HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-10-03, Page 2:NIA • Irlovis7Adv9cat.,,..Qcto.4r 3, 1908
Lions gather spare papers
;he Exeter Lions Club held a successful paper drive Saturday morning which was aided greatly by the
ielp of sons of some of the members, Above, Lion Ray Hurley is loading a pickup truck with the help of
,ons Steve and Les and Mark Tuckey. T-A photo.
Other means of transportation was on hand
For the 10 grade 11 students of South Huron District High School and two teachers walking to London
Saturday in aid of the Canadian Cancer Society, auxiliary transportation was available. Teacher Mike
"Blister" Yearsley and a teaching friend from London, John Young made the entire trek along with four
students, They are shown above, part way to London resting on the automobile being driven by Mrs.
Yearsley. Donations of more than 5400 were received. T-A photo.
BEEF ROUND For savings you just can't resist .
shop IGA. during our 12th Annual
Beef Round Up
Tender & Tasty Beef
CROSS CUT ROAST ,b. 69c Steakettes Itlb. $5.59
Coleman's Epicure Sliced
BLADE STEAKS lb. 690 Side BACON ... Ib. 750
Rolled Brisket Boneless Top Valu
(Cut & Wrapped for Your Home Freezer.)
Oct. 2-5 inclusive.
We reserve the right
to limit quantities. Red Brand (Blade Bone Removed)
Blade or •
Short Rib ROAST lb. 59C--J4F7TOMIIIIMEMIN:malleMliamem—ghe 1.1 6:: *46
Red Brand
Red Brand (Blade Bone Removed)
Challenger Fancy Sockeye
g rE
Tin 44
4 1/2 -ox. 690
pkgs. SOUP MIX .
Shirley Guy Country Style Pkg.
of 12 Ocean Spray Whole or .Jellied 291g
iludtAATO CATSUP 170
Lipton Chicken Noodle 3
Pepper, Butternut or Buttercup GOLDEN
SQUASH • • • (Your Choice) 2 for 39° YELLOW
en $
Oral Antiseptic
Snow Crop Fancy Frozen
Peas or Cut Corn
Kraft Canadian
With every purchase of one 4 lb, jar of Club
House Peanut Butter for only 1.89.
PHONE 237-3471
1 LOCKER $y The Month
Wieners COLEMAN'S 2 (.96: $1
Spaghetti HEINZ 14 OZ 5 FOR $1
Pineapple 1902, 4 FOR Si
Kernel Corn 14 OZ. 5 FOR $1
Sides of Beef
LB. 59(
Don't forget our free delivery within 20 mile radius
of Dashwood, Mon„ Tyes, & Thurs,
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plant 23.5-003
Residence .226-0961
were:. Robert Gann, Glen A.
carter, Frank E. Clark, John. R.
Consitt, Emmerson Durst and
Fred Pihson, Foreman was
Oddlei Non.
Graduate RN.
Miss Mary Seegmiller,
graduated from the School of
Nursing, Sydney City Hospital,
Sydney, N.S. recently. The
daughter of the Reverend and
Mrs. H. A. Seegmiller, Exeter,
she was second in her class in
examinations over the three
years, and also won the prize for
General Proficiency. In her
senior year she was president of
the Student Nurses' Association
for Nova Scotia. Miss Seegrniller
has accepted a position on the
staff of the Victoria General
Hospital in Halifax.
Retarded school
— Continued from front page
classes after this date,
Taxi service is under
consideration for transportation
of students this year. It is
estimated that cost would be
about $24 each week at present
enrolment for taxi fare and this
expense would be the
responsibility of the South
Huron Association.
Volunteers, mostly ladies,
Offered to provide
transportation until the weather
Fets rough. For January and
ebruary, some other mode of
moving the, youngsters will have
to be found. Suggestion was that
certain service clubs in South
Huron might have sufficient
interest in the program to share
in the cost of taxi service.
There is some possibility that
a day wheel class for the
mentally retarded may also be
begun at McCurdy Scheel after
January 1, 1969.
A repcirt ott the springtime
Flowert of Hope campaign
showed that $1,329.11 had been
raised for the Mentally retarded.
New vice.president Raymond
Barthian, RR 3 Zurich, was
introduced by president Ivan
Christmas Cards prepared
especially for AssociationS for
the Mentally Retarded will go on
Sale in the district very seen. It
is expected that many local
business people. including The
Times-Advotate will handle the
cardS. Proeeed5 will, tlf course,
gd tO the South Huron
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith, Anne
Street, visited in Toronto over
the weekend with Mr. & Mrs.
Joint meeting
at Brucefield
A meeting of the district
1.0.0.F. and Rebekah Lodges
met in Brucefield last Monday
with delegates present from
Wingham, Clinton, Brussels,
Seaforth, Hensall, Exeter,
Goderich and Brucefieid.
D.D.G.M. John Broadfoot,
Brucefield, and Mrs. Jack Lowe,
D.D.P., Brussels, were in charge.
Gerald McFalls, P.D.D.G.M.,
Exeter, and Mrs. Carman
McPherson, P.D.D.P. were
elected as chairman and
secretary to organize the sixth
United Nations Pilgrimage for
Youth, in which the student
picked as winner in a public
speaking contest is given an all
expense two week trip to the
United Nations in New York.
Next meeting will be held in
Brucefield October 29.
WMC hears
talk on life
The Women's Missionary
Circle ladies of Exeter
Pentecostal Church attended
their regular meeting at the
home of Mrs. Eldon Miller.
Twelve members were present.
Roll call was answered with a
Bible verse containing the word
"water", Mrs. Kipfer opened the
meeting and Mrs. Bruce Cann
sang a solo.
Mrs. Gordon Chrissley, Mount
Forest, was guest speaker and
discusses the topic "The brevity
of life" based on Psalm 90.
Following a short business
discussion, lunch was served by
Mrs. C. Blanshard and Mrs. Bob
Exeter woman
Ont. chairman
New chairman of District 2,
Hospital Auxiliaries Association
of Ontario is Mrs. Gerald
Goclbolt, Exeter.
Mrs. Godbolt was elected to
the post Monday at the annual
fall conference meeting in
Alexandra Marine and General
Hospital, Goderich,
She succeeds Mrs. J.M.
McGrigor, Hespeler.
Secretary-treastirer of the
Organization is Mrs. Walter
Davis, also of Exeter, First
vice-president is Mrs. W.A,
Hayes, Fergus, and second
eice-ptesident is Mrs. Beedher
Menzies, Clinton.
AbOut 125 delegates attended
from Mount Forest, Palmerston,
Kitehener, Ingersoll, Guelph,
Waterloo, Iletpeler, Goderich,
Galt, Fergus, Exeter, Clinton, St.
Marys, Seaforth, Stratford,
Tillsonburg, Wingham and
Robert Smith and Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Howitt.
Mrs. George Layton
celebrated her 94th birthday at
her home Friday, ;September 27.
Neighbors and friends, called on
her and enjoyed, tea, 'and
birthday cake with her, served
by Mrs. Amiel Willard and Mrs.
Percy Merkley.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Taylor and
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Russell were in
Pontiac, Michigan, Sunday and
Monday, attending a party in
honor of a cousin, Glen
Zimmerman, who retired from
the railroad after 50 years
service as an engineer.
Miss Wilma Coates, London,
and W. Smolanski, Kitchener,
were weekend guests of the
former's parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Whitney Coates.
Mrs. Whitney Coates returned
home after having spent a week
at the home of her daughter,
Shirley at Mt. Clemens,
Michigan, while she
accompanied her husband to a
convention in Chicago.
Mrs. Mary Roberts of
Lethbridge, Alberta and Mr. &
Mrs. Robert Bragg, West Lorne,
visited for a few days the past
week with their aunt, Mrs. Will
Ryckman and other relatives and
David Johnston of Windsor
and Bob Johnston of London
spent the weekend with their
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne
— Continued from front page
"The economic ramifications
of this pipeline are self-evident,"
he stated.
Noting the system represented
a co-operative endeavour in
which several levels and forms of
government have pooled
resources and talents to provide
an essential service for our new
century of development, Mr.
MacNaughton referred to the
project as a monument to "the
partnership approach to
He suggested it reflected the
need for greater inter-municipal
and inter-governmental
co-ordination toward the
provision of public services
necessary for continuing growth.
Dr. J. A: Vance, chairman of
the Ontario Water Resources
Commission; told the audience
of area mnnicipal Officials And a
few interested bystanders, of the
engineering design of the new
facilities located at the
intersection of Highways 21 and
The intake has a design
capacity of 100 million imperial
gallons per day and is
constructed of 72-inch diameter
concrete pipe which runs 8,300
feet Out into Lake Huron.
Thepipeline to London is
approximately 158,900 feet long
and presently carries about 22
million gallons of water each
After the dedication
ceremoriyi the guests enjoyed a
tour of the factlitieS followed bY
a'reception at Grand Bend,
Several public buildings
Huron County were inspected
last weelt by the grand Jury and
the report given to The
Honourable Mr. Justice Brooke
indicated all, were being operated
in an efficient and proper
Due consideration was folind
to be given to the comfort and
health of the residents or
Patients in the county hospitals,
jail and linronvieW.
In reference to South Huron
Hospital, the jury noted that
with the re-epening of Centralia
as an industrial" Park, there is a
good possibility that the present
hospital , facilities will be
overtaxed before long.
They recommended that this
Hurondale 4-H
meeting held
The first meeting of the
Hurondale 4-H Club with 14
members met at the home of
Mrs. Mac Hodgert. The project
this year is 'Cottons May Be
Mothers of the girls were
present and all were welcomed
by Mrs. Hodgert and Mrs. Ray.
Cann, leaders.
The election of officers had
the following results: president,
Marlene Stewart; vice-president,
Beverley Passmore; secretary,
Cheryl Westcott; press reporter,
Margaret Hunkin.
The next meeting will be
October 7 at 7:30 p.m. at
Thames Road United Church.
problem be inveatigated.
The jury members also noted
that the jail is much too old for
the Present thinking of the
rehabilitation of prisoners and
"it is hoped that some plans for
centineed from front page
with havine liquor in a place
other than their residences were
each fined $25 and costs in
Friday's court.
TWo minors who were in
possession of intoxicating
beverages each forfeited $50 and
costs for the offenses. They were
Bradford L. Warns and Patrick
Joseph Healey, both of
Coptinued from front page
those persons who can never
quite compete at school, at
work,at play — are easily led
and can often become part of
the wrong crowd. With proper
training, they can often develop
into valuable citizens making
worthwhile contributions to
"Every child in Canada
capable of learning anything
should be educated," Rev.
Seegmiller concluded. "We must
be enthusiastic workers for the
mentally retarded, work closely
together to get things done and
finally, demand things."
Rev. Seegmiller was
introduced by vice-president
Ray Hartman and thanked by
Walter Fydenchuk.
moderniZatiOn or replaPenlent
are being considered".
HoweVer, they noted the
building Was in, good shape
considering its age and facilities
seem adequate for the inmates.
Inmates Interviewed had no
cOMPlainth and the menu at the
jail Was foond to be very good.
Dr. Gonhan, superintendent of
the Goderich PPYchiatric
Hospital, told the jury that he
would like more information on
patients from prisons who are
sent to him for observation and
He feels this is very necessary
clue to the minimum security
conditions existing in this
hospital. Dr. Conlon did indicate
that this situation was under
discussion and that he hoped the
Problem would be resolved
In summary, the jury made
the following report:
— Exeter and. Wingham
hospitals are training RNAs, thus
supplying part of their nee
- Gotlerich and orth
hospitals are having some
difficulty in getting nurses. They
have applications from
candidates ontside the country
and would like entry for these
Prospective candidates
— To decrease administration
costs, it is suggested that pay
assignments for employees be
made to banks of the employees'
choice where agreeable and
Members of the Grand Jury
Gran cl Jury inspects county institutions
See possible .overcrowding at loyal hospital