HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-10-24, Page 11• 13 for Sale 3 .MATERNITY .dresses, sire 14, 16, Phone 228-6996. WP GAMY, A GG.MKATg. LINE OF Musical Instruments Instruments Accessories and .8001q. GUITARS AS TOW AS. ;19:96 • • • EXETER ELECTRIC Your exclusive- RCA Victor Dealer 24e 14 Wanted To Buy USED CHESTERFIELD suite in very good condition. Apply Box P B The Exeter Times-Advo- cate Ltd. 24c 15 Wanted MAN BOARDER -- Prefer an elderly man. Apply 140 Andrew St. N. or phone 235-2967. 17:24c PIANO — Would anyone have a piano they would donate to the Mentally Retarded School. Please contact Ivan Marrow 237-3253. 24c 16 Properly For Sale 1 STOREY HOUSE, Huron St. W., living room, 2 bedrooms, bath, furnace, hot water. One storey brick house, Andrew St. N., 3 bedrooms, full bath, full basement, attached double ga- rage, 2b acres, part dwelling lots, balance commercial. See W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 10:24tfnc CALL 1 6 AT 1863 "The Centennial Office" HOUSES FOR SALE EXETER — Frame home on Huron St, Two bedrooms, oil heating, needs some repair. A good buy—make an offer. EXETER — 3-bedroom frame house with insul brick siding. This house has been completely modernized. Garage. In good re- pair, wiring, furnace and foun- dation excellent. EXETER — lb storey frame home, 3 bedrooms. Needs some repair to outside. Oil heating. Will sacrifice in order that buyer can make improvements. EXETER — Completely reno- vated house located on Albert St. Three-bedrooms, large kitch- en, new furnace. EXETER — Brick home one year old overlooking Riverview Park. Full basement, 2 bed- rooms, living room and dining area, 4 piece bath. EXETER—Large home on Main St., close to business section, schools and churches. Could be made into apartments as an investment. ¤ • HENSALL — Approximately 3 acres with good house & barn. Oil heat, 3-4 bedrooms, approxi- mately 2 miles east of Hensall. Price $7500.00. A good buy, HENSALL — 11 miles east; brick home, new electric heat- ing, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, large living room. EXETER — 3 bedroom storey and one half home. Immediate possession. Large kitchen, good verandah and utility room; large living room, $7300. ZURICH — eated on Main St., 3 bedr orey apti one-half ▪ home. is of itas been complete yovated. Owner will s ack mortgage, Down payment $2500 - $3000. EXETER — 3 bedroom home, red brick, large living room and dining area, large kitchen, good location, oil heating, with rec room and attached garage. EXETER — Brand new home, 3 bedrooms, dining roomy living room, 2 baths, large kitchen, space for rec room. Sewers in and paid for. EXETER — 2 bedroom brick home, oil heating, good loca- • tion. House 3 years old. HENSALL — Richmond Street, frame house, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, modern 3-piece bath. Good basement. HENSALL — 3 bedroom 2 sto- rey frame home. New oil fur- nace. Main floor has been re- • cently renovated, Large lot. FARMS FOR SALE STAFFA -- 100 acre farm, clay loam. Barn 36 ft. by 80 ft. House, brick, in good condition, 4 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, oil furnace, EXETER — On Hwy 83, 8 miles east of Exeter, 155 acres, neW barn; 4 bedroom house. FARM Dashwood area, 150 acres, 137 Workable, With a 2 bedroom house about 6 years old. Oil heating and 3 pee. bath. LOTS FOR SALE EXETER — Three lots close to business section. Must be sold as a package. EXETER --- Lot for sale in Riverview Heights. JOHN BURKE Limited Low Cost Auto hisurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates ,phote ,31)5618063ri tuilaing 10:24tfne 4 4 the United i Nations in New York. Mrs- Glenn CePeland favpured with an instrumental. The Meaning of 'Thanksgiving and bow it started was given by Mrs. John Rocid, Mrs, Norman flazIeWOOd gave the study book. While members were finishing lunch, Miss Jean Copeland showed a few slides on weddings around Woodham this year, PERSONALS Douglas Webb is a patient in St. Mary's Memorial Hospital at time of writing, having had surgery. Mr, & Mrs. Gordon Johns and Arlene and Mrs. Mary Jane Anderson were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Larry Johns and Shawn of St. Marys. Mr. &Mrs. George Hodgkinson of Buffalo and David King of Hamilton were weekend guests with Rev. & Mrs. John King, A number from the community enjoyed the Korean. Children's Choir at the Festival Theatre Stratford Sunday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mills and family of Orillia visited Saturday with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills and Edgar Mills. Guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin, were Mr. 4 Mrs. George Wheeler, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland and girls, Mrs. John Butters, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rodd and Mr. & Mrs. David Wheeler. Pamela and her mother were celebrating birthdays. Mrs. Chester Hazlewood of Detroit was a Sunday visitor with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills and Edgar Mills. Miss Lila Davis and Emerson, Everett and Bill Davis of Vancouver visited with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and Geraldine Saturday evening. Several of the community attended the Barbershop Concert in London Saturday evening. Mrs. Maude Foster of St. Marys visited with Miss Ada Hopkin for a few days last week. Mrs. Ray Mills of St. Marys spent a few days with Blanche and Rhea Mills. She also was a guest at the wedding of John Wanless to Miss Frances Hillis in Grand Valley Saturday. Wm. Dickey returned home from Westminster Hopital Thursday. Mrs. Myrna Magoffin and boys of Clinton visited Thursday with Mrs. Ross McCurdy and Barry; Town of Exeter Notice Re Change Of Time Citizens are requested to take notice that the Town of Exeter will change back to Eastern Standard time at Midnite, Saturday, Oct. 26 Signed, ERIC CARSCADDEN, Town Clerk 4- HARD WATER . worn you ragged? if you've .been blaming the weather for rouoh iwids — stop. Soft watpr.con make the differ- epee, for as low as $3,86 per 4 week period, op sly Culligan 40 Water Ww4w4t4.1 Conditioning Salt Delivery — prob- lem water solved, re- pairs to all makes, free water analysis Phone 524-9571 376 Boyfield Rd. GODERICH WE SERVE HURON That's Why We Shop at the Family Market — EXETER FROZEN FOODS UnrAISMNagroaanammallimiNgif& STOKELY 28 OZ. SAVE 12e LIBBYS 18 OZ. HICKORY SMOKED Ketchup SAVE 10c 290' Side Bacon AYLMER Pork and 19 OZ. USA V.t.11,4NAVIntWa PRODUCE BUYS CALIFORNIA Red Grapes Bananas 2 L. 294k TOP l. Ao QUAQUALITY 'IT 1 Y LB, CUT, WRAPPED AND OUICK-FROZEN See us for CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING FIEF, tottIVEllY t8118/10E PLENTY' OP FREE. PAIAI<ING 'AVA1LA TO THE EXETER AREA Messengers meet meet Sunday service. 16 Property For Sale W, ABBOTT, RP-ALTO, 11 Grant St, Chatham, Ontario . 209-acre farm, M workable, 25 pasture, in Usborne Twp., im- mediate- possession. Contaet Bill. Nicholson, Merlin, Out, Fhene 6694217 elaYtime; evenings 689. 485$. 10:17:Me RED PRICK HOUSE,--- 2 bed- rooms, utility room, liVina room, good size kitchen and dining area, 3-piece bath; sep- arate garage; nice lawns. Cash only. PhOnc 255-1008. 17 .Property . for Rent TOWN HOUSE apartments now renting. All new 1-bedroom apartments, .centrally located, 301 Senior St. Phone 235-2420, 5;9tfne APARTMENT, modern, located down town, living room, kit- chen, tiled bath, large bedroom, completely renovated, $75 a month, available Sept, 1. Phone 235-242P. 8;22tfnc CREDITON Unfurnished 2- bedroom apartment, all utilities immediately, Phone available Phone 234-6336. 9:12tfnx MODERN 4 - BEDROOM farm home, on No. 4 Hwy. Hensall, Phone 262-5628 Julien Verlinde, 17:24* STEAM HEATED, nicely fur- nished 1 bedroom. Elliot Apart- ments 235.2912. 10:10tfnc LARGE 2 BEDROOM self-con- tained heated apartment with kitchen, living room and bath. No pets please. Phone 235-0736 evenings or Saturdays. 10: l0tfnc LARGE BRIGHT one - bedroom apartment, steam heated, all utilities p a i d, $60.00. Elliot Apartments 235-2912. 10:17tfnc BACHELOR APARTMENT—Fur- nished, heated, private bath. Phone 235-2376. 10: lOtine 3-BEDROOM bungalow with all modern conveniences, 150 Main St., available November 15. Ap- ply 93 Andrew St. or phone 235- 1764. 24c VICTORIA PARK apartments— New, electrically heated, large rooms, 2 bedrooms, broadloom throughout. Mill Street, south of Victoria Park. Phone 235-0526. 10:24tfne 18 for Rent HALLOWE'EN clown costumes. Kinettes of Exeter. Phone 235- 2541. 24c 120 ACRES OF LAND — Phone 238-2629. 24* RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2 " drills; port- able television;• power' mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2:22tfnc 19 For Sale or Rent 3-BEDROOM HOUSE — Com- pletely winterized, in Grand Bend. Mortgage arrangements available. Contact Ross C. Guen- ther, Dashwood 237-3676. 24:31:7e 22 Notices THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT (Section 12) Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' Lists 1968 VILLAGE OF LUCAN County of Middlesex Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Lucan on the 24th day of October 1968 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at municipal elec- tions and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the eleventh day of No- vember 1968. Dated this 24th day of Oc- tober 1968. M. L. GIBSON, Clerk of the Village of Lucan 24c 24 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Tender For Truck Snowplow and Wing Sealed Tender plainly marked as to contents will be received by the Clerk of the Township of Stephen until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 4th, 1968, for the supply Of a truck, snow- plow and wing. There Will be a trade-in of a 1962 Chevrolet truck, V snow- plow and witig. Specifications arid partidulars may be secured at the Munici- pal Office in Crediton, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Wilmar D, Wein, Clerk-Treasurer, Crediton, Ontario ADVERTISE EVERY WEEK kije tejeetti 24 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR M arked. Tenders will be re, ceived by the undersigned for. the supply et Fuel: Oil for the 13,, E, 1?enleY. Breneli No. 167, Royal Canadian 'Teegien, Exeter for the owp. season, Approximate gallonage 7,00 Tenders close Saturday, Nov. 9, 1968, ERIC HEYWOOD, Secretary Exeter, Ontario 24e. 25 Auction Sales HEREFORD -- Complete Dis- persal Sale of 42 Registered Hereford Cattle to be held on Saturday, November 9 at 2 P.m. under cover. For catalogue write Howard J, Stutt, ItR #2 Forest, Ontario. 24c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques & Misc, Items On the premises 289 WILLIAM ST., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30 at 1:30 p,m. REAL ESTATE consisting of 289 William 'St., Town of Exe- ter on which is situated a 2- storey frame dwelling covered with John's Manville siding. Main floor: large living and dining room, modern kitchen, bedroom, 3-piece bath. Second floor: large bedroom, hall and 2 clothes closets; full size base- ment; new oil furnace; also garage; ample garden land. Dwelling in first class condi- tion. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, if not previ- ously sold. Modern dining room extension table; 5 dining room chairs; arm chair; buffet and china cabinet; 3-piece chesterfield; wicker rocker; small oak rock- er; occasional chair; Philco 21" television; drop leaf table; electric radio; captain's chair; chrome table and chairs; cen- tre tables; Frigidaire med. size refrigerator; Moffat deluxe 4- burner electric stove; oak bed- steads; dressers; commodes; chest of drawers; steel bed- stead; 2 toilet sets; ironing board; card table; sewing ma- chine; daybed; electric lamps; pictures and • frames; assort- ment dishes, •glassware; antique dishes; silverware; kitchen utensils; electric, kettle, iron & toaster; bedding; linens; mats; sealers; crocks; electric wash- ing machine; copper boiler; tubs; 100 ft. rubber hose; power lawn mower; wheelbarrow; 2 sheets galv. roofing; garden tools, etc.. etc. Terms: Cash LILLA OKE, GORDON WREN, Executors of the estate of the late Bert Wren. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 24c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Tractor, Farm Machinery, Feed, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises SOUTH HALF LOT 3 AND 4, CON. 17, McGILLIVRAY TWP., 1 mile south of Mt. Carmel The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of South Half Lot 3, all Lot 4, Con. 17 McGillivray Twp. — 150-acre farm on which is situated 2- storey brick dwelling. Main floor: Large living and dining room, modern kitchen, laundry room .and sun porch. Second floor: 3 bedrooms and clothes closets; new 3-piece bathroom. Full size basement, coal and wood furnace. Large bank barn, garage and implement shed. Land clay loam; 20 acres of mixed bush, remainder all till- able and in good state of culti- Vation. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, if not previ- ously sold. Complete list in following is- sue. JOE CAREY, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 24c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and House- hold Effects, Antiques and Misc, Items On the premises 88 SIMCOE ST, EAST, EXETER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2 at 1:90 line. REAL ESTATE consisting of 88 Simcoe St, E., Town of Exc., tero, on which is situated a 2, storey frame house on a lot 66' x 198'. Main floor', large liv- ing •room, kitchen With built-in COPboardS, 3.piece bath. Second flow 2 betlreeni8. Full base, TintMS on Real Estate: 10% on day, of sale; balance in 60 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Real estate to be sold at 2t30 p,m, liGUSEIIOLD EFFECTS: Re- frigerator:, 2 burner electric 25 Algtii/Il 1010 rangette; table and 4 gheirs; kitchen cupboard: g reeking chairs; settee; btiffet;. TV aerial And rotator; GE 21" televieloe; g night tables; combination china ..cabinet and desk; wok- Stand;. dresser; .eornmecle; 'Ws and springs; oil larooP;. edtl to Wes; lawn. mower; dishes; pots. and pans; coal; tools; .tniSeel,, leneena items, Terms; Cash fed Pooley, Executor for the estate of the late Ralph. Willis Bell & ..l4atightoan, Solicitors for the executor NQR,m WHITING, Auctioneer Phone -454964. 24:31c Important AVCTIQN SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Misc, Items On the premises LOT 10, CON. 17, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP First farm south of Shipka The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 10, Con. 17, Stephen Twp, 138-acre farm on which is sit- uated 2-storey modern brick dwelling. Main floor: Large liv- ing and dining room, bedroom, modern kitchen, den, 4 - piece bathroom and utility room. Sec- ond floor: 3 bedrooms, storage room and clothes closet. Full size basement, coal and wood furnace. Large bank barn, good stabling throughout, Im- plement shed and garage. Land choice clay loam. Five acres mixed bush, remainder all tillable and in good state of cultivation; 2 newly dug water ponds. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid if not previ- ously sold. Complete list of sale in fol- lowing issue. STUART SWEITZER, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3300 24c By MRS. M. H. ELSTON Mr. & Mrs. Sam Skinner and family visited Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Pyrn, who showed pictures of the places they visited while in Europe and the British Isles. Bob Grayer, student of the University of Waterloo and a friend David Elston, student of University of Western Ontario, accompanied by Miss Gayle Maxdlin of Branton and Miss Melody Leonard of Barry attended the Rugby game at Western campus Saturday. Visitors during the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. A. Elson were Mr. & Mrs. Doug Grayer, son Bob and friend, Miss Melody Leonard of Barry, and Mrs. James Heath of Mimico. Visitors during the week with M. H. & Mrs. Elston were Mr. & Mrs. Allan Bale of Tavistock, and Mr. & Mrs. Murray Gibson accompanied by Elliot McRoberts of Denfield. The Grayers, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Randall, Wyoming, and Mr. & Mrs. Geo McGavin, Seaforth, also called on them. Mr. & Mrs. John Dickey visited 'with the latter's mother in Delhi. They also visited with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Durham of Salford over the weekend. By MRS. J. H. PATON CLANDEBOYE Mrs. Richard Worthington was hostess for the October meeting of Clandeboye WI. Roll call was answered by naming a song popular when members were in their teens. Mrs. Harold Hardy of the Historical Research committee reported on Mrs. Roland Michener, , the wife of the Governor General of Canada. Mrs. Rae Hodgins and Mrs. Albert Rosser gave readings. The speaker was Mrs. Wes Lewis, Brinsley, district president, Who discussed Clandeboye's history. She reported that at one time, the hamlet was half the size of Lucan. It was known as Flannigan's Corner, Village of Ireland and Clandeboye, Ltinch was served by Mrs. Cecil Carter and Mrs. Worthington, PERSONALS Newly confirmed at St. James Anglicat Church received their first communion Sunday with Rev, R.A. Carson in charge,. Sunday churn services in Clandeboye will be held on Standard tithe, Mita. Patd Mr. Ethel Logan 'poured on an tea last Wednesday at the twenty-firth wedding 'anniversary celebration at at ThOrndale for Mtg. Patet's daughter and sofi,in.law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logah. Allwright attended the plowing Match By MISS JEAN ;cgpELANp WOQPNAM There were P.childreuat the I4essenger meeting Sunday morning in the church, basement, Tbo$0 taking part in the worship service -Were Mary Lou Thomson, pampla Rodd, Vernon Thomson, 'Kareo M lls, KONIA Insley, Michelle Robinson, David Tomlinson and Robbie Plelte3t. Mrs. L. Jaques introduced the new study book on Chine. Poems were read by Nancy. Jaques, Janet Tornlinson,.and Julie Webb. Mrs. W. Dickey read a. story. Plans were .,made, for the Halloween Party to be held Friday night. U.C.W. The regular meeting of Woodham UOW was held in the church basement Tuesday evening, Mrs, John King opened the meeting with a Thanksgiving meditation. Miss Anne Parkinson showed pictures on her trip to Help celebrate man's birthday By MRS. KEN McKELLAR CROMARTY Friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Nairn to help celebrate Mr. Nairn's birthday. Euchre was played with Larry Gardiner winning high prize for men and Mrs. Bill Harper high prize for ladies. Lunch was served by the hostess. THANK OFFERING Malcolm McIntyre of Stratford was guest speaker at the W.M.S. Thank-offering service of Cromarty Presbyterian church Sunday, He gave an interesting talk on his experiences with Boy's Camps in Formosa. The service was conducted by Garth Wilson and the CGIT girls assisted in the choir. PERSONALS Mrs. Alex Gardiner spent last Tuesday in Hamilton. Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gardiner visited with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Filsinger of Sebringville. Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gardiner and Mr. Eggert were Mrs. Ken Moorehead, Chris and Jennifer of Brampton, Mrs. Ed Knecbtel of Rostock, Mr. . & Mrs. 011ie Zehr of Sebringville. A number of people in the village attended Horseshoe Banquet and Dance held in Milverton Friday night. Ted Harburn is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, as the result of a serious accident. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Jefferson were Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Cleland, Bobbie and Pauline of Listowel. Guests entertained at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Larry Gardiner Sunday were Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Roy McGhee, Strathroy, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Currie and girls, Dorchester, Mr. & Mrs. Jack McGhee and family, London, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hulley and family, Winthrop, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Walker, London. Birthdays observed on this occasion were those of Mrs. Walker, Mrs. R. McGhee and Hugh Currie, who was born on the Gardiner farm 48 years ago October 20. Mr. arid Mrs. Vivan Cooper, Hensall, visited Mrs. J.H. Paton Thursday. John Paton, Nanton, Alberta, who has spent three months in Toronto Hospital, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paton, London, escorted him to Clandeboye for a visit during the weekend. He left for his home Tuesday. Miss Elizabeth Hill, Ottawa, visited with her parents. Guests with Mrs. Emily Tomes were Mrs. T. MainS, Russeldale, Mrs. Terrence Curran and her two grandchildren, Michael and Kristine, London. Mr. & Mrs. John Holt and Tim have Moved into their new Alcan !thine on the , second concession east of Tiled ford, Mr. & Mrs. J. Frayne of St, Marys and Mn & Mrs, Wm. Gill visited Mr, & Mrs, 1-1, Prance, Sunday, Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Pyrn visited John Prance, Exeter, Sunday, Mr, & Mrs, Geo, Maclntyre of Grand Bend visited Mr. & Mrs. ilarold Prance, Wednesday. Mrs. Mable 00ssittari of Dashwood and Mr, Notifiiiii Viheett of Grand Bend visited Mr. & Mrs. 11. Prance, Saturday: Good news for dieters. pot,, atoeS are not fattening and shotild be included in a welt.balaneed diet: 7; Mc History is discussed by Institute speaker