HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1869-6-25, Page 1• • • .9 a otos aft r.., ).. 4» • s.. meow; emu Z9. 00dTTJ&1 ga .11 WM, writ 4. Jai - _ - i1 •0 • 111111einnon fd. rittrTICI kitilltn1111111014.1, W. DR. Mei.* AN. 11112110". 1112116mr. mamma. ar., gibe firrapaso WWI Was riO1 uNITABOO•id"Ms•• t.1*.K. la* ic KING. fd•pe Ileirmilat • rarsit•taat smit= - isse Is••• *swim"' & TALC stswiskingt•g"& SiKedi I ce, I . Irr,,,"2"11120; untrairt AN. atieug011 r14111••• C W. weer -r Jr. r. planter. .11. call1;101. WROI,ciiktra, awesome 1,-..-- las lamlwwl Elvefrietaa. la ot no AtlaaWs SOW Ism - y tr 0••• 14 1........ Pal st. #4. lbfotra wwi,liedenott. Imes ----- 4---..m.----.-. Ira 1.,. -oris. 0,..,,,. w wt owe+ Onwrii Ilitrit.a.411 tTroaTif.AT-14‘,- all• wt. oar. a Cows Row= -v. .----_ -.-- -3a- c c............ . ...... 14:11.444.=ar--" 3Pa‘ Claserweis Sr (lesson" 13ililL•Tmek..abeir JCITONA.M. , tel MAXIM fr. 44 Camas*, 140 J vtaserket. Ifilleflira fa Theater. 1 T tW ASO ClIAJPCWIT Nehelss Ps bt iv 0••• 444.1. e.o.m. et Iliad agnate 104 11•14•11 (1114. •1 •••••1111116, POO • L).$.1. too...sots I) 11441571M 111110asal. NOLICITOR Ie. ) U4.. . C. W. oh.. now,» Tf••••••• 164.4, 111•11111•••1 totoroot tow dew woo d Mope. Kowa wit /17 4111111,••••••,7 ref '`. rent 1 AND HURON' IND- BRUCE ADVERTISER or. ocsX, Editor and Proprietor. "the Greatest Possible 3aal to the Greatest Possible Number." • sr (Aust. Masi: • (Oselaneseri.) .1r1 Meg poitod,' continued IN ,Arjell"'16>i 'ekT *aperient. Iceduse ter beLave that .,WS delusion ia gener- ally igerenamies iN the ninid, thotigit &ten desiccated with 01199tuunel• *..ti the patient : Hoopes development Of t It deluason is the Ranh eklei aud, wnh Wet morbid phasegasem,incubatioa teaser slid int/ossify itittlini:fl41t.mes, h". ever, the illusion te p&18•Ad "(bet' *b..° psychicel, uf the time tether than of tic mtellinettesi. It comemenues at eight ; the incubator Latina hy mooing Doctor, . VOL. 7 -No.. 88 eisiona, often of • phottrittic diameter, /herring nocturnal woods, neither of ',ht. It Ilthe any material .141heing isvniveyeal dle $230 PERANN. IN AD ( GODERICH. ONTARIO D. C. FRIDAY. it.JNE 25, 1869, amines. vv. e ntisectm11 .8( CLOTHING CLOTHING! 1DT O„ WOK HERE I-- T 37.41. Al 0 RING J JI THE sabsertber having REMOVED to the Mare latel. oeeupied by W M. DUNCAN, •nit doer south u ing nos a.Mookil • to in two, his friends is the Tow• of. eleicsish and serroondieg country, that he 11111103iim the looter and inixit cowhide stack of F.II and Winter Boots and Shoes Maey houw in the coestry,eontaining every stele of- Ladies' and Children's goods, snd that be hee 'deo a large amertesent of very -GENTLEMEN'S WINTER BOOTS agene and foie. both irapoited, and of his men manufacture, which be will sell ‘• '"wy r Jk• . . tweirolL nw. OResoni for mei ode derest litwo Wei don nee lame le. Tomb. Inastatartis arroaaal.,./.1.44 souctsua • Casiewry. as, 1104,rwle. Oenno. 011ea- Crabbk DION 10,1 eon 011 sod examine, as be ie satisfied that he lellaigat tie goods yea FURSE. Getiarleb, Sept. 24, 1 ARO ATIWIVIIIR 920.1"111.11S11 ii)11 DOOR Doris ge emetor. ' * IIQIN1 URNS MIX MONTSINCINZT514Mang IL feriae very datiorveg•eermjipeninfillthelS teasivedmace he conowniced It I. es*. tr...k.00ltastag tri *aerate over oewl.• (44 hi...tither slowest • to bin la•1•••••• .1••01i 40 w *scared aoilinecfe LarrIttlE on Business Extensirel ltd ereployise •0a• bet ens-ek.• oedemas! wh ivy D. 4. boloo•ea • is alp:now e • Censor is samurais sone v• the Pretence .hanagearried•• braised.. worsoreiy andeisonestailyialtamilisa, preteapallyiusinuaaseawmama.mid intiriel twee Comm Is Inc of t ke Prieespa rsiovilishisea Rdiohurgh, Icottand, eeriew.)rietse to • domernins nubile 1 loll CLOTHING CAN RR .tir DE • b1•11al•blosbabole•40••••baf •• tab. eadOl• T.14.0410 Of 1110161••• Ouderieh, October 3rd, Y Bk=r,6. thmrstr. 1 iiist be le MI Mae led kr sob. et the BO IMMIX lit004.10GUIPT0310111 Ir it. Meow MA. rimy. Olwwfa• WIRISITA ATTIWPIFIt.414.4 W. SOU» we in Chewer, & laaptrowev on. • ego, ite. 1111O;o7 tort.onelL. nem trobb's et, ever • Me ArobilawbruSwen. F keTOR Y. rose*, ALL RINDS IV rEINITURE. THE andrtoonsell hewing purrhenn. itte Heise At 41111 41.0 "^ Mlo•nte Ow leg Mill ..-I sash aotoro owned, otl oe- Huron 1101.1, tledviret. inv. kat • call . 11..110.1 cementite. me now ',reamed ' tioderich.On.11. swIl • 40 0144 oe the humane. of aaaaa,‘Annallr %William R. Deli. li A. Sash, Doors, Blinds, cm %ISOM AND LAW mere resee's yaw 7'7".... 0. No Mouldings, Flooring. of.,...Z..71..,.."- . ... ...... siding, .......... imam.. ,•• =, 1ms ..$4 ': . - eee en Madge' T. H. 1111tona. 01 Ft.0 14 F. NV Ce IR IC, A BM MS TP i Kr tORICCLTIIRAL sorb m Circe" see theme Soell tad futs••• t.si wesetireqb inerlegai, 1.044.0‘.... They think from thee experierece iu new, '1117w Wort.11bat they reit mmismielletaism NI .11 WM 10.-4Ristaseesson, 2WIThiarnaiir, irna, 1.. 14. NOSEY TO MD. leer mmirometenth N. R. -A hirers 20400 lett of Dry imis Nett a tragter THE sellersigned begs to mime thanks the wattle for the liberal patronage Flooring on head. beeatotre tended hie slits pre. pared le !make, oo the shortest owns, any %WI ily 01 IfteWireisee's aid nil& WORE. and at the lowest Cmh Prises. CRT R EC CI V PlAST -13LAIN"41164.114telfr--.-- ALFRED COLLINI4 One 400. abIll- siO4(ntb•or ot Oederieh: Ass. 141h, DM. I-1 IP tit I ENID; WHOJIAILES YOU It BOOTS ! 114. 441 J MSS! nontall T ICSWIRe tweeerse. 111171110.11 4'..017 of 34 0/0.11.. 060.1.11hige ow., pone/molly et. coed wear. L.. R. Flointin. t"AtillrielleOwareftwelf 2tr'L 4t614 NICROLI101, L. D.S. 82TH4F ID 333 N for I IR 'I' It-•ont •••• WAWAo . -• .41 D S THEIL AND, S Coal. Lusher, S to, Latta s, ., y Arms, stilts 1,-..14 owes' West .,4 Ware:to Mews% We. wit OrtiliNkeif P•INIAllteL ROCO1 pt A:11V10.051 .41:4 Snap, /ape vile Irr 011ise ewer J. C Mtn 261 Irriedwreck A • LAND AGEST,V.LITER,&c. J AS MICH ANAN, DAVID LAWSON, ar ROBISSOIL Oedema. Mateh nb. 1161. teoloatetilet oN.T. ( >Nisi' TO LEND. 'ni sts for Rale. MCloys Land Patletedommit. Debt. rlioctea. If APqat the nom Of A!Agri, wk, Ret. Stli. lot . gw4,641 .stitarr OFFIOIAL ASSIGNEE. ,,,JeAscs. LAND ASI".•in Aritr f Ilddy d I-• -W40 1 "r""OR-IS-T.:. 8671 1860----“1: .11NRY rA-ritNT 90LIC1T0rt &uotips. MA N ttanawes, Carkraci.os, wasuisee THY, PATnrie gare 044.' Tw• •500•11011 • raw sae . 5. 4 tat."1:inen.**5.lt uee. " r"4 twee., reptsed eit 1. peterre bag .145.01 epee be•To.r subrObor •••111•4 *lab Wr Abe Ilern hie roOdtevoetwOrMona Sol lior p40.1.»oortally 444.1 In en •• 11•••• of tle. lete WIO e. W banana to the woe* emery ez.rezzied bY Wein 4.454,win Rut of woe everything ta 444. two no Wend and All Kinde of Job Work will he Done tb• ow. • G. N. DAVIS. Otedot,h. 2,44144006. 11490 .144 IN81711,0 Huts ogratit, , N .11.4 "" "0. els..416 ••-- Ic.‘nerie • ' Atsii5474 , low. * "T A•ni "r • R. DITION. ns4imamilietee NOTICE! NOTICE • • .4 • C,.) D CAMPRRIJ, haring lately isaeheeed Jer• Metrameat which *nettle. m to sake the li)eet photor setts ale& in Ondie. • ITKRY CHWAP. (fl --.PnrcnIaIn Pictons, not Re best wipe Demiairia, 44.1 5. good es any min ade (4410c1rh. Alen the Nor reein.t Ptctere, ehteb doer times es lierge its the Carte 4. • jehlr ler $3.50 nor armor,. In reerreing thank. l•it the patroness of *be rut, lontonai• so gall and see the sew ism for thsseelve• D CAMPBELL. dh.,,t0.01rieli. Dm. 3. 11116o. Rama. 111; ihadmr ere 144, Antetance fadea 1,1 .401015.411464 O. BARRY & BRO., OM UM CABINET MAILERS 661Prtrttrittr ARGON Dim* Hamilton St., Goderich, REMOVAL ALEX. WALLACE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, wt., WM.. (0 0113 nil srpt HK boboenbor 1••••••• so Om Neve laols • .••••Pd• •T • Norwalk 111.411 Frees, ...i.. 41 P.m. 06, writ* wo kYkalt wad ie. publ • it. 1.10.61••••• swilh .1sork 0••• haw* AR v.•r..i boo low dm la. IS Team sod begs v. a.m. it.. Ow • .• •don .01 be @pawed so wrst •••••••• • teem saierever. ibi11610.0 wady .01 b• lo•ppay Watches Clocks and Jewelery, rine& .01 ems ••••••• to oho probs./ •.•1 • • •owls ha• boon ems• b• o.r.g.•••••••• may 4,4.44 • woo( • wed elormod MT • good asoonerui 4 GoOl and rissai J• w• Watches, (locks k e., always.. baud ALEX WALLACE. tirleneb Oct. UM. 40 PAPERS ROOM PAPLRS. AVF.H) LAVad, tfrOVC) • CLOTHING. •Ja wow woo 1,, •e; too - - aphis optic ur durioulair nerves not from Iti OUR °III 9.21,4VF ' Itithout, but bum within, by the agency of 4, disordered beaus. These the reason; hitherto uniuspaiied, emobats at first; especially when they me nocternal onl but Watt{ reprodueed, and duo nal, *lie judgment seiteuntie Older the morbhlimprcei 41 Is -Wood se repeatedly 'r T hi 061, so• 1.11b urdiaary antecedent Jmiej. twine characteristic of the ineUhation insanity to which are fieipiently added mimetic exaltetioye,ue, 1 lailguagn. physical escitali 1.4--• disposal.. to ksh the brow. great activity ei the men 4 facul ie• ..r rhie a tellanarked dee!ine of the pr•vis of the linisretanding an exaggerativvn 01 as .00...1 conditions of thought --or a Mitt riff the mentaf aka as itninddrif hitherto belerefl; arse perMied doom all deed lee 61 Bliovilil were two en events help in. Vinyl pal ter aideri • t•tiol ituala pg yggcmhspip,„ Iyawn, Joilvtiada 11.10Jaq is* OMB. ASO 11111.1Y le I Hde'T - READY-MADE CLOTHING AL JP 2 1114.1 Norther having (It 1..,shltkoel to .4.44.4. 040.4 .Icksaisii . . (MEAT BARGAINS /1•1' 11 intraoneu l0 oirEkt tX VATS. UNDER COATR, P 42114, VST, H A TS, i COLLARR & T1101. GOOD WALE IN SHIRTS, 1114 DIUWIrsr 11.1.3s 'fax raVat SEM 'en,wid not Liman p. illUD .14. ED A. N 0•••ohldesitelLEJlegael 4.1 PIC e• el sirtilt-- I -I a I /too •• ••••••• .0•••••• DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST • •d as port•nos GENUINE _ As, • Tootle.' mad 1101111E.t irrL • ristidea ir ones ia wee Iliektmelas ▪ 14b. at tie rad Reis Nat st Merin aeherrove. Als• Wet low 11•41.0. &MK filsienne• SOO SOAK SISSITIL 111111cSAINflrAll trot. morn* 41.44 44 tee wee e • Three Different Kio4, of Papers a her Rails, Farlero,Ilialse Rooms Ai. LEN alp snort et N 0G*O& • • PM. R. BATT'S Crighti bloc* Chanter, lied Onderieds. Goderieh. VE I it ()II me arse nerd • wee ee• • ▪ eliewed olot-r" .M.ON 14; Y EASY J .144447. - „0443147 _ 110114.1.1 • gaas. b., Is A. Household ParuilIts Rink ..01 .1141. • 1, .1 10- - neenwel. tees and Drewhog Reim, ALL NEW PATTERNS, 101061111•11 wed islemall by nesieir. es• Pori, See, - We WU IleSeet hwetitui The Best and Cheapest If you Wile PAPERS /VER INTRODUCED 114 GODZRICH. FO)'. BALE AT constantly ea timid for sale •I! arti- eles to their line. such as Bed,toads, Chairs, Tables, Sofas, , in 0. All k& of wood -terming Ione, inch • Nool poets, 11480blaitni11011, no•JOkle; Always on heed • ooloplete ASSORTHENT OF COFFINS and a MEARS, to hire os reasosable term 6i:starlets, Mar /rd. GA/ 151,1 NEW ARRIVALS t1 T -T lr 0 rate DO01114) RANK OF MONTREAL, WEST ST. JOIlt Itelniente LARGE ASSORTMENT 0V CAN ADA WEEDs Van OVER COATINGS, which he is prepared tn wake op Othe .51 001400. notice. sail Cheer for Oak GOOD FIT WARRANTED. Goderieh, OA. 7,104*. web. N 'I' C ! To ID whoa It way i!outti. rea=1"14%.6..1=4.::',Ar •••••400 Wki Aii1010,Whitewoo4 au ream • S.110 Latta,.runt A MDAR tliteoug, orect-74444e vim Se Wit BMA ILL & A4neeereditiet Aim lit ew wee es P101 dr.', Os We new ear bitelfnes, o D It G Nan woulhoes ovs•rlyna, . - E EU I OIN EP && • OM... reset 111:46.1 nee • pneidlfr Wend lo1 Itua Vale Pmet.....- • 11. - Pmemptuest emeleds mound fivelierieb . Jas. N. SOS. LIGILT 1 14(313111 I uoirr _ el";-00AbbliS L 0 seff Typellele.by - IF YOU WET 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS ...demob Joe .11 F. JONI!. Ito E HNS 0 N, Ole. in et0 DilbeLk eirbe. Mar ewe" --- 1, 05. l„.1„,,,i.-..----; ....,,,,............,..; WOW ... *notion & Commission. mt.:Ric-1H Si(JI.JIN'rON wetsateltee)eeect 10441314. mew:sie=ereweete thelererh 5,4.s 044m. *eery Weer' • =rig lotmesetilmaro FAS11141)11 BALI 1.11 nit 6.0 MIST IS Li sem ce. aewse, eees***, ge-• .116 Mem god hip Than It lei OPPiter bt. Pries huh 5 414410111 twbilai. Pelt 4 lePostosty *The& *NNW ram Lands tbr Mill in .611. 1...404 44,,. • • a• is Da • 4 fo 44. Or Like Pea nest Colborne ala 1 4 Lake idiom •lea ets el let 1 I 1th ma. Aebf old Ise Ittb Goa. Ilteoley • Or pride" os41 OlkiriaATII RAO 4 14464 le tact. • BUTLER'S. Gaatart h, April Sib, ISO. all timer! and Provision Store 1144WING looted and fitted •p the store 11 *el necseied by A. F. Beek tor like , a is S ee. seeS, am new prepared to feraish tionisein mediae with 1,0041r 611 an PlinilisTOWIrri-so. ty• which !shall sell a-Ttie Lo.ssi rub priest cabbie( Phshr I N. F' 4-) PH *4144 • sole with Busk Pali ilia Picture.' MASOMIC APHIS for SALE, L }KITSON, r dozen 4. 8 H. GARDINER & Co.'s. ..JAKINE'r equassa. 1... .141. • Is YT :4Auaynono • _ • JO 111•41/101411 alLaall V 1Weett st.. IL .11:1011OLN tu wet • SLIM. w WM. nft WI SI twain vusasi VA •11141 *41 silt ILLtIVIIII.1.1 '09deal3 aRI misala wee I PS 04 paeina Amos. 12 !ewe 5.4 1! does in te rag Siltintal • ,I, 'Cl 11 M SOIAYCI '.1.G asayourark Iva up NOTICE. All parties Indebted to R. Misdate& Q. CutisiER BY NOTE OR BOOK AC - tare hereby siondied,thatualesethey --011,4111 PAY UP AT OM bo nod, without further a • R. RIUNClMAN, Huron Foundry, Goderich. Ont slederich, 29th Dec.. 1968. w49. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR t34%.1413., • -Fin R undereireed offers lor sale lot 6, eon. finderieh tome ihip.--1414 since, 65 elearod, frame barn, good land. The p.o tarty is eel* • in 1. from preseet salt• .a, e el as the relway nee through b.ggige SM be felled. raw( Goderiel. Lt. 40 tf salt Flour and Feed kap uustly oil heed. A of your patronage will he thank telly r edited faithfully attested tn. Ansel ihrd ttlIVAI4 treekery sad Glasware,Famay Caads, &e., Oatmeal, ferumeal, Buckwheat Fleur, &e 0 0 A. 24 OII.J1 COAL OIL LAIIPU • tmolo.. is 4 Goderiek, 000 No.. Illtk 1 • sneer of Oillfloues Square, L IMNTON, -44a. - (24 TEALS INSURNCE• rp., Marine and Lite Ismitiates 11/1/110TIUS Of Illa1101111I-1 ...... 04.. --KW* Sleek. wiriest Court now %mire and Weed Or.,odk C. W. Godorish. 1:04121Itsoin..1841.4.11ri , Jr ILsetest. JUST ARRIVED. 11•Wir........1.• • l• • ri • S. .• • !IWO* tffile rvelans lierb *imirms*•111""*"...mia 1*51 4444,44 41 41147 t jitseltr. , T ROSSOSASIA IAT10I s 1••00• .11. ^4 • IP -or •-•1 watt, Owens., .4104., Jammer? Sigh. IMO .11 A.'1'1 -1B, MIAMIS 1 S I L T, 1PRENII WATBH, If 0 1' ANI) C o loQ T149 STAND.) !SHINS 10.0.- mine alsoorlsne• 111 oorre litter hies. Wes st.. PIN LAT PINE TO SELL BER, GLES.. neetherd toe Lumbet, RA, GLES, &O. *NALL L0fR for Csmii. ever J. C. Illie inOW OLF.A.N, 0 1. MILER'S BARBER BROP WHIRS woo. W.. 1.• 041.1 fro. ',Or peep.. LiWi-Welm""*. 17033.1C1 e-,warnr. , STOVES co tol • •x• jg IS 11 N'..h NC: If 0-1 Iv NAT 3IEI. GOAL OIL, WIIOLESALE ANS Ft8TAII, sir 00.1 01: I, ii•rok•• iter 041 I ref,. Gyer, lir ter. Wi..1 mrt ir• 111,19h. ep 111 taken is miadiesre. J. k J. TORY. sir 'Alien ti 'rm. Coal Oil Ilerril Owiewat. olinb. I be b -I CIIEESE E ESE Shsphsid Strachan, giBORICSA, OODERICII. AVII Mee. ^Tinto.1 205. *reels et 43oeseloh ler the tale of the oelebratrol Exeter Piteserf nal••••• t„....1 &safe 'applied al MOD POIONT FIRE est MARINE tqatistArg. rwo Soot tomi , " --0 ni•yeseihIn • 9415594044. 0444 J N. rave4 eon dallast re 011111OW Agent. 1111111 Nores 14, Mb. dURRAH FOR ONTARIO e•witele...- -K.-CLIFFORD, TM relenting thanks for the liberal support • and pretronaye lie bes received for the lInt 13 yers, begs NSW* to My that by the 144110450140 101,101? be ie see limper. Biscuits and Crackers! which h. thinktrill be mire advents:twee to the common thee importing thew trout other places. 1...P3T OF PRICE: MR isiseasserpnie Hos iiiteeeet r. iwront " lhernuthy " 0.11/1 51.44.4 Crae: try it " ri " 0.064 eretnir Biscuits " 0444 ride's' ClatilLSWIS akes of Every kind 1 /nein' moon ,nent of lined sleety. en Iliad ad delieered doily to customers. E. CLIFFORD, Jan. 11 1869. _ 19,14.0 FREDERICK 0% W %TellIAKER A JEWLED, Wi? 3T.. OODItICH, .144)7 Wrvd rif Hr Wens' Saddlery, ina es* 40.,' 114 of the Peer opre. al.l. (1101.4, 'NTURES CLOCKS AND NWELERY REPAIRRO 07 RROR r NOTICE. (n the beet Style & Warrented. 4 s n ••••••••••• • .o1d and Trated Jewell- Watches. .n00.. ea. &. 'onetently on hand *ad wereseini in he as represened, 4( 4,00 money renind.d. n.. Work will he sold 'hese in make way nr Irwin rondo. If ye. want • really goad eloell re to 1. Frederick's. fledeneh: Oct. 21. 1867, 114 43 es. co vs Ir „. • P841 Pt 4_ *es eseeere wo vete ts• UMW 10110% Idirl he le new mew allmentrleg ammeilart akilltav taro., *MA MI-417,7purcrearlir•va cam L)' '11'4 a seriedsearfrer an4 two 014 4S ken wealkweeit aris eibilillgs2mas4111106, JOHN PARIMORR, Theoela swww, flostereh ca00b.111•• NW. ISO. Waits and se &torsion to ur some et J ane as in her II /4r. IV t *Juin Alfieri g.ntl Moo to Dr. My Jane Hardee down'the pools iutry teeeLottaf thz,!ner.aubaliallawd wf resioir your son appease to be in • von inchrei »ta„;.....,futl:ndourebr.1 K.1 h466 "And, oh dmitor, Aie kali* .his lirows and Loa gives' up I.. Oath.* ; w. 't g back to I lafrini•Ohis `Ez..ctly ; and acteks ittsolitto in, 111,4 1. el prey to morbid citerersietient arkl reverie ; but tIlumrutt1 P61rnowof btelil7'ilisidr i"n' h." .'IuttHha°rdie. --,Wa44 objected Jane, 'did not he say something to you eery 1 the stiiou:Laniguausai.ht ; sbudispot 5(.10arptst. D and Mr D•TdMi'll blood ran odd . "Nn," he abaunaenect, 'not that 1 rent- irattite 'Olo yea he did, papa f.ave tor gotteab pszawit .8; h.utt aht. 7.ereadquya,,t7, did mi.' put bar Anger to her fore head ; and the doctors interchanged • meaning gleam. belseve you are right, Jenny,' sai4 Mr. Hardie,taking the cue too uncopectedly offered him ; Ms did my some mimeses I could Dot wake head nor teal of ; but we all have mar crotchet& ; there, run sway, lik• agora girl, awl lot me exylicia all. they to our good friends twine ; and uiindi out • word ahout it to Alfn.d When she ow easy 44• aeid» 'thetle. men, my Kea it seed* la Uwe; *MI. Erotic monewooeis is or, dlnary phase of . _ 'His unremundble passion for • girl 44. .-Cali""taL.,Jthrty cranky...alum': that,4""laaa-*--- overwind., may have unhinged ITU mind • little ; supper I send him abroad f my 11.04 In -other wilt find the meats' ; et we mold edema. it hiss, I and the other' trustees ; he counts int? Awe Idluttiguid pounds in a moth Jr two. The doctors exchanged • meaning look, They then dassuadleii ems asumestly front tlimeteru.....ma ol.C.mtinenta/ trouitat qui tram, mare surrune,' mid Wycherley, and Os- mond explained that Alfred would brood OS well as at h if he trent .4,,.; and Dr. Wycherley gummed urt Mem 'Th. meet ad riaaale course IS 44 Sie him the bene o Atztoct.j.: and appluctues of every sort for soothing and restrain inT the specific malady.' Mr. Hardie did nut at first seethe intact purport th Weamous p.eriptirme. He hated .4. hn.ses. Presently he might a glimpse 44,1 .4.4 he thought oonfinemeni was hardly the thing 40. drive away andien, 11. et is.II respeets,' replied Dr. Wyeherr ley ;Ant, on the other band, • little gentle restraint ti the safest way of effect- ing a den pilot% of the fatal misociation• that have engendered and tend to per - pet ovate the disorder. Besidee, Lhe me theinal *potion:es are invaluable ; includ- ing, as they do, the nocturnal and diurnal attendance of a Paychophyaioal phyaiciang who knows the Qaychosonsatio relation of body and mind, and eon apply phymical remedies, cif the effect of whieh on the physical instrument of intelligence, the gray matter of Om hest, we have seen so ""Ve ejLoorl&mPillmoct: thee feelingly deplored the inhumanity of parents sad gonhast, in derlining to subject their incubators to opportune and salutary restraint under the omoryteicuithenn parronntaludieareimoef • imiPsychip,lougouttnita... • warm, and in'eighed against the amosta, pritib'keftc.cripuelilluloftLjn‘u'ifitnithrli.thandelidh utniry tha0,5177, fallow-createre, donated perhape onl, ent on. reiint, Slotild, tar the went of the early attention of those whoa@ duty it is to watch over him, lingssrunt hts renitence seperated from hdein all wo arn ar hint, and onviemned wIth.,nt any crime to he a .,,,,,Pri."Mt„o,,„0711ardfri.68ela M'whicwhthsruape*kdsk er 'bay 44 mitihia1. miebod gas rerersini, and the 11 ght grie TI. o : dtawlaZL buiitaal7:;t.ETdoHemis oncidiest:4 incur them from hosing inearerted.' i•dYki.rf. p(okunttilndir swtariithive :::::44 pLimat4,ineolititiiht716411,0fami404.4"8"his etell:inces•••,.n444 „„4„..doolboistadawribiartieputasia tiwt phi hma, there • rant of h ;maw. Infrst:his:""l'illilm:Ifm7rib:nh:12t."1111hieh:peraisben6P4116":""twacievIS aitier"."raisreftmala.lertc.: RY e of ,rmingreasatanana en the tr„ ; whet my hoed friend meardI.,.4- peemienrnol- B., ffe 11.• stoillthmo sioeseet lus sorollos aaaa . w 5.41rp' 0 e &IAA mayor sollomtoed*S_ poet 11444 anima istamPwilw 4150 &want *De- w& bag. Say • IRMO Well Itt the Mier w- owing bine "1boisto, oretiooklemoo seeers,' NMI ":""044 *gismo*. • I). 'D.00' fon"! I, 151, pops ; bo M (410 mom es 10041 751 An give !Are ea eirskigplattl;/*" .4 • erreo; r asa.Boe waft am Willsit • shisstall Mr. Hardie, '1444. It efetOMIP !N '1y 4..01.. tee weeks, le WI 01/11° (7.10•015 iesidia. 00 15.114' phisrad lbws** ."2' Mild Dr. *sobers!, wow,. A"' a* showed • Again to oupooteibb mho had she roes aa Inset WI •16 (44 elf leis ewoOWL •01.1 he bet iriftd fps !we,' 444 .104 ; P00, arm t• 4. 111.