HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1869-7-6, Page 3-•,`••••• • ON"' te, 4"'1U.",t40 K„. . • woo, • ' • wt4144,44sew intrommtsisonits. FREDERICK 1„)E.PI to MY to bl• millimons Mends .411 . Int he lutribb. to remain In 004<1alti, awl 10.7 0. will tor glad the km. and .rind Moth In, bie Moy keel httM.111111d 010 7.08 00483', to Um& 11. aywdion. Uodcrloh, 410.. 49, laent^ • Farm for Sale. FINIAT.op1810r rano tot 10. Gt17 .yo (4 p.74 at tee of Inad. 17.1 antra of wroth ate cleared. la4lwatrn1 by • bl rog wootit. •ed leou34e4 by do Mallen) Ikon) I., house and frau. hana Skin. • ilk • •Asat taykanl. on Ito. prowl*. 10.4 col on mil. Tom, tho ratan of 111,0,1,,,t.e. .78. 11.1'' nvh 11 nen. fr.. Clint.. The • ••• eeriehen. re., . .the897 rarlithyd nod p.m. num/ • aura*l attil prioner . 70. 04." ileillent apply 7. 0.. N. TREE114.04. • 11.-11MA•af LOA Arta, auderiett. pril.. IND • 13-ir Sir. Mese. REFRESHMENT ROOMS, 74081 7.1170 74801.11, Sal 300, New Re-opeird in the New Build*. 4110DaMiCia WINTHR TAR a lbz_jj 4•FrAld..1 1Q14.71114po'i tite-se...t-r& It m 08 Oh 70 08 ess. INA. piss 71 71 04 30 03 N.. York. Don *704 ,00, than 1.3 • In 11311. PorUsa•L 1441100. • o t Poo. tt, tt DIM, 4141Sk."4":'..aft. ICCC11110111, MORA WATCH AND 0111sa ple asses verage. Yr.it of all 14 on we a... Sacese,hs1e08 Meek ited W ew Il:Ir. reek.. at the Netidiee on Use old • f1ipkack,160111110. 0 TICE SEALED TENDERS . tbri Leu r ts'nhd-imresa- IFILL be receid by the ('77.77727 7717 1 verse on the part of he Muncipal Council for the County of Huron, untd Friday evenng, he 9th of July neat, FOR PUTTING A New toofon Gooeret Cort -Hoe, As per Specification.. 1.0. Remove the lahs, &c., on the present eta, and carefully ergnot then; in the yard or square. 2ndCover the rafters with well seasoned rough ich boards of p, 10 inces wide, laid close on he pilot, 1114 nailed to the rafters 8.ida3.inch nails aCover the roof wihgood stouites. 16.8 ilthl, m7.07-1fEiSTithealvel ised iron nails, twoin each slate, OletT • of the uper o'er the nail holes n lower .late le be three incies. Every port of the .slting to be pmpeRy bonded and the rrem laid double , cut he elae. to the eaves and hadig coures. Provide and fit Ivenizerl Irma Gutte to the valleys, No. 20, twentinches wil• also cover the rdges wth yenieel The whoe of the sates to be well bodied in haimortar. Two aoleent feeholder.wll 1‘.requ4 surety for the fulfilment .(the contract. The .77.,,, 11.., don't bind hiMelf to ac- cept the lo west tender. ;s uBAY Conty Sur vevo r ._ . 1 00 June2tth, .223t '80 NEW PATTERNS - r 4 • (inn 01.708)7,07 lasesetag Wipe at T▪ e. artioviAlL OTIV. • . o t i o o-I i n e h 111171I 11 70,184 by ..3104 DrCby.&alt 1.111114, aaTd• Nis 11, rgulate the hotel,roam i..,... clenaorrewrotethenate. tboy anompsaof 041141thl• hghl onaoal•mboth and elthe attin ot uf doese, threalmot 111, 8344 T0.....4. ody to time •ESa•eday propertoa 4.1111yall dans EAl'TIVU SPLMNDIII!! 11ateB verdct given toy allhe van Hae. Maria. If•11 °LoamItmairedythush lur mat. gl87 0.83,877,.). It Mean. tlo• wal..mympla, 111eikaat11a glaada14.11.o enhaln w d Wil certaaly wakeIt (8. .77.1177 Inurnt aud W.WII, andit 0.81111 cbspot bttle. do. evenwi. m e s* ao n o n 1e a•e t l y ctu Ilo 1 e a •rae•r/n. e.P0a. or 1i 1m.t g1 ie*1a is a1- 1411V1•11874 andOfmbmh@ anparka 411= 0. rillwrrat rare Ilona. Peat clabnina. Irma Ma, Lamlmt oMl. Raon •o hme '.7 77,3 00047•41 ars almost Ls, moterbal foe heaef Manhve both .+ by it t17,14,081 amorafib 114014 Inath Noksoth kw• ny *111.08111. 1107.4..), f able Ifves and 1esum4a ol Jolers my be are.. w illybyl•m, 13ape8et.e neontwo. <yei.foreImeatoirann.imam It17I483e091007.7,e811 Waters trar. the Money d egeati. .'1016c($.'1016c($.,,PARXIh• CATTyr 4a00t7.0o4esh)y WaerII40110sia C0.7. IN111,11700-11. JIlYW411 11 x i 1 n•• • . d 1Aa k 1r EMPORIeP ! o m 4e.n a gesle er •wr • pif4 r u e i t t e d eo ' n :S..a•-4eul tJ or lIcb dnoo1d/ .ar r.r .m m. d. 4 l 1, nn. this artcle sSwina work.)'..p,,.m, ie..tomayonewordloItsfier447.- reoda•a..7.CI1...Ift1 70 118,MM. ...lon clot.Croup.Wmga AshmathretoofM r Throat, Chot nd Lng., a• ..'FI .4hm ha 11Maa, Contaythm, 010, hsb auhoityhas pouonod an .ra. dor, 1'04.oes 10 niml thls nnuoy ro. oho 04l .t. 004• hut onth. nuto ha atLaAIofavie.. t 1. ther•mn 1 7 The Sew. Jacob beeike, •eLama704 ,,,,..4l ,,.8_.l.1 ...kg thethem eopaneo ofWcoury1,110s0 Po 1.7.14, 170.9,W 16191 10.•• Min 11.,,,,2 77.&3..) fandlhone. tottowntafn. (1,. .1 nne vlaikyr 18311811.. -Wsbun'a '.2 V..1 •oo *Mreo nsiontinel 1 1.i hehbt on ofmy Astiri.e.meanaa •d and 11.14 hoMee..ntnety weat.kne IiO4.717014441 atrottl..1 )4_7.k mt Wore the al14bn 11. whole etthews• geat 000vmnt her 1•01111 1 Wee, le sy aelvIdual eode fequnt 08' of poorvalable ..Arne awl • lin bbentten byt I 8.41.1 hone. yad..thetub., again*, 111001111410Orr..•• d& .ator 1•1•4 ef 084 74.7.) th,4hwit /.•.11•1COLta. 7. .n. geods. unt. mooed ' I Dnr-Re 411 P,pard le torl./.11 af*rsarh J. C. DETLOR& Co. - . t 1 f y. lepeeees alaleneis .1mt1mn 1oe1 1 , . i 11e l l1 n11. 1e•b.e l le rll .a.e a 10 r ni t - - a raa Ce1a04rase4$414. 77.. 74. la.0..4.4.4.n Iamaltet4vt•WV. 4,0on oneof fier.. ....4 trot 0007 reonowolootwhoMy bnanduce to ..,.I. yow41,4---th two days it •ctrartg41 he Infannatn bowy agr oar to w aontoocurno ot I n mond saytod tatMireworked '101037383.7.7. itelkledsetae Mlle 7.0 ..mg • w ar 1 .....tatualg mtmem.A wig aprclatollbruhoot the .91.11711811 • aMl. W MIN, 72,.),,.,Srassor t Lagar, (kW. Awe.. arsapOs •Wterselwa • Ven, 47 OPENED TO-DIY. DRY GOODS, GROERIE, • • , • n.• 44. • •• 1SIT EsSIUSII BRIEDI It JAMES CLARES IA At. tfIERMOMETERi. NO METERS _ evrs.....07TZ.vontoto074:4111..e.712411.0M ,40- danrica D.,Plisoca4iss Est 'auntie. ry ADK BL. STINNTED RE ° IX/X. 1LX OLAbli.1- _. . STEWART &flkn• 016. olooyo,n. i• un 8 it. .4....40.-;:ank.,"041=::. • ei.-"PVITIP UN. • . of .1.• the Mende of SD OD • In P ' r • o l n n k a t • y r e o . . . , . . . .: , ! J . . i. s t "Mr 0 . . 4 ., i. . . 1 . . s 4 4 • . t e e W l s z4o esd i 7,0114,1 ft..cc.011obstrei.oi.. a e . 2 a a 1 2 8 ° 0 a " t e h t h l y a Iog f P o u vl i w i,b l i*, th i i D • r e i o f• u t i n oi r . t n e , - r , , . . . 7 7 n 7 7 04 7.1;:i77 lthWineI.b ,7 4° .., r a m EMT 11t. e r l E i. t o s b . 1 , i b / r s • t r S t r io g m o r e e i .o & e r e . r e . . . a for One 1 " . t . . e .i . . . . , f r o ! . P i4 fl.... dr'tor'4•rTih8 MOH7ld i 1 n O . mg .. o * Ydl, * e . •. ff 4e . * ,. • l• • ,Nr p a Oes ti uoht i Ra yet14. T a a r H n4 t y z. R .f ) t P il A U. ,• ' , 4W/0 4 a.U 1 ' e2 , A a7 N l% • m c t d ieapfam ftotieyaweMI kml Spinall"' tid1.111,1o, regain oe diht rime Ilerl. 1141•1Wbawl.hND .deet • °erMer siother fem.o. ad shliosiet • 18783e10100017• 700* 8'810 aar SIV iarthil oMei 0.4 Mi..Fall b wnpthyt a. eahP•rbeti eee.held iecooia.ly nervot "hi lrintrtl Slate*sir Canda,Ult NOSES,.110ehM.er, N.Y.H'-114tstea Maeasta tOMYm.onnntlafi ed' mae both. vu.,awoglth Isreknt 'PEVA/ Norier. 81, /to.,‘4Red. /177.ow ee .....fees 4AdsIon. ••••••.J11*sfora 4I441.977..err1 •Newege..Cf e v e 1 1 1 4 4 L + i w a r w r P 'i i o . t c , Y •7401104111141 04>i4 n'1 .lplr Prer Cattle saV. Jordan 04..104/ reneyi -Joao* 177 saey .1. Lut Hck an Yelklw Heal.. *c, .nf, , ,,lg4 1td h , , -, , 1, o r ri ' e os eo n m . .••o"t ..a e . b l. . ea la a v . rr , p rg;. o - r, r• A.• •o , • E , 'Ue c O r n me g • . ritei lt . r• -. o e n t n M ce y 1 e . • r. rpt x t h .p cyd... . I A ar i.4. l e1 ai : e. 0TWRS. READ TRIO!-ROTA41 WAy.s WI f4IA/714.1K. oroa ak emedy 1, W atme.nl...41mneau -A. 41 lo • w.41•1nor, srl Inennrielr 111.1 1h•I One falveofdeath •Modg .-1,,)-j,,',,Morn Worm. .,,...e. if108804e1.md. 7410 17740 177• ...44.41 777n•110 III• e,rya,4,...ty rtch,r th...hikirH..d, ,y awl undomew,nt 11., eympbon and 1•r,,,_,,he.,it.vral7'...eV&Ma..dveerw•or Woio,:-The 1.l14*•1Aft•enorI .1. eery agn.n.u.••••ploiele and don•....„,,,,,.,.,byth.cins. II.,.,04 808',) by .eatIfre,n41 on,Ine7,08, ndorm,*lee, ..ine.6,10., 7, rjueut moo, stook. 8l7.1 .07'7 ea; pd • 71.' on edema.., 0n9' .7 weep, 41.1nr.haga, tadeio-7,ow alorns, Inobt.ufdre.10.ied• el.lual Ws..f neeof hTleydnr.e14cltoeh. r;il awttini,.m, og(*.m U4.4 nthe a01nie x l l N w y ' . . , m i e r a thorai)to ntre. nois17.r Moia.., a -thee lir neor. itvof•lit.In 0.77.' oallatne-•• at 77?,..) '1177.0 1.1•74.,?. bono."... the •.ene. ao.noviPima,Newealele ar., whitonIke noe oo ..11.1.no l. Id n Oneerch dyOCattle an1 • 1 ..dm,A o. Ht Avid Jam*oga Rodorrville; P. -7...d Eeter„11.. Le knowi_irritthe •42 CANADIADSTROYER t. ,F. huo)e r do1 tii, m . v lSl •a t oe i 1 i o n e • . f . d I . f e . . . . e • . 1 . . . r t gb.Ml4N l 0inn. Itnioib.t.00r.ne,.Jcro. ineuAtA. le1..t na.,t,, usse A Fmnily 214-,,weltWO fvorablvknou., fthepsi len...4.4 iodog n . smi Imneoc. to nye ..amen. eche when 1on..1 ow loewokoven• . ;mg4 ea tmIelid .ire..11.8,1... ✓ eoprl141..4.6, to th• wyolrorya:ar JoIttd Wltoupgides, mod mmak o tI LF.EW1.113144gb.,,,t.-0rn.0 se7 'Ampcol *Ftrt. THE CAY4HAVP.4IN DESTtlaYEA nesweor••••!•Aad le.. .•.• 1,1,,,.?l 1ri , Cars. s, ..akek oo., ....arl...1 1. 7h' 01 tod<anomd,.an, t eur0-. ¶'?', tower cpovisos •. Ind, W.1 Headache. M.o.ilwODD.. 4.71 04,,,n083 Pitio.,.r meotrd togy I' '7,701,, .1.7, ...fe08047101,.,.,) oann.he wmertef eondertnt weenrOin rutin on end, ore !bros.. rottylla. Diptherin as,* IhemIelin.•nilb..7. c41. e.rno........•o<4.41reiaIantosaypetoo -ntoor IMPORTAT SINRUPT SK. REA1 CLOTING ah gooPmim, lomiTur• p .neMbel • -WALL PAPER, taL7071-411114, •*Mpa11 k•Ai. Aaet FV rin13 ed•dbetens lagely&viten theefoe bey eteki. Thy wedetermied the AG.rr..om tw eilrl ie s,1;lNasswa-re,Cordwood,ShiaglSes 1,1,101 tham.17 71.18 ,,..l,1-.,.. the Ielate'. ef 11,,r .1..47.o44 aprivoto ae .7 o.,4,. not mmon. oat NM, atm la Anal...ant to f aeosants 4.he the sr. JYRK for 1100077.17 .7,.,, 147.141111.• O :TENDERS WANTED! TIC EM .111 to. r,..-.1,'.2 lInti I I I lama . Hrods, the Oth .Ity of July, IMO 1.4 110 ikeparing • *la doneranifflf/ along portion. of the Doith Elxin rows amod Toronto Dn.. 744 Yr the 4781)07 .0.1 hiowin • yank. of the Maltlim/ 77a1 from'ttre North e04 thee ...way 4 noble honor, • to the Pine Me of Walant aimed Srd for lho gravel- _ 10g of • portion of 11..mt from the Cambria road 44' 4 Madill04 rod, (83, 0.11,, of Ikon stn.) frool .41....4•17•et ellator aptentity • Iterer.ate tender. rmintont for th• omit •. . hat ,r,....,71a..4 nl.r, ran 70 ha I a roy off< / 111o_1a1_1 11tl1ly4 a • 17. 4.I OF HALL PAPERS, DINING ROOM PAP/I:Re• PARLOUR-MERL lI toer• .rwt•v l,ta,nItw.t l .,,,,, t• ct.t•1.pn •• '; rit.Mrer hs ,8.t • 140.'e b.ithod 147a0 •uyrmal ••t..r.oro....theLinI. 4.-4- A-, ow.. It4trmn•. 11.11., en. tsrl.en. ) d fhoer• ..an. oa". Oywobt*, 77 Ines *My.hereaale.C. !.Omerai Agent or Ca.4 CarnI 14Cale F Joel*, h Hayfiedloot,Nio% Eiren 4. H.()bolo, LmH. km., • :re. sld .11 1241.0. WRY 1 - - BED ROOM PAYER, SITTING ROOM PAPERS OFFICE PAPERS. Il70...111187:PM dav June, Ian •s* NOTICE SEALED TENDERS, urILL he nrceired by the Connty Sur. Ylt veyor on the part of the Municipal Council for the Comity of Huron, UNTIL FRIDAY EVENING, -TIE 9th JULY NEX'r, IriTtrartfrefft- • •.- REGISTRY OFFICE AT GODERICH. Plaiekand specifications may be Nell at H* COnnty Clerk's 0040e ttrflOderich. [Sined.) A. DAT, County Surveyor. County feurriyor's Moo, Clinton, 267.11 June, 11169. FAL. SHOW. w22 -2t South Emu Agricultural Society. loll Ft Rooth ^low Agydraltnal Nociety'• 7.11 800. 1. for IMO, In nanertIon synth the Tochororneth tricultrital nneletyy. bohnd Id the village of Ormiforth TbnaMay, 40. 14* .1.7 of lienteather, • Frbtay tho Orel ny .7 7114,77.-' non Th. Insile department tn he Maned and 1814974 tbe fir. On. 71411.11. with., both the ',rim 110 e074ItI8.. ke attll apnea< ht dm, the. A Mona. Rate% aid • ( ping Match, will M. romp lay the. year, In /1101000. 11.. with 70. 8.0,74 Fianna graoltnnal IMetety. of witlelt 'intim will ta. nvon of tint *04 77)00 a. not ...Mo If mon of thr own. of Dalkon. r•••1141 1.1116 Month 11•11111 of Heron *hie *mason 0111 contr.. p.a. {awards gloat& peloo for fools et the fall show, 7.4 b• 0,1 11 19.77.077 9, .11011411 Joht,stotn, manor tof 00 77" ..r, 07•18 t37 •1711116 040.18 08.1044 1. 0011' yytto8711 riotot fhe money and Melt name to yht sa.l•reldnegt 0. anon 34 77.884111., 01 (11.7 11 way ap rim la the prlog list. 1100 Dot', II MA.a , PlIlla (info P 0. 110• lath, IWO *Odd STRAYED HORSE: CI77771,71 tle season r• of tho a. tont,* r, "meth aw....1.7 Wyn., 7* 4. DM Inv lath • 9.00 70,0.. 4 men Ma • 8787 1,17 hIst tongloo4. iths eve ,r la twomind berme ordortv, toy • Any. ..411r; 11.10 •087 JOHN llr R Ren,. 1•17 1111ZUSIWS '11101.. • -• Is A. •••••••,+ .7/mom 71114i of 7•••••••th an imedreW Tes tio 10,0140.1 4411 .. that 0* to• r. 41 ornroal 7711). .77 .0. .04.4.04 ooto Or Mo. Art, In nol 1117. nn4ma7ineel A 0.460 . nwl•lrol to rionleh nog ten months on 41. dab. WO. (040 8101.0*. t000lfelog th• eanortly 0., 7714 If my ma (h)wane 89 1* awt If on. *tat eat M. aka* at howl on.1.1 nth with th. Anon 11•104 • ga ”, .11 tr tick oa th. Co...Dor 1Iorn 4400 9747, !OHS .I Man. • 00110.00987 41.4,11. ewidarblefeepe New Oak Papers, b.getlier with lar,:e aar.rttnelit WINDOW SHADES PLAIN& FIIII.RED, AT MOORHOUSE'S. w • WINTEMN EXCHANGE, NOW. A of ail woollPensd. ia.n T• w eed. s a t ; o• x trest Posible Rates gi and give their esmeers the benefit of the barans thry bawl made. Y nonliGie.lae MAN DISOLUTIN Of PARTNERSHIP. HE Parterhipr. 0.M -t77 h.••lieT Utiderni•lrl • 1 ;'.'4`" '''`" . "''''ht..4"*.....4 000 ..7 1,& Ruth oat, hm Mon /1411'• bW 7 111/1014/'"""" An(no., 1701,1001 '-'‚.0.7)4 ,.' ,".‘6f,(h. 7 R.,,;; JUST OPENED r 107 Ctrpr ard.iosLy9cts Toweling, from 7707 yee yard nemids. `ti.;;9.11'0fi...fts, lieu Prints, 6 rts Dress Goods, 8 els 714to be hoped the public will s•eil Mittetelves of this itionnation and findpheir may to the Empties to /archaise their sup - Pa& • Andrea. Derrepli, Jr. - Prereter. .-.,1.1•1•4,-..4•••rsseemeNteAneer., 1 aeeommrwl ion. The table is supplied with all the delacies of the season ; and the bar with the beet breads.of liquors and Cigars. NOTICE. • e-•-•` 'I'HEunderaigned will nay the Highest rash prirr for any quantity of new HEMLOCK HARK delivered at their Dck. - at the wharf. JOHN. V. DICTLGR, & BON. w21- tf. AUCTION SALE, OF HOUSEHOLD FURNNURL mutes nr nwrn. G. if. TRZMAN, //an mhndInsiea. fr Ys TLl,.40•• . (170 r.Ri ORASI /HO JUL, en Tuesday, the 6th Day ofJoly, 1869, commencing at 11 o'cloek a. m , th• nrolignmorloned property, ia • warm oef head: good *.114177(healthy eonallana, shoat 2. moue) lam. • Imlaterl• vanl.m. kind.. 1 stmfehen 1 tenth table, novIrl• top , I work Mead, %Ping leaf MIA Mania , 01 bgnot nok, lalf 4e. mu »mei R 00 liters. 1 halr emend mfa, I impentor kale mato& melting rhea 1 bier Ono enresond 1 01Iwo ohnent, book nor, , se., bele 101 nf Make, I anponse T orate. 1. AN() 7.7 42 II 11111111Tea 1.4.4.. kallo l'antren. I *11114 40.17. I nilerneenpo. 1 navehm44. vitae frame. I blank *atm.( dining tahl., 118:7.. M.% int MM. mh., • Man pork net *lib eana I MVP elekaaMitankarliameeMalre. 17747,, half ans, lately. dial., I henna I Mhy • rar11 aye, looking gluon 1 cloth. kn. 1 ten Mow, DM Mo.. I *won.. wohing key efeninlity .7Mare ffts. ALPO I MOW t MHO*. I en. 104 .1.7,. roelt7 a4 warble noon. nolo token a (00 ems tho 1.1. Yr Trioneme, odth minty othew ante.. 11 SPECIAL ATTENTION 4. called to their I 1, 0 IR1 i\T lad ready ma• doilnet J. DETLOR & CO. TERWil OF SALE CASH eir lt 0 - twee* wed "min 9. nth ot to let, 7.0I78$I I* roma an4 .o4 nitr win. TIT II Il•miltoot 411•4*0414 01111 83 1 • liwymaim e•no.....111111610111110 091,7070 , e a l t e o i r at i e r . . .soto.*o .-0.01l1thatly lt " 401464•4. 00441 a..a day•uuly 11 AN.660 , .ob.th.•e:",. oaa=4srsl l,aa,"rrzol:di -eI .1 U-" ttg.foM b . ot: im - . 7 4 n e a• eirr, DT • ,7ma1rr • r ! , p , " M. ia..• , „ . .. .o. . .. 'hiosf1h., a :rem.o•,o•,.in.•eut,etl"h.D-w..,c..Lx.•1a,d,l,• l.1,1•..e.,6m...hs .;aat.".,.s-e,•-."lie.a...ls.f.a,.,1e.=-.....p,4-,Pdd..ta.,'.o „.,.,a'.l.-.r,h2..,i ,l.i.?..1.,iR7m.lr;o't, ...s,,....e.e"10e!..mSi.lt.be:!6.e%..a..ae-0..ft.t 1 'et_.r^.0.t-.sile.j.d. a.7'1t"a*Mewth.hd.i1t,• ..„ta4ae.aea.,.,"S.n,.o,ld6.m4e.-u,ln.nawt.oiI., ..=Mie`l..r.. 4.ei_,0 e.7a6 mbl"3teoz 1i'o..14 s•drm1l,.r.u.Ri1 . . '3me4y 6 ,o..mm"a.m0M. . o..._;.S.. ee Ya- a4.. r2.. ..o. b.. .--:1:.te:;:ntt,...::,,e77,:1.,.;--47:-:-:0Thi,:,„i.1..7:„„:..l.::..,1"1:1":74":1:be01:::LCODS311illg *Bioce7 th807.4 b'4.184.177•_ aa:n1•1f 1.04.,,,.7:4.,cl" .-""4"6tT 1. 6m:f1.mo,a,.,itaytnab,Wsik14 sal 0/• ,wd•to..b.N.tenaelith.1the8mtInnum iwelol 091,8. ',:1O°°•oto dn. DODy„ • • mbr•n iauoo• neoet...o.„.1rls• toe..u• h • s• * t B n n a e n a u b . • •• a 74 snw 1eury rm.. Of• & L I M I R I M t.ma.e r,.rrhee Ayer's Sarsa 7 MIS M11T11. G ta sBka, =mvMLL 1I,rh,bt.• euo"ier",lmi„thL.uo" bIi,1iko,,'. t.ol•rAe..Z4s, "2ie" etr•y .,i da %r,k.t.pib,t..oe..tallee::l,t.a , r:sl im"yMfg.„..,"4. aaidt:4eaaefNr nnoM..,..o•odis"o..7too roe =*sgss o .._r.re.h0,r,i.of od „mors. t.ope"fe imE,"n..u. ‘eya. ercMkA7"pi eNr.e.r.tbotur..marelk be" ."ele.vMi.r1ointyat“0to•m.4.a.i.a.eedtd:.,-=a r,L.0 .0ortn°rSmt: onOfbAee;%oe,r.oO1."et °o:hrrizrl o2e.dy, I.o:oi,m•.a.•..nosO6e 1 =.vi.,- •l.tfr :n•.b.t. rthsy.nAe. o tfoo..,,ern eesa ",.a.r7„.ru A.a,o,,: Me.fi s r' ,ag=.„ ae4n.rao.slvel.r'-vr.004hesanpldst4e r.a:,•P.eyame:ehioaf f 4,nv•7nr,"m ra.l tIiZi.o. i;lli0a cy l.oda.s: n .dRJ7"om... .nl.fs..fi.:we1l .ra.aI"ta 4hto: ra ".i.d.1.ron rli etl4gI It'j.td .rke44rbs„..n.mt„"._ ahI 4i".7...lrw,..oei zroe_,e,.kiit..i414l.iili.ih.ra000P..cia* L".„dwo..m.. r.a, '.stafElt..4.e4 ib.)e..".e.hnNr,zt.•l.lrP•1;ooat,r.e1.o..00, e..o:'..•"ad,s. p.s.r.tlw"so_...°ury t.-•.,4;.i4ir_...0..."he_"".ten.IeaBei4".-iti.t7sr Nsio.-,ti.o.a,.-" ti:n-et4e."i.,rr6 dnha;,.d=.1eeeMa1e.41e,lb7eal.::i•-.'d -"k,Yi..Isl-e1:.ae_..^al.syhm.st•:",7.t.,.h.e;fa....eo,t.eo6 .b.„ .,::i,, ...-.lt, .lo"6._t...•eth"a,a.g ,...a.c!."....e1rD ."..t./.fe.ia„•..P.faP.t.ke..;....4r1.,'.,-."..•l..,t.t.617.i„,..„.vAR..-.lNtm.ale._hr',•46.,.,o.'' - „b...hb _p,e ..•ia...Ah-s,eadn.hz.„u_.."'.7ee..e.-..,7 • lb.i",4me_2...l .i11wl.o..an"..d*'0reh:Ws...t,'e'..a.._._r,.t7..o'..d4'S▪ s"s.ri ...P1 ,rh"na.l.f-‘.ar.. o'hHb..aoe.rn1rb7.e.eaec1 y,aw.8oebard.a"OA,s"l..Merl.nwls.db..e".n:edtaN° .r-uerd,.ttkeO.eMee"erotd I.i tbn."eo-.•.ia.11reanso.f,.rl .las.wikS-.a,inrinoeeatl-rk•"lPel- .esea.aitteyfrE.w.ola."uO•a:areso..oeel.i4P.e. iulo'r.:-w n..rdornnru.ealC.r..e'4WL0erAitmf.."sn,.,,:n.e,.r".roter.e7-.'A..s,e. bwaa,.edffW-lk'.r,A r*ict„ .,e41.-ys1enfiriilO:rI.1, ..ba"y1. b.a4, k1tv6"1r.eml.pcei.uel.er:..t.""rm.ttr..kib^ 4;'bm..bfr.u.hne,.nz4r..i.,le..i.Y,1oe"1..eeln....l.. r,r1ht0..r, fe.7awea n.in.•e.'..71..na.i.,n=t.dnc4.01t lM..'e_ aa.om..tM.md.dr etp.e...e...y.ha.v"n hrhrrk"IAWeii;.1eis„sIol,l. p"•i.a.. o0 AYeetCherry PeetorL4...ii, D... 07 14* .ybl.wad. C.7774087.077011783,..1...savrdh •.d: :• "'"*":" hr""' ' :.:21tor..th.vafou ,p.tii,u8377483 07 ie::..r..:azoi4:i-.7:::a"r41::'.r=agt"t"p...0,:esu:"s7e2lpoir•arael esa 1o?. *774783)0., U7••,,,j So c:Iaw '7.707)r::":tebidefo.1,ek.a.Ma."e:,,.yeehe71.:,°.:aesthrtalIn t:lattetales1,..01,wsta,..dp:shei...dtth....n fomd a he fir, or tmW..)aoed drip..y :orsat.sk.b.We. 0._77•7744elieVal17.7..tatur2..uL:::4.:2_''I""0.4cte"a;n"hofolfoltair. lalaer eod balog IROral10e a;.'trd of .ra.dim.. Li.Ayer's Ague Cure, . deoe. 1. 0..•41n.....et Mgt., 7700.40. ve27"w.e"."..trIg000rooan now. plid gnalanaestdm and e., weEz.y6.n..W..Itia1Thenose by secumnianms of elonate.. er..ze.• .r71. oh. blood, fe4d xanili t 11 . aso Eh. i .: bloti.T1./4/1114 fIL1.d•.vertr:=.7al '.'.,0l h) zlr.11y falkt ..12bp:7; w --77. 1...:....7,r he rstve.Pw u0.:.NI:fpowesperal.111044..4,,a1.18. romplanta, itisan ...1.wnpondeinwan tenly ro e......0.707,,,. hda.I. •b1 ' & 10.Prcica8.4 AialCamas, LoWeil, 04...., ..d nlairlmo PEAL ilia ZS sOrrif. Om J. C. AMES dk C00., Leermti. /len, lerfaselear aid Asseartioal Chroart • . SOLD BY ALL V0731711,1 avicrewwwwm nh g7sreerJ w.iNlpmieaeo ar ftra• itl.•Nse-tedrteo4i .or °1 i" aa triEh1 4e 27 2-2 A nWT 1 a.A1g&M11M t.i . i1 i "4i t i a m 74 atu .4 etkg 0080. t. S T W A R B w7R.a44e tO s . J. sommatemailme A A 1„ SELLING GOODS! 0 9ST 19R 30 DAY . • 1 4 stt sete 4l.I A 1 & 1 ° t t• W l 74' e1•111_rM1s11ir_4) r41Wa r e• pn1a ai e.-mr re re_4 l3r MyE _.i, e.1niCt- • e.. •a.u 0 a C_Soeh_" r., 4plor f A e g uri alibI., ..b.ae/teeter 11 flakmta the ?.07700.b7,..bip nwWrd Y•llaiirniId who ofanhMainburl., n.•0009,_,. / Liv 743783 41161 11. 40.4.• . th, wag• Mm bp•m., KitwrdHa.. •o-birod rd mtmtnems X 107.7. • re J DARTEARCJ1141J..ia t01.• 4 . 4 u r i. Fw.t,I r t .O,A.1tl.i 11 ko1 tird• , t4 r i iS•at ARLOR GiPIANO 1NI TUltO HV', AWendell of LoVi' larm.., o VU 0883811,.l a0116..h. oproreeatr, oll onMogwe'wtw..vymet 0.). Fn, STANDINODi TUNE, t "_• ..a •11- 1t1 1 1 ..t - -n'. 4 4aAp1 • dNumPORSA"' m amt...11 4414, , • • , NOTICE. LITOCIISHINXISMO th• 0..1•14.1. Mad eon.. 4 41 ball Company take r itio• that x eal• ham 14, tta thrector• Me nay 04 Atock .• Ike romped.) payable m follow. he) am per emt i-1.. fro., ins dalk. 4.8 . ...I May Itt 109 old (1a) ten 7.7 9.'.) 70,able ok or Woo In TN of wns*, Matt ity *bar a the Dowd. 11. ION 00 71 tAr H. J. BEIGS' ILLEV/T011. The great Catarrh, Headache, Neuralgia, and Universal Pain Remedy, is War. pdea_ani_ known -die- oovery, for 1!.. inntentanemat relivf and rapid cure of any conceivable form of pan, A ro-Whit-t-AipaerbOlutte s vide, AT THE NEW DOMINION CASH STORE. Bia0k lastrs & Alpacas I.5e- , AT rm.: fiEsV DWIINION CASH srintE. Calored Lnstres in all the new shades, A 1 HE NEW DOMINION CASH STORE. White Ticked Skirts. Third lot int receivei, AT THE NE.Y DOMINION CASH STORE. Full value Given in Goods for Royal Canadian Bills I...1.011. re33iThatiTrizr. hal im, tk . RD RUTHERFORD. tAenkneh. Hon 71 !di $4. 7.1010MIRIMIle• STOLEN 1 STRAY 1.311(l11 the g.' -o: ,' well 14.770,.W (Iv Fart 01'111114-Iby 8 hare) • large kin ono with • alight white tho hon.. .1.47. 1,4 hook alightlr remlo- tad eta *Mot and drry at the, end, al• • 18087tronted 7.771 .1)7, large win Wrap A, -,0•17107informatlo. leat Wie .787744 las ...warded MRS A MI tit,vir-- :Cartier Mtn. ObelerIch, nodArich Jo.124 r 21 St ]Elts P /1. f. 7731.1.1 17 Kers. 1,111.4 4711117. Brog•• ailwoosur ann04 87 he 74,04 wool mond, rrtwee Mr. Ache, 11 • .ielt .eamehe to • Maipoolakil ^Mem ,deold *au ..Ion (wr saral'oms, mama fem. the 'mt.. the ))ead+ ohtlie Aliment, and e""poWlor L.r."6""Intrn.,Pti°"'Ipii.laboaa7/1.er.tyl"'n:%.114: 4. • /Mona gal the Alleraon 1.107011 ea0•1411,ap the 0011114 1111111 (1111114 1441 0114 whe 1 le 4 ...Ake. n( the 11.1.1•••1 in74r. anti ••••••orilely ••• an -teak ewe tameiii, (thy Threl. t'otilt. &ohms, mot all 010. .16 ••lI Coot•••••••••• 00 7.•0.6.1•1, mit,. writ .he Allomatoor 4few arphrotonao o f 4,18.0. im11 Core. the NON ••7114 8•404•10., the won't foam ofloni r• The them, oh.. owe ano marred pi relievral al nom by parents 14 eh Mho led A ikentier. end ening • are.* or owe loom rote, 040. 00.4. •ieseld., of hells, noted on • bowl bon ,, an Atka( IA. qr..' atter.... ann. W tore or era). 11 in. I TheriAllorth oval / :il'"1""74"."0." 1,1 ".:11,:""f"."*"14 17.661. 101:10 7407 •••S171. Ap7. EKED. 4Itif.2a h• 7.r•p•101..• 141• rre11.61.: ander.* 770 0,088. Mae - oto PLASM STATE R03FL1 711114 no4•••14.4 04. bon DP... Amen • roth, 83834 Lay MI ..mpsrel8.. kletsish 11.6.1.... 041, (000 00.4771 •411114 roof a t M tor Nunn . i a . 'Fur ituollag it Is Highly Re ry both Dodder. .04 83-0.041. In its4070).04. ROW. 4. tr. It AM./cell, bro proof aml aad We. tug 4.1 oet nyila ••• ,...1 yriee. rem . l _ , l &MAI LL & CROOK, Aro/lace* !O (7. 04.7. nth Pkg. IOW DERTIVEk er urre.r.1 ngs' 11'enetm. re ss. 1ea, o • *r 01 . erRit 1. 04 r)) rorer. Crd•r070.7.,,dwellin, Mmam•. /oon...II en.44.'...,. Apii.0 fr.ely 101114in dram., mar. 1e17e834.011 lart.,•.and ...fly reran.the run ,•healthy esMin.., la pelerReey for ChiltaimCold hr... Iehbwnd,g ofIrrim • 1/0•016 nolinn6 me Wan,cower o 1.66 nn elththe .....t -Sere W Kyr. w. -td , teh. mmedaly raiderat. Aro he ?i.11dmmr, re. emefal 044 ton.. th• ife...o.17rverbe 1.41, Ar.err ••••• .011027' a tesokil oe venlyoit 7.710*.?.. ano Nomehem, 11,e renetr nlirom anye .47o0. • MioOne Iem••;06•4 wth aleventer.PARKER & CATTLE, J. .1. T1,lng1kr G14EO R G'rE MriBtA LtL, 1j• r i6oRU a LI. onla tie . 6&4 .. I s110 •••••rWlir4 0 1 1:7)7.740 '..400o.,.,.,..70, .1r.. ..r.y0, TlJ11TML"ar70.711107 7Ja laYU II MITI Ooderi. 1. Ag•lk100 .1 1 it N A tii t 'Weed PeE,d1 rrismkorr 20 TEMOF SKIN, SluRT1 S & MidilsgW048('• TRRI WILL DRUCCISTS, SP14CT1,1:1.1,1- CALL THE ATTENTION OF ..". their numerous customers to TIIII/FUNE oF WO 01.7 A. 7C-ul:f 316.1:k, Cloth FulindDritsseA ,• COLBORNE ICH FACTORY, hatter lanes es lb. fl'ee_.1•1__ ino font Woo. e17.74.4 •od 141 _ l/•••104 on the • Masa, balm WIN Mem the e▪ anw ilay •.• ••• Imm 05 Sem working ord., 1.7%048*.00, Err' when Metals/AM with 11077 llatInett, rimed. am .".40 la Mo. whidlo we _l Artieular attr,,too Lyon Mock oteloth. .000,, et. 0 d :11,r;V7;144": r;cenI•• .4., 7" 7.yr.0374l0 ,d pasha at cotton that • . pill & Brothers. May IX Ibio 017-04 •ri SELF-RAICEAPER Little Giant Thid SePanter• (Poe Menne** ow. 0g10107o784 osea,., thollar Mani. flf t1... • 878 Wand, a. Komi '.00the alon. Ithiong *d ....am by saisch"61 ......amartedJaaioS4S• 0.8004 h.ewtahly tow lid oft, b- -o-ysy, yoyys rdatir Perthmery, Combs, Brushes, &o. MARKET SQUARE, Gederich, June 21st, 1862. 1 -2m HARDWARE! HARDWARE TO FARMERS AND BUILDERS, AND P han The subscriber. have now on warAlyt •2 A Large and Well Selected duia, WAga*" AT PRICEWIIICHCANNOTHER RAT AEU. tock • , s Twtser• In 1.f. peKe59.45 Kat(hog sh) Prnint Oil prxellet.90 Bare Door Hives andether flo- we se b"'a llbeaua i1sibrs' alai 04saceleirs(ure per • I"s.Rh"837....,.mre Frey andamGoeto*sureoI..., p77 oficalneed ooroatonorlt1 teterm', Mee.. sel bolo.P.., n MemwurigV reoy or, «newhoNul •l•.ion u••IItmion dot tho.07.'. 4800"?. er. FYC OMPK " l• otos ... mint sod rem reliable lir ...kg . In ea. on.... •• ther.,••••tir 41144 erCoug h. C.'. 7-04.... Ilemachint., 111n•Pmene.a. 1116m.9*if (}11111, t....e. a.... Mow Amt... IA de ha, 1. Wng1", r..sow *mneP1001ri)eotr .71•tang, •••NHdbo.....henal, Logsend 11.0. Meltading 14,1 ••... v. .1 .100..e. C......r.o,,, .4114.4.8.4; tor.4 tit IlIlnera. . 1.4nary Oen.. and all sr soro 094S4$* 44 Lew 070.48., 18. karma. lolkoomaion :km twill, •oonnw Mewe, thigold 7,.'., tke p.m... a of even Ihnoly . •• • tow 0 om Mit, in re. t.1 • rereoll col& 0111767.4 immediate <lief while ense• of aim mend., and n1 nwentl, onewoole charomer, resd/J. no. . to .....1..pi eemihen• aid amasser ropontho. to 11.11•1. moil en.. whoa loon warthro of enwilloaddloake On unfispeneekh rter.muly 4 every he...hold. Tim 11.1...ine. of Wild Rerrireen tr. sive. .n ... ewe of Mae nen.. Dora., n4 'M. Throe% 74117.3 77,4 114.0., '.tort. ale.) A 01 on ever ~nu el...... pentad lai *Vaal. r or • leas Mme, me melt Won, 47,7 )83. 'wow 0.nerng, healing and eve. Mose Mamma la .'.1,..,I,.,,lar ..e4..s.a...erteeete: Ft menailoned with other ng ieotliolila Of ••••1 val•• 1111• siren.. Irak. recently, Mat 1e77774e M tam. Croreonfol1•11 Mr been enooldereel an hollien1-• hem.4 the movb flIf medicine, we Ma• awing 701. NM • * •• era Ail)). ....sge•••111 017004•••77Dumb. N... lo ne dater. Itiano the ooloontlic worn. owl/ sold rum many Melospolehed phyrease. her. ..0.n.- ,714 D. t .4.011....aing. 61 701,4. few there ent ••••••••••• to cottlrimen Min upeakin. Prom &I. Dr. J. Briggs' Unrivalled Pile Remedy m*d, s . g 4 ben nervd en no donns, ont Moran 83.0711.04 rel7 bebe th° nog hones •ohoein 71.4 noblaocoteoe who s eagam • 11• e44••1 day, ..ehice Innoa redy We ay e h. rer r.•er001414ofrle RenmOy , 04I04707'.17*0.80/1. The rbe r lomedeo a eonrem vaned 18.11 DrJ. Briggs' Mery Cantive. ie. ,O.171l 1 nR em. . dn., Noro&wlnosonn ea. 1•4 ewely 4..Downtrod h111e knwdh.elef tad ani r. t (trr, Reses, 7.1.417 oh Irwn P.m. a...MI 774 nhin Eran elsCrs, amen, 84l. ,,d PorR.ora Pon Id., Se 80.=.*','0.b*.ebeaeaaa.inroer= O.Pon rnst, SofiTak 30004 04...'. Rme, 83118.. 47.1 14., NeyP.m, ro WrnAm pae Poeeovha a, Wedr ...etoeae•••••••s• O 1..070783847410.W 0.$.. .14 pre 1,1111 nTb• Cna.., Mn Oa Pao I .J•awse" 0.".v1..4,=,,mI,WtI .,i.o.h •t••1t•ior7r4.n,1ek •ir. • ....m t . .. : Z sereeawadreae..4s eI08WheLeeIper rer44.01 :2n 41840087. 11.11. •1,••. •00001 ft 8 00i0..(71109 A9 71 4)prbase1.50 pi", pefb7•Jul, m.md, Vr r2.t a••m:tbar•08aomaohaeh.1"id.. sruu:•tAtt mdaantrt oInne Itnh•thOe DPDt"wra1a.n1l1.e. 4 el•"ift119"2n1= .lelnTCEP' ry dAPRIA W. sumriover. the• a rceira least Water. DR nobithea .101111Pli l*K.218.1101.1Reit* ' • -..111141119.;.e • vs" ION vistiber mi mac market &par., Goitrich. Sin or the Luse Padlock, LITMUS AND CIEDAR )POSTII. (Ai t It DIN It & V (0.0904.47718,9.0704 (4. IrtideArig; lees thi. 141 4. "1" tart% -t-IMO.D9Saniescr_r. e ar....*-mastiessesessinsoselleraz.- • s o lot • . alamelist, ear ILK , owe marl shs Wesel let et .-.1killoretneeteter.MilmorletermenE. norream..--- ii -1111111, Vartioisieneral 11111.111, Vag mbreritme Aar or WATF.R WHEEL PAT whie1 b044 the eret prim at tee 70m708 1174*8311, ts 0184)4. toned sad itotraaterl <m tomer whems, is. we. win li••• • Om ro *to .4 istiel "11."."4,... r4 .,/ ii*:klat"40.11,°;:ilhaareel"". 8370.80.04 004 int 11000'S FOIST PRIZE $E 21717211Diry Una.. TV • yew. 111•1. .00740* Kay 7, teas. GOD]] RI TO pen BOUM We....1k. Del 1114, I ea. 404.11111.111. tip 1.1•4 .1Y.4 .00