* thou"e" otbobacks It? dlat�., oke. go general, in- Floor hem fallen whether the land can or do" produce Fortunately the other man and horse Were GARDIN vitiWTAB1,911-bood eallikeettemoff.t.- aruo Lutrodikellog Ilia great cLuaM .9
woentoll, atom that by so emponesting law Who always Will suand q,tizieff of the dent, have I fooled the interest in thin Per 1W 'bo- 'ntiv stunned for Any length of 1,.,va, gained a,t i- thite, 4 vartet Ink, CV -
I x, __ gi, A crops, for if it is rich, the waring noljiaflik�if, . ., do ' I so;" &.Th Beat I Ir 'X�� .
� �" I imperialism business, that I havesome, The woatli@r has been exceedingly hot , ." A
d Natave, the very mass we have 1611i'll kind. . times thought %be coming mun, who$, during thoo last two, or three days. gram and grain will be an ocular dergion. tinee to deprive them of thtir sensekt. $Lou; '"d 2odolk.be, SrAit.16 &.3
th Ag, variety oweed 75, 510. rRANCIS,
.. __ --I moyiieg wet against arkohlikelvenvasibithe _ I " tration of the fact ; mad if there * _a, After a' -.J. of boll djlkzy� kind 9 S� jj�,,B,dk far I" Tot, e;4 4. 60. ' feet or Perimle. Ml,fio, -111 awpou ft _*
How to Harve" HSLY- - 'lady for llis &'ui ill -two cou 141 amad b - The pawid1whIll, STWCOTN,ng sister, fe .h io, %.Lt- Tso, :W3 Ile, W BW um =_o._d*9Z_1,T..d original JitittILINS glots,
yerifteporte:31-see FA cording to ulm .
ftnived weevil back to earth,therow to perish, - __ very sucomful ind for southern support. way of Superior Cit = - the stereotyped stateert", me Usual reatolifilitiv4s, t I 11,11-nma felt better. I 110j: se,of d. 76. Beat 4
L, � . n sit "tit tile lotion &Ull LAY there. Signs of life P,&-,ki!(r4ajft._(;!l1'."7'! -5; 2.4 do � Him 4 tok I I MRs 8-.-M. HAWKINS, .
I, wentrunt,bythomillios. After a ItOorm The Buffalo C*wrier begin of Many he- Thu maw 61 affair4 inion from that head. . abundance of choice fruit, tt can bi, ,a. lot
Im. this time I* the beat advantigs, rho Jim, in tile poor animal ,irritated attention, and " cehry-,bo, L 2vl.&* 14 Peet 4 It. -Ads Wintor t 4
'a r.11v 7= �81 - 11 11 4 h -do, 4-,-, 7%. millroll.al Ile. J.W. sod -ImUW rt4w- I
, I th v,4 d
i smeaft calls, and Why not a good, ripening mom who could not, got in any hisky, during collarless devilment to %bi,- a pc,??I* Of The Rev. Thoingialkidwin, tAt* Of boo was winitited to, rise, bet he staggered =.". . "I&O NPORT,
Vim section have been sul,jected. Andy- gks�voll, preached in this Wesleyan astatine- lands will shuis, whether thav a . dob(l 11-tothestivol000l"foo
thing oeettle at too" smile, and it its &op- v.Ham ,in tile 4th inst and r. dry son,mg! l,'p,po '_T.- ',.I do so. 1hal's Th. mbadtMOd 011 :
f digall olf hot weather after the mine we have the showery or 'costelling' weather of the the Rev. D lifor pastures in wornater, and around like a oirtnitten man. , He was put 76. 2.oid.60 "..tsNl.nwlkkw1.7A,;2.,tJ. MR. J. Lt DAVE
! % I " utility fmowithat,talling A in a neighbor;ng field, another 'horswo Cut, Ask, 'Bed It To"" .4 -I. r. 'It""t 9 fees "n. I tr.=VAm4dj:w.=tk`- a
e. I had I Harvest boa been promised sw well wagon ; and is told of ollil man Who is 'Pot I that an am would low amorkedtafill, iliavidaidin, ,of AyInver, officiated the same tile 911111TIrt fis ckkF low.de Total
Pike, f be any Ill"Winitoes &',-I tile joen pr.�eod,-d ,in their journey to C4743'; % =I NA, - I -_
ir -time. l.tet us hope that it will slot supposed to he touch of ke farm@T, but out w,lidity. To .. loi'slons, t. have some- day in the Presbyterian church drought. there lid . be . Ord d. Z � W -t 9 lioter
at. L',one, I" : laid do 60, Inik of 26, P -le a rArly
7 11 as owed � .4 ableut, they Will generally make their sip. olialt, sn'hiolie.ir they were soling for a , horse C* -A I' � - 51 Snid'. -.1.5. heat 0 whtt. LESLIE BROTHERS,
11 1, thing filed and stable,ii,tite earth's prayer with hen of the 9 I' If.- Carrot let. ; 2" ILL
. lail as on this occation. fc,,ol three t,) ux tells of hay is good order Dr. Schultz 1--ves to -day soll. this time. if ever, and, Power. rhm is fine ,,. Bodue C.,.4 Ile ; 264 4- 60. Old do 26 � Beat 9 Pot' Johu,l,n,i1.svk4AUdraw. TildrCloas
t . Ica - '' Bars.. =V=m
I There, 'Ind Yearning of the alluth ; and if 010PIrO as far as Abercroombie, Tile doctor w P`ar children in the neighbor- onsescalpes we have 'ft. . rocu: imir, , �� ta, do, be, 3rd A" UagAb10 b�.,
- - - 2D44nbo InloW26 noon; Ftelt nal saa,�d
, � hA1,T Von WRILAT. into his hem, every day [sat week business ever should take a doifinits! OhOP6, &a bef�re his re I I - 17r I ik17 twho. heard (in" = 4o25. B -t Ito'll look IOW 41 =11*1 "Ill -e", - -
� - A practical farmer . p visit Momtreal ¬ (lot we ho,xt, one can determine whether the with tile storm : as a friend at out ethic 'T'k't ;:�4�5-, 114 I"'lli I1."tr1ck,K5kl. 0.
in no secret in the prooeft. He put a tile sood prolrer souls reasonable guarantee Of It turn, wia,,,11 so be in about five weeks. Bat
I I locality in healLby or otherwise. says- it U84 Boa now as a ungohei. -store ,,,: Beato--c.-gortshl-nov, . Ind doi . ,4 MR. GUS LEE,
fittisuB 19artle H *win informed is yesterday hay Ili Cook& and put Mae" Cape over Permanent status to thko, section, is wilk During the thundst-atorm an Monday, a Summer in timile good time to View the Express. I do 25. r^t a water el,,;% I Me. toel,lo so It-,% S 00m of the meet re-tvick"im mad InVoler 'NO Taked
�# Alk" it wao a very nokw,.rtiky fact, that " rt it al,". I go red 4 I 6. 2" do ." Peet 3 1 1 t=gwit" befoom a .AM& ..dk� MI 00
4 although the wbm& hm gro" ses tall this I thom, thomaboadding the raise. Then when balaR4 doubt, receive men And miss 4 tock of hay, onvitainig some f" Y ftever-faiiing spring and the trowt pond nl'_'b M.I.. I oo.'2.d d. 75, TIM 4. 50. 8-1 4 hillool- kk.�
_-, - I , T
I the weather wait closer sigaID, off went the = to r. Alotander -W. . ,,, . ha longue �.lts ikeki indd,l,b 4-4 4,, Ao W4 1414�1 -
mad belonging I ,,.Arby, Built .draoight from one and a . To T~t-. i ., I "old.60. "eatittialkilrYTt- - MR. BI MARILS,
IT (A 1.
,I Ill- I . .d;.1�&,:".k`T.*.�;.t�-,-'ok,
row, it inveriably rimmAw the agent , CUBA. To- It f., 1"law.w.witio i.d 4. li'l;8
I Cape . ITY1101, of St. ro a was truck by the lonch from Ow other are attractions which ,untallifflum 4,41mil kwhits I. negir Bko, X .4. period. 76.,2.4 4. .W .r
Wei, siscarm, and, be sollers sal a mum for hand the hay opened to the air and - r�lt- I- = Reg 1%* to, ho calooly foomy cl.- -4 cmal,irl I,'
in tookyroo,olook. Year. . ,ol. mod 4,, 69 to voogodal 1
.4 . The onhe mind wave made I Adriem hit,* boten received from Solo liglikining Wad ockorkrimed. thout who pousese them seldom fail to be. sweegian,40esed . "_t,.11WW,;; bleith-tinvit f�*th� knotonots .Zp11..Xb14, that this dorliartment it" be
I . . Much a pleasing malt the large amount 'If mit of old beep cout about 15 cents. agede Cuba Vo the 16th in.t. 11warrival Work commences immediately Upon the @tow Upon those, who at* likely to bewotiie n-trO.- h4v mu,h n -sone t,. he plaaA,d at this #1 08. food As 1 . . _. iorarlitiolood.
it id cratiffing to Ike— d,At the not" of the -At, 2nd 4,, hal. Wool
-C"I'l '" I V,,lft 1--t-yoo." f- the rivni I -f "Insh. ,14pleol, w4)RK lemiTatting , MABTERS WILLIE & A]ILTHM
I I ash %*own have seed -a thwar husid. A . .sick. But touch higher priad bar "old i of " morkitfor Gloot,r creabliIi "itA 6 Lake o( tit* Woods 600timl of the Iled a purchaser. Even the wood* On Al farm 1. ,oj (-,,I,t wark Too. Ind 4-141, Beat F -braid -7 4
Lit, was pay wall on tile inkimtkindsoil if the wet ornwkilin The explarkatems received by Rover and I'dike Superior Road. Mr. will egoist a man in determining its value oateds. wrvaske. green. rit-,imtloo., &-S.bft�, 1,2 Mom.e..,,,.1.,1d.5O F�o�;Wt.dWarkrai_476,. The world -fall buy vioultem and "WDI@bird
U" Chad I., $� that ,our espenumb,ti. weather continues. A feet litividned di,l- Admiral floll from the glaviiish authollite" Mair hm succeeded in engaging fifty labor for if nothing lout stauntmi ragweed Q bl.ings, . N 1-Ilvel,liks , h flaittro, bodd by goddess. feattw,dosted k..tr.k--l7ttkt.Ak,1dok acrobsta.
.", deal- at 26 .l: le, "tw Beat Broldtl Tklo, %.I ok.,%o -Ilipst Fee" Kolt
- kbill 11k11IJvvt 116TO base burns mat '10 an to be mom, titan the land - - __ - I ,a
iJars might easily be =wild in title way (It' relative to the ellectition of the Ambitious, :rs, whin started slot yoxterday for the five finger ,,,,Ii,_ itad tie . theit. We. Fruit ?fie, told d. W. To Addition In the abov. rimirivit 4:
Push a rvmkwhoWe doostwal, - even a agaidAll to aimed farm if ilk@ wfttiter are reported "botlagootittrat-t,,ty, A" the lati.na at and[ beyond Point do Chene, may be get down as poor indeed 1 but it wormatina.-rall llh� j led,se, Anoommor fee BWWAlrlaaareTbe,ftl4do5R. Bool'slookyllovieves OrWimU*n, them Is Added -it .111 be
, mad IS the Country the 41oanigh Government jintified in Its watium 1 Tit* work is now to be Pushed forward tonrollick and tot skIrmind, it shows X-notirl., Idtookho-bit Catio,rit, loo,onoThrost llrolo,hitt., -as sed d. be. loref. M&*DeuAdd'. Agotisig Dou"4
W haVe up"Waof done not cloming", on ofie higher order. be. It lot %rimeabl* to am, -4 ml,ahl;. Sold by ' 1 RITLFA A19D W&GULATIONS Th- wocenth motoreoterso are y,rr.,nwd ft tit*
, movivir would owinstigp6pseage hiamdreda several skirmishes h ... romatly takoll I with all vigor. strength forcro Donosight". , .t.f - dollar will committees . yearly of
__ TU meadow. orchard and ,. � I 7%. Pay- iaL.o
. &.1re -- .
orrim ..it bW.V6m-6mA
. I eiw,two*nLhotr�,iman,ith*in$OTS§Ids- ____ The poestum govalherth,lo wok� mo,,woo.tid 1:11 -"us Um Pon.. as, - k'N or op." to$wqdL
'We Wobft that ()ardt. ]Free., ifh, efliciass, - .Ul of W Itz
� , atthooMA&. c � Use I*. J. Brigro'Throest -4 1.41.$
� Re latter he,* attacked . ,wwOIW of MAN FIncer AT AT. CAVIVAILIN . -0a gairden, ,All show what, they are and what Ittiodkov, to,, -1141-- of Ule Thn,.t, Lane., .ad Clead. _ paym, to -" Iki kkaY -1 hot .its 2%o F-flemonsdas S"md IWI. I
, "-Gam 0-0= - ga�od plantation.. (;sw jvpd ad ' AIT Poreolooka w t It, '(a .ZI-t.. - Dron J-- ..ploo,"dioll 111sal. 1111 appear
10#4 and eare-taker of the ritivyinew sun h T,ry pl-.t-d.Me.ei-.. sto+1 .... ye,tworks 2 All .,rtk1ll1kkkvT-`kik:-
- nf them I a he ; IT- for J 13,10", pit. 11-11i, nor lottkarwell, ties S. -M 4 we"oel,bihotea. ..it -
, - " les Thursday Unerring an old men, named in ty be "I Peet at " N't i.e. t.,dvHt .--.%V- tt.d.y,, go. siodkitarIll.g p.rfo� _�& a , i
� "' Pril- Alf -A lying is (kodeo 14 in the country bitt... fi"tiW 40 Traver Morgan, Z sillot lead killed by a lout earlier or later the selovict ,If things It".. ow"AA Too f
- liks, no%. Mr. Read, ban relearned from are muddy for Kkkt,nmLM-teg.m4It,,Ak1.rPJl itgi,.I...41. toothfh4rom 1ff..y(.-Y--ho i
.- beeline. "a reem.ed a do to bu,s her Cut. And flayeate. I menstsomedt,lomeW. "AlAidibs. Morgan, may change the roads .Aimilereadiarellablo. 11,Ict,yDniggists, , has =:_g:.1,.1, I" la, 1Z -1 woodit I h- All Y -
r West "Ill he had C " ot kkkokl".,.:� _41--b-Aa- . 4
Waahingtow, *kitb-Oc it Aptou who . us ve,gral4t, was put to slamp the ever, tied tit* distance, frol" the farm to ____ . Hos .,It le, P-itted ". vi, 1,11"r 1�
, �'� _ L
f, a General A* Red&* had WWOA 6 schosold appears to be much Ressimst - - �
;;� ! proposed 'A OVA* for a ursow of am). 6. I. go** "W Rea � riensis TEMPTATiol.q.-A tworres- rw'Z of oxiollAtion bolove to welleak . .. 64 PAY .
I at ry, my ,�". '41 - �
i ''"M up from "low. What". op, are .on- to %.= �. so" with =." atromprill I I- With the ob,jecoi, of &laid' evening before in a hare att to Mr. that railroad ix"Gu
r t:= as" kBot giers is & rd I 111K (mude, and simplifying the OOLWOO" KaIsAwe's reoidence, kin St. Paul street, "Ite,ir than it �tridoldl` is, "VecislIT to' A pote,00llit of the ff,st,ln.lo-tual cof (A-1-iort -'4'(p -tit old he -twoot t,, -, than I " i
- 3 '-p - .-Iialto Alto, At ao,todav 1"� re.l... I � I
., i dor t Is it stinother Fewas P,d ne the yet �_at and in the night CIA up and tried to get stringer. in solution the leaf" Are torn writes : 'I do not remember having soon P_,". Nr the sn-, I/ � �.
� Cables Illibushon, mid to be CzAbovil notir at 00skirst, I*& Question will be of custom 440& effs Ike dining r-,ok in% vell.w, the grain hall been gathorell. it takAimood in print, lout ilk* robins which .. ,ak_9I,ndfIk qualtmet -4 tam , . �.!,r I
___ ___ int,, the house thret . " " 1, 14�,A!,c
1: IJ 10 foothills, amenjasr- j�tbllk "*AOB Best Used Lt.* the frvi,to am nearly Con- ; still the Air to leave their nowithern hotmo, to winter at the ",'F,,,,-Irrl"7'fl"=-'n�'I'l�'t'i-"'-..WIVA" ..at I I
,, ;,,�sd Dammirs ARiewmawn its TWVV&*-' viadim. in doing me, he cle w I
� 'I CWN&6u*T&Wksol4adi Alaid""ta, that Sir AM,[ '� 0116SWIS '111 Im boa CA Window, whisk BI prt ad . up with it fr"b and the, isalliscaps, *11,Iwing with all- South (&It while there into very had habits. be _.1sai,ely And mti�iy the gneeth or prorodaru� . . I 1. �
I is the - the treaty. Tit* f&tnolm* detective, Armtro". Al - but the valualith, Torriducts of Th Pseeedingly fond of the berries a de" 'oh"Wwr �
I? ON& Va th y will he Ikkear to W"biugo � :::ft loo"Jingly . H, WM 10 man ' - - J "a" "Im t. an "h`h"_.
� PT�l We . of heard to (ail Into a lovoll name, tooninal tints, are
my we Oult under The Azbeg%W ___ - - todifficulty in Tm,,ntn l,ic� We itis pro�dnctit, are mainly of twe i.h its gr,,win f fee _* "' b 111
14 I!, 6^Y sy-Y, ="Ing Mm.'Sa:1,misa, sob. aw&kem,,d her a farm, all Pride of India, a troo Both To .1.1ftl- w lhaw:1.t.1 prelor,wailoo "So r. -
&data"$ WFI; � �jiao ad bi In . warred in the hem or in _,�1i.ot 1,.t,OAJ.d,r-.i1lhA1koth4
e " do r 0.1, claim' from the foll.wintisevount'i. *0 f hkivateoind. The latter great to the indow out of elgilit being ei,tensively f.,r ornament and shade in ." r t.;,ward dit,ko ry proogains. ftah to"Alles .. - . !
I . -t*b of thiesa,us t iA "Weekskete "it the A VorinlI woman named l,i,rie ISM hoes, but row H` some localities of0so,trifeari4i Florida. All it, ,likey'-eld., ,atorth'. "I :
, � .,^ I b a. *1 =4 t: -d - b- -0. Ik L-wronotte ; bit `1 up, am askerl who Iwas t e. tied no the proprietor"N Pookelf- : A oi- of p.tiu- inlay of th000-11-ases - �,
� 4#14 bao , froodsvw , " end held hint that Boom �__ this tril bean the frnit abundantly, eateed, TI 6. ."U.1-o"hilAw ho� 4.. 1,af,d000, 1 -lit?. " . - ��
o - - "Alliko *Ift,-4 am ozpmo- is if View I __ , 1 JbaA they We ",of so peared before the police magb6r&U to Streeter. His wifoiliki 4 " - .. I :
- . I Lod ,A knforriloation aguo 0 onto was at the bad room window, and on IcTunieffe. VFh" A mystery I Who what after the mann,lrol mountain oak in , "' Ill love -so, that, +1111.0se . as the -J_ . , - - �
�A. ,...?' A4M+.X4 A vj�ftiq t!!t. , �. ,. - , T± .itin ' "'I,katat _ � -
I *
. - . sk".ad, :,,*�ItL! - - lhoi� t okey 1" - -V=r.mmat4--b.- d-%.%*---
. t Nor, "-----, - - How a- - hail - ,og to .". - - - , __ , ___ oor figh as
. � - -11 'i . .. ... -1-17, a.,- ilil, th. material .d awporim
I t- . , ,., --a,t,--- 1.1'....." going th.m, Mr. =er!�l mine ran fathem its I hot 10 northom latit"Also, hir'l. c,11ect up"
.. 4Fife"o�l-'I '-&* matterin (a, the" tile .ff,o.t that he Iked undo �Adn�i = _., vowst a be , m FAS Fooding iiiiia', Iii,if-to
. I - - � '. I i � - 4 o'skager Boll wall., ",
� 11� No ,his &11,04 np a re,91'sor ly n the lourvidol, lifetime of tit -1 in -Ma the hall foroolil- " ow, ft -lair an .-Ptabl.
. I le"Base, otio.... -
� a4ii, - , M)"Wrowifin M`_` 0 I "Ay. fly nor re.x"t'sd the You ;j I 0 a did-.
I � I - I has n- h T;� they can neithlb!"017 an iltmain perched
, *�.-�,A, . ILA.r. 46 ik'�': � ; to .pot n,liamr .. t mifitaits, I lo4ormity inertly of them
, 1111. to _�._ � "ago A- met 'b.rvtl*ho.-,�0.100 and Ant the farm, 00 11"qvidwit wri r, ,V&.,, air. vad, ,_ .h.1.1. d.H,,, the Jose. ".41
,_�. � �, �,Ml ...... ,-I "' , be a . so t tall to the grorund. .
. I" - I, -'41 re" .. Th. vion starim I ,a" grow's on the branches, low _;`Tn1I.hI==,d"�%."_1 of the Otiosity, at .Imssivery Mors
,I to lv%,�- I to ; flo-mos fade a heart wi
W. Is& __.Z_�A - I noday eigbil soo, d PH 8 stoke, The man th
. ,_ _ uligw 1 1 11,041, . hem he .,"#;We t's-ea 1* won away, whom P61adve great again, the hall olool and disse ; the world likes down in the He"they &n pirked Up by the col,"voll no,. -hate, -%- sov-1-111 twerld-od ft" PUBLIC CoNloof's"Ieff
, bF&I - ... - ,,, 14% Vim I 11; Make addet .6 th .4. it" . bet time writes newrikuh. Population, who artollarn them very ahe* 10 A. tonaka livorleg"It - sive-f-'k N' " 4 "a & S1.11.1 4 Itto tolookin eao audit
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