HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-10-10, Page 16Correspondent; Mrs, Frances Saward 'TirmosAdyccats, October 19, 1968 Page 114 ucan and district news Phone 2274517 DEPARTMENT of HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Notice Rental Of Hired Loaders For Winter Maintenance Separate sealed Tenders marked Loader Rental Agreement, will be received by the District Engineer, P.O. Box 217, London, Ontario until 12:00 Noon, Local Time Wednesday, October 16, 1968 Specifications, Tender Forms and Envelopes may be obtained by calling at or by mail addressed to London District Engineer, P.O, Box 217, London, Ontario Loaders will be located at the following locations: Loader required at Tharnesford Loader required at Hickson Loader required at simcoe Loader required at Norwich Loader required at 3.0 miles south of courtland Loader required at 3.0 miles west of Tillsonburg Loader required at New Sarum Loader required at Wallacetown Loader reqUired at Lambeth Loader required at StrathbUrn Loader required at Junction of Highways 81 and 22 Loader required at Parkhill Loader required at Elginfield Loader required at Junction Highways 401 and 97 Loader required at Junction Highways 401 and Sweaburg Road Loader required at Junction Highways 401 and 74 Loader required at Junction Highway 401 and Iona Rd. ALL LOADE RS MUST BE MOUNTED ON RUBBER TIRES The lowest or any Quotation not necessarily accepted When requesting Tenders PleaSe specify location, HDis?;icDtegtnnieeirn'ef DePartrn't D"ligh*§ O ire' F iiI — GHWAYS 390 Sa§loitoon Street, _ London, Ontario Telephonw 451.5400 DEPARTMENT ONTA1410 New members for Lucan Lions Buy into Canada. There are probably as many good reasons for buying Canada Savings Bonds as there are Canadians. There are the hopes, plans and ambitions you have for yourself and your family. There is the desire, which all of us share, to play a part in building the future of our country. The simple, safe, profitable way to help realize these goals is to buy Canada Savings Bonds, They offer an excellent return. The average yield to maturity is 6.75% a year. There are fourteen annual interest coupons which begin at 5.75% and rise to 7.00% for each of the last nine years. These can be cashed each year as they become due. Better still, if you choose to keep these coupons encashed, you can earn interest on your interest. Take full advantage of this option and, when your Bonds mature, your total interest earnings plus your original investment will amount to $250 for each $100 invested. They are available to everyone. Canada Savings Bonds are available to every Canadian resident in amounts from $50 up to $50,000, Tor, cash or on instalments, wherever you work, bank or invest. Adults, children, businesses and institutions—all may buy them. They are instant cash. You can cash them any time at any bank in Cdnada at their full face value plus earned interest, Few investments are so profitable. None builds more surely for the future. Buy into Canada today. fitly Canada Savings Bonds, It pays. t pays. ca,de.if .First president is guest .spegker Three new members. initiated Lions celebrate 20th anniversary of .charter Biddulph sets nomination dates At the regular meeting of Biddulph Township Council FridaY nominations were set for Friday, November 22 from 1 to 2 p.m. Election day will be Monday, December 2 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hugh Davis was appointed Tile and Drain Inspector for the Township, Les Turnbull's tender on the open portion of the Hodgson's. Drain was accepted. Roth Farm Drainage tender for the tile portion of the drain and for the Wallis-Morley drain were accepted. Building permits were authorized for Hugo Theander for a variety store and residence, and for Norman Hodgins, Lot 19, North Boundary Concession, for a silo. Hold showers for bride-elect Prior to her marriage October 5 to Dale Froats, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Froats of Lucan,Miss Linda Warner, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Warner of RR 1 Denfield, was honored with five miscellaneous showers. Showers were given by Miss Judy Blair, Centralia; friends and neighbours at a community shower held in Coldstream Hall; Mrs. Robert Cohn, London; co-workers at the London Life convened by Miss Nancy Saddington; and Mrs. Glenn Froats, London. Following the rehearsal, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Froats of Main St., Lucan, entertained the bridal party. ATTENDS SYRUP MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corbett attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers' Association in Haliburton. Mr. Corbett was elected president of the organization. Baskets of red gladioli formed the setting in Holy Trinity Anglican Church September 28 for a double ring marriage ceremony, when the Rev. R. A. Carson united in wedlock Linda Darline Inson and William Stephen Davis, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Inson of Lucan and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis, Huron Park. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a floor-length gown of heavy peau de soie with matching coat and cathedral train. The empire styled A-line dress was enhanced with embroidery down the front panels and around the hem and neckline. The gown featured long lily point sleeves and rounded neckline. A cluster of flowers held her four tier shoulder-length veil of French illusion. She carried a cascade of white sweetheart roses, white mums and trailing green ferns. Miss Sandra son ' Lucan, was mai bi d of honor for her sister and was gowned in an emerald green floor-length gown of chiffon over taffeta. The empire styled gown featured puffed sleeves. Misses Norma Davis of Huron Park, Ingrid Theander and Janke Hayter of Lucan and Mrs. Pat Egan of RR 1 Thames ford i as bridesniaid wore gOWns of hot pink chiffon, Over taffeta Styled similar to the maid of honor. They tarried cascades of everpliving roses and White CGIT girls finish walk Thirty-three members of the Lucan-Clandebuye CGIT completed a seven-mile walk from Granton to Lucan Wednesday evening. Proceeds from the walk will go to ' the United and Anglican Churches and to the CGIT treasury. At last Tuesday's meeting, Marlene Butler and Jane Hodgson received their white lanyards from Mrs. R. B. Worthington and her assistants, Grace Smith and Bonnie Brooks. Members voted to buy Christmas gifts for five patients at the Ontario Hospital, London. A plastics demonstration is planned for November 21. A filmstrip on China was shown followed by group discussion. A brief worship service was conducted by Bettty Park and' Jane Hodgson. Some of the Senior members of the CGIT are tying a quilt for donation to the teenage girls' home in London. UNITED The Lucan United Church Sunday morning service was in the charge of the Rev. Hugh Wilson of Exeter. This was World-Wide Communion Sunday and his sermon was on The Last Supper. Kenneth Welsh of London will be guest speaker Thanksgiving Sunday. CATHOLIC The St. Patrick CWL met in the old school with 25 members present, and Mrs. Clifford O'Neill, president, in the chair. Guest speaker was Mrs. M. mums. All headpieces matched the gowns. Cheryl Bilyea of Denfleld made a charming flowergirl in her floor-length gown of peau de soie, outlined with lace. She carried a small basket of roses and mums. Tom Emery was ringbearer. Ronald Rowntree of Bolton was best man and Roy Cayley of Stratford, Pat Egan of RR 1, Thamesford, Peter Alce of Granton, and Russell Kennedy of Lucan were ushers. Mrs. Clarence Hardy of Lucan as organist provided traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Miss Sherrie Davis of Huron Park, sister of the groom, who sang The Wedding Prayer and I'll Walk Beside You. At a reception held in the Lucan Legion Hall, the bride's mother in a two-piece gold nylon dress with brown accessories and red rose-bud corsage was assisted by the groom's mother who chose a two-piece green brocade dress with black accessories and yellow rose corsage. For a honeymoon trip to Montreal and northern United States the bride changed to a two piece yellow wool ensemble, brown accessories and a corsage of yellow orchids. The young couple will retake their Mine in Lucan, The bride is an employee of the Trudy Beauty Salon, London, and the groom is employed at the London airports Cubs and Scouts. plan apple day Lucan Cubs and Scouts met Tuesday evening at the Scout Hall with 1.2 Cubs and 12 Scouts in attendance With the 2 leaders, Gordon Froats and T. J. Barr. The Assistant District Commissioner, Garry Twiddle arrived too late to deliver his speech to the Cubs. His talk will be heard at a later date, Arrangements for Apple Day were discussed as well as the possible sale of Halloween candies. Meetings will be held Tuesday evenings in the future. JR. FARMERS' NEVIS The Lucan Jr. Farmers sponsored a dance in the Ailsa Craig town hall Friday night with "The Vibrations", from Glencoe providing the music. The dance drew a big crowd and proved a real financial success. Each week there are stock car races at Mud Creek Hill. The Jr. Farmers decided to further replenish their treasury by operating a booth at these races. Rollason, Poplar Hill, who demonstrated how to make wood-fibre flowers and feather flowers. There were further discussions on plans for the bazaar. It has been suggested that the old school be re-named, possibly "St. Patrick's Parish Hall." PENTECOSTAL The Lucan Pentecostal Sunday School Convention held Saturday at Biddulph Public School was a great success. The usual Sunday services were in the charge of the Rev. Gordon McDonald. The Pentecostal WA held a meeting last Monday at the Lucan Church to discuss plans for the coming year. There were eight members present and their president, Mrs. Gordon McDonald was in the chair. ANGLICAN The A.Y.M. held its meeting in the Parish Hall Monday evening with president Ed Knoblaugh in the chair. It was decided to donate $10 to the Sunday School. The group volunteered to decorate the church for Sunday's Harvest Home. A Halloween party was planned for October 26 to which the members of the Lucan-Clandeboye Hi-C will be invited. SUNDAY SERVICE Sunday was the Harvest Festival service. Flowers on the altar were in memory of the late Mr. Russell Bowman and were donated by his family, while memorial baskets were from the funeral of the late Mrs. Van Geel. The guest speaker was the Lucan Lions Club met Monday in the AngliCan Church basement for the twentieth anniversary of their charter with 49 members and guests Present- Chairman for the evening was Lion Gary *Falls and his assistant Lion. Clare Stanley. Reeve Ivan Hearn, who is 'a charter member, gave readings o f community news and ReeVe Wilson Hodgins brought word 1111 l lll .11111111111111111111111!111h1111111111111 ll llll ll 11111 Lucan personals !nu,. Mr. 'and Mrs. Cecil McFalls, London, held a family dinner Sunday to celebrate Mrs. Harry McFalls eighty-fourth birthday. Miss Anna Orr of Parkhill was a Monday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett. J.W. Cochrane is a patient in Westminster Hospital. Misses Ingrid Theander and Roberta Cochrane, RNA graduates, have accepted positions in St. Joseph's and Victoria Hospitals, London. Probably never before have Lucanites been so pestered with squirrels as right now. At present many are afraid they are going to lose all their corn , Miss Ruth Cochrane who has completed her nurse's training at St. Mary's Hospital, Timmins, spent six weeks at her Lucan home before accepting a position on the staff of St. Mary's Hospital, Cochrane. Clayton Abbott of Paris was a Saturday guest of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Turnbull of Grand Bend were Sunday guests. Mrs. Sheridan Revington, chairman of the Lucan Branch of the Bible Society, reports the annual collection will be held the last two weeks of October. Mrs. Harold. Whyte of Bracebridge visited with Mrs. Erie Young, Monday. Wayne Hodgins was home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Hodgins for the weekend and has returned to Ryerson Technological Institute. Mrs. Stewart Park returned home Tuesday after a six week trip to Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Victoria and Qualicum, B.C. Mrs. H.B. Langford entertained Sunday at a birthday dinner at the Brentwood in London for her husband and brother-in-law, Clinton Haskett. Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Park, Petrolia, visited their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Park, on the weekend. Mrs. Katherine Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fischer, London, spent the weekend at Dunnville visiting with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Fischer. Mrs. Katherine Fischer attended a shower for Peggy Stanwick, London, whose marriage to Greg Bryden of Nova Scotia is forthcoming. Rev. H.A. Seegmiller BA, DD, of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, and St. Paul's Church Hensall. Sunday will be confirmation when Bishop G.N. Luxton will confirm 22 candidates. an L. These were lit in turn by large candle commemorating the present club. The can* was lit in memory of each Charter merilber now deCeaSed. Another candle rot' each charter member Present and also one for each past president was lit. we've of the original, members of 31 were present at the ceremony- There were ,51 candles in all, OW the big candle. Harold Sturgis was president of Exeter Lions club in 1945 when they chartered the Lucan Lions, sq it was fitting that the present president of the Exeter branch, John Gross, should be present. Also from PSeter Were ,Lions Murray Mo9re and Toni, McMillan who initiated three new members into Lucan district Lions, Bob Gibbons ' Gary Mandera and Alf Williams. Guest Lion Art Bates transfered from Kirkland Lake branch to the Lucan Club. The charter IVIonarch Chevron was presented to J. Alex young. Lien Clarence Haskett Would also have been presented but he is in hospital.. There were also several guests. from Ilderton and Parkhill Clubs. After the meeting the .ineinbers and guests retired to the basement Of the Shillelagh forfora hospitality hour, ikis 170 (photo by Engel) MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM STEPHEN DAVIS Take northern trip Church news llllllllllllll 11 l 1 lll 111111111111111111111111 lllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111111111111111 lllllllll 111111111111 lllllllllllllll from Biddulnh. The, guest speaker was charter president Harold Whyte, now at Bracebridge. He has not missed a monthly Lions Club meeting for 20 years wherever he happened to be. The special committee chairman had arranged a candlelight service featuring a double row of candles forming The ranks of the Lucan district Lions Club were swelled Monday night with the addition of three new members. Shown above are, from left, Larry Hotson, key membership, sponsor Clare Stanley, program chairman Gary McFalls, charter president Harold Whyte of Bracebridge, new members Alf Williams, Bob Gibbons and Gary Manders and sponsor Jim Shipley. T-A photo.