HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-10-03, Page 11WsWeWift, Commerce financing and bank services helped this farmer buy a new pick-up truck. Are you planning any purchases? Come to the farmer's bank. CANADIAN IMPERIAL 4( 4 BA NI( 01r COMMERCE ) SALE two anthems under the leadership of Harry Hem and organist and pianist Mrs. Harold Hem and Mrs. Laverne McCarter. PERSONALS Visitors in the community for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebottom and Mary, Centralia, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Hodgson and Brian, Whalen with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hem; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden, Centralia, Mrs. Allan Jaques, Exeter and Mrs. Barry Reid and Heather, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson and Mary Lou, Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Balir Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne McCarter, Grant Thomson, Miss Judy Jory, Miss Brenda Sims with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker; Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hem; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell, Janette and Bill, Grimsby, with By MRS. S. HUTTON Mrs. Geo Frayne, Sunshine Line, Mrs. Russell Lee and David and Larry It/lathers, Exeter, visited Friday with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Pehlke, Monkton, visited Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Diane and Dennis. Miss Ruth Horne returned home last week after spending the summer months in the Western Provinces. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cole, London, visited Saturday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Home. Currie were the ushers. A reception followed in the church parlours. The bride and groom left for a honeymoon in Quebec. The bride's going away outfit was a pink coat and dress ensemble of puffed crepe with white accessories. The couple will make their residence in Tara where the groom is on staff at the Bank of Montreal. Commercial block in dovinitowri Exeter with three bedroom apartment and double garage. Thia brick building has an office, display area and refridgeration rborn. Building lots in Exeter located by schools on Pryde Blvd., Sanders Street and Riverside Drive With or without Sewers. TripleX blocks from downtown with three separate two bedroom apartmentS. trick construction, asphalt roof, oil heat. Terms. Three hundred acre farm of good land and one set of good buildings, Sea this now while the excellent crops are being harvested, 106 acre farm Ideated miles east of EXeter 03 acres workable with stream suitable for irrigation. 160 acre farm in Kippen Hillsgreen area Brick two storey home on Highway 83 With new oil heat and some land. Duplex located in apartrn hi ice throug as c unit is one unit New three bedroom home connected to sewers and close to schools. This home offers electric heat, cushion flooring in the kitchen and dining area, completely painted inside and out, partial landscaping. Three bedroom home located on approximately four acres of land on highway 83 in Exeter. This home has been remodeled and hes an attractive kitchen, large living room and den. A real investment, suitable for V.L.A. HODGSON LIMITED M..1 Geiser W. H. Hodgson J. A. kneale INSURANCE REAL ESTAT E Phone 235-2420 Exeter ownt xeter with two bedroom home it hardwood and tile floors f s w oil heating system, Each to ed with separate entrance, bath etc. Live in let the other pay. For Sale 10 Property For Sale .ACREAGE, .vacant brick henSe, cOnVellielleeS, bertr,-,Grand 4 miles; 1 storey house Huron St. W., living room, 2 bed- Teems, bath, furnace, het -Nvat.r, See. W, C. Pearce, Realtor, '9i.IPtine WELL LOCATED CASHCRQP FARM 100 farm, all workable, IA. mile frPm Hwy. # 83 and 7 miles from Exeter. Barn '30x98; implement shed -045. Two dug wells. 1t .storey white brick house with 4 bedrooms, new oil furnace, Priced to dell ,-. owner moving to tobacco area, Telephone; Office, 107 Erie St, Stratford .97.1-9609. Jos. lesie„ Rural Rep„ Res, 093-046. 3c 17 Properly For Rent TOWN HOUSE apartments now renting. All new 1-bedreem apartments, centrally located, 301 Senior St, n044 -.23.5-2420. 5;9ling APARTMENT, modern, located down town, living room, kit- chen, tiled bath, large bedroom, completely renovated, $75 a month, wailable Sept. 1, Phone 235-2420. 8:22tfnc CREDITON — Unfurnished 2- bedroom apartment, all utilities paid; available immediately. Phone 234-6336, 9:12tfnx EXETER— Well located duplex 2-bedroom apartment, front en- trance, private drive. Phone 234-6301. 9:26tfnc SMALL FURNISHED downstair apartment, 1 block from up- town, available October 15. Dial 235-2942. 9:26tfnc 2-STOREY BRICK home with modern conveniences; 4 miles west of Crediton; close to high- way. Phone 237-3458. 3:10* MODERN 4-BEDROOM farm home, on No. 4 Hwy. Hensall. Phone 262-5628 Julien Verlinde. 3:10* 18 For Rent BOAT STORAGE SPACE still available. Apply to Harry Hoff- man, Dashwood. Phone 237-3532. 3c RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; V & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2:22tfnc CONCRETE FORMS, power trowel, cement mixer, etc. Con- tact N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, after 5 p.m. or Saturdays. 9 : 12-10: 10c 20 Wanted To Rent 3 - BEDROOM house in Exeter. Phone 235-0297 ofter 6 p.m. 3* FARM — In Exeter - Dashwood area. Apply Box A K The Exe- ter Times-Advocate. 3* 25 Auction Sates Important AUCTION SALE of Men's, Ladies' and Chil- dren's Footwear, Shoe Re- pairing Accessories, Gloves, Cash Register, Large Neon Sign, Desk and Misc. Items On the premises MAIN STREET, CREDITON on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 at 1:00 p.m. Plan to attend this clearing sale as store property is sold. No Reserve—Terms Cash JAMES LAYE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3c Stocker-Feeder SALE Hensall Sales Arena MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 at 7:30 p.m. 800 Head Consisting of Calves, Heifers and Steers For consignments contact the management: Victor Hargreaves 482-7511 Jack Morrissey 234.6200 HECTOR McNEIL, Auctioneer 26:3c AUCTION SALE of 35 Registered & Imported Hampshire Pigs WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS SWINE 131111-DING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 at i:dd p.m, Consisting of bong serviceabile age, bred sows and gilta, 5 large English black bout: 70 Illittinaliire X York sows, bred Hampshire, some dud sale date, Terms f Cash TOM SHOEBOTIOM, Auctioneer 6664289 25 Auction Sates AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Electrical APO* ances, Antiques and Misc, items On the premises Fit* House 119411 of Presby- terial} Church, HENSA4 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to Sell by public auction en SATURDAY, OCTOBER. 12 at 1:30 p.m. Frigidaire med. size refrigera- tor, new condition; Frigidaire 4-burner electric stove, recent- ly purchased; chesterfield and chair; centre and end tables; dining room table and chairs; arm chair; chrome table and chairs; captain chair; antique sideboard; Admiral tele- vision; Bell upright piano in perfect condition; antique chest of drawers; oak rockers; leath- er and wicker rockers; antique centre. table; Boston rockers; combination hall bench & mir- ror; antique d e s k; electric lamps; mirrors; whatnot; man- tel clock; utility table; daybed; vacuum cleaner; assortment of glassware; sets of dishes; an, tique dishes; china; silverware; sealers; crocks; linens; mats; quilts; bedspreads; bedstead, springs and mattress; modern bedstead, box springs and mat- tress; dressers; commode; an- tique wash stand; electric heat- er; toaster; iron; alarm clock; bathroom scales; copper boiler; bench; garden tools; step lad- der, etc., etc. Terms: Cash ESTATE OF THE LATE WILLIAM SHEPHERD ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3:10c COMPLETE DISPERSAL' 10 Registered and 80 High Grade Holsteins, Dairy Equipment and Misc. Items SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 12:30 p.m. at the farm of Peter W. Ber- endsen, Kirkton, 8 miles east of Exeter on 83 Highway or 3i miles west of Russeldale 10 REGISTERED, 80 GRADES- 50 cows, several fresh or spring- ing, balance in good milk flow, several rebred. Herd average over 13,000 lbs. milk. 10 bred heifers due from November to January; 30 open heifers and calves; 1 registered bull. These are real good dairy cattle with lots of size and good udders. DAIRY EQUIPMENT, SELLS FIRST — Patz stable cleaner, 432 ft. chain, 3 years old; Solar bulk tank, 44 can, 4 years old; Surge "30 plus" pump with 1i" piping for 51 cows, 1 year old; 4 units; stainless steel sink; racks and small utensils; Cas- cade 40 water heater; automat- ic heater for milk hOuse; single head rail for 80 head; 38 Star Line water bowls and pipe; 80 neck straps and tags; water trough and float; 2 h.p. Letz grinder; 20 inch 2 speed fan; new Sunbeam clippers; 150 steel fence posts; J.D. 32 plate dou- ble disc; feed cart; 32 new free stall divider s; colony house. No Reserve Terms Cash Not responsible for accidents on premises. PETER W. BERENDSEN, Owner BOB SHORE, Auctioneer 3:10c AUCTION SALE of Real. Estate, Truck, Antique Telephones, Tools and Miscellaneous Items on Main Street in the VILLAGE OF DUBLIN on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 1:00 p.m. sharp Approximately 200 antique telephones; 2 monotype switch boards; 1 small type switch board; quantity of telephone tools and equipment; 4 treated poles; 3 ladders; trouble light; sump pump; 2 swivel office chairs; 10 folding chairs; studio couch; rollaway bed; 2 hall trees; 2 coal oil lamps; West- clox electric wall clock; Elec- trohome 10" fan; Eureka vacu- 0 .Auclion urn .eleaner; Eureka floor PP4, Alter, by 19 ft, equipped with forced Real estate will be ..offererl. for wheel pole the lot 91 ft, frnAltAgg: ft,. Op. which there is Cated re, frame building 38 0.17. oil furnace; g. piee@ 190 q-.1!1•Q , a/1.2 .00 t=ruck; REAL ESTATE: Consisting' of sale at 3:00 Anyone wishing to inspect real'.estate prier to sale .0on, tact Matthew A. Murray ,at Dublin 345.2515.. Real estate sold subject to a reserve bid.. 'TERMS en. Real gstate; 10% down ,eri. day of .sale, balance in 30 days, Terms on Chattels: Cash Sales tax in effect No reserve chattels. Ev- erything .must be sold to wind up the company.. MeKILLOP, LOGAN, HIBBERT TELEPHONE COMPANY,, Poprfe1N.s. G, OETITicE, Auctioneer 1;10c AUCTION SALE of Household. Furnishings, Electrical Appliances, 1961 Plymouth Sedan in perfect condition and Misc. Items On the premises 156 WILLIAM ST,, EXETER on MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 1:30 p.m. Complete list in following is- sue, ESTATE OF THE LATE ALVIN WURM ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Complete Line Full Stock of Hardware, Paint, Stoves, Electrical Appliances, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises MAIN STREET, CREDITON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 12;30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of East Part Lot 6 and Part Lot 7, Crediton, 34 acre of land, approximately, on which is sit- uated a 40x22 two-storey solid brick store building in good state of repair. Work shop 20x27. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a mod- erate reserve bid. 2 scales; paint shaker; safe; shovels; forks; hoes; desk; 2 aluminum extension ladders; pipe cutters and dies; clocks; 4-burner electric stove; rubber hose; tinsmith equipment; mo- tor scooter; 40 gal. naptha gas drum; glass; rack for screen; pipe vise for plumbing; furnace equipment; chicken fence; new Neon sign; kegs of nails; rolls of fence wire; wheelbarrow; electric fans; cash register; display island; show cases; counter scales; quantity of bolts; steel barrels; dishes and cooking ware; quantity of gal- vanized and copper fittings and many more items of hardware not mentioned above. Plan to attend this interest- ing auction of hardware on Wed., Oct, 16. Terms: Cash ROSS CLARKE, Proprietor Auctioneers: WM. H. SMITH, Crediton HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON Denfield 3:10c AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Antiques, Auto and Misc. Items On the premises in DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 at 1:00 p.m. Complete list of sale in next week's issue. WILLIAM B. WILLERT, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer T-A photo. Mrs. Ephriam Hem; Miss Elsie Miller and Leroy Keyes, Grand Bend, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowcliffe and family, London, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock, Exeter, with Mr. Tom Brock, Karen and Murton; Mrs. James Earl, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johns and family, Elimville, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hem; Mr. and Mrs. John Tookey, London, Earl French, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Hem and family. hipkci folk honor couple stgpKA Saturday evening about 45 friends, neighbours and relatives gathered at Blackbush school to honor Mr, 4 Mrs. Elgin Adams, who arc leaving shortly to live in Grand Send, The evening was spent playing Bunco • Prize winners were Wiles high, Mrs. Melvin Stade; ladies low, Mrs. Susie Devine; mert's high, Dick Zeilman; men's low, Hugh Morenz. An address was ready :by Ken Baker and the presentation of a swag lamp was made by klugh Moreriz. Mr. & Mrs. Adams both graciously thanked everyone and lunch was served. PERSONALS SuPdayv1*ltrs with & V s Hugh Mornz ee Mr. & Steve Jeff. For the first time in history World Wide Communion Service will be held in the United Church Sunday at 10 a.m. Mrs. David Wiggins of Farwell, Michigan, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shelton of Kincardine spent Thursday at Mrs. Shelton 's home here and visited with friends. The South Group of the United Church Women were to CFPL Television station London Saturday evening and were taped to be seen on "Take Your Choice" October 12. Mrs. Eldon Young of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Manford Belling of Michigan visited with their sister, Mrs. Arthur Brophey, on Thursday. Timis-Advocate, October 3, 1968 P/190 1 1 By MRS. THOMAS HERN ZION The fall anniversary serve ce was held Sunday in West Zion United Church with the Rev. R.V. Wilson as speaker. The church choir rendered Fall weddings — Continued from page 9 as the dresses. Chiffon panels attached at the shoulders fell gracefully at back. They wore tiny rhinestone crowns and carried baskets of bright pink gladioli. James Prest, Kirkton, was best man. Bev Prest, Centralia, and Brian Prest, Exeter, were ushers. Ilderton Memorial Community Hall was the place of the reception. A wedding trip to Kentucky followed, the bride travelling in a salmon pink chiffon dress highlighted by a pale green orchid. They are residing in Exeter. Serldeadtlit - Raltsgel St. John's United Church, Alliston, was the scene recently of the wedding of Nancy Jean, younger daughter of Dr. E.L. Rothmel, Guelph, and the late Mrs. Rothmel, to Charles Henry Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson, Varna. The church was decorated with mauve and white mums. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father in a gown of silk organza with a lace bodice and lace appliqued skirt and circular train, which fell from her waist. Her shoulder length veil was held in place by a cluster of organza rose buds and pearls. She carried a cascade of peach roses, with stephanotis and ivy. The bride's attendants were Miss Connie Bowman, maid of honour, Miss Mary Stephenson, sister of the groom, and Miss Joyce Phelps, cousin of the bride, gowned alike in mauve chiffon with white lace bodices, and matching headpieces. They carried cascades of mauve carnations. Keith Stephenson, cousin of the groom, was the best man and Danny Lenaghan and Douglas 3-BEDROOM farm home in Hen- sail -Kippen area with all mod- ern conveniences. Available October 15. Apply Vern Alder- dice 262-5494. 3c GRAND BEND — 2 bedroom lower duplex, near Main St. and ab s lake, oil furnace, fireplace, part- ly furnished, reasonable, avail- able now. 238-2102. 3* Officially dedicate Emmanuel Baptist The edifice of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Exeter was dedicated in a special service, Friday evening. The guest speaker was Rev. Don Loveday of Central Baptist in Brantford. Above, Exeter pastor Rev. Ivor Bodenham, Rev. Loveday, former local pastor, Rev. W. Stephenson now of Milton and Emmanuel board chairman Bruce Perry are checking the order of service. Many enjoy visits Mark Zion anniversary DUNCAN HINES IMMOM.m, PUREX Toilet Tissue 4 ROLLS 494 there is now a hairdresser in Shipka. Mrs.. ,Harvey Rati his; opening her $'CrownIng Glory Salon" this week at her home, TIP TOP ‘TAILQ.Fiq Fall Tailored to. Measure REG, $110 SALE PRICE $89 00 THIS OFFER FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Walper's Men's & Boys' Wear EXETER See us for CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING t the familymarket ex e e FREE DELIVERY SERVICE PLENTY'OF FREE PARKING AVAIL AB SCHNEIDER S No. 1 Chicken Legs BURNS SHAMROCK Side Bacon BURNS VAC PACK Wieners FRESH Ham PRODUCE BUYS CH IQUITA Bananas 2 L. 29t Hat'ter's Fresh Turkeys for Thanksgiving ORDER YOURS NOW