HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-03-20, Page 8Neice, Mrs. G. Beeeroft, Rev. H. F. Yardley, Rev. J.S. MacKenzie and Rev. A. Meacham, Chairman of the London United Church Conference. The Executive of Huron-Perth Presbyterial of the UCW has arranged for two consultation days which will be held in Goderich and Stratford. The programme will be arranged by the Citizenship & Social Action, Christian & Missionary Education and Community Friendship officers. Mrs. Ewart Crago, St. Marys, RR 1, is the registrar for the School for United Church Woman at Alma College late in August. Registration is expected to be completed in June. Irish party at Trivitt St. Patrick's Day was celebrated at Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church Sunday by a sermon entitled "The Gospel According to St. Patrick" by the Rector, the Rev. George A. Anderson. Monday evening a congregational party was a highly successful event. The guests, whose ages ranged from two to 80 were entertained with a program of great variety, including the antics of a pet monkey to the great amusement of the younger fry. A travelogue was given by Miss Muriel Wills showing scenes from all over Canada, England, Scotland, Wales, Bermuda and Mexico. Accordion solos were played by David Keating and by Jeff Lindenfield. Miss Wendy Elston sang Irish songs accompanied by her mother while her. father, Allen Elston, led in community singing. Two young members of the congregation who were prize winners in the recent Canadian Legion Public Speaking Contest, Debi Wooden and Debi Potter enthralled the audience with their speeches. During lunch an offering was taken for the CFPL Radio Bunny Bundle Fund for Crippled Children amounting to $24. IIIIIIMMIIIIMMIIMIIII.M.11111111.111111111.11111111.1111.1!.11SIM. . MOISMIOn""f! . ... "1","""""1 ",""""". if you have a Youthful Figure or your figure is of normal, even though of more mature proportions, there is a Spencer Spirella girdle or bra designed by Spencer for every occasion and every figure. Featherlight, indiscernible and chic, Call without obligation. For an appointment call 235-1920 MRS. V. ARMSTRONG 89 ANNE W. EXETER, ONT. 111111110, ...... lllll 111111111111111111111111M11111.1111111111111 1111111ellimilimme 1 Dis-Count Savings! Gillette Blades $1.45 for $ 1 19 119 Chocolate Easter Eggs 8( Decorated Rabbits I EILETON Dru 5 PHONE 235-1570 EXETER Many Exeter Stores Are Open Monday We Are! 59' 59' $ 1 98 79` Micrin Mouth Wash Special MIIIIMAMISMWS••••••11* Alka Seltzer Nox zema New Dawn Ban Deodordnt Large Reg, .79 for Shave .79 for $2.25 for .99 for FROM COLGATE-POLMOLIVE HALO HAIR SPRAY LABEL PKG.1. 39 15c OFF REGULAR SIZE BAR -0 WHITE OR PINK 94 REG. OR HARP TO HOLD ECONOMY SIZE SPIC AND SPAN REGULAR 99c 6'n AJAX WiNDOW CLEANER RELL)Li 79c 59C 1 COLGAT E BEAUTY BAR SOAP FRESH GRADE 'A' Chickens HEAVY ROASTING 5-7 LB 49t KITCHENER PACKERS Hams L. 89C READY TO EAT BONELESS DINNER COLEMANS 5-6 LB. AVERAGE Smoked Picnics .49C FRESH GROUND - STONEY POINT TOMATOES F. = = = HAND PAC KED 4 al - a) 28 TN O, Q9C F-4 M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -7- DARE'S CHOCO MALLO BISCUITS _=..". = 39 c EG. PKG. 3/1.00 il IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII = = KELLOGG'S .-.--,-. CORNFLAKES 16 OZ. PKG. 39 INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD P.. 8c OFF LABEL 69C = 16 OZ. JAR EL KRAFT DINNERS ft I C 0 0 * 0 • • • • I • • • CROWN BRAND = ALLEN'S ASSORTED = LARGE KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP LIQUID JAVEX = SALAD DRESSING DECANTER 394 = 64 OZ. BOTTLE 440 _▪ . — - 16 OZ. JAR 39C ..„__ - 3 4T8 INOSZ. _ 1.00 -E.-.- = = unnunialiainanalainuaiimaiiialtaillaanaglailiiiimaamiammailimaiiimaiiiiiiaiiiiiialiaimalamaiinanianananananainalauffianannainiiiimanialnaiamamaaaimanniannal1111IIII MOTHER PARKER'S F..' PUSS 'N BOOTS = = DARE'S ASSORTED = = LIBBY'S DEEP = 1 CAT F BROWNOOD 1 CANDIES ..-,▪ .... ORANGE PEKOE = ..-7). th-- JU-JUBES, PARTY MINTS, ---r: = FISH,CHICKEN, = .... 10c OFF LABEL = :2 SPICE & JELLIES, LICORICE 63t E- 4 LIVER, BEEF ei, a R EG. PACKAGE = Er: _ OF 60 = 15-OZ. TINS 69‘f *-2-39c PIKGS 3/1.00 E-.-- 28 OZ. E. LA R G =TIN 37 nr„„,„„„iminum,„„,,,„,„„„,„llminuribirniwnwiiiii,ummii,,,,,,,,,ffirhom,,,,,,..,,,,,iimmun„,,,,„„„,,„„,,„mammimmmi,„,,llmim,,,,,,,„„„„,„ CORN SYRUP = DRINKS 2 LB. TEA BAGS E. BEANS UCW members from this locality named delegates to April meeting Page 8 Times-Advocate, March 20, 1969 Mr. and Mrs. Melville Westman celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a dinner in the Dufferin Hotel, Centralia, Saturday evening. Hosts for the evening were the couple's three sons, Ron of Leamington and Ken and Ross, both of London. Since their marriage March 15, 1919, the couple has resided on their farm just south of Granton. Both celebrants enjoy excellent health. Mr. Westman was a former reeve of Biddulph Township and has taken a keen interest in municipal, provincial and federal politics. Congratulations arrived for the couple from Premier John Robarts, Hon. William A. Stewart, Hon. Robert L. Stanfield, Right Hon. John Diefenbaker and Robert E. McKinley, MP for Huron. Thirty persons attended the dinner. Guests included Bill Parkinson, Granton; Bill Bain, St. Marys; and Norman McNaughton, Stratford, all former members of the Granton Male Quartette with Mr. Westman being the fourth member. The foursome got together for a few numbers but soon discovered they were "a hit rusty" after a layoff of 15 years. Spring look in hair fashions is "really feminine" according to Mrs. Cathy Robbins and Mrs. Marjorie D ilkes, Exeter hairdressers who attended the Unit 2 meeting at James St. Group 2 of James Street United Church UCW met Thursday afternoon with a good attendance. The leader Mrs. Hilda Shapton, presided for the business. Mrs. J. Ellwood then took the chair for the program. Mrs. H. Cowen and Mrs. H. May assisted with the devotions and Mrs. Ellwood gave a chapter from the study of China. Solos were sung by Mrs. G. Sereda accompanied by Mrs. F. King. Caven Circle sees slides Mrs. D. MacLeod presided over the regular monthly meeting of Caven Congregational Circle held in the church school room. Devotional exercises prepared and conducted by Mrs. T. Pryde were followed by the business part Of meeting. Mrs. A. Moir, in charge of the program introduced Rev. S. Kerr, a former minister of the congregation. Mr. Kerr showed slides and gave a commentary on a recent extended tour he had enjoyed in Europe. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Homemakers cook meat stew The fourth meeting of the Exeter Menuettes was held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. John Burke with 16 girls in attendance. Lorraine Ventin and Lynda Jones made beef stew which was enjoyed by everyone. Susan Tuckey, the club president led the roll call, minutes and business. Mrs. Wayne Tuckey gave the notes. Heather Mills adjourned the meeting. The social evening was spent in recalling former events. Many beautiful gifts were presented to the couple by their children, their five grandchildren and other guests. Conservatories release results Western Ontario Conservatory of Music, in academic cooperation with The University of Western Ontario, London, announces music examination results for February, 1969. Pianoforte: Grade VIII, Honours, Joanne Hayter; Marlene Rader; Grade VII, Honours, Francis G. Heenan. Theory: Grade III Harmony, First class honours, Janet Lagerwerf; Pass, Irene Eagleson; Grade III History, First class honours, Gwendolyn Bridgette, Janet Legerwerf; Pass, Irene Eagleson; Grade II theory, first class honours, Carol Gascho (100), Christine Cann, Larry Heaman, Margaret Ann Knapp; Grade I theory, first class honours, Janet Guenther. weekend convention at the Royal York in Toronto. Hair is short with soft flowing lines. Hairpieces are added fgr evening wear and are worked right in with the coiffure. Long hair is shown mostly on the young, and ringlets are "in". Tiny rollers are used to achieve the all-over ringlet look. Most styles are off-the-face although ringlets often hang down aver the ear to frame the face. "This style is especially flattering to a young pretty face," observed Mrs. Robbins. Tiny tight all-over curls are also shown for shorter hair styles. Here perm rods are used to achieve a look similar to the poodle cut so popular 15 years ago. One hair cut, designed especially for the young, features bangs just above the eyebrows and the rest of the hair tapered gently to the nape of the neck. "It was almost as though they'd put a bowl on the head and cut around it," Mrs. Robbins explained. Color for the hair is still important although streaking is not as fashionable as "highlighting." To emphasize how the beauty business has grown in just 25 years, emcee Paul DeRyche said 97 persons attended the first convention a quarter century ago. At this silver anniversary program, there were 15,000 persons jammed into the convention room. BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER It is only about two weeks now until- Easter and some of our well-organized housewives will want to have their menus planned so they can take advantage of any grocery specials they may spy between now and then. I've worked out a fairly simple-to-make Easter dinner menu featuring ham in the starring role. You may want to vary it to suit the tastes of your particular family, but I think this menu gives plenty of scope as well as opportunity to be inventive. Chilled apple juice Tossed salad Glazed ham Mustard or raisin sauce Crusty baked potatoes Glazed vegetables Peach Delight Cake, Bunny Cake or Easter Egg Cake * * * I have already discussed the preparation of the Easter ham. Besides that, you will probably have your own ideas about how ham should be fixed to please your family. The recipe for Raisin Sauce has been given, too. It is a favorite accompaniment for ham but the Mustard Sauce is especially nice for someone who prefers a smoother, not-so-sweet sauce for ham. MUSTARD SAUCE To one basic white sauce recipe, simply add 1 to 2 tablespoons prepared mustard, ordinary or hot depending again on the tastes of your family. To make the white sauce, melt 2 tablespoons butter in a saucepan. Remove from heat and blend in 1 tablespoon cornstarch. Gradually add one cup milk, stirring until smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture comes to a boil. Boil one minute. Add 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Makes 1 cup. * * * For Crusty Baked Potatoes you will need enough cooked small whole potatoes (I suggest you cook them in the jackets and peel them when cool enough to handle) to feed your guests. Toss the potatoes in melted butter. In a plastic bag place some of that commercial mixture used to coat frying chicken. Shake the potatoes in the mixture until coated. Place potatoes in casserole dish and bake at 400 degrees for about half an hour. Serve piping hot. * * * Glazed vegetables are particularly nice with ham. Those vegetables which take best to this treatment are onions, carrots, parsnips or sweet potatoes. Wash and pare the vegetable of your choice. Cut in fairly large serving portions to make the most attractive display. Cook in boiling salted water until tender. Drain. Arrange cooked vegetables in a greased oven-proof casserole. Dot with butter and drizzle over all about 1/4 cup corn syrup or maple syrup. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and other seasonings as desired. You can experiment with various spices and herbs. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 15 minutes or until vegetables are well glazed, basting often with the syrup mixture. * * * You have the recipes for Bunny Cake and Easter Egg Cake if you are regular Tea 'n Topic readers. The Peach Delight Cake is another skim milk powder recipe which sounds simply scrumptious. It can be made ahead although it may not be wise to make it too much in advance of the meal. The topping does have a tendency to droop after a while. PEACH DELIGHT CAKE 1 can (19-oz.) peach halves 1 envelope gelatin (1 tablespoon) 1 cup syrup from peaches 1/8 teaspoon almond extract 1/z cup shredded coconut 1/2 cup cold water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2/3 cup skim milk powder Dash salt 1/4 cup sugar 1 angel cake (home-made or commercial) Drain peaches and save syrup. Set aside 2 peach halves for decorating and dice the remainder, Soak gelatin in 1 cup syrup from peaches. then melt over hot water. Add diced peaches and almond extract. Chill until beginning to thicken. fold in coconut. Combine water, lemon juice, skim milk powder and salt. Beat with an electric or rotary beater until mixture stands in firm peaks, about 5 minutes. Gradually beat in sugar. Fold whip into jelly mixture. Split cake into 3 layers. Spread part of peach mixture between layers. Spread remainder on sides and top of cake. Chill until set, about 2 hours. Decorate with slices of peaches. 8 to 10 servings. * * * Nicest part about this kind of a menu is that it is done almost entirely in the oven without any last minute jobs to be done like mashing potatoes or creaming vegetables. You can greet your guests, make them comfortable, visit for a while and then take them right into dinner without being away from them any time at all. They'll think you are some sort of a wizard! For my friends who use skim milk powder, I have a couple of recipes which I discovered just this week. They are desserts which are unusual but practical. You may want to try them. MOCHA BAVARIAN 1 envelope gelatin (1 tablespoon) 1/4 cup cold water 1 package (4-ounce) chocolate pudding and pie filling 2 tablespoons instant coffee 1 cup skim milk powder 2 cups cold water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 cup cold water 2/3 cup skim milk powder Dash salt 1/4 cup sugar 'A teaspoon vanilla Soak gelatin in the 1/4 cup cold water, 5 minutes. Mix chocolate pudding, coffee and the 1 cup skim milk powder. Gradually add the 2 cups cold water and cook, stirring constantly until thickened. Add gelatin and stir until melted;., Chill until beginning to set.' Combine lemon juice, 1/2 cup cold water, 2/3 cup skim milk powder and salt. Beat with an electric or rotary beater until mixture stands in firm peaks, about 5 minutes. Gradually beat in sugar and vanilla. Fold into chocolate mixture. Turn into 5-cup mold and chill until set, about 3 hours. 6 servings. APRICOT CHIFFON PIE Graham wafer pie shell 11/4 cups crushed graham wafers 1/4 cup icing sugar ' 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 cup butter, melted Combine all ingredients. Press mixture on bottom and sides of 9-inch pie plate. Bake at 375 degrees F for 8 minutes. Cool. Filling 1 can (28-ounce) apricots 1 envelope gelatin(1 tablespoon) 1/2 cup syrup from apricots 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 egg whites 1/4 teaspoon salt V4 cup sugar Whipped Topping 'A cup cold water 11/2 teaspoons lemon juice 1/3 cup skim milk powder Dash salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1/8 teaspoon vanilla Drain apricots and save syrup. Set aside 3 or 4 apricot halves — Please turn to page 9 Huron-Perth United Church Women appointed to attend the London Conference of the United Church Women annual meeting in St. Paul's United Church Sarnia, March 31— April 2, are Mrs. Harold Babensee, Stratford; Mrs. Stuart Shier, Kirkton; Mrs. Edwin Miller, Exeter; Mrs. Harry Almost, Stratford; Mrs. Clarke Kennedy, Grand Bend; Mrs. George Potter, Clinton; and Mrs Grenade Murray, Tavistock. The theme of this meeting is "What? Why? Where?". The main speaker is Rev. C.H.F. Forsyth, the secretary of the Board of Evangelism and Social Service, This speaker should be a master of public relations since he served as secretary for the lion. Louis Robichaud, premier of New Brunswick. Others taking part are Mrs. B. atm S70 eta Know of someone who is having an 80th birthday soon? Or someone who is observing a 90th birthday? If you do you can make that day "extra special" for the celebrant by advising The Exeter Times-Advocate of the birthday one week in advance of the actual date. An "Over 80 Club" has been organized by this newspaper to provide a service to friends of senior citizens in this district. Just telephone or write the T•A office with the name, address and birthdate of your "over 80" relative or friend. The information will be printed in a special column on the women's pages. That way acquaintances of the birthday celebrant will be reminded of the big day and have an opportunity to get a card in the mail or plan a visit. We're not mind readers. You will have to let us know about our "Over 80 Club" members. We will do the rest. It is a thoughtful way to say "Happy Birthday." MR. AND MRS. MELVILLE WESTMAN Married 50 years Spring hair styles soft with ringlets for young 15c OFF LABEL 894 . FLOUR STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY- JAMS Hamburger 2.$1.00 Porku Chops LB. T-Bone Steaks SCHNEIDER'S MINI-SIZZLER Sausage 1 LB. PACKAGE LUCAS ARTHUR B acon KINDLESS 1 LB. VAC PAC LB. 59t 59C 794 INDIAN RIVER R- VALLEY FARM CHOICE 511111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 14 OZ. 594 = - WHITE OR COLOURED at - 2 ROLL PKG. 53 C 48'S 514U MARGARINE 2 LB. BAG 39C E 5 LB. $1•00 CHEER IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111nIIuiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111nIIIIIII1111111111nnlpplllnnlilll 2 71'a -OZ. PKG. 3 LAUNDRY DETERGENT KING SIZE =— FROZEN COD 1111111111 C 111IIIIIIM GIANT SIZE PKG. .5.2 CUCUMBERS FISH STICKS 1PAPER TOWELS mminiimill,„„„„.„,„„.„„„„„„„lifi t EACH 19 1 ROBIN HOOD =— 7 IIIIIIIIIIIII1111161111111BIIIIIIIIllll AG 9 - GRAPEFRUIT I FRENCH FRIES = TULIP PARCHMENT STAFFORD = *PERIM Mrs. Bruce Cann spent a few days in Scarborough with her daughter, Miss Sylvia Cann. While there Mrs. Cann taught Sylvia's class about her native Holland and wore a traditional Dutch costume. Mrs. Charles Harris, Debbie and Mark of London, are spending a few days with Mrs. Milton Pfaff. ELEGANT ECONOMY — These sumptuous desserts have one thing in common * skim milk powder. The dry powder was made into a "Whip" then folded into gelatin bases which have peach, mocha or apricot flavor. The result is a filled and "iced" angel cake, called "Peach Delight Cake", a shimmering molded dessert "Mocha Bavarian", and an "Apricot Chiffon Pie" in a graham crust, The home economists of the Canada Department of Agriculture created these desserts and they taste every bit as good as they look! Recipes are included in the week's Tea 'n Topics. MARMALADE, ETC. 24 OZ. JAR 49C 111111111111111allaalla11101111alallilliaallaiiiiii STAFFORD INSTANT CHOCOLATE 22%.0aFsx 694