HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-12-05, Page 1725 Auction Sales will be offered Or sale, subject to a reasonable reserve bid, 2 parcels of excellont: farm lamb PARCEL # 1 consisting, of 100 acreS4 Mere or less, in I.,ot 1, Con. Teckersmith Tvvp, on Which is situated a 1prge brick house with modern facilities, large barn, driveshed, trout spring creek runs near the buildings. All farm under grass, approximately 85 acres tillable. PARCEL # 2 consisting of 80 acres, more or less, in Lot Part 1 4 2 LRS Con. 2 TuckersMitli, next farm east of Parcel 1 on which is situated an L-shaped barn, silo and house, good well; approximately 15 acres seeded dOwn and balance plowed. TERMS; 10% down and terms made known on day of sale, Anyone wishing to see this property please contact Cor- nelius Faber, Exeter 235-0569 be- fore day of sale. Lunch available, Proprietor is not resPensible for accidents. HECTOR McNEIL, Auct. Alvinston 898-5330 Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 169 KING ST., HENSALL The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 at 1;00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot Part 239 and 240, Hensell on which is situated a well con- structed 2-storey white brick dwelling. Main floor: Large living and dining room, kitchen, bedroom, 2-piece bathroom. Second floor: Three bedrooms with clothes closets, 3-piece bathroom. Full size basement, newly in- stalled oil furnace. Also garage. Dwelling conveniently situated and in first class state of re- pair. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Complete list of household ef- fects in following issue. Beatrice Richardson, Pearl Koehler, Harold Willert, Executors for the estate of the late Ervin Willert ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Extensive Interesting CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 at 1:00 p.m. sharp, at HUGH FILSON'S FARM Lot 21, Con. 13, London Twp. 2 MILES WEST OF BIRR Antiques, household furnish- ings, general , facie machinery from consigne?s: Mr. Hunt, London; Mrs. Scott, Arva; Mr. Savage, London; Mrs. Bruce, Poplar Hill. ANTIQUES: Ox yokes; wash stands; iron kettle; telephones; cutter and buggy; pictures; butter churns; dishes, etc. IMPORTED GLASSWARE and novelty items. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES: Fleetwood 21" TV; frig with Ready Mix CONCRETE Plant 235-0833 Residence 228-6961 C.A. MCDOWELL „ . 25 Auction Sales across OP freezer; Cook Stove; appliances of all kinds;; :deep freeze, like new; rugs; tables; TOM Chairs; living rnOm chairs' humidifier; tYPOWriter desk,'Qestenier; sets;, washing machine; radios hunk beds; dishes; scalers; chest Of silver; wardrobe; beds; boxeS and baskets Of miscellaneeus articles; potatoes; lamps; desk; couch, IMPLEMENTS, ETC,: D15 Al- lis Chalmers gas tractor with L.F,T,O, and loader and financ- ing can be arranged; John Deere'B' tractor; Cockshutt 30 with L.P,T.Ot; Snowed P.T.O. grain box; P.T.O. grain mix mill; stock shredder"; •19" Int. hammermill and belt; carpen- ter's tools; ladders; milk cans; windows; oil tanks; drill stand; sander; wood lathe with 8' bed; electrical supplies; Craft- master jigsaw; Webster com- pressor; Surge milker unit; scales; tools; aluminum siding; water bowls; dehorners. PONY and pony cart. Bargains on bread and ciga- rettes, etc. This is only a partial listing of this large annual sale held inside, Plan to attend. Booth on groueds. Terms: Cash Auctioneers: HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Furnishings, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 89 WELLINGTON ST., HENSALL First house north of the Hotel The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 4, Part of 5 and 6, Hensall on which is situated a well con- structed 2-storey red brick dwelling with adjoining double garage. This home is complete- ly renovated into a two family apartment including large liv- ing and dining areas, modern kitchens and 3-piece bathrooms, 2 bedrooms. Newly installed oil furnace. Large lot suitable for dwelling. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND MISC. ITEMS: Chesterfield suite; davenport; combination book case and writing desk; 2 new chests of drawers; 3 large chests of drawers; occasional chairs; chrome table & chairs; double wardrobe; liquor cabi- LOW, LOW PRICES SAUSAGE SMALL OR LARGE LINK TANG CRYSTALS 33/4 0Z. JOY LIQUID (GIANT SIZE) SHERRIFFS JELLY POWDER 3 OZ. SIZE GRAPEFRUIT Fronts of BEEF DASHWOOD Phone 237-3471 2 LB.$1.00 5/$1.00 2/$1.00 12/$1.00 6/494 LB. 494 CUSTOM CUTTING & LOCKER By The Month RENTAL Or Year. OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY TILL 9 Thank You . . . . TO THE RATEPAYERS OF EXETER We wish to express our sincere thanks to the voters for electing u's to serve as councillors on the 1969-70 council of the Town of Exeter. Your support was very much appreciated and we shall attempt to work together to make the next two terms important milestones in the progress and prosperity of this community. We shall endeavour to serve to the best of our abilities and ask the co-operation of all ratepayers in the municipal work of the Town. Helen Jermyn Tom MacMillan 'Georg.e. Vriese Ross Taylor. 'Don MacGregor Ross Dobson 4frifeitil MARKET BOY'S WEE HERE TO SERVE, WE WANT TO PLEASE fAXR PRICES 4.6.1 1.11M1111.1113.. YORK Peanut Butter 1602.45C SCHNEIDER'S ALL VEGETABLE Margarine 2.554 RED CIRCLE Sockeye Salmon.2 /99C STOKELEY'S 14 OZ. GreenoMax Beans 2/394 CALIFORNIA Lettuce 2 /4 5 210's Tangerine..s3 DOZEN $1.00 SCHNEIDER 'S Fresh Chickens 341/0 39 B SCHNEIDER'S Chicken Legs 59LB. BURNS Dinner Hams 994L • SPECIAL Beef Pack CUTS APPROX. Blade Roasts 8 lbs. Prime Rib Roasts 4 lbs. Boneless Pot Roast 4 lbs. T-B or Sirloin Steak 2 lbs. Beef Patties 5 lbs. Beef Stew 4 lbs. Lean Minced Beef 3 lbs. 30 lbs. IDEAL CHRISTMAS GI FT 2195 No Waste, No Trim Orders Taken Now for Fresh Turkeys from Hayters for Christmas. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING IL PROCESSING OUR SPECIALTY exeler Frozen foods GROCERIES • FRESH PRODUCE FRESH I. CURED MEATS IJi-6460'4oe FREE :etLivtirt' In.EXETER ,. AND WE EXTEND ALL COU RTESIES ,4414° QUALITY PRODucrs, • 13 For Sal IT'S Nq HARD •TQ Buy)179)1 .FOR ACTIQN ,s ,r- Archery, ORO:: BOYS I I Sports andr3OdY Pudding EIMP- reent. Eletrle trains fer Dad and the Ltd — and Planes that fly fort little guy, We hate boast but we have the nip* for the girl in the family, 000, If sho to bake or lace/ a shoe, or sew and keep louse like mothers do, make 41, p p r little darling's drew-tome true by shopping oul Easement Toytown„ REtiVERS HARDWARE Phoii 235-1033 Exeter 28:5c ASTfAL refrigerator, good con- ditiee $35.00; oil burner with pip!, small size, sand with lara1s trim, $15.00; used 17" TV, gool picture, needs sound tube, $25.0; exhaust fan, draws out war air, suitable for farm or busness, $25.00 or best offer; 1/4 1hp. Delco motor; 3 penny ball gum machines, $3.50 each; sone bubble gum. Phone 235- °54 mornings. 5c USW GENDRON baby carriage ari0 baby tenda. Both in, good cendition. Apply Crest Hard- Heneall. 5c LIONEL electric train mounted on 4x8, 3/4" plywood, 30' track, extra cars & equipment, loads and unloads, engine completely overhauled, g o o cle. condition. • Make us a reasonable offer. Phone 235-2563. 5nc INGLIS AUTOMATIC washer, $95.00; 2 pair drapes 80x61, $15; crib with nearly new mattress, $12.00. Phone 2373518. 5c MEN'S BAUER1 SKATES, used once, size 9. Phone 235-1044. 5* 2 LADIES' COATS; several pairs ladies' shoest new condition, size 81; par men's hockey skates, size 0. Phone 235-2884. 5* CHESTERFIELD SUITES; stu- dio; coffee table and end ta- bles; odd chairs; floor lamps; table leaps; buffets; dining room tabbs & chairs; chrome tables & ;hairs; sets of chrome chairs; refrigerators; stoves; beds, strings and mattresses; box sprhgs and mattress; van- • ity; dressers; crib and mat- tress; nigh chair; play pens; bassinete; water softeners; hot water heaters; floor oil fur- nace; Wall gas furnace; space oil heiters; treadle sewing ma- chine; ironing board; chil- dren$ toys — Johnny Seven, hooky game, Secret Sam. WhiMg's Used Furniture, Ap- plialces & Things, corner of WeIington & Carling, 2 blocks wet of Main St. 5c 0 Properly For Sale 8- OOM BRICK house, fair con- • dOon, corner lot, in Exeter, $e00.00' down, balance on rea- sooable terms. Phone 294-6412 Parkhil 5:12c 84-AC1E FARM — Clay loam land, ;completely remodelled 4- bedrdom house, all buildings in good/repair. Phone 234-6201. 21 : 28: 5* ONE STOREY brick house, An- drev St. N., 3 bedrooms, full bat;, full .basement, attached double garage, 21 acres, part dwelling lot;, balance commer- cial. Two storey and basement house, laqe lot, Simcoe St. • Add paint,; paper, furnace for appearance; and comfort. See W. C. Pewee, Realtor, Exeter. 11:21tfnc HENSALL — Richmond Street South. Three bedroom, 1 storey insul brief. Full bath, large kitchen, utility room. Immedi- • ate posi;ssion. Phone 262-2625.' 28:5c 150 ACRES Near 'Exeter this productive land 41 mostly plowed ready for siring. Part is recently drainer Bank barn on wall for feeder; cattle shelter and pig barn. Four bedroom brick home with Jew type oil furnace. Good water!supply, also a farm pond. This ian be an opportunity to expad your present operation • to aw economic unit, or ideal for ;Sung farmer to start. Total askig price $47,500.00. For more information call or write: ROWCLIFFE iEAL ESTATE LIMITED, • London — Phone 434-5725 256 Oxford St. REALTOR 5:12c CALL JB AT 1863 "The Centennial Office" HOUSES FOR SALE EXECUTIVE HOME 6-- Exeter, A new brick house approximate- ly 7 years old located on Pryde Blvd. This house has 3 bed- ' rooms, living room, dining area, large kitchen, 4-piece bath, coin- pleted recreatioe room. Oil heat, ing. Thishouse is beautifully landscaped and treed and has an attached garage. Sewers are in and paid for. Call fin' an ap- pointment, EXETER Newly renovated frame horrid on Anne St. One and a half 'storey, Modern bath 16 Properly For Sale and toilet, 3 bedrooms, base- veraedell and utility room, Large lot, EXETER — Frame home on HuronSt. Two 'hedreeree, MI heating, needs Seine repair, A good buy,--make an offer. EXETEll 3-bedroom frame house with instil brick siding. This house has been, completely moderpized. Garage. In good re- pair, wiring, furnace and foun- dation excellent. EXETER r•-• 11 storey frame home, 3 bedrooms, Needs some repair to outside. Oil heating. Will sacrifice in order that buyer can make improvements. EXETER Brick home one year old overlooking Riverview Park. Full basement, 2 bed- rooms, living room and dining area, 4 piece bath, EXETER—Large home on Main St., close to business section, schools and churches. Could be made into apartments as an investment. DASHWOOD — Main Street, 2 storey brick house with 3 bed- rooms upstairs and 1 down. Large living room, dining area and kitchen. Very large lot. HENSALL — Lovely home on Main Street, next to Town Hall. Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, 3-piece bath, oil heat, garage. House in excel- lent condition. HENSALL — Approximately 3 acres with good house & barn. Oil heat, 34 bedrooms, approxi- mately 2 miles east of Hensall. Price $7500.00. A good buy. EXETER — 3 bedroom home, red brick, large living room and dining area, large kitchen, good location, oil heating, with rec room and attached garage. EXETER — 2 bedroom brick home, oil heating, good loca- tion. House 3 years old. HENSALL — Richmond Street, frame house, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, modern 3-piece bath. Good basement. HENSALL — 3 bedroom 2 sto- rey frame home. New oil fur- nace. Main floor has been re- cently renovated. Large lot. FARMS FOR SALE CREDITON AREA — Two 100- acre farms — two houses and two barns. Could be divided to satisfy interested parties. Ideal setup for partnership. Good land, well drained. One house has five bedrooms, the other three. Let's discuss this situa- tion. STAFFA — 100 acre farm, clay loam. Barn 36 ft. by 80 ft. House, brick, in good condition, 4 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, oil furnace. FARM — Dashwood area, 150 acres, 137 workable, with a 2 bedroom house about 6 years old. Oil heating and 3 pce. LOTS FOR 'SALE EXETER — Lot for sale in Riverview Heights. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY P.C.V. class F S Licence, serv- icing an area bordered by El- ginfield, Exeter, Mitchell and St. Marys. Present owner has operated for 22 years and has built up an established business and will assist purchaser for a period of time in order that he may become familiar with the clientele and business proced- ure. The operation of this busi- ness has provided the current owner with an adequate income and would continue to provide an aggressive person with a better than average living. JOHN BURKE Limited Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 11: 28tfnc 11. Property For Rent UNFURNISHED one - bedroom apartment, newly finished, new broadloom, warm and bright, one block to post office, $55.00 plus utilities. Elliot Apartments 235-2912. 11:28tfnc UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom apartment, modern, 176 Sanders St, E. Phone 235-2012. 11:28tfnc UNFURNISHED 1-bedroom apartment, over store, private bath, Phone 235-0270 daytime or 235-0685 or 235-1515 evenings. 11:21tInc 1 BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed, $55.00 per month, available immediately. Phone 235-2420. 5:12:19c OFFICE SPACE — Downtown Exeter, 2 modern offices, air conditioned, $75.00 per month. Phone 235-2420. 5:12:19c 4-BEDROOM HOUSE — 3 miles north of Grand Bend on Hwy, 21. Phone 238-2791. 5c 3-BEDROOM HOUSE— Mt, Car- mel. Phone 237-3277, 5:12;19c 2 BEDROOM self-contained heated apartnient with separate Oil furnace, large living room and kitehen. No pets please. Phone 235-0736. 12:5tfnc 18 For Rent SANTA CLAUS SUITS .$4.06 Per day. Crett Ilatdwate,, Heri- Sall,. RENTALS—Floor SanderS, fleet edgers; power hand, saw's; 'belt sanders; & 1/2" drills; ort- able television; 'power mowers; floor polishers, BeaVerS Hard- Wide, 235-1031 22tfne, 2. Notices VILLAGE CREDITON NOMINATION Ameeting will held the TOWN .PAAPITPli MONDAY, DECEMBER 1968, between the :hours of 8 o'clook and 9 p'clock in the evening, for the purpose of roa4ing and receiving nominations for one trustee for the .Police Village of Creditop. W, LORNE 1•10P0g, Returning Officer 22 Notices NOTICE OF APPLICATION by the Corporation of the TOWN OF EXETER TO DISPENSE WITH A VOTE OF THE ELECTORS TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Exe- ter intends to apply to the On- tario Municipal Board for the approval of the installation of a sewer from Ausable River to the Northerly Town Limits at an estimated cost of $45,000, which amount shall be raised by the sale of debentures pay- able out of the general rate over a period not exceeding 10 years. 1. The Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Exeter intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the works referred to in Schedule "A" hereto, at an es- timated cost in respect of each work as shown in such sched- ule and that, the sum of $45,000, shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable out of the general rate over a period not exceeding 10 years. 2. Application will be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this no- tice, send by post prepaid to the clerk of the Town of Exe- ter, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection, 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that the assent of the electors shall not be re- quired and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be consid- ered. DATED at the Town of Exe- ter this 28th day of November, 1968. E. H. CARSCADDEN, CLERK 28:5c 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Hazel Eliza- beth Snell, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 21st day of November, 1968. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of January, 1969 after which date the estate assets will be distributed having re- gard only to claims that have then been received. PETER L. RAYMOND, Barrister & Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors 5c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Harry Faber, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Harry Faber, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 14th day of Novem- ber, 1968, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exe- ter, Ontario, by the 21st day of December 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario 5:12:19c 24 Tenders Wanted TOWN OF EXETER SANITARY SEWERS Sealed tenders, marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 1:00 p.m., December 12, 1968, for the fol- lowing: 1650 lineal feet of 12" Class 2400 Asbestos Pipe; 735 lineal feet of 8" Asbestos Pipe; 13 Precast 42" Manholes; 700 lineal feet of 5" Asbestos Pipe Laterals, Plans and specifications for this work will be available up- on deposit of ten dollars refund- able on return of same, Certi- fied cheque in amount of 10% of tender is required, Lowest or any tender' not necessarily ac- eepted. E, H. CAIISCADDEN, Town Clerk Santa Often Needs Spare Cash,„„, Oet•It In The Want Ads!!! 24 Tenders Waffled.' TENDERS Sealed tenders will be a wt PTteY PoPeiVeIMe g POfor h followin v,. VAN TYP.g EQUIPPED TRUCK with all. standard .equipment,' 240 etihie inch Motor, Stationary Passenger Seat,. 3..rear PIQW. A4d I PrIPre' tire, Rear windows, Right hand-. side opening, Colour to be red. .The trade in truck may be Seen by .appoj.atolent Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, BLANSHARD MUNICIPAL. TELEPHONE .94 Mrs. M, H, Urquhart, Sec.-Trees, RR 1 St. Marys 'Op 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Farm Equip- ment & Household Effects FOR. THE ESTATE OF THE LATE HARRY FABER LOT 1, CON. 1 TUCKERSMITH on No. 4 Highway 1 mile south of Hensall, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 at 10:00 a.m. MACHINERY — Ford Fergu- son tractor with loader; David Brown 990 tractor, 200 hours, power steering, heat houser, live pto; Allis Chalmers stand- ard F14 tractor; IHC 'A' trac- tor with corn cultivator and bean puller; IHC forage harv- ester with hay and corn head; Dion 18 ft. self unloading wagon on heavy duty J. D. wagon; IHC blower with pipes; 26 SP Massey combine and pickup; IHC 4 furrow plow on rubber; IHC stiff tooth cultivator; LEIC manure spreader, No. 155, like new; J D double disc; IHC 4 bar side rake; diamond har- rows; roller; wagon and rack; 10 ft. fertilizer spreader; IHC 13 run fertilizer drill; IHC 10 ft. swather; J D 7 ft. mower; extension ladder; V2 h.p. elec- tric motor; 4 inch grain auger and other pieces. GRAIN & FEED — Approx. 1500 bus. Herta barley; approx. 75 ton cut hay. AUTOMOBILES — 1966 Cadil- lac 4-door hardtop, 16,700 miles; 1967 Jeep, 6,000 miles; 1949 Ford 2 ton stake truck. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS WILL BE SOLD AT 10:00 A.M. Frigidaire refrigerator, new; Frigidaire 4 burner range; Frigidaire automatic washer; bronzetone kitchen table and 6 chairs; lazyboy and stool; china cabinet; rest rocker and stool; 2 wardrobes; radio and record player; cedar chest; Admiral 21" TV; antique phonograph; blonde bedroom suite; chester- field; lamps; rocking chairs; hall tree; several tables; odd chairs; heaters; chest of silver; pillows; bedding; mats; dish- es; pictures; mirrors and nu- merous other articles. TERMS on all chattels, CASH with no reserve. REAL ESTATE — AT AP- PROXIMATELY 2:00 P.M. there By MRS, J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA Staffa Women's Institute held a most interesting short course in. Staffa Hall, TueSday on "Baking With Yeast," Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. Charles Douglas had attended the training school in Stratford, and explained and demonstrated to?,5 interested women the "hows and whys" on making breads, rolls and sweet breads, Everyone was able to sample the sweet breadS and rolls which were served With coffee and tea at the close. Three draws were made with. Mrs. Jack Butson, Mrs. Ed. Chappel and Mrs. Bill Butson the lucky winners. COMMENCEMENT A large number from this community attended the annual commencement exercises at Mitchell District High School Friday evening. 25 Auction Sales net; electric radio; coffee and end tables; electric sewing ma- chine; upright piano; Admiral medium size refrigerator, like new; Fairbanks Norge 30 inch electric range; Underwood type- writer; mirrors; pictures; elec-, trio lamps; footstool; telephone table; electric floor polisher; cushions; curtains; 4 bedsteads, springs •and mattresses; box springs; dressers; assortment glassware, dishes; crocks; pot- tery; antique dishes; hockey set and games; 2 space heat- ers, like new; etc., etc. Terms: Cash GLORIA O'DELLE, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 5c The valedictory address was given by Miss Henthor, DgYnard who iS now attending the University of Western Ontario. Also home for commencement were Miss Margaret Worden, and Bob TemPleman,' University of GUelPh. PERSONALS. Dinner guests Sunday with Mr, & Mrs, John Drake and Murray were Mrs, Tom Pryco, Mr. & Mrs, David Papple / Seaforth, Mr, & Mrs, Horton McPougall, North Boundary, Mrs. Charlotte Drake, Staffa, Mr. & Mrs, Earl Papple, Mr. & mte,, Bruce Papple, Latiraine and Joanne, Seaforth. The occasion was the first birthday of Joanne Papple, Miss Fay Templeman was a Tuesday night guest of Miss Sharon Knott, Carlingford, Miss Karen Miller visited over the weekend with her cousin, Miss Betty Ann Miller, Cromarty. By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Herman Paynter is a patient in Stratford General Hospital having undergone surgery. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Waghorn spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Reurink and family of Amherstburg. Mrs. Ken Blackler is a patient in St. Marys Memorial Hospital at time of writing. Alex Crago is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Everett Doupe were 58 years married this past week. TIFfilis-AdvoCahlt ()Rol/Tiber 64 1968 PRO, 7 earn new .methocts f bread, ,r411 baking