HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1969-01-30, Page 5KINETTES GO MARCHING FOR DIMES — Members of the Hensall Kinette club canvassed the village Monday night in aid of the March of Dimes campaign. The monies collected, more than $225 go to the Rehabilitation Foundation for Handicapped Adults, Above, campaign chairman Mrs. Harold Knight, • seated is shown with chief marching mother, Mrs, Grant McGregor, Mrs. Alvin Campbell and Mrs. T-A photo. Murray Baker. • Hensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 262.2002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262.2025 Hensall WI ladies recall poetry from school days • HENSALL MINOR HOCKEY HITE Hensall Arena Sat., Feb. 1, at 6:30 p.m. Five Games Warm Accommodation for Adults Your Ontario Hospital Insurance would like to hear from you ( before it's too late) When. you are newly wed the "family" Hospital Insurance premium must be paid to cover husband and wife. If you belong jc.„. to a group notify f your group without delay or if you both \ pay premiums direct,. - notify notify H,I.R.B. When you move to a new job you can keep insured by fol- lowing the instruc- tions on the Hospital Insurance "Certifi- cate of Payment Form 104" that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. When you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. You must take out individual membership within 30 days. Get your ap- plication term at a hank, or a hospital, or from H.I.R.B. When you have a new address notify your group.. If you don't belong to a group, write H•I•R•13 I leatth Insuranee Rcgotratton Hoard, 219.5 Yong, Street, 'Toronto 7. en mgt )ntarlo's Health insurance Plans. particularly Johnny Yesno, his life and success. R.A. Orr contributed saxaphone selections with Miss Greta Lammie his accompanist. A card was sent to Mrs. Ben Wagner of Hamilton Nursing Home, still affiliated with Women's Institutes on the occasion of her 100th birthday. Program was arranged by Mrs. James McAllister and Mrs. John Corbett. Hostesses were Mrs. Annie Reid and Mrs. Joe Ferguson. Lunch was served. CORRECTION The Times-Advocate regrets that an error appeared in the advertisement for Al's Market, Hensall, last week. Beehive Corn Syrup was listed as two tins for 35 cents. This should have read only one tin for 35 cents. We regret this error and apologize for any problems it may have created for the store or its customers. FLIP CHART FOR SUCCESS — The 4-H leaders who attended the "Meat on the Menu" training school in James St. United Church, Exeter, last week had a briefing session with a handy flip chart before the actual work got underway. Here (left to right) Mrs. Roy Clarke, Zurich, Mrs. Stewart Wolfe, Dashwood, Mrs. Hans Harms, Grand Bend, Miss Susan Heard, Huron County home economist, and Mrs. Don Travers, Hensall, discuss the main objectives of the upcoming course for girls 12 years of age and older. 4.024Me&gtneWn., ary 30, 1969 Page 5 "Boy, they .sure do bite, don't they dad?" carne one remar k. An answer Was obviously not required, so we kept going, only to find our wallet was empty. However, little things such as that don't stop members of this modern, free-spending society. We nimbly grabbed for our Bencardcbeks with our one good hand and found another startling setback. They had been left in our other suit jacket, along with our other last resource, personal cheque book, "Why do we have to put them back?" came the question as we trudged back to the pet department to explain to a most sympathetic saleswoman — and first aid attendant — about our unfortunate circumstances, * * * All stories have to have a happy ending, and this is no exception. After hearing the details of our outing, mother completely .forgot about her own poor state of health and burst into tears of laughter. Mixed with them, we suspect, were some tears o'f relief, After all, the acquisition of pets should be an item she won't have to veto for some time in the future . .. or at least until some pet store starts a delivery service so you don't have to catch your own. INSTANT COFFEE (DEAL PACK) 10-0Z. JAR CONTAINER)(iN PLASTIC 11 MARGARINE 2 WESTON'S SESAME ROLLS (Bs) OR PLAIN ROLLS (10s) 794 3/894 2 PKS. 994 3/490 394 $1.49 L,„, 550 2/4SN TURKEY. iN GRAVY, IN GRAVY 2 2-LB, SIZE $1 39 FROZEN FOODS HOLIDAY FARMS ROAST BEEF IN GRAVY, SALISBURY STEAK Lips.19_,, ER CHOPS STEAK ROUND OR SIRLOIN LB. 139 SIDE BACON LAZY MAPILI 75C TURKEYS (09LA.:,EOAR TO°VIVEIR) L B 39 PORK SAUSAGE ..49t SHOULDERS ,..554 PORK CHOPS MINCED HAM ,e 494 STEWING BEEF ..694 PRODUCE PRODUCT OF HONDURAS 19.0Z, TINS 4j$1. WITH PORK & TOMATO SAUCE ( DEAL PACK) OGILVIE OATMEAL 5-LB. BAG -12-0Z. TINS NATURE'S BEST WHOLE KERNEL CORN McCORMICK'S (40 BISCUITS) 13'h-02. PKG. MALLOETTES IVORY SNOW (GIANT SIZE) DEAL PACK 139 TEA BAGS RED ROSE ECONOMY PACK (DEAL PACK) 90s 654 CLARK'S BEANS ROYAL 4 SERVINGS, 6-OZ. PKG. VANILLA, BUTTERSCOTCH. BANANA, CHOCOLATE SHAKE-Ai-PUDDINGS 2 PKS. 55 Open Every Friday Night WEEKEND SPECIALS Jan. 30, 31, Feb, 1/69 FREEZER SPECIAL (AVERAGE WEIGHT 70-B0 LB.) (PROCESSING EXTRA) SIDES OF PORK 394 BANANAS Ls. 29 N Oc.H1IQY uE ILTLAO W PARSNIPS CAN=. 1 LOS, 23t 0 HENSALL - ONTARIO KLEENEX ECONOMY 400s WHITE OR PINK PAPER TOWELS KLEENEX TWIN-PACK MAXWELL HOUSE Mr. & Mrs. Joe Flynn of Hensall, and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Avery and family, Sarnia, left Saturday by car for a two week vacation in Florida. 441 Homemaking Club "Meat In The Menu". Leaders are Mrs. T. Travers and Mrs. W. Fuss, Members of the 4-H club, Elaine Randall, Linda and Cathy Fuss, Bonnie Sangster, Shelley Bonthron, Karen Broderick and Kay Davis, modelled dresses for the project "Cottons May Be Smart" with Bonnie Sangster giving a commentary on different materials, patterns and styles. The motto "Insurance is more expensive than education" was presented by Mrs. John Corbett. Mrs. James McAllister spoke on Indians in general and Linda Louise Muegge of Seaforth and William Henry Soldan of Hensall, exchanged wedding vows in Hensall United Church before the Rev. Harold F. Currie Saturday, January 11, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Muegge, Seaforth, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William C. Soldan, Hensall, The bride, given in marriage by her father was gowned in a short A-line white velvet dress with white satin collar and cuffs. To complete her costume, the bride wore a foUr-tiered shoulder length veil held in place by a flattering petalled headpiece. She carried a corsage of red roses on a white Bible. Miss Cheri Scott, Galt, as maid of honour, Miss Lois Muegge as bridesmaid and Patsy Muegge and Yvonne Muegge, sisters of the bride as junior bridesmaids, were dressed alike in short emerald green velvet dresses with satin collar and cuffs. They wore matching petalled headpieces of green velvet and carried white carnation corsages on green muffs. Bevan Bonthron, of Hensall and Toronto, was best man, and Russell Talbot, Kippen, and Leonard Muegge, brother of the bride, ushered guests. The ‘1.0,1',- cm Hensall man takes bride Dearing, Staffa; person remaining at head 'table, Cameron Vivian, .Staffa; lucky 013JECT'VE 3 1 TO CHOOSE. USE & COOK MEAT 2. PLAN & PREPARE FAMILY MEALS 3. TO WORK TOGETPE' Turkey banquet for families Kippen East WI held its turkey banquet when they entertained their husbands and family at the Legion Hall Friday evening. Progressive euchre was played and the winners were ladies, Mrs. Dave Triebner, Mrs. John Sinclair, Mrs. Charles Eyre; men, Glenn Bell, John Sinclair, Charles Eyre; travelling lone hands, Ron Chalmers. sandwich, Gary Finlayson, Staffa, An evening of games was enjoyed by the Hibbert Community Young People in the Family Life Centre, Sunday evening. PERSONALS Thursday night guests with Miss Brenda Kerslake were Misses Anne Davidson, Carlingford, Judy rtilcDougald, Fullarton, Gloria 13oville, Stratford, Janis Bode and Fay Roney, Mitchell, Verna. Christie, Beth Christie and Joyce Norris, Cromarty, Rhonda Kramp and Glenna Brown, Dublin, Eleanor Kemp, Fay and Darlene Templeman, Staffa, Bob Templeman, University of Guelph spent the weekend at his home here, Hensall WI met Wednesday for their citizenship and education meeting with president Mrs. Clarence Reid in the chair. During the business period the president was appointed to • attend the officers' conference at Guelph April 30 and May 1. A committee, Mrs. R.M. Peck (convener), Mrs. R.A. Orr and Mrs. John Corbett, was named to prepare articles for Exeter Fall Fair. Roll call "A memory verse • from public school days" was answered by members and the winner was Mrs. C. Monteith. This branch will sponsor the Douglas Mock who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital for the past two weeks returned home last Thursday. • George E. Walker who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last Friday. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dilling and family of Sarnia spent the weekend with the former's • parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Don MacLaren of the Bank of Montreal branch Bay and Bloor St., Toronto, has been appointed manager at the Bank of Montreal branch Ellesmere and Brimley, Scarborough. Mr. & Mrs. George Parker and Randy returned home after a three weeks' vacation with Mr. & Mrs. Oron Williams and family, Summerside, P.E.I. and with the former's brother-it-law and sister, Const. Doug Wein and • David in North Sidney, N.S. Mrs. Alfred Clark who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter for the past two ▪ weeks returned to her home this week. Miss Cindy Parker and Roddy • Parker spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker and Miss Patsy Parker. Mrs, Lou Simpson who spent the past weeks in Detroit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. William Simpsonand • rson-in-law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Gus Voth was admitted to the Blue Water Rest Home Zurich last week. Hensall march collects $227 Sixteen marching mothers of Hensall canvassed the village Monday evening and in one hour collected $227 for the March of Dimes, Chief Marching Mother Was Mrs. Grant McGregor; general eltairmati, Mrs. Harold Knight; recruiting Mrs. J.W. Drysdale; finance, Mrs. Robert Caldwell. This was 11 project of Hensel! Kinette Club. Times-Advocate, Jan Batt'n Around —Continued from page 4 would be possible to acquire a couple of these creatures. We were in luck. One of the discount stores even had a "special" on the tiny animals and naturally this spurred us on. A sales clerk finally arrived on the scene, and while she explained she wasn't from the pet department, would get us a couple, However, after putting her hand into the cage and malting some half-hearted attempts to nab the pesky little balls of fur, she admitted she was afraid to touch them, and asked if we would assist. This was no sooner said that done, and yours truly was in there in the midst of a cage of four or five and with some agile moving, had one out in just under five minutes. The lady brought one of those cardboard boxes in which they send home gerbils and hampsters and it was back to the cage for another one. However, it didn't turn out to be the right sex — one has to be careful in this regard with pets — and so the hunt continued. With the fifth attempt we came up with what appeared to be a good looking specimen, but the theory that gerbils don't bite quickly went out the window. He grabbed onto one finger and blOod was soon spurting forth, while the writer was attempting to get him off with one hand and at the same time remove the clasp from the cage to get him back with his brothers. This was finally accomplished, but not before blood was spurting from a total of four fingers and the back of one thumb. * * * One would assume that would be the end of the story but not so. We were even more determined to take two gerbils home, probably because we didn't want to show defeat to the crowd of half dozen people who had come around to witness the incident. (Some even laughed!) We managed one more grab — without further injury — and were on our way to look for a suitable cage. The sales lady stuck with us and finally decided it would be best if our hands were washed off, probably because she was a little sickened at the sight of our hands wrapped in a blood-soaked handkerchief. She hurried to the first aid section and came back with a box of bandaids, most of which were used up in a hurried patch job that quelled the flow of blood. With her best wishes (accompanied with a bewildered shake of her head) we went to the check-out counter to pay for our new pets, which had already captured the imagination of our two sons. .0y MR$, J, TOIPLCMAN. The Women's. Institute sponsored a progressive euchre party in Staffa Township Hall, Friday evening with Circle I in charge. There were 10 tables in play with prizes awarded to ladies' high, Miss Olive Speare, Cromarty; gent's high, Ed All members at K in ettes Mrs. Harold Knight was hostess for the regular meeting of Hensall Kinette Club Wednesday with a 100 percent attendance. President Mrs. Ron Wareing welcomed the two guests, Mrs. Homer Campbell and Mrs. Grant MacGregor, chief marching mother for the March of Dimes, who canvassed the village Monday evening, January 27. Ten dollars was donated to the March of Dimes. Mrs. Wareing outlined the history of Kin. Mrs. Alvin Campbell won the raffle and charades were enjoyed for entertainment. SMOKE DAMAGE Phillip Ward gave the alarm when he noticed smoke pouring out of his mobile home situated on a lot on Mill Street Wednesday evening. Hensall firemen responded to the call. Damage by smoke was light caused by an overheated space stove. On the same lot two mobile homes were occupied. Staffa Wi euchre Award lucky sandwich gift wedding dinner followed at the home of the bride's parents. The couple will reside in Hensall where the groom is on the staff of the Bank of Montreal. 111111111 iiiiiiii ”11111111111111111111111111111111111.111111enel lllllllllllllllll 1111iigliiiiii 11111111111111111111111 llllllll • Hensall personals 11111111.111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllll lllllllllll 111111 lllll 111111/111/1111111 lllllllllll 111111111 • Budget-priced FRIGIDAIRE Flowing Heat Dryer! FRIGIDAIRE Sales th Service! DRYSDALE Cruzat H ARDWARE Dial 262-2015 HENSALL Model OATK OVESPOSMONSGAS