The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-12-24, Page 7grgMIORRCRRAIRCIFVCIAMIg'a rgROUPACCIRWAilnAa C AFA r COCCO O OAOWC 40/oet dree elso OV VOW 0*Igli AfiCtiffif0****4040ZOWC:0150411.0474'04040410V31414 Prociamatio..0 The. Mayor and council for the Town .,of Exeter has proclaimed THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26 as a public Holiday All Residents are asked to observe this holiday. . Titres-Advocate, December 24, MO POO. I these bells ring out a note of thanks and our warmest holiday greetings come, ny 112e 3 lap Cal 9nieleti lie Wide eat fa eheidlinad ley and peace ewe thine lee you and totted in all faro Co IRWIN'S Ladies' Wear Mes,.C:E 8oytE, ROBERT IRiil IN, Mrs, Mabel McKnight Mrs. Mabel Skinner 218,6760 LEXETER ***i"4000640,606.0;******ti***0**4************" As we celebrate Christ's birth, let us unite in the resolve 1r forge a stronger society built oh greater understanding and dedicated to a lasting peace. Merry Christmas! Chairman —,Ted Pooleyi Commissioners — Jack Delbridge and Murray Greene and the staff Of 2354350 EXETER PUC Exeter MI MERRY CHRIST here Comes Santa to brighten your holiday, Merry Christmas! And thanks for your patronage, ART CLARKE 40,14.?,9 :0 Your Shell -PfrO'llaVtgr 4.*.f,4PFM44.0VM144v0;04...00INIF11.1;NWii'R4.IM a~rsr P,i -74*M.04$0.:)10040404,e.o..wo,**.viaw.i*N;odovoliadalopaliavgiaviiikeit* • • May Peace andjoy be Yours at Christmas -a I • A we4,400,00110100•_.. Season's Greetings From Murray Moore and Staff At • John Burke Ltd. GOULD, & JORY and staff 1 235-0270 * Az Wig5Miitrii0 ;$ PkM:*;0•Vk6.WA,'VZ1271«t•giOW24 WOXICOMIAOlft6.0Pii.ZVT'. ', EXETER 11 2)ecenjer 23d 70. Ocet 57etieedd amee eadtameea ....icotietty .-S7ga3011, attuaW will 4e a time /or the exppeMion 0/ good /i an th.,e exch.anOe ollpienc14 greetin,g3, n this Atencl3htp and un.14 #ett, nine a ". appreciation /Or the pLaant re/at:land we Katie enjoyed with, your; we extend the 3ea3onJ geeetingJ and 6e4t widLoeJF --liappv r few eaP. Siiicerety voarJ, MILT ROBBINS & SON LTD. f. By Lawrence Kellett Grade 4 — Usborne C is for Christmas H is for happiness R is for risen for Christ is born I is for bilding igloos which will be done S is for sickness I hope will not come T is for testing testing his hum M is for massing which we will do A is for apple also to S is for Santa boo hoo hoo. By Denise Fletcher Grade 1 — Usborne Dear Santa, I hope that you don't get stuke iu a ehimney. I am writing from school. For Christmas. I would like to have a sprirgraf„taking Barby, a pare of house slipes and a reckrtiPlaYer, And some other things to. leave some Cake and milk for you septa. -44 - Via .11:7 111h. lk Mt* 6k, DRAWN BY ANNECKE SOMANN — GRADE 5 McCURDY SCHOOL By Ervin Pfaff Grade 4 — Stephen Cuckoo cuckoo two 0'010ek 01 I wonder who that is sitting there eat sat sandwich with a black belt ,on and a bag of all sorts of things, Look out the window there is a red thing .and eight cow's with long horn's but they have no ears- s-1 • • By Joan Hodge Grade 4 — Stephen Christmas means to me that Christ was born. The Sheperds and the Wisemen came and brought gifts. Mary and Joseph was happy. You should be happy too. teeremovedercaremeonvatertetteege~e I I 235-1863 Lookz.pa,0:4,4..zp,liz-wark:apkovii4.;:tvkawa5vaeseiwrimeima.witi. ewe:us-we For all the bountiful blessings of Christmas, let us rejoice! To each and every one of our good friends and patrons, we extend, with sincere appreciation, good wishes for the holiday. Cudmore Heating Exeter 235-0487 1. ';r4:447 Pk :Z F6'er4 Pi:?;41Zia€kz•P•Oaa.V7fiita•OlittPis•INitaVAilgsl:WW4104•14340•Oregt* Jo cans tinshes AN 91-D-FASHIONP CHRISTMAS Esther Merrill Grade — Centennial. I'd like to look into the Past Fer just one Christmas pay And see the way my Grand Folks lived And celebrated so gay. By the fireplace stood a pine tree With candles glowing bright With popcorn strings hung high and low It was a glorious sight. The children emptied their stockings. And went to church .in a. sleigh They sang. hymns and blessed the Christ Child Born on our Christmas Day, Through the deep snow they would return In a one-horse open sleigh Many relatives would arrive And were happy and gay They'd sit down to a turkey meal That everyone would enjoy With plum pudding and more delights. That would fill •every girl and boy I'd like to look into the past For just one Christmas Day And see the way my Grand Folks lived And celebrated so gay. SANTA'S PREDICAMENTS By Ena VanderSpek Grade 4 — Usborne Oh Santa you're late. You'd better hurry up or you won't have faith. Santa went to the reindeer sled. 'He foregot that the reindeer had not been well fed. Oh dear, Oh dear what shall we do? Now Santas riding in a skidoo. That's how Santa gets mixed up. LETTER TO SANTA CLAUS By Brenda Taylor Grade 8 — Stephen Dear Santa Claus It's that time of year again that you'll be getting loads of letters asking you to bring "all sorts of toys to good little girls and boys." Well, I've tried not to be selfish this year; and I hope you find my letter a little different. Santa Claus, I'd like you to take the biggest gift you were going to give to me, sell it, and share it among the children in Biafra. I'd like you to send a few more men in Vietnam, back to their homes in the United States. I would like you to send a bit of food and money to some starving people, somewhere in the world. Santa Claus, please send a package of joy somewhere where it's needed, and make some more people happy, just for me. By Charles Mustard Grade 5 — Centennial Dear Santa: Do you have snow? We don't have much but I hope we get a lot pretty soon so you don't get stuck in the mud. Now I'll get down to business. I want a set of walkie-talkies with my brother. I also want a radio, hockey stick, and a sweater. Well, good-bye for now. WHAT CHRISTMAS REALLY IS By ,t-cori Keller Grade 5 Stephen Its not th? gifts or candy Sweet, BANGING By Bradley Gibson Grade 4 — Stephen Near Christmas morning. I am going to get Banged up. People ruening into me with baubles, stuff like cakes, clocks, Fathers and mothers hiding the presents, The shopper's arms were too full with presents. He Banged the door with all the presents. They • were rattling. The people were so tired that all the people went home, The storekeeper and I, the door, were glad. And all the people were glad too. The storekeeper was counting his money. They were glad. THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS By Trudy Johns Grade 4 — Usborne The night before Christmas and all threw the garge not a creature was stirring not even a dodge. The tirs were hun by the chimney with care in hope St. Nick wood fell them with air. THE MESSAGE OF CHRISTMAS By Jean Falconer Grade 8 — Centennial Christmas is the happiest time of the year for everybody. The very thought of Christmas lifts our heart with a feeling of happy anticipation, and we begin planning what we shall do for tather, mother, sisters, brothers and schoolmates. Of course there are eager thoughts of what we shall receive, but our first concern is what we shall give. Love is the best gift to give. We learned to give love when Jesus Christ went out as a precious baby to show the way of love. He loved everybody. This is the spirit of Christmas. Our gifts to another may be very small but we can make them very acceptable to those who receive them by our thoughts as we select them or work on them. Fill your gifts with love and both the giver and the receiver will be happy. • • LETTER TO SANTA CLAUS By Danny Haugh Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Ontario. December 10, 1968 Dear Santa, I've been wanting to write this letter for quite some time, but I have had no free time at all. First on my list is Bob Stanfield whom I think would simply adore an electric train. I don't want to be sarcastic but that's about his speed real fast. Mitchell Sharp who is our minister for External Affairs, he could use a Johnny Seven to fight in Biafra. Also for Richard. Nixon being as he will be involved in the space program I'm sure he would appreciate a Billy Blastoff just to practice on . Oh yes I almost forgot, what's his name in France oh yeah DeGaulle he wants Quebec for Christmas but I think if you talked to Nixon you could have this fellow on the moon in no time. Santa I would like a football for Christmas. Yours truly, Pierre Elliott Trudeau P.S. — Vote Liberal next election. (I need it). DAD AND THE PARCELS By Fraser Boyle Grade 4 — Stephen Our dad was looking for his rubbers and he did not know where he could find them. So he ask his wife and she said in the clost she said. No they are not in there. So he opened this cupboard all the parcels came out and one thing broke. It was his wristwatch which broke. And it said To Dad. But he found his rubbers., CHRISTMAS By Betty Beer Gr ade 3 — Hensall We go to bed when the clock strikes twelve Pretty soon Santa Claus comes with his elves, He fills our stockings as quick as can be Santa puts presents for mom and dad, under the tree. Then he eats his snack that we laid out Now he takes off on the rest of his route, When we wake up at dawn There are little hoof marks on the snowy lawn. Here comes daddy and mommy too "Today is Christmas children! Where are you?" Now we open up our gifts, Santa left a big one that I can't lift. It's a new sewing machine for mom, It goes buzzzzz Rum Tum Turn, Now we have breakfast Then we play with our new toys We take them outside To show other girls and boys. That is some of the things we do, I think you should do this too. But 40sephS wife so id44 and meek; Its not the trips we sometime take, BiA Baby Jesus birth and Its not the laughter and the riots, But all the nights so very quiet; Its not the tree and lights and all, But baby Jesus in his stall. Its not poor Rudolph's sad sad story, But Mary 'a Joseph in all their glory; So all you 'people out there, "Be glad! For Christ was born, a happy lad. aa:Ykt.AP,A .*.t.0:64,1*04.4.t,ka:010)•No we:41z PAO WA5110V,a43*,,ftaNiitVii4*tVAIiii***:1:0,044100**1604aspAio*iipTy