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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1869-6-29, Page 1
-• w so▪ n lees n•. re. Mir ■ W • she m▪ eson P▪ enmen ..dam row raft eat own" is sew o ▪ twig o da r N.a. .ulnar ArMwr 11, UMW 1. Allrs•'a•p-t-"--t-' ---- Busincss Wirt(' Jrp: .n. e1r, g•.;es. IRMA DR. M.L81AN. • DOlen K R.Rw.lose• 11.041." G.u.1u. .0 • (a. M. MoMIOKIN(i. M. D. LICRNTI ATS COLa.I01 PM TIIN aI ..may OWN% C. L Renewer" "misted b. Mr. J. T. c. endan. Wein noes • Megtloatl. DICNARD&leas MUSICIAN. UUROEON ••• i P,. eme•anl. . ll•wk•..r, C. 1. _,.. brner, 711. Int, J. F. mauler, M. D. UnflntlY, ACCOIICHKU1• Hom.op.tkle ren, led ,Mdw0l glwntrlels►. Rnerlra• wyWlo of tY Aunts Meant WIT. ala C•ew..r •t Alban.. N T Er (Hee sad nesdeee• Park 0.. ti Ward, (t derna. t meth Ira Lows. Muir to AND ATN7alrar-AT-a.Aw, awe erCtiew.a0asea0•• Q..O, Crone amen. /let, Cards Ws.. Oars la Caen Hdee•. few 3114 D. 'aa' • ?= cove ARCI .: is, wet Qases.a As (*arrows. { miscastiiiii TIRI tedLICTTORR IN miscast Tr claw.. EI•i0ot Meet. 0 04 - T. O,aaow. M ee leg C C.rwa. Uavtson • We.ksr, I Ti aND CH•WeIRr TRAiTITIOWSIIM, Dee. J nepeneen. Natant Nob, kr O [`I • Very... •7. Sleek. comer d Miran s, its• 01•41,"4, a•. weld. 41A1s1*RR 4TTOSJIT, SOLICITOR. Re. -•a.d.w•••--a,-....Tt_..Sem Moves. Min..,'. Meet, Res arms moan. set&or Mier •ONJow tee.... Jon. Al. ('order.. T'MR-t t-AT-We.I'OD RR tR INCmANCT . isM N..VP•bne,0••vew•'••• *am , a, Oo.t.nrh. r, as tot oalee int ef W.0 than. direr twn 0M.n..N /•rte. yes.. T. Tose. BALRI7rRL *1,04111.4 r•Lait. 0DUCITll C1AYY. *4s . r' mes ataglrerte al. aae Doyle dk Oq.ter, nautili's= u arrows., aoucrroes- b. Ont. 1 L. Q,n.n •d w L Genes. S. A. Reece • Inwood. Aaaesi$a a TmINRYP.*r.t.AR.aegi y . • I«1,e•ey,p 14.0•Ioar ,.. j fT+...d. Orme : ati"srxt w. 40siims.' Sen seat William R. nabs. 11. A• re, "maw Awe LAP nonce. mem% oar 1. • ...).riw. a.ee, ler e• tw••emM• Dl.sa.. i•.a..• aimle real ere. 'foamed. Pea 14 lest hens T. B. atek.e. `CART MR .TIATPOID AORICOLTURAL work. `OJ...,b'h•r.An Proprietor). 1tt M. M.i•om•on. 12tlatemge. ATAIRNIT. SOLICITOR. •e...40. Chen.. MONEY TO LEND. - . T).Me D0saW Llrella0 vs.,. myths, bialithlignemy m•uesa 614. 111 Civ ►i1 •. W. T.001„ Editor and Proprietor. N.,ee,._ "' `ll -„I k re." :4 1 \17)11 IP it AND HURON ANFBR[JCE ADVERTISER. $2.50 -PER ANN, IN AD,I " The Greatest Poasi`pood to the u GODERICH. ONTJkfIO D. C. 1)RU Dusiness 1Diredorp. 00•$ HERE J THE eaberlber hawing REMOVED to the Sore illi• occupied by WM. DUNCAN. first door south of Hrogham'e. Market Square, Wished to inform his friends is Me Town of Oodericb sod smrroonding coyote', that be sow the U. largest and most .om0lw stuck Of Fall and Winter Boats and Shoes ofeay how is the emintry,eontaiaiog every . tyle *Undies' and Children's good*, tad lest M W alto • very large meortatut of GENTLEMEN'S WINTER BOOTS Coarse and km, both imported, and e1 hie own manufacture. which he will .ell Cheap for Cash ! • Call and .u....., as he is satisfied that he has jest the goods yon ...t. 8AM'L FURBE. Goderi•b, Sept. 24, 18C7. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. _•(tag end•e.M.ed having porch•++' the rlus- wpUrev d 4P D...ld oad uses Ps -we aro Ste p•gaeid p ° to err, so les bar.ser art .asnhcturug .. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Flooring. Siding, easiness IDirtctorp. TAI LORING DETUr NN HIS MO51S1$C1Nn THANKS Lk fortb• very tlatteriag•eee•nrewat►ebee reuery .Itce hec.n anno•d bonne•• in tiode- ue*, tot Mug •ble le macula ower o••.ba I m keuIdosehrirghI to h1e l eet.e.eua Seethe •0W •.ewr.d1•ntlll.el•r • Larrytnl on Business Extensive) Business iDircctoti, 1 EMOYAt. AUT. WALUlE, VATCUMAIk AND JEwEttt, ems new QODRR ICs. Ha Kobe/16er hennt meowed in the Seine,sad employ's' Goa• but got r .•rWeemeeTNe*we., noodle ad e• D. behove. biseapn• C • pak., web.. .o8W into&end thee., nos. a tee Yruvicu;alvisgumanwd o• foenl rgvwl win Mier. ler bee. V br•tomeeltear,e.y and.oety(WIy i u He*11tee 4 . Ar Ir.e 1v 11.0.""'" and los w arra. tae•' pnoelpsll)err-clawennu.er•,n.4 Moroni twee '". eF+t win 1<r•4 to Mn1 •e.,um.•ure 4tr. Culla,. a oee of t M Principal ts.1004 4'a •I. 1r1..rg•' net•w..rr war 10 7 Edinburgh, Yeotlaad, he •sn1011,tnlu to a Watches Clocks and Jeweler) dasew•up public abet l CLOTRIRG CAR BS KARP 4M"' "ti 14n. b"."." w tee Pre'• I"'"•' •"'•w W been dose is• .r..u, medley• may 4 • hv+etaW.M.•eea •A w ho/eil areas►_ 'wt r JI • t ee •ateiei 0 onw••I. T.runto er ,, tie .gone *....of 1..e endMil Pelee Je•m •w1T wsw4r, Clout.%•. moor. w fowl ALEX WALLAtE. Oedema Oa sea ten. Goderich. October Li'L tie. T I -;H3 01: Establishment in Town, • 1 MARTIN AMANN4 R(i'nTOISTORM H19•M.UCTOMERY Mat Le r e4 n0s w sal fJN or EMI, al the o pen rote., ILL [INDS or FURNITURE At ti. •h„p on K,nn4ue Street. cassis ane Hume none. !Judea.:/, line }Lm Drell, OdfithtY,>fcf7, Itisx. .wllr37. sad ell kl.d• el Ci ItC LF; ♦YCb IC, garb •e Circle •ad (9,044 4,. Mid Fe.ete t b.y think front the ,adwrwMV ie rectory .re01.MM 7407 ea. dive esu•f ctwe to •11 wise may lass /keen wok • call. R. L-A Fibers d..00a•t to the vent. 20,000 feet of Dry inch end a quarter Interring o• hand. JAB RI'CRANAN, DAVID LAWSON, W1f ROBINSON. pods»•. Murk u►. 1467. MOS 1.. R. fta6110. OP-IrstalgeNr010N0E0b'0rrANwD. M a1r101. -rimp' = NICHOLSON, L. D. O. all la ROA_ ---__-_-_ 4 d Gn• a. .-.we nlswMr... ti t• A rI'w T x ioI Z' Room over W M sere, oval el Mia DOM 111 Csal, Luber, Eh111AIes, Laths, tat., T RDB, et 1M Ikriew mod earlier West .•d WeseA•10 !1lrwe0. 13 V.am, u• Wmwloo tele , ti ees.ar Me mid dWrleb. Nov. dk. IMS. 41wk•W IUS RIM AIL.L A GROOS ARCHITECTS. D ua r•ed ..pe.t.a. •.. d I0*4 , •a gat ea a . nest ver rorw.t eye 1112. 0000 ever J C Deer Co'. oven. - J 0.4«04. Mo, t lupe it LARD AGENT,VALUER,&e. 4)DERICH,OI*T. ' ONEY TO LEND. Peine 16K r.'il}, C rown Land Pm•grtakeaeai. looeet.d. a•- Apply at the 011. - A. Lef oy E. Oodenchq , Rept. Ath, IRA Mir a1•N .*OHN HALDAN. Jr. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, 1e01ANC7, LAND ANS•IR1RAL AOINT, Newry 0 t palet. See -Wed Piem nte.n Moves nor. Dod•A.4 nom HARRY GRIST . 1868.] PRISM SOLICITOR & DRAUGHTS- MAN, :taiwa, CUMEistelmt, s4N*ACTd •Uet3saa •R. MIR 949N tT T Oar ..A ether ll.pwt...Is d m. Oe•wa..at Connmwn .n rye wire•*me w rao a tyre ••o Demon orn•• on h prw.Ima•• pera••etlees..M ether Deet'wr me • r cy ••e•w P„stn or anesrm, arwe•r.d se rennin ef NM.i NIM Imes 0.. Ottawa. !!rennin. IM THR LANCASHIRt rime AID WM INSURANCE COMP'NY. CAPITAL, £!,00/,000 STERLING /11nue massy 'm 0*'Mp q.y, le Um er11.4 k1 ge.MveINw M1W M mew w. wren Mon 41gMt scan ... 7ymek.//,'•4ee,e, •• g••) w ear. M WWII. ft. ORTtAW • Most fee Ond•rirh M o N BI ` 0 el RIGHT PICK O113IT1' LENT OF MORTGAGE. Appy •1 WM. R. BAiN'S Chancery .14 IMA. Ola, Cr,Ab's Idea, Goderia►. Gok.ld. M•reh 44. 18.7. ni 40 1 MOMS /j11/a sheen$. le tet 1wJ11.r+eb ,w liberal Ram kb aeaIse loadwa .hemi esm.e t/i me PPr.Yu ....rely •bel rmeseavega .,will a.. hots. ^'n1ew, b4 llt. Boot* IleaImislsl oal,est aM r'Cjk• e0 whled w em7tboa MONEY TO LEND. EASY TERRIS. 1, S. 0ORDO1t. Goderld. 30•' 141e. lass. .Biu /140111i7 to Lend. REAL. g1TAT0 DATAgsR,a esot. eledar.b, opt' 1M. •, litiLLL4 Fag !Ent.. ,_I) WHO HAM YOUR BOOTS 1--fiL 4 - wee F. 4 rt a e • C•a SPENSI tPossible Number." -'~reset FinaYtir9,ri. IPPITItR altx ble - UESDAY, JUNE 29, 1869. s, DRUGS ! 1 • .1 ...H•ya.1 - etal Ha11, r. ,G.4.r sr. VOL .1.' -NO, 89 'NOCI[O11,L 6310Y1' '1'1o1 ming Jo less goop *aI •usgass eatungan u°JW Iltn efon see (CLOTHING CLOTHING! CLOTHING. •i - $ Lite ' -_ _ ' $ Ya. mv, , • r11tAV ! Idaq 1gaud sol Lea le 'Auayooxo -•'"'---jtirotloves a0e1 v 91...1 .rd .1a 4t '110.1V4144 WI 171 -•vlt•P 937993)4* ',Daniell 01S1%I I e A colIST & DRUGGIST ""'""`"' nil .s s1h r1l0.j o,ae Imperiling ENI NE DRU 138 011 0Maa4. _ air, T. .d Nall sone, ms •NPP•. - HORS ROOM PAPERS' Dnl.r4. POolddir at1 r M.rin1. me,. ciar r-leftrr n►Three Different Kinds of aPapersROCK ROOM PAPERS REQClta1. For Balls, Parlers,Flisi.g Refits and C: awlag Rooms, ALT. NEW PATTERNS, 11amd mit .ad 4.e0..d 4, POnt.n had ;sr 0nn 1 1.4. tar lar, 4.4.17,1 de 400. It The Beet and Cheapest MAser PAPERS EVER INTRRODUCED I LiTLE MEMOINES mos, A0:: be. Mee peectuelly mitred Poees. lotto. !artfully the. HT 1 LIGHT COAL OILS, Mid ,Lam p Otls. lead, by F. JORDAN. Oiod•r.J ter se G ODES 1'01 ftA1 t -T. BUTLER1s. Nde al. aped 1146. 1•M. era U • THE iodenigned he return thanks ♦ 0 the p.blie for t brei patronage hIe- elMote emended D. hi Ha is still pre- 1(`} rbmd to .' °w16. i1'""' YO1ke' r7 hrOL.err and Provision Sire gwsanty sr Rea's, end (blldres's WORL and at the lowest ow, Pneaa JppT RFer,voo• • Iarre Afoot of FIRST CLASS ROOTS AND SHOES. ALrRF.0 COLLIN*. O.m door E•st of die Herm Hotel, Sian of the Large Root. e Goderich, As:. 24,1, laity. will - --- Flour and Feed kept constantly on lead. 'ewe .-._ _.... --.., fatly received and faithfully attended to. 33ATiiB1 33.01...r kis 1 1FIRes ltd blgs+r!, Creeksoy and Classware,Faaey goods, &e., Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Seekwheat Flour, ^he. , & e a r' u.,, i - Td 1 HAVtd and ed b :abINGly eccree.pied by A.6tF, Bu•plkbI, forsttoeft these business, w eoeprepard w tarnish aalillt/ with Crooerles and Provisions .loch Ieblleill et the Lowest Cub prop um root r alai. Ir_ _. O. N. DAVIS. T. Ileithlth 93aMoist two NOTICE ! NOTICE 1 0* emeltele eawity 1>a z m .d O 'L m N 70 11I *9 H DCAMPBELL baring lately purchased an inelrement which enable. h'm to make the largest phoingtspba made in (lode• nob VERY CHEAP. N.B.-Porcelain Platens, not the hest is the Dominion, but M good as any made in Goderieh. Also the New Cabinet Picture, which is theww times as large a the. CM* de , Leer, for $2.60 per doyen. in retuning thank. ler the patronage of ibo past, invilesal' to call mod iso the now gees for themselves D. CAMPBELL. Ond.r(oh. D,a. 2. litho. .27 UOMINION AUC FION M A R T. B1 BARRY & BRO., 11011 Oft CABINET MAKERS WOOD -TURN,RS • AND UNDERTAKE Hamilton St,, Goderich, 'EPP canto./!, on hand Awash all ante Olt Bedsteads, hairs, Sofas, &c, }111 kinds of 0.17,d-termng done, such a (fast pasts, suis bannisters, neckyokes, Ars AI..y. on hand, a ..spire ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS and • HRARYE to hire on rea.oaable term God.risb. MN 3rd/ 7866 16.1• New Auction and CommLshlon Room'. tekerl6r weld ,IMprtrully esesesr r tot p•o. NSM be Mmtmavoewwel 0e. 4,000' sad eass94" etre* ere 1.• w, r ter. Metre/ where a• woadd real4.arevf n• le .. Mail ., Il a et 1077 pt Hoosiis i f'ayeitotre t & Sold Pep lime es.. 1a e ee .0r be Co ony n 0es ne s eM *mood a moveable HARK WHITELY. Q.C. Is, Pee 114, tot. • Auction it Commission. GODERICH 8rOL1N'TON Esstet hi dallied len J. • H• WINO ,41-11111 A41113 RHO IPS .peons m pause !!vaunt • &wig le p'aq 201t.om • ,ti_' TIRVA► •Q-IAva •i* NI Stxa1a,Lloxa ZYa lin NST O T_ I CE. All parties indebted to R. RuRiau a& Co. LIITHEH BY NOTE OR BCN)K AC - u u t ore hereby numbed, that unlwa th.y CALL AN1 PAY UP AT ONCk ►•y slalomed, without further addle. MASONIC APRONS FOR SALE 41 1111 MARKET square. Cdnr1.►1.. M .1L a.w t MONET TO =NM ! 111*0*NAOLI WWI of Wowed. ant M . A4ymette•y 1 R.IpwCLAt bo mr•. 8.411.16.4.• . Jowly au, tees ea NEW- ARRIVALS H. D V NN L O P Mixt 14)011 Tn RANK OF MONTREAL, WEST ST. AAa Jta9 1RC•rv1D LARGE ASSORTMENT O r CANADA 'hWHEDS *90 OVER COATINGS, which he is prepared is make op in An short- est notice, and C►sap for Cash. 44.11 of Mrr.Mnr.. Properly a fen.l•r.e. GOOD FIT WARRANTED. elreer Mnwein.. •0A ,n ,'110/0 *VET meds Wed- .. Ma m pnM.vM,.enmd es Promeety ere Imt..t*ti P•", /kP, redeem . ►w .0*T web mull ler Nates raid• M t0 tl doe realm! n• 1t.1'OU RNA N'!t Ar1M Men, Herbs Spiro •d.4 *I ■aney to Loan on •.1;NOelotate. AA1 PPLe1I t. tM?Mil L S.01apea7 Mese Unsa/a. G.?'ia.t71MA11. c.d.r... .we. Nww..0 ,sa b ow. sow wo66 Goderich, Oct. 7, 1868, 03t.. N Q 'T I C It, ! To all whom it may Cowry. rrWP 1 Lowlier lar re went iWW.,• *nine for White Ash, Pine,Wlitewaod and Cedar. orb.., 11,11, P. h" p•rtnl oho t . Goderich. Feb. A 1.140 LATHS, PiNE & CEDAR SHINGLES, 4eNnmd.a the npnini ver savlpayeu, Parte. mat- ted Mit at .n 007 Io01100 . Wm .,n pewee lone /aria It Mown uP•+dM. Plasm Anwn, Atl• and 400 04 mole ; n 1M ,mit ,"• tire, .w, a„d esn ems .t I"CRAD l rsg•snd M 4 1141050, brklp•, a n. SHRILL& CROOK, Architect 0111monerJ. 7'. Mtl.xS i`,1 's *ea erns of North teed ,ed tb. t'ow0 pals o.4 444, ,Mots/ /pt\ Nal.._ egad spagh FAB* YOR {ALE. I'A mal.* ns TO RRN1. Nw 4 rens 11 tt D Mrlertd. Ce.001.a. r o0*. a ,mend Mita hnaea •.4 I•wa M . Ilvly rsa.n MO Mend V.aa- newer a r /11 1eaU IR n.vw cmc P8 e t►4a 7 D" a. e yr c C -r? o eso >a 6.. -i 0".-. PAM a .D .1 da 8i' riG CLCD t ; F. l.u ▪ ilt. a= rteVI :Ei 440 1I` vII w A o; q.. :l- er*szIv i» 6"i X43= I>= • d 1:w4 -.2.I14 R "a31003;18,• t/11 1.'4 spL EXilrlz:.1. iat►.epj f1 lL al 3•S • ► H „ 411 Farm, Lands br Sale. Lit 21 int esu- To 4.4,MM4 114 Mees e, ger iN " us" ' tiled '• • 4 inks read west " 4 lake doe M1Ts► et let $ I4» •• Let 17 w sin. .. mow .f • INSIIRANCE• ML• ItIIWCINAN, Aron F"undary, Goderich. Ont °blench.29th Dec., 1Na._ w49. VALUABLE PROPERTY f OR SALE_ THF, undersigned offers for sale lot 6, eon. 3, Goderich town•bip.-M8 terse, 55 cleared, frame barn, good land. The pro party u In. mile Isom present salt .elle, .4 4 es tb. rail.., IL.ts Ureegb it, be calf territory cannot be found. WLIAM ELLiOT, March 24, 1868. 1.. 60 If 1 4 L T, ' F$E8H A'ATYR,_. H o r A ND ,.•r r.D BATH b. A 08LER'S BARBER: SHOP! w.„„„ r.wn. love Sem ellen ..p sirs the wpm.„n ..rr7 000t0ni.ms 1w/- /Lew 1t ne.•,nd•.. ,r T.. commis •A a. poen Y whetted. J .ln pm1•r. Fire, Marian and Life Ineansees )PPSOT RD or a.Aan•lml • 4ZIN.. ("Ref -Eay'. Block. earner Court House Sgearssd WealSt-.'Ooderich, C. W. JOHN HALDAN, JR. Agro. ().deceit, 717.8 Bert.. IYt64. .3614 JUST AttRIVED. MADAME TAYLOR. Witt Her Greet Drain' Herb Refadl TH(MR..S.ia mNCm1ea.WUeet.1Mnt.- .1.r. 14em00Mon . Iof A p- p.7n4. U•1 Csarrh lied Weems M IM Heed. M rtly egoism 1e try the Pe Pinar, tdw.e. mad Momeeh Completed. It OW- .w.rse*s eialhld woo never MMIsb w .wes Regio ie too Minabog rinse .,..le f her gnra/e Thr 0 e0 •t•DS a •a nn. b,n Ir ofherest 1St e"it prone., agile wet M id'• rn o Tees. a m om ( A Goan• Lean wrMg moles m sou us berme. Im4•d n.4. Ise Aa•. IM nit trend. ,, f o, tssurillook *rift* Jw. IPeJ HURRAH FOH_OitFAIIO 1 E.,CLIFFORD, IN retuning thanks for the liberal support and patronage he bei received for the teal 12 'ears, herr leave to say 14.4 by Ib• intn°d!t•ti09 0('.aebinery be is new peeper. .d to .apply retail dealer. with all kinds of Biscuits and Crackers ! which W think. will be men adventvgeom to the conmaer than importing them trout other places. LIST OF PRICKS STOVES! STOVES Id '0 O O A h1 t0 fp 1 . TI AO I I dake4• tetra CIE a>p Hi Irl, •0 n N AND FANCY 0 te 93 W^ A It r AL OIL, • ALE AND RETAIL. Lamm Ale. A'o. Old iron. ail Pickled.. Aad Sheep Skin• J.& 1. STORY. 18 Large Coal Oil Barrel, Ia.7NT H E, CHEESE, A Strachan, GODRRicH. I/tnppointd sole agents et tot male of the celebrated Dream. supplied at the P•etory HARD eJTpACIIAN, .Iff67. ricin de MARINE a 11.1.ANCE. to r O•mnem. a sere. MOUTON, Aseat 00tara11 d 0.....r, Mot r Me w Orono/ • Asko 'abeam as M. maw 11 93/093, Agowl. TO LOAN.,, a a'laai.m 1400:' M''In me Arrowroot " 0.0e Abernethy " ... 0.08 Reiter Osiers )yvter not fail to now Same 9irair " ' .... O,OG meed the rim of elf is mer of PU VIVRE .T IS LOA u .. NOW 16 Rua r.O 1„ mWLJY P'IROT - Ci.Aettw $EADY-MADE CLOTHING CHXII A1F' 1 NoPalrbeirrtb.r lone, 4r lammed to rn out W lage and W.ptet• Stock•d Clotho d irate./ re GREAT BARGAINS =-y.-.1aLilitiTSCTID IN ORl<U 011 U1fD COATS, _ y_ PANTS, VESTS, HATS, CAPS, ©fled *4A TI11B. 000D 'TWIN /If SHIRTS, age DRAM= e:/ Clothing 0rdr to .04.r Is tae m.0 A•bMrW irk, .. i8. 074 %teed, Newt to Wawa a 1ob.am m. Alw, Allen! forint -Clem Sewing 8rulet• ARRA1IAl11 $UlTH. M ZILCH ANT TA110* Crelrw8 Mar I.. less e41 MEDALION: IF YUU WANT GOOD PHOTOMAP' 00 TO E L. JOHPI80N, 11yeswart .pd_reNelds Pictlto• yr y i C' t ifs H•rde Wet do help fi sad slat Ir He to ott •Otte reuses ahoy fakws'Math :odd t •, (,r•tal baRa euz lima theme inkia post. yId +eke! now v# b fh. au sir. •0.11. 1 7 tf fora Ilse to rug" ash snag 1•a ane a deep w ; y. w staskt4., 1 reitM •!ails u • her UJOKOTSDk7 4Wplclnll, 8k lstat•r, and a •~alffaw r_h Oe1•' S4, It a disemwd tett diaaomd. A ansa. hen, Sir, j.M to my that is ret..! ter 64. IjtthUI rine 7)111 have V • a Neth foie 0 Mites file U0O 1tne: 1964 gad 745 ' stn all may Meet- on 1001 giving u,d a receipt for tithes' 1t wdagbi4reei lata b hesitate. Al., rea,.fAet t g helm sr, is all the I numb d wwWgr •erns, 1. Mw sothmg to fear ; et V aawuted. The bmnme esaeplel.d . magic rhea, • laeb Naos to obs tittle Obert. Nue a • an Meads ,gaily at : and 111 eve you a P•aYrflelhq 1 tilted per .7e with Mr. Libel 41 td decta da we.' r inquired Mr. filar' .ad aimed, but third Bklne, 0 ••• tie earn fee hie huno2,,4 as the tab./l - do diA tmh I '171 r' tag 1 out its mead vrek And Mad 7e. gni say. Se met We amen IRnK, old boy urd'*4. Ton' He put Idmr, and turns me I aN at one pate 'the • undo " Yoe agl t Min with • feather. gh like • runlet(( nee sew,' stye M '.u* .4* t Is/oval ; make oilmen breast .( IC' ole tine 1 aw he didn't know all, and 1 brim- med tp • bit I /did him i haddt a notion . kat le meant, 'Oh, yea I did,' h. mud. 'Chose budd'sfourteen thoana.dp.wndsl It W pared through my hinds. Then I bysa to funk gam at hie knowing that: Ponape lee gab seemed it *ftsr alt: but ▪ ant fila I MAWR b base it ; 1 wail tentedm , ye s: Bit i said, 'I'd leek at the books ; but I didn't think kat dewed me est thing like that.' 'Yoe Iit11a esmsating `umbii ' nays he : 'an.; UDR .m better, to heli the truth at o0.,r O I 1st Captain Dodd, which Oliver did not ey bra, have his awn Or te bear It told leu the febs', dock 11' thole were 7011 wads, Sir . and they made my blond ran oudd+ and If he had gone no at me Ilk.. that, Ishould 8.....4.t i know I should Mt he pint said, 'OMNI; lover fad had urea your tongue the lis : yin, haven't cif°"_- ----._._.__._-.- ieslb meatgh to play lb* mese.tot, and -etmtherthln` he said he wouldn't talk E. L. JOHNSON, .. t►t sorrow hawk any more, "heathers _ Mir the sir so3y by . by dim/ 1 rt.(4 cabinet Photogrlpks $2.50 per i. Yosrtwee Coming, Sir ; se mind your .7e. And thin he turned his back os me N. B. -the Subscriber Awe- write bleb at if I was .0 much din. But F O 1t A Li Nle 0PLIN1ID PHOTOGRAPH G,RLLE LIF with a eorndi 1 "lot of new CamrtM, and with Stock of Neoetitee and Fur.itire all eoa7lete, Alen, a Brisk newt:Ines Rowse -cant •ini n J Se se n Roomy with Good Garden. Stable sod oat buildings. Two ,anent lou, A+an,-two ;mid tip Shares of 4600 each s lbs Dummies Salt Co. $} Remember the plant. corner of Homllon Street, and Court Hoes Square, Godcric h, Oat. IL L. JOHNSTON. No•. 19th, INK. s • '4411. 1 di`'teiad that ; 1 war glad to be .hut • hth al This i.W ilii gens pries.' Ito. tier' dietembly : it did away with all hep' that Alfred meant to keep his auspicious *041 4 'Why did you not tell meth. Wont' aid he, repro ehfully. Sasser'/sharp 'Sage seemed to akar, pee as 11 replied,'Bowies 1 wanted a tko*.es0poaatte stet.' 'Cala your low cunning Slither 'sighed.'Good-by, Bir :. take KAT elpaasslT and I.11 take care el mine. Ire dna of Kr. Allred and the ants • jug, is of to London, and there i'll ata -Sloss myself into Mr. Something to whs.. 476 make m• thousand pound. breadth' And he whipped out, leaving his mune ailed with rage and duluay. 'Outwitted even by this little wretch " thousand pounds, mid had only thirteen -- - - - lefb,41 tonged to minbumer; so (24 YEARS AT THE OLD STAND.) that iter quite on the cards her him to lose a thousand pound by rubbing hrs neighbor and asking his ewe immortal jowl : this galled him to the quick ; mid alteetk*huuquable temper began to Fire way ; it bud already survived half the trot of lie Renes. H. walked up and down the parlor chafing hk. 8* irritated bee. In Which state of ha mind Um one Mem)) he now feared and hated walked quietly into die room, and begged fer • htU..erious .mlvereatn.n with Mai. 'It t libe your effrontery,' said he ; 'I wonder you are not Shamed to look your CABINET FURNISHING W A'ttL11.111(1VSI.:. DANIAL GORDON, t%ABiNIE•r MAKtt:R UndertakK, ion, Lo., AE me. ea FURNITURE it the County, in emery .mrwty,eta• Bridame aE11K.®Ill Cakes of !Every Kind 1 ienenl swot neat of bread always on head and delivered daily to customers. E. CLIFFORD. 1.6 J... 13 1869. ISAAC FREDERICK WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, WEST ST., GODERICH, Nell AARs WMgt ver kir. *sue Saddlery. 4110 one do -r gnat of tot Post ewe. •Li. KINDS O► WAITHES CLOCKS AND JEWELERY RKPAiRED ON SHORT NOTICE. In the best Style & Warrented. 44 •,. ,..n...•lsr11•er . OW and Plated Jewelr Watches. Jtneka. ter. ars. Comunnly vee 4anA end *°rained 1n b. ee represented, if not money rewad.d. Th..tne1 will leo enld cheap to make wily Iver (.ern route. 1f yo.. weal • really good .leek t• to 1. Frederick's. Guinn h. 044. 22. 1861. 1.30 fOD*:Riun TLOON L CLRRIARE i 11" hi1il: at is is >lY Tt 4a CO l C• lr y g1 el .f.rnber .ewes ta0*0.0ee to 1M pet. T o r Hems .nd arse, Mesa be r.e•r war .AM.rine M•4 -err C$i►I'tha w16'KN1, Skip s Cltuttes Anse elbo., be seta OHBA P '01 t'. ASH. waltt(lai a woad -worker, mid tern e aRaMN-••• be liars weed -.ark .red who m.7 hone bun w;J a Medi -Milo!!., t• re- ward to Q"•Iwy, .tv1. or Pno.. Er.ry article wc,anted o mean mended. H•vn,( mere •vengnmrna wit4 J*(JQ1/ER J. :IA Y Toroo.lo, r•• Lfn.•h arytkmg kw. se ■t thele Wm...n on is ruroetu. (72zelap Toa CtexsY1 N, e. -Hes elw.ye a eor.ple* 08019 0.01 el novel/reels bane. Al.., HtEA1l41141ter blue. West Ik., O°dsnoh. Nev. 1, INS. wt PINE LUMBER, LATH & SHINGLES. THE sab•eriber h.a now reserved 1,500,000 feet Pirie !umbel, X..ATHIR, PINE & CEDAR SHINGLES, LC. which M V prepared TOSELL IN LARGEOR SMALL LON AT THE Lowest Rates for Cash. a11r Apply .t the office, over J. C. Dacha & Co's. Kon. JAM= SHAILL, Agee'. •Jr ft ••dente., ./., 1q ,ties ALLAN P. X &CLEAN, tee O J 7- 4 ro' 40 ,0ter-'. sy body in oke fee.,' repltd Allred,le.h• Ing hili in tot flea pd.t.btaak. At tbt swt7t rejoird.r Mr. Hardie kelt like a too -confident swords -man, who, at- tacking in • paamon, suddenly receives a gieh that alp.. 70,.. hu.ntago•ut t eet one to be trfaad with. $. war nn :mem directly, ►0d said, mold!!, 'Yo'4 Lee been blahs la bay VKr clerk. • H*,dia reflected on what ($;neer told 4.s*. and found he had made ea- o16mr ,lime ts01a- He teed again : 'Nur to th.1Jod'der wiUI anincredul.maraer. Nor tow Duddy' replied Alfred, ca1m17. W "• Is; not to Mw Juli. Breda 'No, ear ; 1 bees 10.14 her but nnu, I dialev.t0* abowt U. !eur noia (hummed pos,J. - • What fourteen thousand pomade r is. quired Mr. Qy,d» innocently. 'What fou,.,, thousand pounds I' re- pested the young mea, dialunfully. Then ■ add.olr twraio'g•,n hu father, with red brow end 81.41.1 *Tm : 'the fourteen thousand pomade Captain Dodd brought bons from India ; the fourth.. thousand pounds I heard him claim of you with threes ; ay. miserable sus, lad miserable me, that 1 am, I hard my corn father called a villain . and what did my father reply T Did you hurl the words back into your mossier s throat 1 N. ; you whisper- ed, 'Hush t hush I i'll bring it yeti down. Ob, .hat a bdl shone Mr. Hardt. tarwed tpa'' le and attest Mick ; with th.sa wood. of Alfr.d'e Red all bops d ev.rd.divins him. T1.n, there,' said the young Ivan, wearing hie emcee from rag. M profound ems, ; 'I don't time hereto gwerrel with •,y father, nor to insult him, God know ; aid 1'Momt you for beth Mir sakes not be M► M7 temper 4.o band by them child- ish attempts to blind me and, Sir, pray &mini from your mind the notion that 1 hem di/Palmed to my living soul my know - of this horrible secret: on the eon ' tear►, 1 hare kept it gnawing my heart, rod almost madd.n me at times. For lay.wn personal i 4v. appl,- •d.teat both to you and Moaner; -het tots all 1 Mv. don. ; 1 h.ve net told dear Jul'*., nn0 any of her famiiy ; and sets, it yes will only listen to rtes, and dei . bit I entrust yea to do, eke shall anti i •l. ta1.r. vb. 1' taee$ht Gtr. he Rosea ealn4h.e `. Yrri ii}iy *i). took i li0• wee mown to aria!/ ▪ : be Merag.d Aifred be Aro r 1/t 1 I3Iaining a *ompl0e rawest e lb oil / Toa say ! net 44 as as- ses•evle ser Illnao"n .hone the tees the•Sei.4 poral to oh* Dodd theti rI nA. JORr R/O'MtirsTr71 Lenox '•r• Am ATEA' betpMll /mu 'woe e eso4..** la pm of W...of 11.0. d alar owl ••f.O'I 1 wow e.A•pe. 1 *44 (MO a•. vera. A1t.eeT• g«..k Pktq !mein wester* it i M ASSORTMENT or 0LOTH8 ; t::, res rad M i! her n•dl KsY1M arewtes,sodP eaelt Tp►.A.,r:.MonwwA ~rshe shed .tP'^ Mims m'h'a'me, vet 0 variety f f en•nee CtaMt eO a' a 1 wired range, NUM hew 1 why 01100. : less eke +..r. p.• e., .. IMhud 7 ten *l4 df peeler ..A ,,•.wes ss 141 Maar -4 aPkrdawa or•h. win tabs coders. W k$eMhnl alg i i f8zus_. Amok ___ bed re ver filet ram an best way •nae arm..;