HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1869-7-9, Page 1_.- • . ,izzczmareitAa' a 14 -Dr.,A . Pitelaorassort4 'BE AT 110.42 Fia CONISULTAY104 in1 'eloa. A Oh eewl SW. W rim is at •.1, 6.1atterivarilik angel water grgig 4 a . C. Otemeateeet AC.10. mewl ALLIIRISROV.114.144,44111111114% C.14, 111:141.1y . TIM Oat Hartnonloalle '1'141'1,1 re, , I • MiOlf....1C t411MCIPOY, CORt1NER. Le. Odle sod HatoJeue• third door rtgLyel reptles I (hoot. tit to. M. rtnomrcnrritres. St. 0. MIME! %TR 011.1JION PRISICI ANN ass Ally Rsaiskapg. the how formorly aped by 111. J. 11. C WPM% kagiolittotet. Aledlonll. . ICU illnirlOSS. PUID1,CIALS11/4110.11 -oheilwaeheor. MesedboSarr C. W. Yelousry 1017. Wier J . F. 'Manger, 11. D. IMIIRIIIII/N, ArleOlfellEDR. Iledomopaillie ( ,. VollIPhysit•ian. end Moaned Elee tilt/tag , : 344 04n,a INV.1,1•01 of the A Owed. 1•044 iit, coolionv nt Allone, N. Y . •L__Lp• 0 Xne and Resident. Park ate 1111-Elowire Illard,Oudirrich. , Mere* . - I ra.I.imessi. - - -- ` 1 a estlialMa.,....i... m .A.1111Y....,Iffffillffit. ,,...... .aLan.n...7 ern te, rams" W. Odlee-17i earn &ma, • I in 40 -Tor" as. Ossuarata. sanresit- ; ATTOMNIY.OMMVIITANCER. 4. Algtaiono• Oteisrlea. Oat . *49 • - Cameron ac tiarroor. onurrenge flit CHANCERY, le.' Oildoe; ithoratOO 1110001, flodefieb. J. T. Osage.. C 1450 I/ravines Is Welker. . AW INDCHANCE-HT PRACTITIONE,RA,i OtIN. toyament N itArieti Puldir, &II OS e. Peneetie nom. of Market luso* sad' Kievan eto den, Out .1008 1wO I • HAI R N - AND BRUCE -- &DVE "The Greatestlible Good to tile Greatest Possible Nusalter.N. . ' • W. T.00ILDIditor sad ProlwidorL GODERICH, LARIO D. C FRIDAY:JULY 9, 1869 $2.50 PEI -ANTI. IN AD 1 Otwincso Diattorp. finainias Ellrettorg.Busitwis • v. 1 • ---ugtotes VOL. 7 --NO, 92 LOOK HER j rimiE 1i:No.11) tto the store lately occupied byWM. DUNCAN, first door south of Itinzhitin. a Merkel &pare, wishes to inform his friends in the 'rows of Goderich and surrounding country, that be now !teethe largeet sad most cowrie/le stock of Ftel and Winter BOotif4 ati(1 Shoes ofany house iia 11.0 ed0ntr1,e0rita4nitty e'er,/ Si* IlIf Ladies' and Children's geode, mid that he has also a very large assortment of OENTLENIEN'S . I f 12•161""I• WINTER .BOOTS1,., Ati.4.1......:c.A.7....„...,,,,,,,,......„ .%. . . „wastage's -000w too.., ....4 o.. coarse and fine, both impifited, &,,i at his I - - .... i own manufacture, which he will sell 'Cheap for Cash! I MR di. 4 lordon. 4 . zzasR,_ AT kW il1L11elit I CI roper varaor. . &me. 1.000ode or West Mmes.. • 'fro. Co'drmllouse nortare. I.,..., Tr. 'roma. • .4111111170:14. ArrowlIVY- sotierroa In Chatteero. •• M. Ontario.' 0110.-O• 1.1.'•1.4o Rengston stiwt • •407 Call and matinee, as he is satisfied that he has just the goods you want. 8A).41L FURSE. Hodoyish, Sept. 24, 14(7. wd .• .TAI L 0 RIIVG REgOA E!,-olA. ETORNS HIS MOSTSINCSK E THANKS IL lathe very dstiesiseieweeragemeni he WO seesiivedsrere heiroullieelleed Ammons. is Ifodr rich, sot betas •41.1.•i.cuIS ue* me -halo hosoleirelseou.mi to nos IsMaearpoir .11•Ving avw aecuredieedirietfo CarryinR on Business Extensiyely C: CARTWRIGHT SUItGEON DRUGS, DRUGS! CLOTHINC1 aLOTHINC! CLOTHING. • - Yoe& MOO& HUY 11•3141VT o CLAIM READY-MADE CLOTHING ••••• of treMATronn. . DIM rid nespectjully latIonat 11.1111.44/140 LI Sondra and surrouwling dounlry that he r hap Destalt&am, Ova Mr ttickena'a Mug a neaforth, awl had proeirol the md.tatur 61 IS J. A ELLIS, Sure..... Dentist (4 4.4*. . Moue. Otto nod, Wr Cart•right ...attune 4, 0•11 theweread oda u(ecwy //tooth. Warranted ta pew perfect wtesfaettym Teetristrante halleseres rent hy ....00t&II•l000rioalp•op, Mit"' 0).4101LiERATt. tra/Iltral IhnoirevAcrat. , -Dr. rlealorth Share filtrattril J MOD.. Itiesuat otratfont P Jane*. tissa . Stratford . Dr. Whiting, Berl. I/. Kisosis, Damao Way: Chatham. Mr- *eel. Citatory. & mot 'deter., DWO:niscr let), ISM ---- I,nb0l 40014 eloElOylOR itone bat 9101'.-". t eadawantill rili!rEes8"pard raucintin.oliri.: 4klatr11/*1.4)A&Joel).&. talaVeshul•laeee• Cutlet lfrsOce IP+101164ao•onoteit0100014(0 noetathe Provaa,havugCarrledn_7r 1e fuif moo oin, bi.aesa.tteessiretyandwwomodlyHamto, .c pincipallyond-oloa* udosro,and 4.10044.•e• 41e ; CUtlY1 12 00e o4. 14,. Principal kii•liolhmen • i • Ediutargh, rilt•otland, 4.. earleeklyst•lea IO a orning icuteic THING CAN BR HEADE • his ,M•bltabinen 140a tottiefento klet•blualto Terciele or Montreal. . Goderieh. October 3rd. 1843. . _ THE • Oldest [stars* lo Tan, Pleinfe.r, riatlarruv_IND-SASII iffly___Do111.-DOOR'lfloyrto Jr I _FACTORY. lo.d.loner't, An Insteroh Ow - L. Dom a soa W ft Merril& irmoyer &11CreWelMer. YRRIsTFIII ATTORNPTS-AT-LAW,T-111MLL ,Aoo r aso-or & I wol reuer,0 ante itelirrolo. oriey tr. 1,nd. cirri, t GratWe 01.4.. 000di 4',444d'4 Soot NYsiltions Ti. Illnin.•11 ft 0:414111 AND LI1V 0104' E IS Now Knonson, Mover tholynen. II -iron/op...las, Wary lent no reettemoble • Doinnat awl .414004,10141 rem emote •1• t. flodeneb. Dee. 24 100 .44 GENT rem NTP %IP AORIC11,TCIUGL molts tfroeph Sharrus, proproter) liroldeWro. 4.4.4 Road. P4. Yrdlealcomeron. %PRINTER. ATTORNEY,. SOLICITOR, RC, Ste. C tntior, att. Inn MONEY TO LEND. 1 Ste Dosinsild 1,P340.310 ATertoferrn, R1.T11111,11, Cooney of Hon.. AW_As to Tillage or dean 4.0.110100 1. •4 1". ergot yea t Le. /I. 115001see. 44.41343434*v11. geverea etnewnW0111. LAST00 ) Affenland Cooleelfsheer. Kineardisa. 1 ondersolWed haring porrhamie tog 3444.1 runt Mash Parton, owned. mid oc• maw! by Donald Cuinining, are now prepared 10 Carry os the hawsers oi•manuferturma 'Sash, Doors, Blinds, • Mouldings, Flooring. Siding; - mai all Wade el • C -Lit C 14 E INT c) each as Circle and (Sothic Soh aid remelted' Meek from their elperonee iS Feetory s43,,lh&t they coo ante malefaction *0.11 .orlso tos3 lava them cienh • nil. diseouot to I he trade. 20,000 fed of Dry incli-and s quitter Flooring on haul JAS SECA ANAN, - • DAVID LAWSON, WM ROBINSON. Oedema. Moich &b. 411141. - wit& , Watches Clocks iaidery, who& will awe amodiaelaw. _ wooly hue boors do. by4. on bayou; 44 executed. gyr IrOnd •••10(11,1•111 rft, ,_•_. Efatchos, lock* ke alway.o, ••••-•,'Y ALEX 1111,ACE. Merierick Oct. lab INV yr 40 - ROOM PERS OM ROOM Pia. - A7ER7 1,4 4.04. VAll11.71 -IdA. 'AIIIIANPIJ Three Different Kis papers Fl4Is 10 INFORM IiISOLOCOIKIVIORKS RINI' I at 1.1 [41.1 4.. tall liaised well kr cask:* the °wool01101, or Halls, Parlorg,104. ICI1IL_9L/111SITEM sod Dra wing , ke-.Prmikt-the *4 3,,. shna op ow-Rppop Omsk -nW Hums Hotel. 6 ta-ws o .64. ALL Oedema. 044-1. 11.04. • Good Mock and declared bp Per,„..,- ff.,• en to be No most 1.etic2,,, HA- 1_4140 N 1), WHO -MAKES YO -IT It BOOTS! 14. .41 The Best and iapest RS EVER ir:t2ED MITE i.eys tO PROM thanks A the milalcio-lov.tan saatronage heretofore extended to him. He ia still pre. pared to nmke, on the shortest mace, say quantity of Men', Womes's and ChIldres's, WoRK. and at the lowest Cash Prices. 34JP1T AEC CIVEID. a large Stock of FIRST CLASS BOOTS AND SIIOES. ALFRED COLLINS, Sign oi the Large Root.- Ooderich, Aug. 2113,, S8. w31 Flour and id '4reCt constantly on hand. A share of your patron lc r thank fully reeeivedand to. ,W(ses and Liquervicery and Glassaare,l'arods, &e., Oatmeal, fral, Buckwheat, 1) &c., &c 0 0 .A. 1.. 'C4 1 -"' iks ir-z-ns vie Room, over the Poet ,Ornee, Vot si. • Goderich & Southampton Lim 1 THE STEAMER fi-sos 7pA zw..11„.244 SILVER SPRAY," D. ROWAN, EASTER, wILL run in connection with the Grand " Trent It. R.. daily to Southampton and return. Leaving Goderich every evening et 4 o'clock, catlIng Kinandine,Invertiumn, Port Elgin, Soetheempton, lewd anc: weather permi1tin4. RETURNING-- EVERY AIOHNING, orrioi. Doid•rieh ti tO connect wills yt. 1:0 - fehteessanitrilt.S.Itspiellet !‘t.o d 1 a I-r--1HIL admilat•i DISPOI21111 CIRMIST DRUGGIST 'tester e ad eipeeteme GENOIN-111 ittr S Clitlatc•tri, Sal el(MIIIIT• Hair. 't'o *tn. nod rsratt 11sweastsses e0,064, niet•IVOT., 1101:SES:OITTLENIEDICINEF ewes mane, &C., &C. (Ye Ws fr om \le 'will men pionetuaily 'Mind ed to et 1 o soM Trot., Procne. N. 14 - Plinp.oaa's Proleetpt.o• earelale stewed. Ooderieh. Jan. 10, 1.641. CY 313CEN 1:10 _ MR, Fiiiheerlb.r loony d.termined to sell Oat h. tort. 1 largo and conichate leek of CluUbizig, without GREAT BARGAINS MAY ilL.141.CTE1) IN • ()Vint coaTet, UNDER COATS, PANTS, VESTs, HATS, CAI'S COLLARS & TIES. GOOD vArrs IN SHIRTS, AND DRAWERS sr plondoe. node 0 order In the onot 30.4.400.30. yhe, at the 01.1 00 X.at to dirt u k Nolinowni•. Also, •geeit for find I (*4. 44.011.. 11.4 Ane0 ABRAHAM 8NITII. IIRECIIANT 7A11,011 Omiseteh May IA 1430 trai LIGHT 1 LIGRTI LIGHT RT COAL OILS, (24 lliZARS AT MOLD STAND.) 114 /IV ...4,44 sat 1.oe• miatftaila POT % ramie out,. W-laile the St. Loais Pitilhprimmit miter sLlar societies are dote; saweIthrt improve musical taste skill, it may ell tosollect and .preserve records of 4 fer.ts in the sante It. by the past genera um, te wham the struggles or ionuoi•th the earlier dayirtif the west .t.11 . to prove Obit long before the Deitch, with '1 their brass beads, conquered the coubtrt , there eere untutored Americans, oho • eid Ailed 'with wenn! tespiratiem, and *her 1,11 lacked the opportunity to uton'ide the world with their achievement*. At • will therefore try to relieve from ebb r i• the hatory te one of the moat origiaal et• tempts ever mad* in the musical line --,n• that produced • remarkable semiotic.% hone PIttabarg to New °dean", at least steamboat circles. Amen the vitiates of Cincinnati, sote• forty years ago, there was One named Coi Imre his initials -a gilder 1.y trade, aad a goatee in hie we,, but that way ran ia the line of 'mirthfulness rather than meaty masking. Of mime he wad poor. pal the reader ever is ,a merry rich &not Bet he was none the toe popular amcng his special trends, the ateanikmat men, who never employed any other te gild their picture frames or horse.' wkith thettatest boat was always allowed to early on her pilot house. Oar Imre was not at all contented witb itia moony, and many OAR original were the plass he formed to mend h,a /erten... He was an °Mort ing man, tee, mid had not Wed to notice how often fortunes were made ouf of thinp apparently trifling. - He noticed particularly hoer easily money sea sectored in musicions at ooneerta and insert of thin I Mired he could pt up Monello z. the kind Unit would please the publi 'and pay troll, though, in teeth he knew starers than • mule abotit fists ead "harm, At then he had ' some- thing i• his head' and determined to weal it out. Oodenelt, may 27, 1842, .111 Farm for. Bale. 704)4144 4.7 • IP. JORDAN. OodimekJes.11.104 11111 _- A waled.. 4;,n, situated oil the 7th .....tatiaidilp /1 of 1:Aen..h tieing lot roolonOmelifeessimanar• Im*, 40 Mew of *holt wered l saitAll amtyly free Gormse drawn/se eel Rae high •1.114. ,otrtii , 41.04 4.. 06 Metered.. byerind ore • ha miaow, frame FOR SALE AT motor lust row ae11 11°1,1.04 • frame torn ddefia. Noe debit awl dr/. itau• Wiese. For quality of Owl end loreliea that welly one a the alert elesirsials Godarials, April 1101, DKR WU- gy lawns Viref aller•d1 for male In DO* lownidrip It Malta *tad stout mit, front Go;ioritel and a from I linton. lie "Inter im Mewl to Ow up farming, .,4 11,. home of pestilent wit to nd o. advent age... 40 (1.. porrhainir =tumid dollen will De tointrad dos., Um re- warmed hposintande on tie pma property sad y Ms for awl.. number of yew% ita toay he awned on, a 0 per...1 intermit 70,0further pertirolers apply I* Wnerenmourbe premium, Jolt N DENNIS, Juiss.tw,,ises enfir timely and ikoe Side IjATINo rented aisd firths Owe II lately occupied by A.Is, for tbe above bUitineelt I am now pino fersieh amilice with Croceruem and Ifsions STOVES! STOVES! tr 'le Itg WAREH.TO U 1-:. •••• DANIAL GORDON, r MAli I.: it Undertaker, MASHIC AP3ONS for SALE, 11 A now' on A hand the Largest !tock FIJIINITUSE in the County, ic every variety. care Dot fail to eotn. Liviag near ' Western Row,' where cats aboundid, Curtis did not lack °ppm toni- ties to steely the inimical capacity. of the Waal reaa.-Tree# had kapitint 0 wain maenlight night, alma lea Pref•OHIIMOta tbiir1iIniiI mrneacre.. So he determined to get up a graad hormone coacert, in which..cate should take • prominent part, and if as failed to make either music or money, he would at ism have the satisfaction et having mete fun out of it. Taking. few cats to experiment oa, he Med various modes of twinging out the OP notes they no. addicted to, or excelled in. He poached their ears, twisted their lege, stuck pins is thear-thear-ratuadittee, aud timid other ',leeriest &nits*s to dt • vOlape the stems. list he found no Way so meant of bringing out the mond as the application ef the back of a am knife across the tail, This sever failed to shot the aote, if there was may talent at all in the animal the modulatiowa, piano, sad forte. being easily obtained by making Om av blow light or Ley. ed might be so managed aa to make him • fortune 04011 4.0 Nick Lungworth's or any ettimatert4:- --fter.eptolegmemstesiosaiago- mend the tart, of •ll in went nf PC RNITV arlso in favor hien wolh a 'SR owbett.r In re- cord to Quality. Niel. or Yrtot. E,woy atle'ller sec I ranted.. reconoseeded. Mayo g made errangeMenta nerth JACQUES .1( !IAY,Toii ront, CA timid' •n)thittp Ions or itiamtuntim 8: th.r Warerwouts • T1401110, %Me '01 414teavio. CD1:1.0Eal, Po(,S11 N. 11.-11a•rgraty • emperor armament .1 Omar& Jens , t ea. • t •0 Also. HEARSIP tee hire. West St.. Lloderich. $ow. 1, MK tot D. Iti TitEritti-A:2411,."- Coal. Lumber, Shingles', Laths, &C.'', YARDS at the Harbor end career West sad Waterloo' Sheens. lir Otdoe, me Waterloo street, in rear of the yard. Oaderich.-Now. tett. lawane ter• $147A1 I .& ettC)401 a G. BARRY 81 B11011 Oft CABINET MAKERS WOOD -TURNERS and creerintratio. of 1114114•04. &alp& sp to 1 • neat and correct atyle. 10- 044,04.sr .1, 0 %saw Co's store, 144notorsok-- /arenietamaia, _ LAND AGENT,VALITER,&o. • (101)1)10111,CINT• 11(97,41TY To LEND. Farina for Sale. CE/11121 Land Patentatakenont. Debts. collected. *V Apply at the Office of A. Letrny; - Ooderich, Se*. lab.11161 InOtt4.tf - • f.r ICAILDAIN. OYTIciAL ASSIGNEE, PRIRANCR, LAND AND OENERAL AGENT, y st 1.1 per rent , oppoite the met offiett OM whit are-Ifeet MOO HENRY GRIST, 18683 ?AUNT SOLICIT( /R & DRAUt HITS - MAN, CIttetWeiv Giza/acad./a, • .m0407111 RUNINENII -WITII THE rarest °soma oiler Repattmenta 4.4. 4*. 00re0010n1. promaringri 'WM vele arnlitTlirrl ON. a! Mel t 11,10 on 1,11.10., 1000eetTee Th.not* spirelltedleout, wil other Doenments nee - am ta row. r 01, 100 0107101 repILTOI os octant of Model of the Invention. (Maw le...000, 1410 THE LANCASHIRE FIRE AND LIFE INKIRANCE COMP'NY. 0,000,000 FrrtRIArm. THIN Norco wee woetelly ritol, in the SODA Hon f rotesmaa. hy the Non W. Foe. DIM how, ow • Wariellot of the Ewhearter)•• an eiMee tai bids. As Till ;pro, / e84. URI. PI tiRTI0R. Arent. for flodsrlrh mum ealoieriber In Morel throda• Xo the ItIretel piernaage ao Wag itealtme. upon 111111, h040 f Oe111 14,, 1.100111111. enatonsele and the prinlo• 1,,nent.1, 1401 b‘,...luener of th. late ere, 1. 4.4. reel.% bulimic. to the *(ort formiell no opted by 34,3 4,44, Riot atmet next Haat id klontreal, •Arre evetyttan a In his hue will hoont and All Kinds ofJob Work will he Done w die .4tonal, G. N. DAVIS. Gottera A, 294h March. 11169 4.17 NOTICE 1, NOTICE I -'0 0 0 AND ArERVIldlaWW41"lignatit MONEY TO LEND. (7 RE INONAYILL 34*774 of intomit mad no a 11Arazio1e0t by J. It SLNCL1.1R, ^i Rarrieter, le , Odderldh. January 10.4., IMO .41 p.8 _Gond. an, RI FANCY g Hamilton St„ Goderich imr9 • 9 Ga1crich.Reb.2ad.18Cf. 6.46 IV X rjr. 393. • [JEEP constant!, on ',and ruttish! al! mini. 11 cies tn their line. such MI Bode:owls, Chairs, Tables, Sof .s, ttc., I MO All kinds of wood -turning done, such a Nool poet*. Stair banrismrs, neckynkes, kr A lg.?, 41111111111, & complete ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and a flh:AP..SE to hire on reaeoeable term Ooderich. Mar 3rd, 1(65 15w1ee k C=l1 o w_jatrAL*111Z1VALS 261 ° INT B]'01 AT ICIO1IT int! IICNT LER/ON MORTGAGE. ygdy EL R. RAIN'S lee Oink Crahb's block, Ooderich. jiddoeisklareh flthelEfa. sw3 „ sa4,21.7 NAIMC • DCAMPBELL having lately purchased an instrument which enable1 h:m to make the largent photogvapha made in (lode. rich VERY CHF:AP. N.H. -Porcelain PiCturea, not the best in the Dominion, 1.4 10 good 14 1147 made in Goderieb. Also lhe New Cabinet Picture, which is thee, times as large as the (,,,-f. eh I site, for $2.50 per dos -n. In returning thank, for the patronage of tail plot, in v ites a° to call and see (be Mir Wow for them...dyes D. -CAMPBELL. Goderleb. Dee. S. 186e. w27 DOMINION AUCTiON M A WT. s New Auction and Commission Rooms. T'It!•"int"1:17.1relAreta4 ope"9;1tho":4 eru"eTt7n".•r141" Commie. ion Itnnote, on King/don etrett, Owlerieh, la *40shop lately ow -opted hy Mr Ifoidge. when` h• wl"." respenerolly onlirlt a *44*0-1 pet*, ;weenie. De determined ley fdriel stienteon (0 1,0010.. 44ew40114 psyrnent of all ascii* 001,1 .n rommtaidon, to awl* the ...Aden, et all Household Feirniture Bought di Sold ram adorer *nil other rhalea that ha two 4,0 fay,,ord *1100.1644.0 thronahnnt the Conn', 1.t. Imo. AR/VWHITELY. aide LEND. M. (:()R.DoN 1.4111 tar". .t.".,11r”.1%1112114# GODERICITI *CLINTON 1Floitiotti holt oil II PIUS U. 1.2A 1.114.4.Wiesellanernie Properly a. n oiona.11 kJ *very 'Wordily, aftel to Mame emery Wetl- ands y. Monisse4osnewo oit Property far imoviesti•te sate and pomp' enema msde. Off* ttla Mite ,"" Eit;11,64" et meet wis.e.any wand- .Tangst* •S A met ota 14•11, wet lit•rlret .01mtre,(9o4.rIr4. Money to Loan on neat =Std., fPftemellat i 14.. Terst ertimiernernopmer e • 4 rm. ur... 'sonata . 41.14 lefe.tAtt."4., IY TY INT IA P •7)401' TO RANUF MONTREAL, WEST sr. • MAN J107 Itte•TVID • LARGE ASSORTMENT 0 CIA -N A .) A PWI41EDS AND OVER coiTzios, plijell be ls prepared it) malt• spin the short- . eat notice, and ('heap feee..h. GOOD FIT WARRANTED. Goderich, Oct. 7. I44. w34'. () r -r C ! COAL OIL, WHOLESLE AND. RVTAIL, onr C.,d oil hompo,11to. fie. Old Iron. Cooper, Itrao, Wool ntertaferaiid Sheep lila., taken n :cheese. J. J. STORY, *lir Si..m et th-large Coal Oil Barrel 4.1olenct. !lately /44.110 i -t - Farm 3rs Attention NI E D A 14 I 0 N. •Koswoui. s31(vr 01011 UOJlflJOIflI lOrrp 01 •13111141111411nputiaJod wool tic, • our WI) *gra iiuo 19139 VI& anirtal ZNOIS iaaa lamad 101 Lim )5 IF YOU WANT GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS Rax00 14 0 i.q•,, If you want gal Porcelain Pictures, _ iv ..1.,0cL .62,-avina tad • t 0.1 . /111V1 , Irollor wel 01041 7 I 'PA/IRISH EtelISTYA Co TO '001131 •NII 409 •ill ii Mi.ixtrunita ..,......... ......eue or . E. L JOHNSON; -iitmdtaq,) an! 11$11 ixlexij gP009 IlaS raMIRt Phologriplis $2.50 per dozen. in pao.12" &morn v invite som ti dots L 1 p'ee 2m4.04UI • 11 N. R.-1 tie Subscriber offers 0 t") 4I5 IIPLZIPDID 'a 11 YM 901 A V a- -1 S 11/10TOGRAPII cuaurr - • . with a soleta414 l000t.orifowas,w liras, and Igawaj,ion LV U) with Stock of Negetims_end Furniture ell 14450!Ira firItnigajg iTabirMi 14 ituitifmt-F-01. ON T All 10 I , 73171c k Da7111.16.7.1Inavessvii cgt- setertiasosaMMOW.1.....LP 1,'.r' r :41 4 W, 01. TO 'MP Wingham Woolen /dills, 010.0E 4,0.: WILL REA KICK HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH! RE salon/her aron,.TI aplat attention to M* s hara. and 0a4e4 Mika of WitFlannels, Phi ithek.., t anti Uni7.004.,n Tole, Rhoael(full widtk ohlrh hr will off. for too, mont • !eon, thlii ,144, al wholesale Mites, in ally quantilito In em haw. tor Wool '00 40 de ',ell t,..-441 00,4.7, examine the atmli. .n410't,4.'1" ((01.104. 000 woo! carding,SpInnir.g. Manufacturing. colouring done int lor ior style. a alti- elothi esptn)eu drstti:gtil. Mn i. are nee 1,4 1).. heti met meat, my 'q.v.., noty dopediifonF.eisertly or7,•itt:on Wag umre .ad t. 'e,1,14t,00tasatisfita picToicR WInghant Rattail. 01i 701 To all whom it may Coacern. INSIJRAlt• P194. enamtenet 10 pernand to ewe!, orders fo 1 lain.. in Irate iir ,1 White Ash, Pine, Whitewood led Cedar. A 1,0 0 LATHS, PINE & CEDAR SHINOLES, tetty.rei the opening a motifettoe Perth% want Mg MID ‚04 (0 Any forth -Ill. Mee *Ill gg5,1 them In to e011e 'knit drawl., H,l end Infonales mole!, tba0004 MI, kind., mama mot doriatittra4 matold reenhod for lotadlne, bridge., 1r EMAIL!, & CROOK, Architect Ofteeent sr C Flettne Ce '4 AMA, *Ina nr Worth 4,004 114 the rood Moose O3,I114.5. CledwIsh. Am/WY ISM IfiriMitWortE.Ya4. , 74Rig fOR SAUL. tW111 NAGE 011 TO R VI' tot), I.. vi r Adtarld, (0, 14400,, 00111101611 Wit elearol, frit). honer end ('5,, 14.0.0 is • imeg thr farin It tit • mono let. Pelee 111*OI em.„ rem( IMO& awl taxes. MANIPUR nualtile. tondo.. Fab. L IWO let Farm Lands Ibr sale. Lot /2 let con. Township of Gorlorieh 114 ALLAN P. ItT &CLEAN, Also, two paid op Shares of 4400 each to the Dominion Salt Co. ISentember the place, corner ot Hamilton Storm, abd Coen 1Iouse Square, tiod•rich, Ont. E. L. JOHNSTON'. Nov. 190,, 16C. , W44tf. EA.T1-1S, EA_TI-IS 1 S A L ) • 11111811 W AT BR, 1. 1,0 r 41,11.D L 13A 7fl 8. AT OSLER'S BARBER SHOP! Irk' Marine and Liftone" IIIPPIMPRo 1114140/0 Olteal - ay' qquare and Wee; St., Gods 17.11:>ReliPen1 .,11841%:gent .11711Y -A R IS D. MADAME- tally' -; wawa* rr eefienee irent04,40„,c4. Ay, A. lawn. Mgt. 141111111leheiresall pA“.. (4..1 perstiott, CatetrehIgily, le the fleol• "rn Idris.' to try tr, so. flilintm, Lima, , end Rtnineof% sow eeeda when oihaii red, todoegcr- fay, oresi• end Ada 11 WORT IT= Neeornmonded ...oboe .8 was baleeer44 sos anti penee • 1)0 not Wear vire% mon $OWS 741011111* No Ili, flollcon• 12 n&WW41 01111 1%. *needed et their OM '' 21 led " It Cith.Ww7k (4 4,doskorieb. 1 Ake Asa remosito.1,01 84 • tale shore 811117011101 417741044,141 gelossee flea ewe. Manley 17 Riau and terms. apply tn. - (IV 71 " A Rikoing. elmigh . , - tan .1 . Land Offina. i R1411STKR of I mpr000d FartlIe awl .3, will h il 1.004 toe Pale. ZI-:: " elliHoven „it Odder MC Menet t. IttiT7.11 I 1 "4 hi4 l. ite1 Pie*, - - ----o.- - . ;.1 ?V` 40" ,. 11 1847. -Kant* 4644.. Ivry remsonable terse* R. L. DOYLE, gyk. Sav.kre..," da nett. 9th .lan. 4481 0 r- 0 315ST RECEIVED A LAROE W ITFRE mono haw fitted op for the miry.« ..nn, en.onfe o very room/able lyr The potpies, of the plinth. l• sone Red. icsi:ere notteirh. Ian. 4.9t040. se E. CLIFFORD, after be had matured his plan, to Ordem- his market, aud inquired of every man, W000& anal hey 1111 111•I if they had any eau at home teepees. Of mane they had more lerought to him than he supposed meld be food is ilseniltes comey. He hsA employed an Englishman named Johason, a driaking fellow, hut ammical withal, zed who could imild orgaas, to make ems to as an accompanismest to ;he cat sotto. Johnson tolerated Inns for the 'experiment."turti. rechoied up^ the octaves and found that four acmes cata would fill the bill. But he ordered two dean stem for fear that some might have defective voices, or prove obstinate or capricious, liketheapperatic tribe generally IN returning thanks for the liberal support and patronage tie has received for the loin 12 years, begs leave to gay that by the introduction of mitchineir he 44 000 perked, ed to ttipply retail dealers wish all kinds of Biscuits and Crackers ! which he thinka will be metre advantageous tn the consumer thian importing them from other places. LIST OF PItICES : Pala Bisenit by the Rost or Ran -el . 42.07 Wine •• 11 111 0.04* Arrowroot " „ 0.04 Abernethy " ,oe 0,09 Rutter Crackers 0.061 triter of If 1100 dwatrolt Metal Di sa EiriettNen' 0sals.oas Cakes of Every Kind 1 )010,61 aannel elltelt of Arend always on heal and delivered daily to customers!. E. CLIFFORD. • 3.6 Jan. 12 lege. nix elinsa OWL Wine ordered, Wad ACCO0110. dat inns prepared for thews in sundry boxes, barrels, kegs, &c., ta the back yard. All the hays in the oeitaties around, in K.n' 1.14.710W51114 ohm, heard of th• unpoi- enlisted denoind fm the minimal', and every market day lots of them might Ise seen with baekets and tags wending their to Western !tow, to got the quarter ' or 'Jolt dollar,' the price Curtiseetablished in • month or Israeli:tie mix dozen was made up, rempristag age, aim, sex and oolor. Certis then published that he he had his fell complement, he could set bay any mare, had no rim for them. But etiG the boys rime on, in alseisat uatiroluir file, and finding 'no sale, ineontinently dump- ed the caro down at his door, whence they scattered np alleys, dowi cellars, over fences and int0 doors, as Curtis often aa - *cried, 'to the numlser of six hundred and fifty; he sowetiinesedded thousands. , t at length the organ 014 con.pliited, the six netae0a of cats arranged in duo order. A few reheriale •ere gieen trident • select audienee ef mates, pilots, etc., from the efeamhosts in p0rt,-.0.o4t thigg teem willing to make affidavit, if necessary, that such a concert had been arranged since the days of Haadel, iirplieue, ee Tuhal Cain. The second etery of • warehouse neer the landing was rented, • otos, dr.p scene, one tiers of seats previded,- eh. whole Wended accomod•te four or ATO hundred people. The organ and cats wore safely transperted to the place of oskibi• tioa or performance witheut accident, save that the tire principal basses, being 64.4. eaten, put is theme.. hex, had an awful hiht, .11 410 WAY up from WoulorlIcaele, ." wird to appear before the puyli. with very rueful faces and Woody ammo, which betrayer, did not all detract frem their popularity. j„hogoi wait on with the berrioling of the organ sad the aloptine ef eh. blade keys tell* este' tai14. fl• arranged (40.4 4.1. singed* 11101.14 10 ormllomf 4,1 nar- r4„, 44,44, which .303. 440.7 allowed froo Elis to the lenge, sonrSid holeein Owl bottom tkirovigh which the 801820t10a00d• 'not tails were, endow' la bibs Fr''.14d.ith 1.415411dirsal elate- -we like to be mod mei in deeeriaaliso--""•• "job the 114&444. Mese isstrs keys awe l'oral son. hos with these nt the • *hat Ow bap and their &ppri. ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS (41514.0101 ,y pert ef Wein of England &cad - Provers, Wad MIVI, Reratolosti. Perry 0la..0401,,an4 F merit Tmeiiii,reehmeres, eom • meet Of c.naiaira Cloaks scoot sad ,f1"00rlof Yesturra m giving fott telhotf011i tO Olt posy 'osmium wilier,0414015. TIMM) SUFT55(411 .4451) 412 and e points. No 40110 to owl... -gm fletet HC O. 11%ewe CIIEESE, CHEESE PI NE LUMBER, ; GODILRIU21 LATH & 511iNGLX111.. titiON CLRIIIIG 111111.1.11 \Pk/7MA, to"...f,aag=nnts=xiv.. 1,500,000 feet Pine lumber, ' ihephard & Strachan, tam,iimocErtso9Asica, ACV !tool TO nrs•4ntai set. asenia a ' , T ISC MEL °EDO SHINGLES, LO. •hich lie 4. prepared IMP LARGEOR SMALL LON AT III X • P1060071 later* (huh ilie":47,,re'Phomee, Thrum, rtitioe4,.., eel dealers supplied id tee the soloolarz.seienswit AMU • sn'grnaltDiSTAA0Bori. ellisrieh. Yee 17. 311147. slat( We* 1.1/‘ thet t's I" et t .1.• rr H K Mobseedver oroobt anemone. lo tbo web. nt Horne .trot Mnyen, that Int ia moo easo- ofiterorier florf elates Carriers, Wituoes, Sleeps• sold OkiNAP -.la CASH. VoZioa *flee *otter, tort Virs time-4mo to lee" ereani-groeijia4 troller TalladhinifiEfaif " " • 're .1014 PAMI01111. Irittook. ausoodloaar . *nag Ourial0.01, Ma. loa• Ire *14000 .015.11? t.21•07:11".'''.6°61100:448.7.ihietasibi alleteliM."66;46""fis ..ramsoliheNT:6104:047e4:10tiotellhisiejiage*Part.""L'AeosiP"."6"."1". bil":111.1111111114M-1111 „mina easeedaa 1A• es% 100A • • 6 &W- ins MOO Weld'im "Pt of two esollthils .404144 Wal *ow, wive= oart atetr feeitaia 10 Owl PON. =Vibe. t 001Iluitat 6 1 tUY, "as boom 'di* bee .ssessui Isere% i • _ *!.