HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-10-10, Page 15For Sale This is the view taken from the actual lot we are offering for sale. The 58' frontage and depth of 125' assures you of low upkeep yet provide ample room for a medium home. It's the only one left actually bordering the schools. We have other lots in other locations with sizes up to VLA requirements with or without sewers, New three bedroom home connected to sewers and close to schools. This horhe offers electrie heat, cushion flooring in the kitchen and dining area, completely painted inside and out, partial landscaping. Three bedroom home located on approximately four acres of land on highway 83 in Exeter. This horne has been remodeled and has an attractive kitchen, large living room and den. A real investment, suitable for V.L.A. Brick two, storey home on Highway 83 with new oil heat and some land. Commercial block in downtown Exeter with three bedroom apartment and double garage. This brick building has an office, display area and refridgeration room. Triplex 1% blocks from downtown with three separate two bedroom apartments. Brick construction, asphalt roof, oil heat. Terms. DAIRY FARM — 250 acres with 72 pure bred holsteins and quota, two silos, good buildings, modern four bedroom home, separate house for employee. Three hundred acre farm of good land and one set of good buildings. See this now while the excellent crops are being harvested. 100 acre farm located 2% miles east of Exeter — 93 acres workable with stream suitable for irrigation. 160 acre farm in Kippen — Hillsgreen area INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phone 235-2420 Exeter HODGSON LIMITED M. J..Gaiser W. H. Hodgson J. A. Kneale Times 19, .1968; Pegs 15 family of Uniondale visitedfareil.Y atten ded a family Sunday with ;Mr,mrs, A, p. gathering with her parents, Mr,. And Mrs.. Reed .at Kincardine Mr, Mrs. Pave Nesbitt ,and VILLAGE of HENSALL Tenders will be received by 4 0 the undersigned for the re- moval of the old sidewalk and laying of new cement sidewalk, approximately 285 feet long, 4 feet wide, 4 inches thick. Contractor to supply all ma- terial, Tenders to be in the clerk's .4 • office by 5:00 p.m. Monday, Oc- tober 21, 1968. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be completed by No- vember 15, 1968, EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk Village of Hensall 10:17c Don't Fumble Your Chance.... Score With A T-A Classified • Auction Sale at the Clinton Legion Hall Clinton, Ont. Tues. Evening -- Oct. 15 8:00 P.M. SHARP Acting, on instructions from the proprietors the auctioneer will offer for Sale 5 large lots of fUrniture;.stereos, televisions and appliances, consigned to this sale by Finance Co's., private individuals and a leading farniture manufacturer, who has consigned a nice selection of brand new furniture consisting of many showroom samples. — FOR EXAMPLE WE WILL OFFER — 5 complete BEDROOM SUITES all different with Box Spring and Mattress included with each suite, also 8 — 2 pce. CHESTERFIELD SUITES in different styles such as provincial, traditional, modern, bed chesterfield suite along with 4 different 2.pce davenport sets that fold into a bed in both colonial, vinyl and nylon frieze covers. 5 — different kitchen dinette suites in 5, 7 and 9 pce sets. One Maple Colonial 7 pce dinette set including hutch and buffet. Maple Bunk Beds, 39" Continental beds with head boards; 54" box springs and mattresses for any full size bed; Step and Coffee Tables, Pole Lamps, Rockers, Recliners, Tri-light and Table Lamps, Rugs, Pictures, Step Stool, HiChair, telephone table, small electrical appliances, small radio, 25 cu. ft. chest freezer, 2 electric ranges, 2 conventional washers, automatic washer and dryer, 2 refrigerators, 5 television sets, 2 stereo combination AM-FM radio and 4 speed record changers; Hostess chairs, lawn furniture, odd chest of drawers, and many other items too numerous to mention. DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SALE! Auctioneer Leo E Bird — Clerk Lloyd Tanner 5% Sales Tax in Effect Terms Cash — Cheques Accepted — GAS-.0-RAMA $1111111M 1111111111Iiii, 1 hi DRAW 11 0,1 11'1'1 opft Pir! .4 0#0, 1 • EACH .411111 !II l!ii!li IN WEEK Each $2.00 Gas Purchase Entitles You to a Free chance on $5.00 Merchandise Voucher Redeemable at Betty's Market, K.B. Dairy Bar or North End Fina * 4 Gallons of Gas * Free Wash Job * Free Lubrication CHECK OUR WINDOW EACH WEEK FOR THE THREE WINNERS (Winner Must Answer Skill-Testing Question) QUALITY CAR CARE * Washing * Wheel Balancing * Lubrication Cha * Tire Repair * Battery rging FOR SERVICE CALL North End Fina Pinest lit North Anierted HWYS 4 & 83 EXETER — PHONE 235-0510 Watch For Pine Winter Sweepstakes mikal —limarimiiiiimillilmriii••••••••••0101-60010•••••••••• Buy a highest-interest-yet Canada Savings Bond at the Bank of Montreal and in 14 years get back 21/2 times what you've put in. $250 for every $100 invested! And you can buy by instalments The Bank of Montreal sells Canada Savings Bonds by instalments as well as for cash. You can buy yours for 5% down, balance in easy payments over a year. 'ZOO DOWN FOR A '50.00 BOND! $5.00 DWN FOR A $100.00 BONDI '25.00 DOWN FOR A $500.00 BONDI $50.00 DOWN FOR A 1000.00 BONDI Get your Canada Savings Bonds now at the Bank of Montreal Bank of Montreal Ctirladd MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ,l I * • 0 18 for Rent RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2:22tfnc CONCRETE FORMS, power trowel, cement mixer, etc. Con- tact N, CorriYean, after 5 p.m. or Saturdays, 9:12-10:10c 24 Tenders Wanted Oil FOR CRCSS All applications must be re- ceived by the undersigned by Thursday, October 17 by 12;00 noon. MRS. ELIZABETH VARLEY, Sep'y-Treas, Box 891, Exeter 10c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Electrical;App ly prices, Antiques and Misc. items On the premises First Hope North of Preshy» Wien Church, HENSALL The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 1:30 plin. Frigidaire med. size refrigera- tor, new condition; Frigidaire 4-burner electric ove, recent- ly purchased; chesterfield and chair; centre and end tables; dining room table and chairs; arm chair; chrome table and chairs; captain chair; antique sideboard; Admiral 21' tele- vision; Bell upright piano in perfect condition; antique chest of drawers; oak rockers; leath- er And wicker rockers; antique centre table; Boston rockers; combination hall bench & mir- ror; antique d e s It; electric lamps; mirrors; whatnot; man- tel clock; utility table; daybed; 'vacuum cleaner; assortment of glassware; sets of dishes; an tique dishes; china; silverware; sealers;. crocks; linens; mats; quilts; bedspreads; bedstead, springs and mattress; modern bedstead, box springs and mat- tress; dressers; commode; an- tique wash stand; electric heat- er; toaster; iron; alarm clock; bathroom scales; copper boiler; bench; garden tools; step lad- der, etc., etc. Terms: Cash ESTATE OF THE LATE WILLIAM SHEPHERD ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3:10c 25 AUction Sales NOTICE Auction Sale Cancelled There Will be 110 sale at Cred- iton Hardware Wed., Oct. 16 as property & contents have been, sold' -.Ross Clarke, ProPrietor. 10c COMPLETE DispERsAt. 90 Registered and High. Grade Holsteins, Dairy EquipMent and Misc. Items SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 12:30 p.m. at the farm of Peter W. Fier- endsen, Kirkton, 8 miles east of Exeter on 83 Highway or 3i miles west of Itusseltlale 10 REGISTERED, 80 GRADES,- 50 cows, several fresh or spring- ing, balance in good milk flow, several rebred. Herd average over 13,000 lbs. milk. 10 bred heifers due from November to January; 30 open heifers and calves; 1 registered bull. These are real good dairy cattle with lots of size and good udders. DAIRY EQUIPMENT, SELLS FIRST — Patz stable cleaner, 432 ft. chain, 3 years old; Solar bulk tank, 44 can, 4 years old; Surge "30 plus" pump with ii" piping for 51 cows, 1 year old; 4 units; stainless, steel sink; racks and small utensils; Cas- cade 49 water heater; automat- ic heater for milk house; single head rail for 80 head; 38 Star Line water bowls and pipe; 80„neck straps and tags; water trough and float; 2 h.p. Letz grinder; 20 inch' 2 speed fan; new Sunbeam clippers; 150 steel fence posts; J.D. 32 plate dou- ble disc; feed cart; 32 new free stall dividers; colony house. No Reserve — Terms Cash Not responsible for accidents on premises. PETER W. BERENDSEN, Owner BOB SHORE, Auctioneer 3:10c AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Truck, Antique Telephones, Tools and Miscellaneous Items on Main Street in the VILLAGE OF DUBLIN on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 1:00 p.m. sharp Approximately 200 antique telephones; 2 monotype switch boards; 1 small type switch board; quantity of telephone tools and equipment; 4 treated poles; 3 ladders; trouble light; sump pump; 2 swivel office chairs; 10 folding chairs; studio couch; rollaway bed; 2 hall trees; 2 coal oil lamps; West- clox electric wall clock; Elec- trohome 1.01' fan; Eureka. vaeu-.. UM cleaner;,.Eureka floor poli- 1964 G.M.C.' 'Anton truck; 2 wheel pole trailer. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of the lot 91 ft. frontage by 132 ft. deep on which there is lo- cated a frame building 38 ft. by 19 ft. equipped with forced air oil furnace; 2 piece bath. Real estate will be offered for sale at 3:00 o'clock. Anyone wishing to inspect real estate prior to sale con- tact Matthew A. Murray at Dublin 345-2515. Real estate sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS on Real Estate: 10% down on day of sale, balance in, 30 days. Terms on Chattels: Cash Sales tax in effect No reserve on chattels. Ev- erything must be. sold to wind up the company. McKILLOP, LOGAN, HIBBERT TELEPHONE COMPANY, Proprietors R. G. GETHKE, Auctioneer 3:10c Estate AUCTION SALE of 1961 Plymouth Sedan, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 156 WILLIAM ST., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 1:30 p.m. AUTO: 1961 Black Plymouth sedan, low mileage, in A-1 con- dition. This is a one Owner auto, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Two chesterfields and chairs; an- tique parlor chair; daybed; combination radio and record player; Marconi table radio; 2 end tables; tri-light lamp; ta- ble lamp; 2 bed lamps; Frigid- aire refrigerator, medium size, recently ptirchased; Acme 4- burner eleotric stove; chrome kitchen table and 4 chairs; Singer sewing machine; maple dresser; 2 odd dressers; panel bed, springs and mattress; 2 iron beds; Air-Way vacuum cleaner with attachments; iron- ing board; Beatty wattling ma- chine; 3 trunks; 2 suitcases; Card table; 4 folding cliairt; 20 gauge shotgun; Coney 22 rifle; antique dishes; quantity of, odd dishes; toaster; iron; silverware; pots and pans; bathroom scales; assortment of bedding and linens; crockS; sealers; lawn chairs; newer lawn mower; large assortnlent of carpenter tools; sawsw, tension ladder; step ladder; garden 'hose; snow shovel; hot Water tank and jacket; window abrent, etc,, etc. Tern's: Cash No 'reserves to settle estate. ESTATE OP THE LATE ALVIN WURM ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of HeYsehold. Effects, emtiques,Auto Misc. . and Items On the premises in DASFIWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 at 1;00 pan, AT-70; 1950 Studebaker coach in good running order. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; Gib- son 4-burner electric stove, Medium_ size., like new; Int. re- frigerator, with 40 lbs. freezer; National 21 inch television; davenport; daybed; dining room table; antique writing desk with glass bookcase; antique pine cupboard; antique side- board; chrome table & chairs; 4 oak chairS; 8 kitchen chairs; 6 cane bottom chairs; antique platform rocker; leather rock, er; captain chair; oak rockers; antique chest of drawers; ward- robe; antique cherry table; 2 card tables; trunk; antique hat rack; footstool; drop leaf ta- ble; 2 large matching picture frames; assortment of pictures and frames; 2 coal oil lamps; mirrors; assortment glassware, dishes, silverware; kitchen uten- sils; bedding; bedspreads; mats; bedsteads; dressers; commodes; springs and mat» tresses; ironing board; electric heater; electric lamps; Easy electric washing machine; an- tique match box; 'antique flour bin and sifter; bake board; carpet beater; quantity hand- made soap; iron kettle; crocks; 50 ft. rubber hose, new; gals. tubs; assortment garden and carpenteftools; tool chest; an- tique log marker; aluminum 28 ft. 'ladder; quantity lumber; Royaline power mower; many other misc. items. Terms: Cash WILLIAM B. WILLERT, Prop, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 10:17c Clearing AUCTION SALE Livestock, Tractor, lmple. ments, Antiques, Dishes & Furniture to be held on the premises, LOT 25, CON. 12, HIBBERT TOWNSHIP, 1 mile south, 2 miles west of Cromarty or 6 miles east of Hensall, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 at 1:30 p.m. LIVESTOCK: 3 good Short- horn cows with calves by side; 2 polled Shorthorn heifers; Auction Sales short yearlings; 3 'Yearling cat- tie; white faced year old heif. All of these cattle are sired by the Q,P.C.P, TRACTOR : C.A Allis Chal- mers, adjustable front and Power shift rear wheels, five PTO, 2 DOW, seltffler; 2 furrew mounted plow; bean puller; Freman olarlurelo4cler; Fair- banks Morse hammer mill, short drive belt; Cockshtitt 4, bar side rake; small Oliver combine, ?TO; M-11. binder; lever harrows; assortment of Implements and scrap iron; ce- ment mixer; Viking cream sep- arator; antique gas engine, 1 cylinder; land roller; 40 ft. P/4 inch steel shafting; rubber tired wagon; 300 bales hay; 200 bales straw; electric brooder, new condition.. ANTIQUES: 2 toilet sets; 'ox, en yoke; pair brass candle holders; apple peeler; apple corer; 2 mustache cups; old time dinner set; gun rack; 2 oil lamps; antique pictures and frames; washstands; assort- ment antique dishes;, beautiful antique sideboard in perfect condition. 2 bedroom suites; 2 leather collar tops, brass trimmed; sewing machine; cook stove; Keiwinator refrigerator; small tables; a large quantity of other articles too numerous to mention, Mr, McDougall is giving up farming completely for reasons of ill health. Terms: Cash JAMES McDOUGALL, Prop. Cromarty, Ont, PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer Tel. 262-5482 10:17c Stocker-Feeder SALE Hensall Sales Arena MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 at 7:30 p.m. 600 Head Consisting of Calves, Heifers and Steers For consignments contact the management: Victor Hargreaves 482-7511 Jack Morrissey 234-6200 Auctioneers: HECTOR McNEIL, LARRY GARDINER 10:17c No Frost on The Pumpkin No Corn in The Shock Classified Ads Get What you Want Deanery .meeting. Meld at Kirkton By MRS., HAROLD .PAYIS • .1S141cTON Perth Deanery ,met .at. Pa ul.'s. ,Q0nroh... Kirkton,, Wednesday Mrs. Roy, Bell '1140 .ehaTge of the -program, Speakers were Mrs. Nellie Porter of I:99099, Mrs. H, W, Hamilton of Wipgham 440 Brown of Huron College who spOlso on He had •been there on 44 ..0VeKePae. work tour, PERSONALS Mr. .4 Mrs. Ray Norris attended special service at the Preshyterian Church at Weston, Sunday where Mrs. Norris ;is an elder of the .church.. Thanksgiving Service :Was held at St. Paul's Anglican church. Sunday morning. Lessons were read by Fred Hamilton, Solos were sung by Mrs, Garth Blackler, Leon Paul and Ken Blackler. Mr.' & Mrs. Harry Burgin celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary this past Thursday. Mr, & Mrs. 'George Hunkin and family, Mr. & Mrs. Robt, Dobson, Mr. & Mrs,. Art Humphries, Mrs, Leslie Fairbairn and family pf London were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wm. J. Blackler. Miss Olive Rush of London is visiting with Mr, & Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Mr, & Mrs. Clayton Smith spent a couple of days this week With their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke and family of Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Fenz and Mrs. Gordon Gotelaer Jr., David and Peter of Ridgetown visited Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prance, Friday. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prance visited the Gotelaers at Ridgetown over the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Gill entertained relatives at a birthday party Tuesday for Billy Gill Jr. ultiply r money 24 times! SCHNEIDER'S CRISPY FLAKE LIBBY'S FANCY KIST 28 OZ. NOW OF ERING Family Market MINCED BEEF L. 49C ROLLS L. 63 ORDER YOUR FRESH HAYTER TURKEYS EARLY FROZEN FOOD VALUES ALL SIZES AVAILABLE FOR THANKSGIVING PRODUCE BUYS SWANSONS CHICKEN OR BEEF Cereals 2 /75C TV Dinners 630 KELLOGGS • SPECIAL K 7 OZ. RICE KRISPI ES ... 9 OZ. SOUTH .AFRICAN 'Oranges DOZEN 49 Ginger Ale Pepsi AND OCEAN SPRAY Mountain Dew Cranberries L8,33t: REG. 2 FOR .49 .5 /990 kr • the family I market FREE 0E1:AVERY SERVICE PLENTY OF :PR.E8 PARKING