HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1869-7-20, Page 3Bulferen front ellevaath of the eye, thrust, hiege, howl, hue, kidasys - bbutstments srmo A L NOTICES. 1117 eluouie dist4888, who desire to avail yea of service, uf a skilful and se- phyucieu should met fail tomtit Dr. the dietinguiehed to the Hamilton infirmary. -- 11d will itc at the M. Jul • 1st and at Kinaarduee, THE OLDEST, LARGEST rirsrujt • by ;Meg Dr Dolby's •oti,Costi,e atij AN It CHEAPEST clear the Couskte td tire 0 .0111, 1 THE GREAT ES GLISH liENEDI Colobrotod, F. orris.10 Pills. BOA TW11.11/1111GI clam sisAresga. eel/. asismiluire foto., air Vi la do te.al Ow. Its raga, eater, whore 11. minx wader eve *lewd creed the Irlair WM est all 11111110d1 tif; Willem • trial 11 ,...nyleaegin 1,01.0.1716 mit enable you to be pry opthip. smelts 40,0 free at Nu. 6 g=s1VCil- OF "FLOW. Ifornely wielded by Um brave, Woke. 111 the dalwart steemer, Laughing id Do otortnatel wave. Doeitrous ts 31.0 palette pillars, Milos la the pound rod, As It bongs the deadly lightning tr.. J landed to Waned Bat their he glorisits 06ware, 11,Alte the dr s WY 40.41. eterstert aet, in hoer, tive the rose crf health odd beauty Take do pent cheek a0,1 Wow. Try, all lila aor mist...tat tenet, tt, Mal 1 601110•14411." "Owe leas thus uur *pints cheer op PaInd. mg sufferer, l'ut the faia..1 Emir Ise 21 ot.• The PERUVIAN til'RUP ls • protected *elution of .setkee at the root uf Macaw by suppl) mg the Thercnulne •• e blown LA the slate ktornatle. Ont. Wrenn with Iron. The Peruvian *in& M fro& Task prepared Cryircedy supply alibi yltaliiing 11111011104t4 at unew loth the Llowd. Dyspepsia ls radically crinsi wall Dr. BrIgg7-.0.114... ruder. nold by druggist. and twentry imackaatain • *eery conceivable tam of pan relleeed In • few leo. 'ellealk this II. .4 the most reliable wooed... ere, quedio earl to druggiete Neadeche te • very form, trick. nervone, blnloas Int. plowant en side to tow awl eltolive *Wert *814 ler 41,...,4, conotry mesehente at 81. Ise. Tern to. kw: ntrryt. w Toronto. _no wonderful remote Curative 1.1 *Ad I -y druggists and r.0.stry 0evelunta gateolly Dr Itruhpi .11,/, enter 04.11.0 all dealer. in tontIon Conk. bon...tk, ingrowing nails end other of Ow feel etie...11., the nee yf Dr Miami .01logootor naive% dry. roost dietreseine form ...need by ding Dr. Briggs* All., rotor. llo14 10 druggists at 91 LIST OF LETrzsts REMAIN'S.: rn Godwin Pad Ogee, IMO Arrnerong 1. Thom flu roe, t 120 Irk herty floor I. Jarnee fleodekon 11 Mos Ret. MOO 0 DUO,. Iles tos m.4_131171) it Nit hole Protletwalte Woe berm W Rine - Illemart Ilan Seiresford 1411. n Wilere Mike WrIrlowisin John Weir Hobert WIleou I' IN 111111011 r•unct trt .0 t• .114910 1. 11 614•4 44.414r4itrirjrzew IrINWPflt kr167117.01,'Welerajtf,..ff, •n" litesEiwisat 01 oFiser ache. and Nogg It ireahertel fie Saar- ,..•fl .4 by it No fend its a Ay wittiest hand& of r %WING PAPERS, Is ft= Feete,e. Letter tat Mob Mars tut veers et te peraible tete tor. cash. • l/Praerhottle, pryer Owe Didier, anti Ger the munthlypental e. *Kee **tam i.e. tete. Meet too able twee end thousand* of dollar* Ittsy sdeel .• slly by its we. Ao Jon, optiv• of eon., ...a .t..• atte IR 0,04 outhing ever before tortured ..10, the money tf It due* tiot give entire oatAahktluar- •Urr in stock 0,1 ...Ida/ price. that wean* leatzeile. J Peery Co. Jou,. -rim stroke -T1Reaccidentel rotlictioo,call.71 &penal atentioa . • •rt 0,10,1deptirturriat. Parties ly the Vreach neva, wed, la tiapiew.1 to ...Per more orecritry front ere c. • . orrd, or, any cleikripLlos. ft.to oily as the y01111447 IS eieire4. h.11 11114 Of MOW. • ...I loon:idly dot noi'the mire In tire WOO manner many sewn* Abed (vino is on the leen.... a* eontatry 1 older, hut tuts •leo le • ileeepidog, The 1110.4,66.4.•166 from the Ilit-ree14•411114,144.,. At Very Lowest Prices 14. This is thr clieto ,t In the trate. Profile Woad 00 IA. erly money" torte en and slot TALL S80497' T. J. Iffoorhouse. 001INI181011 AGENTS. &C.:1.0. KINGSTON STREET;OODERICH g:" Sales in. town and cm' ntrr punctual- ly attended to _ 6...Lorick, July 12th, 18,69. w24 Sosth Baron Agricultural Society. Branch Agriculdu al Ideirsty, will he limo iu th. 4111 of 14..forth un Thursday, the last .Ly of nopeortor, and Eras), the Andilay oil (*Sober ticst. The tradde Hand Mite mettllig forth the prier last ex...Winn.. A Toll op... tie dim Mom • Mwerfng Metell ant; *OTHERS, READ TED! I-001.1.,0 it 8400g 11.068, will oleo 00.0 off tht ea Moro P.M. *tem- 1171toor176tiserilloPiritirWieretr donne • 111/11191 ihIlf 111660 PO 441.1( 44 Kistler. la all mem e Nervosa mut Spinal F idiots& Penis se the Mot and tondo, Vat irio on iilight meetion.F•Ipstatien of Divined, H owe slid Wide., Dime Pill. er.11,elfstet • wire 'tier all ether him failed ; awl altheml • wee telemmily. de am mew* 1404 cal, . 114.114 11161.1, or anything 84011.110 the. omit mum. Full directume in the 1001.91.14.1 I ...eh JOB ROM, Rieherotr, II. H. -81.110 and podege wain s, encloses! 40 ally not/longed agent will mum t bottle con. Fir ,hy return mail: Sir feed Mortis Peon!. PM. 0.1•4•10•111 Corn rearms:4r IV pellet ,1r Ron it, us, 4.04•VrIll WOES.' NORTHRUP & 1 THAN, agent foreemoir rip -hold sa Oudeneh by Parker Cattle agii 9. Jordan flaislIner et Co., Hoyt i hum.* Condie. (Diatom, A mud. ldtekeow; E. Hick o'er; h will beeves of thee did place 4,1 won nal; poryIble. If more of the odors of stallions in Die 2.0.48 Molina of Ids.* thle eetowm, will contr.. toit•totvanle vying peter tor teas et the fall obow, scribe will loan mewl the Won. ..1 their the mode mkt ere soon d pomade, so that d no) a peer la tl.e prise Ilet. C011 LUNE. ft inet.y 1 Et 43 ifitifARGED by -ale magistrates in Court 'AL of General Session* ot the Peace, al • ambled at Ooderieb, June I a69. 0. 1117 DIVISION CoCkT.-Cusultrilling that pin of the township of Ondench. to th. North of tke cut.linit sod the Huron the same aseem_theroada!I the -13th and 14th eoncifions, then back along the Huron Road to int junttion with to the River Maitland, then along lb* River Maitland to Goderich, together with the township of Colborne. and that portion ol tlee township of Tuelreismith South and East of the side road between lots 25 and 26, and between 35 and 36. All that portion of Hallett, Eut of tbe side rood between lots .; and 6. / that,portion of blorris, East of the side road between Iota 10 and I I. and South of the sixth conces non, and all that portion of Grey eooth ot portioncif, Turnberry west of the aide read between lots 20 and 21. All that pdrtion - of Wawanosh eget of the Maitland River, it.cludinit that portion North af the Ili WM% and k:Aie of.tWeld0liee between lots 32 and 33'.7 All that portico el.Morris West of side road between Iota 10 arttl 11. All phrtfon VITTY6Ifehefir Mt( Idea between lota 5 and h. All that portion of ri All that portion of Tuckertinitl ten Memoir COMIT.-,-COMprieleg the town. ship of Howick. All thatportion of Grey North of the 121h concession. Alt that portion of Monis North of the 7th con. etesion, and Eut of the side road bet..en Iota 10 and 11, end ell that portion ed the townehip of Ternberry. East a side toads br (wren Iota 29 iti.d 21. 5rn DiF11101Coear.--Commineg the town. shim of Stephee. Ushorne, and that por- tion oldie toweship of Hay to the Etat ar the 6th end- 7th eon:elation oi the said townships of Ilay. est Wawanoelf, Weft of the River Mattflfritheaset-frest of side liae between IJui 32 and 33 North of River. aStanliy, and that portion of the towed:if, of tairderich le the booth of the outline sod the Aimee . until the some joins the road bete/tom Ste Mill end 14th conceasions of the township ot tiuder ich. thence along tbe said concession road soul Ike same 'eine the River Barfield, thence along the said river to Leke Heron, together with ail that porton of the town- ship of Eisy to the Weee'of the fith and 7th eioneessione of the said townehip of Hay. 11. Ontecetp,-That the above arrange- ment of the boundaries limits and extant of the several Division Ciorte throughout tit County of Heron, ea revised sod extend- ed to seven aeparote courts by the niatiistrates in general sessions of the peace sesenthied be adopted this tehth day of Jane lett.. And that the said Dilision Courts shall altered pursuant to the statute, Of which ell parties concerned shall take notion. And that the seme he advertised twiee ia the lloron Sign./ and 0 uderich mar item. Clerk of the Pose*, Certified to be correctly extracted firm the recoolx of this enart. Clerk of the Pesos. Goderich, 10th Jona, 1869. w24.2t STRAYED. lIght red, th, other *oat: twindled with borne toroed rid elute steer, 2 elk • 14 Any peree• giving 'Moth • information am .111 lord to their renevery WIll be 464616) rewarded. ENRY REPA11111.1.711 .1611 ith, 100 wl 4 - ISAAC FREDERICK El WATCIIMAER, JEWELER, Arm.. Ds.; he inten I. to nonon floderfeh, anei that he will be glod to stihnot I le. IP We snit varied *Jock In him Phel. Weet Street, near the pint onion, to their ill. SECURITY FOR INVESTORS ! TTIE undenigned ter ro .00,4 attention to the ad fora.. of ineeetment for 'I'm."... Mu oletpal and other Cork.mtiona, end privet, esottaltsto Among these gleontege. are rolleetively. Instant of only one Vent.. mad aim of env heong to nook 011.0s, .y. Of di•pooteeit any hon 21.1.1 the tender /keno or r eore, or even thinght a. to the/et/nowt, of any 1,1411.1.01 bal101eaf, Of at Du hold wortewred. Xed The won lily or .1eIwntnie.11ehlek-11.-isids le • hand so that he ran con, eit 11 into money at any moment int The !linking Enrol :temps., -.NM ti 0011,4 tlo horenwer feel th it every roar hie .11/14 le 'Inn', fleet freedom from .1r14 --la sten day Improv. awl mak den effordlidai ar the km. meet tire mull OM It eseiter ••••••In tine t• tier. Therein Try, ['eon UMPle ION lows he with coupon at. tachee, siva lot Jely. for wain of Debeatelle &X dire Wend Waring ale per rent In- tend ism did three vest. hamlet lit allowed fro, the day a Dehentore Apply tn lonst Agent, kr Meet Week Godwin W co to Contractors. SEALED TEN I ) Trost... of Chloe ikerei eta the ero •Jerri wire. . mod acorns •t or The room 88 Mit boort Itede WILT. he 22 11461161 , 01 As nx1 *we add Mr) notherlarier4 264 lene PIM Dametteirter, hitt 14I, MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, A LL did alsernlac theme torten dumb ef elthate In the lowikhip el Wawn.1111111, he the County of Huron, ermbaltring two hundred ail. mon or Ina hems .1aptimil of the North hdf of let Nem ber twenty ow, In the third esnietorolegi Wm .14 Township. and the Ifni belf of let Number Twenty- nr.o, In the se on.' o of the salt1 Township, or 11,1 etseh thereof . *hall In rodninel to re ..tee the 4,00401 mono end intennt oeconwt hy tile 04 Wu-1mo hearing d•te the fifth Jay sof !afloat/I, one thousand etatit hundred and sistrfone, am hetween it 11114 'LIVEN of the 11 and row. 011o11. Hold retie. of the socomi part eet he offer., ow ode hy swede% by per. ANDREW DEN Okliee 'N. Auctioneer. 41 de Addeo Rooms, on Voting !it mot In the etty Tore1.40. Friday the 13th day of August, 1869, AT NOON, antler the tenet power. ter man emits/ad la the mkt ledontwo of Mortgage De the North half ef Lo4 Dr In the 114 oboe* Id leery we eleerect and se the Wart73;:rra tlinoigh tee iota tier. our best *214 sesple esse Om dm men oa the prisymile, *dell le Meow M a good conceoelon abod fallen from a revel rout. A dont twelve mike feed the lees of Orylleelds. Mgee log harm se SO me ?moo and rowelttown at sale MN be wade Worn at the time of oda. OrTftOteal 10101R111, ORKATION ark moody foe W .14 resin Children and Aden* that one great Maw, "ninth •itiong iniklren Irvin Worm* dime, cennot et tor deeply or premiere. itpon the minds ol parents thn • necessity of clowle wsteluag their eh, Idren . By so dun 0,0,•reetnettee Ike ay motone IA trite tellee bayed Iron eddy graves. Serf f0.1% OP WORld• fiJI1011 tug are a lioW very mesmerism, eirentoes• dud dire awe - which. aro . mimed 110.e. eon line of the lee li Minter aleep, hardness *Oho y, writs frennott thory otoole,, and *1.111e,t11011evi relieve dui; pam tha heed did term, •h, et sleep, bootlegs. trembling, They are palstab.e and eeltuuliniautered to the chrld -d ve Ow swoons threlOnfilPy without prt•o lel <4,6,061611' idealise the donne h -there r• drunw away eon the net...sty 01 odin Pottier - I r hoz contains the lat. intik{ dinar env, •re the eon proprietors, N. 11,-.1.1. fro Helkornets iron* LOSlAwrill• thourgh ,losibeaCellaway call din the penile of tho rioted, In the counter of the lasat tosoth,, with • Ain ....rtioeut of these to.; elehrated Instruoient, *hi. '. W.` shaU edryont the follo• mil take eti other. Sold in Ottaerich dy Perker oat Kat I•ow Itvricou. woit:‘ beery moms, Foch Meisle 'no 11,04 k. ctuti. tam.. ; St Co. Rae from try tor, 4••.ordir.,i to tidos -111te•4 13 died core sun common 414.1,16.6e' with Ilhot I. de X fl eg *to jereee Rodgendle J. p,,kerdt t.,ttW nly•.int14,f1/0; ont.h ; nos Motto Wood tram. 4.10 with the ..eletora•ol Wood. Cist... -Nen. J. STEWART 43c BRO.*, HAYS Aigitittwoe Illauolous &nod. 44 On Aft Wide tall to mid at Wei did NEW .44TENT WThAt If 1N .11 Moos k 11"414fazit"1".. Atv ':d'enet7reeir:::SA-'r"''1!?Ul±tk"47t .11•161.71 L.,:;-411.- tau 61.1.4°.1.6.1seefiae.'44,,r1„rie• or, lord rd 1.11_ hair is soon ruder . ha laded or ow LW 11,6 41,6C, mow destreettie W.f. and unft lee constitution, ./0 L.11011.1■6 16 WA samba ,aati "'lie hair is thick- en* et ether of ito Iiideom ea Ow tnbor. tined, falliug hair checked, and bAld- ...ie.; 7,447741.1„.. „„ lit rp,:: need Oen, though mit always, cured as winebfapasee the Anion abut ulou by ita use. Nothing eau reatore the . 17.41/ wt.. no .rlive a, moons. of usu.. or the glauds atrophied uuti decayed. ...Y. How* 11"'""" hair where the follicles are destroyed, 1,....w.”'A,Ilen *knees. lesild iirs.i. Illrrepetorm. of loafing the hair %all a pasty eedi- 2 6. 1.11.P.P... . • 11=2. 1111 troLlIrtioual use will proem the hair consequently prevent tialdues*. Free lg. etired by II, though a long Mlle se required kw IPODI those deleterious substancee which But long continued on, of th inewleine will cure - - • plied gratis. 4114 ries.* when blood. Thin 11.4101.41..1111t,L.4 le • greet re- pre/646464•••• Fear.. or any of the alfer000• aymptOmatte of Weakness led bunted/ale relief and convincing evklenie of Its restorative power upon out. -SOLD BY ALL DEX•Cs1829 EYERYWIZMILM. HAIR DRESSING, nothing elm can be found so desirable. t'outainiteg neither oil nor dye, ft doss not soil e hits cambric, aud yet lthat lustre aud a grateful perfume. PRACTICAL AND AXALYTICAL LOWELL. MASS. TitIfitqUi;ii an) StIFFJLK IL )10:1:11..e„ .li• vss,...6-*„*.to-...,...t.,..:.::....„.;,,,,,....,,,,...7..:.,..., a.A.,..........d.,„....i.:..., gosT FIR 30 B ly? con . llio .n...' .1..71:14.1.74...rtilt.,..1.7,14,11.ti:Ite''..:\ca.:,11&::',,,,:::*:todeprellitl::)44rv...a: ...is.. iiii:linas..; RCIERTSOYS I S 14 INT GI - AR •AFTERS AND THERMOMETER. Desloge. vr413 Iaporters and dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, REAR MARE CLOTHING &c., troy theii hood.. in the thesiseet notriett- and uprin the hest term*. They buy largely and ean therefore buy cheap. They are determieed tosall at the A Family Medicine, well and favorably known forum pito tee years .never (admit in • *eagle used, and w• h•ye never known a ring le ease ol dowallittect.on where the directions have boon doper!), tullowed, hot on the eontrary all are delighted with its operations, and speak in I he 7118 CANADIAN PAIN DHSTROYER •tin• Mop -Foie, Liver Complete.% Indiges- tion, Solt Headache, IC tdney Com - restores to nal twirled!, ibe anted debt addled' by ...Renoir did Manse. 114 magical and • ondertul •11.40111 anon, eism ie the deledione end herb. siessreigia,looth ache, rhenmatte nnii of her point in •ny part ol the hody and Conn whatever neon, given it log all alter prepatations of the kind. It 141 der an sfieeduel did prompt remedy lor Scalds. Burns, lirnowe, ft story, Chill.lione, mon, Dysentery, &o. Petce only 25 cents per Neve. Newcastle. C. W. 1Teneral Agent for EARWIG.. F. Jordan; Gardiner & Co. RaylIeld) J•riar• Corn*, Clinton! Snood, Liseknow;' Rieder", and give their cu•tnmers the benefit of the bargains they have mule. JVST OPENED Inerunient_Warranted for -Ona-Year- _ or owed re vett s...l tiott:h lio141644 /A inert et Ilan. ti. county of Herd& 1ww` 66 of edible • 1101 NIA* elf Wet. 1104114 hook does Ode* 2.2/ M111222.1.110, with the how. The 1.1 ,1.1.....910119 Gokosi to tram Dana red !?to viere .rolem.itt flint ARM% 122•0•04,PVINer. lee valet -4I'LASTIO 'STATE ROOFING. 40 N Tint ...Atom de Wes anointed epees fee 110/k . Amalie ...one! eel they are moss prepared te =NW pww• mt. us subplot or pal IW For Roo* k h Highly Recommended of W.f. 20/01/116 est maw os.rii ie Ye by botts Ileikkelsed :te for 144 14 ittrilla sse. 'w dot on net de eler in 1 and - 00 Wire let DOOM elleit --. ROYAL CANADIANS NOTICE TO MOCI'OMAI.___ Wafer be eetirev.-1 41,0 new..., 4,11. or pont to altitude every Inedruoreut for ne totality core. tly, *lurk k •Irriotutely ek.r) 1.y... 4 h. c. +mire. on the Dials. ..14- A foil et Kelt Registering Jure 14, leery J O. Di rW Enr,‘ Weida Agent foe Caned General Rotes to be Observed In Consulting the Berolieter. _ 1 If the Sterenry stave ileott 2st inch,. or the word II Ctionilkeibleh" Without MoVing mach, tither .11 Of down the weather will lw 1111.rti 31n4 elms:week. frer,•nry rine to or aloe. the word Eak,"110 smother Isnathon.t. 20.01.1 lt happeu to rain elks the .11fr1•63117 aletsile logh. It will le local. did wry little ,4 16. 4 Ir the Nerwsre iodise. torn irlenvir def ladegItt ,ot tee days -and arrive. at or obi. the line .• Very l'alr." then In amok 0, 1.edt for drouth -If he glob" fool Muni frOat. 4 Who.. doc/rdt . storm, the Merggp le 111011.211112igttle, Uwe reel annred the wont le Ong. Whinftfie Mercury felts, it io.lw•te. fool frotthir ; If tie fail lie slow, it W.11 raga If pa* tris.loiwirteed 7. 011.1. the Mercury Moroi 4.treWoMheragt efr the Weel111112 1041 fulhkr• be Of don duratlog. and Pure White Alpaca 50 inches wide. AT THE NEW DOMIN/ON CASH Black Lwtres & Alpacas 15c to 80e yd. AT rsE NEW DOMINION CASH STORE. Colored Lnstres in all the new shades, AY Ins of Mito141.13Reetandlnl lo. my forthwith. Su emelt. Ire made oi Aped. Joist*** AA lir eardrum pa et Um rid be addril I' WITCO& Oaderfekutalt 747 DISOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. AT 1HE NEW DOMINION CASH STORE. White Ticked Skirts. Third lot just received, AT THE NEW DOMINION CASH STORE. Full Value Given in Goods tor Royal Canadian Bills ?prat Partnership heryteefore mt belfry referee& the ...Ankh, tooter thestyle atohtlru. {tart liuther- e2/10 Alt Dar iirlrierd t‘i 1, Ann wilt ple.e dlkhargo the wiml•meedlately with ilex Rotherford (to wive ex. • pew) whill416.6•16 46/•1604 the Item. w - 111CHAlill /1 ART. It. Is. es AIXTWJEF.17 - NOTION. OTOCRIIOLDER8 of the Dertorleh Petroleum to Nan Company take Adige that tem galls have been made belle direidere am the sage* deed attire abowe Ampoly payable. twl1•16•1(119 466 pee cent lo) ab leo la dep. horn thls data, via : ea May I0, lief Augo.I. keg. Mai 1.1809. Ww-71 Di J. BRIGGS' ILLEYMITOR. The greet Catarrh, Headache Neuralgia, and Universal l'ain Remetl'y, is war- ranted to eurpaan any knoera oovery, for the instantaneous rubel anti rapid curs of An! .011.COL*Ie form el pain. USED INTERNALLY AND EXTER- A Wile of Urtgeo• wt.! tuenosity relieve Noe... 11eel /OM*, it • *rob wows rout tine our to four eweroin, unary from tbe Noll,. teethe he head. tih the Atte non. w, and relief ow nook,. (hie te, teur swallow* reflood D, a. Faluieney. A. 1 small quantity of the Alleirattior rhos, es.1 swat. d up ihe to -wool, then elf11.1 the throot. tool tsar 1 to 4 swallow* 6( AA 4•14.461/66modpew Tv the D.000. thresh, Aohnsa, atd 011 tens r) t., are Itononlisitely relieved with kr ears. the useenovasneueurie, werc ADM* isibv11111•1101. rt eematio 1., Me. thews wlien sore see mewed is relent el pore by gated' ern dik- ed theouser, owe Wane • *wall.. re tiro ohm dim.ibm, Al/ender, mi lade 411114%AlWedar 'w agog • feellethe atizentras 0 TO RENT. rme. 1.6wiwn6I 6.6.1 theta se res1022 Oper to some romp. tent pore.. for ase yea For paelelesedy to /OR SALE. Feb SS, MR irtit tf Tiread110 eflfsweed, Jena Iv, 1,44. w1114 AT WON 11131 WILL Salt fAeap for Cash. ;so Om 611. STRAYED. cent,. per yard. WESTERN EXCHANGE, Td.eling, /11102 i CAS per_pat arose, MUCK MOW. It 14 to bo heprd the public will avail r,yrRsT.e.LARs accommodirtion. The • themselves ot thi. information and 6nditheir IL' table ix supplied with all the delacies way to the Emporiam to purchase their sup- of the season ; and the her with the heat plies. w20 brands of Rewire and Cigars. SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to their and ready made clothing depathinent. Goderich, Onlarici,, May 6th, 1869. reisoLvrarr ACT OF 1864, 1e th. ntatter of Robert J. Sloan 'of WIngham, an fa- enIW A hest made In gsatiteineyt of Itia ...tote and effect. sod they See te farsiss Ise within two month. hew Ude thitewdli their Moline, epee dying the noway they hod. lead. end the valor of 2. and if noon 'tat. Ing Die feu t the whole attested ander oath With the Dated at Goderleh, In the County of Hone, thle 14th elfraf of Jane, Dee PARKER & CATTLE, Au toe, monopole customers- to THEIR, LARGE STOCK Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, &c. MARKET i4QUARE. (Wench, Jane 21et, 1A19. w21 -2m strands. A roue wi semi *MAW, Allevenlor 1-0/0.04d Weak frywa 402 fear nintly tiomppeers The treellortul 0.1 Mailed imp.* of she A Ile , awor rtillellnItle be Aid, for they We innety •• it seems ialstroill lideeilalcue ems. AI is oll?";:h.er nest Mid nowt reliable Ma 'lotto. hies. BrIgg.s. Throttind Lung Metier Me do moody .wrie of Cmagbe, Cola*, 10 1110. Moho., DI wherm, of fir, Elmo ut the Pole and Week, outer, II tbe mol ell diremses of he Throat, Lenge Chest. meriting that worm of donee. Commelyekle. tor .4 in caw ea a rerun. enitt, will rd priene4166. relief, while moot aloud Mending ond of *mar. "Ile cieurehle rhorever, yreitl Io he wonder lot ...ohne and candles porprkiee. ha solver.' onep. t moot so .01 onion rdinntiltinilminhe 0. inchapmneble Ileereelly hi. every horsehair!! The Intleollle wore. of Wild Evergreen ao sgenI the pre of the unmoor. ditirewe of the Throat, Isms. had which shnye, in nor ever varying elinoit.. owed. IP • grunts r or a kw rode., are well know, loll their Ivor of relieving, Waling and renui with sneer emereedlesset deem/ welses I...4,1Hz aeons. Vatel meanly. dee _tophile leave re dereoung ere. the eniemike medial Indeed Mat be• nowt, Oyer thee= solo totempi ,,,,, rceno lei. opinion hire 01. Dr. 1. ItrIggs' Unrivalled Pik Remedy 1.1e 141 4,.-, raa to their long benne. tot oat • to ooreiA. •rleienee at the yereeent day, tro.1 volt not he in .0 Try ono onewsbate sod • rare woo efe, led. Prow Al HARDWARE ! HARDWARE 1 AUCTION SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM ON THE III Itt IN ROAD Two miles from Clinton. G. TRUElfAII IA WEDNESDAY, AUG. 4th, 1869, That 04104160 Yorm known the Owletall Venom Lot 16. Itith rein , Norm tined Meet didteelle&TIPIN1111331; of whwh are choonl. IM the lour aiti. are Freese and lits \erns, Dwelling alf...limpo ()einem. ty,t weer on le eds other convenience. mu se nitre. te alum • row von Mei Nem, meg en oneemate=eue be - YE mu or NALILOwe bank pen new* le rad feral magi 4111=1:73 illtowet torpoM principal .4 July 40, 1460 Wald 0•6•600116 NI, Ulla leer owe WOOL 0.A.FAJDED, AND Cloth Pulled and Dressed tor Virile TO FARMERS AND BUILDERS, AND pcuinns. 00LBORNE WOOLEN FACTORY, hotter tn.. ea Miller.. rot "en ki your W.../ Cooled and Cloth P.111.-.1 And Peened n rhe .14.0.1 Mit get'llog their e -al trith 901,1 the 4//4, 6* we have pot oar nti. loner, In Int elute tresilustisiduiet, frill Alan rnsiolf.sture for farmers iron ries. pohed roll Cloth, 41. r111 okr attention wed 614.. etrelt riod she. le, hose a bor. 011 iWint milks. IS Ink. Cot tow owl the Spot oak. of cotton that & E. Gledhill Brothers. Nay 22 Uleg *It •r4 The siiharr,l,er• hare now On hand A Large and Well Selected NOTICE. THE tinedliodipiest will nay the Iltga•sf FIRM'Llicrae he Any quantity of Maw 11A11R 'delivered et theiv Desk. -at liks Wulff. of Hardentss, *e., which they are prepared to offer Stock AT PRICES WIIICEICANNOT BED gAT Beat Merap Iron Nails per /4103.45 "Jewel" White Lead per Keg] INS* But (English) Paint Oil 17...1%par-in ':1IMT est Ohtani Star Brand) per bog, 2.50 Bare Deor Hinges and other Rio- Patti tthr lb iris .64 Baystber tbe Old &aid, Market Suiare, SSA 9( No Lade Padlock Sederkh, Jews 11 th, 1810. Or A RDIN ER 00;3. Dr. J. Briggs' Yawn fintive. 1%, evolved doubt, the dee& ellerri, .n• leinvl .1109105. ,we .4•66.44. ewe, elidelnewlel OW the io.me•Iketo Wier( BeatHon Dorsett mei or Com thaw mom line2e.42611y, Me, S. esea616 Tee Porter,. ow 0.0 Ns, WO Au reqs traft., Ude o of Pherif MatOsineld part mark batmen the horns, and del 11111ked with iodic . tan nt don earl estate enema • lied bombast Any preen giving eon lidtweetise Irk reirroory ire milady nowerdel. MULLEN. Napier West iloatteke. vm raid DAM; Mak • Iriein,vzsr Aar 01' 111104. friss 1111011ter...4 ilk Int ent notified that be hersigele ot oignoieut .4 Ms Wary and elects woe tontereirrowl 6.1.1 Wr, rot y I to runtish nre within t on moot. *POI th date le 111. their 91.1.n...recIfy INF I he ...army they bold, if anti Mel the egl,te it. awl If 04Ple •101. Ina t1111 tact Poo ddeeted ander *Mb with the vouches in or p1,11.1 soch idalms. day iedino, ews. RAIN 11.11.11/171, Farm for Sale. THAT 4111808,78411, Lai la, Otis ma. k.. ee' temse,re semi of 1AM. 0. salve of riatrotomilvehired by • Del model nen tee vettu freest 2112 11 he mod • meetly • inniertor hint pruner .0 PVT is 134, EITESHMENT ass? mix If tit M macula, Now Re-opesed in the New BaildIng. Ter fpr. UI, M10A WATER AND 0111111111TMf• y. Fever t P. it et ill the '�t7, re Mry. Man will h. glad M e.4..t the New RioMing on the old ntl. rl lrh, M F *O TINT 111111111111FY