HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1869-7-6, Page 1411.itenyi Will Liz remember the exposure made columns some. time ago, by Mr. McGann Principal of the deaf and dumb Institute. I ,14161l &C °lace n O. lat. rstoallOKIINO. M. p. 1,le,a.sretsor ertmgaggratei 171:4 •41. NCR- 1.eitit..herr, Yhmatelet, C. Yr. nbrulley 715 1467. ware W. T. COI, Editor and Proprietor... Do lusur 00,0 C.01110111, al 411..1.0 T - end Readems Pia sr es. David's OOK /PA prinert•. BARNIaltlt AND tYYORSISTAT.Tote art s.r•Ane..foy Chewers. Owner Croton nailer. Ooderkl. Canada Wow. tare le roar, Howie. 13 i oft, Pro •Itria stmt. flo WW1 AW AND ,11iN,'I'ttY 1911,71r,,vram, cog. Cle4orl.ti. 100 fr HE sulamr;ber having REMOVED to the & store lately ..oeupied by, WM. DUNCAN, firSt door south of Bingham a Market Square, wishes t inn his friends in the Tow ( GOderich and siornonding errantry/ that he now has the largett m14 time COMPIllat AtioCk of Fall Boots and Shoes • 'gamy bowie in OKI country,containing every Istyle of [oldies' and Children's goods, wild that he IMP a •ery tares amortinent of allad• losootougy. WINTER BOOTS Week, We. aim. enrrance 60014 NSW Of . °warn 1090 64lei both IniPO4 hod. and of bh Home. °Oh manufacture, which he will sell ant lle•. on the notth tele NW.. kite., 11..1 Itsasse A. Tome. new,. seurueri- Cheap for Cash Oolerich, Sept. 24, 18C7. • " The Great elt114140 Goad to tha Gra add PoseIble Number." ietwo Peke no•• he commenced hop -ogres n ladies rich, not Wins -star eleeule over ionwb• 0 livottler•hrouget to Wm 1.414•410011 Ati•Vins dlOW 4,4•11,04146,41414,41,t0 (dairying on Business Exlensilfe Anti •• D. fa. nelievestissesperienve se C01101 . • urine] pally ti rat-claseuelouters, a.. WWI 08 1.6100• CLOTHING CAN BE KADE °Wench. October 3rd. HID. awl? Oldest Establishment in Town. SLRGEON DENTIST RUGS, DRUGS ! CLOTHINC CLOTHING! ;111314E otthanzitia /laving etiainiani wily POO Wi0160. 11600k his rong, said 114110 lu &We 4•46 AIN 144 ell4o1 4,11 ha 601060 le mem mtge... of OM 'Wat+313.e. Clocks and denary, *Ida Will paamintlefseihoi lo an Own kr. ow.. work as Leen Moe to tayselLymatusera pe Mayas it well esecined. Welch.. Cloaks an , always.. bend lbeieria Oct lea Ile morfa meet lafurna Woo Inhabitant. ali lithe ti posty, es loco Lt id µOa) C11.4.1*0../ColiftOpFla TY k /116 Cent • Dr May. Malaga ask aver zit- STEAMIER - 401 READY -M ADE CLOTIIING his character by Mr. McGann- that •t special benefit's miracle was wrought, appearing in • new role of villany, ad honored Stratford with hie presence, 60 itie time about the beginning of the year, and doubtless, that the lady in gyration p144.4 town ter making the objert of his attentions an offer of marriage, which eitlininated in his 1.eing shown the dart. The twat we of hint U .1.4 at Raced. Waite Ito played prominent part at the so-csliod revival menage Here the hypos:140c: estoomehyd-. becanic the guest al ths respected pasta' of him was, at.' Mitchell, by where was treated wadi litifreateet courtesy lora attention. Ofkiejapleite *hawker* led of the Hamilton Times of the 24th fool 1 -Letters and telegrams from Kincardine have been received here, making about Joseph Stearn a converted jew wneWiav"ted teinitojathirti preashor al the rostra! suretiiip outg. the peat winter. Rehm been dodging revisal eaTielaa hearten,' thereon, sh kincardine, but on Tuesday Ill ••• Es disappeared from Or latter place, tan The girl's parents. followed them ty Goderich, and fount that they bad atop pod all night at the Maitland House as man and wife.' Stearn is of .medigiat whiskers, faceted ad blotched.* if t1 hml heels froassi. cad marked Jewish features. He speaks a number of languages, is well versed in Scripture, and has lately been quite sucessful as revival preacher When he left-Kincardine he said that her wa taking the girl to Galt, as • servant in the higuarhold of the ftcv..Mr. Smith. but ., 9 corded by Ha Globs : • -"They Wt Gallet• 11 A, _8_ " and arrived ta Tamotsu last Thunder the po sh, as • stated, proceeding to tho • to attend to some business there, which to sold detain h im till Illimardav Mondsv, Then it waa atum that the con temptable oroundrel had decamped, lea. to, hut poor victim in • sato bordering en despair. The facts came to the can a Cart Prises, who humanely removed the broken -hearted creef ure from the hotel, and placed her in the hands of Sergeant oho kindly book tier to his own hons• w hore she now ie., till her friends ars coui• municated with The nnfortianate dupe of the scoundrel's Tiffany hat* aince beets ✓ eetored to her base* hearted parents. ROOM PAPERS 'SIM SPR ,'? we MIPAPERS. xv- 10 la -run flaLati011 aril 01111 01%14 refo.l. 1..11101 foie, in It event tweeted et Port Elgin, Southampton, wind and weather I arrivir flid 014 in tics* to coneect with Ina Mill •nit Sash ritelory orraret, And 0. - It, 4, iYialir• Mem - "410 leaded by homild Caregnois, 01.0 nolo prepered valuta.. n. limn. *a A. • . Sash, Doors, Blinds, sad sit krises et • MARTIN AMANN,,,,' 1 rime Merest Ibis of Ners i or HAIN, Parlors, hieing KOOMS Coned Trwrk Tr :is oven rale., ALL KINDS 0V FURNITURE. aad P:a wing Rooms, • jirt".1"" for all tu oft R Heron Homo. tioderoa. hive him • salt. ALL NEW PATTERNS, - . J. V. DETLOR & flON: At his shop .ess Kingston Pinot, sppliiini ▪ •1i peons east. *aa a ALM ig ?arm Tor Sale. The BPst-and Cheapest ' mom ewe • aria DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST Nall Tv runtinu reline. 041.4, 004.05/1 00•01W4WW. Oolere from Mc WW1 men lin netually ;tutted oid tow latent Trade•Poces ttoderielt. Jan. 10, I•va. ._ UNDER COATS, PANTS, V EST, COLLARS& TIES. CR)O-D VALET IN SHIRTS. *tar DRAWEItH 01.,thlyy male order In the kno0t faalonsble sole so ilte.11,1 kcat to Merino a !mai-twice PI ENCHANT TAI Rom. Iii -c -GAT, 'for Sala by Nedeneh Jan .11.11a, ItilltS AT TIIE OLD STAND...) CABINET FURNISHINS ' 1,4. 'Yt We...swan. ' may tarot thee With • rill. n,,,,,,,R. mthimay. ontioTon, k.., 40. , sr. It. -A titers din magi lir the trade. MONEY, TO I,END. . . i 20,000 tett of Dry inch and a quarter - , Flooring on band. , 11 Nielf1 11 ItYittbIlare AMP Ile_rilY5".• 11.4110 JAR BUCHANAN, sr a D. SUTHERLAND, C031. Lumber, Shiugles, arz., 51011 06,1 .660.006 etreet in oat .4 the yard THE undomigned begs to return thanks the public fur the liberal patronage , heretoto.e extended 4., him. He is still pre., .1 pared to make, oo tho aborted Amities, any quantity of W iRK. and at lowest Cash Prim. It t. net opicd • *lea ostaiul 7 MM. Mous t, Is art lam C1110a. the oar.. la atom. to Me. „ forwma ani Ow tonna D▪ er Yen, inter... am memos parttrie.• t• FIRST ELAM BOOTS AND SHOES. and Provisions Otte door areascirc.f tot :gras;‘,"., Flour and Feed I Galva's. Aug. Seth, 1864. kept eneytantI7 166111.1 gift NET- -MAKER 0-3 .13 FURNITURE in the County, ea every vis.iery. Car- not fail to cow gard lo Stela Y. Price. Mary eree-ie & !IA Y. Toronto rot. hinv.h •..01'.1 afro or in the, /Carron:um in Tor, full v received 4.,d ly intended tn. Wines and Litio.trq, reekoll end Clannytare.Faury &c., Oatmeal, Pernmegki, cal Flop • B. -Ha share rompletc nommen! f 001.'F'11Ye• lies Yard. • et.. noderielt. Bev. 3. vri ilamater, he Jsoury 1401 leap( UOJIlft wee mop ota wale Jroalrad Sara WO • Ma Web You, June 30.-T lie ospeorest EN, hew rap/titian. was brnaght to Erboklyn Nary Yard this p. en et I o'clock. the I'rg•siderit In Mania to welfare, and the President had ordered by telegraph s iry examination of all the farts. At half Barlow pmeevied to the Navy Yard in porsuanee of the orders of the President. 131.A.rss of Roiling% hewn opts itustrECIPP-1111. ONT. 711.1-Weeinewpiestio of Ms lain Yr, tie low onioonl his De Ms Um 1.11 be hount awl All Kinds of Job Work will he Done *DAMN Is, Path Mareb. lea -AND UNDERTAKERS, Hamilton St„ Goderich, WEEP crocitaatly on hand for sale al: &ai- l% elite in their line, itudi as ,Retintoads, Chairs, Tables, file All kinds of wood -turn int .1',.•• spa • !fool posts, ',Mir bannisters. neckyokts, RC. 11114 Mil los COAL -OIL LAMPS P. A.--Ciada will be delivered is env part co the town. G ode rich. Feb. 2nd. .. Irma If 11,11J WANT GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS E L. JOHNSON, If you :want g-oo-115;.-ire lain Pictures, tihiq aiin 11.1 411 Pwl 1860.1. REIRt GRIST. 1868.3 Cut -at -two. Cletano,dia, /60 4'01,;toorn 1100441/474014 P1,014 00 10111011104 .(11101.F.1, Duroalot.11. • THE LANCASHIRE rum AND 'LITT CAPITAL, .12,110,000 STERLING. rTntla Cowper, 'ea reellty Mot in the *tuft 1 Money Catania *the Roe 01. SOUP'. II ORYt CS N 311 -3ar AT lilt( 311'T I.F.11 CilktNa• LENT oN MORTGAGE. Apply it Chancery ant 1,..w 05,e, Crshb's tdOek, G 'clench. Moab fhb 117• sw6 hd - Recurs the Shadow ore the subdues, fades. 4.1 , CAMPBELL haring lately purchased 41••• an instrument which enableo' h.n. to make the lorgest photogi antis made in Gode• nob VERY CHEAP. in the Dominion, but ea good as any made in Goder;ch. Also the New Cabinet Picture. whit+ is titre, times as large as the forte de r Saito., for 52.50 nor dozen. In returning thanks for *patronage of the past, invitevill to call and ea the new roes for themselves D. CAMPBELL. Pl co 118~1tag hire on reaupable term It 1, cal NEW AttitlVA LS.. r=. BANK OF MONTREAL, WEST Dr. Pa ,C- WHOLESALE ANA RETAIL. Viiir Coal Oil Lampe. A.. Le. Old Troth ow Sign of th .Latir 011 0 ,alaaL, Marsh 1.1.1 bei MONEY To N. Goderleb. Jae. us, weld DOMINION AUCTION New Auction and Commission NEEL TOE Philmerflor respectfully annotate :to th shop lately occupierl hy 11r. H•elge. where he woal4 respereftilly a share of public pstrralsoe Ile 14 determined by Melo/ attention, to 1600100. AM preolart PoIllifot of all Seel. sohl on rommimion, to smelt ronklenro of all Hottleho!drurniture Bought & Sold P are atrl oleo Anles that he way he fa vore4 re•sonable ann. MARK WHITELY. 0tigh ase *notion & Commission., LI every 851uMay, fad a Citstoe every Wed. ▪ Monevadvoneed 011 remissly kr immedlati 'slava! prompt emir,. meth, Perna *orb •nd other 4411111 piratemanyateed. the IlIoney to Loan on Real Estatn, A OrIttlIF.R in the Toilet end hoent'oronetn VOW Market &man. 1:4•.10b Land Office, • t ROI of Improves Peale OW WO, OVER COATINGS,. which be is prepared to make up in the Ann. est nol ie... and Cheap for Cosh. GOOD FIT WARRANTED, E... Goderich, Oct. 7. 186S. WE. G02 Co T C 1,74 11.514 To alf win It mar Cowen. abet In bigger email plant OLP White Ash, Pine, WhItewood and Cedar. LATHS, PINE & CEDAR SIIINOLF.S, aellmwel on the monies of mediation Carom want. thetti hi an mon as paella*. nen hied.. elem., eel quantItlea. of material miaow 11111romer I t" Oetior a Co 'antra; Wm. Of 71.11. trot., awl the l'ourt Realm *Vara. Plana Armen, ail la nn,1 Fatima. mote : ,r yin. • Architect JUST ARRIVE -A- • 'loth., yore, eniteerOlaillearair, p.,,,, ..3.2.01.RTMENT OF ,, p.„ or sevai of Engfend Breed - With lier Gnat European Herb Rem " k PARE ?OR BALE. loess, Chips, oar., r. r li AshArlol. i 0. Moron. 1":".. tkil.'"4 with E'n""malia.ltlitiailaz ray fesorhim with tbeit orders. 84 01, rows.; Yin It 141.01.1•07115 Viringham Woolen Rills, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Of CASH I (Piro Marin! a-nd Life Insarsti Ofeer -3Enja Bloch. corner Court 11 Square and We ja1oRat.N. GuodainelINC: el Ai 1parin/ auwee inn to his no or „ trot 10:4 PIM la ior sty's. am ...a 51114 me sire In the heel oni, hmearr. with ahl.olons/ fa, Attlee fur taming out Z:kand reervtliine 'miler lay ...towers nor 4.1.40 "f/M every exertion PETER FISHEit. ALLAN P. NI CLEAN, 0 Go To N. P.-ThTiSibaeriber offers _ al.*, IL 4Illikl.V.11.01 .11 rot NI I :10711+10/1 Y105191:1A 101101. 041 111, SPLIPSWO PHOTOG RAYR GALLERY valt Stud( a gaged/awe and Yunnan, Mt contrite -to z Seven Roans, with Onorfebeiden, Stable and mu bnildings. Teo Ym**I lotY. At.* 1, two paid up Shares of .500 each to tie 1 koniuion Salt Co. fratiagitein effeet, and Court Ilona Square, Gotrich, Ont. E. L. JOUNSTO1c. OSLER'S BARBER SHOP ! 119 1.10101AH FOR ONTARIO! rretention thanks for the liberal support anid patronage he hae received fur the last I 2 years, begs leave to ay Alai by the inttoduction of machinery he is nuts 'peter. e1d ta supply retail dealers. nab all kin& of • Butt -Clinkers I he thinks wi:I he more advent ageoue to the ennenmer than importing theta from "be: pleeeet,IST OF PRICES : by the Boo or Barrel . 1.07 i.tuelnu Biscuits 0000....001016:811 ti Oakes of Every Kind 'Petrol asonriment of broad always on head and delivered daily to customer*. E. CLIFFORD. PINE LUMBER, LATH & SHINGLES. WAGON &CARRIAGE elow. A , rrlin h011t. WO hal, i hew la • living erns*, POWs Mod D'a"...011 e•I•I'dt noel N ea so, Winn) stilTs oill wall ) $11 arado.pwods. ny lho Arm It Is a ...err lot. Prim .1* 00 r ....., WO Head. •re ov.....1 tn try th,to Remedy bowl... Peli.2. lose ea seas imbed other. irit, nit rest lad mire . 161,0mi...tended b v Myer lane throng -Want ig,„-. ------ E . moaner MAK N. Bilerioa, Liver, rota stomerh compel.% ir qr. N. ,1101.• awha...sys Parma Lands for Sale. Wittli e 4 Lake road eat Colborne 100 " East of lot I lth coo. Atthheld on Lot 27 Atti Stanley 27 " rev, Cow hall will be snouted at their' oast Godunch. tem Ala. 154. THE sebeerdwr has now retrial 1,500,000 Foot Pine lumber L CEDAR SHINGLES, LO. For price' anti terinkapply to. " Ft= (y 'on rallainabl. terse. Apply in ',vat ispoid Fmtory GROWN H. •AR80V0t. 40 derich, 9111 Jan. g rat which he prepared :1` ATIr,F;IntSMALI,LOt AT THE Lowrest Bates for Cash • JAMES Lt, 1,11 F. Roles ober vernal aneroutee 4* Me el. Wanted • wood •orher, and two awronticee one br home rr,,nyl owls and She other brackamithing :Oar twit. Ma 104a, If things In Fraser. W hrn a newspaper ie uovetument doesn't like, not only la the editor takes to prison and fined, but every permit shoot !h. establishment.. even the peters -ate hopritioned and tined. It is decidedly French idea to hold a printer retpina hie for the tam nf 4:71"4-W.P6--penDuliP:ning.; .41khe'll:Illernao,rie7t.samTi‘tirr:dtioonff I oylillfirvist sudden." 'Row mate he to drnp off qui - thinly r wm the nett question, Fool play, sir -the shenTapesist his untinspiel• am, nature, dal puma hint to go on a platform to look at a oao enthrone, sud- denly knocked • snail top -door oUt from under him, end in falling he got entangled in rope, from the effects of which ho ex • -UVed his • Wile -to go a• nd soe what the trouble waa. She, ictestspon her work, and his w• ife sere at iron it field in that snake cofileduf:wdarehmear'su4,1",*rt:;:.1' The linoband, tho frenzy of his anger sod grief, struck Ina wits with s hawked kir held in Ins hand anti killed her istesall. :rhea Wa a Fenian "scare" at Victoria ott the 5th init. A spend despatch to Hutt on account of the thratened dwell back to Taquimalt,..uvinipanied by the rito,..t hullo scouting par- ties are lis;ng myriad to sorrow e•rnit the eosin, sad to kinusnewlY information of the hoofing axe/ lags hay of mon." as lentos', is making sad havoc /mono elle inhabitants of Ow Wrindetelt Istands. Thio Y▪ ining of ballades. la ea m., timh.85;r7manyrilife, _.11111171 raj', huerttruZithan. Altbrartng the diets,. Wel rarer tole ma are melba, Wit "nag aril de. palms of the haltdaWleas ggiore)„int, onyimietla W.° Whilekt.11411 dimly Of path: thrwsoseeran.. on* a, sad wash it. No net ad Ma 1:41!24"14:11M!i!!!1;7111i or 'I did add Aigni. 1*. bteliy 44