HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-12-19, Page 13Hold onnuql: meeting, ;upper Times-Advocate, Miamibar 19, 1963 Pogo 13 ashwood ladies groups close yew LAST-MINUTE CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE SPECIAL REG. VALUE $179.00 Chesterfield Suite 2-PIECE Colonial Suite 3-PIECE ,‘ Bedroom Suite ONLY139" REG. VALUE $169.00 ONLY '139" REG. VALUE $159.00 ON LY '139" WITH TRIPLE DRESSER tFO. aV4wikitt.?;t:NiOsitRtikic4ft WSitViivetitV41*41 0511.44 00Y00waolpze Choose from our wide selection of LAMPS Pole Lamps • Swags • Trilites 1•4411,0• _NNPAIINMI•ONFOO, GIFTWARE • Leadcat Crystal in trillium and pin-wheel design. • China and Glassware SEE OUR . . Wide Assortment of Chairs Rest Rockers • Recliners • Hostess Coffee Tables • Mirrors • Clothes Hampers • 3 1 1 3 TIEMAN'S Hardware and Furniture Phone 237-3681 — Dashwood tqtttgrmt5t:mc caftomi•ollts c:milt?d afttetroNicamtaivo 3 Come in and see Our Complete Selection of Toys Also Christmas Tree Stands, Lights Ornaments You'll appreciate B-A SOLAR. HEAT Heating Oil because it's clean burning For FREE Burner Service .Call Ralph Genttner :Fuels Ltd. 8.A. OIL AG ENrg PHONE '235.2411 EXETER 3-PIECE BROWN gnuiv $29 " 3-PIECE DARK GREY ((3`,17, $39" 3-PIECE WHITE Ogne nry s65" lieg.$78.00 Orders Taken Now For • Fresh Turkeys from Hayters For Christmas. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING OUR SPECIALTY exeler frozen foods .cuniet/MARKET GROCERIES • FRESH PRODUCE FRESH E. CURED MEATS 235-0400 for FREE DELIVERY in EXETER SCHNEIDERS VAC PACK Wieners L. 534 FROZEN LIBBY'S 15 Strawberries oz. 2 ,..95t GINGERALE, MOUNTAIN DEW, PEPSI COL; /49 Kist Drinks 2602. MAXWELL HOUSE Instant Coffee 6c),f $1.09 T ea Bags RED ROSE 90's LB.69C FLORIDA Grapefruit WHITE 48's PINK OR 10/79 Cabbage LARGE ONTARIO LB. 6 FRESH OCEAN SPRAY Cranberries LB 39t SUN KIST Oranges 138's DOZEN 45 C PRODUCE YT 2351933 U, lest 744U ) a#td do otal V 9:00 ilto40:004k witwat,vootm*tvos witto.Akmr,9)1kz,p4:$.9kv$itilki*. fir S STORE SHOE EXETER &wed ekteaimea soe de 6:00 #.04 LARGE LOT, •Siirteee APARTMENT --- One bedroom,, has basement,. dining room*, heated, ground floor, centrally kitchen, 3-piece bath, two hed- located, Phone ; ,235-0776 or 235, rooms upstairs. Add paint for 1867. : 12tfne appearance and :eomfort„ See 111 CI W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 12:19tinc 17 Properly For Rent UNFURNISHED 1-bedrooin apartment, ever store, private bath. Phone 235-0270 daytime or 333-085 or 235-1515 evenings, 11.:3.1tfn 1 BEDROOM apartment,, heat- ed, '$55.00. per month, available immediately. Phone, 2351430.. 4;13;13e :3-BEDROOM' bunalow ,P11,. An- drew St, North in. gNeter. joy warm comfortable living, this winter.. Available immedI4 ntely. Call collect 567-1103 ener, 19e 17 Proper for Neel APARTMENT — Over Hopper- HockeY Fttneral Ho me Living room, dining room, familY room, kitchen, bathroom and 3 bedrooms. Av4ilable now. No small children please, Apply lloPPer-Hockey Fut:P.1We Store. 45-1990. 19c 6-BEDROOM farm house, two bathrooms, oil fornaCe and laundry facilities, clean country home. Phone 234-6322, 19c 2 FARM HOUSES, south of Zur- ich on county hard.top road, Modern conveniences. Available immediately, Lennis Gingerieh, phone 237-3287, 19:23c OFFICE SPACE -- Downtown Exeter, 2 modern offices, air conditioned, $75.00 per month. Phone 235-2420. 5:12:19c 3-BEDROOM HOUSE— Mt. car- Mel. Phone 237-3277. 5:12:19e 18 For Rent RENTALS—,Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1.A & IA" drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2:22tfnc 19 For Sale or Rent IN EXETER — 216 Sanders East. Three bedroom brick bungalow, 9 years old, full basement with rec room, at- tached garage, interior recent- ly painted, clean and ready for occupancy. Inspection invited during Christmas holidays. Con- tact Ronald G. Heimrich, 60 Walter Ave„ Newmarket, Ont. Phone 416-895-3033 or Zurich 236-4143. 19:23c SCORPION & RUSTLER snow- mobiles, $725.00 up. Open 7 days per week from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.in. Dale's Esso, 69 On- tario St. Grand Bend. 12:19* 22 Notices IF FOR ANY REASON you may be spending Christmas day alone, we would like to invite you to the Exeter Nursing Home any time in the after- noon for a cup of coffee and a visit with our guests. 19:23c Garbage Collection ON MAIN STREET, EXETER will be TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 and TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 Ma cDONALD'S SANITATION SERVICE — CREDITON 19* Ready Mix CONCRETE Plans 235-0833 Residence 228-6961 .A. McDOWELL 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Harry Faber, Deceased. Ail persons having claims against the estate of Harry Faber, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County Of. Huron, •Farmer, who died on or about the 14th day of Novem- ber,. 1969, are required to file particulars of same with l3ell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exe- ter, Ontario, by the 21st day of December 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario 5;12:19c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Blanshard Township School Properties SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21 at the following times: AT 12:30 P.M. — The former S.S, No. 9 Blanshard (Science Hill) school property, 2 miles north of Rannoch on county road No. 24, then 1 mile south. Stone building on approximate- ly 1 acre lot with drilled well and pressure system. AT 1:30 P.M. — The former U.S.S. No. 11 Blanshard and Usborne (Kirkton) school prop- erty, on Highway` No. 23, 1 mile east of Kirkton. Brick building on approximately 1 acre lot with drilled well and pressure system. AT 2:30 P.M. — The former S.S. No. 6 Blanshard (Fish Creek) school property on cor- ner of concession 10 Blanshard off No, 7 Highway, 1 mile east of Prospect Hill. Plastered brick building on approximately 1 acre lot with shallow well. AT 3:30 P.M. — The former S.S. No. 7 Blanshard and Nis- souri (Transvaal) school prop- erty, 3 miles from St. Marys on concession 13 Blanshard, 1 mile north of No. 7 Bypass. Brick building on approximate- ly I/2 acre lot with drilled well and pressure system. School Bells at No. 9 and No. 11 to be sold. Also some school furniture and cupboards. Property to be sold subject to Township Planning Board re- strictions and approvals. TERMS: On property, 50% on day of sale with balance in 30 days; on chattels, cash. E. T. DINSMORE, Board Sec- retary, RR 6 St. Marys. Phone 229-8217. W. E. NAIRN & SON AUCTION SERVICE — ST. MARYS 19c 3-piece chesterfield, like new; round top med. size dining room table in brand new con- dition; 6 dining room chairs; buffet; china cabinet; combina- tion writing desk and book- case; round top coffee table; centre and end tables; studio couch; hall tree; fern stands; wicker rocker; mantel clock; electric lamp s; 2 antique chairs; couch; chest of draw- ers; trunks• ' Admiral 17 inch television; 8 kitchen chairs; chrome table and chairs; Cap- tain's chair; card table; mod- ern 3-piece bedroom suite; 2 oak bedsteads; vacuum clean- er; dressers; commodes;. 2 toilet s e t s; pillows; quilts; small antique clock; magazine stand; fernery; sun lamp; sw- ing machine; 2 Axminster rugs, like new; bathroom scales; small platform scales; large as- sortment pictures and frames; electric iron; step stool; col- lector's items of valuable books; 2-burner hot plate; antique coal oil lamps; fancy lamp bracket; bird cage; step lad- der; single barrel shotgun, like new; 4 lawn chairs; picnic ta- ble and bench; copper boilers; galv. tubs; assortment of fruit; sealers; crocks; 8 miniature brown jugs; bird bath; 2 car- tons homemade Soap; small lawn windmill; assortment an- tique butter print designs; large lawn c 1 i p p e r; wheelbarrow; carpenter and garden tools, etc. Terms: Cash Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. Grain • Feed • Cement Building' Supplies Coal 228-6638 By MRS, IRvIN RADER DASHWOOD The UCW of Calvary United Church held their annual Christmas supper Tuesday with. Mrs. Cordon Bender's group in charge, A hymn sing-a-long "Was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Carl Oestreicher, chairlady, led in prayer and read several devotional selections. A man'$ quartette, composed of Jack. Gaiser, Harry Hoffman, ,Mervyn Tiernan and Stuart Wolfe, sang. Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson read the Christmas story from the Bible, Under Harry Hoffman's direction, Mrs. Wes England, Mrs. Cora Gaiser, Mrs. Amelia Klumpp, Mrs, Letta Taylor, Mrs. Sylvia Wolfe and Mrs. Eben Weigand favoured with a German hymn, "Stille Nacht, Heligre Naght." Patricia Bender played numerous selections on the accordion. The evening was pleasantly finished by playing bunco. Winners were Mm, Lloyd Beaver and Harry Hoffman; low, Mrs. Eben Weigand and Art Haugh. LADIES AID Zion Lutheran Church Ladies Aid held their Christmas and annual meeting Wednesday with group 3 and Mrs. Irvin Rader convener in charge of devotions, program and lunch. Mrs. Lorne Genttner, president, called for reports from all committees, secretaries and treasurers, showing a busy and profitable year. Gifts were donated to a student at Concordia College, St. Louis, a patient at Parkwood Hospital, London, And the hgeneral Mission Fund of Zion Lutheran Church. Shut-in Christmas boxes will be packed Sunday. The collection was donated to the Lutheran Hour. Three members had perfect attendance for the year. The Altar Guild for December is Mrs. Ernest Koehler and Mrs. Leonard Schenk. Mrs. Milford Merner gave the report of the nominating committee and presided for the election of officers. New secretary elected is Miss Helen Nadiger. Other officers are: president, Mrs. Lorne Genttner; vice-president, Mrs. James Hayter; treasurer, Mrs. Ken Keller; card secretary, Mrs. Rudolph Miller; treat fund, Mrs. Albert Miller; librarians, Mrs. Hilda Haugh and Mrs. Reinhold Miller; auditors, Mrs. Charles Martine and Mrs, Marie RestemaYer; Plartist, Miss Helen Nadiger;' assistant, Mrs. 'Marie RestemaYet, Each group contributed nurnher to a Short Program; Group 1, reading and singing; Group 2, a trio; Group 3, skit; Group 4, reading, PERSONAI.8 Mr. & Mrs, Wm Hey have returned home from London. Mr. & Mrs. Don Bucknell of Ingersol were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Stire and family. Mrs. Ruth Stire AWCM announces results of her pupils Sister Gregory Fleming of Detroit visited her mother last weekend, MI& Mary Fleming and her family, Mr. & Mrs. Don Ferguson of Winnipeg have left to take up residence in Baggotville, Quebec, after spending the past two weeks with latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ryan and George. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mueggie, Kitchener, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Dietrich and family. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Carey dined with Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carey and Rita Anne during the weekend. Don Masse, Windsor, visited over the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Carey and family. Sister St. Paul has returned to duties at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, after visiting her brother, Joseph Dietrich and sisters, Mrs. Clem Boland and Mrs. Joe Conlin and their families. BINGO WINNERS A good attendance helped to make the final turkey bingo a success last Thursday evening in Dashwood Community Centre, Winners were Mrs. John Moser, Mrs. Leo Boyle, Mrs. Roy Ryan, Mr. Joe Gelinas, Mrs. Matt Finkbeiner, Jimmy Hayter, Pat Hogan. Margaret Greenway, Lawrence Hill, John Morrissey, Mrs. Pfaff, Mrs. George Hodgins, Mrs. Joe Conlin, Mrs. Mitchell. Turkey Door Prize, John Morrissey; money winners, Mfs. Clem McCann, Richard Dietrich, Alma O'Neill, Mary Kooy, Basil Glavin, Mr. Piper, Seaforth, Lynda O'Rourke, Mrs. Jim Scott, Hugh Ryan, Hazel Glavin. The Mt. Carmel CWL sponsored the event. • it fal••examinationsat h „. 'Onfaik!,.C;SerVg.tew of Grade 2 iano 4,01.9g. and YvOnnaTurnbt411 honors,. On the .occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary, Mr, Wm Remthog were very pleased to receive greetings fro:0 Robert ste.nfiel.0; Premier Jobe 'Roborts; Robert McKinley, :Huron MP; Mr. & Mrs, Chas, MeNaughton; AO a. plaque from. the Province of Ontario, Mrs. Florence • .Weirs, We Are The Best All Do Agree, Because We Come From Havter's You See" FRESH HAYTER'S Turkeys DaSh,w090, was a guest at the ,OWL Christmas party In the new St, H)loolface. 4.octjtovom, Zurich,. Gifts Were: exchanged, , Mrs,: woo. gave A. p.orfemod. candlle,toN4ter Eileen Marie and had '.gifta. for each member as well as a door prize, She detrunlatrated the art of proper ,make-up eb4.0cibieare with ,models Mrs Paul Syr and Mrs. Theresa Haitman. She also showect Her Highness wipotta on model Mrs. Marilyn Poylei Pathwood, Slippers Kaufman Foam Treads for the Whole Family We Still Have a Good Selection of GOLD or SILVER EVENING SHOES From $10 95 16 Property For Sale 17 Property For Rent rt No Need to Fight the Crowds Shop the T-A Want Ads! Important „, AUCTION SALE, • xcd r of Valuable Household m Furnishings, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 162 MILL ST., HENSALL 2 blocks north of Hensall Dis- trict Co-op thence third house west. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 at 1:00 p.m. Shoe Shine Kits $395 Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. Remember the date Saturday, January 4. MRS. BEATRICE VOLIACK, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3306 19:23c Electric Shoe Polisher '24" The Perfect Gift GIFT CERTIFICATES • Clock Restoring Centre • Complete Recaning Service for chairs and benches INCLUDING GERMAN RUSH MAIN ST. CREDITON (2 Doors East of the Bank of Montreal) Phone Crediton 234-6431, If No Answer Call Zenith 7-2420 (No Toll Charge) WINTER HOURS Noon to 9:00 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays Extended Holiday Hours — open noon until 6:00 p.m. on December 26, 27, 30 and 31 in addition to Saturday and Sunday. 1:10EEICIGE=31:1ion IC:11 to ;kntiqur fore and Tioch us Bunt • Antiques Of All Descriptions Available IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS inure oppers MOVelfil. MARKET BOY Hens 12 TO 16 LBS. 590 LB. Toms 22 TO 25 LBS. 49 LB. We Also Have A Supply of • DUCKS • SMOKED HAMS At Competitive Prices ft110:ktfts.fttftt•Wiitt4trotfttfttfttftsftafttftsftsfttftAftzftMeafttpAwiezmirmant;iroWilarkvAig,R4zWavARagq4410&Mems, orlisariot,ip.Os.sUt W.htV)'' 1