HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1869-7-27, Page 1• • t 4I _ .1 p 4, •...._ttst•,,_,.._,.._. ....., --. •-.1%_.4._. _-/v71BilMICTISIIPc7-, • • - Witipsoll Mo109,..6=4;rweir wriv . *lieu et any hoer egiuseeen per moue, attall&WW,Asoltaiihe'r4L'; " • DR MCLEAN. pHYSICIAN, SURGEON, CORONER. ar. Mere ...fu,,,,,4.„0, ii,yg ewer. orfCrieuel School. Ss -- (*,14f. Me NIFICKINCi. M. U. r ICENT/ATEOOLLTIONPINTIIICIANS •wo ant- i/ own.* tr. a lOwilsow. go So, . f......ly voniNed Or Ml-. 1, C. &Alm Mg& &root. 'OWN OLD MODEL 11111101411461IROMit4 Ann 11 We...War. tilettleteater. C. W. Mowery TM, 1141. trier J. F. Dallier; 31. D. AcCntlett Elle. I-omeopathic OPhysiolan, and Medical Eleutrici•n. Etaininin, Phree'ine of the ateltatte Mutual Maur- ine Como.), of .1theay, M. y. mono. aad Residowelingt at.. Si I% rid iv Ward,Oodencli., • !refits Ira Lowe*. TIARRIRTER AND ATToRNIST.AT-LtW, awn is Mot.. tor.in dleannefe. (tunny Crown allownee MelleeicIL Caomla Woos. 01.... coon Mos° M. crsineron. fl tRftlirran. AlToR821T. OCOMITANCEll. he , 4,4 Koq,ton 44, Moknai, , eta Camoron as (Jarrow. ittnalsTitits. sol.trOvOut CHANCIBT. 9e. Oahe giewioa eteret, Orelerleh. C Catouwel. .at J. T. Maurer. 11.14hado troota•nex, 0t11411141111, ATT.111t4HT, trOLIt'ITOR, 4*, 4) .tereek, C W oak, Kontos Ramon. elbwa. 4.21*1.9 velment a,.id*.. west of Gliwice. 1101se. w19 ' Jean H. tslor&inn. , 4 111011NET7.-LAW -4to t1.1t1TOR IN iNTANcIERT a.....,,,,,,,, 4•'", re . M ,•01 Le , Lc , (loidertelt. . OM, ow tbe ...oh arta Wirral Mr.., third deor.trore .1 ort-Ilouee *Emir. 1.49 Isaac F. Towle. 1)11tRI4TER. ATP(iNET- A ',LAW. /101,1CIToe 1)". orwerr. • . h. Ontario. °Ste - Cosbb's Mot. tiodslan street seri Doyle, ir Semler. TIATIRIIITRIIILAND Ammo:tea. sOuerrOtte. do malmientreEr le floRineta Owe E. L. MieLla 'sea W 11.EOMMIL 13.4. sways & ATT0WART11-4 r.1.AW, SOLI. *101 104 Chancier, a. IneolveneyCr•yer•reer. te. *nem to 1 eorgd. )PWr.I Golfer 44 eh, over ilk Aft.hthold's Stem. ear37 ti I I , --Wristiormo Ageggy AND tier rwries. *%4 rani T....141/111.11:3111XDA. Street 1. blowy- Lee 40 welieweidor Oen. Disputed awl deter tire take to feel ealttle Iiiated. Goarrich. Dee. 24 MIL •w)4 WALKER, Coarefew or eters , te 4111.011.146 Clerk 4114• Poe" Coot Worms 0.44.- 910a4er8. write •r. It. etroace. &GRIT FOE KTHATININII tORICt'f,Tt'R,tI. gh, anoint fJoeeph Sharman, proprietor} It....d.on a, .14:411. .41-47 44 N . Mosleonsiorn. t114118T5a„ Antra NI sY. SOLICITOR. Ike.. lc Id Croon, ont. wig MONEY TO LEND. • AteDonleali , oilmen AytiTbritElltE, HATFIELD, Cottty 2.4 nelie ut rabage aseteuentry panties ify:41. 111... 19. Hannon. ENOINEEN AND lallErPITOR, LAND • • V 180•111.1 Connntef. ICInnfirdln W. T. COX , E ditor allai Proprietor. 1RW AND HURON AND BRUCE ADVERTISER. $2.50 PER ANN. IN AD •We Business Oirictorg. SASH AND DOOR F ACTOR Y. 'poi? undersigned having purchase,. the Plain - 1 4.15 41411 and Stoll Factory owned, end oe- rilpiad boa.h!d C114114.101f, Oh now prepared to e••ry 01 itis nuttiness 01 manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, sad all kinds of _ 1 INC L. 17V () IC, 114144 a Cock and (iodine Nana aad Fran., 'hey thrall from therr experience in Factory 11, tidy, that they ran gtre entsfactoot to all who say leeor lbein with a call. 11. B. -A littera dow000t to the trade. 20,0(XII feet of Dry inch and a quarter Flooring on hand. JAS BUCHANAN, 1/AVID LAWSON. WM. I4UBINSUM. tiotenes. Monli 4th, 1,567. .w66 tr. "Tho Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." GODERICH, ONTARIO D. C. TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1869 anginas 1lDirtoorg. _ Business Directory. T Al LO RI NZ R EM OT A L. 31:0. AL MP .EL. MC IS ETVIL218 HIS MOSTSINCEIt • I0Zt IIC f•fy fl•tteringeopeouragemen (1,, hat received.. nee Le commenced brume. on rich , not beteg able to trxecute <MIDI une-La 14 hiroldroshrought to bin mw nennIdlnIfilkenly Carryin on Business Extensive!! • adcrogoyins non• trial grel-ciaire I redeem.. hada. . A . belloyealdiseaponosee •• Cut 'season'', nests iota. eve=111941 blisinewo %tenet vety Sade yi tea, principally riret-ellieecuetonwora,•nd berme bee• Collette nee of 44. Principe I Eatelaieetnee eve Editiburgh,Ncolland, he cerleaalt.tatee to • theeereo•s public that cum -Huta CAN BE MADE • b t•t•teletionen colonel teltetamee Establish.. wen lt n Toronto •r Montreal. Goderich, October 3rd. 1863. Oldest Establishment in Town, 141110111111 ant MARTIN' AMATINi - rrio &term t errolitlit fife 4/1.0 CUSTOM Eito T1 that he or till able t9 *ell 4.4 coati, ai ib. 01400 Mite, ALL RODS r UltNITURE. At his shop on !nog on Street, opposite the Huron Hotel, tiorderich. time hun • esti- Uodencho Oce.3. thee. o ' tern w37. TUE autorerlber tot returning thanka for thellberal pato..., twetoor.1 al boo. bi fun., gilarrally ortIO tete aro. below numool his ty In 1., 14n. forso, (Is oci•ifaited by Mr. H0/lh, lk rat .o.-.-,, tott Rank of where tofertUtin to bm liar alit he found All Kinds of Job Work will he Done In. WIT* as WIWI, G. N.' DAVIS. Goderk.h. 29t5llerch. 146D *27 NiCTICE ! NOTICE 1 LAILLICRO141SON,,L.D.11, SURGEON eo DiEfINT TIMM' beau 01'I the 7.4 Wmt .t. eta D. SUTHERLAND, 11.F.11 IN Coal, Limber, Shingles, Laths, &c., Tatum, oton, Ilarhar awl corner Waw and Warertoo 341epert4..„ 1j Odiso. Watorloo street ia rearof the yard (14,1eneh.Nov.54i, Dm. esyshser Iwo JOHN INNIST...DANI, Jr. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE. ItINUEASCL, LAND AND 1,721511414. AGENT. a cc 21) • co 4 03 0 410 144 'aE an 41 NY tet 41 D6an instrument which enables h'm to CAMPBELL haeino lately purchased make the largest pbotovaphs made in God.. nch VERY CHEAP. • 14 ; -Porcelain Picture., pet the boot IIA L4,Lc It I El' INT 11, WHO RAKES YOUR BOOTS! eils6 firMIE uodersigned begs to return thanks the public for the liberal patronage heretofore extended toliine He is still pre. pared to make, on the shortest oorice, any gawky of es'i, Wieseere'lernillires41 WORK, and *1 141. lowest Cash Prices, JUST IRIRCEITIBIll. a lave Stock of FIRST CLASS ROOTS AND SHOES. ALFRED COLLINS, One door East of the Huron Hotel, Sig* a fhil Large Boot. Goderich, Aux. 24th. 1868. w31 O. BARRY & BRO., AKERS WOOD -TURNERS AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St,, Goderich, • 4 t 1880.1 HENRY GRIST: 1868.] PATENT SOLICITOR & DRAUGHTS- MAN, CPEE/11211711, C7samsteta,, MRS THIA,111 RIAIN WV, WITH THE PATENT a °Mee 406 .2141,, Department/I .7 18. Goren... -,H Iferettome met, 1111: 1.011rIll111011 off 0111 t 01•111 A30 Munn mourner> Drawisp. 0,011,04,0, a444 nth., Demme, las nee qt...,,.r AMR," 011 .Int •1111,41-1 01 1144 Lusa . 1/16111‘. I/creator, lisle SMAILL & CIN0C3IC ARCHITECTS. DUNI tad rpreltlirttl ef He. set up In a neat and moo. ,tyle Ofnee ever 1.11 Detter Coin store, MOdeelah. Mlit In. leg MONEY TO LEND. EASY TERMS. J. B. GORDON. Grelerieh. Jen. 14th, Me. 1 t INItsupy to Lend. • ON REAL ESTATE. Wm. 111.19= cent. DAVISON W 1M:4r:re Gorlench, Oot, 18th 1141 WhEll VELOCEPEIHANA. Wool raw *7,11 let, tire Rioting Rink will ewe am a Itierlyerle nebood, am.hta, to •11. Om& & ea .t... W.F. 000D1r4i3.11 tiodcrich Morn 30. 1140. era Land Office, .tk 'I,etni,Illor,r..811.of Improved runt.. •04 W,ld K.TRUISM A N. tleterInh March 1. 1617, M•rtell Naar, THE LANCASHIRE FIRE AND LEER INSURANCE COMP'NY. °ANTAL, £2,000,000 STERLING. Cela "erten '7140d r 1r ewe). an ne1re nt lenera 6*04 SAXON'. 11 PliTI.111., Arent for 1144orlrh rredelmok A r restrowa. D AGENT,VALITER,rto. MONEY TO LEND lo Panne for Sa 41A Crown lend Paten ta tak one Thshta ci„,1.„.„4 OW Apply at the OfRoe of A. Letter. E°1• 4.4,4„1„, Rept ath, 11449 w.n4-0 MONEY TO LEND. _ u t mit sksw•-•••••• 1' IlI'T I0496e 8 (hut IS eV T %wow '..7 ^ ^otttentlrq, el A040 II ,,9*1•7 I 4111,1 Thew 21. 164449 ewe 8 an tho Nero ',mow tot Priff, 11100 pur 14 111. 1*J/I X 7•1 111,1 I t which ia threo times as larige se the (ort" de r Ode, for 42.50 per dome: In 141112 thanks ler the patrorsg• of the past, inrit All to all and see the eow ay.! for therneelves D. C.ASIPBEI.L. Goderieh, Dec. 3. 186o. w27 DOMINION AT1CTION MART. New Auction and Commission Rooms. PRE nolnerlher w1.nI.1 notpeetfolly answer• to the pahttrthtt he has opened mor 00- 41-4 and Emu minelon Home,. no 141N0L.n r, t, 4* respeerhilly noillrit • nat., nf io , "" the .hop latelyy non. lio peyment 019-46.0,1. seld nn "":741 t 1 dstertnnted .trioatteet... • 1.,", ronfoleeee of en •* Household furniture Bought It Bold Vern, and othur Pyle. tot they be Ilavneed with.snInetnally satesweg igeggsge.wit the Cteliaty reeeonable terms. MARK warmly'. Rods 8. Pet.. lke. • Auction_ it Commission. GODtRIOH scOLIN'FON EISCKUP. SAL sto of if ixoelluiZattilper17 Q93;2 every Saturday, sod la Climes ever? eireday. Monet, soletneed on Property immediate "II07"rZi pes010011,a"."- ed to throughout th. oonnly .11(9. M. TICI E W A 1141 A.M.... wart, Merkel Sqtrare,10..deriell Stoney to Loan on Heat Estate, A PPRA IS ER lo the Truitt 4041 Los neempanT of Upper C•naola. H• THUNMAN. wt. Market Illweam, Codoneb MEDALION. IF YOU WANT GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS (JO 14/ E L. JOHNSON, if you want good Porcolins Pietarent '(*4 210 E. L. JOHNSOR, Cabinet Photorrmo •o N. R. -Th. Mukellerther offert I h 11. fe4 A. T., 0/11 eTt.11/31/1111 VEEP constantly on hand forests *1! art'. n cies tn their line, tech as Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, &c-, M! kinds of wood -turning done, such • Nool poets, made bannisters, neckyokes, Alwaye on hand, a complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a HEARSE to hire on reasonable term Oodericb, Hay 3rd, 1866 Ifiertim* N 'T 1 CE. All parties indebted to R.Ranciman& Co pITFIER BY NA/TE OR BOOK AC- aileouutare hereby uotified, that unlenathey CALL AN1 PAY UP AT ONCE they will be sued, without further notioe. IC nriwrM AN, Huron Fnnndary, Clogerich, )nt. elerich, 24th Deo-, 1868. w40. Oenstuntcretttniette Enke/let 11C-26 rOTIN RICKS, Proprietor. Thla is th l•rgeste ad beetConntry Hotel ,. Weider ..3rierledtad en. Mee as moderate •ot •ny Homo • Mitchell. Ater* Proper..., 00 Homes Homes mad Larnaca' rev Hite, a ridieen Not lee 14,1 ALLAN P. DT &CLEAN, 4 41/0/00k et 0 PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ,A44 JUST REVIVED A LARGE with Stock of Negettnis and Parnitare with a •olendid Int of now Camaro, 4114 ASSORTMENTOF (marl! t1113Pletai, _ re rir ft lbw salmi assess eontaining moven Rooms', with ood Gerdes. Omission, tied a 7494.4o4 Issodliao 174W8. F41ahho sea oet heildinsra. Tee 1.944. 1.1:2144.444.11644,..41Vrt-7,11,14,1.4' 44Aa. 4.4..,,-"..gp,91,11wwwg - Ahe Natio/on Salt Co. tei He 4.44 Moot of "Meg satlathelbesa te all wao raav tererterre with the. rentere. Metwonther the afoot, rammer 04 Irrintilton atittet, and Cowl Roes* Square. TRIM) SUIT:4(*11 itrool)913 endorser& lindowiels, Oat. ope E.-oveshai awes so Igo J OHNSTON Nov. 19th, I tei Ooderich, Sett 26th. 1844 swe Nr4411f. 0 x r71 ALEX. WALLACE, WATCHMAKER ND JEDRIJER, 11/111.1. c 0 0 /E11. 1011. to t at. mink Won Meer. occustle the IIE tonocrilmr Ronne removed loth. Stowe 9-4.47 I 01 ;IL r, ..low nimoli kW dem& and 4,. put.' r, the *oily,' 0415 Itrhieh dor ha.r ier..red ‘t't""40Ires.'440evears. sod ergs re.... then. thee ,...__ WIi.t Lamas., to amen • 801111.1....re of Moo anstowe Wooly wall 4. 44.0172(17 Wate es Clocks and Jewelery, whe h wit! Inv. •41.04.1irrli tO the ourcheeer, mad ea ail wort beciddisr br tat self, eameentere easy dopood ust Wong n emit elle. toed &F a sod erwirtinent of 11.....1 ead Plated Jewelry Walt kci. Iocks , may • on hem! ALEX WALLACE. liodetii t 147 seela ROOM PAPERS ROOM PAPERS. A VERT LARGE VARIETY or Three Different Kinds of Papers oo„,•torn For UalIs, Parlors, Dieing Bei' Roane,- DRUGS, DRUGS OLOTHINC CLOTHINC! CLOTIIING• TOO• TIAN TO 3F'. a" 41:9 rt. 1D (Nuoacessortokt . R. kleynol Jr) Med lest' litti I, Courl-liestaaBgwors,no4mr11 DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST 'Helena, and I naport•rol aF1 N U L: I It U S c•afetCa Le. II war, "rootla. maul Ilreuthen rairre (411441 • nt.o.. 4,1110, II 0 ItSE tic CATTLE MEDICINES °ARPIN SNIPS, &1'., .41.',Orders frm o'11.,Itaml mct en peauatte attend' ed to ut Teel.. Price*. - Phyercien'a Preacropt.os can/telly 4,..pentad. Ooder‘ch„ Jim. 10, 1858. LIGHT LIGHT 1 LIGHT 111,-111W--PaTTERNS • „ Rood Stock as! declared hy Pa.ntere wed Paper Haag- tr. tole the meet heatelidtd ateelpe. The Best and Cheapest PAPER:, EVER INTRODUCED IN GoDERICH. FOR SALE AT OUTLIER'S. Gedeeleh. AI 111, 1411. Farm3rs Attention igt IAN D HRIN(.101.11 WOOL TttillE Wingham Woolen Mills, WHERE Tot: WILL REcEIVE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH ! --C, frtHE eatwertter would rat4 ape.lal attenUen 10 44* 4. If'744~4100.04' Irloch wOl 01, for tr.. 111..01.14 141,. olatr at I•htliOVik 10 047 9.1104..11 tn rlasitgr fur .01,1 otal, Varner, *444 9,, well to --an early, e.snone 489 .19.8 and ;edge Id, thentaelree Wool Ca rdIng, Spinal lg. Manufacturing. Cloth Dressing, Colouring 4011.41* super- ior style. ego. one ILIO Vint ate mai .45. beet work lug order. •ith stidtsel fa, thtim for turning out work, and •1l'4(141041 under my persnaal manage - weak rey rIlytnitOrs 0141 dew," emu every •xertlun Welogewed tu tutift lal1t,, ( - l'ETER FISHER. WInaham. p 2 9 5 e o44,96 = • CS- rO -0 P' o 2 4 1 ' ....r. • ., r.; 2 IX4 12.:z ,-.. t z -.,„ c) .. #4_ i p,* < ._ s ;:i-:3 !I 1 i -- - .2 A. rt •C A 74 11 *0.-'- .2 o 1 es ix c:),`-'2 ;? 1,t .- 4 11: 6:114121111 .f. i 5-c FA e• i ? ,..- o 0- '" le g -iAzzgii ;4.. -4.C.. -g, Ersi ...°,4.74.w.11.2i. i 1 0i El i .11 .,...„.. E CC • 3' 1 .3 vol. xxi No. 49. JUST ARRIVED. MADAME TAnott. With lier Great European Herb Remedy enfiemne eerfit Coloomption.likieurne. "."• Terve/ram, Hendeehe, Lowt Ap- I"'I.. ihhd Dmeatioo, listerrh mad Nolen 1.4." 11.0d. *69&dewed to try this Remedy,1. 11421ile. •nd Sininach Complaint. it inw- - -•• tor e•er •nd ago.. cold "•""".• eidlte It wow never known to !all lie.rfrarmairded by Phearle not throughout Elk+ te •o humbug as one bottle of her Medrettie will prove• 101 rarer When you can get ftleilinhing Madame Tayfer at rob,,,, ri. 914, !torte Hotel. Coutertch Ladies linable ^111 1.111 ho attended •l their oat Isciroos. 114.ortineh.1014 Mtg. 1118E 0 CART/WRIGHT SURGEON olssoe‘• DENTIST -iffrmnm. 131Maa& a lahhw&7„,, mtelM 6., sci oo ;7"17W 24. nk"s.4"1,74,NvMO•74 1 of NI It 1 A en.t..011..." D••••"•( W. of the ewer, Me. lit will matinee 41 neeforth the weer/ ,rotdo ...ry month 1441whet, warme401 (*eh 4.l entleft. e 4 hen .-Teiefh *insane@ telti pa ne.anew 1............., 1 t • • ,......_....'•!..,,011114161411* 4.404 (14 I 111ROLIIi WO/YEPIATE, WHIM CAHT1 Itowdavvw -114 neafneth 4'. Rheas 'oohs . Wetting, D.Mln T1. Stratrat 1 thei.i.t. Stewing(, P Smith , bow, Chtanowt. 1 wok of moo lb. O. win& as 1118 meet. (38,40. 48 thowert l9 1444was CHEESE, CHEESE. •••••••• Shepharit--At Rtraehan, (HWCZ0.1100111111011. rift*1- TW 41 relerich fee llllII.f Ds obit! Keefe r F.*lory Cheese. Local &balers sopplied al the Festory RITIPti A RT/ I STEACRA (1oiorlith, Nay 17, 1847. flif ROCK-6030ALOILS luniagraid,tanpolis. 1114101e by F. JORDAN. GedsesehJas.17.11.10. 60 • .1 A L T, FRESH WATER, H 0 1' A N D 0 0 L D .RA T 17 1, AT OSLEE'S BARBER SHOP! Li- 11., patronage of the publ4 ,. eolnoted. Roderic -h. Jan. 12. 17419. try Se (_)STOVES! STOVES CO ttl 0 41 03 14. 111.11( . READY-MADE CLOTHING c MX I ryinterhancrio.r deternilaed 40 sell out Ins large and Complete. Stock of 1.1.414Iors. witlaust o wee. GREAT BARGAINS WAX BB ILIPZOTID 116 OVER COATS, UNDER COATS, PANTS, VESTS, IIATS, CAPS, OOLLARS& TIES. GOOD VALUE 11.1 SHIRTS, Alio DRAWERS IV Cte.thlag mut. to unbar Is the west faahlenalit, oyle, *1 48, OM Sterol. Next tolfortle it Robertson's Agent for .t claw 78 ,449 Mei nines A BRAIFIAIII SNIT HI. HILUCHANT TAIL, ilt Owlerieh Nay 18 1861/ 1.1 HURRAH FO R ONTARIO ! ,11F1r_rIn ' VOL. 7 --NO, 97 *NO41dc011.I. 41114Nf .141014 U011111 40 15.0 .1007 OA Wag/1011p ZUOIVIO.Ind 04001 Ipti • 40.1 00(9 17L'Ell 11" '8,LaS 'v aR VIA 3110.LS teat Okidioi nor Lea 1' `41 a)Ino a J. t41olIO0MI1 91:91 V 117"i41 91444 SS tIneit.1.111 „ Mit VI 07407 0424 ev ll$1 testiont V 1 t•1101. evl tol 444 69't14•1•R11.1J isadmio 0En 01111 ladnal3 2P009 I 14S pi parulee 1410001 V -mum IMAM does Lw or play iluilsoot • 1,1 a_IyM eainva al I INaralioxa um""e"'"Irr" `116 Iva.d ts. Le day woh the co . 'pow, ea evectually settling ciff to there comes a ring atlhenighstMiespee- ded over your devoted head. Ton ere an affectionate husband, and you get ep to see who it is, the Doctor observing quiet - y. '1( 4.'. that baby of Pratt's, tat thorn to give it the rest of the powders end a warn) beth, sad I'll ses it in the inert.- • ._Bata keit Pratt's baby -it's Hr. links took very bad in his into:rads,' says the menial, 'and he wan44 your wife to go to him directly.' Now this is really too bid. Jinka is a gay bachelor whom you deteet, and why should your wife have to run of to him at the dead of night, when her prt. per plea, is obviously beside yo.? If you have * proper &morel over the M. D., and have learoed some of the tricks of the trade you tt will sggest that Jodie be quieted with 'Piloptiij statim ouniend.,' or • 'Haan, t sa the ciao may be, and 'the Doctor will all around in the morning.' 11 641. said Doctor goes, Liters you are left starving in bed, and anatise. matising Jinks and your *44 profession. You *4114 4. very lucky too, if, when you have married an witty* anti enthusiastic proetitoher, you &oft figurer's thecorres wife upon whionatie can play with impunity any cumber of pharmaceutical pranks. When • new drug minim into fashierm, it will be very 000venteet for her to have • 114 hwaorsotomoOrleattimediatier"-- ▪ il, and no affectionate man would objet4 UP suoh trials in moderation. At En sight. there Weill tO 1101 NIA01/- 0140060Y to our girls pursuirer the Dad, of anatomy. It shock. our keliags le think of a tieing, all light pod tome ploring, with eager auger. alma ',Alpe', the moreerlar ietrismaiee of body of sode, diseased and aged pauper who, like the widow Twankay, bad d any beauty even Is her youff &?h=rould be some satisfhetion, ever, le 'gettiog 0014 41, tropeoirs of se Karl, and we 0.15 imagino the Joy CO., which • fair student would explore the rereb..11 um o1 a Chancellor, or 147 ipere the shaptly 9ueiroce. ma of a bishop, But pieture to yourselves, oh youth all I Leerier the p riod, how could y.et poet your soft whispers into the ears or a maiden who ott mentors of the Pleasing effect of the sterne-c4ieloostriefoid• 00 abe slyly barest! away her bold . and ugg knew she was making ma+ use IC* orbiculari4 wilt when Ler ray Hwy*. „011 pouted for the ki,e. The thought 4111 40,4 paiotai out to 44) teo hideously ghtiteme- cal, to be puttied further. At ttle mese time there would be comfort Wipe lov, in the thought that he could seliftort the beloved objets4 to-bie side, if she wee physician, as I, for the aleuardly am sum of &guinea, enjoy at leastten min 1(private and ooulidelo tat oosverisatioo with hex. IR the some of a really prem and cbarmintr doctresse, what a Gull - epidemic of itnaginery diseases would break out among our gilded youths, sod what a !one°. the little id' "weld male in a few years! Looked at trete • connubial Feint view, tim idea of isoe's wife Wing an M. D. alu•1 very plosaant. liere is a Boone that is enough to make • British heathen.] squirm,' Irrueustis personal: 4osband and Wife, 21. 1). Soso. the Coorigal Couch. Time 11.?),„ sa, Yellethave oderich & Southampton 1.1 THE STEAMER - 'SILVER SPRAY, D. ROWAN, MASTER, mt. run In COnnection with the arand Trunk R. It.. dal, y to Solithomplon and return. Leaving Goderieh every evening at 4 o'clock, calling at Kincardine, Inverheron, l'ort Elgin, Southampton, weed and weather permitting. RETURNING EVERY MORNING, arriving t• Goddrich in time to (nmet with Grand Trunk Train. Tickets for sale for all points on G. T. It and all points east. J. V. DETLOR & SON. Godench, May 27, 1869. w18 If (24 YEARS AT TILE OLD STAND.) CABINET FURKISHING '%WAIEII 0 U SE. DANIAL GORDON, CALSINk..71`11.A.If.1..:12 Undertaker, &c., &,c., 11 PL. A I N ANI) FANCY' 1NT W A. 11. xi, COAL OIL, , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Fir' Coal Oil Lamp!, &o. Ste. 01,1 Iron. Copper, Braes, Wool Pickings. and S4...1) m• take. in exchange.. J. Se J. STORY, SWAM of 144 Largo Coal Oil Barrel, (Jodreot. March 1.1,1861 8-1 :N IC) '1' I 4D ! To all whom It may Concern. PRI nn.lerehrned le prepenerl 6. recedes °Hero for I in large Of emelt onantIttes White Ash, Pine, WhIlewood ana Cedar AL"(I LATHS, PINE &CEDAR FM rx(lutst, oath. opening 0r11.11vInflon P11111n. Inn! Ing billa eat to any potholer sine will Ow. went them In se *7.40 4. possible Pluto drawn. Rills aa.1 60f1111W110tn111:n the eart one ItInde, sloes an.I qoantilow, of materinl required OM heittellegs, 8oldies..3 . SMAILL & CROOK, Aroh iteet otiooM., C MAW 4 Cn 'a forfm North 11..40.14.6.knft 2.0.1Inesemian isoons. 40414 Farm Lands Ibr sale. Lot 42 1st eon. Townshie of Goderich 116 Ilene • if 90" • 4 !Ake road west Colborne 100 " 4 Lake shore " 103 " Lot 1111th eon. Stanley 27' Nat pricrearond tonne, apply to. 0241014014 8. DAMON& 4*4s11*4146, Reese . 19 1867. er494 Farm for Bale. fano e6148.lIn•214e.* IffitrilaR; S*S.9 unarm. esfilaterfoitte ammo mom or wow. .41,4 we einewel awl WI awls tree ner • We • ARAM NM. 6110^.••••••11 • • rie too (4I, mak PiZza4-747A. ot Or adia....rrom vim torm.h.t ehrent 61 itt,o. nil MI Antler. will ne ,roteorelemoise try imanksta eie for woos ammo. le reran II per ewe 10.0.114, rht fertbir U.; .7. faMrs 4.1 tali o preeiew. A 8 now oo hand the FURNITURE in the County, it every variety , can. not fall to com- mand the MY°, ol all in want of FURNITURE who may favor him with • rout -whether in • I.. Quality, Style Price. Every •rtible weirentrd en recotninended. ll'vo.g made •mtnfrernenta with JACQUES, it :IA Y, T011.4110. can lowed onythong here or 11 their Wairvrouma ia Toronto, Cliactro 7011 (=Yana:2 13.-I4ea •Iways • complete &work:tient et COFFINS ow liana. Also, HEARSE% to litre. w... 84,. Godstriehe Nov. 3, 11411, wit FIRE (St MARINE SN SURAr.c1. nu !NIX TIRE AMUR ANC• rtlwrANy of L. r doo, England, establienwl in 14112,.,,,. 1.1 the, 1,1414m I••••••• ben ofieL. nt DDRAOR 110114.T4)N, Age nt • 6210*44. INIWRANrIf CYO/IPA KY nir 400 4111*.,., Waco, Toronto. Wilt •aa• r eke oft Omelet AdICny pr. qw•r1 0. Man. reakt taken st as low rais• yen), nth, lint clam Mlles HORACE IIIORTONI, Ageriet. MONEY TO LOAN. " (Ng) Mrzoterara.it:. rwialmen 01001••• asDRAOR HORTON, Agent. ledet,,S. Rama in, mes laRfi and Provision Store 11 AWING rented and ttod up the inert. lately neetipiord by A. F. Rauh, for the above business, I as mow prepared 44 fseniah •illt Groceries and Provision* yhiel, I shall Will .1 (13. Lowest Cosh prices Flour and Feed kept conatently nn hand. A shore of yniir patronnge will he thank !nth r..M.!!4t'!.4 ratthfunt Wileand Ligssrs, Creator, tadGlassware,Fasey Goods, he.. illidettic Cm -meal, Beeksileat Fleur, 0 0 -A- I-. Cif X X. 1 AND OVAL OIL LAMPS D. FERGUSON. g. _floods will be delivered la say penes the town Goderieh. Feb. fwd. 1664. 4,r41 INSURANCE. firfluT- --••• Oates -1174 Blotk, marten Come Rosso tsrec tioikriett, C. W. JOHIS Ague. DeStehb. 176 8041,11441. .3691 'IN retorting Books for the him* ogler, E. CLIFFDRD *444 rib-aims-In41u geelliaTee the introduction of machinery he is now prepea. last 12 years, begs leave 10 Oaf that by the 1(1 10 .apply retail dealers with all binds of Biscuits, and Crackers 1 which he think, will be more advantageous utOthother zu.nanstor than importiog theta Irma LIST OF PRICESSoda : Bia.c,eit by the Box or Etirret '.111.117 rrowroet " " .... 0.08 0.02 ri Abernethy "to " .... 9.08 Butter Crackers ." .... 0.064 /Met '411 0.064 Stator, Biscuits IA rics.oce/ c:In.U.ear Cakes of Every Kind 1 1eneral itenortresni of bread always on hood arid delivered dailr 113 customers. Jan. 13 1868. E. CLIFFOR4.11. PINE LUMBER, LATH & SHINGLES. T11E ealaseriber hes now received 1,500,000 feet Pine Lumber, JEC 113, Danger of Hattng Green Pratt. Aeontemporarysers very wisely :-One efthe greatest dangers to health which the authorities have to wetted against lo the wormer time is the green fruit business. Contend against it they do, as far as ad. vie* and learned digests ou the effects of a too hearty meal of unripe apples are eon• oerued, but further than this they de not EEL psnot ilinGLEs in 90 10 protect the unwary.. It is a well. TO SELLINLAb**RG' TM":41":414E OR SMALL'ILo7: hu been noticed that the diseases first Mertes beteks out &hoist Mtn on opicie- exactle at the psriol Cleo gre frets Lowest Rates for Cash, general thing, the purchasers of gesso 1 first brought to the markets. Air a fruit aro children, who do not know any better than to stuff themselree with what ever rieW article in the way of fruit tho merchants at the stands lay their bands en, and parent* should consequemtly take warning and put the Multi ones on their guard against the unwholesome stuff. Jest now apples seem to be tbe only green 6114 that has mods its appearature to aay great exteut: although, In their eager - Rees 410 41. 5011 40 the field and mak. • few pennies extra profit by taking advan- tage of the popular hankering after the lateat productions from the orchards, some of the apple men have got in a stook of very mall peaches, the eating of any of which in quite enough to eachingera inen'e lite. The apples that are being sold aro all unripe, end those that allow their Inv. for fruit . get the better of therm have occasion Wore the Bummer is over to rue their imeredenee. It will be quite time enough several weeks hence to indulge in 'fresh' fruit. Tho stook of some of the deelers is so unripe that it ie downright murder for them to offer it foe tele for eating purpose.. WHAT To NUNN.- A seasible article In th• last Phr.uoloirirul .1...tru6S en the sub- ject of '•W hat to Drink," contains the fol- lowing i• regard 10 41.41 weather 47,1144 : - Tim warm season, new n pen us will inereeme oetr thirst. Water, punt water. will 41. 4.. thin for these who .hew or smoke torbanem, au., tasel 4. tawanint rimmanowoothiags, ....muthey hitter, tingling, biting. They amid whoa they crave in whiskey, with frail oil in tt, or other similar drinks. Bet to aa appe- tite that ie healthy, nothing is more goat.. 101 or reviving, when thirsty, than water. Batt even this idionld be used tewsperst*, and in moderation. May drink ...41.I.1.1 should it be drunk es a hall stommeb. The lees we Arie4 .1 4.., coffee or water .46.4..,,with oar mieelohne. on piag sot Sher 54.64.414.4 04 het dirimito. Pore soft water ia the beet. Rain Bete water is meek sesa., mad meow ye* 11 hnt wo 1101118, ea, Or Ober aellnal Atha a when they eau (.11114. 111119110. 14011111111 physiolegica I steam .4 4184 end sett int* AT THE eir Apply at the office, over J. C. Dotter & (.0'n. store. JAMES SMAILL, Agent. IOU Codertrh, May 10. IWO WAGOint:6iiimAnE aer 1tD11f0.0 t 2. 7 T11E Nothern her entitle newton., to the pelt. lie of Hume and Some, thel he isnot., ea. alictur, nit tiret.cleas Carriaes, Waggena, Sleighs, clutter - as, clb0., itrhh sr!1 he sold C 11EAP -UR CASH. fe-J- Wanted a wood -worker, and tyre apprenticeo-nna to leant wod-work and the other kilacksmithing. -44+114(4 P41164101414, Vieworia Street, Uuderich Corbotch,ltve Oa. ten. wte MASONIC APRONS for SALE • e H. GARDINER dr Co.'s. 147 6411,VAllat. (Mora& June la .1 • • 'ns.li••••••1•••;--- Money to tAnd, oil ewe reameoelde toms. Apply te DOYLE,: Savaie• aim BU. alma rms.,* tact inuesrledipa se the glees phytesher ere Not we.* h le a unselhe Qantas seh step le Id* Deer nids ef theirdsge-- ther-hr melee( tiolalfiah, fah Jee.' seed Vbe. asses ft " Isoc.* alle en' rir 213 141. 4.1toltatr 47u- WIRT 0111 litORTO•GIL 44r17 WHe atm = mid Law Offles, Orialart Gehniskllevet. Db. Mt 4114,. •'* ' -4 .0 ,1 . • ' • • ' • 411