HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-11-14, Page 11EACH ONE IS A QUEEN — Three hap pictured here following their crowning py TOPS members are Tuesday evening at the group's second anniversary party, From the left, Mrs. Marion Miller was crowned three-month queen and iunner-v p for yearly queen; Mrs, Leo Gibson was named yearly queen; and Sally Laing was runner-up for yearly queen. T-A photo TOPS Queens crowned It was the second anniversary meeting of the TOPS club in Exeter Tuesday evening. There was even an anniversary cake to make the occasion festive — but to prevent any temptation, it was an artificial cake. Main event of the evening was the crowning of the yearly queen — this time Mrs. Leo Gibson, Dashwood. Mrs. Gibson was the winner of the title last year. In fact, it was the fourth time the lady has received a TOPS crown. Runners-up were Sally Laing and Marion Miller. Mrs. Miller also took the three month crown. Runner-up in this class was Jean Madge. For the first time ever, a member of the Exeter TOPS club has given birth to a baby. This stork club baby was Pamela Ann Johns, daughter of Mrs. Bob Johns. Special guests for the evening were the Diet-Wise TOPS from St. Marys. Bingo was enjoyed after the business. A banquet , lunch with no more than 65 calories per serving included jellied salads, cold meats, cheese, carrots, celery and melba toast. Molded salads should be pre- pared a day ahead, and refrig- erated. To keep polished silver bril- liant, put it in a polythene bag-- tightly closed. The afternoon unit of the. UCW of Main Street Church met Thursday when president Mrs. M. Gardiner welcomed the ladies from Crediton United Church. Other special guests included Rev, and Mrs. H. Seegmiller. The former was the guest speaker who discussed his work in different Indian missions in northern. Ontario and Quebec. Mrs. P. Merkley presided for Mr. & Mrs. Allan Westcott were in Hamilton Thursday evening attending awards night at Mohawk College when their son, Richard, a third year mechanical engineering student received an award. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Floody and Janice spent the weekend in town. Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield returned with them after a holiday in Windsor. Mr. & Mrs. Warren Lindenfield of Billings, Montana, visited with Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield and cousins in the district this past week. Money spent for potatoes buys not only pleasant' eating, it also purchases good food value. IF.OWOMFF04,41*M4,W0140010.MckiROv041e0.'.10 04000‘414 Oor LIGHT FRUITCAKE UCW hear Anglican rector ?A: A .11w,Aivita•mtsziAtqAtiaiigia vetiqlterraftviiIIPRAViltrvft-tVertgizmwwidisim-wttitti 'A lb. almonds !/ ]b. seedless raisins (about 11/2 cups) '1/2 lb. mixed peel Or glaced fruit % cup glace pr Weil-drained Inara$Phi cherries (sliced) :21/2 -C4Pa all-purpo,seprO:sifted te sCP °IA5Sal; and line cake tins one medium-size. 6"x6."x31/2" and one small-size 4"x4"x3") with.three layers of heavy duty •waxed paper or two layers •of brown Papers Grease again. BLANCH and halVe the almonds; then toast in a moderate oven._ Combine in a large bowl with raisins, peel and sliced cherries. MEASURE 1/2 cup flour without sifting and add to fruit, stirring until fruit is well coated. Measure remaining 2 cups flour without sifting; add baking powder and salt and stir thoroughly to blend. CREAM butter until fluffy; gradually add sugar, mixing until creamy. Add flavorings and then the eggs, one at a tirne, beating well after each addition, MIX IN dry ingredients until well combined. BLEND IN frnits and nuts. TURN into prepared cake tins, filling two-thirds full and spreading batter evenly. BAKE in slow oven (275 degrees) for two hours for a medium Cake and one and a half hours fora small cake. Allow to stand in tin five minutes. Turn out on wire rack and cool thoroughly before storing. (If tins of another size are used, test after one and a half hours by inserting a toothpick in the centre. Toothpick should come out clean when cake is done.) —Mrs. Helena Toornstra. 1 teaspoon halcirig powder 1 cup butter ..Oral:m11004 IA cups sugar I:teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon alMOnd.extract I. teaspoon grated lemon rind 11/2 tablespoons; lemon ;nice. 4 eggs. .,i;i.t7tsi:$11t41;:iItvNit:Mt:iigEt:Mcvilfaizi..id%Vs'leril:fle4gl?Az?Alz?i.11:MI:WagedottrcftvVere:?..felftlIVO•orgri-samcwiesmstient?rervaialsg4YlPtfavrlIaI:z?fircftzlItirgtritMoIltrPli*IlWA;A4 WESTINGHOUS WILL MAKE AN EXCITING CHRISTMAS FOR YOU! . • You Can Be SURE if it's Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE WASHER With the weigh-to-save lid that saves water and detergent ... Five water temperature combinations 16 pound capacity WESTINGHOUSE DRYE R That gives you a lat02 when its ready Takes ti full lOad • tlitietiV and senoothiy. Up front lint col lector fot easy removal Discover the delight of owning the range that is truly simple to cook on ... Cleans itself AN by itself Come and check the lengthy list of ultra- modern features How convenieht and attractive can a refrigerator be? Westinghouse says VERY} * Of cdurse it's FrOst-Free * Has P ettoria I Nil Panels * Large capacity DISHWASHER Can wash dishes better than you ... It's no longer a luxury .. Just a good homemaking idea for your family * There are 5 wash cycles to suit every type of load. * Large capacity racks handle all your wash at once COLOR TV The Westinghouse Color TV symbol stands for quality of design & craftsmanship TINDALL'S TV & RADIO SALES and SERVICE Rogers Majestic AUTOMATIC COLOR TELEVISION EIGHT AUTOMATIC FEATURES TO BRING YOU COLOR AT ITS BEST * Visit our showroom to see Black and White and Color on Display * Bring the world of SIGHT and Sound into your home this Christmas Old Post Office Bldg. Main Street. GRAND BEND Phone 238-2042 5 LOAVES 97 MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT Coffee 10 OZ, JAR CASE YOU D/DAI ANON/, We've been in business in Dashwood for seven years and to show our appreciation for your most valued patronage we're offering these Come Help Us Celebrate SHIRRIFF'S OZ. Jelly Powders 11/97 MAPLE LEAF Lard 2 L.s.37+0 TULIP Margarine 2 Lss.574 GIANT SIZE Tide Joy Liquid 24 OZ, 5157 874 2 FOR 970 CLOVER LEAF Cohoe Salmon 1/2 POUND 47 TINS STOKELEY'S CORN 1402,. TINS 8IbES OF BEEF 57' GOT, WRAPPED AND PRO2EN Bread SAVE 38c Pepsi Cola BUY ONE CARTON AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET ANOTHER FREE * * * * Drop in anytime for FREE balloons dnd pencils CHECK THESE MEAT BUYS SMOKED Picnic Shoulders LB. 47 Homemade Sausage LB. 57 ° MAPLE LEAP Canned Hams 1Y2 POUND TINS $1.57 Kam Layer Bacon 1-r2iNOs2. 9 7 ° LB. 57 4 114SFIWOOD CUSTOM CUTTING & LOCKER Ely The Month RENTAL Ot Y0,0*. OPEN( FRIDAY & SATi)ithAY TILL 9 IF YOU WANT TO' BE SURE YOU'RE GIVING THE. BEST DROP IiV . TObAY • BEAVERS HARDWARE MAIN ST, PhOne235-1033 Atotio,fod• *4'04' :;00**4 -.4.4**6***4.0<iikk4.***#.0******1*d i0.0*4-. ets C11*.ag4***zifit4t410.404' EXETER Lt 04 t:igeq•A cgiO4i.w,44A04tNiiewsr.i.twts wed a?, STORK CLUB CELEBRITY — Little Miss Pamela Ann Johns may not be a member of the Exeter TOPS but she was a celebrity at the meeting Tuesday evening. She had made her mom, Mrs. Bob Johns, the very first member of the. Exeter TOPS club to have had a baby while affiliated with the group. Mom and Pamela are members of the TOPS Stork Club. T-A photo Wild game opking ort With :so many of the ippp, in, the district out hunting and returning with :quantities :of venison for their wives to cpols, It might be helpful if the T-APaSSed along some hints to the gals who have to prepare this .meat perhaps for the first time. Mrs, Irvin Rader in Dashwood is one housewife who is WerieriCed in the ways of cooking venison, This year again her husband was in a party of hunters who shot seven deer in the northern Pa4a of the province, She recommends that venison be Snaked in a fairly heavy solution- of salt and water .for about. 24 hours before cooking, Mrs. Rader estimated that for .4 two or three pound roast, she would use enough water to cover (approximately -2 to 3 quarts) and add from VI cup or 1/2 cup salt, Before roasting, Mrs. Rader wipes and trims the venison roast, :dredges it with flour and lays stripS of bacon on top of it, She places the meat in .0 roasting pan, adds about one cup water and roasts it at 375 degrees with the. roasting pan lid on, Season when about half. cooked. Add just, enough water from time to time to prevent burning. The yonnger the animal, the shorter the cooking time. No matter what the age of the beast however, venison roast makes plenty of rich, dark gravy. For venison steaks,• fry in a very hot, slightly greased pan. It is wise to sear the meat at a very high temperature and then reduce the heat slightly for . the remainder of the cooking time. Turn every two minutes until tender. Season when about half cooked. Serve very hot. Although Mrs. Rader has never cooked bear meat, she did provide a recipe for bear stew which sounds very good. Bear Stew a la Espagnole 3 lbs. bear meat cut for stewing 1 cup vinegar 1 gal. water 1 small onion chopped 1 chopped green pepper 1 clove garlic 3 stalks celery chopped 1 can tomato paste 1 can tomatoes 1/2 teaspoon tobasco sauce salt and pepper to taste Soak bear meat in cold water. Soak for 15 minutes in the vinegar and water. Dry meat and fry in a deep pan with garlic, celery, green pepper and onion. Add salt and pepper. After frying well, add, tomato paste, tomatoes and tobasco sauce. Letsimmer for a half hour. • flames St, Unit a UCW met Monday evening with the leader, Mervyn CudInore in charge of tbe•btl$ine45.., Mrs, 1,4WKOPP.P. 'WOO! :0444140 the stilt! "Towards Understanding China and the. Chinese people," She. Waa. assisted the worship by Mrs, Larry .Snider MM.:BM:JOKY,. China :has a population, of 10 Million. people, 36 times that :of Canada and is: ruled by a Communist .government„ The last Canadian missionary left China in 1952. A film "Land of Change and Growth". _showed. different aspects .of former years and now. One instance of change was the Great Wall which was built to keep out =barbarian invaders is .now a tourist attraction. Xnth of the country trained by the Communists is hqpwn the. Pioneer Youth Organization.. The song "East is tied" is heard gYeryWhere. In Canton,,everyone carries a red Bible. Ali hooka which are read are controlled by the government, Two professions are open to women who may be doctPra and lab technicians. Women are alSo urged to be in the army. Cleanliness is stressed and posters are numerous telling how to go about it. After the film, Mrs. Garnet Hicks led in a question session on the film. the devotions assisted by Mrs, Susan Link. Rev. and Mrs. D. Warren sang a, duet. Stephenson-Roney -- Continued from page 10 with silver, black patent accessories and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. The groom's mother chose a java green peau de soie dress with ribbon scroll trimming and scalloped hemline, matching hat and shoes, a fur stole and a corsage of autumn colored mums. For travelling, the bride changed to a green and white gabardine coat and dress ensemble, matching bow in her hair, black patent accessories and a corsage of yellow sweetheart roses. On their return, they will reside at RR, 1 Varna. Guests attended the wedding from the United States, Walkerton, Toronto, Tara, Niagara Falls, Kitchener, Listowel, Stratford, Mitchell, Clinton and areas. TifTlea-AdVocatei November, 14, 1968 Pala. 11 James Jos .se.0 ,on .C.,.„. inct .change