HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1869-7-27, Page 2. - - - - - - - ­_ - - � - -_ - - --- - - - - - - - - - - ­ _ .-- -va­-­ �- - , - - .- ., - - -- .- . , - I !r ,1-�r - .. I-. . . __ _ . : . . , , im, . , .�__ :__ � , - - - - . :, 4 - -.111, � ..A _* .- - 1. � ­� '. I" , . I I .- ., . I : .- - , - . - -_ - �_ al " - ,�" . , 11" . , . ,. I I .r.z . .)."", - . .,�T 4% . I t to 1� , � � ,�:_ ': , - -4 -,%* _ �r � ;43. - _0 - .- A , I _� . . . * .. , , - . '! 1 . - .� .- - I - I I - - , I ­ �"Iewpatooakoo,000,�. - - - - 1111 . I - - A - , -- ----X -- - -,---- I . . ' , _:� � ___ - , . It'. ookoo . . ­ I . I :�.,Atii. Ile., ; . - I - . . -1 11 - ­ � A,.+*-, - * , 00,4, a - - I I , * - . I '. . , 14 . I - -ion - � ,q1q111;rr __ .., - - . - . - . - . - -.-- A=;2111111 , I .1i ;.- - ­ ­ - ­ __ � � __ .­ -16" , - - - - Z77;�_ I .as_ _......'ameat'll, W , I i I - - - . I 11 9 0 9 - � . I - I . _� "ou , � I . 9 . I I . I - I � 9 _11111111� - 0* - - 11NOW"_ 1 9 , ,� , ­.,� , I "to , I.. . 9 - � , 1� ,,, "', , � ��" , I �, 1, - � .""i" � " �� - .7'- �P� I . 04 , 7 �,', ,� , I ',t� I� a"l, "".T,.X' y ­ `7 � '40, ui�",al, ,.�-J,�# - *,*ft Kr( - .' ­'.'� .'j��­'V'1"`­t'."*1 -lW " I` I _ ei-i I � , .oeg , . 9" ­�,, . I � , - , , . --9 ., ­ ,� ­ i . I � 'Itf'. 0" ' 'Wt_.�9­ V - ' ' L'� ' r 'f .' - - lat, -1 _ . - 19 1. -�� t " ..,,I I�ar­ , 'roo 4 V I 9 - . I .ir � 11, , ::� I t I, - - 1, - ­- --�w-T,'F--� - '111" " I , � - -- -kc - , , x � , " ".]kt, � .9, . ", . �­ - - _4, ;­ , , N , I � I V - ,4 'k � " ,:a, " " " " -, , �� ,­, . , I 't !_ " 4 I " _� , ,44, � . , , ;.,, - ­., 111�, .. �; . I � 4,lWAA,�l",,�W"k`-, ,44 ,Yy , - ,- ---'*'. � . f, " ft ��,i:� � 4 - 11. I � . -_ I � L 9 1� I ­, f-,, ,P ,� ­ 9 , I . , ��,* I "I - 4 � ld �r-�, gr, - "a , , "I . I . 11 - � i I!, ,� - ,�A"Oa, , " " "" � t . 1 . 4,�,�� � " . ... , . I � I 1 9 , , �� " , , 4 , 'It . � I 0 ,�",; . , ,.1 , I , I I, i- , , "A �, t , ��,�, ,.,;A. 11, - _,ii�'1'11'1 I . 1��z . I _. - I I I - , '."'Q* 'A , , � 4" , " vws �', .�, � ,'!4��M`A'�ov-'_� .---i .1 " 1 ,9171��,,, 1 1 I e I- "I . , I— . . .9 1 " ' ol. �� "�� I . � " I i I � 1 I . ", I . �� .,� 4� I lt,64�,,, _., esk, - �­ qv�"., ­ - -, ,� , .,y 9,* 4 t 17-44., , � - , ,, It 1, � 91 � � , . 9 , .,4. , - 'i. I , _ � _ . , . � 'k", _; , , V IL' . I * � ­:- 4 . � Favo"_��,�, ""_` ,�, �,,, *. , `,*, 'ok .- � t ­ I I., - � I ;"r -,: . _11`1�r4w . . I I Ig 1,� I I . , 1� ,," ­_­ -1. . ,� , � I . . .. .1 I of . -_ - , - I �� - _ 4- 1 _1 , I � ­ .. � � I -1 ­ __ _. _11-1 . . I - . .. - -"E--- - - ­_ . . I -_ - -_ . , :1- . " : -* - 1, , - __ _______- - _9 _ I - - - ___ ,----- _�*.­_Tya,�%Jfo�=�=,�� _�- - - , � . . _111:1m�l,� - - �:Zl I-,-- 9 , . -1 ­� � -.­..'�� � � , _�,I, __7�.Z�__-­­11_i4i� _ � erT__"__rl= _7 - _ - -1 - . - � .,..--.- __ ­ . ____7. oftr" .�� �_ �A 0 TW-- ,,�W-'.�--cl­ . ­­ tw&_ , v - � v4o­� & - 1.-'--_. . � , n - - . I __1112=t .1 - ao'. . - . -121,_-��..-e"­ ' ..."­." - " - -11. L A ' a , . - - I I . Ift r ;;Ni� ili� , , - - ­_ . �­W,n a"? � 5MO 1141", _­ - -,-111 ­ , ­­­­­_,_ , I - _­ -, ' -_ - , ­_ - I - .1. I .- . - ­ . -liw- - ---.-- - - 1- - . ­ _1. �- - - __ _ - __ ­ - ­ - - - - - ­_�: .I- - __ - __ - 'V ']!!kR&aW*,Ulpapav*46vgm�� a".' ­­­ I - , ,'to A, __ - � _3 .b--& b..,;t..1 , .&I 3few ­ . .A ­II =� I ­ _a� * I - , as III *, .,,.� .":iii I wa tag 14 ozftl_;�. ­­ - --- ­ DEMCH GRAIM"T livskkaollwrmrt%� ,*�tlr;i9,_­_X_W___ _V� ��,_ W, A3161 - ",� ' ` '�*?H"* ,i% illiltl� , . ::..I"moM . I � -1 M - - - wrosung amain a.- - I, Me Jeweser 71 . , ......._­ ..""T. Z ir-, ­_ to, I" hall. is bat *As* have t,bAm - or i JbI T1 . to, -&!raw """':O�',-,,- - . � , with rogzvt�ottlz . A -ko0XPr-__- " okeeki-,1pitakewesse, _1;hs, 1 -doer rA T0.0somestruationt, A.---- ­ M., -.-.r Z I I'll . , '1� 77' "'L �, '11,11, rit , � , .- "! _� oq,t of this qrokkogm� of - - Lie '-1110F i ;# * * * .. 177'It7M 9 � _ . 'I'll I - - , N71" , - � C - ,,;Pt .. . I .1 I . , ,p#:,,�.":� 1�77T.tl; - , . - _C'7_7_1� _­ �.ft:­lo.�. I , � io­,f�' �_­ , . . .4, . rit . ­' � I I . � 1 7!�ISIA!!!�.­ � I . ,, - 11, � I I o . ": , " , , � .1 I � I . � , - . - M -- --- - - 0 -- - _!. "V. .,;.;. I ...­ -- . -I.., - __ 11 - - �, unob--mil __. . - i;X-BALO nautea ALUMBLAMY) Amit-- . - � . , - . la�_ 14 . . if 11woleavosprobablyarentholostoIXT-1 'jitiobt.posid.uss .rthlicual wator=r" , tit* P.eig.woklary toy 01611 -_ 1. . P1111vW. , .v. � .1 - .. omtomtKU4"tq"&.N-.-&A�i.14 *klikealk qL am beattiss, �:, " or key to;- 0", , . , - ltoiBi tam. the kc . itited to. r yessm � ad eateri us Mr. - ,,;;;w "I s W =. u �ur of =X iefoo clwk in tit$. owit"oll the " Sea with the I - TRIP SCH001. �7 - - , � 11 � . P, mad 15 be Us Tile farguark have Ides, of ecourse; but thiel , L r, � . ... .,:�. - loo- kels a, Ifte Inlay ft*," tial" . "a" -a wit I MIOG" I .� �,�, ", , ", t, - '' 0 si�� of boa 0 sit r.c. er-gunerad's depaituatsfit, who bes, rebates, and by that luedo the Indian uw Nowbura's r.sideno, I . 1�1 . . I .,W."_.., ."a h the design of .� J, I " . � ,:,-:,: ... .... _...% 1 . tini"go, mince, be b , me I ides proof fold Iteat to hall. I'll ,'� , ,�',' �,-� " ,1 . _ _", _ a 0. be,solose, I v ailiskodo of ths, OULA to whom We have . . . '­ , : ..... I: IL as -trugoom � zgwJj*.d spring .lid sown M boon in durance fur souls tiams Peet. Th. Atlantic OoosmI41 will be 4`11"Ima0d OIL the robbe,ey, .lid ah,koting with 11 WILL RE -OPEN , �,i 1, I I . ­...... - ­�* -AtHatc.embisalt"'. On ilk. Pra,villoo fee* beat nothing Of good People 44 ottaww were startled fif" a' October Rest, to the ships lot the Tfievircumstances Bat forth OR tit* "I; written tor our amount is r(u)dt. � � I ,!­' L -11 : , tile I 4, _ I � I AJII,1rM .: ON I Ill - `#, J�, ,, ;;t"�' , - I Aicods of are flesh is &be Humals of the public. the - , . I . "I 9, � , t (I. 11 tali tild tha 1 whsmL We world. The lie& of the cocatruL I orgo Talked avnia/11. red -1- A. .,a.,- lighow. �V* � , 19 ........ .... - ,Ali., Pot. The ykiest4rollikey to Bud that On ilk* prwXi-u* got thik .1 .1. . ..:* ... *1las t m of 0""'i"" Lot tit* Im"a a, been big &P- U441V or 509yel or any t In; I 0AW having excited great int"t .it" am& Is that siaki­d "Isowla, w. U -my per, Monday, the 0 August , �4� j" I � - . a 116 evening ,the 4molmoiler, had twos ad his oww firstowtodived in Ifte 11 I , *:.;.*:::. , to IL m,at.'stfsaeo" Of all It al 4 -4 .. 9 1 .1 �, , I.. 9 1 ... .. . I -Ps thao,�U� 1 ....... .__,..IP ------ Water" usildy to Who. .11 ,..,I,. _a., 1.1 -tat .-alk.l...". .. - " 1ZLil: I I ::::.. .'.'.*.,.4 111, y ley to the pod only TalAyt r which ro r0o" and no doubt to IMAI, Bull that dUrITIC the might 113)1.0-4 M. Pordinaud tile Los 'r � IT . " . I so evaimof 1p -A It euumov - The al;p and b itioduls must otronuolwv, soad Y y he re- r'! - t.wst of HUM. W - "I W-litut"If wimp and dew r I stoup sapplive W 1.1 -mod I I --I-- pukukk I -Give Us tier away to the Frvnl �i�� Bhkb sit. I,it qo.t­1W I.io.e;i:t.J1w'­. of :..L000,U",J_ 6 V ;Z;� itsi-w-us -1 roll. (if .11 tie* allow who mu*M, Is-' led the red turned to the .Ili after ousaill0ims him "a- $Ams surgagill a" 'im I, I V I -0 Pull - somt-hoklig to . =. of A.dit-r-Geme, -, a 1869 will house a *easier Crop Val Hietes He' left ()tt&W& in S � MRA 'If i.,011alf XgYPt c'04"tU I Lt. 1, � =,,;adise. neel X� 4--doo. I � C ..I& under the arealker all ko, . t" . . L 111W Ult too be overcome. After getting tax beat on V.14pligan" air** He meet I to that a" ovalook- :hr: =IX -1 AIL J_kI-6 to. 'eshowatistak'alf IV to I iz:,ol" -..V-- keld cabluet positions a - .. I , ilku­ .. .84rded to does., I ..',, enalk, " sal. -two - , a -akkko 6 to As ),at I - vaLe conveyance, not Hat .or A a 1: J .� , , at,. so Me Cayf.y's reputa- " any Of Its pro ,kc - - w . the Vicertity and the Mr. alowburin on J---- street, about three ____ I =�11.11"1!111"�"-"!-I,,r.Wl-,.I,.N, Lee '_ tooks. Nu. -this t He old I stive Wow, . L64. Ulk* OIMA after tn,r:w fifty covionalsione frol r the right of way, . .look in tit. afternoon VA i-wAd"w[ .1 -r---- he smago Alyago 1. I I ;,; ;aarlhe an". that all, ,.I. o -9w is bean very unfavorable fee lit* It.'" 'ittirkish (;ovarlitilimt fill ..r 1= To= wt-to'.11-daruilit. ,e.,­,,i.e._d to tittles ..,,L -,I- - to �cEl weather do ,as, b.agver ,odd wilem to the St. I.Awrolice, .hwpu 4�� videse..'idep , I P-4 III— w 1. like o.".0, I !,­.hud to was" on veliallikel-I life, to .'a", - � ­L...aAr le, No f.o I no % tmu LB lenoiasholy the is :g;.T"": -weather freedom on that other side of the river. - Tt , ft- d':tMg"`r, whoo go., -- a -4 I -xilithe-dint-loo I.B.a..I.�dl k_­,fw,_dwr11A1­.iftk.,,L1k­t �­,.,., ,ilk toliAL.Acial Aoki- -to . I ., 11 ..I,, aw,takelood, to 11 Ug crojw4 the . "­. %af its I as 41 ' -it w stand Ili$ - Em4Im" Eugenie, Zwontized a com�ps In style. f.,wa under his coat, and attempted agooki 6oliko" aw a .... a ..I'll.. ar it. -A1 ,,ftme - , _4" 4 F.141. Irkek Ike ­kmoy I- .Te. . b lit7l! hi 1. 11h. loomill '. re'.. tholt during which he we& ,,in, for the wheat, ,tiny holes, wilt come losix " 6 . It I , . it d­va . 4 t�caw ralm do imemas te; discharge the weapon, aimed directly at I Teell,.likeek....4.1oleara will Rod th­ ...4 to- I,,,o_I. 1, ,ok4.t . l_ f . � . . I-Lat log_&m the years a IF PTGFD� I'Lliasy's.wilitillitw., trial an the c"m for wilkoll he was coca- 1 �Pkl 1. ,,L,n,v"ty holarit . " . I tL � � sake, %U -O' " '% from la4 '10 . ' I h 00.1. Th..�ti.t�-d-l.t�.11-i.i.t-lil--il,P" i�...Itk..I-lw..t�IJ6�.LwL..R-xj.-.uibo � t.,;%.i,b1J I . vital ­ A" to. ­`, . '. - *a* " swas -A ,�kle".�. IS , 'L with &cap tati-ail S'0,000- Mr. Nowburu's bro"t. Happily I ejeemakesion,wroolicerugoloc _ aw ok-.1r,,,­d­ . I.-" in .,w.Lk L-Im. .ad Pill., ket'jecu, rw I A�', '1� boo ,,,- ON he .timvokk .%an Iambs I vulliaa too the "I, witted, kbu that is so uniAttlY an event McElroy then I V,.k. L-esko ...h raloody loo, th. _t am , I , bIw looney a ran not. "'o'N.-kits more ge - , too each. This van done powder A&A*d in the pan 'ft=* I" be held I' kWh "w"' I I.notte, sk-u-sleas -l'i'licati.is may too alkoiao%. - � . 11 " : V) - this wifooditon ILI Pa Coanda ditined bat, hey & very severe alikkort I lokk�k th..da And that. we have little as pactation of tit on I thmor the pullout to men tilde, and drawing I ft �_. _::4,.�T'= J. PRENTON, R A.. -1 � - f ram -Age t1to Tit* somoOot of 6", ke Held yo be In 1" , and the charter rules for ninety- _ bald bet,ollakaostakem. Amid, ji.adamww. 'o �==­-.____________v= g We& Lima that JALWGW ferreting Q � ' b7if. .-& each hallid, coo- ' are .4 26 "t. ipeor boa. July Ilith, low. .91 -toll � ougg -ezo�v - I - _11�hg, so,t:�Iktith diabolical f a-. I A~ or the Cammesses L Lightning with 10,Z-asumbardlyoutficient owashould nine) , M. de Usurps items the man ,r--' - ., %i -*.m. lato - raw Aso" gr"jy hand. into tile public chest "A � south al.1 east it took tile sh-Tv Q' hill'- ion@ incur , red by the ager. li!:.d ury, Mr. - I ----- - ronosee.oiNat Look., I two India$ e is to receive Nowburn having no their weapon than rielosesecow--Thellrati-Alw1b,olit plabehif, leall . "'. tag Agesie" to­eaw. mi I. * on -. , 0" ... to t The Vioalrof-I 9 I ... it Anevi,ew 'd -Al to Took. what am am she pleased W -"7 ,Jones .1'ellool"U, us all* d to koskug it t w the 1.4 r.-. the "not wo.o. the unit ...., .a as . , .1. toesceive,Tgoodwas Atol-e-Vaeleask local.suire, It was then that the Quebeel I !=�`,�rrzza,ro,�',,, u be recover-! A Egypt 1okl=.u:n ..tmt.h.taa,Lm.. I.m. . .. �� ,,, ill fifteen per o"t of the yearly earnings ; his fists to defend himself. fie finally L _ 1. LEVI J. NORTH'S , is, dlau vice a � able in wit from the sureties There v , a,I.".," 1.7; , - I - 17 1 � - [-;-7- .. 811 - �V limit. winduwll Bud in.� in' legal be all aorta of comments upon I an = u bookonal. W. 'I i U I t tim Latolluttlime Baby the *e" of coll od the t" of rates should be the ambe succeeded in grappling McElroy and h,dd- -I _.",� 11 _ - - _"--------�� pion won badt; thee � socked down a stoor- � - in# him lift pankes mine to him asigistance. r -.A 1. ail Poll- at 6 -,Ad Vol -w V-14._ Tit.) kus , � - t 11� - _ , gat, I atao., for the ahilid'of All nation@, 11,111,11 at %its *1 to h., " .1thmth.P.L. or Look I I, tio.lOo - , .Y.:. I. E a r jobs, won perfected; that " .;7' lJoirristso omoKs. _iyuring iho,Wm the prumeedii.g ; but" judgment call be scl,artartheEllyptainUovem- MeElr4p wells his evelope and is so 1, i"4wi A Ili ­, N 016 Ig�ignRl law. 1, ke ' Of' ut Room Mr. j. Vic- formed until an tit* facts are known, slad I poicatmaut th �ull proprietary poommion to lwy I . able of the P6WAgh�a ­ - - t'.4.4. I C I 1 C S I Ion at J put out into the lake in a silliel Park.. "A Noter T,ko Tian 6.rkb te Tim.- &-te I Tenure A,t became __ so vs, , Iruckeday Ind& bi-, It until it to "on whether Ral went OomOs lut`1 WmImi lil'-dy 4 0 of dollars .. hou. of hicliallvp was the be" o"Paceen . i -'Rl I t 61 i V , above & Bull" And a helf - It cattle f�&Loia has taken permanent tearks, or has I of the work. Tile work wait undertaken I be". I .11, ;,.ns%`t=.,:d.,,,1,`4 whow, C * I ' -are Muskat the MI. 1. 1kA,,t,4Tt,AM t I 11 - f Per . 44 tit* lid] . on id-odoe".1,11hal- I. Lt. Dot$^ Ad - .. - . , I � , . �, . $"tit without the "Action o it a gulug. piy stoma on a brief pleasure excurtiOle,soome two thoughtla yeark ago. bl the � PERFORMIN'G" ANIMALS I � . A . 4 opera out the fine a% never . 81,1111,1N. Im. *111- we Brokokooky,loti T. ago Vol, a Lie, Lt - - t -tl for the hquefit .9 kill ikoallth.' --- gives, T -.I.bt&L,d Modem Bow - - down the i immay, forcing, J Pharaohs, but was .,=tail. . . - --- e Do . III 'A it, , I the. I. =w, ValwAa. I,., C", J , - in direct defiellectis of f*OOPL"d bodad.old smashed the store 1`11" lot- I Napoleon. *hill in Egypt, his � MADRID, July 23.-Mueb excitement is by Mother a catio. . L � . . '. 4 .vl (INT . JRT 117, 149 t_i,,ft.l usage. And I- th"o Years, An", It a &haloes, at the law tla�lc -_ t otlakethe necessary knor-Irplys, ­­ 11 `1, . inawrd-�bl I arm- I- created by tit@ Carlist agitation, and in Y - ---- - 11 _', --%ft was that Provincial debentures to the dri, ing the .love in,lies, f; -,-m It- Posit `n AblirlocWture ia M111121101131 5011,0018- but dit., re�rtkrlli that the construction of .is were peada dAdy, 'rho 6eve'raY ___TUA MAPXMIO , 1. . , r. � cp from thul it I _-__ I to a Boon AW1111""t1kht affricill- , th: 1MPt'Za hoing twenty fact higher than . -�.�"�`# 0 amount of 12,bLill"ll"twi were sold in lAodon sued i,rik,ked off tho t Whom a farmer' I tit *oil work was sm tnipteabtbty, menot hositatee witether t o confine thinge to - i , 1� - �. � 1, .M DIV1810111 _ .are 'luoted the "live dliLA,d int- two curve" - " - ll.r turn I. " ititellaell"I pursuit -that it the civil measures to reporting disorder or 00,11RALICS, JUIY 36, I91119to � . ___r . - at Wi, ,algsat they -am -1 �d Zola I Il"' J the Maditerrandesa, wed the oun"usa" .0 � � I � . '. 6 am advagootim. a re ... hog of valvio-1 such .:d.of the 1, Ard proclaim martial law. rail wk"t ............ 10:96 0 :1 I i " I � ­ � - . s&' .4 be -bm*l ad from day at 10b to 107-th coastal Cay - by olik-mild uff pairtk,-u- -f like .ba- b,� of wach touportance as to be taught him at 14 be that th force of tile current - I I . 46 -I- school -that tile natural sciences are its e %?,n 9.10 " -,- - �%Nl be so ateeng assit utoakng tomill Muisivie, July 24. -,The ministry and H:I Wh.t ......... 0.85, . I " , � , � - is Bertha "lowD that somech before the Fineman CO=ulltt" hotead emitting li-Jes through the cooler kv`ng ­­­* ...... 4*5 I 4:15 ii .1 , -- too 0 b'16 bwlk slide in tit* Di,lwi.m of Metal- ley in & fit of rage U) threaten an in situllar to bullet hadle& One correct f.r-d se,vasts-that the meet elevated profook I resist it. M. Losomps, however, arrived at to In at members of tit* haviermin thalt utate . . I 0:00 (ak 0406 � - ,,, , 1 to. W.belikovilthe .tB,r,,Wa,.bswAd. Th"woothe 6mviom larval &Rd somished a son Italy hare find sco for all their sdilloyeatcianclusilon Th. Viceroy sup- K.vm.I,IoZgeJ themselves to support a Bill **­­**"­* :70- � & b tz.­:�41 11 the b- a 11 c ges tro whole picture. . Pe"... ..� � � folds Coeta johim Clime . im, the Yarb. a learning -this han� plied the,owmaskor with 10,000 11sylitiAs based on negotiations with Herr Resister, Barley ............... 045 (,il 0 ;;r"� I rpted by 6 with to glee Sankt, glemolial the §PP§r head cinock wb,I!h -PW Its .Lit by "be ............. 0:76 (4 0:00 ��f branch �M- wl What was ware drudgery becomes a manly � * , Aw%W-""" Wiloide bus"was puchuting: upwards if window. 'Ft&* wow by acience, and the .�L.kLhaj;7rt of "Too, of the Caucswm the Bavarian Consul at Chicago, recogrus- P,.k..::: ............. 0:10 (A 0100 , 11, L` ` to ,* imggHwo zva,Imftk.d_-.ao ,a the public � , -pod by the excercue, directed � _ itookcale and athletic laborers. urg as valid all the legal bearings of mar- . P k. W*k , . .,do' . call" And a . i Yo, _1 - -, � . . . �; .hen dwgn er bemoan the saw-' for nearly is year, whom f Bisvisrians I.. OA& (4 0;60 , t, r . tall werT far sis "r% $100-00a Ul�aoksb ado; when the -rdi d,u,.go That d the currents, wait leavastood farm -no work went on in the United States Potatoes ............ A , . -t� �.,_ - ,takli, however, they t"I"Ounie'lledit"" values I- xmr" , , M W town, When he tear= by � a comment of the House Butter ........ e. _., 0:14 R I, I 1 I , _', in'reasolood from a :the numerous lwoiaskioadtariO= uAtI0111115 rIT o the To OM 4 :1 ,� � � � � - - � _;O� . - be ad If Division .,,&I expenditure ,n.,L;A fia though" soared by, his studios in school . I out notion 10: 15d 1 - I �- adwitok, public cap" ruery .,.panwid by a in- that all tile prulta-sen an the farm should kindat. but the right of Bavarian 9 .................. �­, - of h4 Little over $4,000,000 to & '"oLe ams ac .gairult the otill,loymeat or this kiad of (;.Teral 1121P. 0:10 0.0) 11�' A� 9 IV �& little over try,- the , :"" IT " - � Cdowsme, doorsill . a 24 all, thev should debt raise from meadowe report, and left A don" lill"Loo begoverned by definite likeriolikodgkok, and - , .,:: .... *.*:' 4:00 4:50 1 1 I'lits: meack gauggival cam- OW,04110- whom that Publio slavery proved to strong, and the ViDWGY citizenship is not to be immediately ac Map Wei , . ,� to. ".. , , we of ,he exact rules, his respect for him f&Lh*r's wait eampe1w to ;J�don it - corded to the wits, if an allen, by regime of *1 4p-) - - - .. (4 � - . , Am .Pat" - W In,* " - *29, ;W,o00t,W,0W000- Sucham"Mg of sankoks and diol. The inma , , . I Wood. . ............. : 2,00 (iii 2:80 � , 1�1 - , I " I the publw F room , I I t - 11� .. �-, 1. Arok,11189 to the weetito um.tely All .tit of if* "Ili �, C.y1gy'S AlmnA641 , hall$* were fort Hot do L -pa, however, did sot her marriage. Bed, per cort. � - . r .1 � 11�1 is mA around mi Impact, At the Ike& of the incident. -E4Pvsa1"r- bandon the work, but blind she feulAs, I &&owe Chickens per psi 0:15 06"k, ., �,' '1- , I as coo &ring the four years lie we -:::::: 0�, ". , I � I vowdoot " pmaw" � i thaitiests"allimigand rowing is M. 0�' ,� �. .Is= . ; , , , .. I � " - "40 fox P"* livi of atecle sumessafully require a knowledge !and ***tied with his Rommissa &"it. Tan V sLoclirson. -Everybody I . ,. , ;.1 � 14 or be sued at the (jaejergoi. 1. the record a Solid "t I On --aiii:), - 1= is onuety-eight and one-tenth Dr. Jok"un's definition of a fishing end- Ducks ................ 0:330 0:3.5 t , A 65UTIL H M. of tit* laws of life, both vegetable and � . , e , 'sue The V. , 1� . , , � ` . 40C.::7.�71hr. ,,'--IV is a hard - the comirs". it can amenely Bad a defend- __ 0 animal He sees that everything has an I 0: 0 0:32 . Ar - � - a lorig stick, with a ourd attached to it, a Wool ................. � ��" , told ar. It long tire.* poor CAYIAT f - sookiloquatoo mass; th, its* long ; its learristrust Wet ninsty-six . her She ep ............. t..-. 3.V0 1 4111" . . . ` �, 46 , - be ef - WEATS" Alil! caor� - At to grow simulate 1 , I .. I � ,,it w,mdvr t, d7tteebod to him an Infamy . �fset it, &verpp width being one hundred .Idm at one end, and a loot At tit* at (it 0:60 1 1 .. I 1, I I I i ,:� , . . the to.nobipa Around public life; an -a the most princely of his - - I .tall4fently, thOLr structure and futic, and ninety-seiven feet, 'depth of water Prunes MeLternich in accredited with & Tarkeysi .......... ... llho , I &.1' A`�:liI4" .if all, July Net, 1869- " 6 . * . , I I � the, I - I h Am Dot a . usol Aml yet t4on must be underldt" ; that the food which is Applies - .............. 1.100 (4 1:00 I ' 'I �- - dly .,.Plwn agistuat Lt. ( in cotrupU,,n ca. tweelty-six tooll--4officleart to Beat the Inecutiull uf sonether wiefinition, I .. - 1. W,wpam low Is i;Id delights to T.th.somAl�oo,��. mimst. be adapted to the _purpufts i9dow � n . � Zateres. _ wedof the continental Godw" Sollit, wtotmal% ro.b. par bill � , I . vkl. I'. at cansolklikkag=Timahisforajoh The ----- stAbe work, up just, now gum& the TO _. - � I , , � I Abr. . honor such to the a " tied : that tile sams food Mat will fAtteds - , , � wo., wit Act anwqrow man, abOve all others, The weather iUn 0OAt'nues met mod us- to the let of October, it in estimated, will papers, &lid which is amusing enough to $1 W. . . , � ", at" fits to PLO, om- sAt be recorded here, the definititin of a - ---. - _ - - _ - . .1 �, i M be &o -d to centime*. - U , had muscle ; that the sommal bi $90,0^000. The sidm of tit* Centel be - a fool upon milers. It - . I I - - , � ,;qSIS - , sk, lop him in the " We Juve up I ... no _ J I velocipedestrian I I;liatou is twenty I'mazurer W ited, ttled,ent avom than 4 dry dars at a Unk's all animal will not build ,,., mospitV Ir I fie Past like. weeks. . , � .� "; ... I examine his books and Ill to an walled up with blocks of atom* made DIED. '. It .We gowt h of wingloso and the in , , , 31t Out tiong awan mad witne,swo that Poe for the the food must be likewise various � that of them desert, soad am as in& be doub" if the doctat definition .. I � 44- , . � th.of fimancial ViAske I " however, soft* so" wftthor lately. The from the asondis " A j.w of tie __ . build up certain element of the suimsa losord as grewto. They are made of the ovlr made one angler the low ; and we At Rodsorvillio, an Friday the 24tb fast., . � ka , . . be obvious at & glance- 'a I H.TeL ,oToU LGI.w placezisbeginniag quires precisely the same *16=tut in Z" William Elder, Wd 64 years and 11 W. IL C. 8811IIA RD .............. I shewdo, meet the Dam* materiak and in tit* again way, an an sure that the prince's definition will gess 1, - V ANGU.. Mr- Wen' agail 'a a ring Knolls &A - -_ '�:�.- _- I trata a( Ont-fif , - - I spring Vale l YOUR has 14 _ food : bhook, Able. --'--I atimetes.-Iloo-nalli. - f-�jdm1r&Uj-)a uption, which the uvl�iaftt extingak the velocipede. - ____._ - , - --- - - ___ 46"I J. 310,11L.- _ kij= __ - : " - - Ilb.Irregoolikkes, is pol-un West to Ain- removing from-tFw-siiva-zx&xw bon' - - ! -- montles. C. MACOMB A.I.t-t , I In f,a, lim,ponown on the I Lt ottiew - finds the" ; thist, keerfisia. --t - - - ___ - - . F,2;bLgi4.......:.-.,:.,....L,..Iblw = . - _ . , . --- ' 3 VIvILLIa �Nsryar .forwaks, a himd � - �_� 12"KAN11, ___ _,___ __ I __ Iii: leak.".. And W. L --k,- well it-- F��, -I city of Tyre wait ui to n �Zl "is wA-ti-14 at _!& za &vamp element& from its food, but simply Appeal bi I and are ot affected '. - � I _ � I U,,r. ,it Ift...4ter-400A the East, it 6 a A" 4or A - but reA cropet Is priatels what it by W or maker. ' � - "unovin Q,Urt. L We Can to the travelling p.ligue'voiat rw.wpww ow 6 - pritimig coop -of gn=. elements In fowl go to keep up animal , 1 -_ -when sick- AM UftffilltIIIIIIIIINS - I I '. I I. -A, patent se, D Albecoft to & tow day$- We house "ne heard I omay, ?,gage if we feared "am hurt past heat, and that if stebles are kept of uni- _ The Midining ceremonies on the I It of When enemies gather around __­ ------,------ ZetabUshed CkMa Of Almeria ., ". ­ I � Ot bar will as far signal all celebrations, of &am fails an the heart -when the world i A, . a I , all, a court should not at Mr. Small in the British- mijokup4om, We "A a good view Of the form tempersettim, Ion food will be requir-4 to I he Prosixiolum LANZ Acknowledged to surplus Is, t" �* , r � 8" or"" . We ah. is to succeed t the kind heretofore, am the Cartel excels in dark and cheserleas-im the time to try true Ile= 40 thim made I , V � pleased edtoeupply animal heat. Itilk - ,;* in Winitham. . ,bar and Talent of Its Artistes, 11110 I 11 ... he esubhobeal __ ____ crop a the Riding lately, heroes i magnitude all similar vot to the known friendship They who turn from the scene W the Goderich Horticultural Societv, too, clear to bi& COMprehansion why Warm y, and be hold in the 1)rLlI Shed, Ili tho town of splendor of Its Wardrobe, Me .- greater claim$ to *ff The notorious Father Milken it" Biting the London mad (- . I :�rld ForLithe purpose of doing honor of dtau,m betray their hypocrul - �, , I it,.. " ismas that it" oaclinton to Lattice should Ile pr.Tiotled. th a kill. inigui-bod guests, Immune* prove that interest only moves them. If Goderich, on Wednesday this 15th day thorough training of Its B0111,11- � ;r,��,' A, ' ame , .mom .I the distance it is from been released froma the Penitentiary. He � L"" generally we noted fall wheat He also Icarus that the vegetable gram -who of September next. tiful Horses and Poalea,, . ash ips, is the North .at not be likely too 1X,ckkdwP"ftY Ley future and a Ism breadth ley appropriating the elements of which it buildings or tents are beiL4 directed, to be u have a friend who loves you 11 .. witercoma The V,w I fitted and furnuilikeel with all tile peculi- M .tidied your interest &ad h&PPIAS"- APPI-k*- Beat "it largeat 30 Itarkative *(Apple. ­ .1.1sKI.L. 1.�OX OP � lid tanking spIkou'll't, . higninadygruty. LAt ---d-..L,-tt,-s.f-h$kou.,%dd�"!,..L�.3 , . I --- itake, of lialow, from thekr farUlItY a Fission invaders of Cassaida. he earth and air ; that i fashion of the country be sure you outsia I, ?=� . . , � I- ___ &tell, spring w beat ead som, yielding very I An I ties of sty to And I. up. 4.100 boo.aT."'77"I"'.17"I.- I'll A TWORMBO WHID ANINAW � -, J - , , ragglHas we rapidly increasing to porAll- __ poor go luw lands, pam potting ork the ,h:vkP=.-tdfrk,.-. ,nothing for itself, but an What like effect of the him feel that big former kiadnew -h SI 10; Bud do, I IV. 314% 751' 11-4 -- solood Into eghlbullon A— brought be*,. tell I and the wishes Of BL,rKwoor,.-Thks July number of " =If= ulhat it finds in reach of its thoy.ro�rtljnt' w avenue of trade will precaletsmi,and that his lavis was not thrown vviouses at rail A 14,look, 6 .f. -k I 14, 2.4 d- A W. 3rl key .1ml abod, ad emportance, , is before me. It is & Pious"t allegiance' we ever saw at thim plant(sold, must its I olu- "TH'"Ing in no 8_1 13 N.,la­ mpy'. I 80. aid do T!,. Joni rb _aah,l, ah� sets vi,ited not. . .Z. Th. th -mall mat - fine old Uisse"In" .2 be ""ho' c"mmwree of Western Europe, is away. Rsdej fidelity may be rare-Irlit it " Is- Book I I Ithcal. I.W.d U-.1.9 I OIL 2-1"- 76. arcing within Ill. P-1 twenty Y..r�� " blere.--ol L kbo,oa* especially in each a a heart. Who he& not "on 4w &a' is � n,"d ro., ocr,,opso dincrached end "&"'oil tiodi before it can be absorbed by the Most I% lealj­ I W. �od ,hI ' . 5 Ird 4. I &as Loth rep.t.u... , ought not to be capital one, embracing It numblir a tter of speculation At the present tuoke. exists -in tit yU,2LAs=b1 lookkard. and to to boL Bat plate .f Thwart Appl- ­,., d I as . -_�A C, I = ,.&-it "4 sk,at u We had roste : that all the element& of a crop must `M& . They only 116101 i A`t so "" I I _ --- will felt its power 1 *44530 Lt,.tl�L,t#,fLm�.bA,-p�,"Ii�lbgc.�=io I.,ch I I tat =_ I I - Ild bft ; Ind A- ,a sense that I is wit It. it I. OW n�N"3 twoost*v--c-rt . tall hole for a g ---d ertip. � - Zi ,,=,of Its "Invokes. n1do,lik bu ."I." Wefoel&" red that Judge unusually intormtin - 9;�Pws- __ & droaching rainiest Thurgalav might, which be pr�at 'ft a g0luble tons' &aaimL'&bl* con' A Huge JOk*- worth who have neverloved sifriend, or In d*36 B i,ww,dCr,bbAppI B.0 would readil y stairs the 'tie& of D),a,wlo,.q M ON TxLv.-Tho August dition, or the regalt is a faidure ; that tile - . broured to make eme happy. Thogisloodamill ai. I knocked down the fall wheat comitildersibly, isoil ofteon contallis large stem of plant On Wednesday week, a sailer belonging tit. kind, the fIffectimmits and the virtuoso PICAR8 - fk-t 6 larill-Lis'Posay. illooko-I r- -, rad d' CFIC;.&N1rIC C03111P.ALINY . . as,olmondal trouble to himself, if he number of this popular Canadian Mo,ithlY . hookaktv shower yesterday noted with hail faced ,,, an unfit condition for one, that III to the sockooner Jelowne, 31clAolatials, lesing leow and feel the heavenly principle. The I 16 Aid 4, T5r_ lettal 3 torkal- tell P-1 toloe'i I Wave valse Allen . Y too* 'AWd.To. II_tskA,i.t..w.,,r1IP­. .-�, Atook from The PAIN SMIC Be B, , sessidered Ike would thereby &Aid to the in before us already. It is fully up to the I "' . . I Ireous. wousel L Go f . I I �7­' .= In wine pl.1-o-artir quite heavy rain,from dratmin9whan wet, anti pulveriloing thin alightly uktkkdk�r the influence of liquor, &lid wow Id sacrifice wealth and honor to IkT*- I oil - Aad 4, 7 6 Iteet I -Law .r old said maw WCHIC with dPv" =%""'a I . t to the action of air and d 4, And d rd do 30 - . = � of I their pwfbrmm" / � takuwaveuteace. of course Itte the in- standard of excellence it ime stt&'ne& wishingto perpetrate a phase, the Colocarg enote the happinage 4-othore I an I I, r ' at&- I q(1k.N�1113"IT). ST&RTUNG-4 Woof thopromut Dkorumiscourtclorks __ ___ 6 -North West, all last night aful to Amy sell, rising, win be Owned 11 tangled frost,eltromMlemeentis are liberated ­vk' ple, pretended to fail into t,he harboonf, turn, they receive the rowlird of their law* I'LL114-h-t and i -f -I likillaw-host -f askylloing of the tried boom , keep - I fill own. The fail wheat Lexicon, these Rome slo- � I ..k.el. .A I.- ,!,�. deorketwe. Lie( - 1, 11 be i;ATr AZZA continent - t 1,W the alTUMM large. The Public W1!vTRD. -- For the Tin I rendered soluble ; that Cut insteaditif going in himself throw in,& lea, I illby sympathizing hearts and coustle- 4.iw.sroAd­5- It 4 ,-ti- -e-all. . on brought Ills, _b I so; and it. 76. aid 6. be mool C or cattle off the solu.m...-T.-If 6.1 owe* �1 wly-ruat halt struck it, but m,,ntA may be supplied artifically to the I piecoof the far-famed ire& one 'Le of A I it becompai'le I fievours, when they have be . "'t .!' I, ral iffits, In tke, Quietly of Squestriless, *tam is Use .wwts am quits, diffiress"4- - With mail 1 end lojals" I to to injure it. The forms= by big old plug hat and a screech of &90uv- b di sond ad"rsity.-Bunboom for W"'D'�D'Al'"Ibmi2t.V�w.ijib..,I.u�. too 4 -1 - he mat, in the refusal of crops, exer.ments of i Clerks and ferocious dose �nd a bad tempered Us - I 6W. � was than 12. jim. oqwlian.tool , dookend equally competent "" :IS oo a &is never greater call= an ime,ls, booe,, guano &she&, I laster,lime, �All was excitement and nim,,ra (,f f-)ul 21 S=. roads Selvelooks da 1&'L no %"'I-" kg' -L"' I M H MARK , I finish 40 be eingooksood. kipplyAt owe to the proper saLburi&W, .oluthtHuro. h Iw".P.tId.sk Liall'oettogbig.olM, kox-t a . _,� - ___ ­ I bJu; witIhisetil ronorfor ." uk,nth*f Ary "It and fr,)in many otKer sources, and play, ac_ were bleard in this uAtially quiet - - - - .10L...... A5., &.,Tw- U.S.- _ 26-- W The 1-111 sona 11"..."" Aqo_IA .... tot - I plants will flood upon these and call,- to Inside and the hoort- IT - Askerics. -4 ('111111,11 1=04Z, Steps " - __ "I Convict ,town. Dregs we avolh' -The Montreat'Gazetto'calls Oteriball- D--,,'- P -To,' " O"' . !lat Wool, .. . Ths, attention of the wells weather, hay in a 9-1 crOP it it them by their own ­kvaerful chemical w : . Had �w end (,or it , u � . ; i _! *a- == 9% 1;4 - -oh,- ­­ ,-.'oft. . ­ 6qg4led _ . ___ . ­­­_­­.___ - _______._ I—, A_.:�;- ,-romm qk I! ti ­ ­ _­ .., ­-IN-Wee, INAMIAT � ­ "'.grf"_ - � __­ -_ - ­ - lion,t 1"m � -h-,;s­4 5,,, 2-1 4-, ---.-- -- __ �. wwsmy-au� - -- amid Tkoffummer- - eson 1) . . 11111211 � __T I jni.l,, 7b ,� " - , r:_9uoi;arna that plants must fad as men" cannon son tear ary, certam y. lor Best, MINE DAVENPORT. " � , , I . I'M T! a Wit @Odi� , " " . I A r.settg ... !Nle.'Mowli!Rlm,4-.N-�41-"Oi,it%', I ri Th* - , he wemi ro- of water, on tit* site of Dark's 614 stand, b#Abwahou"d, but wevouli may itun VI t hear for the volun a. It_, plate .f you - doo�. 2 I4 d. 23. ­ I ll 1� we think, has Imes it . I U As animels. Idery was brought alongside of where it -_ .1 filed. a Mae -to. B- . 'ftd 440 31' Tlko rwimtivs r1l...."il.­ 4 it an a in Cisguide-jor kleat at. I& is a eased deogerilkwo trap on a ,adigareat state,many havenut commenced we , I goatc"llet.u.'aars -_ Tholfew lessetilloto that are given him ille *rtl the sailer had fallen in soad 9Xv%*oEwiUay.--0n Tused LW the 91tArlisil-likedouldhan pmerkAble sodomm v Imesupposed a so, tit- a -t- lask, ,= of U'LLZ AUSTIN, - '114, OR if -4.1 else.. Hot I is wfis hardly poosible dark night to strangers and others. to cut at all, walking far dry weather architecture *not landscape greatening, hat pAmed around for a collection to wife of Mr. Alex. Weston, 71 . �rwvl _ Log DL.Bomm� ad I mairry a ]am year. .it $I as; Ind t,L Aa.a.kLrA&k,A,ma9 llflolk,Itm oril ATY, i­a,,o;Mppffi;ff-MlAvo 1 wil.2o 'W Z:` I matedy: when wintst __ ___ Toronto Much ielwud& upon the next Los days fair show him thatrefinement and taste may buy powder to raise the body. An still Westminster, gave birth to Tome chil .4 I."t coi. andn's. I -1 to tell woniol approxi - r)-- We understand that the I 5..2.d do I so, . I "it winter's 12111d. be as wTa (Itooplaved on the farm As in i,ther artillery man was lonrod,under the on parka- -two eons and two dat ghtsam. TWO .( :'Ll-'-'r-'f'1'1mp­, Inowni In"I'm or 'good Iff"KE MARKS, eaded end spring hope, Bud it bute been I&B,ver, who to a mum f,f great ability, to , __ - __ - emupsoom or . the profession& ; and on I tendency of Captain Stanton, t to fire the them were still hc�rn, &lid 11 the -others died sra " "I- Beat 4 1.11I,listo 11. I w ; 2.4 d. To; .114 L -PM booklitilitil Be - � - lot. bo. P -t3 Inhoot L.I­-'. 2Lk. Makill Z 4- .Li�hh ";y Uldiolo. ��Ipq , ' . f and after shaking tile town to Its sion after birth. 2ac Ile t 3 d,, il.rtf,o &5�. flood, S 4. . __ , ' '4 � � I It, .m dLfficwft to dmovw thin YWvk94 what% the is hum the question it" Ivan tl&rr*d' a The South Ripe fbr a M0xkArOh`Y- those ` whole "In . .. --- ____ - ,....r, W, - - L", I , 111111MICAII.."MONT, � � .,,4, - - - ""17fi, % n. i4m f - I - - - me. IkKsd.i-w-- , Y cultors. I, .. int. forthreadoly-they gave It"T, .,.,,. 1, " " ,o_ spring we load mA`VCw*_om`A4wgW~r'_ d dedlyoftheoPini"ft that th"Caunt this mcupation for Q ven-n-u- of nowl" JAN rdiffulliff flivorlis of loot. 1. 'a bank.knoters, have had eel I as a bad job,impitowng tha. the revolutions lit�-Ratdkkk,d tat . . 11.1 Whether Callow&- coo ncil must furnish aocummoda&iow is A ocivromromfent of the vile B, york World lie will not theii leave t, t - Ile Queen in expected to Visit " aamead .4 I-oo the-- ot-ot 91 GO, -.Lot. 16; aid - , _ ��,-;�:� ; ' to his -t arkeoluenical or mercantile pereanto ,if looks of the atmet not had carried the camp at Aldershot early . in July. &A ". 1ievt4­­L�kkaOaM'-�; "I"14160,3rd'e" NIL. LEVI J. 190RTH, j I- saythims &-I do wlUi at or not we can not the Court Hotusko for Mr. McDomott an triket in the mouth, sea" home any w I dignity or respiocta P tile lake. It salicke turns out __ � Bookink"',"' Olo itio-eaccomiffigi, Asoloved I'miller --it 11 -ft" 4* � been a lesson of Aim 'L journal a soinesthat remarkably frank on the acore of I"ril Y. body out ink . . rM,=`='='.t;�;1o,wo- ea,mood.mat es" Clots., .111 latindil'. bi. basaWill trick hem 'r-, '. 4 may, but kt has antainiv torinClutrookory. ItwillUeo6mswhd statement of his investigations into the (or he finds agriculture requirs rutrw in the orap - The Clearing House returns for the tit- TV ... Wool I as ; "d 4. '. 3rd d" 25- "" - MUNITOK." whose hattooll has lovem 64wiGPId I a I that the sailor, after throwing 51 1. I 1, frequent and violent changow-fmmn Warm difficult to carry out the do"*a *f the rapid growth of imparmhomi in the smooth scientific knowledge than any line of t I al, .. so*. 2 4,*, ZI gagested Boost to.l.skest, trick. I . vl_ , a .1 � an;[ his hat, nisida, off in the dirgoetillft Of Week donding June 9 Allows S total of Z61'. 4 ... hot I- To,. :264 4. "; $rd.i,, 2T6 fleo" Lfie"I" I line th.aght, &.4 who h I . - fie sold, and from a moderately dry -*all before Mr. Dicko" and wo$L He says, in the letter to which TEts, then,will 6k, the beat cure for 0 Colborne, where he has been spreetfig star ­ of Phl-ft wet less twou 4 vootodi 'I so of ooMEN" dWO to, 6(iii'me. 1W., ,.,I_t .... .. r ol;hkato s- I ad I- t Ikkk t � The Amount of C.luncil in that come evalent 7an,aloof farmers Be, a to ly , , ,:I ;.t . . . . .6i since on the strength of his own j,lie, --_�_ _­,­ I W. .t,e1d,­-. 314 �f, 1!��111�1: I MR. T. TOURINAIRE. I", ,,�, ­� � *.�_ ,_6___._1alfH1_ - -atul � .(A.1-71, 1.d,!­TQ­;rdd,-2� 1-t.. - *_0"al*4w-4_1q%� .�i.!z�� _0900goJAWAG-46 kv#%x 1I I ,LkvjL - _ �Asa-_ Is ftf": ly Alibloll_ utter dutintst ofooverld cor,,nom wiml - - .. .. - r- � I .- 11. L I - .._ _­­__ rothade,t.1nor.tioterr end thniocilrWyartlatic forts, .- -1 Per-'- ,)I bro,"difilf _TTULT_ WrffpTff T1111- nowe �WM'z�T - � --- ­ _. ­­ ­ I— ­ __ - - 11 I learned in these egetters, hall keen unpr*- Lavi J. NosTium'great Circus, and to its sollikliar- "Yet dhollfitwl-mrW14- f��. - ... I ,� . z"'. .,­­ V�)�l.!'- -1 - 11 late vitat Godericholl Illickil cenvomtion . - walti =71 1--b77f.= Hare .tul a nu.glilSkirt4 IkiA were drivitut a I ­!J­o­rl",tua,�ion '72.1.1.".4, 11-11, o., 0,00".[ umanallooko. "t-aace. I _ - __ .6dont.dim Canada. WItheytrytmm4li- forturrig Arkismals, the arm*. . 44, 4, I itsoo, liko,"..'t r." I a,,d- at Anklikeloo 7 I' - IV- -1:0 Ikooi"et 7U.; ,%ol do US. 0. WILLIAMS. , e LLLLL I done thUBdOnt4lrM a took,tal failure of the Thuroday the 5th of August, when them ,,,pire This idea has match popularity, - I--- , 1. endeavoring to One , "AH, Low, fad 4?ft it, head Deal 4 Airewagertholvall.bassochl-vold.kIii, bi- &"" � :f1 -.k,-:.:.,.-. cu,,;��.-ttplaft is Allotted to Red River NuWll, team at It sulart pace, on the _I(Alk can- I ' c ";.In III Pea ,ke the No Beadc�g,_o, . pade 76,; tool 4. be. 1. If- crops has been predicted, ani yet, take it will be a performance afteryinklin And witi tile rol,loer devoted to its promalpation It'-f'r, Srd ing-., it" the fo'- Wigan to Bolly a Farm MeHLA "a am golual tanker. tells, as tile ­ i,enR,f'm�h* . The N�' __ L, , " Hlro!-ink-hand" with dry acket-8, When a Arhi-�,8nmaPhml'hft - 2 ... 1 &t Z� Is j.'so Alk Imi.l., is Heat 4 ut�n­ W. 1111,�,t 4 estakif" will introd-o the snowkg�r VIFFAL0, I altagother,the prespoetforsIarge y laid ofali evenueg. it,& spoken of by the Prove a' finds a ready We. Of that Or I have lowing homl items : Very few po "am to know that tf,e � sh-wp 3ash of liji.tilini, �11' a heavy 0 R rookebwaiiaLlaidood. novid.P.J."'re-limb",_ - PACMe'. In , '114. fivive bell, intakidelm Pc1 July &M thel.� L I. m If - `u�ickl, isnol-fiet drisp- a-, catistail;. aeolot Glifidleas Tu: I" do fte wool of 'mm, an it, "t.ing. slobigi, to ;rerpp�t. -4.. inning td'ireturm, froLa r"1106 - - - - I w^yde producta far above the average had the greatest circiia that Ikais ever vimled ban rerilat#41Y Th* carte at* 1*9 mouth. ,It .June &lid - - -il, -rfi T, Forc, i, rw% Zia a so: red it* I so. &.A The Irmin creope Canada Nis dioubt there Willi be a great 11riamill, Mubile,Montrofw wery sona .those, 3' r. -L. The nigh boric mid the liall, 12 o- "Bar seldom been sourpsakeekil. cities, who editA it I I ZSt. Paul. the y*,,r in torli,c), to, look f,,r,,c purchase ,col on flie yi-od 1-6. I 40 1 KWUc--uw4- ank-I 00. MR. CHAS, WRIGHT, * I What does it me" to twenty-five shillinEs farm. At this ateason one can judge man (41 tho 61,A11-2.1610 Aplocared to be stood. jead lL,Oos veto I oo. - The Ft -lea .f Angeri-, . n,pres-tsales, generally pnmoe to tan out well, and at rush to see it on the part Of tit* thou"e" otbobacks It? dlat�., oke. go general, in- Floor hem fallen whether the land can or do" produce Fortunately the other man and horse Were GARDIN vitiWTAB1,911-bood eallikeettemoff.t.- aruo Lutrodikellog Ilia great cLuaM .9 woentoll, atom that by so emponesting law Who always Will suand q,tizieff of the dent, have I fooled the interest in thin Per 1W 'bo- 'ntiv stunned for Any length of 1,.,va, gained a,t i- thite, 4 vartet Ink, CV - I x, __ gi, A crops, for if it is rich, the waring noljiaflik�if, . ., do ' I so;" &.Th Beat I Ir 'X�� . � �" I imperialism business, that I havesome, The woatli@r has been exceedingly hot , ." A d Natave, the very mass we have 1611i'll kind. . times thought %be coming mun, who$, during thoo last two, or three days. gram and grain will be an ocular dergion. tinee to deprive them of thtir sensekt. $Lou; '"d 2odolk.be, SrAit.16 &.3 th Ag, variety oweed 75, 510. rRANCIS, .. __ --I moyiieg wet against arkohlikelvenvasibithe _ I " tration of the fact ; mad if there * _a, After a' -.J. of boll djlkzy� kind 9 S� jj�,,B,dk far I" Tot, e;4 4. 60. ' feet or Perimle. Ml,fio, -111 awpou ft _* How to Harve" HSLY- - 'lady for llis &'ui ill -two cou 141 amad b - The pawid1whIll, STWCOTN,ng sister, fe .h io, %.Lt- Tso, :W3 Ile, W BW um =_o._d*9Z_­1,T..d original JitittILINS glots, yerifteporte:31-see FA cording to ulm . ­ ftnived weevil back to earth,therow to perish, - __ very sucomful ind for southern support. way of Superior Cit = - the stereotyped stateert", me Usual reatolifilitiv4s, t I 11,11-nma felt better. I 110j: se,of d. 76. Beat 4 L, � . n sit "tit tile lotion &Ull LAY there. Signs of life P,&-,ki!(r4ajft._(;!l1'."7'! -5; 2.4 do � Him 4 ­tok I I MRs 8-.-M. HAWKINS, . I, wentrunt,bythomillios. After a ItOorm The Buffalo C*wrier begin of Many he- Thu maw 61 affair4 inion from that head. . abundance of choice fruit, tt can bi, ,a. lot Im. this time I* the beat advantigs, rho Jim, in tile poor animal ,irritated attention, and " cehry-,bo, L 2vl.&* 14 Peet 4 It. -Ads Wintor t 4 'a r.11v 7= �81 - 11 11 4 h -do, 4-,-, 7%. millroll.al Ile. J.W. sod -ImUW rt4w- I , I th v,4 d i smeaft calls, and Why not a good, ripening mom who could not, got in any hisky, during collarless devilment to %bi,- a pc,??I* Of The Rev. Thoingialkidwin, tAt* Of boo was winitited to, rise, bet he staggered =.". . "I&O NPORT, Vim section have been sul,jected. Andy- gks�voll, preached in this Wesleyan astatine- lands will shuis, whether thav a . dob(l 11-tothestivol000l"foo thing oeettle at too" smile, and it its &op- v.Ham ,in tile 4th inst and r. dry son,mg! l,'p,po '_T.- ',.I do so. 1hal's Th. mbadtMOd 011 : f digall olf hot weather after the mine we have the showery or 'costelling' weather of the the Rev. D lifor pastures in wornater, and around like a oirtnitten man. , He was put 76. 2.oid.60 "..tsNl.nwlkkw­1.7A,;2.,tJ. MR. J. Lt DAVE ! % I " utility fmowithat,talling A in a neighbor;ng field, another 'horswo Cut, Ask, 'Bed It To"" .4 -I. r. 'It""t 9 fees "n. I tr.=VAm4dj:w.=tk`- a e. I had I Harvest boa been promised sw well wagon ; and is told of ollil man Who is 'Pot I that an am would low amorkedtafill, iliavidaidin, ,of AyInver, officiated the same tile 911111TIrt fis ckkF low.de Total Pike, f be any Ill"Winitoes &',-I tile joen pr.�eod,-d ,in their journey to C4743'; % =I NA, - I -_ ir -time. l.tet us hope that it will slot supposed to he touch of ke farm@T, but out w,lidity. To .. loi'slons, t. have some- day in the Presbyterian church drought. there lid . be . Ord d. Z � W -t 9 lioter at. L',one, I" : laid do 60, Inik of 26, P -le a rArly 7 11 as owed � .4 ableut, they Will generally make their sip. olialt, sn'hiolie.ir they were soling for a , horse C* -A I' � - 51 Snid'. -.1.5. heat 0 whtt. LESLIE BROTHERS, 11 1, thing filed and stable,ii,tite earth's prayer with hen of the 9 I' If.- Carrot let. ; 2" ILL . lail as on this occation. fc,,ol three t,) ux tells of hay is good order Dr. Schultz 1--ves to -day soll. this time. if ever, and, Power. rhm is fine ,,. Bodue C.,.4 Ile ; 264 4- 60. Old do 26 � Beat 9 Pot' Johu,l,n,i1.svk4AUdraw. TildrCloas t . Ica - '' Bars.. =V=m I There, 'Ind Yearning of the alluth ; and if 010PIrO as far as Abercroombie, Tile doctor w P`ar children in the neighbor- onsescalpes we have 'ft. . rocu: imir, , �� ta, do, be, 3rd A" UagAb10 b�., - - - 2D44nbo InloW26 noon; Ftelt nal saa,�d , � hA1,T Von WRILAT. into his hem, every day [sat week business ever should take a doifinits! OhOP6, &a bef�re his re I I - 17r I ik17 twho. heard (in" = 4o25. B -t Ito'll look IOW 41 =11*1 "Ill -e", - - � - A practical farmer . p visit Momtreal &not (lot we ho,xt, one can determine whether the with tile storm : as a friend at out ethic 'T'k't ;:�4�5-, 114 I"'lli I1."tr1ck,K­5kl. 0. in no secret in the prooeft. He put a tile sood prolrer souls reasonable guarantee Of It turn, wia,,,11 so be in about five weeks. Bat I I locality in healLby or otherwise. says- it U84 Boa now as a ungohei. -store ,,,: Beato--c.-gortshl-nov, . Ind doi . ,4 MR. GUS LEE, fittisuB 19artle H *win informed is yesterday hay Ili Cook& and put Mae" Cape over Permanent status to thko, section, is wilk During the thundst-atorm an Monday, a Summer in timile good time to View the Express. I do 25. r^t a water el,,;% I Me. toel,lo so It-,% S 00m of the meet re-tvick"im mad InVoler 'NO Taked �# Alk" it wao a very nokw,.rtiky fact, that " rt it al,". I go red 4 I 6. 2" do ." Peet 3 1 1 ­ t=gwit" befoom a .AM& ..dk� MI 00 4 although the wbm& hm gro" ses tall this I thom, thomaboadding the raise. Then when balaR4 doubt, receive men And miss 4 tock of hay, onvitainig some f" Y ftever-faiiing spring and the trowt pond nl'_'b M.I.. I oo.'2.d d. 75, TIM 4. 50. 8-1 4 hillool- kk.� _-, - I , T I the weather wait closer sigaID, off went the = to r. Alotander -W. . ,,, . ha longue �.lts ­ikeki indd,l,b 4-4 4,, Ao W4 1414�1 - mad belonging I ,,.Arby, Built .draoight from one and a . To T~t-. i ., I "old.60. "eatittialkilrYTt- - MR. BI MARILS, IT (A 1. ,I Ill- I . .d;.1�&,:".k`T.*.�;.­t�-,-'ok, row, it inveriably rimmAw the agent , CUBA. To- It f., 1"law.w.witio i.d 4. li'l;8 I Cape . ITY1101, of St. ro a was truck by the lonch from Ow other are attractions which ,untallifflum 4,41mil kwhits I. negir Bko, X .4. period. 76.,2.4 4. .W .r Wei, siscarm, and, be sollers sal a mum for hand the hay opened to the air and - r�lt- I- = Reg 1%* to, ho calooly foomy cl.- -4 cmal,irl I,' in tookyroo,olook. Year. . ,ol. mod 4,, 69 to voogodal 1 .4 . The onhe mind wave made I Adriem hit,* boten received from Solo liglikining Wad ockorkrimed. thout who pousese them seldom fail to be. sweegian,40esed . "_t,.11WW,;; bleith-tinvit f�*th� knotonots .Zp11..Xb14,­ that this dorliartment it" be I . . Much a pleasing malt the large amount 'If mit of old beep cout about 15 cents. agede Cuba Vo the 16th in.t. 11warrival Work commences immediately Upon the @tow Upon those, who at* likely to bewotiie n-trO.- h4v­ mu,h n -sone t,. he plaaA,d at this #1 08. food As 1 . . _. iorarlitiolood. it id cratiffing to Ike— d,At the not" of the -At, 2nd 4,, hal. Wool -C"I'l '" I V,,lft 1--t-yoo." f- the rivni I -f "Insh. ,14pleol, w4)RK lemiTatting , MABTERS WILLIE & A]ILTHM I I ash %*own have seed -a thwar husid. A . .sick. But touch higher priad bar "old i of " morkitfor Gloot,­r creabliIi "itA 6 Lake o( tit* Woods 600timl of the Iled a purchaser. Even the wood* On Al farm 1. ,oj (-,,I,t wark Too. Ind 4-141, Beat F -braid -7 4 .. Lit, was pay wall on tile inkimtkindsoil if the wet ornwkilin The explarkatems received by Rover and I'dike Superior Road. Mr. will egoist a man in determining its value oateds. wrvaske. green. rit-,imtloo., &-S.bft�, 1,2 Mom.e..,,,.1.,1d.5O F�o�;W­t.dWarkrai_476,. The world -fall buy vioultem and "WDI@bird U" Chad I., $� that ,our espenumb,ti. weather continues. A feet litividned di,l- Admiral floll from the glaviiish authollite" Mair hm succeeded in engaging fifty labor for if nothing lout stauntmi ragweed Q bl.ings, . N 1-Ilvel,liks ­, h flaittro, bodd by goddess. feattw,dosted ­k..tr.k--l7ttkt.Ak,1dok acrobsta. .", deal- at 26 .l: le, "tw Beat Broldtl Tklo, %.I ok.,%o -Ilipst Fee" Kolt - kbill 11k11IJvvt 116TO base burns mat '10 an to be mom, titan the land - - __­ - I ,a iJars might easily be =wild in title way (It' relative to the ellectition of the Ambitious, :rs, whin started slot yoxterday for the five finger ,,,,Ii,_ itad tie . theit. We. Fruit ?fie, told d. W. To Addition In the abov. rimirivit 4: Push a rvmkwhoWe doostwal, - even a agaidAll to aimed farm if ilk@ wfttiter are reported "botlagootittrat-t,,ty, A" the lati.na at and[ beyond Point do Chene, may be get down as poor indeed 1 but it wormatina.-rall llh� j led,se, Anoommor fee BWWAlrlaaareTbe,ftl4do5R. Bool'slookyllovieves OrWimU*n, them Is Added -it .111 be , mad IS the Country the 41oanigh Government jintified in Its watium 1 Tit* work is now to be Pushed forward tonrollick and tot skIrmind, it shows X-notirl., Idtookho-bit Catio,rit, loo,onoThrost llrolo,hitt., -as sed d. be. loref. M&*DeuAdd'. Agotisig Dou"4 W haVe up"Waof done not cloming", on ofie higher order. be. It lot %rimeabl* to am, -4 ml,ahl;. Sold by ' 1 RITLFA A19D W&GULATIONS Th- wocenth motoreoterso are y,rr.,nwd ft tit* , movivir would owinstigp6pseage hiamdreda several skirmishes h ... romatly takoll I with all vigor. strength forcro Donosight". , .t.f - dollar will committees . yearly of __ TU meadow. orchard and ,. � I 7%. Pay- iaL.o . &.1re -- . orri­m ..it bW.V6m-6mA . I eiw,two*nLhotr�,iman,ith*in$OTS§Ids- ____ The poestum govalherth,lo wok� mo,,woo.tid 1:11 -"us Um Pon.. as, - k'N or op." to$wqdL 'We Wobft that ()ardt. ]Free., ifh, efliciass, - .Ul of W Itz � , atthooMA&. c � Use I*. J. Brigro'Throest -4 1.41.$ � Re latter he,* attacked . ,wwOIW of MAN FIncer AT AT. CAVIVAILIN . -0a gairden, ,All show what, they are and what Ittiodkov, to,, -1141-- of Ule Thn,.t, Lane., .ad Clead. _ paym, to -" Iki kkaY -1 hot .its 2%o F-flemonsdas S"md IWI. I , "-Gam 0-0= - ga�od plantation.. (;sw jvpd ad ' AIT Poreolooka w t It, '(a .ZI-t.. - Dron J-- ..ploo,"dioll ­111sal. 1111 appear 10#4 and eare-taker of the ritivyinew sun h T,ry pl-.t-d.Me.ei-.. sto+1 .... ye,tworks 2 All .,rtk1l­l­1kkkvT-`kik:- - nf them I a he ; IT- for J 13,10", pit. 11-11i, nor lottkarwell, ties S. -M 4 we"oel,bihotea. ..it - , - " les Thursday Unerring an old men, named in ty be "I Peet at " N't i.e. t.,d­vHt .--.%V- tt.d.y,, go. siodkitarIll.g p.rfo� _�& a , i � "' Pril- Alf -A lying is (kodeo 14 in the country bitt... fi"tiW 40 Traver Morgan, Z sillot lead killed by a lout earlier or later the selovict ,If things It".. ow"AA Too f - liks, no%. Mr. Read, ban relearned from are muddy for Kkkt,nmLM-teg.m4It,,Ak1.rPJl­ itgi,.I...41. toothfh4rom 1ff­..y­(­­.-­Y--ho i .- beeline. "a reem.ed a do to bu,s her Cut. And flayeate. I menstsomedt,lomeW. "AlAidibs. Morgan, may change the roads .Aimilereadiarellablo. 11,Ict,yDniggists, , has =:_g:.1,.1, I" la, 1Z -1 ­ woodit I h- All Y - r West "Ill he had C " ot kkkokl".,.:� _41--b-Aa- . 4 Waahingtow, *kitb-Oc it Aptou who . us ve,gral4t, was put to slamp the ever, tied tit* distance, frol" the farm to ____ . Hos .,It le, P-itted ". vi, 1,11"r 1� , �'� _ L " f, a General A* Red&* had WWOA 6 schosold appears to be much Ressimst - - � ;;� ! proposed 'A OVA* for a ursow of am). 6. I. go** "W Rea � riensis TEMPTATiol.q.-A tworres- rw'Z of oxiollAtion bolove to welleak . .. 64 PAY . I at ry, my ,�". '41 - � i ''"M up from "low. What". op, are .on- to %.= �. so" with =." atromprill I I- With the ob,jecoi, of &laid' evening before in a hare att to Mr. that railroad ix"Gu r t:= as" kBot giers is & rd I 111K (mude, and simplifying the OOLWOO" KaIsAwe's reoidence, kin St. Paul street, "Ite,ir than it �tridoldl` is, "VecislIT to' A pote,00llit of the ff,st,ln.lo-tual cof (A-1-iort -'4'(p -tit old he -twoot t,, -, than ­ I " i - 3 '-p - .-Iialto Alto, At ao,todav 1"­� re.l... I � I . ., i dor t Is it stinother Fewas P,d ne the yet �_at and in the night CIA up and tried to get stringer. in solution the leaf" Are torn writes : 'I do not remember having soon P_,". Nr the sn-, I/ ­ � �. � Cables Illibushon, mid to be CzAbovil notir at 00skirst, I*& Question will be of custom 440& effs Ike dining r-,ok in% vell.w, the grain hall been gathorell. it takAimood in print, lout ilk* robins which .. ,ak_­9I,ndf­Ik qualtmet -4 tam , . �.!,r I ___ ___ int,, the house thret . " " 1, 14�,A!,­c 1: IJ 10 foothills, amenjasr- j�tbllk "*AOB Best Used Lt.* the frvi,to am nearly Con- ; still the Air to leave their nowithern hotmo, to winter at the ",'F,,,,-Irrl"7'fl"=-'n�'I'l�'t'i-"'-..WIVA" ..at I I ,, ;,,�sd Dammirs ARiewmawn its TWVV&*-' viadim. in doing me, he cle w I , � 'I CWN&6u*T&Wksol4adi Alaid""ta, that Sir AM,[ '� 0116SWIS '111 Im boa CA Window, whisk BI prt ad . up with it fr"b and the, isalliscaps, *11,Iwing with all- South (&It while there into very had habits. be _.1sai,ely And mti�iy the gneeth or prorodaru� . . I 1. � I is the - the treaty. Tit* f&tnolm* detective, Armtro". Al - but the valualith, Torriducts of Th Pseeedingly fond of the berries a de" 'oh"Wwr � I? ON& Va th y will he Ikkear to W"biugo � :::ft loo"Jingly . H, WM 10 man ' - - J "a" "Im t. an "h`h"_. � PT�l We . of heard to (ail Into a lovoll name, tooninal tints, are my we Oult under The Azbeg%W ___ - - todifficulty in Tm,,ntn l,ic� We itis pro�dnctit, are mainly of twe i.h its gr,,win f fee _* "' b 111 14 I!, 6^Y sy-Y, ="Ing Mm.'Sa:1,misa, sob. aw&kem,,d her a farm, all Pride of India, a troo Both To .1.1ftl- w lhaw:1.t.1 prelor,wailoo "So r. - &data"$ WFI; � �jiao ad bi In . warred in the hem or in _,­�1i.ot 1,.t,OAJ.d,r-.i1lhA1koth4 e " do r 0.1, claim' from the foll.wintisevount'i. *0 f hkivateoind. The latter great to the indow out of elgilit being ei,tensively f.,r ornament and shade in ." r t.;,ward di­t,­ko ry proogains. fta­h to"Alles .. - . ! I . -t*b of thiesa,us t iA "Weekskete "it the A VorinlI woman named l,i,rie ISM hoes, but row H` some localities of0so,trifeari4i Florida. All it, ,likey'-eld., ,atorth'. "I : , � .,^ I b a. *1 =4 t: -d - b- -0. Ik L-wronotte ; bit `1 up, am askerl who Iwas t e. tied no the proprietor"N Pookelf- : A o­i-­ of ­p.tiu- inlay of th000-11-ases - �, � 4#14 bao , froodsvw , " end held hint that Boom �__ this tril bean the frnit abundantly, eateed, TI 6. ."U.1-o"hilAw ho� 4.. 1,af,d000, 1 -lit?. " . - �� o ­- - "Alliko *Ift,-4 am ozpmo- is if View I __ , 1 JbaA they We ",of so peared before the police magb6r&U to Streeter. His wifoiliki 4 " - .. I : - . I Lod ,A knforriloation aguo 0 onto was at the bad room window, and on IcTunieffe. VFh" A mystery I Who what after the mann,lrol mountain oak in , "' Ill love -so, that, +1111.0se . as the -J_ . , - - � �A. ,...?' A4M+.X4 A vj�ftiq t!!t. , �. ,. - , T± .itin ' "'I,katat _ � - I * . - . sk".ad, :,,*�ItL! - - lhoi� t okey 1" - -V=r.mmat4--b.- d-%.%*--- . t Nor, "-----, - - How a- - hail - ­,og to .". - - - , __ , ___ oor figh as . � - -11 'i . .. ... -1-17, a.,- ilil, th. material .d awporim y I t- . , ,., --a,t,--- 1.1'....." going th.m, Mr. =er!�l mine ran fathem its I hot 10 northom latit"Also, hir'l. c,11ect up" .. 4Fife"o�l-'I '-&* matterin (a, the" tile .ff,o.t that he Iked undo �Adn�i = _., vowst a be , m FAS Fooding iiii­ia', Iii,if-to . I - - � '. I i � - 4 o'skager Boll wall., ", � 11� No ,his &11,04 np a re,91'sor ly n the lourvidol, lifetime of tit -1 in -Ma the hall foroolil- " ow, ft -lair an .-Ptabl. . I le"Base, otio.... - � a4ii, - , M)"Wrowifin M`_` 0 I "Ay. fly nor re.x"t'sd the You ;j I 0 a did-. I � I - I has n- h T;� they can neithlb!"017 an iltmain perched , *�.-�,A, . ILA.r. 46 ik'�': � ; to .pot n,liamr .. t mifitaits, I lo4ormity inertly of them , 1111. to _�._ � "ago A- met 'b.rvtl*ho.-,�0.100 and Ant the farm, 00 11"qvidwit wri r, ,V&.,, air. vad, ,_ .h.1.1. d.H,,, the Jose. ".41 ,_�. � ­ �, ­�,Ml ...... ,-I "' , be a . so t tall to the grorund. . . I" - I, -'41 re" .. Th. vion starim I ,a" grow's on the branches, low _;`Tn1I.­hI==,d"�%."_1 of the Otiosity, at .Imssivery Mors ­ ,I to lv%,�- I to ; flo-mos fade a heart wi W. Is& __.Z_�A­ - I noday eigbil soo, d PH 8 stoke, The man th - . ,_ ­_ uligw 1 1 11,041, . hem he .,"#;We t's-ea 1* won away, whom P61adve great again, the hall olool and disse ; the world likes down in the He"they &n pirked Up by the col,"voll no,. -hate, -%- sov-1-111 twerld-od ft" PUBLIC CoNloof's"Ieff , bF&I - ... - ,,, 14% Vim I 11; Make addet .6 th .4. it" . bet time writes newrikuh. Population, who artollarn them very ahe* 10 A. tonaka livorleg"It - sive-f-'k N' " 4 "a & S1.11.1 4 Itto tolookin eao audit ,LP � __ . �� a - -44 Y. " red .... to " kentagang eviller the right shoulder. and mpulch- *"r -uskinght ; .fie Ishoote.11 hoo d.rj,00t .f.:J I". *%at. I M . I 0.04 of � ,ty. W6' .it. dmU4, and .bi Z �� bad 1!r� . n tarrial for Pot -ping, If left and *-'-rbod .. - it 15�i - _ . I Fl. 1Y 1 4iturow"W 0. u,,y.!ktlg%ok . hat 1. oneliti ..A 1. .4 Magaid BY a in" "Ise or Mo. mmmoweporApoo li, -Vh -, . - �'* olost I passafts thrionio the Is values 11.41most I" an I Me - 'Voll , ,�, � , ­i;iwe =1 � 10. r - ­- - - . . - - he,& __7 be - I - .. .. .-,.,-. -V­n noa,ki-i.."j, rem I .. .., I " . - ,,;,�Aw - . Jill ft Be an*, Arm , stroll - In" ' - -�1-o'-wilip-1 - - '' . I v .: ', I , , � . -, $ __ I 1. "W" OA - - "dio" . I&A -i 4" Adia ;"*a IS , * ' I 11 - - I _-- op than lationdiss. Th* ateremkor's pry on: 6" rk -Ali* "Glose &MR 660PITIll U`6 .4,1 of their ivadueretiam ; but, like M" X.101,411- tan as ;Zkoknoal tookette the not,notary, at t#- of 16 Z= .- so ekilu -*a hvisman heirign, learning so wisdom from & W.W_ 16M., -_ onq T i .__�__" MWA ;-;.A a,-.; MJ. 3 -d - - , 0 rr liberties with bar, *�_ - tit, teraefiaveridicit ofjawUUbib houriodiox we .F�ol"u thread outwinfas A-1dAslk.".`tu..1y`o-_*eVr1m9 0. a.biblu- 1111im Evillism POKOM r - . " 7601L ­ ., all, If resisted, mad sob a -We Now _±_ the deatinied of the Universe. Barth hall 0 1 peritonea, and oamurnitiag appotits, At ibis �=ad anoDdly, ' . . - i -�;r- ;, __ , - ,�_ M_ �4 Th* 'to bee'tin, ; tire* slovil, ... is them for the so op" PXTZR ADAMSON, ALRODIMME a" Bi%onow. 1� I Warm, -ban Arum" as . Nowoug - - one of the mad romark&ibi* wast Tim be"" - b, -t Ili* sunshine of trom s"A indolg@ thargoolves, with its &BOAL. I . - r . 4Vk I" . A seem wpm ;U- a" r Jr. -. , 11E.0 - . MrK4 pen" of safety, they again return to the �, 4,II 11 'I, = %'f.'. - a P""W'"O fair danksol wait intrudeand 41 - - Cmww secretary. ., . too ,f. 7 *A is � 0 lb- "it bt 400 *. � P IsSide. now go,oval on in imia" is 4110 envintrue - bo- plesm-ran tire barreling Oat$ but 4&uwvw tam. " ____ . , - , , k, , not %% At on In . - , , , ki;�#­. ­ " - gw that tiom 'If the Neroosid I'dwAnom to" hown beabbilse. 6*0 Inthoontlowmalworld. - -_ 14* V * I ft is artereat in tit. Ldvww Which hall of6heAlwightyme come no r�kwvo - agent a Virlips' VaZ;,._Ak_-= SALT STOCK FOR SALE Will FaMbit at "eri& o '" 116111010111111101, ,. , ,I total, SOSO&, V� 110 '�1-4"_ � I � __:,� - , - 1 .some- p-prot -*T, . r,, ' 9 f: mail. A . th. days of the 4 arpoill Fl..�.=.g Mail., ?-4. Peak &- I i� bo$Uoism bet din .4 9V. 7=7 Its days Ili knew no -.able&. tow ited boiling Hold Ior f) ­11e -a- ­ ON . % '' ' - A - S' rVe - -.1 I-1.i:;Tt1-.kZ.J.eb Hl;z; takes testator ibs -&- olossial at .mono",Poa . - 12,41. 11#- 11 if MO. sio....At" - up NG - -"�_ " . . . " .. Aw -Ao, V. � a. � . mto ft A"bomiwe--ewu&l aptert I I erimas X a It selftim.- lr.s-= - - III* I '_ I *-; A�: 41 im much Lutanist is. I _15mati, __ 0- - "' " I *%iek *,�w - , - 2 lwftr, An -an". a- ­­r4a­ . allato­­__­ �_,6_.!, _." . I, � l'r . If I .- . X ,.- I ­ ___­ao 111townwill. or.a. t.&L" USTO . I a, I I amil hou prostituted ___ . . 1dL. I did. � 0 , 11 - . , o I- 40 _#ttfl- I Hat V.I. A-111ilps",90904-12; Therinsoa, re, nor 1, Atom � , I TIT I 1: I -a- . - Th- weltor'spe!k 4" he the Z" 4bat eg,rdtism, "A *AMY ==L polowas "Hookmakes4�4A, ft" sty .a 1WI78YA FOR &ALS. . ADMI99TOW - - 4 do 4111. I , . I � , I 1. I 0 Weakest ej. - . -_ . &.- A.- -11. ov. 1 Ar4mal Pda"Resseg. &a raot we .1tes, nare fivassle, dw . ft bovess - W � .1 am . - 20 eb. !�. . .Alv� " i � , I I . ok - - . r, N I - I - evion .946-4.60%, --- - I CHUMR19111 I -1 - W - - I - n I.. - .- - " � -'- -, ... , . ­ "', ,_,_.!,,,,_.; ..'' - I—. r - ­ AiIo . --,*Kkvmw.ftw.ww .1a."i'l-dow .11pap.�llill'all, . vnvp-.LIMN st,il:�F'",�lw.;;T,-&;;.;._,;�;-",,Ilmg,o.mu-*&(%~- n � , -. -or I?. ink, �mi __ ____ 11 I . `11. , " b&ob : I mumn - .% ww9mfeo 1, ad, seem *v t*.NPN& I . I , . .11 I _.L4 , . I ==. , . .�- - -no "_ I merifiell her. I .." . I I - - . - - � - ---. 'r , e1l....,.0`.-., � .1 I . �. , � . % . _______ . - , � I—- � __ - I I - I - . __ - - �� _. lk'� I Is 4 .� ' " ­ tIc- - , I a __ - 11. , ­ " 1'�� r ... I . . -;.'..r 'i , 11 . .- j..'Tt I , ; 'r , , r� _ va� *, ��J cv i, I . . . 1, hello U _ _, .�, , ,. .- _ I , �! q . , I I - . 1. . � -­ , ,�,� , - J "X , F ,�, 11� d � . � 7 ;�, , * �: 1" " ��, �� �­, I I .1� ��F_l ,Lt . I . I - , ,iso W , I I I I . �, I � I . " I . . ,�� I I ' ' 'I _ ' .. io;, ­ ­ . ", , � I . '' " ,kr. " � -r&Z;*. � * . � oT ', r: � _1 _ - . , r .� I s P , Alit � . , , , � , � � "" � r " jk" , ", , � ,,, "��.'� � ., �, - , _ � '' r . I , I to �, . , , * '- 41, - , ,` . I, I �: � I . . I , I r4 �� _� - , - " - - � 'I- " , ii�orkl� � � --: - 4J` ",-0, � ­ , - ., . I. � ft ,li,ap . A V 44-, ' , - i, ,�_ r � 'Y 1" �V , , . "it - ., - I � -A '* I I ,, � �$ , I . 1, i_ W.- vids, ' ' '� r , I'll, A'a I. , , ., ,6( ,v .,- 7:11 V4,,, 1.4 , I , . " 4 1 4� ' . ­ �'ir -_ �­ * I , , # . 'p. L I �- , . , 4,� _ , . � : I .* , I � � , footti, I I _ . ,�� ", . ,," , "ll � -A, 1. , , I. , i � , , k I wa�:,# 'jo, . i I # , � A 11 I 1 114 -1 " I . 11 � I I ­ I. , I 0 - � . , ""'t 1* I ­ I ­ " " . I . t , " - 41, # '144"t ,;. " A '� - I ex , , - . , , 1i I'll -1 . I � ,� " ." � l,�� I I , �111 . (_�Asa. ­ it : A. I .1, , - ,-. . -AME&Z - - ,,,, ,�: , I I - I � 4�b "I I &� , . I—, ,_ _ .... � - I—- � - - "4 . , , -.1 I - . 7- - " ., , vo� . 1 .W. , 4Q, I 1, I . I , 4 Z ' 1, , � . , , I 41111, 1�1 I I I ';, , - I . � __ 11", , or �� -t_ I . r'*"*' ' ­ 0 , *' - - ,,, reikee- * t , eisgl- ,�, - .dik' r ',,, . , , � 7. . lilltiommk* I �91 _ __.:� "__ r. � � t - Ad&, - age, 1 - -t .M���_,_� 4'. � I . -1. - I Ili , - :, ) A .1, .. IT . J I i , --- In . a , 0 , L 'A' , � ,o ,�,) _ ,