HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-11-21, Page 18gp.chre .plgyers. hold: first meet r$. PPP. group of Medwayg4C O 14P W? th eLadles' was in oitor5o held the first meeting of the, of the Tirst fall gitehro. PAYtY .141 season ,ilist Monday:at the home the :basement of the Anglican of Mr. 4 Mrs, Austin Hobbs with Cllurell,, 2Q. ,people present,. There. were nine Oble$, Present, score prizeS went .Mrs. liOrvey .Hudgins and Wilton Roberts,' bone hand prizes went tr:.! Mrs. Gordon Atkinson.444 Wilson flodgins., Law score prizes were won .13.03( Mrs, BltIOP i1Qtigs9b and Joe POW, goi;,..4two.wo.qowokHJ)o,o,o+lowowoi,No4Yo.p.o.pio..0-reopio.Fso, Winners were ..high score, Summers, Mrs. C, McRoberts, lone .11P00,, Mr, Mrs„ William MeQotob; lore scare,. Mrs. ,Oraca Daley and B. Summers, Next meeting will be held November 25 4flio home of Mr, Mrs, .otto. Davis. YOUNGSTERS TAKE TROPHIES — The Lucan Homing Club has many young members and they received their share of prizes at Saturday's annual banquet and awards presentation. Back, from left, Bill Henderson and Pete and Jeff Culbert, Front, Cheryl and Jane Hardy and Tim Culbert. T-A photo, Many trophies presented at closing pigeon banquet RETARDED CHILDREN'S t t 4,3 Turkey Parts Special Available at A rkona 10 lb, pkg. Wings . * **,J 23c per lb. 101113,pkg. Legs 38c per lb. 10 lb, pkg. Necks f 11 1 Y .bitiry4 190 per lb, RODER TURKEY FARMS LIMITED Plant Open 8:00 to 5:00 Monday to Priday Phone 828-3335 Arkona 4(0 STOCK YOUR FREEZER FOR THE WINTER MONTHS 11, wed in Wallaceburg White and pink mums decorated St. James Anglican Church, Wallaceburg, November 9 for a double-ring ceremony when the Rev. J. H. Waring united in wedlock Bette Jean Smith and. Bradley Sterling. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Smith, Wallaceburg, and the groom is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Herman Sterling, Wallaceburg, Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor length A-line gown of white peau de sole, with high Victorian neckline and long tapered sleeves appliqued with lace daisies. The long detachable train with daisy trim fell from het shoulders. Her pearl and crystal headdress taught a four-tiered illusion veil. She carried a cascade of red roses and white mutts. Miss Brenda Ferris as maid of honour, and Miss Sharon Smith, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, wore identically styled floor length Mine gowns of red peau Former Lucan girl de sole with floor- length trains with matching headpieces. They carried cascades of white mums tinted with red. Best man was Brice Denning of Wallaceburg, and the ushers were Fred Smith, brother of the bride, and Brian Sterling, brother of the groom. At a reception held in the church parlors, the mother of the bride wore a jade green sheath lace dress with matching lace coat, feathered hat to match and a corsage of bronze mums. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore a two-piece suit of charcoal with green accessories and corsage of pink mums. For a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls and United States, the bride wore a plaid suit with feathered hat, black patent accessories and corsage of yellow mums. The young couple will reside in Wallaceburg. Milk gives you everything it promises. and more. The happy feeling of fitness and well-being, even beauty, must be encouraged from within. So what else supplies so much natural goodness, so much real satisfaction as milk's beautiful blend for both hunger and thirst. You know that milk is an excellent source of protein, is very generous in the calcium that contributes to sound bones and teeth. You are aware that it has such other vital elements as vitamin A, thiamine and ribo- flavin, But that's not all. There are mysterious values in milk that still remain the secret of Mother Nature and the cow herself.Real milk, fresh natural cow's milk can never be factory made. When you measure to- day's other food and drink costs, Nature's wonder fluid is still the great value. 044- 0 -Is THE ONTARIO MILK MARKETING BOARD for tho Dairy' tanners of 'Ontario Page 18 Times-Advocate, November 21 1968 Correspondent; Mire, Frances Saward BY HOMER PIGEON Saturday night was the time for young and old to gather at the Shillelagh for an evening of entertainment and good food. It was the annual banquet of the Lucan Homing Club. I will start as close to the beginning as possible. About two weeks ago Lena and Carol Hardy took on the job of making the decorations and flowers. They have worked countless hours cutting out pigeons. Then when the tables were set on Friday evening, they decided they needed 22 more cards for the tables. This was not too bad until they added up and decided they needed a pigeon on each side and needed 44 instead of 22. Needless to say, they called in some of the junior members who worked half the night to get things in shape for the next evening. Jim and Audrey Scott should also be mentioned at this time. It seems they went to Carol and Frank Hardy's the other evening and ended up with Audrey helping Carol make the lovely flowers, putting them on trays and into a fridge until the appointed hour arrived. Now, Carol is one, who when given a job makes sure everything is done just right. She felt these tender little flowers should be watered before going into the fridge. The problem was watering them without getting the pretty ribbons wet. This is where Jim Scott came into the picture. He took a trusty old hypodermic needle that Frank uses on the cattle, filled it with water and gave each flower a tender little squirt of life giving liquid. We had planned to have the people all seated by 7 p.m. This was not accomplished until 20 minutes later. Gee and Marie had quite a staff on hand and served us a very lovely dinner in what I would call a record time. In 14 minutes they served the hot portion of the meal to 210' people and had the coffee served 40 minutes later. After the meal, came the 11111 iiiii 1 iiiii 11 vi 11 llllllllll 11 llllllll 11111111 llllllllll 11111 Lucan personals 1 1 111111111111 1 llllllllllllllll lllll 11 llllll 11 111111111 1111111 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kraul entertained 18 guests from London in honour of Mr, & Mrs. Lee Simpson of Winnipeg Saturday night. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Simpson, Kelly and Pam of Winnipeg, , were weekend guests of their mother and father, Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Ross and relations in Lucan. While here, they attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Sharon Simpson and Maurice Loiselle at Lucan United Church. Mr. & Mrs. John Richard Stigden of Clarkson, and their children Pamela and Craig were visitors for the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe. Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Ross held a fainily dinner'at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Kraul, Sunday evening with 28 present, Out of town guests included their son i Mr. & Mrs. Lee Simpson, with daughters Kelly and Pam; W. C. Watson of Dorchester; Larry Simpson, Waterloo; Miss Jan Ackerley, London; Mr. & Mrs. G. LeLacheur, Wendy and Wayne of London. Mr. & Mrs. Jarhes Mugfotd gave a surprise dinner last Thursday , in honour of Mr. & Mts. Clifford Scroule of LiatoWel. They are Mt. Mu ford's aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs, Donald Lockhart and family of Ailsa Craig, and Mr. & Mrs. D. 0, Maynard Of Ltindon Were Sunday dinner visitors of Mr, & Mrs, Ron Crozier. A zone Meeting of the Lions Club was held at the Lucan Legion Hall with zone Chairman, Lion'Joe KOvacs in the chair, There were 15 Lion§ in attendance, one front 11dertoli, three from ML Bridges, three 'frotn Parkhill, three froth L T ions horndale, and five Lticati , highlight of the evening, The Paul brothers and Shirley put on an act that had everybody laughing so hard, tears came to their eyes. If Gerry Paul's face ever froze in some of those positions he would become an even better attraction. I heard it said by many people that night that this act alone was worth the price of the whole admission ticket. Now, I hope this little plug doesn't go to their heads and they charge us more next year. Mert Culbert was master of ceremonies for the night. He was volunteered for this job by the other club members. He was heard mentioning to Norm that if he had to use that little "mike" people would think he was talking to his finger and they would rush him away for a check-up. There were some people not mentioned at the time of presentations. To you we are sorry for not giving recognition. We had some new trophies this year. One from Scott's Elevators, Corbett and Young Sand and Gravel, McFalls Transport and Walloy Excavating. These four new ones, added to our 20 from last year made a most impressive Lions listen to trustee Lucan Lions Club held their regular meeting in the Anglican Church basement last Monday with 85 per cent attendance. The guest speaker was Lion Len Knight of Granton, chairman of the Interim School Organization Committee and president of Middlesex Trustee and Ratepayers Association. He is a candidate for Ward 1 which includes Lucan, Biddulph and McGillivray, of the new Middlesex County School Board, effective January 1, 1969. He outlined some of the plans that the new board has, to improve the educational system. At the present time, fifty percent of the tax dollars goes to education, and while there will be no more money, it will be administered by 16 trustees, instead of 22 school boards. Of these, 17 are elementary and five secondary. Four cities in Ontario are excluded from the new system, London, Windsor, Hamilton and Ottawa. Middlesex County Trustees will hire a Director of Education and a business administrator. It is expected the new system could effect a saving of twenty percent on everyday expenses, by having one single purchasing group instead of 22 individual school boards. The election for the Ward 1, trustee will be held on Monday, December 2, and the elected candidates will hold their first meeting in Lucan, Saturday, December 7. Young Jeff Young came with his father Lion Jim Young, and as Lion Alec Young was also present, there were three generations represented. A Board of Directors' meeting will be held at Haskett's Store at 7:30 p.m. November 21. display in C. Haskett and Sons window, Once again thanks to all the trophy donors and we hope everyone will support their businesses in the years to come. The Walley trophy is of such proportion that we felt we didn't have a race capable of handling such a trophy, so we more or less invented a race to take place next September. It will be flown from Tweed, which is 220 air miles to Lucan. We are selling bands at one dollar each and only birds with these bands on their legs will be able to take part. These bands will be sold to anyone that wants one. We feel it is a good way to get everybody in the community interested. When race time comes next fall, everyone that haspurchased a band will be notified from which loft his birds will fly. The first position money will be 50% to owner of the band and 50%, plus a trophy to the owner of the bird. The more bands we sell the more positions we will be able to pay out. To all you horsemen these are better odds than you can get at the track. We don't intend to make any money for our club out of this race but rather sponsor something that will create interest in a very sport. I would like to thank everyone who helped in any way and also everyone who came to our party and made it such a success. Special thanks to Ross Haugh, who like any good reporter, risked his life on those slippery roads Saturday night to come to Lucan to get a few pictures of some very shiny faces and heads. Thanks again,; if the Paul brothers come back next year, you'll have to get your ticket in July. Phone 227,4517 Former .resident dies in accident Mrs, Edward E. Dixon, Grimsby, was killed in a. car accident ,Saturday,. The body lay at rest in :to. Murdy Funeral Home, Lucan, until Tuesday when the Rev, H. B, johnson conducted funeral serylep5. The pallbearera. were Bill senton, Alvin Faulder, Gordon Scott, Ronald Davies, Martin Y a ndenburg and Don McChearron. The deceased is survived by her husband; two sons, TerrY14 and Glenn, 12 at home; her iparents, Mr. & Mrs. Karl Pickering of Ailsa Craig; one brother,- Carman Pickering, also of Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Dixon was the former Eleanor Marion Pickering. Attendance down for CGIT girls Members of the Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT sponsored a liquid embroidery party last Thursday. Attendance was disheartening but those who came were well rewarded. Mrs. Anne Duncan, Ilderton, and Mrs. R. Prout, London, were the demonstrators. All the ladies and some CGIT members, gave the hobby a trial, and were very surprised at the results of their handiwork. Some of the CGIT girls served lunch. The Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT held their fifth meeting in the United Church basement. A skit "The Mutilated Middy" was presented by some members. An invitation service was held for Sharon Young, Karen Hodgson, Joanne Latta, Joan Lockyer, Julie Noyes, Donna McLellan, Dianne Corbett, Valerie Leitch, Suzanne Leckie, Mary Jane Culbert, and Maureen Quinn. (Anne Stanley and Nancy Lewis were unable to attend on account of illness. They will be initiated on December 3.) Mrs. M. H. Hodgins, assisted by Mrs. R. B. Worthington, Grace Smith and Betty Park, performed the ceremony. The Rev. W. C, and Mrs. Tupling as well as mothers, were guests. During the business session it was decided to give $15 to UNICEF and $7 each to the United and Anglican Sunday Schools. A remembrance worship service was given by Judy Froats and Jeanette Barr. Bride;.elects, .ore honored Miss Sandra Abbott, daughter of Mr. & .Mrs, Don Abbott Pi view of her forthcoming marriage to Dave Turner, was .hortoured by .p shower of gifts at the Lucan United Church given by friends and relations, Miss Lois Hodgins welcomed guests at the door of the C.E. building. Mrs. Larry Ditty sang and played the guitar while Mrs,: Cora Abbott accompanied her on the piano. Mrs. Abbott, played the Wedding March as Sandra came in, accompanied by Linda Smith, Brenda Turner and Janice Abbott, These girls helped with the gifts and will be her attendants at her wedding. The setting was in the style of a Dutch garden with a windmill and little people in the traditional costumes. Dutch songs were sung and Mrs. Hugh Davis led the address as Anna Lee and Cynthia Bakker, Lucan, • dressed in Dutch costumes, came in pulling a decorated wagon filled with miscellaneous gifts. Two lucky door prizes were won by Mrs. Marien Arenthals and Miss Sherry Young, FRIENDS SHOWER BRIDE WITH GIFTS Miss Sharon Elizabeth Simpson, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James C. Simpson, RR 1, Lucan, whose marriage to Maurice Arthur (Ben) Loiselle, son of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Loiselle of London, will take place in the Lucan United Church Friday. was honoured with a miscellaneous shower, and a linen shower recently. Mrs. George Begg of London , was hostess for a miscellaneous ishower and Mrs. Keith Kraul of Lucan and Mrs. K. H. Simpson of London were joint hostesses for a linen shower. The groom-elect's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Loiselle of London, will entertain the bridal party next Thursday evening following the rehearsal. SCHOOL NEWS The Children's Christmas concert will be held December 16 and 17 at Biddulph Central School. Student teachers will be present at the School November 25 to 28. Junior farmers. to host county The Lucan: Jr-. Farmers. held their November meeting in the .Maple Lodge coromqn.it$, Centre last Tuesday evening with 39 members present, John Riddle, the president, had charge of the meeting. The date of the next .dance was set for December 14 with the place to be decided later. It was. decided to enter the .county bowling tournament to be held at Fleetway 40 in London Jaritiary 11, It was also decided to enter the county curling tournament at Glencoe, to be held sometime early in the new year; The Lucan Jr, Farmers will be hosts to the .county Jr. Farmers annual meeting, to be held sometime in February, Again the place will have to be decided upon at a later date. OPEN FOR 10-DELIGHTFUL DESIGNS TO CHOOSE FROM PRICE-10 CARDS AND ENVELOPES $1.00 pt4.g6;6g *4 ;;g6Ma CARD E-4 SHOWN YOUR PURCHASE WILL HELP A RETARDED CHILD ON SALE AT: nd district news ucan RESERVATION Each Friday Afternoon and Evening SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN ALL DAY SATURDAY A Special 25c Game Each Sunday from Noon to 12:00 p.m. Congratulations ROSS' BARBER SHOP On Completion of One Year of SUccessfut 8utiness LUCAN LANES Needs a MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE from Lucan and vicinity for each Thursday from 7:30 to 11:00 p.m. PHONE 227-4236 Mrt:NORAViVerl•cinsISI:?!;,,,i'WA•t*d=?Azql4.0ft'a74WAitzilAtsrft-tV410.;tit*,,i1;:i,g•e:Ki,it:m