HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-01-30, Page 8Page 8 Tiniss.Advecatc January 40t 1969 We Have A Complete Stock Now of Valentine Boxes Priced at 75 cents, $1.20, $1.50, $2.75, $3.25, $4.00 $4.50, $5.75, and $7.75 Choose Yours Now! Don't Be Too Late 5-DA Y. SPECIALS BROMO SELTZER REG. $1 .1 5 95 NOXZEMA 2 JARS $1.59 BAN DEODORANT REG..99 79 TRIAMINICIN REG. $1.25 TRIAMINICIN LARGE REG. $2.35 $1 • 69 NOXZEMA STAINLESS BLADES RR 39 VITAMIN E E. . . 200 UNITS MIDDLETON Drugs PHONE 235-1570 EXETER of the church parlor. Members of the AOTS were guests for the program chaired by Mrs. Hugh Love. Three of the young people, Charles Snider, Carol Shapton and Janet Ecker, who attended the Toc Alpha Convention in Niagara Falls, brought highlights of their impressions, Piano instrumentals by Laurie Richard and Kathy Ecker, a duet by Linda Dougall and Janet Ecker and a reading by Mrs. Harold Taylor were enjoyed. Carf Cann gave an interesting introduction preceding the showing of pictures taken on a recent trip he and Mrs. Cann made to New Orleans. Lunch and a social time followed. DUNCAN HINES DELUXE ASS'T. CAKE MIXES 19 OZ. PKGS. 2 LGE. 750 OVEN READY GRADE 'A' ROASTING AVERAGE 5 LB. RED ROSE FRESH GROUND COFFEE DELSEY WHITE OR COLOURED BATHROOM TISSUE 3_2RoLLpKGs 794 COLGATE AJAX GIANT SIZE TINS CLEANSER LABEL 2/654 2/650 STOKELY'S FANCY QUALITY 48 OZ. TINS JU ICE TOMATO 2 LGE. 1 CAPRI VEG. OIL 24 OZ JAR 494 GOLDEN DEW 100% VEGETABLE OIL MARGARINE 4L3s.1.00 LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN BEANS 2 14 OZ. TINS 494 GREEN GIANT FANCY GREEN,QR,GOLDEN WAX BEANS 2_140z. TiNs454 SHIRRIFF'S "GOOD MORNING" PREPRICED MARMALADE 1c SALE PACK BAG OF 5 PKGS. TANG ORANGE 950 NEW LEMON FRESH SUNLIGHT FOR DISHES DETERGENT 2130-rT199 CHICKEN LB.454 BUTT PORK CHOPS LB.654 BEEF CUTTINGS IDEAL FOR STEW LB.5900 MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA SLICED OR PIECE 3 Las.1.00 MAPLE LEAF BEEF AND PORK FARM STYLE SAUSAGE LB 490 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FLORIDA ZIPPER SKIN TANGERINES 246's 3 DOZEN 1.00 NE ZWA ROP LusIFLOWER 12's 494 ONTARIO COOKING ONIONS 10 LB 554' BAG 10c OFF LABEL 1 LB. BAG 634 WHITE, AQUA, PINK, YELLOW 24 OZ. 494 JAR With SHIRLEY J. KELLER I have received a copy of the booklet "Skim Milk Powder" from the Canada Department of Agriculture and I have found it to be a most informative pamphlet. Many of the recipes contained in it have appeared in Tea 'n Topics; many more are there for testing in your own kitchens. I had one lady ask me if it was possible to make cream pie using skim milk powder. The following recipe appears in the booklet along with instructions for Lemon Chiffon Pie, Lemon Snow pudding, Strawberry Sponge, Blanc Mange and custard sauce, CREAM PIE 1/3 to IA cup sugar 1/3 cup flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 2/3 to 1 cup skim milk powder 1 cup cold water 1 cup hot water 2 egg yolks 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 egg whites few grains salt 4 tablespoons sugar 1 baked 9-inch pie shell In top of double boiler, combine sugar, flour, salt and skim milk powder. Add cold water and blend until smooth, then gradually add hot water. Place over hot water and cook, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Then continue cooking to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Beat egg yolks, stir in a little of the hot mixture, then add to remainder in top of double boiler. Cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in butter and vanilla. Cool, stirring occasionally. Pour into pie shell and top with meringue made from egg whites, salt and sugar. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) until delicately browned, about 15 minutes. Makes one 9-inch pie. There was also this recipe for baked custard which I thought some of you might like to try out on your families. BAKED CUSTARD 4 eggs 1/3 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 to 1 1/3 cups skim milk powder 1/2 cup cold water 21/2 cups hot water 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Beat eggs slightly. Add sugar, salt, and skim milk powder and blend with cold water. Gradually add hot water and stir until well blended. Stir in vanilla. Pour into a large baking dish or individual custard cups. Place in a pan of hot water and oven poach, in a moderate oven (350 degrees) until custard is firm and silver knife inserted in the centre comes out clean. Bake large custards 50 to 60 minutes, small custards 40 to 50 minutes. Six servings. The booklet also contained a new and intriguing way to prepare scalloped potatoes using skim milk powder. It sounds as though it just might eliminate the problems some cooks have with scalloped potatoes which curdle. SCALLOPED POTATOES 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 2 teaspoons salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 2/3 to 1 cup skim milk powder 2 cups water 6 cups thinly sliced potatoes IA cup chopped onion In a large sauce pan make a thin cream sauce of the butter, flour, seasoning, skim milk powder and water. When thickened, beat with a rotary beater. Add raw potato slices and onion, and cook over low heat stirring occasionally until sauce comes to a boil again. Spoon a little of the sauce into a greased 8-cup casserole, then add remainder of mixture. Cover and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) until liquid begins to bubble, about 30 minutes. Uncover and continue baking until potatoes are tender, about 30 minutes longer. Six to eight servings. In recent weeks I've been attempting to keep a record of the amount of money I spend for groceries. I've heard it said that much of the grocery money goes to pay for items which are not strictly edible and I've come to the conclusion that's a true statement. If you subtract from the grocery bill articles like toothpaste, laundry detergent, matches, band-aids, facial tissues, baby oil, paper towels, hair spray, waxed paper, nylons, aluminum pie plates, and the 101 other little necessities you pick up on your grocery shopping trip, you will discover it doesn't cost as much to eat as you may have thought. What's more, you may find it is costing you far too much to clean (elbow grease is much cheaper and just as effective in the majority of cases). Just for the fun of it, the next few times you shop keep the edible items apart from the non-edible articles in your shopping basket. In the space of — Please turn to page 9 BACK TO THE BOOKS--It was back to the hooks for these ladies at the leadership training school Thursday and Friday in James St. United Church. Miss Mary Angela Morrissey (left) Mrs. C. Faber (centre) and Mrs, Dick Etherington browsed through some of the information they will need to know before going in front of their classes for the course "Meat on the Menu". The study deals with every phase of meat preparation from the actual purchase right up to serving time. T-A photo HAMBURG FIT FOR A KING—"Meat on the Menu" is the name of the course for 4-H homemaking clubs in Huron this winter and leaders from this part of the county were at James St. United Church Thursday and Friday for instructions on teaching meat preparation skills to their classes. Pictured here are (left to right) Mrs. Bill Schlegel, Grand Bend; Mrs. Gordon Bender, Dashwood; and Mrs. Joyce Patterson, Seaforth, free lance home economist with the department of agriculture and food. The ladies were mixing hamburg destined to be the juiciest and most flavorful possible. T-A photo SHOPPING IS IMPORTANT TOO--Shopping for the best cuts of meat — and knowing a bargain when you see one — was also on the course of study for the leaders who will be teaching the course "Meat on the Menu" to 4-H girls. Here a group of ladies from this part of the county listen as meat salesman Howard Holtzmann gives them a few hints on how to choose meat wisely. T-A photo 4111111111111111111 MILK IS MACK/N' GOOD ANY TIM! Everybody Goes for the Fun Taste of Milk At mealtime . . at snack time . . there's nothing like a sparkling, cool glass of milk, It's whole- some, nutritious and "um-n-i-m good" tasting, too! Make sure there's plenty of everybody's favorite bever- age on hand. Call us for home delivery. Exeter Dairy Ltd. PHONE 235-2144 The general meeting of James St. UCW was held. Monday evening. Annual reports indicated a very active year's work with one of the main projects being the redecorating Brownies need new leader Once again the women of Exeter are asked to search their ranks for a Brownie leader. The woman who takes on the job can be experienced or not, but she should possess an interest in girls from seven to ten years old who meet every Monday afternoon. Interested volunteers should get in touch with Mrs. Harold Patterson or Mrs. Robert Luxton. Legion ladies collect $600 President Mrs. Lois Brintnell conducted the meeting of the Exeter Ladies Legion Auxiliary Monday evening when 35 attended. Twenty members went out to canvass the town for the March of Dimes. Over $600 was gathered. The group has decided to award a bursary worth $250 to the high school for distribution at graduation time. There was a vote to make a small increase in the price of banquets served by the group. The kitchen will be housecleaned next week. A card of thanks was received from Mae Brintnell who was in hospital. The mystery prize was won by Terry Heywood. Bob Johnston of London and David of Windsor spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Johnston. Rick Haveling of Lindsay is spending a week with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Haigh. The family of Cecil Skinner honored him recently at a dinner in the Dufferin Hotel with a party following at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner. The celebrant was presented with a radio. Final Week of CLEARANCE SALE Don't Miss Out IR WIN'S On These Bargains CAR COATS We have 1 / Brought I n P More Coouart r From Coats 2 Clinton and C Hensall Stores E WABASSO SHEETS PILLOW CASES 73 Off i Regulares * Dresses * Sweaters * Shells * Blouses * Slims * Skirts * Housecoats ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED $1.00 TABLE * Girdles * Brassieres * Basques VALUES TO $10.98 BLANKETS and BED SPREADS 1-°_ C1ATEAR 1 / 1 REG: %if PRICE PYJAMAS and GOWNS 0/ 20 0 Off COMPLETE STOCK 20% Off ALL DOMINION CORSET, EXQUISITE FORM, WONDER Bras & Girdles , SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT See You At IRWIN'S ,LAEDA17 Main St, Exeter James St. UCW enjoy pictorial of New Orleans a • • • • SUPERIOR) We're Still Making CHANGES . . .Come In And See for yourself Visit Our New MEAT DEPARTMENT For The Best Values In Town T.V. DINNERS 594 CREAM PIELAcH434 YOUR CHOICE BEEF, TURKEY CHICKEN, ETC, BANANA, CHOCOLATE LEMON, COCONUT ETC. FROZEN FOODS BANQUET BANQUET BIG 9" PIE