HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1869-7-23, Page 4w�Aa*l-Aias w�h.a 11�IT1.d apb -.da,adl}4(Oa,vlsmlw IMMIKeutuc4)- North S Markt M 8unlay .(hansom. • Sile (sane diewderatnrts, eel while IS was at �l *might. the i)ap wits lUdinwty H11.4 wits o.uatlw uululr.a of snakes, wbm*k mire ewer falling for uwrly hes uunates. nay were of the e,Ium.m ringed ',p.a.., ..,1 ensalurea ft. 0n fin Mahal 4. two feet t• Ien(rtl.. I Lc . nem all dead, Ming hll«f, It 1s supluaedi by the fall. The Dees of thi. from. of natant soon •pr.ed & seag the ar nen of N.• *;ion, ..4 masted the most ,144511M Wit liguana. Br •toeing, the (tap was crowded with hund- reds of people, drawn thither to witness tbe novel spectacle. biuu,erous surmises were indulged in by the pealed erect._ I..., hot the general eynei013 W u, that the mysta:rnoes slower was tits premonition .f Mme dreadful .ouurg.. -.Memphis Punt, ,flaw r. IptirAero good is the last gothing .aid t Mere ; What wreath is that en ad T' heasked one rinse of another at ay, n•'Oh, ivy, Ivy lovesnuns, you - rs." A fellow in Detr•it hanged himself to his hod pest from deepl.ndl•ucy, at be- ing left alt tembru at the tender age of Sweaty -eight. y 10 nar.a•mt • ,ea.. , k,.,,ur.t •non le a oe.id b W to the hr., pr, r.1' 4,, .h t'1 th. t tae .fcutl bursa w,...4., wadi., a 4 .rod o.n.o.. 41.u.05 tad p ... _ emptier. gw-n,ll) 1 u Il.•., -s ' OO'll1 ft our w•.11W Std It elle M t,,, J I. W,, ..4 to U. nun..y it Jerald away. a at Most Two ?.•run. -Field, to etabeety sapper Ise 14, .lweetam erlrn.l4 d•.., the WOO..H jl lawus ha tlo lb.., elthr eslwar.(ateho4■ 04.0. sweets sloop. u..I a a.- n watts( I.. 4M stwsing. Mewed, hi to all 11 r hm.dirs hjEtt*.',. a flat 1r,.w�- ses.Fat.,.tRR,•444. oars i.4 rw RYa Y .4. pot Weer. / Ihsw r.._ '1I.•eassa-H•.. nun, talo.. 10th ,..un, ad aid, • ono ■ .t d.. r• u, 0..d. n. c 4..I beunlele. 1s.leret .w ...e tv entry at. , n .ty. ,.4rnn( Mb si -1..15 wed theist .,f t. wits, )'need, sod aadrb0' et burp.,, 4..e wt„ ran .. o,4 L..king Wits ..d dMn a.. ems the Fruits,. e.. a It it 11. t►le • 444 M Mt that dnw..e. „.•.oas t,..owl M pa' n M ar • wawa, earwr W le. oft, U,.n l,m- • J. Hrr7; .AI. IoniserMh. Ioniser Will ultra ads. awl 1 a to a tree, .40 wan J ►. kit tarot th. rotors mwrd7 the h..t yet 4 own t pa,. Pohl by red s1n arta. 1 J Helfge 4' .,n M, 4.4.17, N T, anI N„ Oleg dt nit Tomato. , emm.e gOr�Ino, I..Ima.. L.• . Ise Ir5Iag M.r I1.,n.,ee- 44.14 Iq aM I,wJwfa.amtmwN SM. /Mont to !trothPedwon4• *seen 1a eS oasts ride, and rtl rem, hi.l a e tom•, awl We .m,.ttn, Ise pew* wt., a pro. rh. Ie • O Mote., whin thew 4.,a velh,u. watt are It trey Mr doers .II •,7.4....: oda anti r11p., all' 11�wr� mares ne41.+-eh.-,-4 .- .tMtI'- d ier+w.r- ! e t+g i.4 tweet, Noon not the .err. eros .we t ,odM 1 , .qn.d Ira.. • year F.,,'not lawn herr ,[ty redlnallendwreas ed.bout110(04.,a,b sew Wale. q I1sww.la.ayr.et w e p.p..ea4 eel '- *reaper and se.t ref the ...peryttr .w,.l u,rw eel ttile, ?rorty.., n 16 rt. pet- tore F'Lc T.7 1:1..A. F'm OF .ALL KINDS. A very large a Stock of Crockery. Neve. Splendid Chinn' N SO° le heft..n►Mting'l/nl.treWl it 4.i. .feta M 5.0417 Was 11004.0.0.444,eseue •_v e• ItIlet mover. In rola r4.m.V M wen Ire 4.4.�4.1w0f7�144. .se00 w ,( the 744 pro JSM ser)' ape M 11aebeld ,5A .sRr fro. otos mows, toaghs. akar of bleed and elleewry p 1PWo 01. wakh If iwl sM,ek•d wliale'TT 1 f e ore ra u o wae.n. 1')..,ata .o •roar which the ,[nlrkrnl aaJ at .e..rlta� m •JT. it) s • 1 ah... Wats am. here belops. 11 • potter rut oven,.w. . rw 4 have ✓ ,. glow g,nly .a: hrtI r, 00'1n,wo od• repot pwr . M^t ouresw .■ lekr0 iso L) all orb. 1w deer* end runetry Wore. generally thnagb- wi 1►. eseeemw a 25e0 we bus. • Ons.. P.m*. -le i. ,..11.4 4., st7 that thej�-� tar. owlet. to J Brim. a. Iwhmr.,1 la his In•rn.i.m w a mage* ettenrodIst ho 14..es onp.r.11.1rd 1,1 this y Moog .,a error* 4. ladles *WW1 IN plMmm,to. ..Muer. coma, bashes, club 1 read 4.u, .. 11nb.y truer . reeld, t eel tory anew/wetsaswhop.. u/.•, roan w�.�eeWtsl1d.dls�i'o, bu.klt•r.le J 444.5.+orMod,.. ('un Mreleoald by drneln•ta and country nrn40t( 1.l" ▪ . GEEEFIAL L)r All i JJades, CITE 1I' AS THE CIIEAPEST. Platform and Counter' Sottell of bot mag volt ise.t.w. i t ()BINNON (loder54 ,Zept. 2"th, ISM . tI icii11141i.► Y snJ ' Latour u0d1t r+ " 'rel'' 41rIa161aF.rib44 ...p. ,ilia . ty lawwKK.11tle brtbt ComW^I nn. w ...jaw!). •J Ow 4.m'wrr von adJWywnneapn+uJit1/0 tit. th;Ja111 ttr ,,.y. IV 5M lk.mae.y of +tt . Ir' • ••' L pr att- uned -op per twat (wing It. wt.. N •n 1►e ea- . gauge of non•,e,wrn, •.J t' we eeelkli owe S„11.44. ha p..• into •.n4u4I.•01,..;vnip.a.a Women, ■4.J w.i h con... s tn.. Arta In 4,'........11111........a Ile)... however, a.vu) •the 'enrol'e'e of Itie os( - .ns lis •Marto Root the ,,.one •Or at nor ter, oil g,ru,g••g alw,ln.' out i, whine IW Dempaoy yeeau.. borers to the o 40f Me Ierasad twee. ...I w.o. out Ire h.•pel kMn 1111. �yaiaa LYAJ. wnh t }•a. u.ul the aM le 4',ee • ..NJnlannt- He l.. the arNg.R•, he ray 4 t d menreul.wl allonyms 'Mottle wnk- .ymad, over nod *hove Mn mg ala 1111b1.. iron. sty even won, :those 4110. in r'edemioe et ►w 4041/011/ 011'.'.heal he u ellosfal 6 per sr1. a.enpwull u,:, 41'01. Nu Uner*u•w0• t4..1g.'J-.0 .harts Ti6gaind w b. tale. -.0 p ea to. pay,•ed no eapamn ser reuewska Apply Id FREDERICK ARMSTRUNtt; La Agent, over Dream Kat 'Y More, 12srLet • :•-guar., Unlen,rh. r t fw the ('sl.d* Lauded Credit Company. improved h'ar'ms tar ..k. ea easy tern,. WilIl Lands f1,r wl... Houses h4. the Tow. o(Cod.ra'h (*male. Appy ...twee. uudertub. Nov, 4414., 1N6V weals bt W COLS Watt Alllia H R ander• -" '3 would beg to inform his nuMerous instopers And ttks public T14.01 his New WoJlen Machinery is now in Full OriM1 and In First' lass WirkiigCri!rr Am, TIIAT 111 I3 111111 BLTTCR PREPARED TO EXECUTE FARMER'S wORU EXPEDITIOUSLY than tart se -aeon 11 hat' starting Ids nutc'hir-an• all new. Custom Roll Carding, Furling & Cloth Dressing - Spinning and Manufacturing, will receive pnnept attention. Having eon hand the largest, beat pal11x.•1^'e {tuck of of rue 4411 4.4044. FULL CLOTH. TWEEDS, FLANNELS, & WIUCEYS Poul 1,4. • , 1.I 4..l•.. t1'111) ra Alert 'w ' , t„ - ever beam .went 1. the puldr, In leu. rot'' ot.Mn a liar bed l,,511 yn11t111,;e tut U,. merle • e'fu,r •14.414 _ea thatua ,l.4.. c 1 t t •i. 4f n t. Iwaan •A 4w/114sts.rn sed - -*km.; P, .. 11 enrol 11ibw1 Il tho .isasen.,e „f tam, r ears to be • 4.1(0(14e.,.,d. "" u asMr0.4 far ear/,aa, +•144 Pr,.41 t1 *rift 10'1.00rw40• 4.0.444, t•t,t- M acral 4rr.rl..o++1•. tlaalt4ry a •ettW , 4.r un Oar lke highest Market Price paid (Jr anti glla"Iily of Reed Clean wtol• 'rgOMA9 LOGAN.• gut titres*, Oeskevih. • Oed.rtnb Woolen Were., laU' 4M, awe. Air _ TILE LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORT Of the YauiiiOUs 101 As samS.. -Alec ea' htlo4.. a. Lugo. sd SPLENDID D STOCK of DIIESS' Go 00 Suitable for Spring and Summer. MILLINERY SHOW 8001[ IS NOW OPEN AND CONT YOUR IHE 1S IN DANG SIR INSURE IN TRE BETN1., All new aid 'Mee and fit or anybody. - - -' :.A6oreria agnOws••a*l,hw!k_ tivi dieutAtaii •. blueklai the vveer�yyyhost, to be both Outfit spa !! vANurt {",TSP<q i,.fft ..4*1'O4 Tr.sw .,,,ser+• ^> 'r rri?A"y„It1 RE.k(4INS why over 15000 oersoet year, igy,re lieu tees in the drape; ural. it , sac ,steely a life Company.' .110-417. it u purely (bSlte'010st irrtit,Llon. Those wit, ir1ntess5I.l. insuring *twit lives, esti save s very large amount cf money. by is suing in this old •md reliable corotomy. Tb,. eayp.0 COW review, doing life boa' um it Men** it yea* ago, wed is sew dvies more besia.es than all the European and ('sn.A$ COmpuiee •ombiked th.:' are doing business is this count,;. The ,Etee sig a stuck 'Dmpsey, but no omits ere s,ghl, no wen 4 he sese.a1011, lib 10 Wssl 4 our. pmri.y roe kaon eiactlr how t(Mol1,'o.. pay per per when you enter the som•.awy Assets ewer 110,000.000, immune over $20.- ai per d.y. f`lnl*1o,O its gol15. pcoited aide** mieinn Uoyernmeet a g -4./t Iadvantage to the WJ04 . » the es peri - enc. or the Board of Directors, who are n«•i-holders, and are gentlemen •f a rile. 1 time imppe.rl.nee, nod thoroughly tmderet•od the life b-.•ines*. Ry insuring in th. ,Etna, you will get more than Having. Reek .nterem 1 fol th• money you pay oat, tiallore, we , on.ider your Insurance cote yo0 .thing, 0 15*Trn?t1Ank,ifyo. live;wsd•idar 411.5 Clothing o .A..1.tat cut, a eery lmpunaut ium, 11 a to I+. man well droseed, and that too it the fuhi.a, Then cell and see, be sure upon the right man. John tlarru, don't forget him, t'da wuu't regret the plmL „JOHN HARR 1 S, HAS s atom attractive, art well bought stock, of Staple and Fancy I)ry Cootie, of this Seesonb Importation, FOR SALE, ('IIEAP FOR CASH, Embr.ciu. ► as ui4c..t 1114.0140^04 4.r NEW AND FASIHIONAI3LE DRESS GO Wis.q., Alper:ea French Merinoen, Prints, Flan ie11 . Shirting', ClJakiaga, Blanket finslery Gloves, emelt wares, Lc , Le„ A.. WINCEY, really � good ft.r the money, I2j,cagla.pa,,y.rd. FACTO& '. really N•+ wl fur ib. mousy. 10 4.0 per yard, WdITE tlIIIRTINO, wally ,(.1W1 for the moue;, Ili c'..p.,;soul ALPACA, ',elle good for the money, 20 anti. per yard. YLANNEL, ,enll7 good foe Out money, 30 ets per yard FANCY FLANNEL, really good for the enmity 550. ( A..N .1)I:`N '1`NVI/�Lr)SI All prices from 50 cu to true dollar per yard, The stock in fact, contains asplendidassortment of the mo.t des.rahta goods for this market, A RE Y MADE M E CLOTHIN(}/ to large variety very churn; • 4.•crnl great coat 83.50. The grocery department is constant- ly supplied with the freeh.•et and Aloicaas t .Nill cles in the trade, that wM .old at th. ver luwrat rata, either wholesale or retail. 1'ho public are respectfully requtrted to give the Subscriber a call JOHN HARRIS. Uodericb, Sept. 24th, ISG • w13 Corner West Street, Oo.lerieh. GODLRICH WOOLEN FAC'i'Olt 1 (KNOWN AS PIPER'S \TILLS) .T.' I INT (*LIS dt>r , I f3, BSPEOTPUI,LT ii.tiriataTense. to and others that they an prepared to 4514 Ll dl ard.a. is ROLL CARDINC, MANUFAC1 URINC, Cloth Drssing, l'ustow Spiisaiug, Uy clog, Satiuetts, Fnlleid Cloths, Winceys, Flannels, $lankets, Os the. tilmil?1,6 notice. Parries wishing to exchange their wool for gool home w.dt osdhy*Iff Hut it to them intrust to give u a call. as we are satisfied we have the good. yes •wire. Partici cowing from a distance with wool to get carded may in pearilyetverY ttukstiln rely o0 getting their wool home with them the same day. afar ALL WORK WARRANTED, lend If you dr. Several gentlemen whom 1 kaie i;tte3 ttrrtl0rmg th.-p.et 'solicit. w�111A_Lieir.iasulance, Iemork at -they wield wait • wln'e, Mime balm Is.s sines died, others have lost their health and ear • set inure; the (.x111 le insure year life is cow, 11e company to insure leu 45* 1EMa of Hartford. DF A ,1st mgt# t0LMY0 oormeie00t/rd171,T11,1 WVJTT OF 441:4011, /w 1880. IM Develop. f7rderu•h, Mosley 21 Julr 41Mw WruteMl, We -In -.d.'. 214 Sod a 5e.4ath, Toured iv 29 Red1 Chinos, troy 30 '- elh sneiren,oa Mord.y2nl August slk Mayfield. .'ieowfay Mal ' rb " Elder, Weinrday 414 " 6d w Clta.on 4.4 4.v Ite 1. 44 Se nee. Wa'ne.I. 1,9 1 MP114 ,a r. •tar .17-1.-A October ••• pr.ir a T. etlgy lab es , 1111yse4,, Wednesday sae tMpe,flod•rieh, wadeed.Ttr,h N0.eln, 1110 Densest.... Tburad.y 25 ,sol a HeylkW, Ar.1.7 .0 - ab w W,oe.atr, Timothy 30 .106 Se.h•r,b, Wedo.e4•y 14 December mrd w Ch.1on. Taoral.yx 2nd 4(51 E.Ms..Frdsr 3.4 u corms except Ih, la D,vnion,wl'I f en 1 tree let 154nrw will opus at 0 Ladles Call and Examine. Ci• `L•I'1'1,El W ► t .� 0odmrie4., April 9th, 1809. ;£ m.44 • HURON 1'Oli\I)8i! IrIICF:i1A : -_ L,. 9renar. 7a*1idn,t Awn. Warr, • kit Yr...dont T 0-tlep•a, se• .44.07. " H. A. at. Joon ,. t...T. jvas Uap.l.e, T mnen 14.ss..r r 01tario «•M. I3At2IJ•'YJ �l .tarso fee Lake Hsl'n counties oader.rh, Jan 3111., two. s1 The Mew 1',.44 /. 4., tree mare of WWI amt re IlaMe mrees.r wwwthmw4wlalWmijgeuarrpru- , 1m. os1t t tat, 4.,..d Hartd,nl. ,'row. t4. • Lau 1. •00.er ('"u,paey •rinds grorerel. Ity, . L) 11 a•ong a /sir awl honorable course, woo a, .t.olf w. -to Whir nyntate.. . CAN tuft ••01ttttllCr:' N,+1. ors row•+.. Yeort i (3104., U,•s. J. Mt 4.,.,n.. alratlrs IWh,Mrmanvillr. 11'0.. L. Restarts, L T. N. Ulan lot .11. r.. Anus& Ir Y. 11 sort a.t.(, wn4ere1 - Toronto. .r.a«,s. cot. Ise I A _ o • new. - wlw,le1.4 Illa.treal. 1 I r- 1.., •,1-r.n„wle4 1 ltYr pec•. 0„ .. 14,,,;16 0,0,4 Hess 4'.- M JI. I - 1gnM1Y.w a hut,,. .oelwta• ,44 .tr.a1 MONEY '1.0 MIND. THE HURON 8 ERIE _.,SAVING% AND LOAN PIETY. The oMve Soe-sty I• prop.red l.m.kr gDVANC7l9 Ino 11 3 -` ON IMPROVED a. Warm 1'ropirty. ONM071ADVANTM4F)IT1 RIO.. The e,... of .l,,iin.. g ■ to- Ise round m, .ower 4 011 ,u Other - - w 1 . 01.411r W - FEES! HY is it that M103 a boaete.l of as being the wealthiest Agricultural Cou❑y in Ontario 7 F CLI() A.INT SW EI..s Itecause farmers purchase pure, genuine and fresh FIELD AND t::1 RDEN SEEDS FROM aa0TT *OBERTSON, who keeps the largest and beat-UIortmeul of the above seeds In the Cbonty of !baron. The following are all fresh and selerted eith Care : Had Clover kite Dutch do Timothy Seed, Illinois Do, Canadian Hungarian Cram Mixed Lewn do SkirvlaT's Improved Swabs!, Turnip Sharp's do du Teeple Strap leaf do White Globe Turnip Rape "teed Tares Long Red Mandel Carrot While Belgian don Early 'ice!" Cabbage Dram Head do per ata. or Ib. Flat Distils • do Adams extra early Corn Early Sugar d0 Scarlet Banner. Mohawk Beans Chine do Renter do far famed Daniel O'Rourke Pea) br garden _,Toss. Thumb do Crowe do Oeld .1000 bu,hels 0101)1V! Potatoes bro,,ht direct Irom the United States, Early English Flukes, Nub Wows. SCOTT ROBERTSON ��. FOR mALzs. •lis! , .r'r •,'�� r t l:'4'•/1'•s,ikil , t. { S. �M?atm tiro--, _. ._ witiwap, JUVnulul tfUUifirp �fl lumina Hakes. O t Want Wee*. my 1111, Ile. w YT IL 1868. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON A\O GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY, H•v twee In et,•leore Th-rty-two yea L , ■tad donne t hu. prnod In. Ind L.,.... rZ1•'salad Fine and a half million pounds sterling, Thr deleteero,eol ul Ihr enure u. • sem over a wide dn.., has with. on don o rd u,teibutrJ to the •4 ,4h.hnwu4 of Zhu. 1n•muh,•n. i. the .uli,Ie wr of riddle Corporations, Alen•l,. 1t., Hon.rhuhJers, end bu.mrma 0110 generally, whrny...It lemo enlld. Io ,,s1„, see., 110( tbt Fire Premmn,0 • lone a0,o1n1r1 In It. Inth year, LA6, •• 201 11 1t•.,,11456, `• 30th ,ren, 14446, '. Otte year 14100, 4444.7, •. .. It fee F 47,763 2•22,2'711 £Y' 9.332 141(•,055 SEAFORTH. ftlliSeab°sriber has 00 band the celebrated WATER WHEEL PATENT CHURN .54.4. W.b (4,. brat pulse 41 the Po.I„el.I I: 11ul,llon I•.1 y.wf 140 1.4ot•..IntJ1 lu,,,n.,40. to 0 ,a.Iy m Ld,...l foal aen.wd b, , n.la 4.11 I„r hotter ha 1•tuly mat..., ...the prier untie r, 41,.,4,7- I'm., tad 45,40 Ur. • Wo ossa 4.6 .1.4 441.1447 Uou.«1.,. 01 it. �k*1, I2 440.44. tar Ji$. , los., nri,l11 7•,..01 /'. t tool Ikl44 .. Urier .,pats ., Ilan, a YW11• . 11 11.44 I W,'... 1 , 4. , Yrr•x •. cLuxor 19..., •, Lad. 6 no, W,4.w It.. h., .0d W000'S 'FIRST PRIZE SELF -RAKES, ata tau Mud and est up W041,4 Reapers and Mowers, on hand and for talo. .1, Good Sir Horse Power Engine For Sale l'hrap. John M. Martin. The Fire Ks.er. Fool a now 14177,464 +•04011' n 1, 10. Ibo:, it 1 Thr 4.1t, 14rw•rv, Fond ' now •9,247,441r- '1'kr enmranv a rrlw,w0led Ihroluhout (14 _ tino 0.51 ti.rebr•, by ostler..Ag.'nt., 1„ 0111, -IM whom Ippbeatlon ler inset+nee mar be med.•. - , Itma�''. U. .C. 16111 H, ldewl .(.re. Mo4ta..s 1. PARLOR GEN PIII10 FORTE, A. M. 111791, Agent far Coder..h; Ra V Wham. for Exeter' e W.51 waw,., tor Peelook alA\CFJCI'l'REU 1tY (imlemeh.V.A.11.1141.wet larsball & Wendell *f titaq. • I1,,v4 w4VIm'nlmtet Is ruby w• es.M1 ewe 1m. 1•s ,I,. ,,,..Ire, Improver. u+,, rulik Ina• 4.a,,,• eV t „u Inta d husker r.,,, not I 11 a. Vw The last C Suttese, IMPROVED Awns FAyQpttE; HAIR DRESSINO )1Iew,Style in one$otlle GGrayHY IT5 DSM ray or Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and Meaty, and with the Ont appli,'atioh a brsstiful,gluw and delightful fragrance . is given to the flair. Et will aux Hsirtu grow on Bald Bret& It will promote Variant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. field 8y all Druggi'ta. Price One Dollar. Nannfartured by 8. K. VAN DIZEK A CO. . Wholesale Druggist*, __l3 . rr2ty--Mtwlt-#4d-1Y Pink _PJsy, - New -York, and !4.0 Hlgh Holborn. Leaden. Enr. R. RUNC'IMAN MANUFACTURER OF 1 GRIST & FLOQRING M16L3, Miley ane gash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and tilers, Thrashing Machines, Seperitors, 11.11.14 L eniVreT4, 1)1'11 IreNV24, IRON ACID WOODEN PIaoUu s ! 4.i 444-,11 Cart or Steel hoard., Drill I'h�u•',a, (1:,,; Plnulho. 'valor', Land Rollers, Straw Cu re, • .+ce1, Potash K'.ttles, Sugar K^tt'•••, ' , t K, ttles, lt'a.u. d Pipe Bores. DAN.t7,AR'4, (Spilt of ib Peace, !furor. Ulm Jsly,1100. *47 'Se Lone. w,lhuut s;4x ledeelb. help' nestle for 'Sen•..,, payments ,n wleveeo. Advenre0 nay he I1141104alhooddi ,r Yearly. titesJine over a Dental of from lo lis 6lter. 1514.. YU rt,LI.PAI;Tl'-''1,,34.1OPLYTO S. POLLO. %gene and VvI•nL•r f•.troe 41 _ t Ood.Iele O.de,n•..l;.w.. 13661 owl, w C A gn'altural COOK' of the most 1 done no short get one eel' (loderich, , PARLOUR AND' BOX TOFF,B, ,rod kind., Breda Ceiling11111,1,,,and Rlwet*mdh•' AMI` rad IG•prriY tic.. Call and me the STEEL U')t'LU•RO,IRU I'LOU H5, u yes ap fot C.6h. 121h,1n67 .19 13V EX1 1Et P ©If 1L ft ENT Sia XC L .N QE R BOX• NEW MODEOFDRIVING STRAW CARRIERS. otters Inn ale tot 1, eon. bourn ships -'•'g .ems, 6A good land. The pro present salt well., mash it, better K18611, s.w60 cERGIALUNIGN ASSURANCE ABD S0, ,CORNHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND. f.. (Folly Snitscribed) - - - t..•itl0 000 Sterling. VIB 4.2,000,000.-DEPOI IT FUND IN CANADA, 450,CC0 FIRE DEPARTMENT pernetple of the Compile hep been the roe!,1i.amnnt of en eg0atbe elms II mere • .r.nelnm proprtionete 1,, 4.,e eat, has attended Ih1 ( ampaoV'1 oyer wore het. WW1. roe 1010 to moos, Ihr 11004 of that DIr.et,ra, rim ►a..• resol rel ioenead the blmune now WithIt then^own yobbo. , LITY guaranteed by large lab.iTTh d Capital,) W Ind.. IE. 41LBIUN. d LMenl..a, 44. Politk., mall Newt, pl 44.hrd n-r.r sp ..los Y„r+ L41t.w o a4ifw aoA rn,I,r4.tw 71.001114.1 Iffy 1, 1*011. *eh .n) two of tM Oroa- M*.l44414. ..a onesI M aN b. V.; rw.msd, ,.,4.'. f✓Lotai 4. WOW ..e0 a4nrin°. seg y,, to none.terrelhw. ,4.m. .uWIHr y'a'k. Claims. The therefor. and O,nrrxl A,Mt, bring rano le,nen 1011.11 en. :it 4.1c. a I,ber.l end twanrm.1/4e •row of .11 queolnn6 coronae below, them LIFE DEPARTMENT• I0rmoln three 11e.,rm, Leo A0•en sled ear Lrfe 1-5011-50.4•-,:4114111/11t -Fi.orn,4y M era ,. a1, le t\ he &Mss ow will r, anion,/ whom 90 per era, 4.4 6I0it . ' 1h .Ser proof of d«Ih. *berg mo)) he wen14.Ib. (lompnnvh Prrmprt•IM. ' p..10 3)05,(80 (fn (,.W) .4.h n„ Fuses,. M,nosr'o, 81 (hues, w ",:1;,.1u1 pOlIPter . Morland Watsgn & Ca. 111. Uu01r01 Agents row Crnada. 4.84. 1'+ul Street, Montreal. • 1 •pee'ar fns Arr.el, ., s .^sdlQa-- .-t_r_ i -`1.2h!..Ak-t't"„suy'S: tt°ta- Meel fee O•d.Aee. Luokso►, moanl,M, 5wlhwnpinn gad 0'd►elhm It 1.; (' A N A 1) �. t Building & Savings Society .o rwa►aOM• 44'er 50441 - (44) ON APPISVED REAL ,,ESTATE RITI'ATE IS WMtrrxii i CAVA* FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMS: e4... •1110et ibeeed I1 ...... 6 el 10 e.4. 10 gra. rte ..... Ira 41 s4. .... 111,.6 la 05 0:14 wrna fw f e 4_ re taw... ASS haw: WHERE DID YO11 TILE FUE;Sff SEA A T T3, aINT c liC 11'1, • 1.1. nor Rlre,rs not:. r'' ,,, I aip0n1 a•., IIaLWO, FRESH OY$ weol Mt 1. t AND R E. BINC314 Wesi,Id. of Marts! 44444 ',h, J.a Ivtb 1009. Ha' LAS I IR TOWN..OF • 4.T. 4.:3,1144 a 1944, 4.A• *eh, fiff rose M ,o•1�t,,a,.. 1110Y?JMo1�Anro 1MP enje »(r,u•4..1ek, gems to llives_t *Min e Alt, „401 .t. - NEW PATTERN "BERWICI'CEAR. Com• Il lDa •''Q y{`Q s EVERR OF EREIWITHE PURL/C. SEND FOR A.CULARC. `cldreae, . 147-1^/ 4: Ci ./310, A s, h Al. wmnotl, RS' '8, A 10.) w-1 i 3TABLt{E:D _ 1867. rliE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY. SAL ICH. ewe I!" sac ...m of int .n, 6, HOSPITAL STREET, MONTREAL. 45)440 r.mnnnrd •wee...MIW C nee, r opdy swfta�keetble O5Iny lM p^", 0.nhro 7... 4.'n• hnn- 1 Ar.d Monma.d Moa• o(T,s 4.w ho.10040 to 4414114 It IM . f IM U•dm,.,,,A .•„1 ,.pw01:. of . ,h0oo,d I., roc... ono he Morn, Ie rn.Ie.Mucron; M the 41.%411 lade. ore T,. A ..440 '14,og ,on M r1, rrrA .1t.01 O,ne Arras ,mos w. rano../..sd I.IM.,e,,d gWill ha 11M.T, M+ekanr sewn, tM n glrr w 1. "4.4, end send *0. t.nr�r 5.0 54*. 10014.•. ,444.11 wall M 0515 .141.4(• 44" M any 141Iwar'Wow.I. IM 14.44*.. TM w'w.ey.en 1V, etsar•Iel .w 4.liran. r Try °to Ire.. r ground MO. Mown.. (•.w,r le 8 see 414, tbwsnd www*+., 14. haw. f r who. I. really r 'rodentmenagefree t Tee every ea(e eott .104- limey duly in tM3- Tee 4.4011 d. 0.5... sent l0 1144 Rallwsy ft** VDILAACit T. r ore. noomfmt lkrk.n tang awning Ts,w",M.: PM. Mower leen Ree.0. An see , ane. 0,M M : very .t iso tn.wow.l dk iris pEMn.:�R7ww44 ?�Uv.eM de 4.M:: ver a.r• d,. 'k, ise.: Jyan.rle.e u-:,',+.,p¢`Iaraxn:glx M Arid ONwr. tree., ser., Ise .4.i! Y.r y roes ye., 1110. Talloloy la, at Ye./ Rpm SS" St, eta eite ett. ; Very Fee Report* end Very finite 111 . Pine rieepterSertle,4 Mom Mpreelias III. ▪ .▪ 41 I am prived * inner. y Ore lie 'Pre Nit miry Owe peeved netel WaIddre.er, ••11 loot, •vrestd_ emir rhea, Tows way new. ItINNIO • M.O., Teta Mereleal NoWeed, Sip.. I Wilt In th• 11./real Tea e•repegg Ow ir rory eteeter. tete slow I low been Armlet .4.11 w, Mee ltos I ham MINION hee hos hawthorn. limlerMIVI.: . **U_ 7 _41'... U".b.arnre."..I':.. Tr would always paha er Mee Mohawk.. I ottrIbodid s miter. labial. MP*? WW1 air hi tea la la afr MP, tater no 4.. atri Wage owe* reellaregrl Salt gewegge. STANDING •1N TUNE, . .tri taw.. Mitre. .entad t.. pout: IC 11.0144 1.1F0 r ata Prat at bedrt ger 0n -toot .504 Pt... a•4r■ 4* erelwy. tool. rp' b, 1 701 J ,n,, Ift9. - r71 -6a BAKES WANTED. % Do rA44T1:1)1y llo Onl of July. J„°rbeymq Mker, ,r • )ug now would 4r rerfrernl. Ap J W 10.1.14' M.aKr1N. Lucke.* reel• 4144' - _... . 44: . TILOIILE FIB/ FOR 8ALE. 'I'1n1ie;Ca h7naM wad uirraW7ser J"Jf 17*"; d ' e p.le., I.4. of wee, W.I...WO ane•-.1er..rr le. -or superfine rd, le the.,,Ar, weer w 1,44w , mol r'le L a.l r ...Wee eMiner. r,. tel ., 14.,.4.4. • M,• „ Ilea. a.I twee,* 2.0.4011,4044-4.. W,►r'uA 441.4.• Gn• eel Road, uenear1, 544wwd „e. ,a let. Hero, 1: w, .Il lr1w Me* eh, .14.,4.4E uw,n1 soul 16 nuln twd- rm., all Wrviseg wry ,.. IM n. It 1. If. M It , .1 to .14.14,1 IM Aortae •nee4 ..t Bev 11..4.1-0 110,tog grow importance. *here there ,. a bettor 4.,r, Tho faun rho.... of 1 r,. war• -gore as 1..- I ) toprflor eta, l 4....•d, slew) 1A) cleared. nn shwa. .,•.44'.49. -, •••- ._... -u*1W god .l I. ennd.4. 4..._ oateM 4 one 1 0 rm. wear • rewR and ruw,a the ear a Ihr fear Jowl 11 hasaaiel neer 1544.. wu .hac mer.1 of 1M Y ,taw*. with va44....I1rer: re - Slam. «•t W kei14It .b'waaW_ew ee md, N oirit eer.we.,1 Mee►. wells, else, se , the /terse 4.on ta. -. tog womodd with (.nee. Then le up.o. W. rye /Ibie81'w • ■ogoi.eeet wear •wry, .lis, h, will ,w wwdF-WirdM.1.NW w Meewees eine* n 1° 4.404 ✓ w lot.Y be -be• med wealth w W w*0 and e s aM stale 104.4. .r merman lM' Womb* *errs to nlwtee W 1 „f 11.4 le re W 1511. I'•r 11 Firm 4.e ogiewliel...lwnl *sir .ss ere. NIM errawl rM t ne•,A feed Mall 11 Lira. ens..Il lb..ee•01r'.4g.. 4.0 --rwrweimr.meetaeL Thew ins eery li p.r weriel ass awwbree... .en:'w0 WIsselwd.• Meld W fen sew (new law. The arse m as e0eslolgy owiwarenw- A. w.l • Error Aral 1d a . neo ento41, TW. r really r of the enwl dr ush.. were M Were*nere6a, and 4t 1rd 1, "deer*/ gaMlenneeelereine: Murk. ! plentenl• wy4040 lame ,. nM 0.4 066 W W• r.w.hh, nn .4. 0' 0. eerwm. Lq l6 warble 116 ▪ .r4•wA al. e m Noels duranw, lb* resewwMr wde.l, ,Ih .,aple, MM44 da 1.4,4set•A.,tbt d out a *utt D' 440.00 0i hralk.•' ,due Lome rl. 0.,,.. 1 I•N --- Omit. rise- • Jaya.1' .544 a•.w ..- . fn.. tam 114-10, Prod lent• hna.e.Id ha 01,0,5 herr. o n *.* a! nem u,.ok'•'tAan•r�s. a.emm- n w Xi mare he* 11.11101.1 Mee WI leeneOnM letaww , ■ wwtP0. 10 s per eeic antes :.www, len fartherehro wooly to JOIBUA CAiLLAWAT,Jr, I '.1.d,'I,'.•r Io•un,„. Ar.".Underlet, 00.1 Ihr Jrlew2K,0 •A Irl n, 0, 4. e r" b1 end 54, I'.yfarld Concession, le the L on, ro 41tderu 41',mletn.nd 64. dee*, of three over '.7.rrrrreaml w. ,•d Frenle 144.,, and Lase -ltfwve, about .osee Jetts l:/inion. for 7:•rm. 4.loleaped;y.l Ire D.viee. Court nee* at ',.Mr,.., , to Jll r. W1CIUINO TUN on the pronto.... lioder,a b. 11lCSept.21, 1169. *ASA., _. 411.4imiu • fMb*.ng nm. a. ,.n Tea,rn.o.l. , mewl 1'wonderful and rat.snntrvlrl rosea to 1 wifely 1,7 to. filr:AT141/Idel0RnHUY, They are IOU 41191 ".41.4..04(,,... W.110o eel. •.eoten to r,o,,,xre MI* 11.• •Tee moll • ewer Ile lief le Oa ...ern 01 • 1r•frligli. /Old UM' eemphorir. Ifostry, ttl •e11•710,1•: %V. 0i her earlier, "rho how 1110.4141.1 1.14AILD7 .nd 1'11.144, iltsd whose v., cau:eled of the Remedy itt large pints 81 01.11017411011 WA ritraw,..c 1.101.e. Iter.kiltessoliTwA 41 11 81 a tie ettstiforoLAta 1111.04, Coo017 of Cassia YAW, 11,41110 of Sot le, ▪ Imam WI, .41.h a oerttorter in141.117, ,11,,Ine Ur spring or 4147, .4teseled knees, on ter tn toy %IMO.' ..otatur that I eum14 oot *db. I*, fron In my eyrie Pm ebonite.. year% while lb. we1.11.11 kwatai no me, awl oftretra.dh, Vetoed maiffral Mete, I tinned lotto wow and .01,, eon., At thia Oa. I tool lotron to reel th. o,4 kip rising alone? P.m.. 1..4 tam kW. Miles °flit ah bee* pethe OW Rad am .101roly „wk. I here itot 1 Mot e is.. gut" All, wee 4404•40.1 lospelraa Vinare.* .1 uremia iiinirik Waco TO SELL OR RENT ! I`IIE WF,NTIIALF LOTSt',MREKKIJHT, (.urertlh ooureeston of lied/ell. nn OM hos 4.Yy line Inleern IHrt4 end 4Valio. , Fail I1.lr•. eery .ay.' (Lent heeler..., land, *.1 welrrr,f Ih1ny., herr. alrnrnnrr. Nrvenly •• ... . we. boll0.011. .%0e:i Ienrrd. F.. Mite.27t1t. 12.417. New Marble VI orks errel 1141 1101111 ; f• • short notice andel ON lowest prices. Ube; ponytail!, attended to. hates of Meow fl idench. Dee. 19, 4964; ird7 ly PLASTER PLASTER -I At the Market Ord -eery. /11117 bulsserhers, hat Ing ismelvelta.ww.feinertgr, In Ott Float. '4044, ere- prepared to oil onlers Ito lite twine loirge Wag r.- . ved fono the 1111Thr, at Fan. FRESH GROCERIES. CHEAP AS THE CHF,APINAT Osier.* ONO 38. wad PLATT'ORRI SCALER. let Ms elle of the.. metes. ta prepay.' to .1. p11,11 ell Linda rvitorin, Hulot:ere hall or flower Mellen Hey Seale. from 3 to I SW Ow At eat for he sole of of -44'Lla-":r11171611111"."14'tierierai Ares tiodsrien, Net. Ilitth. 'Int, "HURON S • entleellstett eV sfl Ahem. el (0 Iwo se leg