HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-10-31, Page 3Granton ladies sell hot coffee
A bogie fin ancial objectiye- Tinies-,Aciyocate October 01, )968
Exeter h ots .:Cpncet group-
UCW examine new reading materials
UCW members attending the regional meeting in Hensall United
Church Wednesday showed SUTP..e interest in the fine display of new
reading materials ,available through the church. Browsing through
some of the books and pamphlets are (left to right) Mrs. .Arthur
Brophey, GreenwaY, Mrs. Jack Duncan, [(Acton, Mrs. Wellwood
Gill, Grand Bend, Miss Ethel. Gabel, Zurich, and Miss Lillian Haist,
Crediton. Special speaker at the day-long event was Rev. A. X.
Mowatt of Wesley-Willis United Church in Clinton,
Figure skating
A figure skating club has been organized at the Huron Park Arena at
Centralia and a goodly number of registrations were received
Saturday. Any boys or girls wishing to participate in the program
may still do so by going to the rink Saturday afternoon or by
contacting any member of the executive. Above, executive members
'at Huron Park
Mrs. J. Flinn, Jack Underwood, Chub Lenz and Mrs. C. Robichaud
are shown taking a registration from Mrs. P. Campbell for daughters
Tracy and Leslie. Mrs. Stewart Bell of Hensall will be the teaching
The old saying "help yourself by helping others" applied to ladies of Granton United Church Saturday
at the Middlesex County Plowing Match. The UCW ladies served coffee and pie to the spectators that
braved the cold winds to attend the match. Above, Mrs. V. Nixon, Mrs. Betty Alce and Mrs. C.
McRobert are supplying refreshments to Harold Wallis on whose farm the plowing event was held.
Minister to officiate
at College opening
The Honourable William G.
Davis, Minister of Education for
the Province of Ontario will
officially open the Conestoga
• College of Applied Arts and
Technology, at the boon
Campus November 7, .
Also present will be about
200 invited guests including
other members of the'Provincial
Department of Education, the
College Board of Governors,
Mayors, Wardens and Reeves as
well as Conestoga College
Faculty and Staff. Neil
Aitchison, President of Student's
Council will represent the
student body.
The opening, beginning at
3:00 p.m. will be chaired by
A.F. Klinkhammer of Galt,
Chairman of the Board of
.Canon Michael Griffin of
Stratford will conduct the
Invocation and Dedication of
the building.
Many helpers
for blind appeal
Exeter Liens, their wives' and
sonic additional helpers
collected $1,287 for the
Canadian National Institute for
the Blind in canvasses Conducted
in Exeter, Centralia and Huron
Park last week.
Larry Snidery chairman of the
Huron zone for the CNIB and
Weal chairman, said those, who
May have been Missed can leave
donations at his garage, or may
call there to have 'Money picked
up at their heries.
A brief resume of the history
of the college and plans for the
future will be given during the
presentation of the college to
the community by President
James Church.
in festival
A total of seven district
churches are co-operating in
sponsoring a Mission Festival to
be held at Zion United Church
in Crediton from November
1345, inclusive.
While a full length movie is
the feature attraction on two of
the' nights and Rev. Alfred Day
will be the guest missionary on
November 14, special emphasis
is being put on creative displays
that are being prepared by the
different churches.
The U.C.W, of Crediton
United will be depicting
affluence Versus poverty while
Zion United of Crediton will
have A display on China and one
on evangelism and missions.
Medical missions will be
highlighted by the LLCM.' of
James Street United in Exeter
and Main Street will have a book
exhibit on christiati education
and missions.
Centralia United Church
ladies will take care of social
Service and home missiens,
EininanueT United in Zurich will
spotlight church vocations and
missions while Tletitall United
church ladies will portray
stewardship and missions,,
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thomson
attended the Mills-Henderson
wedding at Seaforth Saturday.
Leonard Thacker, Cathy and
Linda visited Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs. Jack Morgan and family of
Mrs. Alex Dobson of Weston
visited Sunday with Leonard
Thacker and girls.
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Robertson
of Powassan spent the weekend
with Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson.
All attended the 135th
anniversary of St. Anne,
Adelaide Church, Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Sweitzer
had as their guests Saturday
evening Mr. & Mrs. Verne
Sharpe, Mr. & Mrs. Murray
Evans of Delaware and MiSS
Eleanor Sharpe of London.
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Baumgarten
of Bothwell visited Friday with
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sheppard and
other friends in the area.
Mts. Ka e Reed and Mrs. M.
Brown, London, and Mit. M.
Turnbull were recent visitors
with Mrs. H. Morenz.
Miss Ida. Gates and Les Gates
of Chicago were regent guests
with their douSinS Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron Weiti,
Mr. & Mrs, Earl Haist Visited
Sunday with some of their
friends k at IfuronVieW, Clinton.
T—A photo
Exeter court
— Continued from front page
Highway 83 and failed to yield
the right of way, was fined $25
and costs.
The Chant car struck a car
driven by Ernest W. Talbot,
Kippen. Damage in the mishap
was estimated at $1,000.
A fine of $20 and costs was
forfeited by John Edward
Cleave, Huron Park, who hit a
mail box in Stephen Township,
September 15 but did not report
the accident until the next day.
Damage to the Cleave car was
estimated at $100.
Robert Craig Forbes, Windsor,
was fined $10 and costs for
failing to stop at the intersection
of Andrew St. and James St. in
Exeter, August 25.
A similar fine was paid by
John Nelson Egan, Biddulph, for
failing to stop at the intersection
of Highway 81 and County
Speeding fines were paid by
Peter Joseph McLeod, Exeter;
James Leslie Pfaff, Stratford;
Randolph R. Witte, Sudbury;
Weston Suchard, London;
Kenneth Neil Roberts, Michigan;
David Allen Shewfelt,
Kincardine and Robert Leroy
Murray, London.
Cousins Michael C. Dietrich
and Donald R. Dietrich, both of
Dashwood, each paid a fine of
$60 and costs for having liquor
while under the legal age of 21
The boys pleaded guilty to
being in possession of 19 pints
of beer September 29 in Zurich.
Both youths had been drinking
when apprehended.
Cornelius Walmmes, Clinton,
was fined $25 and costs for
having liquor in a place other
than his residence. Walmmes was
stopped August 16 in Stephen
Bruce Marriott, Dublin, was
charged with littering and paid a
fine of $15 and costs when two
passengers in his car threw beer
bottles and a beer case from the
car onto the roadside.
Mrs. Wm Walters visited
Thursday with Mrs. Russell Lee
and famil Exeter,
Mr, & Mrs. Albert Hutton and
Debbie, Listovvel, visited Sunday
with Mr, & Mrs. Sanford Hutton,
Dennis and Diane.
Mr, & Mrs. Ewan, Pyin anti
Mrs, Junes Rieklandy Exetery
and Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cole,
London, visited Sunday with Mr,
& Mrs. Freeman Horne,
Larry Fulton, Ellinville„
visited Saturday with Dennis
DianeHutton attended
birthday party for Carol Allen
about SO Manna fterla
Huron, Grey, 'Brace, ?edit,
'Waterloo. and Wellington.
'Attended the ..district Meetiht of
the Canadian Cancer .Society
held at the R.. Pooley. branch
Legion, Saturday,
The .Ux.eter .Unit was hog for
the event. which included Panel-
..diacirisSions and speakers on
varions departments of the
Members learned that the
six-county district had raised
$05,578 for the Veneer Society
in 1.96J3, almost 10 per cent
above the .objective.
The 1.969 goal is $212 500..
Durin .00 of the diseusions„
Dr, Farmer, Kitchener,
„complained that the Ontario
Tuesday night was enrollment
for Kirkton Guides when Mrs.
Gary Nash of St. Marys came
out to enrol Nancy Harvey,
Lorrie Morrison, Beverly
McLean, Ann Armstrong, Denise
Robinson, Joanne Paton, Kim
Doupe, Linda Rivett and
Ramona Krziyzek.
Mrs. Cook from St. John's
Ambulance presented First Aid
certificates to Karen Anderson,
Ruth Bane, Brenda Beams,
Deborah Jaques, Nancy Kirkby,
Ramona Krziyzek, Janice
Martin, Barbara McLean, Grace
Paton, Sylvia Paton, Laurel
Ratcliffe, Diane Robinson,
Kathy Simpson, Peggy Simpson
and Lynda Switzer.
Miss Beverly McLean favored
with a vocal solo and Miss Laurel
Ratcliffe with a piano solo.
Mrs, Wm. J. Blackler spent the
past week with her daughter, Mr.
& Mrs. Harold Henry at Point
Lions complete
busy evening
Members of the Exeter Lions
Club killed two birds with one
stone Thursday night. In
addition to holding their regular
meeting at the Dufferin Hotel in
Centralia, they closed out the
area canvassing for the Canadian
National Institute for the Blind.
With the help of wives and
families the village of Centralia,
Huron Park and a few sections
Eketer were covered.
President John Grose was in
charge of the regular meeting
and past president Larry Snider
handled arrangements for the
fund raising blitz.
Kin, Kinettes
attend council
On October 26 and 27th five
Exeter Kinsmen and four
Kinettes attended the District
One Fall Council Meeting held in
Windsor. Those attending from
Exeter were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Callingham, Mr. and Mrs. Cal
Wein, Mr. and Mrs. Gernot
Daubr, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cross
and Cliff Quance.
At the Conference $4,100.00
was donated to the National
Institute on Mental Retardation.
This Fall a dream will become a
reality for Kinsmen members
across Canada when
construction begins on 1.5 acres
of land at York University,
Toronto, Ontario.
Ground breaking ceremonies
will take place one year ahead of
schedule. Kinsmen and Kinettes
have contributed close to
$400,000 for this most
important project.
The Keynote speaker was the
National Vice President of the
Association of Kinsmen Clubs,
Dick Rendek.
The Exeter club received a
Boake efficiency award.
Seek 'treats'
to aid needy
Many school children who
will be out tonight (Thursday) in
Hallowe'en costume Will be
carrying with them the official
little orange and black boxes of
At the same time as they are
collecting their candies and
other treats, the youngsters will
be gathering pennies, niekleg,
dimes and quarters to help feed
hungry children in other parts of
the world.
A survey Wednesday morning
showed that students from
Grades..4, 5 and 6 at Exeter
Public chool as well as children
at Usborne Central, Stephen
Central, J.A.D. McCurdy Sehool
at Huron Park and Zurich Public
School will be soliciting money
Youngsters at Bidduiph
Central, Lucan Public Sehool
and Hensall Public School will
tot be Working for UNICEF thiS
It is the policy of all
participating schools that only
those children who volunteer for
UNICEF' duty are issued with
regulation bogies,
division. of the cancer $0, cietY
had made .no attempt to refuted
statement by the president of a
tobacco CoMpanY that there Was
PO.C.PnneettOri between smoking
And carieer,
fi¢ suggested. the ,Ontario
division had been negligent in
thetr dottes to not arlaWerMf the
However, he was told .the
PaP4clian Cancer .Society had
been 'told by the Canadian
Medical Association not to make
any such statements without
CMA approval,
It was suggested that the
president of the Medical
Association be asked to give the
Association's views on smoking.
In addition, the Saturday
Mr. & Mrs. Art Mitchell of
London were Sunday evening
dinner guests with Mrs, IL
Copeland and Miss Ethel.
David Robinson and. Peter
Dykstra spent the weekend with
Dennis Hazelton of Hamilton.
Mrs. Wm. Scott is a patient in
St. Marys Memorial Hospital at
time of writing.
Mrs Ward of Monkton spent
the past week with her daughter,
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Scott and
Two Ailsa Craig men, William
Andrew Lalonde, 23, and Fred
Paff, 20 were killed late
Saturday night when they were
struck by a car while walking
along Queen Street in the village.
Mr. & Mrs. Martin McGrenere
of London visited in Dashwood
over the weekend.
Mrs. Gerry Dignan, London, is,
visiting her sister, Bernie Madden
fOr a few weeks.
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Bradley of
Petrolia spent Saturday with Mr.
& Mrs. Thomas Ryan, Corbett.
Paul Dietrich is enjoying a
pleasant trip through the
Western Provinces and with his
sister, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Patterson
and girls of Winnipeg.
Miss Chris Rutten, London,
spent a few days this week with
her parents, Mr. & Mrs. John
Rutten and family:
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Ruggaber and
family of London spent the
Weekend with Mr. & Mrs.
Alphonse Hartman.
Mrs. Kathleen Houlihan and
Mrs. Don Wells and son visited
the formers son Joseph in St.
Joseph's Hospital where he has
been a patient for the past
Anniversary set
at Grand Bend
Anniversary services will be
held at Grand Bend United
Church Sunday. Guest speakers
will be Rev. prude Guy of
Calvary United Church,
Dashwood, and Rev, Robert
Trimble, Wesley United Church,
Emery DesJarditis received
word last week or the death of
hi$ sister, MO. Stan Pettegrew
(Gladys Deslardins) of
Vancouver.. Surviving besides her
family are two sisters, Mrs.
Emeline De8Jardine and Mrs.
Mattel Mason,
Miss Delilah Dolt
trieettlig PaSsed 4 resolution
reprimanding Ontario Diyis1911
for 11" taking arty 40.011 to
refute the claim of the tobacco
company head in a Toronto
Dr. Farmer said anyone who
smoked was "a fool" adding that
there Was no longer any doubt
abort sMOIOPg's contribution
towards lung cancer.
Another chap who indicated
the same thing was "Smoking
Sam" a tlivice set up to show the
amount of tars which get
through to a'person's lungs from
one cigarette.
A picture also showed' the
grayish-blue of a smoker's lungs
in comparison to the normal
color of a healthy lung,
"Smoking Sam", who smokes
a real cigarette in his public
exhibitions, bad a difficult time
finding a cigarette for his
demonstrations, Saturday.
Cancer Society workers had
to get one from one of the ladies
serving dinner,
In an election of officers,
Robert Luxton, president of the
Exeter unit, was named
chairman of the education
committee for the six-county
Other officers were as
President, jack. Young,
Stratford; vice-president, Adrian
Knechtel, Hanover; secretary,
Mrs. Edward Payne, Kitchener;
campaign chairman,Ernest Evans,
John McLeish Stewart, 25, of
RR 1, Ailsa Craig driver of the
car was injured when his vehicle
careened off the street after
striking the pedestrians, bounced
off three trees and hit a
telephone pole.
Constable William Symons of
the Lucan OPP detachment said
the two victims had left the
Ailsa Craig branch of the Royal
Canadian Legion and were
walking north on Queen Street
when the accident occurred
shortly before midnight.
Autopsies at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London showed Mr.
Lalonde died of broken ribs, a
torn aorta, skull fracture, brain
laceration and massive
hemorrhage in the chest. Paff
died of aspinal cord injury and
ruptured aorta.
Mr, Stewart is in satisfactory
condition in Strathroy-
Middlesex General Hospital
It was announced by Charles
L. Walkom, District Manager,
Agricultural Chemicals Limited,
that "Agrico" is planning to
build a new fertilizer blending
plant on the site of the Agrico
fertilizer centre in Brucefield.
The existing bulk fertilizer
building will be torn down and
replaced by a modern blending
plant to handle both bag and
bulk fertilizer. Construction
work on the $60,000 blending
plant has begun.
The new facilities will provide
more efficient handling of bulk
fertilizers, and enable Agrico to
offer improved service for local
and 'area farmers. High analysis
London spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs, Mac Holt,
Mr. & Mrs. DuncanMcVittie
of Southampton spent , the
weekend with her ohnits,Mi.&
Mrs. Lawrence Johnson and.
Miss Bonnie Green is a patient
in St. Jose h 's Hospital
One grower left
With the closing out of the sugar
beet industry in this area earlier
in the year, a district youngster
decided to stay in business.
Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Ondrejicka, Stephen township is
shown above with one of the
beets he harvested from a
handful of seed planted in the
spring. T-A photo.
with head injuries.
Funeral services for both men
were held Tuesday from the T.
Stephenson and Son' Funeral
Home, Ailsa Craig with burial in
Nairn Cemetery.
Mr. Paff is survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Paff, brothers, Vern, Ivan,
Raymond and Walter, all of
Ailsa Craig, sisters, Mrs. Ken
(Rose) Kirk, Mrs. Ben (Irene)
Baresick, Mrs. Carman
(Margaret) Thompson, all of
Ailsa Craig and Mrs. Clayton
(Alice) Kooy, Exeter.
Survivors of Mr. Lalonde are
his wife, the former Bernice
Moore, daughters Edna Maxie
and Kimberley Ann, and son,
Arthur Leo, all at home, father,
Arthur, London, brothers Peter
and Ronnie, London; sisters,
Mrs. David (Irene) McLarty,
London, anti Mrs. Melvin (Marie)
Tebutt, Ailsa Craig.
fertilizers will be offered in bulk
and in bags with 4-ton spreader
rental service, In addition the
hew Agrico fertilizer centre will
continue to market anhydrous
The company has served area
farmers for a number of years. It
is well known as a manufacturer'
of Aerie() high analysis fertilizers
for field crops.
Agricultural Chemicals
Limited, widely known as
"Agrico", has pioneered in plant
analysis and today offers a
complete soil and plant analysis
service, Last year, Agrico Critical
PathCrop Programs were
launched by the company to
assist fanners in achieving higher
yield goals.
Agrico fertilizer centres are
located in strategic centres in
Ontario an uebee. With
farmers striving for more
efficient use of cropland and
resources, 1' Agrico'' is planning
On providing the products anti
services which will assist the
grower to reach his goal.
Five generations gather
A recent celebration at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton, Elimville honored a five generation
family, shown above. Front, Mrs. Elizabeth Davidson, Stratford is shown with her great-great-grandsons
Steven, David and Paul Fulton. Back, from left, Mrs. Reuben Pehlke, Monkton, Doug Fulton, Stratford
and Mrs. Alvin Fulton, Elunville. T-A photo
In Ailsa Craig crash
Two pedestrians die
New fertilizer plant
set for Brucefield