HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-11-21, Page 15PERSONALS Mr. Mrs. Howard Clark, Marlene and Vicky, Visited on the weekend with Alf, 4 Mrs, Crostello, M. 4 Mrs,Oy Crostello and Maureen at Oakville and then attended the Royal Winter Fair, Satui.day, Mrs. Les Mains and, Mrs. Hugh 'Nlorenz recently attended the Mary Hastings fall meeting and banquet held"at the Hoiiday Inn in London.. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Baker Jr, and Bonnie spent the weekend with his Parents, Mr, & Mrs. Ken Poker Sr. and family, Mr. & Mrs. Parson Brady, Greg and Gail and Mrs, Elsie Comfort of Welland spent the weekend with Mr.& Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer and family, Mr, & Mrs. Cliff Russell, Donald and Kathy, attended a family reunion on the weekend held at the home of Walter Russell of Essex. John Guenther of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr. & Mrs. Karl Guenther, Janet and Karen. , CARPENTERS ON THE JOB — All local tradesmen are being used on one special construction project underway at South Huron District High School. Boys of grade 10 are in the process of building a garage to house the school tractor and snowplow and outdoor athletic equipment, Above, teacher Ken Ottewell is supervising the work of Ken Triebner, Ron Oesch, Bob England, Norm Neilands, Bob Moore, Bob Parsons and Adrian Bax. T-A photo. 16 hoperly For Sale CALL JB AT 1863 "The Centennial Office HOUSES FOR PALE EXECUTIVE HOME Exeter, A new brick house appreximate- ly 7 years old located on Pryde Blvd. This house has 3 bed- rooms, living room, dining area, large kitchen, 4-piece bath, corn - pleted recreation room. Oil heat- ing, This house is beautifully landscaped and treed and has an attached garage. Sewers are in and paid for, Pall for an ap- Pointreent, EXETER — Frame home on Huron St. Two bedrooms, oil heating, needs some repair. A good buy—make an offer. EXETER — 3-bedroom frame house with insul brick siding. This house has been completely modernized, Garage. In good re- pair, wiring, furnace and. foun- dation excellent, EXETER — Newly renovated house on Albert St, Beautiful large kitchen and dining area, 3 large bedrooms, broadloom in living room, new oil furnace, centrally located, EXETER — 11 storey frame home, 3 bedrooms, Needs some repair to outside. Oil heating. Will sacrifice in order that buyer can make improvements. • EXETER — Brick home one year old overlooking Riverview Park. Full basement, 2 bed- rooms, living room and dining area, 4 piece bath. EXETER—Large home on Main St.,close to business section, 4 scools and churches, Could be made into apartments as an investment. DASHWOOD — Main Street, 2 storey brick •house with 3 bed- rooms upstairs and 1 down. Large living room, dining area and kitchen. Very large lot. • HENSALL — Lovely home on • Main Street, next to Town Hall. Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, 3-piece bath, oil heat, garage. House in excel- lent condition. HENSA 11 Allies east; brick Metric heat- s ing, 3 rdorms, 4 piece bath, large wing room. HENSALL — Approximately 3 acres with good house & barn. Oil heat, 3-4 bedrooms, approxi- mately 2 miles east of Hensall. Price $7500.00. A good buy. EXETER — 3 bedroom storey • and one half home. Immediate possession. Large kitchen, good verandah and utility room; large living room, $7300. EXETER — 3 bedroom , home,. red brick; large living-'room and dining area, large kitchen, good location, oil heating, with • rec room and attached garage. EXETER — 2 bedroom brick home, oil heating, good loca- tion. House 3 years old. HENSALL — Richmond Street, frame house, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, modern 3-piece bath. Good basement. HENSALL — 3 bedroom 2 sto- rey frame home. New oil fur- nace. Main floor has been re- cently renovated. Large lot. FARMS FOR SALE CREDITON AREA — Two 100- acre farms — two houses and • two barns. Could be divided to satisfy interested parties. Ideal setup for partnership. Good land, well drained. One house has five bedrooms, the other three. Let's discuss this situa- tion, STAFFA — 100 acre farm, clay • loam. Barn 36 ft, by 80 ft. House, brick, in good condition, 4 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, oil furnace. FARM — Dashwood area, 150 acres, 137 workable, with a 2 bedroom house about 6 years old. Oil heating and 3 pee. • bath. LOTS FOR SALE EXETER — Three lots close to business section. Must be sold as a package. EXETER Lot for sale in Riverview Heights. FOR RENT Two-bedroom lower duplex on Main Street. Large kitchen, frig and stove included. JOHN BURKE Limited Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 11:14tinc A STAR IN THE MAKING—The first chance most youngsters in the district get to try out their skating abilities is during Moms and Tots skating at the Exeter arena each Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Above, Jamie Chaffe is showing excellent balance in one of his trips down the ice, Tueiday afteulow „ T-A photo., t ' — Woodham ladies hear discussion about China 17 Properly For Rent .APARTMMg' .9 v e r Hopper Funeral HOMO* 14410. room, .0110..410 ZOOM, family room„ :kitchen., bathroom and 3. bedrooms.. Available Dee, 1,. small children please. API* 11op.per hockey Furniture;Store, 235-. 21c 18 'for Rent ELECTRIC BISSELL power rug shampooer. Do It yourself;. save. time -44.0. money, See Hopper- Hockey, Exeter. 1412.4 RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; .& 44" drills; port, Abletelevision; power ,mowers; floor polishers, -Beavers Hard- ware, -45,4933., ?;?gtfoe. 22 Notices TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Biennial NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the STEPHEN TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY CENTRE Crediton, Ontario on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1968 from 1:00 to 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiving nomina- tions for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councilmen for the year 1969 and 1970. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular of- fice than required to be elect- ed, an election will be held MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1968 when polls shall he opened be- tween the hours of 10:00 o'clock in the morning and 8:00 o'clock in the evening at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by township by-law viz: Poll No. 1 — Centennial Cen- tre, Centralia; Edward Lam- port, D.R.O.; Elmer Powe, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 2 — Basil Coolman's Kitchen, Lot 17, Con. 3; Preston Dearing, D.R.O.; Mrs. Archie Webber, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 3 — Parks Board Room, Crediton; William Oe- stricher, D.R.O.; Nelson Schenk, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 4 — Stephen Town- ship Community Centre, Credi- ton; Russell Finkbeiner, D.R.O.; Marion Schenk, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 5 — Ross Pickering, Lot 11, Concession 12; Gerald O'Rourke, D.R.O.; Walter Weber, Poll Clerk. Poll L'—"ConSnitinity Hall, D a s h w,o o d; ' Harry Hayter, D.R.O,; Melvin Stade, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 7 — Community Hall, Shipka; Robert Adams, D.R.O.; Roy Ratz, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 8 — Greenway Gen- eral Store; Russell Brown,' D.R,O.; Ivan Hodgins, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 9 — William Desjar- dine, Lot 4, Con 4; Gerald Love, D.R.O.; Mrs. Erwin Bestard, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 10 — Community Centre, Huron Park; Mrs. J. A. Robichaud, D.R.O.; Mrs. A. Lenz, Poll Clerk. And all electors are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. Crediton, Ontario, November 4, 1968. WILMAR D. WEIN Returning Officer 14:21c VILLAGE OF CREDITON NOMINATION A meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Crediton MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1968 between the hours of 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock in the evening for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for three trustees for the Police Village of Crediton. W. LORNE HODGE, Returning Officer 21c TOWNSHIP OF MeGILLIVRAY ELECTIONS 72 Notices OF IOSPORtiE NOMINATION- AND .ELECTION. f14PTIPN Public notice is hereby given that A. meeting of the. .electors of the Township PrfUsborne will hp held in TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIMVILLE on MONDAY, l\TQUIY.I.PBP; 25, 1,868 at 1:00 o'eleelc in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for the. offices of ',Reeve and 4 Council- lore for a two year term, And further notice is hereby given that in the „emit of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than ..reqttired to be elect- el, an election will be held MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1963 when polls shall be .opened from .9 o'elock a.cn until 7 o'clock Thrn, at the following places. with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by township by-law vizt. Poll No. 1 — Township Hall, Ebroville; James Miller, D...11,0.; Alvin Cooper, Poll. Clerk. Poll No, 2 — Central Public School Building; William Es- sery, D,R.O; Harry Jeffery, Poll Clerk, Poll No. 3 — Township Hall, Elimville; Robt, Mayer, D.R.O.; Reginald Hodgert, Poll Clerk, Poll No, 4 — Kirkton Public Library; Lorne Marshall, D.R,O.; Wilbert Kirkby, Poll, Clerk. And all electors are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. R.R. 3 Exeter, Nov. 15, 1968. H, H. G. STRANG. CLERK 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Stewart Shepherd, Deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of William Stewart Shepherd, late of the Village of Hensall, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 2nd day of August, 1968 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 23rd day of November 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 7:14:21c 24 Tenders Wanted FUEL OIL Sealed tenders to supply HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL, Brucefield, with # 3 LIGHT COMMERCIAL OIL for the year 1969 will be re- ceived until noon November 27 by the secretary-treasurer, J. E. Caldwell, HCSA No. 1, Bruce- field, Ont. 14:21c TENDER SNOW REMOVAL HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL, BRUCEFIELD Snow blower and front-end loader required. Send particulars and price per hour by November 27, 1968 to J. E. CALDWELL, Sec'y-Treas., Huron County School Area # 1 Brucefield, Ont. 21c TRUCK TENDER Tenders will be received on a new 800 Series truck (cab and chassis) suitable for 1800 gal- lon petroleum truck. Those wishing to tender, write or phone Hensall District Co-operative for specifications. The Board of Hensall District Co-operative reserves the right to reject any or all tenders. Tenders to be in not later than December 11, 1968. acrd M** 0901.q. On the 9re4tiSeS in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned .auctioneer rpeigiticVed4i,iictlifctxiraeQtnlOPS to sell by PATPRPAY, :NOVEMBER 23 at 1;30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists- of Lot Village of Zurich on which is situated a well cone .strneted 2-storey frame.tlwoll- S7clging9.7"(1 with red insul brick bathroom, size Full basement, oil fur,. Main floor; Large living and dining area, modern kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, utility room and woodshed. Second floor: Three bedrooms clothes closets, 3-piece: oace. Also small barn. Dwelling conveniently situated and in first class state of re- pair, TERMS of heal Estate; 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; Din- ing room table and chairs; buf- fet; antique glass pine cup- board; pieee chesterfield; Admiral 17 inch television; an- tique desk; oak rockers; centre and end tables; chest of draw- ers; china cabinet; daybed; oak bedsteads; dr esser s; com- modes; steel bedsteads; trunk; small stand; vacuum cleaner; small vault; kitchen table and chairs; antique mantle clock; radio; assortment snf antique glassware; rare antique glass sets; dinnerware; kitehen uten- sils; silverware; fancy cups & saucers; linens; comforters; quilts; mats; combination hy- dro and wood stove; medium size refrigerator; coal oil tan- terns and lamps; electric heat- er; electric washing machine; power lawn mower; large as- sortment garden and carpenter tools; step ladder, etc.,. etc. In case of inclement weather sale will be 'held in Lutheran Church shed. Terms: Cash Alfred Ropp, Albert Martin, Executors for the estate of the late Samuel Ropp ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 21c Baptize six at resort By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL At the Sunday morning worship, service„ at ,Gxand Bend, United Church, Rev. G. E. Morrow performed the rite of baptism for the following infants: Cynthia Jean Ashworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashworth of London; Arron John Bullock, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bullock; Sandra Mary Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Page Jr.; Judi Lynne Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rose; Patrick Roy Richardson and Buddy Alan Richardson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Richardson. EUCHRE PARTY The euchre sponsored by the ACW of St. John's-by-the-Lake Anglican Church was successful. Winners were Henry Green, Fred McPherson, Emery DesJardins, Horace Lake, Mrs. McPherson, Mrs. Pauline Hodgins, Mrs. Cardwell and Mrs. Agnes Smith. The ladies of the ACW served lunch. The euchres will be resumed in January. HEAR SUGGESTIONS The afternoon unit of Grand Bend UCW met Thursday. Mrs. Wellington Baker conducted the opening Worship and read a letter from her daughter, Miss Doreen Baker RN serving in Malaysia with CARE. Mrs. Charles Reeves gave the study book chapter. Mrs. W. Gill presided for the business. Roll call was suggestions for 1969 meetings. It was decided to have a special Christmas meeting with all the ladies of the congregation invited. Mrs. Charles Reeves and Mrs. W. Gill served lunch. By MISS JEAN COPELAND The regular meeting of the UCW was held in the church basement Tuesday evening. Mrs. Pat Dickey opened the meeting with the call to worships Miss Jean Copeland read the scripture. Mrs. Bob Robinson lead in prayer. Readings were given by Mrs. Ken Langford and Mrs. La Verne Rodd. A duet was sung by Mrs. Glenn Copeland and Mrs. John Rodd. Mrs. Jim Miller took the topic on the subject of China.' President Mrs. Ellis Strahan conducted the business. PERSONALS Mrs. Arnold Hem visited for a week with Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Meta and Susan Lynn of Bowmanville. Jim Rundle is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, following surgery on his knee. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cooke of Thamesford. Mr, & Mrs. Wm. Rundle and Larry spent the weekend with Miss Helen Boyle and Milton Boyle of Toronto and also attended the Royal Winter Fair. Gordon Robinson, Danny Jaques and Jerry Blaine of the Ventures spent the weekend camping near Durham. Friday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. David Wheeler were Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler, Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd and family and Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland and girls. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Chivers and family of Port Huron were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Jas. McLachlen and family. Other visitors during the weekend were Miss Sharon Smale of Hensall and Wayne McLachlen of London. On Sunday afternoon Rev. John King conducted the Sacrament of Baptism in the church when six-month old David Chivers was baptized. Dr. & Mrs. George Morphy of Toronto spent a few days in the village. Wilfred Wilson is a patient in St. Marys Memorial Hospital at time of writing. ONLY YOU CAN GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE! 25 Auction Solo Important AUCTION $ALE of V.oloolOo Real _EOAto, lrileuseheld Effects, AntIques ONTARIO NO. 1 Potatoes ONTARIO HOT HOUSE Tomatoes CALIFORNIA NEW CROP NAV Oranges SCHNEIDER S Chicken Legs L. 59 or Breasts Roast PRIME AND RT Rib O L. 73' Lied Patties L. 69' 25 LB. BAG 79' L. 39' EL 113'S DOZEN 69' OLD SOUTH Orange Juice 1202 2 FOR 79' BLUE POINT Oysters SELECTS HEINZ Beans NABOB Coffee WESTON S Bread Fresh Turkeys AVAILABLE THIS WEEKEND OUR MEATS AS FRESH AS MEAT CAN BE, AND OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY/1r it/MARKET CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING OUR SPECIALTY PRODUCE exet.er frozen Foods IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 OZ. 2 FOR GROCERIES • FRESH PRODUCE FRESH & CURED MEATS 235-0400 for FREE DELIVERY in EXETER BUTTERMILK OR WHITE GROCERIES FROZEN $115 35' L.. 73' 4 LOAVES 88' ANC) INJSPEC7rEID/ Y. PINT • 17 Property For Rent VICTORIA PARK apartments— New, electrically heated,• large rooms, 2 bedrooms, broadloom throughout. Mill Street, south of Victoria Park. Phone M5-0526. 10: 24tftic REAL NICE -- Available Dec, 1, bright newly furnished steam heated, one bedroom apartment, now wall - to - wall broadloom, new zero - Zofie refrigerator, electric range, automatic laun- dry And parking. Hydro, hot Water, heat, ail Utilities paid, $85.00 net, Elliot ApartnientS, centre of town, 235-2912. 1 isitfrit UNFURNISHED 1-b edt 00 in apartment, over stint:, private bath. Phone 235-0210 daytime or 285-6655 or 235-1515 evenings. 11z 2ltfnc Public notice is hereby given that an election for the Town- ship of McGillivray will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1968 to elect a Reeve and one mem- ber to the Middlesex Board of Education. Polls shall be opened between the hours of 10:00 o'clock in the morning and MO o'clock in the evening as fixed by town- ship by-law viz': Poll 1 — Neil Recreation Cen- tre, LOt 6, Con, 2. Poll 2 Times Cunningham house, Lot 24, Coil. 2, Poll 3 — Brinsiey Community Hall, Lot 15; Con, '10, Poll 4 ---- Donald Robinson house, Lot 15, Coti, 6 ECR, Poll Township Hall, Lot 16, Con. 14, Poll t — Lawrence, Curts 116i116; Lot 21, COL 7 WItC. Cerbett t'onthitinity Hall, Lot 35, MI. WILLIAM L AMOS, Iteturriing Officer 2 $e Phone 237-3471 DASHWOOD CUSTOM CUTTING • & LOCKER fly TI,e meThroi. RENTAL or Year. OPEN .PMbAY SATURDAY 'TILL '0 BOYLE'S LUCKY DOLLAR LEGS or BREASTS L13, 594 RIB STEAKS CI: BOLOGNA Ncs, 180's ORANGES KING SIZE OXYDOL FROZEN PEAS FRYING or ROASTING 3 LB. AV CHICKENS LB. 374 NO, 1 CHICKEN CHECK OUR LOW PRICES. • LB. 894 Lo, 390 2 bOZEN 1350 $1.59 12 oz, PKG. 4/119 ONTA1110 u p en "a"y NiOnday to Friday 0 a,mf to Saturdays to 16 p.m. SALE CONTINUES —.ONLY 9' DAYS L. The Saiiie Spectacular Values YOU Have edit* To EXpedt Of Us SALE 4;1/4 . 410100- -44 '_THE 411.` Vt OLD MILL -!.0.441.1t•do (IMINTON LIMITED) Annual FACTORY OUTLET • FT