HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-10-03, Page 14The list is growing
At the rate of signings in the past few days, the Lucan-nclerton Jets should have a full roster when
practices start within a couple of weeks, The Jets entered in 01-IA Intermediate "B" play signed former
St. Marys junior star Ron Ryan to a playing card. Above, Ryan is signing in the presence of his wife,
Marcia and a Jet executive member Don Urbshott. T-A photo.
Good weather draws assist
in fine bazaar attendance
Fpr all Your
Coal Needs Call
The trick to
TV repairing is skill
and experience
New officers at Pentecostal Church
Five ladies were recently elected to offices within the Pentecostal
Holiness Church, Lucan. They are (left to right) Mrs. C.F. Isaac,
World President of the Women's Auxiliary of the Pentecostal Church
Women; Mrs. Gordon MacDonald, president; Mrs. Howard Currie,
secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Amelia Graham, board member; and Mrs.
Jack Booth, Canadian president.
• 017'.
411.111ar IA
710 °
"NOW know why my MOM
"says that raISIng a second
Child le'ettss40
New and Rebuilt Auto Parts
Speed and Custom Accessories
KEN WESTMAN The Most Complete Stock
AUTOMOTIVE of Auto Parts and
LTD. Accessories in
Western Ontario
Half of Britain's doctors do not smoke cigarettes.
Their quitting rate is, Dr. B. H. Bass believes, the high-
est of any, group of males in the world. British doctors
are also, he said, the only group which has managed
to cut down on the rate of deaths from lung cancer.
The history of the British doctors was one of the
few encouraging facts related at a plenary session of
the Canadian Tuberculosis Association during its an-
nual meeting in Vancouver, by Dr. Bass, chief physi-
cian of the Good Hope Hospital, Birmingham, Eng-
land, as he urged all those interested in reducing chest
disease to work harder at persuading patients to give
up cigarette smoking.
It was conspicuous. said Dr, Bass, that the patients
of doctors who have given up smoking seem to have
less trouble in stopping than those whose doctors still
smoke. Illustrating his lecture with slides, the Birm-
ingham physician showed pictures of patients suffer-
ing from a variety of conditions promoted by cigarette
smoking — gangrene, gastric ulceration, "tobacco an-
gina", coronary artery disease, coronary thrombosis
and emphysema and of course, lung cancer.
His last slide was of a jet airliner.
"If I were wealthy," he said, "I might invite you
to come with me on such a plane to some resort. Sup-
pose that as we were going up to the embarkation gate
it is announced that one in eight of these planes crashes
and that there are no survivors! Would you fly? Yet
the statistics show that for those smoking 20 cigarettes
a day for 20 years, one in eight dies of lung cancer,"
This Advertisement is Published by The Enron County
Tuberculosis, Association
We don't use a lot of
fancy gimmicks, just old-
fashioned skill and mod-
ern equipment.
Page 14 Times.Advocate, October 1901 District 'woman •digs
because of occi ont
A fine night last Friday
evening, brought out a good
attendance to the annual bazaar
and tea, sponsored by the Ladies
Guild of Holy Trinity Church,
Mrs. Jack Bison was kitchen
and dining room convener.
Serving with her in the tearoom
were Mrs. Frank Hardy Jr., Mrs.
George Noyes and Mrs. Clare
Stanley, while Mrs. George
Hodgins, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins and
Mrs. P. 0. King assisted in the
Mrs, Gordon Atkinson had
charge of the Country Store and
"Touch and Take" booth.
Mrs. Hilton Roberts, Mrs,
Harvey Hodgins, Mrs. Harold
Hodgins and Mrs. Russell
Bowman served at the fancy
work table.
Mrs. Clarence Haskett, Mrs.
Don Ankers, Mrs. Mert Culbert,
Mrs. Norman Hardy and Mrs.
Keith Kraul were kept busy at
the home baking table.
Miss Lina Abbott assisted by
Mrs. Evan Hodgins had charge of
the Penny Sale.
The following were, the
Sunday morning service at
Lucan United Church was in the
charge of the Rev. Hugh Wilson
of Exeter,
His sermon entitled "Our
Money and the Church," quoted
the widow's mite and
emphasized the efforts used by
people to obtain money, and the
good it can do.
The Hic-C met at Lucan
United Church, Sunday evening
with 15 members present. The
Worship service was conducted
by Grace Smith, Janis Freeman,
and Janice Abbott,
Lunch Was served by Marylin
prnith, Ken Latta and Paul
The Evening Unit of the
Lucan United Church Women
met in the Christian Education
building, Tuesday evening, with
13 members present,
Mrs. Emerson Stanley, the
Unit leader was in charge.
Quilting and other
needlework projects already
under Way and new ideas fat the
forthcoming bazaar, were
The Prograin of the District
UCW trip to Toronto, was read
by Mrs. Stanley.
Mrs. Frances Saward, who
conducted the Worship Service,
also readan erticle, on the
"Decline of Christianity in China
Under Communist Regime,"
Refreshments were mired by
Mrs. J. A, 'Young and Mrs. M. A.
The Friendship Unit of the'
bleat United Chilrell Wet
winners: Mrs. Harold Hodgins,
Mr-. Don Ankers, Mrs. Tom
Gilmour, Sandra Kloss, Mrs.
Owen Saward, Mrs. Evan
Hodgins, Mrs, Cecil Robb, Mrs.
Gordon Froats, Mrs. Jim Wright,
Mrs. Norman Hardy, Mrs.
Gordon Atkinson, Mrs. Dave
Park, Mrs. Clarence Hardy,
Linda Hodgins, Mrs. Russell
Mrs. Bruce Warner, RR 1,
Denfield entertained at a
Trousseau Tea, Sunday, for her
daughter Linda, whose marriage
to Dale Froats, Lucan, takes
place Saturday at Ivan United
Receiving at the door were
Mrs. Warner, Linda and Mrs.
William Froats.
Pouring tea in the afternoon
were the bride's two
held their meeting, Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs.
Ross McRoberts. There were 11
members present, including two
new members.
Mrs. R. W, Holden was in
charge of the worship service,
and Mrs. Don Lankin read the
Mrs. Holden read a story
"Crown of Friendship,"
The Friendship unit members
will convene the program for the
December general meeting of the
UCW and this was, discussed.
A Floral Demonstration by
Mrs. Reder of Exeter, has been
arranged for November 6 at 8
p.m„ at the United Church. All
will be welcome.
Six floral arrangements will
be given as prizes and the
Friendship Unit members will
serve dessert, coffee and tea.
The regular monthly meeting
of the United Church Couples'
Club was held at Lucan United
Church, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Melanson
presided. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barr
gave a devotional service'and Me.
and Mrs, Harvey Latta served
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Suter,
former residents of Lucan and
Members of the Club, were
visitors and Mr. Suter gave a talk
on their neve life and
turroUndings at White Meer.
The next Meeting will be held
at the United Church,
Wednesday, October 16 at 8:30
.rn, New couples will be
P51\ift -CotlAL
The Rev. Gordon McDonald
was irl charge Of the usual
Bowman, Mrs. Ron Crozier, Mrs.
Wilfred Dixon, Mrs. Frank
Hardy Jr., Mrs. Sheridan
Revington, Mrs. Joe O'Neil, Mrs.
Mary Squire, Linda Kraul, Mrs.
Heber Davis, Peggy Elson, Jeff
Culbert, Frances Elson, Mrs,
Alex Young, Mrs. Eldon
Hodgson, Christine Dixon and
Mrs. E. Knoblaugh.
grandmothers, Mrs. O. Irvine and
Mrs. E. Warner, and her aunt
Mrs. Archie Reid. A lace cloth
covered the tea table centered
with a yellow and orange
Nancy Saddington, London,
showed the wedding gifts.
Sharleen Warner showed the
trousseau in the afternoon and
Carol Loft, Ilderton, in the
ShoWer gifts were, shown by
Judy Blair, Centralia, and Carol
Chappell in the afternoon, and
by Barbara Grieve in the
The bride and groom's sisters
and cousins served tea in the
During supper, the groom was
surprised with a 21st birthday
cake, a captain's chair and an
electric razor.
The Lucan Jr. Farmers spent
a busy few days last week
preparing a float for the Ilderton
Fair last Saturday, but their hard
work paid off.
In spite of the large number
of entries, they were awarded
first prize and $20. Their theme
was a Hillbilly scene.
Sunday services at the Lucan
Pentecostal Church.
Saturday at 10.30 a.m. there
will be a Sunday School
Convention at Biddttlph School.
The emphasis will be on
Christian Education.
A magician will perform and
movies will be shown for the
The Lucan Pentecostal Junior
Choir will sing.
The Sunday School teachers
of Holy Trinity Church met in
the Parish Hall Wednesday to
finalize plans for a Hallowe'en
party for the children.
Some time was spent
checking the new course of
It was decided to purchase a
banner for the Sunday School
class with perfect attendance
each Sunday.
When the League of Loyalty
Attended "Take Your Choice,"
May 25, the leader, Miss Line
Abbott won a steam iron in the
adult draw. Miss Abbott decided
to donate the iron to the League
of Loyalty.
Mrs. Jim Freeman offered to
prepare tickets for a draw for
the iron and her mother, Mrs.
I1erman Young Offered to assist
in the selling of the tickets,
It was decided to Make the
drat last Friday night at the
Ladies" Guild 'Bazaar and Tea.
Although the container held
trioetly ladies' harries and many
caMplinienta,ry tickets, -when
Miss Abbott Made the draw she
drew Neil Campbell's name, a
The School Board has granted
Permission for the Boy Scouts
and Cubs to use the auditorium
at Lucan Public School, when
the building is completed.
Until this time (about three
or four weeks) the Scout Hall
will be used, the Cubs meeting at
7:30 p.m., and the Scouts at.
8:30 p,m., both on Mondays.
There are many names on the
registers, but the attepdance has
not been good. It is hoped that
this will show improvement
when better accommodation is
The Lucan Motor Show
Thursday at the Shillelagh,
organized by Nevin Motors,
Lucan, was well attended.
Coffee and doughnuts were
served in the very colorful
surroundings of autumnal
arrangements and Chinese
Mrs. Roy Stone, and son
Douglas of Prince Albert, Sask,
who had been staying in Lucan
for a while, have returned from a
holiday spent in Hamilton,
Niagara Falls and Scarborough.
They attended the wedding of
Mrs. Stone's niece at Church of
the Epiphany, Scarborough.
Douglas left Lucan Thursday for
Prince Albert.
Mr, & Mrs. Russell Thompson
and family and Mr. & Mrs. John
Bullock and Arron of Grand
Bend were guests of Mr. & Mrs.
George Bullock at Zurich laet
Jim Thompson spent the
weekend visitinghis
grandparents, Mr. MrS.
Bullock of Zurich,
member of the OPP. The$26.40
will be donated to the church,
The newly organized
Anglican Young People's
Movement was given a booth at
the Ladies' Guild Bazaar and Tea
in the church basement last
Friday night,
The young people netted
$14,88 an the sale of homemade
Sunday at 8 Lein., 10
members were out for corporate
communion, followed by
breakfast, in the church
Rev. It. A. Carson and four
adults attended the breakfast as
for biennial
The 33rd biennial
convention of the La di es
Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian
Legion was held at the Chateau
Laurier, Ottawa, Sept. 16-19.
About 1350 ladies registered,
including five from Lucan, Mrs.
Ralph. Rummell, Mrs. Russell
Goddard, Mrs, Dwight Bail, Mrs.
Glen Stewart and Mrs. A. E.
Most of the time was spent at
business- sessions and a number
of by-laws were suggested The
proposal to instigate a Dominion
Council was turned down, It was
reported that $1,297,502.15 was
raised during the year,
$36,362.38 of this for the
Monday evening there was a
banquet for Zone members, and
Tuesday evening for all 1350
ladies present.
Wednesday evening there was
a parade to the Cenotaph, the 75
flags and different uniforms
making a colourful display.
Several area farmers will join
the tractor demonstration, when
it begins,
Not many farmers in this
district are affected by corn
prices as most of the corn grown
is for silo-filling.
Special night
for calf club
The Lucan combined Calf
and Field Crop clubs held their
Achievement Night Wednesday
at the home of Bill Dykes with
an attendance of over 40 parents
and friends.
A committee of 4-H Club
Leaders were judges for the Crop
Club. Each contestant had to
show six ears of corn or 10 lb. of
white beans.
Corn winners were Frank
Dietrich and John Dewan. Bean
winners were Neil Trevithick and
Art Mercer.
Charles O'Shea was judge of
calf entries. Gerald and John
Dewan were beef calf winners
and Peter Vereyken dairy calf
winner for showmanship.
Gerald Dewan and Frank
Dietrich were project winners..
Walk postponed
for CGIT girls
Members of the
Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT had
planned a walk from Granton to
Lucan, Tuesday evening, in
order to raise money for
equipment in the Christian
Education building of the Lucan
United Church.
They were unable to carry
out the program as planned,
owing to the stormy weather,
and another date will be
arranged at the next CGIT
Disc jockeys
switch sphere
Two former Lucanites, Mrs.
Rose Bawtenheimer and Mrs.
Jeari Debrafsky joined with old
team-mates of the former
well-known Sarnia Imperials to
play a benefit game recently.
Their opponents were the
"boys" of the Sarnia Radio
Station, who during the game
substituted a grapefruit
(painted white) for the baseball.
When the "ball" was hit, there
was quite an uproar as the juice
was scattered around.
The gate receipts were Most,
Tops members
tell slim tales
The meeting of the
Streamliners was held
Wednesday evening at the home
of_ Mrs. Gary McKenzie, Mrs.
charies, MoRobert Presiding.
There was a good weigh-in
and Mrs. Roland Carty was
queen for the week.
The members have agreed to
take turns in telling a story
pertaining to weight-watching,
and Mrs. Harry Bpnd took her
turn at this meeting by telling a
very good story which was
enjoyed by all.
Lions to hear
charter prexy
An executive meeting was
held September 19 with 11
members present.
The next regular meeting will
be Monday, October 7, and will
be a joint Charter Anniversary
and Past President's night.
Gary McFalls will be
Chairman assisted by Clare
Stanley. The guest speaker will
be Charter President Harold
Whyte of Bracebridge.
The Lions' Club will add their
support, with Lucan Legion, and
Ilderton Legion and Lions help,
for joint sponsorship of a Junior
League Hockey Club this season.
Mrs. Jac Van ceol, 51, RR1 Lucah, Passed away SundaY as
the result of a car accident.
The body lay at rest at the
Plaskett and Son. Funeral tionle
JAPAN where Father F. J:
iiricklin was in charge of prayers
at 8 I30 P.M. Monday evening
and the Catholic Women's
League Tuesday evening.
Reettitnntligh Mass. was sung
by Father Brlcklin at 10 a.m.
St. fetrick'S Church, Biddulph,
Wednesday. Intertnent was in St.
Patriclee PemeterY, with six of
her sons as pall-bearers.
?,esides her husband, she is
survived by eight sons and four
daughters; John of London,
Adrian (George) Frank, Peter,
Carl, Andrew, Jack Jr, Keith,
Mrs, Chris (Catherine) Van
Bussel, Nancy, Mary, and Walda
all of BidduiPh Township; also
two brothers and three sisters,
Peter Van De Leer of London,
Frank Van De Leer of Holland,
Mrs, Frank (Anna) Gysemans
and Mra. Walter (Mary) Maas,
bpth of London, Mrs. Andrew
(Wies) Van Geel of Holland.
There are seven grandchildren
Mrs. Van Geel was the former
Anna Catherina Van De Lair,
Many winners
at Ilderton Fair
Mrs. Earl Knoblaugh had
seven entries at Ilderton Fair and
won six prizes for gladioli spike,
flower arrangement, apple pie,
cat, best dressed pet and relish
Mrs. Dwight Henderson won
for rose buds, mustard pickles
and African Violet.
Mert Culbert won a first and
a second on the pigion show and
Dwight Henderson a first and a
third on his pigeon display.
.1.191140, Her ,parents were ,the
late Mr. #.44. Mrs John. Van De
Mr, and Mrs.. Van were
married in iloaland and moved
to MIra,Van-.0,PPIS! late
residence,about two roilq_..a.prth
of 14car4; 19 ygars
Grandmothers attend
tea for bride-elect
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Lucan church news
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CPbS. and ,Scouts. Visit Ottawa
will use school
Lucan personals
It 1111111111111111111,111111111t11111111111111111111 II lllll1111.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Young were
Saturday guests of Mr. & Mrs.
Don Young and family of Blyth.
Mr. & Mrs. Art Cobleigh and
family, who have been staying
with Mr. & Mrs. Maurice
Cobleigh, have moved into the
Emery Apt. on Alice. St.
Mike Culbert played in the
Medway Band at Ilderton Fair.
Mrs. Royden Herbert, Harold
and Karen, were Monday guests
of Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cravetz of
Hyde Park last Monday.
Mrs. Marjory Skilton of
Guelph is spending a few days
with her daughter, Mrs. Henry
Mooney and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Buchard and
family have returned from a two
week vacation at Lion's Head.
Mrs. Mabel Windsor of Lucan
and Mrs, Florence Cunningham
of London spent a week with
Cam City relatives.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Dunning
of Norwich and Mr. & Mrs. Bill • • Talbot of London were Friday
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Miss Elizabeth Dyer-Hurdon,
sister of Mrs. R. A. Carson, is
attending the London Teachers'
College and making her home at
the Rectory.
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott were
Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs.
Melvin Gardiner of Exeter.
M. & Mrs. Cliff Culbert &
Mr. & Mrs. Mert Culbert paid
their last respects to their uncle,
Ephriam Hem at the Dinney
Funeral Home, Exeter, last
"Cara of Ayr", a yearling filly
owned and shown by R. R.
Crozier was second in her class
at the Ilderton Fair.
Mr. & Mrs. Orville Jones were
visited last weekend by Mrs.
Jones' brother, Ross Smith from
Mrs. Frank Hardy Sr. visited
Mr. & Mrs. John Brock, London,
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Hodgson, Arthur
Hodgson and Kathy were
present at the graduation of Mrs.
William (Patricia) Rock at
London Teachers' College
Saturday. Each of the 500
graduates were called up singly,
39 of whom were on the Honour
Roll, including . Patricia.
Mrs. William Snell, Otto
Meyer, Mrs. Thomas Thompson
and Tommy all from London,
and Mrs. Katherine Fischer of
Lucan, spent the day last Friday
visiting relatives in Dashwood.
Miss Gerta Steighs and Mr. &
Mrs. Harold Fischer, Holly and
Mark, Mrs. David Whiteford and
Tracy, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Fischer,
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Meyer, all of
London, were Sunday visitors
with Mrs. Mrs. Katherine
Fischer, the occasion being her
73rd birthday.